• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,557 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...

The Equestrian Games

The news spread like wild fire when the press got a hold of the clip of what happened in the East Humarican seas.

Reports came in that the Statcom was challenged by three Argendinians destroyers while unconfirmed reports suggest there was also a submarine in the combat zone but the media weren't able to independently verify whether there was or not, but as the news spread throughout the Continent a emergency meeting was called when the American people called for blood and vengeance against Argendina, however, knowing Uncle Sam he arrived at the combat zone where the destroyers were sunked at and had a hunch that perhaps there's something else going on here..

"Those bastards, I knew they would back stab us I just knew it!" said one of Uncle Sam's agents.

The intercom called for the crewmen to lift the ships out of the ocean which the men acknowledged and switched the levers retracting the cables that were hooked to the sunken ships.

Once all three ships were lifted out of the water Uncle Sam personal inspected the wreckage by super jumping onboard to examine the damages and potential evidence, either for Argendina's involvement or a theory that he made.

He grabbed a flashlight and flashed the interior of the ship, what he was looking at was mold, rotting metal, and what seems to be dust or flame residue from one of the Statcom's shells.

He walked inside of the command deck of the destroyer and looked in the drawers only to find nothing but mud, and sand.

He shuts the drawer and kept looking around when he stepped on something below his feet, he flashed down to the ground and noticed something particular with the command deck, it has a white carpet but there seems to be a symbol on it..

The examination crew entered the command deck after equipping themselves with safety equipment, they looked at the symbol that Uncle Sam is pointing at and ask.

"What do you think it is sir?"

Uncle Sam looked at the symbol peculiar.

"No clue.. Rip this carpet out and take it to the naval research lab for further study," he ordered.

"Right away sir," replied the worker.


The military base was established about a mile away from Ponyville and some miles away from Canterlot, Gold Star was placing his items in his room while also setting up two beds, one for him and one for me.

I guess that's what happens when you're being watched by a military officer... Especially a pony military officer.

Meanwhile on the outside the fencing was just finished being established which created the proper base foundation for American-Equestrian joint operations and missions, externally and internally, Gold Star was finished setting up his desk when a soldier came inside of our room and spoke.

"Captain sir!"

"Good evening soldier, did the armor company arrive?" Gold Star asked.

"Yes sir! the variant two Abrams have started to arrive sir, along with the Paladins," replied the soldier.

"Very good, then that case I should be able to have time for that date,"

"Date?" I asked.

"Oh yea... I almost forgot to mention that me and Twilight agreed to go on that date today, it's been 2 days and I've forgot to report this to Reagan.."

"Dude... Considering that you'll probably have to take me with you I don't think Reagan or your Colonel would allow that.." I spoke in a concern but polite voice, which he sighed.

"I know... But then what else am I suppose to do?" Gold Star asked me, but I didn't gave no reply..

But thank the great Creator for his reply.

"Captain Gold Star!" Entered Colonel Alex, as me and Gold Star got up and saluted in unison.

"Colonel Alex! Good to see you."

"Accommodations later Captain, General MacArthur ordered that you and Lieutenant Yates report to Crystal city." The Colonel ordered.

"Umm.. Colonel with all due respect but I was told to stay here and keep a eye on Yates, those were orders." Gold Star protested.

"MacArthur was told this too Captain, but Reagan allowed this as a exception as long you keep yourself or one of your men on watch duty, I have a feeling that Yuri already knows about the Equestrian games," said Alex making me curious and Gold Star surprised.

"That's today!?"

"Yea.. They decided to move it a bit closer since polls and some other government shit I don't know about, but with that said you will be heading to the Crystal city, a helicopter is waiting for you outside, oh and before you go, be presentable apparently it's not just Ponies and griffons, our species will be participating as well, and during these games a emergency meeting is being held at the courtesy of Celestia and Cadence, any questions?" Explained Alex, closing it with a question.

"I do."

"Hit me."

"What're the Equestrian games?"

Canterlot, 45th Dawnland road

Yuri was sitting on the couch in a rented apartment at the courtesy of their Red Mother, looking at the sun directly with eyes to feel the pain of heat and trained the whole time in the room, shirtless.

But that was what he'd usually do when he just sat on the couch doing absolutely nothing at the moment as it was Saturday, but the relaxation when his phone ringed the Rodinian Socialist Anthem followed by screaming men and gunshots.

He picked the phone up and said.


"Is this Yuri?" Asked a soviet officer.

"Ah comrade Dounivich!"

"Don't 'ah comrade' me Yuri, as you know being our Red Mother's personal assistant she has been waiting on that phone call she have yet to receive, so tell me? Have you captured the target or not!?!" Yelled the officer.

"He's under heavy security comrade, if you want to be clean I suggest-"

"DO YOU HAVE THE TARGET YURI!? YES OR NO!" The Dounivich shouted in aggravation, making Yuri growl under his breath.


The phone was silent for a while for about 2 minutes just as Yuri was about to hang up Dounivich spoke again.

"Hearing you have not captured the target, I think it's time I do our Red Mother's bidding my own, you are to proceed no further to continue to mission until further notice." The officer ordered.

"Then what about the orders I have then?" Yuri asked.

"The orders given to you will now be carried out by our special forces, they'll be working under incognito, as for you Yuri... Have a nice Saturday off."

The phone was hanged up and Yuri felt rage and anger and threw his phone at the wall, shattering the phone in pieces while he sat and thought about some things, that was when he chuckled and said.

"Oh no you don't comrade, because I THE GREAT YURI WILL CAPTURE THAT SON OF A BITCH! WHETHER IT'S THE LAST THING I DO! Now as for the matter of his incognito freaks..."

Crystal City

The helicopter landed on the area provided by Equestrian tax payer money to the newly established Humarican peace building, created personally by Celestia in a mission to resolve Human conflict in the continent of Humarica.

Gold Star looked at the building in a surprised and glamorous expression.

"Fine Equestria architecture, this country never disappoints wouldn't you say Lieutenant?"

"It's nice in all but how did they build that with crystals alone?"

"No idea, this is my first time visiting here though, so who knows maybe it might blow my socks off."

