• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,175 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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459 - Imperfect Moment

Aria could already tell her evening probably wasn’t going to have the happy ending she’d been hoping for.

The good mood she’d been in from teasing Knife Girl (or whatever her name was) had only lasted a few seconds after she’d sent the other mare running. That had been how long it had taken Aria to walk into the suite she shared with Lex and saunter over to the entrance to the study, where she knew he would be. Ideally, he’d be ready and eager to go to bed and work off some stress after a long day.

Instead, he’d barely glanced at her, his eyes shifting over to her for a second before turning back to the blank spot on the wall that he’d apparently been contemplating, as though she wasn’t worth his attention. That alone had gotten Aria’s hackles up, but she bitten back the sarcastic comment she wanted to throw at him, knowing that it wouldn’t help. Getting into a fight was the only thing that wasn’t difficult when it came to Lex.

And the last thing she wanted was another curse to have to deal with.

Taking a deep breath, she managed to keep her temper in check. Eyes on the prize, she reminded herself quietly. Fighting was a no-go, and picking at his ego was hazardous to her health, which only left one thing: turning on the charm. And since she couldn’t use magic for that, she’d need to do it the old-fashioned way. It wasn’t her usual go-to, but she still felt sure she could pull it off. He wants a good girl, huh? Well, I’ll give him a girl who’s good at being naughty.

Putting on her sexiest smile, she strolled into the study. “Hey baby,” she cooed. “Rough day?”

When Lex’s only response was a noncommittal grunt, Aria resisted the urge to roll her eyes. At least he was acknowledging her presence now. “I got those bits you wanted,” she continued, deciding that the quickest way to catch his interest would be to talk about those stupid errands he kept sending her on. Pulling out the vault ledger, she held it up. “See?”

“Leave it on the side table,” Lex replied curtly, nodding toward the far corner of the room where the piece of furniture in question resided. “I’ll review it later.”

And now he was using actual words. Progress. Carelessly tossing the book where he’d indicated, Aria ignored the casual dismissal that she knew he’d just given her, instead crossing the study, moving toward him. “So, what did whatshername, that girl from the ghoul-killing party, want to talk about?”

Lex’s expression didn’t change, save to blink once, and Aria had the distinct impression that he was trying to decide whether to answer the question or make it clear that he had told her to go away. Fortunately for her, he chose the former. “Garden Gate witnessed some of Princess Cadance’s powers during her time in Canterlot.” His perpetual frown deepened then, his eyes turning back toward the spot on the wall that he’d been staring at when she’d come in. “She also confirmed Twilight Sparkle’s intent to return to Equestria immediately.”

The name threw Aria for a loop, almost making her stumble. “That miserable little piece of-” She caught herself as Lex turned to look at her, clearly surprised by the outburst. Cursing herself for the slipup, Aria tried to recover her poise. “I mean…I’m sure you’ll make short work of her, just like those other princesses.”

Lex didn’t immediately reply, simply staring at her for a long moment. The unexpected attention left Aria faltering. Her plan had been to keep the small talk going, all while she moved to sit next to him, then start nuzzling him, then kissing, until he was worked up enough that he started to respond. Now, with his eyes fixated on her, she felt herself freezing up for reasons she didn’t fully understand. “L-Lex?”

“Aria.” He stood up then, as though hearing his name had been a signal of some kind. Slowly, he circled the desk and moved toward her, his eyes never leaving hers the entire time. “If Twilight comes here, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Her breath caught in her throat, and not just because he’d gotten close enough to her that she could suddenly feel desire again. He was…he was worried about her? About how she’d feel about running into that purple pony princess again? “I’m…I’m not scared of her,” scoffed Aria, her plan to try and butter Lex up completely forgotten. “She’s no big deal. I mean, yeah, she ruined my life on Earth, and then again on Everglow, but that…that doesn’t mean anything…” She couldn’t keep going, the words sounding hollow even to her.

“I’ll protect you.” Lex’s words, by contrast, were firm and steady, with no trace of doubt in his voice. He raised a hoof then, placing it on her chest, and Aria couldn’t stop herself from gasping softly as he moved it up to brush over the base of her neck – where her scar had been – a moment later. “I promise, I won’t let her hurt you again.”

“I…” Aria heard herself speaking, but had no idea what to say, suddenly feeling dizzy. She knew that Lex was strong; she’d seen him crush every threat he’d come across. But what he was saying now…that he’d use that strength for her… It sent a warmth through her that was entirely different from lust.

All of a sudden, she didn’t just want to have sex anymore. She wanted him, Lex Legis. She wanted to feel him hold her close. To put her head against his chest and listen to the steady rhythm of his heart beating. To feel his lips pressed against hers. She wanted-, no, she needed him, and she couldn’t wait another second. “Kiss me.”

