• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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A Canterlot Wedding (Part 3)

In the castle, Celestia and Luna treated their guests to a large feast in the dining hall, celebrating the defeat of the Changeling queen, Chrysalis, and her army, along with the rescuing Cadence from her captivity. It would take some time for everyone in Canterlot to calm down after the attack, and a little delay with the actual wedding. Though, with Twilight and her friends taking charge of preparations, the wedding between the rulers' niece and captain of the royal guard will be back on schedule within the week.

As they ate, Cadence was scarfing down food like a vacuum, nearly rivaling Pinkie Pie's endless pit of a stomach. It was understandable for her huge appetite, having been trapped in the abandoned mines in Canterlot for so long, nearly starved to death if Chrysalis was cruel enough to leave the pink alicorn to die down there. While the bride had her fill of seconds, turning into fifths, Twilight, her friends, and Kairi explained everything that had happened when Shining Armor and Sora were under Chrysalis's control, and Luna had been asleep during the invasion, while also introducing Riku to everyone. Both Sora and Shining Armor felt guilty as they were reminded they had ended up cheating on their significant other unknowingly.

"Why did none of our guards wake us from our slumber!?" Luna questioned, slamming her hoof down on the table. "If the kingdom was in danger, why did they neglect to alert us that the threat was here!?"

"Maybe because, when the shield broke, the Changelings went after the guards and overwhelmed them?" Fluttershy predicted.

"Plus, there was a lot of noise," Rainbow added. "Even I couldn't sleep through all that during a power nap."

"My sister is quite the heavy sleeper," Celestia said, the young alicorn sibling leering at her older sister. "One time, I placed several alarms all around her bed when she was asleep when we were a lot younger, every single one of them loud enough to blast a pony's eardrums and make them go deaf. She still had her hearing, but she didn't even budge. After knowing that, I drew some silly marks on her face while she still slept, and Luna didn't even realize what was on her face until a few hours after being awake."

"So that was you all those years ago!" Celestia giggled while Pinkie and Rainbow Dash guffawed at Luna's reaction. "Have you been doing that to me whenever you had the chance?"

"...Maybe." Luna scowled as her sister stuck her tongue out at her.

"You better sleep with one eye open, Tia! I shall prank you so hard it will affect you a millennium into the future!" While Luna swore vengeance on Celestia with a prank she would never expect to come, Cadence finished eating her last helping of food, her stomach now full as it showed with her distended belly.

"I am so full," she said, patting her bloated stomach as she leaned back in her seat. "Hope there's dessert. I could go for anything made of chocolate."

"You think you had enough to eat, Cadence?" Shining teased as he poked his fiancée's belly."

"I haven't eaten in weeks. I deserve to stuff myself until I'm full to bursting." Cadence lightly smacked Shining's hoof away, playfully glaring at the stallion. As she relaxed and digested her food, she looked across the table to Sora and Kairi. During dinner, the Keyblade wielders had explained who they were for Shining Armor and their adventures throughout the worlds. Cadence was actually surprised to know that the pink unicorn was a princess as well, albeit one of seven special princesses with hearts of pure light. And sensing the amount of love both of the teens had for each other, it was no wonder Chrysalis had been interested in Sora as well. "So, Kairi, how long have you and Sora been together?"

"What do you mean?" Kairi asked, Sora looking up as he was too busy to speak with a stuffed mouth.

"I'm just a little curious. Princess of love and all that," Cadence said. "It's like you were sweethearts since you were little."

Sora blushed, swallowing his food as he fidgeted nervously. "W-Well...We started officially going out about...seven months ago? Eight?"

"Really? Doesn't feel like it to me." Sora giggled nervously, scratching the back of his head. "It's like your hearts are both one and the same."

"You're not that far off, Cadence," Kairi said, leaning into her boyfriend's shoulder. "Destiny has a strange way of telling us we belong together."

