• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Sonic Rainboom

Morning light shone down in the windows of the Golden Oak Library, slowly creeping up along the floor of Twilight's room to her bed. The light hit her face, stirring her out of her slumber. Last night's corruptive actions still haunted her. She was still scared about how the others will react to what happened, or how Spike and Princess Celestia would think of her. She even wondered if her power as the Element of Magic was tarnished, being the catalyst to power all six of the elements. Would the gem of her crown reject her, as the Elements of Harmony were a power of light in this world that could stop those with evil intentions?

Even though Sora told her not to worry, that annoying phrase "hakuna matata" stuck in her head as she imagined it to be an annoying, but catchy, song, she can't stop worrying. She felt darkness in her heart. It felt powerful. And the sad truth was that it felt amazing, and she was scared of having that darkness come back to her. Maybe she should have some kind of comfort food, wondering if there was anything her fridge she could eat that didn't involve cooking anything. She wanted to eat something delicious, not overcooked, burnt, or mutilated.

As she reached the living room, Twilight paused when she heard light snoring coming from the couch. She looked over, feeling her heart wrench as Sora and Kairi were still sound asleep. His jacket was draped over the pink unicorn, her face nuzzled up against his chest with his hooves wrapped around her. She wanted to be happy for them, and she was, but she sadly knew that would never happen to her with Sora. She quickly entered the kitchen before any lingering darkness in her heart overtook her mind to try and break them apart, already feeling awful after almost killing them.

Pulling both the doors to her fridge opened, she looked through what was inside to fill the empty void in her heart. There was a large tub of chocolate-vanilla swirl ice cream in the freezer, taking that out, wanting to eat the entire thing in hopes of helping her feel better. Grabbing a large spoon in her aura, she opened the tub an dug out a big scoop, quickly shoving the frozen treat in her mouth. She swallowed the large lump of frozen dairy, regretting it as she gave herself brainfreeze.

"Eating ice cream for breakfast?" Twilight nearly choked on her second bite, turning around to find Kairi standing nearby, her mane a frazzled mess as she had just woken up. "Not exactly the best thing to have in the morning. But, you're free to eat whatever since this is your home."

"...I-I'm not that good of a cook," the lavender mare mumbled, slowly eating her "breakfast". "Spike usually makes breakfast for me...but..." Tears began to well up in Twilight's eyes, recalling how harshly she flung him down the stairs under her Heartless's control. She took a smaller bite, her tears flowing as her fears crept up on her again, imagining Spike avoiding her and scared of being anywhere near her. "...H-He doesn't like me anymore..."

"That's not true, Twilight," Kairi assured, gently grabbing the tub of ice cream away from the depressed mare, putting it away before she got herself sick. She hugged Twilight, the lavender unicorn sobbed into her shoulder as her emotional dam broke yet again. "I told Spike you weren't acting like yourself. He knows you would never hurt him."

"But I did," Twilight sadly said. "Why are you being nice to me? After what I did to you and Sora?"

"That wasn't you. You were under a spell that forced your darkness to come out." Kairi's gently rubbed Twilight's back, hearing the same kind words that Sora told her last night. "I don't think we realized you liked Sora so much...I don't blame you if you're jealous. I would have been too if I saw you two together." She pulled away and smiled at the upset unicorn. "Sora's a pretty silly goofball, but he's a sweetheart. Loyal, brave, always willing to get into danger just to save anyone from harm. He's like the perfect knight, but with the personality of a five-year-old, energetic boy."

"...I still can't understand how forgiving you two can be," the lavender mare mumbled.

"Because you're not an enemy of ours. You're an innocent who was forced to use the power of darkness." Kairi opened up the fridge and pulled out some eggs with her magic, looking around the cupboards for a skillet. "How about I make us some breakfast and we get to know each other a little more? I don't want us to be enemies at all, and maybe you can teach me a few things about Equestrian magic."

"...I...guess we can be friends...But what if I get jealous again?" Twilight asked.

