• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,557 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...

Secrets, and Foes (Tirek Arc Part 1)

Base Alicorn: Ponyville, 8:23 PM, ETZ

As I was coming back from making a water run to pick up the two gallons of water that was ordered by Colonel Alex Twilight Sparkle was walking by me, of course I don't know what to do when a princess walks by as I would usually just wave and smile, which I did.

"Sup," I said.

"Hi," she replied, and then just walking by like nothing happened.

Like I said, the smile and wave tactic never fails me, or was that shoot first questions later?

I don't know I Aint no monarchist I'm a demarchist, and I just realized that's not even a word... Hm.. Oh well atleast I tried to rhyme that right, (Probably not..) but anyways tonight was Gold and Twilight's date tonight though I would assume by date as in to get each other known, but as much as I would like to third wheel these dates I have to make up Gold Star's military shift because of the date and the one part of Gold Star's shift was to carry the two gallons back to base without no type of transportation or nothing-

"You do realize you could've used the jeep right," Colonel Alex elaborated, as I looked to see a JLTV at the literal gate waiting for a driver.

"Oh.. I didn't see that," I replied.

"Well the important thing is you did got the water, and maybe some strength muscles, I think that should be good for the night," Alex added.

"So, is this rumor true about Gold Star in a secret relationship with Twilight?" I asked.

"That's the most bullshit of a rumor I've ever heard, if anything Gold Star is anti-social, and last I heard so was Twilight Sparkle, if anything just give it tonight and I bet the rumor will collapse immediately," Alex proudly said looking up at the sky when I pointed.

"Nice speech and all, but just as you said that the couples train left the station," I was informed.


Alex turned and saw Gold Star opening the Humvee door and allowed Twilight to sit on the passenger seat and then got in the Humvee himself and drove off into the town of Ponyville, he looked very blank.

"Soooo... You were sayin-"

"Not another word Lieutenant.. Not another word,"

Meanwhile, as the Colonel starts questioning his own life decisions, Gold Star pulls up to the place that he and Twilight were about to finally meet up at..

Wait, sugar cube corner? Am I typing this right? Huh, I guess Gold Star is about to have a hell of a time then...

As Gold Star stepped down from the jeep and opened the passenger door to the right of the driver's seat for Twilight he gazed upon of what looks very colorful, maliciou- I mean delicious, and clownish, but atleast to Gold Star's eyes that it was more of a pleasant sight for him than it is to my eyes.

"Watch your step," he said, as he assisted her down from the jeep all gentlemen.

"Isn't that usually what my friends would call a flirt?" Twilight sarcastically asked.

"Nah, I thought to be a bit of a gentlecolt once in a while," said Gold Star, not knowing what he was saying.

The two were now awkwardly silent, nothing but the other ponies having their part-night stroll through the town, atleast was until SHE showed up.

"HELLO!" Shouted a... Pink pony, as the two panicked like cats trying to run for cover.

"OH! SORRY ABOUT THAT! I'M SUPPOSED TO MAKE IT! Smoooooth-just like Rarity asked me to do!"

As Gold Star was grabbing his grip Twilight grabbed hers and introduced Pinkie Pie to Gold Star.

"Gold Star, this is Pinkie Pie, Pinkie, this is Gold Star,"

"Nice to meet you?" Gold Star greeted, extending his hoof towards Pinkie who then violently shakes it up to the point of beating his body to the ground.

Twilight lifted Gold Star off the ground and placed him back on the ground and then questioned.

"What do you mean just like Rarity asked you to do?"

"Oh yeaaaa! Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, aaaand Fluttershy are hiding in that bush right behind you!" Pinkie babbled, as Twilight turned towards the bush and lifted the bush revealing her four friends, oh and Spike.

"What are you all doing?" Twilight asked, placing the five back on the ground.

"Eh, I thought you said it was a date?" Spike questioned towards Rarity.

"Well darling! That's what Twilight had told me it was!" Rarity said in confusion.

"Well your plan awfully went 'according to plan' what exactly did you expect Pinkie pie to do? She can't keep secrets ya know?" Applejack pointed out.

"And I do NOT! Feel guilty about it!" Pinkie Pie cheerfully said.

"Yeaa, we can talk about Rarity and her 'fantastic' plan and actually know who exactly this guy is?!" Rainbow Dash interjected.

"I think Rarity's plan could've worked," Whispered Fluttershy.

