• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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The Darkness of Jealousy

The darkness around Twilight began to grow unstable as she growled, leering at Kairi as she kneeled next to Sora, having been knocked unconscious by the lavender unicorn. Twilight's change in eye color showed she was under some kind of spell, but how that happened was beyond the Princess of Heart.

"Twilight, what happened to you?" Kairi asked.

"Shut up! You stay away from him! He belongs to me!" Twilight shot a beam of dark-lavender magic at Kairi, the pink unicorn quickly summoning her Keyblade and casting a defensive barrier around herself.

The beam reflected back at the darkness corrupted mare, casting her own barrier to nullify her own attack. Spike came in from the kitchen, wondering what the noise was.

"Hey, what's going-" The baby dragon gasped as he saw Twilight and the dark aura around her. "Twilight!?" He ran up the steps and grabbed her foreleg. "What happened to you!?"

"Get off of me, you pathetic lizard!" She flung Spike down the stairs, Kairi quickly catching him in her white aura.

"W-Why did she throw me?" Spike asked, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Spike, Twilight's not herself right now." Kairi set the distraught baby dragon down, stepping forward, ready to block another beam if needed. "I need you to find somewhere safe until this is all over. I promise she'll be ok."

Spike looked back at Twilight, seeing she was definitely not herself with her angry gaze and throwing him down the stairs. He ran out of the library, needing to tell someone what was happening, leaving Kairi alone with the angry unicorn.

"Back away from him!" Twilight shouted.

"Twilight, listen to me! Your heart's shrouded in darkness! You need to fight it!" Twilight fired another beam, quickly deflected by another barrier. "You're not acting like yourself! Please, hear me out!"

"I'm not listening to a single word you say, you hussy!" She fired another beam, quickly deflected by Kairi as she slowly descended the stairs. "Sora doesn't deserve you. He deserves somepony who can actually love him, unlike you!"

"What?" Kairi looked back at Sora, still unconscious, then back at Twilight in shock. "Twilight...you have a crush on Sora?"

"It grew to something more, but then you just had to show up! All he can think about is you, when you don't even return his affections after all he's done for you!" Another beam, another deflected shot. "I won't let you take him from me. He is mine! Not yours! And if I have to kill you to make him mine...then so be it."

Twilight stomped her hooves hard on the stairwell, sending dark spires shooting out from all around her as they homed in on Kairi. Quickly snatching Sora in her aura, she carried him away and avoided the spikes, heading out the door. Twilight chased after her, firing beams at her as Kairi led her out of town. She didn't want to get anyone else hurt, heading out to the empty fields far from any buildings. Kairi didn't dare look back as she heard Twilight getting frustrated, firing more beams erratically.

One of them managed to hit one of her hind legs, causing her to trip and drop Sora, both of them tumbling across the ground. Kairi quickly got up, but as she was about to reach him, she slammed into a barrier that appeared around her and a large area of the fields. Sora was thankfully outside and out of harm's way, but Twilight was stuck inside of it too, panting heavily as her horn glowed, the aura turning darker. The Keyblade Master held her Keyblade in her aura, having no choice but to fight the corrupted mare.

"Twilight, I don't want to hurt you. I want to help you." Kairi's attempts to help Twilight fell on deaf ears as her words only seemed to anger the unicorn more. "Don't let the darkness consume you!"

"Shut up shut up SHUT UP!" The aura around Twilight grew more, almost enshrouding her completely.

Stomping her hooves down again, the dark spikes were bigger than before as they homed in on Kairi. Using her magic, she cast Thundaga, shattering the spires. Growling, Twilight used her aura to create a weapon out of darkness, transforming it into a broadsword. Kairi anticipated her to charge at her, only for Twilight to smirk as the blade and hilt began to shift into a longbow, an arrow of darkness appearing as the string was pulled back.

