• Published 13th Oct 2015
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Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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The Twilight Dialogues, Part One

For the extent of the Herald's journey eastward, the landscape was gradually sloping down towards sea level at a persistent fifteen to twenty degrees. It made travel quite easy—especially for Logan, who was the pony that spent the majority of the time hitched to the wagon. Ariel and Wildcard flew high above, performing reconnaissance—not that they needed to. The flatness of the Twilight Lands left very little that was unobservable for miles in every direction. The land was too rocky and the soil too thin for many roots to sink in, so the vegetation consisted mostly of sparse thickets of tall waving grass that peeked out behind every other boulder or stone outcropping.

Everypony's eyes had long adjusted to the constant cosmic array above, so that the perpetual night almost felt like a comfortable afternoon glow. The naked constellations shone in purple and indigo glory, contrasting sharply to the necrotic grays and blues that made up the nearly desolate geography below. Occasionally, there'd be wide stretches of glossy marble—polished smooth through untold eons of precipitous weathering—that would reflect the cosmos above with remarkable color... almost like sheets of glass peering out through sporadic carpets of vegetation.

Without room for crops to grow, there was seldom a need for farmsteads. Nevertheless—when glancing north and south—the Heraldites could spot the occasional smattering of buildings or random trading post. Fluttershy detected humble populations of ponies in the distance, but they were sparse at best. All in all, the Twilight Plains made for a strange, subdued appendix to an otherwise lively and bustling continent. The group nevertheless made sure to keep their distance from wandering travelers, and Twilight Sparkle kept her horn trained to the sky for wayward windigoes...

...when she wasn't carefully listening to the Regal Sisters' voices, that is.

"Onyxxus' name lives on in our hearts as a legendary and selfless contributor to harmony," Princess Celestia said. "It is sad to hear of Mortuana's passing, but we're likewise blessed to honor her legacy... and our pride in her final act of sacrifice is that of immeasurable humility."

"Egads, Your Highness." Rainbow Dash flew alongside the wagon with a smile. "With a muzzle like that, I sometimes wonder why you'd ever hire ponies to write speeches for you."

"Rainbowww..." Twilight groaned.

"What?" Rainbow shrugged. "She's still a politician! Politician have written speeches!"

"I have... not enjoyed that luxury for quite some time, Rainbow Dash," Celestia's voice calmly said. "Being stationed here at the sarcophagus, and limiting the spread of the chaos rift, has forced me to place all political and social burdens on my younger sister."

Twilight glared at Rainbow with a bitter smirk.

Rainbow gulped. "Yeah... that kinda sorta makes sense... eheheh... d-doesn't it?"

"Needless to say..." Luna interjected. "...we are pleased that you have provided us with this development, Rainbow Dash. While it is... most unfortunate to learn that Mortuana has sacrificed her immortality, it will no doubt bring closure to many of our eastern neighbors who—for generations—have pondered the fate of their once beloved monarch."

"Yeah..." Rainbow Dash shuddered breathily. "It would... uh..." She brushed a hoof over her short-short bangs. "...it would be really... really snazzy if you could spread word to Whitemane." She gulped. "I mean... unless they've already got some magical Sister-Sister connection or—"

"It is not our place to assume," Luna said. "I will be pleased to personally inform Whitemane of Mortuana's fate. If nothing else, the ponies of Emeraldine will greatly appreciate the gesture."

"Agreed, sister," Celestia said. "In this time of great tribulation—where the future fate of the entire plane rests in the balance—it would benefit us immeasurably to spread harmony as far as we can... and make allies with all like-minded equines. If nothing else, Rainbow Dash has made such a gesture feasible through her heroic influence in the nations that she has passed through on her way to the Dark Side."

"Yeah, Dashie!" Pinkie Pie grinned. "How about that?!"

"Yeah, well..." Rainbow snorted. Her eyes traced past Applejack. "Not all nations have benefited by me east-farting through them."

"As we have discussed before," Luna said, "We will surely reach out to Rohbredden in time."

"Yeah. Got it. But let's keep things real for the time being, okay?" Rainbow tilted her gaze skyward. Her ruby eyes reflected silver brilliance. "The biggest friend Equestria could possibly make at this moment is with the King and Queen of Val Roa. In fact..." Her brow furrowed. "You want my advice? Skip Luxmare and Xona altogether and just launch your harmony doves at Alafreo. Then—together—Equestria and Val Roa can both... I dunno... 'geo-hug' Pilate's and Belle's hometown from both sides."

"Hmmmm..." Fluttershy hugged herself in mid-hover. "I rather like that idea."

"Don't forget Silvadel," Rarity remarked. "Now there's a kingdom that—from the sound of it—could use a healthy dose of Equestrian harmony."

"I agree." Twilight Sparkle nodded. "And if Equestria makes friends with Emeraldine, then they can both work with the Darkstinians to restore Silvadel!" She beamed at the others. "Wouldn't that be absolutely amazing? I mean... just imagine the libraries you could fill with friendship lessons from that alone!"

All the while, Rainbow Dash was peering down at the Herald. Her eyes fell on a violet figure.

Sensing the Austraeoh's gaze, Remna lifted her head and squinted back at her.

Rainbow's jaws clenched. She glanced heavenward again. "Princess Luna? Maybe... perhaps... you could get word to the ruler of Ward while you're at it?"

"You mean the Divine Sturke?"

"That's right," Rainbow Dash said. "Just as Emeraldine would be honored to learn about Mortuana... I really really think that Sturke deserves to know about what happened to Verlax." She gulped. "And—what's more—what Axan has given up to help me."

Remna merely blinked.