"Ehh, considering ponies usually wear socks for some other thing... I think you're better off wearing boots."

"I don't wear boots you know."

"Eh, anyways lets see what this is all about shall we?"


As me and Gold Star entered the building I bumped into someone who was wearing a red dress and was not guarded by no one.

"Excuse me, sorry about ma'am I didn't see you." I apologized, making Gold Star facepalm himself.

"Apology accepted, who do you might be?" She asked in words I didn't understand so I answered it.

"My name is Yates ma'am, nice hair do by the way? Is it always like that?" I asked, making her blush.

"Oh please, it's just for diplomatic occasion, nothing else."

"Niceee, so what's your name?" I asked.

"I have three names young Yates, one is Luxembourg, other is Eleanor, and the other is."

"Our Red Mother!" Called a soldier from the distance, blowing me away with that last name...

"I'll come soon! It's a nice chat, Mr. Yates, I'd like to speak with you more over a cup of coffee later touché?" She dated.

"Yea, I think that'll do, Ms. Eleanor." I replied, making her chuckle.

"Please, refer to me as Eleanor only, it's a better way to befriend each other isn't it not? Anyways, Dasvidaniya, Yates."

As she walked away from me I stood there in shock, and it seems I wasn't the only one when Gold Star's jaw dropped toward the floor as if he seen something dreadful or surprising.

"Did I just talked with the Soviet leader..." I asked myself.

"I think you just did..." He replied.


Yuri on the case

Yuri looked through his binoculars to see if his target was in the stadium, it seems he was not, but it seems he wasn't the only one to assume the same assumption as he can see that his incognito chums are also in the stadium, or atleast the entrance since they know they're weapons would be confiscated if they tried to enter.

Yuri placed his fingers on his chin and leaned besides a trash can when a ground of human athletes went pass him in a happy attitude, Yuri however, killed it with his expressionless face when suddenly his favorite athlete was coming towards him.

"No way? Are you Lev Yashin?" Yuri said, which the athlete nodded.

"Da, and you must be Our Red Mothers right hand man, I'd like to personally ask for a endorsement but at the moment I'm about to head inside the stadium," said Lev Yashin.

"Of course, but before you go... Can I have your autograph? I'm a huge fan!"

"Of course comrade, lemme get my pocket book real quick, if only if I had a front pocket.."

As Lev looked through his pockets Yuri noticed that a group of black uniformed troops walked by with ski mask and loaded rifles, Yuri looked closer when he noticed that symbol on their patches.

"Suka blyat.. Rodinian special forces.. Of course Dounivich will use them, no matter, after I get my autograph, I'll get to work... Right after a drink of vodka.."

Crystal Stadium

Multiple representatives had came to watch the games, such as the prince of Saddle Arabia, a recent new soviet state, and the rulers of Asstyria and Anseruk, General Patton walked by the leaders and looked at the huge field thinking how much shit might happen he sat down on reserve seat.

Patton sat and relaxed himself while the Equestrian games was about to start when he heard a familiar music that signified that the important man has arrived..

The Zebrican leaders eyes widened when the President of the Federation of American States came inside the stadium with a grinning expression while Patton quickly raise himself on his boots and saluted to the commander and chief as Reagan turned away from shaking the Arabian's hooves and spoke.

"Good afternoon general, I see that you've been busy here for a good while I was starting to get curious of what you've been up to?" Reagan chuckled.

"Mr. President it's a honor in your presence here, especially upon hearing that we'll be the first foreign nation off of the Equus continent to participate in these games," Patton spoke excitedly.

"While I do like for us to be the only country there is unfortunately another that was granted a chance to play in the games.." Reagan frowned.

"And who would that be?"

"I think the other nation is referring to me." Spoke Brezhnev, looking at the two with dead like eyes.

"Who the fuck is this guy?" Patton asked.

"General Patton, this is Secretary General Brezhnev.. The head of Rodinia, the place I've talked to you about after the banishment." Reagan introduced.

"I fucking hate him already, aren't you the bastard who sent troops against mine?!" Patton yelled aggravated.

"If I would've known this old man was going to insult me I would've turned down Celestia's request of attending this event, said Brezhnev.

"You forget tha-"

"Enough both of you!" Yelled a feminine voice, as Reagan stepped back and allowed Celestia to get close to the two old men.

"I invited the Rodinian's to participate in this event in hopes to potentially keeping both nations at peace but that cannot happen when you two argue 24/7!" Celestia scolded, but Patton rolled his eyes.

"You're speaking to the same general who happened to dealt with a near war event in this same city with also the same fucking man that authorized it!" Patton argued.

"Don't blame me for your shit, if anything I'd focus on the nations economy, unlike you American terrorist who keeps bombing innocent Zebra's to hell." Brezhnev pointed.


"THAT IS ENOUGH! YOU BOTH ARE ON EQUESTRIAN SOIL AND YOU ARE TO ACT LIKE GENTLEMEN ON EQUESTRIAN SOIL OR SO HELP ME I WILL SWIFTLY PUNISH BOTH OF YOU! IS THAT CLEAR!!" Shouted Celestia, giving Brezhnev and Patton a scare of their lifetime while Reagan shrugged as if to say 'I told you so.'

"Fine, then it'll be your problem, good day Mr. President.. And good luck.."

Patton saluted and left the two leaders and Princess Celestia to themselves while Reagan looked at Brezhnev and said.

"Perhaps it's best that me and Brezhnev be separated for now."

"I agree with the American, for once we both have an agreement." Replied Brezhnev, as he went to the farthest corner from Reagan's seat which would place him beside the soviet prince that the Rodinian army recently installed in Arabia.

"Mr. Reagan I apologize but I couldn't have the patience to see your people argue with another country."

"Well, it's always been like this ever since the leak incident that occurred which revealed documents that the Rodinian's may have been behind the false identity crisis with Jimmy Carter, while the leaker had been arrested, it didn't fix the fact that everyone knows now about it, Creator knows how many Rodinian's are persecuted by now, Whats even worse was when Patton and his division was back from banishment they almost started a war between the Federation and the soviets for crying out loud!" Reagan over explained, making Celestia sigh.