"Then come and talk to us whenever you upset about something. Sora's a good listener, and can be helpful to pick someone up when they're down." The pink unicorn finally found a skillet and placed it on the stove, turning the heat on as she prepared breakfast for them. "Go and wake that lazy bum up before he smells the food."

Twilight just sighed, basically getting a refresher of what Sora told her from Kairi, walking into the living room to wake the sleeping stallion up. His jacket was folded neatly on the arm of the couch by the pink unicorn, his wings fidgeting at his sides while he slept. Before she could wake him, the front door opened as someone walked inside. She was about to tell the unexpected visitor that the library wasn't open yet, but instead of a pony looking for a book, it was Spike.

"Hey, Twilight," the baby dragon greeted. "...You feeling better now?"

"...Spike..." Twilight teared up again, running up to him and pulling the little dragon into her forelegs, hugging him tightly. "I'm so sorry...I don't know what was wrong with me...I'm so so sorry, Spike."

"It's ok, Twilight. I forgive you." Spike hugged her back, making the unicorn feel a little better. He didn't hate her. Both Sora and Kairi were right. No matter how much she doubted herself, no matter how guilty she wanted to feel, none of them hated her for what she did. "Umm, Twilight? Are you cooking something?"

"Huh?" She let go of the baby dragon as he ran into the kitchen to check on what "she" was cooking.

"Oh! Kairi!" Spike exclaimed, surprised to see the otherworldly mare in the kitchen.

"Morning, Spike," Kairi greeted. "How do you like your eggs?"

"Uhh...sunny side up?" The dragon watched as Kairi's magic floated around the stove, already making a plate for herself and Twilight. "Wow. You're a good cook. Not like Twilight. She almost burned down our place back in Canterlot when she tried to make toast."

"Did your toaster malfunction?" she asked, giggling at the absurd accident.

"More like toasting bread with her magic," Spike said. "She missed the bread and caught the stove on fire."

The two soon heard a crash in the living room, followed by several hundred books falling off the shelves in the room. Spike and Kairi peeked into the room, a complete mess as books littered the ground, one of the windows was broken into, and while Twilight was only buried under some of the books, Sora was groaning in agony on the flipped over couch, Rainbow Dash sprawled out on top of him in a daze. Fluttershy poked her head up in the window outside.

"Rainbow Dash, you rock. Whoo hoo," the yellow pegasus quietly cheered, her eyes widening in shock as she looked at the carnage inside. "Oh my. Did my cheering do that?"

"Rainbow...please get off me," Sora groaned, having the worst wake-up call in history. "Am I some kind of magnet for you to run into like your safety cushion when you make an entrance?"

"Sorry, Sora." Rainbow flapped off of the flattened stallion, hovering over the mess her sudden entrance made. "But that was a pretty bad performance."

"I thought you did pretty well," Fluttershy said.

"Not my routine! You're cheering, Fluttershy. That was the worst cheering ever!" Rainbow sighed, ignoring the slightly disappointed look on the timid mare's face. "I wish the rest of the girls could join us in Cloudsdale for the Best Young Fliers Competition tomorrow."

"What the heck is that?" Sora asked, rubbing his sore chest from getting slammed by the rainbow-maned pegasus for the umpteenth time in a row.

"It's a competition held every year where Fluttershy and I were born, a city of clouds named Cloudsdale," Rainbow explained. "Young fliers come to the arena and show off their flying skills, whether it involves speed, style, tricks, anything. And not only will the winner of the competition get a trophy, but they also spend an entire afternoon with the Wonderbolts!"

"Rainbow Dash is sure to win when she shows everypony the sonic rainboom," Fluttershy added.

"A sonic rainboom?" Kairi asked, her magic automatically working on her cooking while she seemed interested in what the strange move was.