In the time it took her to realize that she’d said that out loud, Lex had already responded, and Aria stopped thinking entirely.

It was like that night outside the train station all over again. All of a sudden she could feel all of his focus, all of his energy, all of his passion that he usually devoted to his work, now all directed solely toward her. In that moment everything she’d gone through – the millennium of boredom on Earth, the degradation of having her voice taken from her, the months she’d spent in fear living among the sahuagin – were all worth it, because she got to meet someone who made her feel like this.

Someone who adored her.

Someone who loved her.

Someone who she loved too.

I haven’t told him, she realized suddenly, and the thought was like a weight around her ankles, threatening to ruin the sensation of floating that had enveloped her. She’d never actually told him that she had fallen in love with him. He’d said it to her, that night outside the station, but she’d never reciprocated. She’d alluded to it once or twice, without meaning to, but those three little words had never actually crossed her lips.

She’d had very good reasons for doing that, she knew, but for the life of her she couldn’t remember what they were. Something about being too embarrassed or too nervous or simply too busy with a million other things that now seemed completely unimportant. But right now…right now she had to tell him, had to make sure he knew that she felt the same way about him that he did about her.

That thought was the only reason she was able to pull her head back from his. “Mmm, Lex,” she moaned, trying to get her breath back. “Wait…wait a second…” Dimly, she realized that they weren’t standing in the middle of the study anymore. At some point he’d picked her up and laid her on her back over his desk, climbing on top of her. Another few seconds and she knew they’d be making love…and Aria could feel herself blushing at using a sappy term like “making love,” even in the privacy of her thoughts. “I have to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

He had one foreleg on either side of her head, looking down at her with that same intense expression, and Aria smiled in a way that, even without a mirror, she knew was nothing like her usual smirk. Reaching upward, she gently caressed his face. “I want you to know that I l-”

There was a knock at the door.

Aria froze. Above her, Lex’s eyes left hers, zeroing in on the entranceway to the study, and the fact that she was no longer the center of his world made Aria want to scream. Silently, she focused all of her thoughts on whoever was at the door, willing them to go away right that instant. She couldn’t cast a spell on them without seeing them, let alone singing, but maybe, just maybe, if she wished hard enough, the magic would work on its own and they’d leave-

The knocking came again.

“Don’t answer it,” whimpered Aria, pleading in a way she never would have otherwise. “Maybe they’ll think we’re asleep and go away.”

Above her, Lex frowned. “If someone is here this late, it’s likely to be important,” he retorted, climbing off of her.

For a brief moment Aria seriously considered grabbing him and making him stay put. She knew it would have been pointless, since he could easily have turned into a shadow and slipped out of her grasp. Or cast a spell and teleported away. Or simply overpowered her. But she still considered it anyway.

Then that moment passed, and another idea came to her. “I’ll get it, then,” she grunted, turning over and climbing down from the desk. Her legs felt like jelly, the intensity of the last few minutes suddenly catching up with her, but she made herself stay standing. Letting out a slow breath, she started moving before Lex could object, heading toward the door.

In those few steps, Aria felt the last vestiges of what she’d been feeling slip away. The pleasant haze that had settled over her was already fading away like a patch of mist in the morning sunlight, and she could feel her usual cynicism coming back. The fact that her libido was smothered a second later as she moved more than five feet from Lex only added insult to injury. And it was injury; the moment was well and truly dead now, she knew, and whoever was outside of their suite – knocking now for the third time – had murdered it.

And now I’m going to do the same thing to them, swore Aria silently.

In the span of twelve feet and less than half that many seconds, the transformation had finished. She had gone from being Aria Blaze, dewy-eyed schoolgirl in love, to being Aria Blaze, demon hellcat from the depths of Tartarus, ready to unleash the world of pain that only an enraged Siren could bring down on whoever had interrupted the most magical moment of her life. Even odds as to whether or not Lex would be able to stop her before she killed them. And the smart money’s on me!

Her rage rapidly growing to apocalyptic proportions, Aria reached the door to their suite, a spell already on her lips as she flung it open-

To find Feather Duster on the other side.

“G-good evening,” stuttered the maid, still wearing her too-short uniform. Wearing a smile that was obviously forced, she swallowed hard. “I was wondering if Master Legis…and you…would like some c-companionship tonight.”

Long seconds passed as Aria just stared at her, her wrath suddenly struggling not to drown beneath the twin tsunamis of disbelief and irony. Under any other circumstances, she would have jumped at the chance to bring another girl to bed. More people meant more fun, after all. But now…

“Nope! Not interested! Goodnight!”

Without another word, Aria slammed the door shut in Feather Duster’s face.

Author's Note:

Aria almost bares her heart to Lex, only to be interrupted at the last second.

Will Feather Duster back off? Or is she resolved to go through with her decision?

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