"There has to be some solution, and hopefully quick..."

The Peace Conference Chambers

The room was chatty today as members from the Humarican nations, mainly human, had came together to discuss on the situation with Argendina's actions on their attack on the Statcom and whether the Thestrial's invasion on Argendina was justified or not.

Uncle Sam entered the room with secret service agents carrying concealed baggage who then placed it on the table reserved for evidence, the agent looking over the evidence stared at Uncle Sam and asked.

"Are you sure the leaders will believe this?"

"I'm certain, if it doesn't well.. May Creator have mercy on Argendina," Uncle Sam replied.

As he climbed up the stairs towards his reserved seat he shook hands, hoofs, and even claws from Griffonian diplomats who're also spectating in the conference when he happened to see the head council of the Mexicona parliament.

"Hola Arnold Scheer, how's it going?" Asked Uncle Sam.

"It couldn't be better, although it was surprising that my home country, the griffonian empire, appointed me as head council bird of our proud colony that remained with us in these times," Arnold smirked.

"Yep, by the way, how's your friend Cornelio? I heard he was recently reassigned to the colony as well?" Uncle Sam wondered, while Arnold was looking at a portrait of the Crystal Heart.

"From what I heard he was assigned to guard the colonial borders, primarily yours," Scheer replied, giving Uncle Sam a little flame inside.

"For what reason though? We keep our troops on Rodina's borders and elsewhere overseas, what reason could there be-"

"ALL RISE, FOR THE PRINCESSES OF EQUESTRIA AND THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE!" Announced the royal guard as the human, griffon, and pony diplomats raised from their seats, catching Uncle Sam off guard.

"The first part of the Equestrian games ended already?" He asked.

"No clue, better take our seats then we'll talk." Suggested Griffon.

"Good idea," replied Uncle Sam.

The two split and stood infront of their seats as the four Alicorn princesses came inside of the chambers and sat on the thrones with their perspective cutie marks and symbols above their seats, the royal guard stood besides the throne and Reagan and Brezhnev took their reserved seats on the top row of the chamber, a chair apart from each other.

"Please be seated," she spoke, as the entire room sat down on their seats and watched the conference.

"Mares and Gentlecolts, humans, and Griffons, welcome to the first national peace conference of this world with the objective, preserve peace no matter the cost, what started from a dull future turned into a hopeful future when the worlds most technologic and and advanced race stepped in to end what was once called the continental cold war, turned it into a first step towards perfect peace, now then, with introductions out of the way may the diplomatic leaders, Argendina, and America step towards the table?" Celestia requested, as three Argendinian diplomats and three American diplomats stepped out from their seats and sat down on the table at the ground level infront of the four Alicorn's seating.

The Argentinian's privately spoke to each other before the head of the American diplomatic team said.

"Alright, so can you explain what happened on the day of the attack?"

The Argendinian human rose up and replied.

"Five days ago, three of our destroyers were docked on the city of Aires loading up amunition's supplied by American trade associations, Bolivians, and the biggest supplier being anonymous, they were scheduled to ship out to conduct a naval patrol on what was left of our maritime borders with Thestria when at 3:40 in the morning, shots were fired and all that proves it were two recordings from radio frequencies, if my assistant may?" The Argendinian insisted, as his associate got up and grabbed two tape recorders from the evidence table that supported Argendina's claims.

Pushing the button on tape one the tape revealed to be sounds of machine gun fire followed by shouting and screaming, tape two was then played after words when the ships were captured the officer in charge of defending the cruisers sounded disbelief and stating that they had to pull out because of the overwhelming manpower swarming him and other 10 guys who're guarding the port.

Celestia looked and heard the recordings with intrigue, Luna and Cadence looked at each other that was indicating suspicion and Twilight Sparkle tilted her head and almost asked a question when the front entrance doors were opened with special forces soldiers coming inside with Atlyn helmets masking their face and then clearing a path for the Red Mother who was wearing a red dress.

"Apologies if I was late Ms. Celestia, I ran into someone on the way here," Red Mother excused herself.

"You are excused, take a seat," Celestia acknowledged, as the Red Mother walked by the negotiation table and walked up 12 stair cases and sat down besides Uncle Sam who was sitting on the blue chair, and she was sitting on the red chair.

The negotiations continued as it was the Americans turn to either counter the Argendinian evidence or to support Argendina's innocents, in which something that surprised many, the American diplomat rise from his seat and spoke.

"So if the Argendinians did happened to endure a port raid, what can you explain about the submarine?"

"Submarine? I don't know what you're talking about? We have no submarines in the navy and from I can recall I don't think there was none during the battle," replied the Argendinian.

"Hmm.. Why it's a question to ask you is because as we were gathering evidence we had found torpedo remains under water as we know when the Statcom was dodging the torpedoes that tried to sink it the F.I.B. has discovered that the destroyers had no torpedo bays at all, in fact after further study I might actually believe that your story checks out," the diplomat explained, which the Argendinians breath in relief.

"BUT! Even if it wasn't the Argendinians, there is the matter of who.. Who did stole your destroyers? And who also try to sink the Statcom?" The Diplomat questioned, the Argendinians didn't answer because they didn't know the answer, but the question was mainly directed at everyone in the room.

The diplomat smirked and looked at the princesses of Equestria.

"Lets think about this real quick, how would you react if someone was to equip your enemy? The same enemy that you call a enemy through physical attacks or pure grudge towards to? I mean I'd be mad, wouldn't surprise me if yall were mad," the diplomat looked around and no gave no reply other than listen to his words, and so he reply.

"Well then what if I was to say, and also thanks to Uncle Sam by the way, we have discovered the ones behind the attack and if my associate may if you please?" Added the diplomat, as his assistant went to the table and unzipped a black duffle bag and grabbed a furred roled up white rug which to everyone else it doesn't look like much until it was placed on the table and was unrolled by the associate, which then made everyone go on the edge of their seats, while the Princesses, especially Twilight, looked in shock and worry along with a tense expression on their faces at what they were looking at.