"... ... ...that... can certainly be arranged, Rainbow Dash," Princess Luna eventually replied after an awkward pause.

"What's wrong?" Rainbow's fuzzy ears twitched. "You don't sound so hot about that decision... Your Majesty."

"Do forgive us, Rainbow Dash," Luna said. "While my dear sister and I may be immortals with a wealth of knowledge and experience... some facts take us longer to digest than others."

"Like the fact that I'm shuffling along with a menacing flame matriarch stuck in the body of a bounty hunter?"

"Axan," Celestia spoke in a bold tone. "The very last time either of us conversed, you had chosen to take a moment of neutral arbitration and use it as an opportunity to violently ambush the denizens of Sivadel."

"Indeed I did," Remna said with a cold nod. "And for good reasons too."

Rainbow and Twilight winced.

"The equine mortals who clung to that land were a thorn in the side of my hatchlings, and your royal subject's presence allowed me the first window I had in ages for an offensive purge," Remna calmly continued. "But—as soon as I witnessed the Austraeoh, the epiphany led to a necessary change in my aspirations. Now, I pledge everything to assist her in her journey. My life—immortal or not—is forfeit."

"So, it is that simple, then?" Celestia's voice sharply broke the heavens. "Just like that—you have reoriented your violent proclivities in whole-heartedly assisting Rainbow Dash when you once violently mauled her with no regard for her well-being?"


A princessy sigh rippled through the starlight. "Do forgive me, Divine of Flame, if my respect is not so easily won as Rainbow's."

"I suppose it would not be," Remna droned. "Perhaps—instead—if I was your sister, you would be more forgiving? I do, of course, speak of the grand monarch who betrayed you and every living soul in your beloved horse country, becoming such a dire threat that it necessitated her lunar banishment for a thousand years. Tell me, Celestia, when the stars aided in her escape, did you or did you not choose to live and forgive her... 'just like that?'"

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at that.

Echo and Nicole listened intently from the wagon.

At last, it was Luna who spoke: "Before our dialogue gets too passionate, allow me to state that the factors involved in Nightmare Moon's possession and subsequent exorcising are far too different from the infamy of the Divine of Flame to ever realistically compare. Although I cannot speak for my sister, nevertheless, if Rainbow Dash trusts in Axan—or this shell that is called 'Remna'—then I hold good faith in the dragon's humble benevolence. The Austraeoh's triumph over multiple adversities has destroyed any doubt that I could ever have held in her judgment, and I gladly embrace her allies."

"Well said, Princess of the Moon." Remna bowed in mid-trot. "Something we can both agree on. Our faith in the Austraeoh."

"Then, perhaps, it should be enough."

Pinkie squinted at that... until she realized that Luna wasn't speaking directly to Rainbow or the Herald.

"... ... ...indeed," was Celestia's reluctant response. "And—if it would please the party accompanying Rainbow Dash—we shall pass word along to Sturke, somber or otherwise."

"Thanks, Your Highness," Rainbow said with a nod. "That would be really cool."

"Although, I am surprised, Axan," Celestia remarked. "Are you no longer capable of sending word to Sturke yourself?"

"No, Celestia." Remna shook her head. "When Mortuana gave me this shell, she absorbed all of my draconian essence into the frame. That also includes the Dragon Stone."

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash blinked. "Dragon... Stone...?"

"A gift... and a tool..." Remna explained, looking over at Rainbow Dash. "Something that was in our possession upon hatching. Each of the Five Divines possessed an enchanted spheroid that we could use to communicate with one another. It was what I used to communicate with Sturke throughout the entire time I guarded your eastward journey from afar."

"Uhhhhhhhh... okay..." Rainbow Dash blinked. "And what about Verlax? Did she have a Dragon Stone?"

"But of course," Remna remarked, blinking. "It was one of the many reasons that I had to sacrifice my draconian essence in order to assist you, Mortuana, and the Herald. Even if I somehow abandoned my Dragon Stone altogether... Verlax's stone could still have located me."

"Instead, she used her frost golems."

"Unfortunately, yes." Remna sighed. "Also unfortunate is the fact that I had to cut off all communication with Sturke. Her assistance—even abstractly—would have been priceless during these last few months."

"So... like... where's your Dragon Stone now?" Rainbow asked.

"The same place my body went," Remna calmly explained. "Into the nebulous leylines of Mortuana's alicorn spell." A fuming sigh. "A spell that cannot be undone... now that she has perished along with all her harmonic essence."

"It would seem that Mortuana isn't the only one who's made a sacrifice on Rainbow's behalf," Celestia said.

"Very well said, Sun Horse," Remna's voice took on a gravelly tone. "It is nice to know—after all these eons—that your insipid tendency to state the obvious has not dwindled in the least."

"Uhhhhhh..." Rainbow Dash waved her hooves. "How about we... uhm... change the subject to what's ahead of us and the Herald, huh?"

"Very well, child," Luna's voice rang. "In the meantime, we shall make a note to update Sturke."

Rarity fanned herself. "Egads... immortals are just as sassy as the rest of us, once you get used to them. Hmmm?"

"I..." Twilight Sparkle winced. "...I've never ever heard Princess Celestia sound... angry before."

"Really, now?" Applejack tilted her ghostly hat back. "I rather like it."

"Truly?" Fluttershy remarked.

"Mmmmm..." Applejack folded her forelimbs. "Dun know about y'all... but just hearin' the Princesses voices puts me at ease. Dun matter if they're happy or sassy."

"What about 'turned on?'" Pinkie Pie said, grinning.

Her friends were dead silent.

"'Alright, Pinkie.'" The mare in questioned droned, floating backwards. "'Get in the back of the wagon, Pinkie.'"

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