Immediately the girls started arguing about Rarity's plan and Twilight's date; it went from gossip to pure frustration to total argument filled yelling.

"Does this happen much often between you and your friends?" Gold Star speculated, in which Twilight sighed.

"So much for first impression," she then turned towards her friends that were arguing, (except for Fluttershy and Spike) and yelled out. "ENOUGH!"

The girls quickly got silent and Twilight cleared her throat.

"Gold Star, these are my friends, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and the one that jumped out at us is Pinkie," Twilight introduced, as her friends waved their hooves at Gold Star, who he waved right back.

"Greetings, I've heard about you all back in my home country about your accomplishments and teamwork, being up close and personal and it seems there is something more than meets the eye," Gold Star expressed himself.

"Oooh, such poetics!"

"Not to bother, but I reckon that we get to know more with each other?" Applejack suggested.

"I think that's a fine idea darling, if Twilight approves?" Rarity added.

"Well?" Twilight asks. "What do you think?"

"I think it's always best to get to know others, but first, lets get inside before the mosquito's start swarming us," Gold Star insisted, and the group went inside of sugar cube corner.


The biggest submarine in all of Rodinia was at the coast of Stalliongrad on a patrol ordered by Admiral Korkovi of the Soviet fleet.

The Soviet submarine is captained by Vasili Arkhipov, who was overseeing the patrols being very effective, with no oncoming naval vessel other than fishing ships from the ports of Petershoof, or Stalliongrad naval forces conducting their own patrol around the seas.

The captain was drinking his morning Joe when his private phone rang at the command office of the Submarine.

"Captain Vasili speaking,"

"Your patrol period has ended, you are now instructed to report back to the Petershoof ports for maintenance, and then start setting sail for Moskva for inspection," ordered admiral Korkovi.

"Ponyal, dasvidaniya." Acknowledged the captain.


As he hangs up the phone he goes towards the stern of the submarine and gives the order.

"Admiral just called, head for port and start refueling, we head for Moskva at dawn."

"Aye aye Captain," acknowledged his first mate, as she turned the submarine and made the turn back to port.

Ever since the short but costly conflict in Petershoof the Rodinian's army had kept their presence jointly with the Stalliongrad army, construction was a torture to the workers considering that they had to clean the ashes of Artillary shells that blew craters into the streets, and the tough part of all was the tank and vehicle wreckage remains.

What was worse though was burying the dead, while the Harmonic resistance in Stalliongrad was crushed it left massive concern within the Soviet party and with the head of the council killed is created a power vacuum for the party, and while that they called for the deaths of the rebels to make a example of them, if it wasn't for the Rodinian guarantee that was created the R.I.B. and the military police enforced the deal that Ogav has miraculously struck with the rebel leaders.

Despite this, the only parts that remained unscathed by the Artillery was the coastal site, there were ponies carrying their fillies to camps established by humanitarian aid companies sponsored and authorized by the Rodinian Soviet council who were sympathetic to getting the helpless back on their hooves.

As the submarine finally docked the captain came out of the submarine and breathed in the great fresh air that he had longed for the moment he ducked his head inside the submarine and into the cramped space a.k.a. claustrophobic ridden hulls.

And compared the outside to the insides of the submarine.

"Yep, surface is more better.." he said, climbing off from the Submarine hatch and onto solid ground while his crew started conducting maintenance checks on the submarine he walked towards a group of officers who looked concerned as they were conversing with each other when he heard jet flybys in the sky, it weirded him out because usually exercises were only conducted in February and that was 2 months ago, so he went to the group and asked.

"Did you see that too or am I imagining things?" Vasili asked, surprising the conversating officers.

"Captain Vasili? Shouldn't you be back on patrol?" Asked an officer.

"Well, I was ordered back here, is there something wrong?" He asked.

"Captain, I don't think you've received anything yet, but we've been placed on red alert status?" The officer replied, catching the submarine captain off guard from his words.

"What?? But we just got back from our patrol. How could we be in a red alert status?" He questioned.

"You might wanna read this, Captain.."

Washington city

"Red Alert status? From Rodinia? Can we confirm this?" Asked Reagan.

"Mr. President I've had it checked two times straight in a row, I didn't believe it myself at first but it would seem that confidence is high and that the Soviets may know something that we don't, sir," The F.I.U. Agent replied, which placed Reagan in a strange spot.

"Alright, but how far extended is this Red Alert?" Reagan asked.