Celestia stomped on her hoof and replied.

"Who are these individuals!?"

The diplomat was silent when a military general got on his foot and replied.

"That is the flag of the Preußisch Korps, infamous in all of Humarica and deadly, the last time the American army had fought against them was during the Griffonian Republican revolution..."

"It all started on that day, the American government got involved with the events occurring in Griffonia and decided to defend it's interest within the capital, Griffenheim, to create a peace zone. We only had M14 rifles, and a Patton M46 tank at the time and I only had about 50 in my command. Our mission was to secure 12th imperial street, after the peace zone was established was when Tartarus was unleashed.. Artillary booming everywhere, and Griffons against Griffons, brothers against brother, it reminded me back when the Federation was in that same civilwar back in the 70 tens that we had fought, but not like what we witnessed, but we noticed the difference between a stab wound and a gun wound and when we saw a flock of the Republican griffons suddenly dying I ordered my men to get one and bring it back to the peace zone, well after examining how a airborne griffon died it was from a precision shot bullet.. And that was when I met Erwin Rommel, after the chaotic battle me and him chatted there was no differences aside from beliefs, strategies, Ect. But now... To think he is supporting the same nation who happened to have attack Canterlot and harm innocents made me think that it wasn't him... Atleast until now..."

After MacArthur's statement on the Preußisch Korps, the Equestrian princesses started thinking about the new foe that seems to now be supporting the Changelings, with Uncle Sam and Reagan looking intense with MacArthur's explanation, the Red Mother and Brezhnev whispered.

"What is the chance that this ideology.. "Fascism" happened to already started it's spread?" Brezhnev theorized, while the Red Mother placed her hand on her chin in thought..

"It seems so... If that is the case then we must keep a eye on them, otherwise we'll be fighting this cold war in three separate fronts.. I suggest activating the Changeling R.I.B. At once," ordered Red Mother.

"Right away," replied Brezhnev, getting up from his seat and tightening his tie and walked down the steps to exit the building.

"It's been a pleasure Ms. Celestia, but knowing the situation I must attend with other affairs, dasvidaniya," excused Brezhnev, as he turned and walked out of the conference leaving Reagan and Uncle Sam mildly confused and Luna and Cadence looked at the Red Mother with a curious mind being what they're up to.

Meanwhile where was I and Gold Star the whole time? Standing around doing nothing, when the conference started the royal guard escorted us out because of "secrecy" which if I recall is bullshit.

But while we stood outside waiting for Uncle Sam the door infront of us opened with Brezhnev walking out of the conference which is a bit strange since the conference isn't suppose to be finished until the second stage of the Equestrian games started..

I turned towards Gold Star and even he's a bit suspicious with Brezhnev as I am.


"You know what I'm thinking what your thinking?" I asked.

"That we shouldn't worry about him?" Gold Star replied.

"Uhh.. No I was suggesting we see what he's up to," I replied.

"But what about you?" He added.

"What about me? You know damn well that I've already know that I'm being chased by communist but perhaps you won't have to keep staring at me like a camera," I pointed out.

"But this here old camera was ordered by the same people who doesn't want you kidnapped! Especially with what's at stake here!" Gold Star argued.

"Damn, you sound like Twilight Sparkle right about now," I insulted.

"Listen here lieutenant! As long as I am a rank above you you're not to-"


Gold Star paused and stared outside of the window as if he saw something...

"Hey? Is something wrong-"

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Shouted Gold Star, pushing me back and taking a tranq dart to the neck before face flatten fell on the floor in a unconscious state.


I was interrupted by a second dart that was shot from the distance that landed on my arm, when I pulled it out it had some type of symbol with a shield and a torch, and that was all I saw before I passed out.

Meanwhile, Yuri was sitting on a chair getting a sun tan when he heard my voice, he was eating popcorn and cotton candy for when I stepped out alone and had no one with me so he can capture me, but he heard what sounded like dart gun shots from the roof above him.

As he looked up there was a person with a creepy gas mask with a dart rifle and jumped on the ground to retrieve it's prey, Yuri grabbed his binoculars and sees that the two royal guards, that were guarding the conference door, inspected me and Gold Star when the same individual who darted me and Gold Star attached a silencer on his lethal pistol.

"IDENTIFY YOURSELF! DID YOU DO THIS!?" Shouted the Royal Guard in the distance, when the individual pointed a pistol towards the two and the guards quickly charged.

"Sag Hallo zu Tirek für uns in Walhalla, ihr verdammten Pferde!" Cursed the unknown individual as he shot the two guards two bullets each with a suppressed M9 pistol.

One guard was shot in the head and chest, the other in the leg and shoulder, the individual then picked me and Gold Star's body and then spoke through the radio.

"Packages secured, meet up at rendezvous," spoke the strange individual.

Now when it came with soviet incognito squads they would have a mask of some sort but the guy with the gas mask however... That's not soviet nor American..

"Who the blyat is he?" Wondered Yuri, as the individual walked away from him he throws his popcorn and cotton candy on the side and secretly follows the gas mask man.

So he can steal the glory that was stolen from him.

The meeting was over and Twilight Sparkle got up from her seat and was heading outside with the thought that her enemy has a new ally, a ally that is dangerous to her and Equestria and could possibly tip the balance of everything.

As she was heading to the north exit she heard a panicked scream coming from the south exit and quickly ran towards the direction and opened the door when she sees two of Equestria's royal guards dead.

Immediately dread swept over her as she has never seen death like it up and personally as she tries to keep herself together when Uncle Sam and Reagan ran towards the scene to see the two royal guards dead as a military medic ran and cleared the area to examine and check for a possible pulse, he placed his finger on one of the guards neck and quickly press the bleeding shoulder and leg.

"This one is still alive! I need someone to suppress the bleeding in this one!" The medic ordered, which Shining Armor quickly came to the medic's aid and held the bleeding areas while the medic checked the other one for his pulse and shook his head in disbelief.


The doctor lay a towel on the deceased guard and focused on the one savable one, Celestia and Luna entered the scene the Uncle Sam orders his agents to clear the scene and search for me and Gold Star.