Letting go, she fired off several arrows as the single one split apart, raining down on the Keyblade wielder. Kairi avoided and deflected each arrow, shooting her own repertoire of magic spells at Twilight. Unfortunately, Twilight's magic seemed far more powerful, her barrier deflecting each offensive spell she fired off.

"Darn it. I need to get in close," Kairi muttered to herself. "But my melee combat's not that good. I need to try. I have to save her before she turns into a Heartless!"

Kairi rushed forward, avoiding more arrows and dark spires shooting up from the ground, cartwheeling and flipping over each projectile and magical spike with elegance and agility. "You really think you can fight me when you can't kill a Heartless by yourself!? You're a pathetic excuse of a Keyblade wielder! No wonder Sora has to save you; you're weak!"

Twilight transformed her dark longbow back into a sword as Kairi slashed her Keyblade downward, both blades clashing as their magic sent white and black sparks shooting out from their weapons. They soon exchanged blows, their blades striking each other as sparks lit up the area around them. Magic was fired off at point blank range, slashes were avoided or blocked, both mares completely evenly matched with their lackluster combat style.

Twilight's aura began to grow darker as her heart was close to being completely consumed by the darkness. Shooting up another dark spike, this one a lot larger than the last ones, Kairi backed away before it hit her. But as it went down, she expected Twilight to lunge at her from the other side, but she disappeared. The lavender unicorn teleported behind her, kicking her hard in the back of the head and sending her tumbling far across the arena. Her blade shifted back to a longbow, drawing the string back as she fired an enormous arrow of darkness up into the air. It exploded and rained down hundreds of arrows, all of them homing in on Kairi.

Getting back up, she cast her defensive barrier again as the arrows flew down and struck hard. "Grrr! Twilight! Please! Stop this!" Her barrier began to crack, her focus slowly waning as she can't keep it up for much longer. "Think about what you're doing!?"

"I am." The arrows soon managed to break through, shattering Kairi's defenses as the remaining arrows struck her. Twilight heard Kairi scream out in pain, getting sent flying back as the last of her projectiles hit her. As the pink unicorn hit the ground, she struggled to get up, grabbing her Keyblade with her hoof as she used it to keep herself standing. "You're weak. You can't even defend yourself.

"Sora wants somepony who can actually help him. You're nothing but a worthless princess that always needs saving." Twilight began approaching Kairi, shifting her bow back into a sword, twirling it around as her green eyes glowed in the night. Seeing her already beaten without a scratch, the corrupted mare chuckled sinisterly. "He's all mine now. But as long as you're still alive, he'll always keep thinking about you. I'll treat him better than you ever will."

Kairi looked up, seeing the aura around Twilight having grown more powerful. The darkness was about to swallow her completely. She needed to do something, and she hoped that her heart of pure light might save her. Standing up completely, the pink unicorn aimed her Keyblade at Twilight, the corrupted mare laughing at her feeble attempt to still fight.

"I'm not going to let the darkness destroy you...You care about Sora, but this isn't the real you." Kairi pressed a hoof to her heart, a bright light shining from both her Keyblade and the white heart cutie mark on her flanks. Twilight backed away as the light grew brighter, Kairi slowly waving her blade in front of her, creating a heart out of the light between the two of them. As the outline was made, the heart glowed white as her Keyblade aimed at the center, lights building up at the tip of her blade. "End the suffering of this corrupted soul, and free their heart back to light."

A small beam fired out and struck the heart, the glowing light shooting out to Twilight as it engulfed her. Kairi could hear Twilight screaming in agony as the darkness in her writhed and struggled to flee from the light of the princess's pure heart. A dark form of the unicorn began to pull itself free, the real mare kept inside of the protective light as it expelled her darkness. Eventually, the shadow escaped as Twilight let out one last cry of pain, the heart disappearing into small orbs of light and faded in the night sky, the lavender unicorn's aura back to normal as she fell to her side, unconscious.