"Well, I was only able to pull it off as a filly," Rainbow chuckled, sounding pretty nervous. "But I can do sonic rainbooms in my sleep! It's pretty much a sonic boom, but I break the light spectrum and shoot off a rainbow shockwave that spreads out across the sky! It's awesome!"

"Ooh! I'd like to see that!" Kairi said.

"Well, if only you had wings. Cloudsdale is a city made of clouds...so, you won't be able to stand on them unless you're a pegasus," the cyan mare explained. "I better get back to practicing for the competition, and Fluttershy needs to practice her cheering."

Rainbow flew out of the window she crashed out of, but Fluttershy sighed, shaking her head. "Rainbow Dash has been practicing the sonic rainboom over a hundred times, and she hasn't come close to doing it. I hope I can cheer loud enough before she performs...She's really nervous and scared she might not pull it off."

Fluttershy flew off after Rainbow Dash, leaving the library and its scattered mess of books. "Huh. A sonic rainboom," Sora pondered, grabbing his jacket from under the sea of books. "I think all of us should be there to cheer her on."

"Sora, out of all of us, only you can go up there since you're a pegasus," Twilight explained.

"Unless there's some kind of spell that can give non-pegasus wings." Sora grabbed a random book, luckily picking up a spellbook. He flipped through the pages and found the spell he was looking for. "Oooh. This looks pretty good."

Twilight brought the spellbook to her with her aura, cringing at the characters on the page that explained how to cast it. "Oh boy...this looks like a really complicated spell...It might drain me of all my magic."

"Then let's wait until tomorrow morning, and we'll bring the others and tell them we're going to cheer Rainbow Dash on and see that sonic rainboom!" Sora's stomach began grumbling, his nose picking up the scent of cooked eggs. "But first, I demand food!"

As he flew over to the kitchen, Kairi cast a barrier around herself, making the pegasus slam into it. "How do you want your eggs before you run in and eat ours?"

"...Surprise me?" he asked.

"Ok. But you're going to have to be blindfolded." Kairi used her aura, grabbing Sora's jacket and wrapping it around his eyes. "No peeking."

"Aww, not again," Sora complained as he felt around where he was going, only to fall back into the littered pile of books in the living room.

Twilight snorted as she watched the goofy teen flail about as he tried to swim through the books while blinded by his own clothing with Kairi's aura, she looked down at the page with the spell. She had no clue if she could actually pull this off, but when tomorrow comes, she'll give it a shot. If anything, she wanted to help her other friends as best as she can, repenting for giving in to her darkness under the influence of Maleficent's spell.

By the next day, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew over the skies of Equestria together, reaching their home of Cloudsdale, the mobile cloud city where most pegasi live. Cloudsdale was an important city to the world, home to the weather factory, which creates all the weather for the land: rain, snow, storms, sometimes hail. The two mares touched down on the cloudy surface, happy to be back in their hometown.

"Ok, all we need to do is get to the coliseum, check myself in, and show off my moves," Rainbow said, her voice a little shaky from her nerves.

"Well, look who it is!" Both mares flinched as they saw three pegasi stallions wearing white uniforms and safety helmets flying toward them. One had a yellowish-orange coat, part of his brown mane obscuring his face, his cutie mark a trio of basketballs, the second had a purple coat with a black mane, also covering his eyes, his cutie mark a trio of footballs, while the third had a dark brown coat with a light gray mane, his cutie mark a dumbbell. "If it isn't Rainbow Crash!"

"Oh great," Rainbow grumbled. "What do you three want?"

"We heard you were gonna be competing in the Young Fliers Competition today," the stallion with the dumbbell cutie mark said. "Though how they allowed a drop-out like you to compete is beyond me!"

"I didn't drop out, Dumbbell," Rainbow said, glaring at the stallion.

"What are you gonna do at the competition, Crash?" the stallion with the basketball cutie marks asked. "You gonna pull off that sonic rainboom?"

"Yeah right!" Dumbbell scoffed. "That's nothing but a pony tale! Rainbow Crash doesn't have the skills to pull off something like that!"