"What the hell happened here.." Asked MacArthur, as he sees a bloody crime scene infront of him.

"General, these two were shot with a 9mm!" The professional reported, giving Uncle Sam dread and looked behind him at the Red Mother who was also watching the situation.

"You did this! Did you!?" Uncle Sam violently accused.

"Oh please! If anything you damned Americans are probably the ones behind this murder! After all the M9 is typically a 'AmErIcAn InVeNtIoN,'" Red Mother mocked.

"Reagan was right about you bastard!"

"That is enough! It's clearly neither of you who committed this sort of act!" Twilight spoke out in aggravation.

"Stay out of this, short Princess! This is human matters not a Equestrian one!" General MacArthur ordered.

"This is certainly a Equestrian matter general!" Intervened Celestia, walking beside Twilight's view. "If anything the Red Mother is right to say that it wasn't her nor her people who killed my ponies, but it was also obviously not the American humans either!"

"Oh? Then who the hell is responsible for this then!?" MacArthur scowled in anger.

"If you be patient, me and my sister will see who did this crime, by tapping into the surviving guards mind," Celestia replied.

"But Celestia! You know how dangerous that could be! What if you got trapped in a endless cycle!"
"Trust me," Celestia replied, which Twilight gulped and backed up while Celestia and Luna lit their horns and concentrated on the only living guard who is still breathing slightly.

In a minute Celestia and Luna's eyes were flashed with the guards memories and life before them.

After fighting against the tranq dart for some hours, minutes, whatever how much time had passed since I was unconscious I woke up with my legs and hands tied up in bondage, it seems my mouth was taped as well as my vision since it would seem that I was blind folded so no chance of conversating or seeing anything..

However when I leaned to my right I heard a grunt recognizable to Gold Star.. Wait a second? Gold Star is here but he's also in bondage what gives? I thought I was a target why would they want him?

"Has the packages woken up yet?" Said a feminine voice.

"Yes general, we have captured them alive but complications arise when two pony guards tried to stop us from our operation, other than that we have cleared our trail," reported a soldier, who I can't see because of the blindfold when I hear foot steps and pistols loading.

"One wrong move, and your brain gets blown out, understood!" Yelled the female, which I nodded just to not underestimate whoever I'm dealing with. And also not die like a rat here..

The blindfold was untied along with Gold Star, we can now see each other but also the legit threat of what the chick said when she did said she would blown our brains out just by the look of the gas masked soldier with the pistol to my face.

The soldier then reached to my mouth and torn the tape off of me and Gold Stars lips leaving a sting to my lip, but a sweet feel of air on my lips for potentially the last time since I'll probably not make it.

Suddenly I hear foot steps coming towards me with medals clinging on the uniform they're attached to.. A devilish smile across the face.. A Herzland designed military cap wearing physco.. And.. Lipstick? What maniac uses lipstick!!

"You may not know who I am, but I know who you are, Vader Justin Yates." Smirked the female fascist, as I realize that the maniac not only sounds insane, but also it's a chick..

"Who the hell are you? And how the hell did you know my name!"

"Well.. Lets just say I have people on the inside that knows this type of stuff, I'll give you a hint, it's not the old man, nor Reagan the foolish, or anyone in congress." She revealed, chuckling while she turned to look at the tan stallion.

"And you must be the pony who no one or the damn changelings would shut up about," She insulted, causing Gold Star to grumble under his breath.

"What exactly made you thought that me and him were valuable all of a sudden with those dammed horse roaches you call allies!" Gold Star glowered, making her laugh even more.

"Because dearly, I'd originally wanted you for Chrysalis, not this useless human you call 'special' if anything I was just going to kill him right on the spot if it wasn't for the Rodinian's going after him."

"Wait, so you're not even after me?" I asked.

"Of course not, as much as chrysalis would like to tear your skull on a rock I was simply ordered to capture Gold Star, not you, or a Equestrian princess... Yet.."

"Mhm.. And you say you're after him, SO WHAT THE FUCK! ARE YOU DOING WITH HIM THEN!"

I was immediately butted by the end of one of her soldiers guns right in the gut, it felt like being shot only not a bullet but with a big force full of mass with the pain of being punched in sensitive parts, only it's on the guts but still it's fucking painful as fuck.

"Silence, or it'll be more than just that," threatened the soldier, pointing his rifle towards me while the women grabbed my chin with her long and sharp finger nails.

"First of all American, you are not the one in charge here, second of all you have no buisness what's in store for him other than what I know, and third..." She then paused and chuckled at number three as she released my chin from her grasp and then continued.

"Have you considered that perhaps Gold Star was something more Vader? Something more than he's letting on?"

"I don't really know what you're talking about here? I mean we're nearly buddies but.."


I looked at Gold Star and he looked at me with a face that said 'I got nothing to hide' while at the same I feel a bit curious but there was also the fact that she had connections within the higher powers of the government so I looked at her with suspicion and decided to best play along or find out what is worse than being punched in the gut..

"What exactly are you talking about?" I asked, in which she was about to open her mouth when a pony figure came into the fray.

"That's something she'll be answering later!"

Everyone turned towards the voice which seems that the women looked at the pony with disgust.

"Twilight Sparkle!"

a hour earlier

Twilight had been trotting around anxiously wondering when Celestia and Luna will snap back to themselves, MacArthur and Uncle Sam had been waiting for the agents to come back and the medic, with the help of Shining Armor, tended to the wounded guard when the agent ran towards Uncle Sam with a report.

"Sir, we cannot find Gold Star or Yates."

"What?!" Surprised Uncle Sam.

"B-b-but where could they have been!" He raised, but that was when Celestia and Luna finished their spell and came back with frightened faces.

"What did you fin-"

"THERE'S NO TIME TO EXPLAIN! Shining Armor! Rally up the guards and prepare a kingdom wide search immediately!" Celestia ordered to Shining Armor, interrupting MacArthur.

"On it,"

"Luna contact Patton, have the expeditionary forces on full alert!" Celestia ordered again, as Luna nodded and flew to the air when Celestia turned towards Uncle Sam and General MacArthur.