The barrier keeping the two mares contained disappeared, but the threat wasn't over. Kairi watched the dark form of Twilight slowly rose on its hooves. The Heartless looked up at her, but there was an odd green color inside of the yellow eyes normal Heartless have, the dark pony growling with disgust at her specifically. It didn't even pay attention to the host it was separated from, more focused on the Princess of Heart. It charged straight for her, the pink unicorn unable to defend herself as the last of her energy faded from her attempt to rescue Twilight.

Before it could reach her, Sora flew in and thrust his Keyblade straight through Heartless Twilight's chest. It looked at him with a pained expression in its soulless eyes as its body weakly twitched. It reached out a dark hoof to him, as if reaching out to him, asking him why he did this to her. He gave it no response as the Heartless faded away, disappearing into nothingness. As soon as it was gone, Sora dropped his Keyblade, the weapon disappearing as he grabbed his head, feeling the massive headache he had from when he was forced down the stairs.

"Kairi, are you alright?" he asked, ignoring his own injuries as he helped his lover up.

"I'll be ok." Sora hugged Kairi tightly, being careful not to hurt her.

"I was so worried," he said. "I woke up and saw those arrows falling down on you...I couldn't break through that stupid barrier..." Sora looked back at Twilight, having fallen unconscious, but hopefully back to her normal self. "What was that you did to her?"

"A little something I just came up with," Kairi explained. "Being a Princess of Heart, and also a lot different compared to the other princesses, I thought of maybe using my own light as a magical spell. It worked, but it's left me drained." Her hooves shook and nearly gave out, Sora thankfully holding her up before she hit the ground. "I think I'll call it 'Heart of Light'."

Sora chuckled at the named, digging through his pouch and pulling out a large green potion, tossing it up in the air, green powder sprinkling down on the both of them, giving them back some energy. As they were reinvigorated, Sora walked up to Twilight and picked her up in his forelegs, both he and Kairi heading back to town. They were unaware of a couple pair of eyes watching them from afar, having watched the battle take place with the results they didn't expect.

"Of all the rotten luck," a masculine voice said, sounding irritated. "That dumb brat's here in this world too. No wonder the Heartless haven't taken control of it yet."

"A minor setback, but at least we know just how easy these equines can be manipulated," the mysterious female said. "We will have to bide our time until then."

"That little twerp is gonna keep ruinin' everything." The male began to chuckle. "At least those two friends of his aren't around to help him. All he's got is his little girlfriend, and she can barely hold her own."

"She may seem fragile, but her heart is pure light," the female said. "As expected for young Kairi, a Princess of Heart. Her light is far stronger than any of the other princesses. If she masters that light to use as her own magic...we are in for some complications."

Back inside of the Golden Oak Library, Sora gently laid Twilight down on the couch in her living room. At least she didn't cause too much damage in her home, but she was sure to suffer a lot of emotional turmoil if she realizes what she had done. He still couldn't believe that Twilight actually had feelings for him and he never noticed it. She became jealous after she found out about Kairi and how much she meant to him. At least no Heartless, aside from the Stealth Sneak, appeared around her, otherwise she would have easily lost her heart, and he would have to tell Celestia her student had turned into a Heartless.

Kairi walked into the room, feeling tired after exhausting her magic saving Twilight from her fate, sat down next to Sora. "She ok?"

"She won't be if she recalls what she did," Sora said.

"What happened up there?" Kairi asked, wanting to know exactly caused Twilight to attack her boyfriend after checking on her.

"...Twilight, oddly enough, has a crush on me," he explained. "I went to check on her, she looked ok, nothing out of the ordinary. Then she pulled me into her room and locked the door on me."

"I was wondering what that slam was." The pink unicorn looked at Twilight, fearing to know what happened next.

"She began telling me she loved me...and got too close to my personal space...She tried to kiss me, trying to seduce me, and even kept telling me to forget you." Sora rubbed his head, not looking at his lover as he knew she had a shocked expression. "She practically leapt on me...I tried to let her down easy, but forcing herself on me made me say I didn't share her feelings. Next thing I knew, I was about to walk out of the room and was knocked unconscious."

