• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,175 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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185 - Mutual Maledictions

It was mid-afternoon when Sonata came to get them.

Cozy hadn’t wanted to go back to the tent they’d coopted, but at the same time hadn’t quite felt up for playing any of the games that had been set up in the middle of the camp. Although she’d told Aisle that he should go and have fun if he wanted, he had demurred, instead electing to stay by her side. The two of them had eventually settled down a short distance from the banquet tables, just lying on the grass and watching everypony else.

With her belly full, the sun shining down on her warmly, the sound of laughter and cheers filling her ears, and the presence of her new boyfriend – she’d decided that was the right word for what Aisle was to her now – by her side, Cozy had felt almost content. But she’d only had a little bit of time to wonder if it was alright for her to feel that way so soon after Pillowcase had died when Sonata had wandered over to them. “Hey,” she called, and Cozy had heard the tension underlying the greeting.

Apparently Aisle had also, because she felt him stiffen up next to her. “Is everything alright?” he asked, not even trying to hide his wariness.

Sonata sighed as she came to a halt a few feet from them. “Yeah, listen…Lex knows. All of it.”

Cozy felt a shudder go through her, knowing instantly what Sonata meant, but her dread was muted. The emotional rollercoaster she’d been on over the last twenty-four hours had completely drained her, making it impossible for her to feel any sort of anxiety about what Lex would do. Whatever will happen will happen, she decided. So long as she didn’t lose Aisle, she’d find a way to cope.

Aisle, however, didn’t share her stoicism, leaping to his hooves immediately. “What?! How?!” For a moment he looked completely flabbergasted, before giving Sonata an incredulous look as the obvious explanation came to mind. “Did you give us up?!”

Sonata’s usual bubbliness was nowhere to be found as she sighed, a look of mild exasperation crossing her face. “Look, he’d already figured most of it out on his own, okay? He knew what I did and why I did it before I ever even had the chance to open my mouth. You might remember that he’s kind of a genius like that.”

“So you didn’t tell him anything?” pressed Aisle.

Cozy couldn’t help but give a ghost of a smile for a moment, knowing that he was asking that in hope of somehow spinning things in a way that would insulate her from Lex’s wrath. “Aisle, it’s okay. We talked about this, remem-”

“No!” interrupted Sonata angrily. “You know what? No, it’s not okay!” She stomped a hoof, giving Aisle an upset look. “This is all your fault, buster! I knew this was a bad idea from the beginning, but I let you talk me into it anyway, and now instead of just her being in trouble,” she pointed a hoof at Cozy, “all three of us are! So yeah, I totes tattled on you. Get over it.”

“Wh-, that’s not fair!” protested Aisle. “I was-”

He stopped as Cozy put a hoof over his mouth. “Stop, please.” The last thing she wanted to do was get into a big fight over whose fault it was. Just the prospect made her feel almost ill, to the point where facing Lex’s anger and getting it over with was less distressing. Looking at Sonata, Cozy could guess why she was here. “Lex wants to see us, doesn’t he?”

Huffing slightly, the other mare nodded. “Yeah. Like, right now.” She didn’t wait for a response before she turned and started walking away. “Let’s go.”

Aisle’s eyes met hers as Cozy took her hoof away, but she shook her head, silently pleading with him not to make a fuss. She could see the confusion and worry on his face, but thankfully he didn’t try to change her mind, instead falling in beside her as she trailed after Sonata. Smiling a little, Cozy pressed herself against him as they walked, feeling a little of the tension flow out of him at the contact.

It took barely a minute to reach one of the outpatient tents, and Sonata paused only long enough to announce herself and the two of them before heading inside. Aisle gave her one last look before following, his features tightening into a mask of determination. He’s more frightened than I am, and trying not to show it, Cozy knew. It was endearing, and she found herself smiling for some reason as she followed him, as though the knowledge that they were about to go through something awful together made her love him more.

Whatever happens, we can get through it so long as we’re together.

Lex glared coldly at Aisle and Cozy as they entered his tent, paying no attention to Sonata as she moved to stand next to him.

After he had resumed corporeal form the two of them had spoken at length, with her sharing her feelings while gently coaxing him to do the same. Doing so had calmed him down to the point where he felt mortified that he’d all but dared her to terminate their relationship. Only her repeated assurances that such a thing would never happen had soothed him. After that, they had talked about what had happened earlier in the day, though this had left Lex with only an imperfect understanding as to why she had been acting so erratic.

It had also left Lex with a renewed impression that he had missed something important about Block Party…but there had been no time to dwell on that particular mystery, not in the face of what came next.

No matter what her reasons, Sonata had committed a criminal act, and there was no excuse for it. “Punishment,” he’d explained to her, “even if not publicly performed, is imperative.” And Lex had no intention of making this incident public knowledge; to do so would not only have damaged Sonata’s credibility as his spokespony – who, he had explained to her, would trust her if she had a reputation for using mind-altering magic for her own purposes? – but this situation had little value as a deterrent. After all, native Equestrian magic was far too weak to be used for mind control spells by anypony that wasn’t a prodigy among unicorns, and Lex had seen no indication that such an individual was among the camp ponies. Which leaves only Cloudbank, who knows better anyway, and Aria, who’s already under my direct supervision.