"Is someone going to explain what's going on here!" MacArthur demanded.

"Gold Star and Yates were kidnapped, I don't know who or why, but when we find them they will answer for whatever they plan to do to them and what they did to my ponies!"

Celestia then flew up to the air leaving MacArthur, Uncle Sam, and Twilight in the area.

Twilight for some reason felt something in her that told her to act at once, so she turned and spoke with her own Canterlot tone.

"Whatever you do do it now!" She ordered.

"We will, but what about you?" Uncle Sam asked.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that I will find them myself!"

She raised her wings and flew off to the distance leaving Uncle Sam and MacArthur by themselves which made Uncle Sam smirk.

"Alright then, General!" Uncle Sam requests.

"Yes?" Replied MacArthur.

"Get me... The green berets, immediately,"

"Right away sir," replied MacArthur.

Twilight Sparkle and the the woman with her 6 men were now at a stand off with each other as Twilight lit her horn in combat readiness.

"Well.. This will probably be it for us," I whispered to Gold Star.

"Don't think that way, atleast we're being rescued," Gold Star replied.

"By a Alicorn?" I scoffed "Oh please.. I've seen enough cop shows to know where this is going," I whispered in reply.

"And how exactly does this go?" Gold Star asked in a whisper.

"Well basically-"

"KILL THAT ALICORN!" Shouted the women in a order, as the troops under her command reacted and fired their MP-40s at the purple princess.

Twilight Sparkle watched as the bullets skewed right past her mane giving her the sense of dread of being killed by the hand of advanced but dangerous humans that serve under whoever orders them around, Twilight thought of what tactic she'll need to use in order to defeat them.

She activates her shield magic which deflected the hellfire of bullets from getting to her by the tens before the soldiers held their fire in confusion, this gives Twilight the window of opportunity to take advantage and quickly opened her shield and flew up towards the sky and dive bombed them with her own hell fire amount of lethal magic of the enemy, but to avoid death she aimed for their shoulders or legs.

Two were infront of one another when she fired her first shot at the enemy which blasted right through their shoulders and pushed them violently towards the wall, but as they hit their backs on the wall they dropped their guns giving me the perfect idea of how to get out of this mess, but first I got the get me and the captain out of bondage.

"Hey Gold Star!" I whispered.


"Use your horse teeth and bite the ropes."



"Did you literally call me a horse.."

"What else am I gonna call you? A pony? This is fucking life or death for crying out loud!"

"Ehhh.. Good point, but we really got to talk about species naming here."

As I pointed my tied hands towards his mouth he immediately got to buisness and started biting on the rope when one of Twilights missed shots narrowly blasted his head off.


"It'd be nice if I get help!" Responded Twilight, dodging the bullets from the soldiers and firing off her spells at the enemy.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSE TO DO MISS PRINCESS! IT'S NOT LIKE WE'LL BE MIRACULOUSLY BE FREED FROM PURE LUCK!" I shouted back, before Suddenly a MP-40 bullet ripped through one of the ropes that tied my hands together, freeing me from my bondage.

"Holy shit! That was luck!" Gold Star said, as bullets flew all over place when they impacted Twilights shield.

"Damn... What were the odds of that?" I asked myself.

"No clue but less talking more fighting, Twilight! We're coming!" Gold Star yelled, as I grabbed a knife from my belt and sliced the rope off of his hooves which now left me and Gold Star free, I then looked at the two guys still knocked out unconscious and grabbed their guns that they've dropped.

"Do you know how to work these?" I asked.

"I think you're suppose to pull this back when reloading, but it seemed to be loaded already and I doubt these guys expected a fight like this since I can't find a damn extra mag' so we'll need to make every shot count," Gold Star observed, as I passed the MP-40 rifle to him.

"Good call," I replied. "Lets show this bitch what to!"

As me and Gold Star got our wits together Twilight Sparkle made her charge at the last 2 soldiers when the woman officer grabbed a Lugar from her belt and shot a round on Twilight and pierced her right wing causing her to fall flat on the ground.

She got up but was in pain and horror when she saw her wing had been penetrated by the bullet but she was quickly drawn towards the woman who pointed her pistol at Twilight face.

"How unfortunate, you know a certain changeling spoke highly of you, and even offered to teach you herself if you haven't sided with Celestia," The woman smirked, which Twilight glared at her with the face of defiance as she got back on her four hooves

"Chrysalis made a mistake that day when she released my friends! Her evilness will ultimately destroy her and the subjects that she leads, but if we both make it out then you may pass this to Rommel when I mean well by warning that he still has a chance to leave Chrysalis while he still can-"

Immediately Twilight was grabbed and slammed against the harden brick wall with the woman's sharp fingernails cutting her skin as the woman growled in rage.

"No one tells Rommel anything! And you will be the one to die here now and today!"

But before she shot her pistol in Twilight's gut me and Gold Star killed and slaughtered all of her 6 men who now lay on the ground bleeding and torn, we then pointed our new guns towards her, it was however in that moment when I saw Gold Star in a strange face that I never see in a pony.. A face full of murder and anger, I didn't know what it was... But the day I'm in now would be the day that I understood something else...

"Let.. Her.. Go.." He subtly ordered, pressing on the tight trigger.

"No one orders me other than-"

*BANG* screeched the MP-40 rifle as the bullet pierced right in the women's left leg as she screeched in pain so loud I almost dropped my gun and covered my ears.

Talk about a drama queen.


As she stopped screaming and attempted to scrawl away, Twilight got on her hooves and we both noticed Gold Star hasn't acknowledged that the rifle's magazine was out, but he kept on pressing on the trigger as if something traumatized him or worse..

"Gold Star it's empty," I said, but no reply, as the women was trying to lift herself up on her feet.

"HEY! HELLO!? THE GUN IS EMPTY!" I shouted, but still.. No reply.

After a struggle to stand up, women was now standing with one leg and glared at Twilight Sparkle who was still pressing in her flesh wound that the bullet pierced in through, the women then chuckled.

"Fair game Twilight, next we meet! You will not survive, until then. SIEG HEIL!"