"It didn't help that Sora immediately had a crush on her the moment she wound up where we lived," Riku said, earning a scowl from his best friend. "I can't believe it finally took him this long to finally tell Kairi how he felt, and in a world of talking ponies, no less."

"I had my reasons not to say anything yet!" Sora argued. "I...had other stuff I needed to...take care of before I really said how I felt."

"Or you kept losing your nerve and act like a bigger nutcase than usual." The tan stallion grumbled as he endured more teasing from his best friend.

"It's actually really strange," Cadence interjected before Sora could lunge at Riku and fight with him on the table. "Your relationship is closely similar to how Shining and I behave."

"We do?" Sora and Shining Armor asked.

"Of course. Kairi and I are princesses and are more calm and collected, while you two are our knights in shining armor-" Some of the mares giggled at the pun Cadence used with her husband-to-be's name, including the princess herself. "-and are the biggest goofballs we've ever met for the first time."

"Hey! I am not that goofy!" Both stallions said at the same time, both pegasus and unicorn staring at each other in confusion. "Cut that out. No you! You stop first!"

Sora and Shining leered at each other, the others laughing as they mimicked each other, facial expressions included. "Shiny, you were a tad bit goofy when we were teens. The first day we actually met each other in school, you stared at me like a deer in a spotlight, and the first thing you said to me was 'H-H-Hello', then you ran down the halls with a blush that could rival a bright red tomato's skin."

"N-No I didn't!" Shining lied, shifting his eyes around to the others as he slowly sunk behind the table.

"What a coincidence," Kairi said. "Sora did the same thing, though he lasted a few seconds longer, looking awkward." Even though Sora's first meeting with Kairi was a bit embarrassing, he beamed proudly as he outlasted Shining Armor. "And then he ran headfirst into the wall when he tried to flee, knocking himself unconscious."

The teen's confidence faded away as he too sunk down beneath the table, his cheeks blushing madly as he hid underneath with Shining Armor, hearing the mares all laughing at the hilarious memory. "Guess we are pretty alike."

"Yup," the guard captain agreed. "Guess I was wrong about you, Sora. You're not that bad of a stallion...or whatever you actually are."

"I told you so." The two stallions looked at each other, sitting in silence while the rest of the party continued hearing all of the embarrassing stories Kairi and Cadence were talking about their lovers in the past. "...I guess we're both pretty lucky. Kairi and Cadence seem to keep us in line, dragging us out of any danger we put ourselves in, whether we do it on purpose or not."

"That's true. So, think we can let that whole mishap almost a year ago slide and start over as friends?" Shining asked.

"Sure. Already forgiven." The two bumped hooves, though their private conversation was interrupted as the stallions were dragged back up in the seats by their lovers.

The rest of dinner went by with more conversation and some more embarrassing tales, everyone having their fill and making their way to the guest rooms in the castle for a good night's rest. The Changeling invasion had left the Mane Six exhausted after fighting off hundreds of the love-sucking creatures, and Sora and Shining Armor still needed to recover from the energy drained out of them from Chrysalis. Tomorrow began the preparations for the real wedding, and with the real Princess Cadence to decide what she wants for hers and Shining's perfect wedding day.

It had taken just a few days, but the royal wedding was back on schedule, the minor damage done to Canterlot from the Changelings cleaned up before the big day began. Shining Armor still had his duties as a royal guard captain, he and his soldiers keeping a lookout for any stray Changelings that may have slammed into one of the buildings in the city when the barrier shoved them away while also fixing up the craters in the streets the enemy had made as they broke through. Sora and Riku assisted the groom and his troops with the cleanup, while Kairi helped Twilight with Cadence's decisions for the wedding.

