• Published 2nd Nov 2015
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Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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381 - Survivor Guilt

In over a thousand years of life, Princess Celestia had accumulated more than a few regrets.

Never finding out what had happened to Star-Swirl, the great unicorn wizard who had tutored her and her sister when they’d been fillies, was a notable one. So was their failure to stop King Sombra from dragging the Crystal Empire along with him when he’d been sealed away. But for a millennium, her single greatest regret had been Luna’s transformation into Nightmare Moon.

As much as she knew that Luna had made her own choices, Celestia couldn’t help but feel guilty over what had happened. The realization of how blind she’d been to Luna’s suffering, of how she’d felt so unappreciated for so long, was her failure as both a sister and a princess. The culmination of which had been the day she’d been forced to banish her sister to the moon, which had for so long been the single worst day of her life.

Until now.

Now, watching her sister lying there, battered and bruised and…despoiled, Celestia knew that she’d failed Luna again, worse than before. The knowledge that she hadn’t been able to protect her sister from that monster that called itself Lex Legis was bad enough, but the fact that Luna was the only one to be stripped of her alicornhood like this was somehow infinitely worse. That she had gotten off so lightly compared to what had been done to her little sister left Celestia feeling sickened and somehow ashamed, and she knew that the memory of it would stay with her for the rest of her life.

But she also knew that she couldn’t dwell on that now. She had to be strong, for Luna’s sake. It was with that thought in mind that she forced herself to smile, gently reaching out to lay one hoof over Luna’s. “Sister,” she called softly. “I’m right here. I promise you, I swear to you that everything’s going to be alright.”

Luna didn’t say anything, simply continuing to stare upward blankly, still wearing the same stricken look on her face that she’d had for the last several minutes.

Just like Celestia, Luna had woken up in a blind panic. But although Celestia had done her best to soothe her sister, there’d been no way to lessen the shock of what had happened to her. Even through the considerable amount of pain that her injuries had left her in, Luna had realized immediately that something had happened to her. At first she’d thought that she simply couldn’t feel her wings, before realizing the awful truth. A glance at her tail – now a lackluster blue that hung limp and still – confirmed her transformation, causing Luna to lay back and stare upward, quite clearly in shock.

She had stayed like that as House Call, his voice quivering, had quietly read off the extent of her injuries. By far the worst was her horn, which had sustained massive damage from her attempt to force magic through it after it had already suffered a considerable burn. Although House Call had said that the extensive nature of the wound couldn’t be fully measured without going to a hospital, the phrase “permanent injury” had hung in the air, unspoken but impossible to miss…as was the implication that she might never cast spells again, as though the loss of her wings hadn’t been enough. After that, hearing about the massive electrical burns she’s suffered across her lower body and the internal damage she’d sustained – which also couldn’t be properly measured without special medical equipment that wasn’t on hoof, but were phrased in such a way as to try and avoid saying that they looked bad enough that a full recovery might be impossible – almost made a horrible sort of sense. It was like Lex hadn’t been content to just take Luna’s wings from her, wanting to make sure that she’d lost what made unicorns and earth ponies special also.

But Celestia had choked that down as well, instead politely thanking House Call for his report and asking if he and his team could give her and Luna a moment alone. Unsurprisingly, they’d been more than happy to do so, practically fleeing the room. Now it was just the two of them, and Celestia was desperate to try and let Luna know that all wasn’t lost.

“Everything will be alright,” repeated Celestia, her first entreaty having gotten no reaction from her sister. “Cadance will be able to undo everything that Lex has done to you. You’ve seen her ability to heal injuries, and I know that she’ll be able to undo this…” She faltered, unable to bring herself to even attempt to verbalize what Lex had done to her. But she rallied a moment later. “She’ll be able to undo this. And I’ve called Twilight back from that other world. She’ll be back in Equestria tomorrow morning; I’ve already told her to go to Canterlot Castle and meet us there.” She didn’t mention how she hadn’t found Pinkie Pie, which meant that even if they removed the Elements from the Tree of Harmony they wouldn’t be able to use them. The last thing Luna needed right now was more bad news.

“The guards were hurt,” she continued, trying not to be discouraged by how Luna was still refusing to react to what she was saying, “but the pegasi contingent are already making preparations for us to leave.” Fortunately, they’d brought the chariots with them when River had invited them all to stay in her mansion. “We should be able to leave toni-, in a few hours.” Silently berating herself for the slip, Celestia swallowed nervously, but Luna still showed no sign that she’d heard a word she was saying. It was somehow even worse than if she’d gotten mad at her for almost saying something so insensitive. “We’ll have them fly us back to Tall Tale, and take the train back to Canterlot. Cadance and Shining Armor are still there, standing by to receive us as soon as we arrive.”

Still nothing. It was enough to send a cold stab of fear through Celestia’s stomach, and she held Luna’s hoof tighter, squeezing it gently between two of her own. “Luna, please…please, talk to me.”

For a moment Luna still didn’t react. But just as Celestia was beginning to wonder if she should call the doctors back Luna drew in a shuddering breath. Her eyes stayed glued to the ceiling, but now they filled with tears which spilled down her cheeks a moment later. Slowly, her expression crumpled, and when she finally looked over at Celestia she had a tortured look on her face. Then, her lips parted and she said the worst thing that she possibly could have.