"Well, I think she does!" The five pegasi looked up as they saw Sora hovering down to them, surprising Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

"Sora? You came to cheer Rainbow Dash on?" Fluttershy asked.

"What kind of name is Sora?" Dumbbell asked. "And you're one of Crash's friends? A lanky pegasus with a hair shaped like a porcupine's behind!?"

As the three pegasus stallions laughed and mocked Sora, he brushed off their insults as he rushed a hoof over his spiky hair. "Well, if my hair looks like a porcupine's butt, then yours is obviously the white stripe off a skunk's tail. Seriously, did you stuff its stink spray on your head as a cologne? I could smell it from the opposite end of the world."

"Oh, a wise colt, huh!?" Dumbbell stomped up to Sora with a glare, bumping his chest against the smug teen's with his wings flared out, the other two stallions ganging up on him. "You really want to mess with me, Twiggy?"

"Ugh!" Sora gagged, trying to pinch his nose. "And your breath smells like you gargled that same spray along with moldy asparagus! You really kiss your mother with that rancid breath!?"

"That's it! Get him!" The three stallions jumped Sora as a dusty cloud appeared around them, sounds of struggling coming from inside.

Rainbow and Fluttershy looked at each other, knowing Sora wouldn't get that badly hurt by the bullies since he had faced worse in the past. Eventually, the cloud disappeared, the teen completely unharmed while the three stallions laid in a crumbled and bruised heap around him. They groaned in pain, barely able to budge.

"Was that it? That wasn't fun," Sora said. He grabbed Dumbbell's mane, lifting him up to his eye level. "And neither is picking on my friend. Either learn to keep your thoughts, that includes insults, to yourselves, or act like the brainless bullies that get nowhere in life by poking fun at others because of your own self-esteem issues." He dropped the pegasus to the soft, cloudy ground, only to pick him up again. "And don't call me Twiggy."

Dropping Dumbbell again, Sora pranced over his back and approached Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, trying to stifle their giggles. "I think you went overboard, Sora."

"Oh no. Overboard is if I smack them with my Keyblade," Sora stated. "You knew those three jerks?"

"Unfortunately, yes," Rainbow admitted. "They picked on me at flight school. And Fluttershy, too."

"Well, it's a good thing I dealt with them," Sora said. "But don't worry, Rainbow! We're all here to cheer you on for the competition!"

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" the cyan mare asked, unaware of Fluttershy looking up at the sky in shock and awe.

"R-Rar...Rarity???" Rainbow Dash looked up, her jaw dropping at what she saw.

"Hello, Rainbow! Fluttershy!" Flapping down to meet them was Rarity, only now she had large butterfly wings, the appendages letting out a beautiful glow as the sun shone down on the translucent wings.

"R-Rarity's flying!?" Rainbow exclaimed. "Wait...Are the others actually here too!?"

"They should be rising up soon." No sooner had Sora said that, a pink hot air balloon rose up from the cloudy floor. Inside the large basket were the rest of the girls. "And right on time."

"Oooh! So this is Cloudsdale!" Pinkie leapt out of the basket, the pegasus mares gasping in horror as their friend was about to fall from the sky.

Instead of passing through the cloud, the party pony landed on the cloud, bouncing around while giggling on the fluffy surface. "W-Wha...?"

"Yeah. Twilight couldn't pull off the same spell she gave Rarity several times, and Kairi's not exactly good with the magic she has as a unicorn." The rest of the land-walking mares stepped out of the basket, all of them standing on the clouds for the first time as they admired the softness of the condensed water. "So, we managed to find another spell for them that allows them to walk on clouds."

"I wish I was a pegasus!" Pinkie shouted as she rolled around on the cloud ground. "It's so fluffy!"

Kairi began bouncing around, never expecting to actually touch a cloud in all her life. "This is so fun! It's like a city made out of a slightly moist trampoline! So springy and bouncy!"