"...I can't believe she would do such a thing." Sora gently grabbed Kairi's hoof and held it tightly.

"I know we're both supposed to be mad at her, but we can't," Sora said. "She really wasn't herself...What happened after I fell unconscious?"

"She attacked me, and almost hurt Spike," Kairi began explaining. "She was under some kind of spell. I carried you away from the town so she doesn't hurt anyone else...Her eyes were glowing green."

"Just like that Heartless that came out of her." Sora growled, recognizing that exact shade of green from Heartless Twilight's yellow eyes. "Maleficent's here."

"What? In this world?" Kairi asked.

"A peaceful world where anyone could easily be manipulated, their darkness easy to pull out over their emotions they keep bottled up." He looked down at Twilight, the unicorn having gone through a similar situation like Luna had, only the alicorn was able to hold on to what little light there was in her heart. Twilight was manipulated, something that Sora can't stand to happen to anyone. "Maleficent must have found her and sensed her darkness when she was jealous of you and upset over us reuniting. If only I knew before it came up to this."

"She'll probably cause more trouble in this world." Kairi leaned against Sora, her exhaustion coming back to her, even after the Mega Potion he used to revitalize them. "I guess staying here was a good option, even if your ship blew up. Who knows who she'll hurt next?"

"As long as Xehanort's not around, I can handle that witch." He draped a wing around the drooping unicorn, pulling her close and letting her head rest against his shoulder. "I'll bet Pete's here too...Wish Donald and Goofy were here. It'd be like old times."

Instead of hearing a tired giggle from Kairi, he heard her gentle breathing as she passed out. He carefully lifted the exhausted unicorn in his forelegs, gently setting her down on one of the comfortable chairs, laying her down as best as he could for her to rest. He took off his jacket and gently laid it down over her, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek.

Sora stayed up for a while, waiting for the moment Twilight would probably wake up, going through some of the books in the library. He soon heard the lavender unicorn stir awake, putting whatever book he was skimming through back where he found it and sat next to the couch. Twilight sat up, rubbing her head, feeling really weak as if part of her life had been sucked out of her. She opened her eyes, looking at a worried Sora as she felt her head pound.

"Sora?" she groaned, trying to remember what happened to her. "...What time is it?

"A little past midnight," Sora said. "Are you alright?"

"...What...happened to me?" Her eyes widened a moment later as she recalled everything that happened. The strange mare that appeared in her room out of nowhere, her voice somehow very convincing as she gave her advice on dealing with a problem she couldn't solve. The strange staff she had that made her mind go blank, dragging her into the recesses of her mind as her body seemed to move on autopilot. "...Oh no...D-Did I...?"

"Twi?" She knew, just as Sora predicted, seeing her eyes well up with tears as she began to hyperventilate.

Twilight saw everything she did while under the control of someone else, a darker version that she would never be. She tried to seduce Sora, trying to lock him in her room with her and convince him to love her by force. She even wanted to use a spell to hypnotize him if he kept resisting, but that thought had been turned away when he tossed her onto her bed in rejection. She wanted to stop herself, she wanted to beg for forgiveness, but she couldn't do anything.

When he told her they should stay friends and he doesn't share the same feelings in the most painful way possible, something she deserved after she forced herself on him, her heart gave in to her sorrow and lost complete control to the darkness taking her form. Twilight was forced to watch as her own body was controlled by the clone of her anger and jealousy, attacking Sora and knocking her unconscious, throwing Spike down the stairs, calling the baby dragon pathetic, and even tried to kill Kairi after hearing her crush say he was now with Kairi after all this time.

Her heart was broken, and she allowed the darkness to give her in to her envy, slowly breaking her ever since Sora had told her, Applejack, and Rarity about his love and his sacrifice to wake her. Seeing Kairi before her the other day only sparked that darkness in her heart to grow, first starting out with fear of the two of them meeting each other again, then hatred for the mare for just being around her, growing more enraged as she watched them interact with each other. She had that chance to get rid of her with that darkness, but she didn't want it anymore and couldn't break free, too far gone in her despair.