Of course, when he’d told Sonata what the price for her actions would be she’d balked, but Lex had been adamant, making it very clear that he wouldn’t just overlook what she’d done. “Nopony under my authority is above the law.” (That he could have simply pardoned her outright was a loophole he felt no need to point out to her; this was a lesson that she needed to learn.) In the end, after much grumbling on her part, she’d acquiesced after he’d promised her that the condition would only be temporary…as though losing her sense of taste would have made her life unendurable otherwise.

In fact, Lex hadn’t been very happy with the curse he’d chosen for her either. It not only didn’t fit the nature of the crime, but was incredibly minor compared to the scope of her offense. But that couldn’t be helped. A stronger curse would have required him to channel additional magic through his body, and he was in no shape to do that after what had happened when he was creating food for everypony. Moreover, he didn’t dare curse her in a way that was obvious to anypony else, or which interfered with her faculties or magical abilities, not when he was still relying on her for various tasks. All that left was to impede her pleasures, and in this lackluster environment, there were few enough of those. He’d chosen food largely on a whim, deciding it was good enough when he’d heard her disheartened moan.

And now it was Aisle and Cozy’s turn…

“I’m going to make this quick, since the two of you aren’t worth my time,” growled Lex, looking up at the two of them. He silently wished he was able to at least sit up, rather than having to lie down like this, but there was no choice in the matter. In his current condition, it was all he could do to move. “You have both-”

“Please wait!” interrupted Aisle. Wincing at the displeased look he received in reply, he got down on all four knees. “I never told Cozy that you wanted her to help the doctors! She didn't know anything about that, or about trying to deceive you, because I didn-”

“Yes you did,” interjected Cozy solemnly.

“Cozy!” He looked at her, aghast.

Turning to face him, the smile on the crystal mare’s face was one of patient understanding. “I told you before. Whatever he does to us, we’ll get through it together.” She knelt down next to him, leaning over to nuzzle him. “So long as we love each other, I’m not afraid of what happens.”

“Wait, hold on.” Sonata, who had been silent up until now, looked at the pair with wide eyes. “What do you mean ‘so long as you love each other’? I thought…I mean…” She trailed off as she looked at Cozy, not quite sure how to ask how this fit in with her having a dead husband outside.

Aisle looked uncertain about how to answer, but Cozy turned to look at Sonata directly, her face calm as she answered. “When Pillow…when I lost my husband, Aisle was there for me. His feelings reached me when I was at my lowest, and-”

“Nopony cares!” hissed Lex. He had been planning on allowing them to speak in their own defense, but they had just admitted their culpability, which was all that he cared about. “If I hear one more word about your nonsense, your sentences will be increased!” His eyes had already begun to glow again, the purple contrails flickering as he looked at the two, silently daring them to continue with this ridiculous charade. When neither spoke up, he continued. “You have both-”

Sonata cleared her throat loudly.

Sighing, Lex closed his eyes and took a moment to get ahold of himself. It was a struggle just to move one hoof, and only the fact that his whispering spell required barely any gestures and a few syllables of chanting made it possible for him to cast it. Looking over at Sonata, he started feeding her the words he wanted her to say.

She shot a quick smile at him before she started speaking. “You’ve both, like, committed totes uncon-, um, unconscionable acts, and should be super ashamed of yourselves! Your selfishness and stupidity have put the welfare of the ponies in this camp at risk, ponies who have already suffered WAY more than they should have. Your offenses might not be as…wait, can you say that again…? As ‘ih-gree-juhs’ as Garden Gate’s, but you both have acted with the same moral turpentine-, er, turpitude that she displayed, thinking only about what you wanted rather than what you could contribute. Wow, this is a lot.” She looked at Lex, making it clear that last sentence came from her.

He whispered something at her, and her eyebrows went up. “Geez, there’s more? Okay…” She looked back at Aisle and Cozy. “Even so, I-, that is, Lex, am cog-, cogniz-, cognizant of your grief regarding the loss of your close friend and husband, and will grant that this partially mitigates the…wait, the what?” Her brow furrowed as she looked back at Lex. “I really wish you’d let me change this up a little more. I think I did a lot better when I was using my own words to send the same message.”

“Nevermind,” groaned Lex. A purple engulfed his horn as he looked at Cozy. “You ignored the suffering the ponies around you were in. So now, whenever anyone around you is in pain, you’ll suffer a moderate amount of sympathetic discomfort.” Cozy immediately let out a gasp, both at the words and at the sudden ache that settled over her, as though her muscles were cramping after she’d exercised too much. It took her a moment to realize that the curse had already kicked in, and she was feeling a reflection of the pain that Lex himself was in.

Lex’s eyes slid over to Aisle next. “And if your relationship is so devoted, then you shouldn’t be overly concerned with it not having any physical fulfillment.” For a moment the other stallion wasn’t sure what Lex meant, but a sneaking suspicion came upon him a moment later, making him turn red in humiliation. Although he wasn’t unduly focused on the physical part of his newfound togetherness with Cozy, taking away his ability to participate in that was invasive and embarrassing.

Looking over the two for a moment, Lex nodded to himself in satisfaction. “Finally, you’re both prohibited from speaking about this to anypony. Do so, and I’ll increase the magnitude of your curses.” Both of them winced at that, their ears folding back in unison. It was enough to bring a spiteful smile to Lex’s face.

“Now, get out of my sight.”

Author's Note:

Lex hands down his punishments on Aisle and Cozy.

Was he too harsh? Too lenient? Or were these curses just right?

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