Sora gently stopped his girlfriend from getting too bouncy, not wanting to make her create enough force with each bound to break through the cloud. "Easy, Kairi. Don't want you to actually make a hole you can fall down."

"Well, if I fall, you can save me," she retorted, giving him a light peck on the cheek.

Twilight tried to ignore the couple's flirting, quickly pulling up a map of Cloudsdale she grabbed in her library. "Hey, Rainbow Dash, how about you show us the weather factory?" she asked, wanting to avoid seeing Sora and Kairi being the romantic couple they were. "I'm sure we're all curious about how the weather is made, especially Sora and Kairi since they're not from Equestria."

"Uhh, sure. I think we got time to spare. The competition doesn't start until around noon. Follow us." The group followed Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, knowing the city since they were once locals when they were little. Rarity fell behind as she looked at herself in the mirror, too enraptured with her new, temporary wings. "Rarity!"

"Oh! Coming!" she called out, fluttering after the others as her wings caught the attention of many pegasus stallions along the way.

Turns out the tour of Cloudsdale and their well known weather factory started out well, only to end up with misery for Rainbow Dash. At first, it was pretty interesting to see how the weather was made in this world, something Kairi was smart enough not to ask and look like a doofus compared to Sora's logical sense from their own world. As they entered the factory, all of them had to wear safety gear as a precaution, but Sora didn't dare ask why they needed to wear them after seeing the lightning bolts they store for storms held in glass jars. They saw how they made snowflakes for the winter, each pegasus creating the special patterns for each individual flake. The liquefied rainbow water flowing around one section of the factory was how they made rainbows, which ended up in a comical moment where Pinkie Pie tasted it, her face changing into the colors of the rainbow as her mouth caught on fire. Apparently, liquid rainbow was spicier than the spiciest of spices. They even saw the machine that created the clouds, each fluffy mass of whiteness spouting out from the smokestacks of the strange device.

But as the tour was fun, Rarity had ended up causing more trouble for the employees working there, and freaking Rainbow Dash out even more. While all the pegasi stayed on the ground in the snowflake sector, Rarity kept flapping her magical wings, the wind she let out sending all the snowflakes flying about the room and the workers running around to catch them before they escaped and winter would be ruined for this year. Not only was she constantly flying around, but the sun kept shimmering down on the translucent butterfly wings, distracting many of the employees as they created a colorful light show. To make matters worse, those same three stallions that were picking on Rainbow Dash earlier, apparently working at the weather factory, suggesting to the praised unicorn to enter the Young Fliers Competition.

She stupidly said yes, too caught up in all the attention she was getting with her enchanted wings. Now, instead of supporting Rainbow Dash to assuage her growing anxiety, Rarity made it worse by competing with her. And since everyone would be too fixated on her magical wings, which she shouldn't even be allowed to compete in since she's supposed to be a unicorn, none of the pegasi that had agreed with Dumbbell and his cronies even cared about the rules of the event.

"Unbelievable," Sora grumbled. "Rainbow Dash is far more stressed out than ever now. I regret finding that stupid spell, and having Rarity volunteer to have it cast on her. Should have tried it on Kairi, first."

"Did you just want to see me with butterfly wings just to look at how pretty I was with them, Sora?" Kairi asked, making the stallion blush and look down at his hooves. "Yeah. I thought so."

"At least you wouldn't show them off and steal everyone's attention," he mumbled.

Everyone sat in the stands of the grand coliseum as the entire city awaited for the Best Young Fliers Competition to begin. The announcer brought everyone's attention as a group of pegasi wearing blue flight suits that covered every part of their bodies aside from their mane and tails, muzzles, and wings. Smoke trails flew out from behind them, some sort of magical enchantment to make the results of some of their stunts visible to the audience, the Wonderbolts flying overhead as the crowd went wild. As they split apart after their entrance, three of them, possibly the highest ranking of the stunt team, they hovered down to a cloudy table as the celebrity judges for the competition.