Then, while chasing after her, stealing Sora from her, but more out of protecting him for what she turned into, Twilight had trapped her with some magical force field that was like the one Sora had been stuck in when fighting that large, animated suit of armor. Her anger grew, her darkness grew powerful, and the real Twilight was being sucked further and further in the depths of darkness. She watched as she attacked Kairi, both of them clashing blades, shooting magic spells, but she was far stronger with magic, and fused with the darkness seeping out of her, it only made her stronger. She hit Kairi, and nearly killed her, but even after her attempts to do so, she ended up saving her with the light of her own heart, wishing the pain would last forever as she was dragged out of the darkness, her Heartless's screeches echoing in her ears as she was pulled free of her nearly consumed heart.

Tears streamed down her face, staring at Sora, the stallion she loved, but she could never love. She didn't deserve to be anywhere near him, or Kairi, or Spike, or any of her friends. Not even Celestia will look at her the same after this. She had turned into a cruel and heartless monster, all because of her jealousy, her mind being twisted by the mare that showed up with no warning or compassion, and her attempt at killing someone just to force Sora to love him out of her confused and spiraling emotions.

"...I-I..." Sora reached a hoof out to her, flinching and backing away from him, undeserving of his kindness. "I'm sorry!"

Twilight ran upstairs, sobbing as she fled from Sora, who began to chase after her. "Twilight, wait!" She escaped into her room and slammed it in his face, locking the door with several spells to seal her inside. She fell on her bed and cried her heart out, wailing into her pillows, unable to ever forgive herself after what she did to him. To Kairi. To Spike. She cried harder when she heard Sora knock on her door, clutching her pillow tightly. "Twilight, please open up! Let me help you!"

"Leave me alone!" she shouted. "Just leave me...I-I don't-"

She heard Sora's Keyblade shoot a light in the lock on her door, dispelling all of her magical seals to keep anyone out with an echoed click. He walked in and saw the terribly depressed state she was in, backing away from him until she fell off her own bed.

"Twilight, stop!" Sora leapt over and grabbed the flailing unicorn before she could try to run away from him. He held Twilight tightly as she cried, struggling to escape from his gentle but firm embrace, her mind unable to think clearly to teleport away from him. "It's not your fault, Twilight. You weren't yourself."

"G-Go away!" Twilight tried to hit Sora with her hooves, doing nothing to him as he held her until she calmed down. "Leave me alone!" Her smacks began to grow weaker as she ended up giving up running away from the stronger stallion. "I-I don't...deserve..."

"It's not your fault." Twilight had ceased her struggling and cried, Sora gently holding her closer as he let her cry into his chest, her tears staining his shirt. He slowly rocked back and forth, gently rubbing the bawling unicorn's back. "You're ok. Everything's fine. You weren't yourself."

Sora gently shushed Twilight, cradling her against him as she let it all out. It took a while for Twilight to finally calm down, her muffled wailing turning to quiet sobs, sniffles, and whimpers. He carefully untied the Elven Bandanna around her neck, using it to gently dry the unicorn's tear-stained cheeks. She was so confused. She expected him to hurt her for what she did to him, what she almost did to Kairi, but instead, he was trying to comfort her.

"W-Why?" she asked. "Why...aren't you mad?"

"Because it wasn't your fault," Sora simply said, drying away more tears as the endless waves of them kept threatening to spill out from Twilight's eyes. "Kairi told me you were under some kind of spell. Acting out from what your heart wanted, as well as the darkness that festered inside from your jealousy toward her." She turned her head away, her ears pressed against her skull, Sora gently turning her head back to him. "Twilight, remember what I said when Trixie came around? You can tell me anything that's bothering you. Even something as silly as a crush on me."

"B-But...But I-" He gently pressed a hoof to her lips, silencing her protests.