Applejack made more of her recipes for the reception, and Cadence actually did love-love-love them, scarfing down a few of the delicious fritters. Rarity's own design for the princess's wedding dress was perfect for her, looking at herself in the mirror with it on as the fashionista fit it to the pink alicorn's frame. Even with all the food she ate the night the invasion was defeated and a few fritters from the kitchen, Cadence still kept her figure. And after hearing the bird choir Fluttershy trained, which was beautiful to hear after that one little bird that was off-key worked on his chirps, they headed down to Pinkie Pie, where her childish reception party was still in full swing. Cadence even joined in with Pinkie as they danced to the silly music, the alicorn's passion taking care of colts and fillies and even acting like a filly at heart.

Now, the wedding hall was back to being full as the threat was officially gone, though some of the nobles were still a little shaken up from the attack. Twilight wore her formal dress made by Rarity, her friends wearing the same ones they previously wore before realizing Chrysalis was impersonating Cadence. Kairi wore a similar looking outfit like the others, though in a bright pink that matched her coat, chosen as the bride's first maid of honor. Sora and Riku stood on the groom's side as Shining Armor's best stallions, Twilight standing next to her brother as his best mare, just as he promised. The two pegasus teen wore similarly designed tuxedos with a red rose in the lapel of their jackets, Sora's black while Riku's was white.

Twilight looked over at her brother, straightening up the star sparkle crest that was their favorite uncle's over his formal guard uniform, replacing the boring blue sash he was forced to wear by Chrysalis when she was in disguise. Soon, it was time for the bride to walk down the aisle, Fluttershy's bird choir tweeting the Wedding March as the doors opened up. The Crusaders skipped forward in their flower girl dresses, spreading petals along the red carpet, Cadence walking down the aisle toward her husband-to-be.

"Shining, I got a little question," Twilight said. "I can kind of understand why Chrysalis wanted to be with you, but how were you able to get someone like Cadence to marry you?"

"I told her she was going to not just have me as a husband, but she would also get a pretty amazing sister, too." Twilight giggled as she nudged her brother's side, flattered by the compliment and proud to know he was going to marry an amazing mare.

Cadence stood before Shining, the choir silencing as the ceremony began, Celestia proudly looking down at the couple. "Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to celebrate the real Princess Mi Amore Cadenza-"

"Just Princess Cadence, Aunt Celestia," Cadence interrupted. "I don't really like my full name."

"Yup. That's the real Cadence," Sora whispered to Twilight, the lavender unicorn shushing him as he silently giggled.

"The union of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor," the sun princess continued. "The strength of their commitment is quite clear. Their love is true and pure, that not even Chrysalis, the Changeling queen, was able to steal, sending her and her followers far to the wastelands with their spell, strengthened by their combined magic. Of course, the spell wouldn't have been possible without the help of another pair of ponies, helping increase the barrier's power with their light." As Sora and Kairi grinned, Spike stepped up to Celestia, holding out a pillow with the wedding rings placed delicately on it. She levitated them over to her niece and soon to be nephew-in-law, both ponies taking them in their own magic. "Shining Armor, do you take Cadence to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," Shining responded, placing the ring he held in his aura around Cadence's horn.

"And do you, Cadence, take Shining Armor to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Celestia asked.

"I do," Cadence answered, placing her ring around Shining's horn.

"By the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife." Celestia didn't need to give any permission as Cadence quickly wrapped her forelegs around Shining's neck and pulled him into a deep kiss, sealing their marriage as the guests applauded their matrimonial union.

Taking that as her cue, Rainbow Dash flew out of her dress and soared up into the sky. Reaching the specific height she needed, the pegasus dove down and performed a sonic rainboom, lighting up the clear skies with an explosive rainbow spreading out from the city. Everyone watched in awe at the magnificent spectacle, even the newlyweds after sharing a kiss they both desperately needed after being so long apart. Riku were speechless, finding the phenomenon impossible to pull off, creating a sonic boom that also broke the light spectrum.

"W-What the heck was that?" Riku asked.

"That's something called a sonic rainboom," Sora answered, wrapping a hoof around his astonished best friend's neck. "Pretty cool, huh?"