Not only were they there, but Sora spotted Celestia in her own royal cloud booth, accompanied by a couple of her royal guards. She noticed him and waved, which he politely waved back. Unfortunately, the guards had taken notice of his being in the stands, leering at him intensely.

"Wow, those guys still hold a grudge against me," Sora said to himself. "Good thing their captain's not here, since he's a unicorn."

Soon, the Best Young Fliers Competition was underway as many of the competitors performed their different routines to impress the Wonderbolts. So far, there were a few good performances, but out of all of them, Rarity and Rainbow Dash haven't come out yet.

"Huh, that's weird," Twilight said. "Shouldn't Rarity or Rainbow Dash have come out by now?"

"Maybe they're saving the best for last?" Applejack pondered.

"Or she chickened out." Sora turned his head as the same three bullies from earlier had sat next to them. "I knew she would drop out."

"You know I'm right next to you guys, right?" Sora asked. "You want another lesson on messing around with my friends?"

"You were lucky, you skinny punk!" Dumbbell threatened, though it didn't deter the teen.

"Luck had nothing to do with skill. I'm far more powerful than you think I am. So if you want to tussle with me again, go ahead," he goaded, riling up the three bullies. "Or would you want to get caught by the royal guard for hassling someone in a public place? I know the princess quite well, and she knows me. I'm sure she'll understand I acted in self-defense and protecting my friends from your constant heckling." The three pegasi looked terrified, slowly scooching away from Sora and the girls before they could really get in trouble. "That's what I thought."

"Alright, mares and gentlecolts!" the announcer spoke. "Our final competitor of the day, contestant number fifteen!" Rainbow Dash slowly and nervously flew out, along with Rarity, both mares wearing a number over their cutie marks, Rainbow with a fifteen and Rarity with a four. "And...contestant number four as well..."

The group gawked at Rarity, the attention starved fashionista wearing the most ridiculous of of outfits for her last minute entrance for her performance. It was supposed to match the beauty of her wings, but it was so bad that many ponies seemed to question the unicorn's taste. She even has so much makeup on her face that it only made her look like a stallion trying to dress in drag and covering their masculine face with cosmetics.

"Oh dear lord," Sora groaned, voicing everyone's opinion on the unhelpful fashionista's choice in clothing. "Someone please blind me! That looks awful!"

"And Rainbow Dash looks like she'll crack," Kairi added, all of them seeing the cyan pegasus shaking under the pressure.

The duo routine began, classical music playing over the stadium, which did not seem suitable for a competition like this. Rarity soon began an odd dance as she hovered about, flashing her wings to the audience. Rainbow Dash began her own routine, though only more pressured because of the white unicorn's sudden entrance, her outfit and makeup that wanted Sora to gouge his eyes out, and the music that wasn't fitting for the speedy pegasus. She weaved through columns of clouds at a quick pace, but fell out of rhythm by the classical music playing loudly, slamming into one of the pillars and spiraled out of control.

The audience groaned as they watched the wipeout, though she was thankfully unharmed thanks to the cloudy walls of the stadium. Shaking off the accident, Rainbow moved on to the next part of her routine, flying around a trio of clouds placed out for her, making them spin rapidly in place. Her nerves ended up getting to her again and slipped up, sending the cloud she was spinning around hurtling toward Celestia. The princess managed to duck out of the way in time, but doing that only made the pegasus's anxiety and nervousness worsen as most of the crowd was appalled by the accident.

"She's already cracking," Sora said as they watched Rainbow fly up into the air for the final phase of her routine, which was supposed to be the sonic rainboom. Rarity fluttered up too, shining her wings down upon the crowd with the reflection of their translucent colors. "And Rarity is taking up Rainbow's attention."

Suddenly, dark voids opened as several hundred Red Nocturnes appeared around the unicorn, the audience gasping in shock at the Heartless' sudden appearance. Rarity reacted too late as the red mage Heartless shot fireballs at her, only striking her butterfly wings, burning them to ashes. She began falling and screamed at the top of her lungs, everyone staring in horror and fright at the strange creatures.