The woman then limped to the dark part of the alley way where she disappeared from our sights, Twilight noticed that Gold Star still hasn't moved at all the whole time since he shot the women in the leg, Twilight slowly reached for Gold Star's foreleg and lowered it to the ground.

"It's alright," she said. "She's been beat."

Gold Star dropped the gun and sat on his rump in a sigh of breath as he looked at Twilight and smiled.

"Is that date still on?" He chuckled.

As me, Gold Star, and Twilight Sparkle got up massive amount of footsteps came right towards us and shouted while pointing their distinctive M4 Assualt rifles towards us.

"GET ON THE GROUND! A.G.B!" Shouted a Green Beret officer, as Twilight lit her horn I quickly blocked her view with my hand and Gold Star got infront and shouted


The Staff Sergeant lowered his gun and hand signaled one of his men to secure the three.

"It's them Willy," reported the Corporal.

"Copy, so if they're there, then where the hell is the threat?" He asked, as medics passed by the armed men to check for wounds, injuries, and bleedings that may have happened on me, Gold Star, and Twilight Sparkle.

"You want to know the threat Sergeant? Look at the men behind us." I said, pointing at the now rotting carcasses of the dead men.

The Sergeant nodded and immediately he and his men went passed us to examine the dead soldiers that me and Gold Star had brutally killed during the clash in the alley way.

"Damn... Going to be a bloody story for me to tell my daughter about," Said the Corporal, looking at the dead men.

"Eh, who knows maybe she'll be interested in it, Captain Gold Star, Lieutenant Yates, Uncle Sam has requested that you two stay in Ponyville until further notice, is that clear?" The Sergeant Willy relayed, while me and Gold Star were a bit drowsy after the whole shit show that occurred.

"You know after today.. It'd be nice to take a RnR right about now," said I

"You said it," replied Gold.

Base Alicorn: Ponyville, 8 hours later

"And with that ladies and Gentlecolts! The Equestrian games were a knockout! With Cloudsdale winning first place in the games, followed by second place the American Federation, and third place team Ponyville!-"

I turned the radio off, it was nice that my home country won second place in the games, sad that Ponyville lost but I don't think the ponies or locals don't really care about the games other than their own just having fun.

It has also been officially 8 hours 12 minutes and 30 seconds since the whole shit in the Crystal Empire, Gold Star seems to be enjoying the Air conditioner that's beside his bed, the whole shit was strange really, and I'm just waiting on Uncle Sam's word on whenever we can go off base or not.

But on the bright side, atleast I Aint a target with these people. (Despite me necking and pinning the Changeling Queen on the floor with a fatass Machine Gun on her gut)

But perhaps from it all I've learned one thing, and that is Twilight Sparkle is scary if she's after you, but that's if you do anything to piss her off.

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

"Huh, at this late? Dag damn can this not wait.." I grumbled, walking towards the door and opening it slightly, however there was no one? Unless if I looked down there's...

"Oh.. I didn't expect you to be here?"

"So I am in the right place then, is Gold Star here?" She asked.

"Oh yea, lemme get him, YO GOLD STAR! SPARKLE PANTS WANTS TO SEE YOU!" I shouted, joking around with Twilight's name, though she flattened her ears back in offense.

"What? I can't make a joke once in a while?"

While Twilight took my jokes as offensive Gold Star came to the door and was surprised.

"I'll take this one, you can go whatever you're doing," Gold insisted.

"If you insist cap, I won't disturb yall two, gon go waste my life with the magazines on my bed," I replied, walking back to my bed to read magazines that I bought from the daily articles while the captain closed the door behind him.

"It's just you and me now, what made you come here?" Gold Star asked.

"Well, it's just that ever since we've met on the day of diplomacy I've thought of you as a.. Usual.." Twilight slowly admitted, which kinda made Gold a bit out of touch with himself.

"A bit hurtful don't you think?"

"I know, I know, and I'm sorry to ever think that with you," Twilight Apologized, but Gold quickly caught on with her last words of that sentence being 'to ever think that' he decided to press forward and know what Twilight knows about him..

"...How.. So?"

"How so what?" Twilight questioned.

"How so that you're sorry to ever think of me as a usual? What exactly makes you say that?" Gold interrogated, which Twilight sighed and replied.

"Thinking back when we first met you've actually took interest with the things that I've loved, and what it was is books especially how you've perfectly described that one chapter in Starswirls book of spells! The only pony who actually cared about the knowledge I've read... But.."


"But it also had me thinking, why do you? A earth pony, like to read books mainly for unicorns and pegasi so much?"

"I mean, I've given you the answer before, I'm the captain of the 105th division! The division known to exterminate anything that interferes with foreign operations! From Z.I.T.S! To Yeti terrorist! And to other groups that dare harm others, but... It's also because I've took interest, not in what the spells or flight do how's, but the history of how and when they were made and comparative of what would've happened if we never had said spells, in fact if it wasn't for Starswirls light spells humanity would've never invented or thought of the light bulb in the first place! But... I wouldn't be surprised you would say something like that though.. I was told that my entire life, I guess.. No one appreciates what I like with these books in my own view... Maybe perhaps.. I'm different?"

As Gold looked at Twilight he felt very emotional as he rested his head on the wooden barriers on the side of his quarters front door, Twilight sighed.

"When I was only a little filly... I was told that given enough time and work I could become greater than I was back then, when I took this advice at heart and I've started to read my very first book, and that was a spell book that you've obviously read more than 10-" "11" "11 times, and it was what helped me start my journey to the point of what I would become to this day," Twilight paused, looking at the sky and the stars that lit the night.

"But that wasn't really what jumpstarted isn't it?" Gold asked, which Twilight closed her eyes and smiled.

"And you would be correct, if it wasn't for the rainbow boom we wouldn't have became close friends, if anything I would've failed the exam that day and... We would be mortal enemies instead of being friends.." Twilight gulped at the scenario she made up, but Gold rolled his eyes and smirked.

"Maybe, maybe not, but anything could've happened and it seems the managers in the sky had deemed a destiny for you and your friends and perhaps there could be something between us that management might deemed as, but before we can do that though... I might need to know a little more with your friends," Gold Star suggested.