"...I want to ask how doing that is possible...but since we're in a different world, I'm not going to bother questioning." The white pegasus stallion looked over at the maids, more specifically at Pinkie Pie, remembering how she managed to pull out a small, mobile cannon out of nowhere when they fought the Changelings. "...Though I am starting to wonder how... Pinkie works. Is that her name?"

"Oh no! You do not want to know how Pinkie Pie's mind thinks!" Sora warned. "Just go with it whenever she does anything. Your brain will turn to sludge if you do that."

With the ceremony complete, everyone headed down to the courtyard outside the castle to enjoy the reception. The sun had set and the night sky settled over the land, Luna making sure the evening for Cadence and Shining Armor was filled with bright stars with the full moon shining its light upon the castle. The newly married couple, their friends and family, and other guests enjoyed the food and music as they celebrated the new royal couple's marriage.

It was soon time for the newlyweds to share their first dance as the DJ playing the music, a white unicorn mare that Sora had seen in Ponyville a few times, her mane and tail striped blue and cyan and her cutie mark a double quaver music note. While on stage, her name was DJ Pon-3, but her real name was Vinyl Scratch, easily noticed by her signature sunglasses, tinted purple and hid her red cerise eyes. Shining and Cadence were out in the center of the dance floor as a soft melody began to play. They stood on their hind legs, taking each other's forehooves and swayed to the gentle rhythm, their eyes locked on each other's. Even with several ponies watching them, the only ones that mattered was each other, sharing a small kiss every so often and nuzzling each other.

"It's kind of funny," Sora said as he stood alongside his friends. "From all the worlds I've been to, there's many of them where I actually see some couples get together once we save them or the world from anything evil, like the Heartless or Organization XIII."

"You have?" Riku asked with suspicion.

"Yeah. There's Belle and the Beast at his castle, Ariel and Eric in Atlantica, Jasmine and Aladdin in Agrabah. And that's just a few at the top of my head." Sora brought his forelegs behind his head, looking up at the starry sky. "It felt great to see them get together after going through disaster after disaster. Now, they have their happily ever after. And so do Shining and Cadence."

"And we might have our own someday," Kairi said, nuzzling her cheek against the spiky-haired teen's.

"That's not going to happen until we finally get rid of Xehanort and Maleficent." Riku rolled his eyes as his friends hugged and nuzzled each other.

As the song was close to ending, Pinkie Pie zipped off to the DJ booth, bringing Vinyl back up to her post. "Let's get this party pumping!"

The unicorn DJ placed a new record on, the song that was playing now more upbeat and bass thumping as it played over the speakers. Pinkie grabbed a microphone and tossed it at Twilight, the unicorn catching it as she began to sing, everyone around bobbing their heads to the beat or joining Shining and Cadence on the dance floor.

Love is in bloom
A beautiful bride, a handsome groom,
Two hearts becoming one
A bond that cannot be undone because

Love is in bloom
A beautiful bride, a handsome groom
I said love is in bloom
You're starting a life and making room
For us (For us, For us...)

As Twilight sang, a photographer went around and began snapping memorable pictures for the royal couple. They got a few pictures of their relatives and friends, having fun and dancing around, though Riku in a couple pictures didn't seem that interested in being a part of the picture, even when Sora wrapped a hoof around his neck with a big grin on his face. With the song still playing, Kairi grabbed a microphone and joined Twilight.

Your special day
We celebrate now, the pony way
Your friends are all right here
Won't let these moments disappear because

[Twilight and Kairi]
Love is in bloom
A beautiful bride, a handsome groom
I said love is in bloom
You're starting a life and making room

For us

For us

[Twilight and Kairi]
For us

The party cheered, having enjoyed the duet between the unicorn mares, Twilight and Kairi giving each other a friendly hug, their picture taken by the wedding photographer. The party continued on through the night until it came time for the married couple to head off and enjoy a little time to themselves in privacy, desperately needing that alone time after the stress they've been through. Twilight headed over to their carriage to see them off.