"You didn't mean to do any of that," Sora gently assured. "What happened has already happened. The good news is that all of us are ok, none of us were too badly hurt, and Kairi saved you from the darkness." He gently rubbed her back, feeling her flinch at his touch. "You're not to blame for what happened...Tell me everything. And I mean everything. No more keeping your feelings held back. That includes you loving me."

Twilight was hesitant, but she began to tell Sora everything that had been bugging her. How her feelings for him grew in an instant after they saved Luna from her own darkness as Nightmare Moon. Her thoughts drifting to him every time he was around her, wanting to know more about him and even learn about his magical powers. The bandanna he gave her when she was afraid of losing her friends for showing off her own magic, thinking it was a gift of affection as she admitted sleeping with it held close to her chest. And the horrible, unfortunate truth about his love for Kairi told in the most heroic sacrifice she had ever heard, the two of them meant for one another as he actually gave his heart to the girl he loved.

She was conflicted about her feelings with him, hoping that if Kairi never showed up after some time, she might have that chance to be with him. Even if she did, she really wanted to be happy for him if they were together and confessed their love for one another, just like he would be if someone else had confessed to Kairi before he could. Sora had helped her when she needed him, whether it was friendship advice or rescuing her from the Heartless or any other dangerous creature. Twilight admitted she was distraught when she met Kairi and was jealous of her, but her heart wanted him more, and it forced her to become bitter toward her and turn her personality into a love-crazed maniac who would do anything to get his attention and get rid of other mares after her property.

Twilight had cried as she poured her heart out to him, even when she knew his answer would still be no and hear the rejection again. "I-I'm sorry, Sora." She wiped her eyes with the bandanna, apologizing to the stallion. "I just...I don't know what to do anymore...I don't deserve to be your friend after all of this...I deserve to be alone."

"Don't say that," Sora said as he rubbed the mare's back. "I know you think you should be alone forever after that, but you don't. Riku felt the same way after he was rescued from his own darkness, thinking he could never face us again after all the trouble he put us through. You just got to think positive and look at the better side of the situation instead of sticking with the guilt of your past."

"...I still don't understand you," Twilight said, sounding annoyed. "How can you always be so positive about something like this!? You should be mad at me! Yell at me! I attacked you and Kairi! I almost hurt Spike! I ended up jealous and had darkness taking over every action I made, just like it had with Nightmare Moon!" She sobbed and threw the tear soaked bandanna at Sora, lightly smacking against his chest as it fell to the ground. "Why should you and Kairi spare me after I almost killed her!? Your...Your lover!?"

"Because I don't give up on my friends," he said with complete seriousness. Twilight was only more confused. "Twilight, tell me what happened before you attack me. Someone cast a spell on you that made you act out like that and unleash your darkness. Do you have any idea what they looked like?"

"...Sora, you're not answering me." She kept looking at the stoic, serious expression on the Keyblade wielder's face, something she never expected Sora to have with his personality. Twilight sighed, giving up on his strange philosophies. "...I don't know. It was pretty dim. All I know was that, she seemed to wear a black cloak, two black horns on the hood she wore along with a green horn from her forehead, and she had a thin staff with a pale green orb at the end...I ended up believing her words...She sounded...so convincing..."

"I knew it." Twilight stared at Sora in confusion. "Maleficent."

"Who?" she asked.

"The witch who kidnapped Kairi and caused Riku to turn to the darkness," Sora explained. "She was the one who manipulated you and placed you under a spell, releasing your desires with me and your anger toward Kairi, manifesting those emotions to spark the darkness in your heart to erupt. She's caused me and my friends so much trouble in the other worlds, and now she's threatening to shroud Equestria in darkness because of how peaceful this world is.