"It seems sir, that the entire airspace around Stalliongrad and parts of it's border is currently being patrolled by Soviet aircraft, we also have radio chatter about a name called 'Tirek' possibly a code name sir," the agent reported.

"Tirek? You mean the Tirek? Or just Tirek as in some sort of terrorist organization that martyrs that name?"

"We have no further information on that sir, other than the name," The Agent shrugged.

"Very well then, dismissed."

As the F.I.U. Agent saluted and left the room. George Bush and Reagan looked directly at each other with concern.

"Something's not right here, if the Soviets were to talk about Tirek and then panic over Stalliongrad you would take it as a fib if there weren't reports of Soviet jets violating Equestrian or Griffonian airspace," Bush questioned with concern, as Reagan nodded firmly.

"Perhaps a phone call with Brezhnev is the best option for this sort of problem?" Bush added, but Reagan shook his head.

"As long as he specifically is in office I will make no phone calls with him, instead I will contact Uncle Sam to see if he can clear this up," Reagan suggested, as he reached for his phone when a postal delivery guy arrived at his office with a document made from the pentagon military command.

"Hm.. I wonder what general MacArthur wants this time? It better not be the AbramsX budget argument again, congress had already dismissed it for good reasons, plus he never even gave the variant two a chance, something I'm definitely going to increase after today along with the Bradley's," Reagan articulated, as he opened the document and looked through it when he sees the one sentence quoting.

"In accordance with repeated violations of territorial airspace, we have set for Defcon 3, respond to this message immediately."

The Post delivery man then left the room as Reagan read the document from the Pentagon.

"Hmm... That may not be a good sign, how about this, while I get in contact with strategic military command to have them authorize the newest F-16 fighters to scramble around the Equestrian-Stalliongrad Air space, which I'm glad they got working now, have the media and congress informed about the situation but keep the defcon level confidential, we don’t want the public to panic over a possibility of open war," Reagan ordered.

"Very well Mr. President," Bush acknowledged, leaving Reagan with his phone that's dialing the Pentagon.

"Department of defense, how may I help you?" Asked a feminine voice.

"This is President Ronald Reagan, I'd like to speak with General MacArthur,"

Crystal city, a day later

Patton was outside in the Crystal city with his regiment, awaiting for the arrival of the Maretonia diplomats that are scheduled to meet the princesses of Equestria in a top secret meeting regarding a potential military assault on soviet held territory.

An operation America will never do considering the potential consequences of it.

That's why when the royalty of Arabia seek refuge in the nation of Maretonia the Duke and Duchess of nation conversated and agreed to launch a counter assault against the Rodinian puppeted Arabia, and so they planned a diplomatic trip to Equestria to discuss the potential of a operation and perhaps some other classified political matters that'll need to be discussed.

But what is Patton doing? Standing in front of the Crystal-American expedition brigade with rows of M60s that replaced the outdated Sherman's and as for the troops that dedicated the rest of their lives to protect the city even unto old age were equipped and refitted with the finest American weaponry that the arsenal could offer.

While of course it took about a year for it to completely transfer let alone additional training with the soldiers and refitting, they're also still awaiting for newer Self-propelled Artillery weapons that are still being transferred along with additional radios and new supply equipment, this also meant that some of his men still has Semi-auto rifles.

But it was all in the day's work for Patton, as he worked to have his expedition pint up as fast as possible, of course he has yet to catch up on the latest tactics that the modern day world has to offer.

But as he waited on the dukes and the duchess and other Maretonian officials he started to get bored and looked at his watch which was quarter till, and the Arabian leaders and still the diplomats had not arrived yet.

"Mi amore could've told me they were going to be late, oh well, my men could use some vitamin d for fucking off recently, now for the the matter with Holt Martavias, I swear to god, he has spirit, but too much," Patton told himself, when he caught a glimpse of ponies from the horizon, looking afar at the distance he sees 7 pastel colored ponies and a small dragon.

"Damn, and I thought they were them," Patton said to himself, continuing to look at the distant horizon.

And as he stood there he decided to listen in on the mares conversation to pass the time while pretending he didn't hear them though he started to catch on the conversation as the familiar southern pony started saying.

"How exactly is that different than smiling' and waving' not like a princess?"

"It isn't," the lavender princess replied, while Patton so far heard that apparently the purple Alicorn pony who miraculously became one and a princess is apparently self-doubting herself.

-talk about pity- he thought.