"Twily, none of this could have been possible without you, or your friends not from this world," Shining said. "Love you, L.S.B.F.F."

"Love you too, B.B.B.F.F." The unicorn siblings hugged, their relationship remaining unbroken, even after the heartbreaking argument Twilight had with Shining when Chrysalis had fooled them all a week ago.

The captain climbed inside the carriage with his wife, ready to begin their long awaited honeymoon. "Ready, Cadence?"

"Oh wait! I forgot something!" The pink alicorn held up her new bouquet, fresh flowers to replace the old one she used to distract the brainwashed mares, who thankfully found their way out when the spell on them broke.

Cadence poked her upper half out of the side window of the carriage and tossed her bouquet out to the group of mares waiting to catch it. "It's mine!" Rarity shouted, scrambling to get it as she tried to push the others out of the way. "It's all mine!"

Unfortunately, the bouquet flew too far over them and instead landed in Kairi's hooves, the mare too busy talking with Riku and Sora to notice. Completely surprised, she looked down at the flowers, then back up to Cadence across the courtyard. The alicorn obviously cheated, winking at the pink unicorn as she used her magic to give it a little push over to her, wanting the Keyblade wielder to catch it.

"Hey! Kairi caught the bouquet!" Pinkie pointed out. "That means she and Sora will get married someday! I call party planner for their wedding!"

The couple blushed heavily, Sora looking away while rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. "W-Well, that's not gonna be for a long while!" He suddenly flinched, looking back at Kairi as she still looked at the flowers, her cheeks growing brighter. "I-I mean, not that I don't want to marry you, Kairi, I'm just saying that...not now...but...someday?"

"I think she gets it, Sora," Riku said, clonking his panicky friend to shut his mouth before he kept babbling on. "When that day comes, you better make me the best man."

Sora grumbled, rubbing the bump on his head. "Not with your violent attitude. Why don't you find yourself a girlfriend and feel what it's like to freak out over something as serious as marriage?"

"I'm not interested in love just yet, Sora." The tan pegasus stallion shrugged, wrapping a wing around Kairi and snapping her out of her thoughts. As they walked over to Twilight and the rest of the girls, Riku sadly sighed and looked down at the ground. "Though I doubt any girl would want to be with me after what I've done..."

The others up ahead watched as the carriage pulled out and headed down the road, a sign reading "Just married" written on it as horseshoes tied to the back clattered across the stone streets. "Now this was a great wedding."

"Oh yeah? Wait until you see what I've got planned for the bachelor party!" Spike exclaimed, the mare's rolling their eyes and shaking their heads while Sora blanched.

"Uhh, Spike? Bachelor parties are supposed to be before the wedding starts," Sora explained. "And they're not exactly the kind of party you should even try to plan at your age."

"Why? What's so bad about it?" Sora leaned in to whisper what a bachelor party was, trying to make it not sound too mature for the baby dragon. Spike's eyes widened in shock, chuckling nervously. "Oh. Well, that's not...what I thought it was."

The ponies all laughed at Spike's embarrassment, fireworks shooting off into the sky as they sparkling light show created unique images. Despite having Equestria nearly taken over by the Changelings, the royal wedding wasn't completely ruined. Shining Armor and Cadence were now officially married, and could never be happier being with the pony they loved. Their bond was even stronger than it was in the past thanks to Sora and Kairi giving more power to their love barrier with the light from their own hearts. Their happily ever after was made into a reality, and their happiness together will never end.

With the reception having ended, the wedding guests headed back to their homes if they were locals or in any of the hotels in Canterlot. The special guests, being the heroes of Equestria and their family, stayed in the guest rooms in the castle. The courtyard would have to wait to be cleaned up until tomorrow, the maids definitely getting a raise with the wild party's aftermath. Everyone was too exhausted as the celebration wound down, stripping out of their clothing and immediately crashing as they plopped onto the comfortable beds.