"That's why Kairi and I aren't mad at you for what you did. Because she manipulated you and broke through your inhibitions to trick you into using darkness to kill the both of us." Sora pulled Twilight into another tight embrace, holding her closely, while the unicorn couldn't believe how easily she was tricked. "This won't happen again. The one thing I hate the most is one of my friends' being controlled like a mindless puppet by a manipulating witch...I'm just glad Kairi managed to save you in time before your heart was truly swallowed up by the darkness in you. I wouldn't forgive myself if any of you in Equestria were turned into one of those things."

"...S-Sora..." Twilight still couldn't believe that she should be forgiven so easily. He was always too nice to those who needed him, even when those who don't deserve his kindness after doing something dangerous that threatened him or those close to him. "...How is it somepony like you exists?"

"I was born like this?" She couldn't help but grin at the terrible joke, but it turned into a frown a few seconds later. Twilight nuzzled his chest, wanting him so badly, but she can't. "I'm really sorry, Twilight. I'm kind of flattered you've got a thing for me and all, but I don't really share the same feelings for you."

"...I know..." Twilight didn't want him to let go, just wanting to let this little moment last as long as possible, but he did, gently patting her back.

"That doesn't mean we can't stay friends. I'm sure there must be some stallion out there who may win your heart over...though I don't think they can do what I do, or have the hair for it." He gave Twilight that same goofy grin. She will never understand him, why he always stays so happy all the time, and make up the dumbest jokes or the silliest of actions that always bring a smile to her face. It hurts to have their love never coming true, but still being friends was ok for her, though it would feel awkward between her and Sora, and even Kairi. "Well, it's getting late. Kairi's zonked out and I don't want to disturb the Apples and have an excited Winona wake everyone with her barking. You don't mind if we crash here tonight?"

"...I don't mind," Twilight said, feeling exhausted herself after crying a river of tears. "...Where's Spike?"

"Kairi mentioned he ran off to one of the others' places. And don't worry. He won't be mad at you for what happened. He's pretty mature for a little guy." Sora chuckled, which then turned into a yawn, rubbing his sore head. "I'm gonna hit the hay. I suggest you sleep in tomorrow, relax, eat some ice cream, try to get your mind off the worst case scenarios. Hakuna matata."

"...Hakuna what?" Twilight's horn glowed, levitating a dictionary as she tried to look for the odd words. "...That...Those aren't even real words."

"That's because I learned it from another world," Sora explained, giggling at her confusion. "It means 'no worries'." He grabbed the book of definitions and placed it on one of the random shelves. "And when I mean relax, that means no books." Twilight pouted, knowing he was only teasing her. "I'll see you in the morning, Twilight."

"Ok...good night..." Sora left Twilight's bedroom, leaving her alone.

She sighed, looking down at the Elven Bandanna she threw at him. Levitating it back up to her, slightly damp by her tears and torn a little from her corrupted state when fighting Kairi. She moved it onto her side table as she climbed into her bed. She didn't want to sleep with it anymore, not wanting to bring back any feeling of envy toward Kairi anymore. It took her a while to finally get to sleep, worrying about what she should do to relax that didn't involve reading, and what kind of ice cream she felt like eating.

Sora walked down the stairs and entered the living room, hoping Twilight would be ok and not blame herself for the rest of her life. She really needed her friends, though trying to tell them that she ended up falling into the clutches of darkness and almost killing him and Kairi was something they shouldn't know. He knows they won't abandon her, but they would be a little surprised. As long as Maleficent doesn't show up, or her loyal minion, Pete, they won't have to worry about that witch or the bumbling, tubby doofus of a sidekick.

He spotted Kairi, suppressing a snicker as he found her in a completely different position from earlier. She was hanging upside down on the cushy chair, his jacket draped over her face. Sora shook his head, approaching the sleeping unicorn and gently carried her in his forelegs. He hovered over the couch and carefully laid down on his back, moving his jacket over her back. She curled up next to him, letting out a soft sigh as she felt his hooves rubbing her back. He closed his eyes and fell asleep, knowing he's going to have a lot of work cut out for him to keep Equestria safe from the darkness, and Maleficent's schemes to take over this world.

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