Last time someone self-doubted themselves he smacked them in the helmet with his hand and cursed at him and they would self-doubt no more, of course to killing Sombra's mind controlled army back in the Human-Crystal war, but with that year old war out of the way he found himself more of the chief of police than a general, even though he did conducted some military based operations in the mountains.

The yellow pegasus noticed the worry and emotion and asked.

"What's wrong Twilight?"

"Why the Looooooooooong face!" the pink one bubbled, stretching the one named Twilight's face like taffy.

"I've just been feeling a little unsure about things lately, it doesn't seem that my new role as a princess equates to all that much," the pony fretted, making Patton roll his eyes after hearing such ignorance.

"That's just silly," Applejack viewed. "You've got a really important role in Equestria!"

"Princess Celestia wouldn't have asked you to come if she didn't think so," Fluttershy contended, before Patton had enough of the bullshit he was hearing and stepped in front of the group, cleared his throat, and said.

"You know, hearing the conversation makes me want to shit, but I can't shit because if I do shit then some fucker is going to interrupt my privacy to tell me that I am needed back to my men, and if I get interrupted someone is getting slapped, and if I slap someone then some other son of a bitch will court martial me and then he get’s slapped."

The Mane 6 stared at him with confusion when Patton then clarifies.

"The point is, let's say this, I was hand picked to be a general of this army, I enjoyed it, I've embraced it, and I've done the duty as one for the honor of my country, now as for your situation however, you were rewarded to be the Alicorn of the nation, and so far you've loath it, you've kicked it, and yet instead of doing a duty as one you've completely complained about your responsibility," Patton voiced.

Twilight sighed at Patton's words and response.

"I've never complained about the responsibility handed to me, but.. I did started to have doubts for my role of being princess of Equestria other than smile and wave.."

Twilight looked back at Rarity, who was nervously chuckling when Patton cleared him throat again and grabbed Twilight’s attention with his scenario.

"And being alive in case something serious happened, like say a crazy bastard running towards Celestia and slaps his shit across the backside of her head and kills her with a stick of shit, what happens now?" Patton riddled.

"What type of scenario is that! Celestia would see hi-"

"Answer the question, I don't have time for shitty opinions!" Patton interjected.

"I- L-Luna would take Celestia's place as ruler of Equestria," Twilight answered, while her friends murmured in the background.

"Mhm... Now lets say somehow lightning struck her during mid flight and she landed on the rocky ground below face first flat now who's in charge?" Patton riddled again.

"What type of scenarios are they! Do you not think about other types of scenarios other than-!"

"These are scenarios, don't take them seriously now answer the damn question!"

"Okay, okay... Well... Cadence would take in charge of Equestria, but she already has a kingdom to rule, and I doubt Shining Armor would take her place which would leave..." Twilight suddenly realizes what Patton was basically telling her, the importance of her position as princess through heirness, she answers the old experience general with one simple word.


Patton smirked in exceeding pride. "About fucking time, now go on and scram before I have to hear any of this conversation even more," Patton chuckled, in which the mane 6 walked by him with ridiculed faces except for Twilight who seemed to have now been teached a valuable lesson.

"Who does that guy think he is? Celestia and Luna could never die from something that stupid!" Rainbow Dash criticized.

"Ehh, I think that's kind of the point of his useless scenarios. I think he just wanted us to shut up," Applejack insisted.

"Eh, he's an old man so that's probably not his fault for his age," Spike retorted while looking at Twilight. "Do you even understand any of his human nonsense?" Spike questioned, which Twilight looked at him with an aggravated stare which means to just be quiet.

Patton looked as the Mane 6 entered the Crystal tower with a slight smile to his face while one of his officers came to him while being guarded with Royal guard ponies with a report.

"General, we've been given orders."

"From who?" Patton asked.

"The mainland defense sir, we've been ordered to.. Remain in Crystal City for further instructions?" The officer informed.

Patton looked around 360 degrees looking at the crystallized buildings, structures, Crystal heart and the castle, and looked at the officer with the report with the face that says “Are you stupid.”
"We really have lazy ass drunks for messengers don't we... Have my reply be, oh we're definitely remaining in Crystal City alright, just ask when the hell are you going to figure that out!" Patton phrased with aggravation.

"Umm.. Are you sure you want to send that sir?"

"Yes, word for word, do not miss a single one," Patton ordered.

"Understood, general" replied the officer with a shaky voice, walking back to the communications array.