"Heartless!" Kairi shouted.

"Kairi, climb on my back!" The pink unicorn leapt up on Sora's back, both of them summoning their Keyblades as they took care of the Heartless, the three Wonderbolt judges swooping down to save the flailing unicorn falling to her death.

The Heartless focused their attention on the ponies with their greatest weakness, shooting a barrage of Fire spells at the Keyblade wielders. Kairi cast a reflective barrier around them, deflecting the spells back at the majority of Heartless, stunning them as they were struck with their own magic. Sora tossed her up high in the air and slashed through the ones around him, while Kairi cast a flurry of Blizzard spells into the Red Nocturnes floating around her.

Down below, Rarity constantly flailed her hooves and screamed her lungs out as she fell. The Wonderbolts tried to help her, but her hooves ended up knocking them all unconscious. Up above the coliseum, Rainbow Dash stopped her ascent to pick up enough speed to pull off the sonic rainboom, hearing Rarity's screams from several miles up.

"Rarity! Hang on! I'm coming!" Ignoring her routine, Rainbow flew down and flapped her wings hard, picking up speed as she safely flew past the Heartless.

Sora and Kairi alternated attacking together or solo, the stallion tossing his girlfriend up into the air to let her fire more of her magic spells. "We need to get rid of these things. There's too many," Sora said to himself. He caught Kairi in his forelegs, protecting them again with a barrier as they were attacked by more fireballs. "Hey, Kairi, how about we combine our power together into a Limit?"

"Sounds like a good idea," Kairi agreed. "I'm not sure my magic's fully healed after saving Twilight."

"Then I'll loan you my magic." Sora clinked his Keyblade with Kairi's, a bright light shining out between the two blades as their combined magic became one. "Let's go!"

Their bodies began emitting a white aura as the two ponies spun around rapidly, their hooves connected together in a speedy dance as their Keyblades hovered around them. A shockwave of light shot out from their Keyblades, stunning or killing the many Heartless around them. They stopped their spinning as they hovered in the air, a hoof connecting them together with a small orb of light shining in their fetlocks. Moving swiftly, they acted as one unit, sending out slashing shockwaves out of their Keyblades while also striking them, while also shooting out small orbs of light in a white blur, defending them from the spells fired at them or running through the Heartless.

They soon ceased their attacks, slamming their hooves holding their Keyblades together, a bright light shining on them as they now held each other's weapons. Now Sora, holding Destiny's Embrace, shot out powerful magic spells, while Kairi, holding the Kingdom Key, lead the fury of combos for their physical strikes. With the end of their combined magic coming to an end, the couple tossed their Keyblades in the air as a light began to form at the end. Bringing their other forehooves together, the same bright orb of light appeared like in their already connected hooves.

A light shone from their chests, leaping out from their chests as they gently pressed their foreheads together, their Keyblades shooting a beam of light at the growing orb and forming a massive heart of pure light, blinding the ponies that watched the two and eradicating all of the Heartless in the exploding light. With the creatures of darkness gone, their Keyblades disappeared in a flash of light, leaving the hovering couple up in the skies above. The glowing light around them dimmed, Kairi's body finally succumbing to gravity, but Sora quickly lifted her up in his forelegs.

"That...was...amazing!" Kairi exclaimed, nuzzling Sora's cheek. "I didn't think we could unleash that much power together!"

"Surprised me too when I did this with my other friends." Before they could officially celebrate their victory, and their combined Limit, they and everyone in the stadium looked down as they heard a massive explosion close to the ground far below. A massive shockwave of rainbow lights spread out through the land, a rainbow trail shooting up at a ninety degree angle as it flew up over the coliseum and made a large rainbow. "What was that?"