Unfortunately, one of them was still wide awake, though not out of the excitement of the royal wedding. Riku laid in the bed in his room, his tuxedo discarded on the floor as he stared at the ceiling. He did have a good time taking part in a wedding from another world, though watching Cadence and Shining Armor, Sora and Kairi, and many other couples that were invited to the wedding, he couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Though he never showed it physically, he wished he could experience what they had. His obsession with finding out what other worlds there were out from their own years ago, his time being jealous of Sora as he had sided with Maleficent and being controlled by Ansem, retrieving Roxas to bring Sora's memories back, helping stop Organization XIII, and going through the dream worlds to stop Xehanort had distracted him from trying to enjoy his life as a normal teen.

Sighing, Riku climbed out of his head and approached the window in the room, opening it up to let the cool evening air roll in. He looked out at the stars up in the night sky, leaning against the window sill. He was exhausted, but sleep just wouldn't come to him, his thoughts nagging at him over the question Sora had asked him.

"Find myself a girlfriend," he muttered. "That's never gonna happen. Not in a million years." He looked down at his hooves, his memories bringing him back to all the terrible things he had done in the past. The ones that really scarred him were his moments of jealousy over Sora when he had been traveling with Donald and Goofy, thinking he had forgotten about him and Kairi. Every moment he felt envious of him, every single hateful comment he gave his best friend, every slash of his darker Keyblade against him, that guilt would never leave him. Even if Sora forgave him, his actions would never be forgotten. "What kind of girl would like me if they knew I almost killed my friends and used the power of darkness?

"...Sora...How is it that I found a best friend that can forgive someone who almost got him killed?" Memories of their days as kids ran through Riku's mind, unable to keep the smile growing on his face.

All of the times they played on the island, before and after Kairi mysteriously arrived, the duels, pranks, friendly banters, they were all memorable. Both teens had pushed each other to their limits every single time they fought, Riku taunting Sora to get better, and at times, he had lost to his friend, though he had more victories under his belt. But when it came to their separation when they lost their home, Sora was the one who was stronger than him after Riku stole his Kingdom Keyblade away from him. He was strong enough to wield it, and thanks to Terra, the mysterious young man who claimed to have been from another world who made him his successor with a Keyblade, he was able to use it, but Sora took it back as the cliché line he said about his friends being his power was far stronger. Because he lost sight of the friendship he had with his best friend, he lost himself to the darkness, which was a big mistake when he let Ansem in his heart willingly.

Even after nearly two years being apart from each other, Sora had been desperately searching for him as soon as he woke up. Seeing him as Ansem after he gave in to the power of darkness to apprehend his friend's Nobody, Roxas, Sora felt the real Riku inside the shell of the man that threatened to tear their friendship apart. And once they defeated Xemnas and wound up stuck in the realm of darkness, their relationship was rekindled, though it was surprising to hear Sora say he wanted to be like him, when he wished to be like his friend. He still wished that was possible, maybe find some way to stop his younger self from listening to Maleficent.

After they went through the dream worlds to stop Xehanort, which almost failed once Sora was taken hostage, Riku had passed his Mark of Mastery exam while his friend had failed. It didn't seem fair after all he did in the past: saving the worlds, stopping the Heartless and Nobodies, rescuing him from Ansem and saving Kairi. His friend was the one who defeated Xehanort's Heartless and Nobody, but one small mistake getting captured by their enemy cost him his status as a Keyblade Master, a title he rightfully deserved more than the silver-haired teen. Sora's made more friends, he's stronger than any foe they've ever faced, while Riku nearly thrust the whole universe into darkness, his actions to try to redeem himself for his transgressions unsatisfying.

Riku soon began to give in to his exhaustion, letting out a yawn as he trudged back to the bed. "At least I made up with him. As long as I can still keep my best friend, I guess it doesn't matter." He climbed into bed, not bothering with the covers as he rested his head on the soft pillow, closing his eyes as he drifted off to sleep. "Would be nice to have someone like me and look past what I've done..."

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