"Good Idea!" Twilight cheered happily. "Maybe we can do that date still if you would like? What do you think?"

"I think tomorrow would do, what time?" Gold asked.

"Afternoon If that's fine with you? Right...."

"I think afternoon would do great," Gold Star smiled.

After the two said their goodbyes Gold came back inside of the room, by now I was asleep, buried with magazines on top of my face and a bottle of water that spilled on the floor.

Gold looked through the door hole where he saw Twilight flying out of his sight, after she had fully left he slid on the door with his back and slowly sat on the floor, he looked up and smiled before his main thoughts came in as he let out a sigh both happy but worry..

"She can't know... Nor can anyone else..."

Canterlot, Yuri's apartment

After looking through the footage of the events he had seen and recorded in the alley way, he was intrigued with his new enemy that he now faces, he was packing his things up when the phone ringed, it was from Dounivich...

He looked at the phone and noticed that Dounivich doesn't have his face on the profile picture, with curiosity Yuri answered the phone.

"Hello Dounivich, what do you have to say now?" Yuri questioned.

"What he has to say is that he is already dead," replied a female caller.

"Red Mother! I didn't expect you to call me, but why through Dounivich's phone number may I ask?" He asked.

"Because he has been removed from his position as my personal advisor for undermining orders, and also he was found dead in his apartment so now I have to find a new advisor, but that's not what I'm calling about, what I am calling about is that I've decided to put the operation of acquiring the staff and it's user to a end.." The Red Mother declared, shocking Yuri..

"Are you sure? Because I've already got a rivalry going on with the purple Alicorn," Yuri protested.

"We do not need to disturb the Americans as of now, there's a new threat that has now risen, and as we speak our soviet navy has already intercepted 2 ships with Prueben agents from the Changeling Lands, that's why you'll be assigned to not work with the Americans, but rather work incognito against potential intelligence attack on Equestria until further notice, is that clear Yuri?" The Red Mother asserted.

"Yes, our Red Mother, it shall be done..."

Vesalpolis, Changeling lands

A column of tanks, military cars, trucks, and other armored vehicles arrived to the central hive of Vesalpolis where the Queen watches down from her balcony with Rommel as they see what will soon be the Changeling's weaponry.

"It is a great honor to provide you further, but it's all I can spare at the moment until the blueprint convoy arrives to the ports of Dytrisium, after that we will also need to discuss on working on "consolidation" with the rivaling Queens and other changelings who opposes your rule," Rommel boasted, while Chrysalis looked at the human with a unimpressed face.

"My subjects would've been able to reunite the divided hives without your equipment, the equipment you brought us just quickened the progress," Chrysalis said in pride of her subjects.

"It's good to support your subjects, but with the equipment I've provided and trained them with, your army would be unstoppable compared to Equestria's incompetent one, the problem is though is this,"

Rommel gave Chrysalis a rolled up Newspaper that had the heading "Human-Pony Alliance" Chrysalis hovered her eyes all over the article, she growled in anger and shred it to pieces with her bare hooves and threw the pieces over the balcony..

"I was still reading that..."

"I don't give a Tartarus of what you were reading! THE NATION FILLED WITH THE WRETCHED PEST! THAT INTERFERED WITH MY PLANS IN CANTERLOT IS ALLYING WITH OUR GREATER ENEMY!" Chrysalis shouted lividly, while Rommel rolled his eyes.

"And to think that the changelings would be capable of taking over the city without any notice, but I guess all that is said and done when I can say you now understand why I came to your aid when you need it most don't you not?" Rommel asked in a formal affirm expression, as Chrysalis calmed herself a little and looked at him with a glare and then a smile.

"Very well, General Rommel."

Chrysalis chuckled and then laughed at the air as Rommel rolled his eyes in his usual 'I don't give a fuck' mood while planning on what to do with the American army command itself, if he can't sink the flag ship of America, then he'll just go for the ranks in charge themselves.

And there will be blood...

Moskva City, Rodinia

The Red Mother sat on her throne desk looking up at the air wondering about Yates, it would seem that she would thought of him as a spoiled American brat, but it would seem he has more discipline with himself when it came with first meetings and it would seem that it catched her attention.

While she pondered the things the elevator door opens and stepping out was Ogav, who was summoned by the Red Mother for a personal meeting, walked towards her desk and straightened himself to a honorable military salute and moralizing her title.

"Our Red Mother!"

The Red Mother raised from her seat and spoke.

"Please sit,"

Ogav obeyed and sat on the chair provided for visitors as the Red Mother grabbed a box at the end of her desk and then uncased a glass box that has a old SVT-40 rifle.

"Now stand up, and kneel," she commanded, which Ogav obeyed and got up from his seat and kneeled infront of the red clothed woman who then lifted the box and placing the gun barrel on Ogav's shoulders and spoke.

"In the might of the Republics of Soviet States, I declare thee, Ogalivich Volklav, Captain of the Red Army, you may rise," she says, as Ogav got up on his feet while the Red Mother opened the box and tooked out two medals and a rank patch, one medal was the order of Lenin, the other was the rarest of them all.

"The Order of Victory? In what stances?" He questioned.

"For ending a rebellion in Stalliongrad, and leading our men to victory in Arabia, while the Arabians continue to plot their counterattack on our allied government we wouldn't have the stronghold in Zebrica if it wasn't for your expertise, captain," The Red Mother smiled, putting the other medal on Ogav's chest as he saluted with pride.

"Thank you! Our Red Mother!"

"Dismissed comrade Captain, I'd like to see more victories like them," The Red Mother smiled and waved at the now promoted Captain of the Soviet army.

Suddenly a phone rings on her desk, she walks up to her desk and picks up the phone.

"I assume you know where he is?" She asked.

"Yes Our Red Mother, we found him.."

"Then I also assume that Tirek is on the move."

Author's Note:

Proofreading by: Polak23

Art by: Lancaster

This is the longest chapter in the story so far, so to celebrate this type of feat..

Here have a art design of the secondary main character Ogav:

(Gold Star design coming soon)

Cya next chapter!