“I’m sorry.”

The words hit Celestia like a punch in the gut, very nearly causing her to double over. “No!” Feeling her own eyes growing wet, Celestia fought to stay in control of herself. “Luna, no. You have nothing to be sorry for. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

But Luna shook her head miserably. “I couldn’t beat him,” she moaned. “I thought that if I gave it everything I had, I could be like Twilight. Like you. But I couldn’t.” A sob escaped her throat then. “I let you down. I let Silhouette down. I let everypony down.”

That was all Celestia could take, and she leaned forward and wrapped Luna in the tightest hug that she could without aggravating her injuries, her own tears overflowing now. “No!” She could barely get the words out, fighting down the urge to weep alongside her sister. “Some of the guards were still conscious, and they told me what happened. You fought bravely. You stood up to that monster even when you knew you were outmatched, and you never gave up.” Breaking their embrace, Celestia cupped Luna’s cheeks in her hooves, looking at her from a few inches away. “I’m proud of you, sister. More proud than I’ve ever been.”

“Celestia…” That was all Luna could take, and she buried her face in her sister’s chest, crying her eyes out. This time Celestia joined her, resting her chin on Luna’s head as she cried with her.

Several minutes passed before they finally ran out of tears, sniffling as they separated. Wiping her eyes, Celestia managed to give her sister a wan smile. “Do you feel any better?”

Luna tried to copy the expression, but it was clear her heart wasn’t in it. “Not really, no…”

The corners of her lips fell as Celestia nodded, and she pursed her lips for a moment before giving Luna an earnest look. “Cadance will be able to fix everything,” she said again.

“…what if she can’t?” Luna’s voice was barely above a whisper, looking upwards again…as though she couldn’t bear to look at herself, Celestia realized.

The insight made her chest ache. “She will,” she insisted. “She has a goddess on her side.”

She wished she could have taken the words back the instant they left her mouth, but it was already too late. “So does Lex,” murmured Luna, before forcing herself to look down at her wingless body. “Not like Silhouette.”

Licking her lips, Celestia tried again. “Cadance will be able to fix everything,” she repeated. “She’ll bring Silhouette back. She’ll heal your injuries. And she’ll undo what Lex did to you. And if she can’t, then Twilight will. She’s been studying that world’s magic, and it’s more powerful than ours. And if for some reason she can’t, then we’ll ask Mihr if he can help us.” She wasn’t sure the angel would be able to, though. He’d alluded to being able to aid them only under certain circumstances. But it was a possibility that Celestia refused to dismiss; even if helping them hunt down a weapon of evil was out of bounds, helping someone who was hurt had to be acceptable. More importantly, it was another source of hope, something she knew both of them needed right now. “You’ve got a lot of powerful friends who are going to do everything they can to help you, sister. Don’t forget that.”

Luna let out a shaky breath, and Celestia could see another round of worries and anxieties on the tip of her tongue. But somehow, Luna managed to keep from speaking them aloud, instead swallowing and taking several deep breaths. “Alright,” she said at last. “Then what do we do?”

Celestia hadn’t been lying about how proud she felt of her sister, and that pride shot through her again now at how brave Luna was being. It warmed her from the inside, filling her with the resolve to see this through. “Then we gather all of our friends together, and we make a plan. And once we have, we come back here to Vanhoover, and we stop Lex Legis once and for all.”

She was going to say more, but the door suddenly rattled, as though something had impacted it. The sound caused both sisters to look over at it, but the sound wasn’t followed by a proper knock, nor a voice, nor somepony opening the door. Celestia spared a moment to glance at Luna, noting the grave look on her sister’s face, before turning back to the door, her horn glowing as she wrapped the door in her telekinesis. A moment later she flung it open…to reveal nothing.

It was probably one of the maids eavesdropping. Or maybe one of the doctors listening in to see if we needed any help. But after everything that had happened that morning, Celestia was in no mood to take chances, pausing just long enough to give her sister a warning glance before she got up and painfully crept toward the open door. Her condition made it take a few seconds longer than it should have, and she winced as she finally reached the entrance to the hallway. A glance to the left revealed nothing, and to the right-

The tip of pony’s tail disappeared around the corner of an intersection.

For a moment Celestia just stared at where the unknown pony had vanished. She couldn’t go after them, not in her current state. Moreover, the intersection hadn’t been near a window, so there hadn’t been enough light to make out even the color of the retreating pony’s tail. Whoever they were, they were gone now…and a second later Celestia realized the full scope of what that likely meant, her blood running cold.

Somepony had been listening to them, somepony who had stumbled when she’d said that they’d come back to finish Lex Legis off, as if upset by that. And now they were gone…almost certainly to tell Lex what they’d overheard. And while Celestia had no idea why the monstrous unicorn was having them treated for their injuries instead of doing something far worse to them, she doubted that would remain the case if and when that unknown pony told him that she and Luna were already plotting his downfall. Which meant that waiting even a few more hours to head back to Tall Tale was no longer an option.

They had to leave Vanhoover immediately.

Author's Note:

Celestia and Luna mourn their defeat at Lex's hooves and make plans for what to do next, only to realize that someone's overheard them.

Who was outside their door? Is a second battle imminent, or will the princesses make it out of Vanhoover?

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