"A SONIC RAINBOOM! SHE DID IT! YEEEEEAAH!" Out of all the stunned ponies staring at the massive rainbow above them, Fluttershy was bouncing up and down, and was cheering far more loudly than she ever had for being so quiet.

"That's a sonic rainboom?" Sora asked, hearing Rainbow Dash making that rainbow trail as she flew at a faster speed than she ever had before cheering, carrying the unconscious Wonderbolts and Rarity on her back.

"That's pretty cool," Kairi said. "Though, I guess that's up to the audience to decide who put on a better show."

"But we aren't competing. It's supposed to be a solo performance, not a dual one." The unicorn giggled at her lover's obliviousness, wrapping her forelegs around his neck and kissed his cheek.

Sora chuckled, hovering the two of them back to the stands as the audience cheered Rainbow Dash as she touched down with her idols and friend safely caught. A couple pegasi carried the now flightless Rarity off the cyan mare's back, the Wonderbolts slowly waking up from unconsciousness. Rainbow was giddy with excitement as she not only was being cheered by the audience as she saved the four ponies, but also with the fact she had just performed the impossible move she had pulled off as a filly.

"Best day ever!" she shouted. "I finally did it!"

As the day came to a close, Rainbow Dash had won the competition, not only receiving a gold feathered tiara as the trophy for the Best Young Flier, but she also received praises from the leader of the Wonderbolts, Spitfire, for saving their lives and pulling off the move of pegasi legends. She even shocked Dumbbell and his friends, having witnessed her pulling off the sonic rainboom and apologized to her for making fun of her. The pegasus then hung out with her idols for the remainder of the day while the rest of the group headed back down to the safety of the ground back in Ponyville, sitting together at a restaurant, their food already ordered.

"You and Dashie should have seen Sora and Kairi fighting those Heartless, Rarity!" Pinkie exclaimed as she talked about the Keyblade wielders' combined Limit ability. "They were all glowy and flew around, shooting light and magic and energy waves! Then they shared their Keyblades and attacked more and that huge heart blew up and got rid of the baddies! I think that ending would have been better if they kissed each other when the light exploded. That would have been a far better finish."

"...I'm going to ignore that statement," Twilight mumbled. "But how were you able to do that? It was like your magic had combined together into one powerful force...and you two were in sync with each other as if you practiced something like that for months."

"It's called a Limit ability," Sora explained. "In exchange for all of my mana, I combine my magic with a a partner, and we unleash our combined power. The stronger my connection with my friends when using those Limits, the stronger it is to take out Heartless." He draped a wing around Kairi and pulled her closer. "And seeing how close Kairi and I are, you could see just how powerful we can be together. We could take over the world if we were able to!"

The pink unicorn bonked the stallion on the head, giggling at his silly antics. "But I have to keep his lust for power under control, or else he'll blow everything up."

"I will not be contained!" As he lifted a hoof while shouting out his "unstoppable force", Kairi turned his head to face her, giving him a soft kiss on the lips. She pulled away, his hoof slowly resting on the table as he grew a goofy grin on his face. "My weakness..."

The others laughed, Sora bested by the power of Kairi's love. Twilight tried to ignore the two lovers and focused on eating her food. It was going to be tough to try and not be mad and jealous of Kairi, unable to get her mind off of Sora. They did say she could talk to them about her frustrations, but how could she when she still blames herself for hurting them? Even if it was an accident, it doesn't excuse her from losing control of her emotions and allowing Maleficent, the witch that had done so much to Sora and his friends in the past, to manipulate her like that. If she could have used her like that, she was afraid it could happen again.

"Twilight? Ya'll ok, sugarcube?" Twilight looked up at Applejack, having noticed her playing with her food more than eating it. "Ya seem down about somethin'."

"...I-I'm fine, Applejack. I guess I'm just tired." The unicorn sighed as she looked at Sora and Kairi, feeling that pang of jealousy coming back. She needed to stop before she acted out again and let her darkness come back to control her. "Maybe I really do need a vacation..."

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