26 minutes later

After an excruciating wait the trumpets finally sounded from the distance and the crowd had formed for the arrival of the diplomatic leaders and heads of Maretonia.

"About time," he said to himself, looking at his right for the oncoming diplomats as a royal guard announced.

"The Duke and Duchess of Maretonia!"

As the Duke and Duchess walked by Patton's 3rd army regiment one of the Maretonian generals who are attended in the trip looked at the well equipped soldiers and the M60s with other regimental officers wedging on Patton's side and Military Police personal standing silent as their own royal guard along with other diplomats from Humarica who are authorized to spectate and conversate with the leaders.

The Maretonian extended his hoof towards Patton and the two shook hands and hoof together in then after, the Maretonian general walked back towards the center of the Crystal castle in the middle of the city where princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadence met with the Duchess and Duke while Twilight unveiled the Equestrian banner which made Patton tilt his head a bit but shrugged as the diplomacy begins.

approximately several hours later


A crowd of stalliongrad ponies gathered around the streets from the refugee camps as sounds of motor vehicles were heard throughout the city, they watched as Rodinian special forces onboard Ural transport trucks drove through the streets of the city with military officers, leading this convoy of vehicles through the city as the denizens gaze at the sudden arrival of their allied army specially trained to kill, the ponies of Petershoof meanwhile assumes that it's probably a surprise parade but in reality, they've yet to know what's really going on around Equestria or their homeland...

Colonel Perov Volinsky lead his men to the camp which was garrisoned by a T-72 tank and standard infantry mixed with Rodinian and Stalliongrad pony species, as he passed by the garrison who paused and saluted to the Colonel left and right, he then ordered his men to pause and to unload the equipment which he then turned towards a trailer which is the forward operations base of the Petershoof construction and enforcement.
.General Cogwheel Ponyarchuk was filing the reports about the Rodinian deployment and the report that was fully confirmed that Tirek has reemerged after thousands of years, it was then that the door was knocked and the pony General called.

"Come in."

The door opened and the Colonel stepped inside and gazed around the trash filled trailer full of empty cups, vodka bottles, and files.

"Well this certainly takes officers' mess to a newer meaning," the Colonel assessed.

"Yea well, that's because the party had me work overtime last ni- well.. If it isn't Colonel Perov, what brings you to my camp?" The General greeted, shaking the Colonel's hand.

"A place to sleep, rest, eat, and plan, sounds simple no?" The Colonel replied.

"Well, you're welcomed here by many, comrade Ponies, Griffons, and Thestrials! Of course we'll give you a place to sleep, of course the thing was I wasn't informed about your deployment?" The General informed.

"That's because I have the information here," the Colonel showed a movement order to the General who scanned every word inch by inch and nodded.

"All seems good, now what I need to know is, what other information do I need to know?" The General questioned.

"In the will of the Red Mother the one name Tirek is on his way to this city, as we speak he maybe sucking everyone of their magic like a vacuum cleaner, and the Red Mother has ordered, dead or alive, though if you want the bigger cash I'd go with dead," the Colonel explained.

"A bounty? On Tirek? She must be very... Odd to put a bounty on someone who was banished for a thousand years, but I doubt we'll keep him alive, another question is why? Why is he attacking here?" Cogwheel asked.

"I have no clue as to why he's coming here other than his motives, revenge, and power, and it would seem he's accomplishing one of the others just by hearing the news," Perov further explained.

"But what does this have to do with us though! We aren't apart of the imperialist south of our border!"

"That's because my fellow high ranking officer, the damn guy was banished before Stalliongrad existed at all, or the birth of my homelands, he considers Stalliongrad still a part of Equestria," Perov explained.

"Colonel.. You're scaring the hell out of me right now, does your intelligence know where he is?" Cogwheel asked.

"Do you have a map of Stalliongrad I can use?" Perov asked.

"Yea, right there," pointed Cogwheel at the old map of Stalliongrad with the map key still intact it would seem as Perov grabs a yellow marker.

"This is us here in Stalliongrad, at the south of here the R.I.B. had reported that Tirek is currently enroute to us right here, within let's say 2 to 6 hours he will be arriving to us and start sucking the hell out of everyone here except for us," Perov explained as Cogwheel looked closer.

"You really need better handwriting Colonel," the General criticized.

"Never my talent, but you can see how close he is from us General," the Colonel emphasizes..

"I see, surely your tanks could deal with him right?" Cogwheel asked.

"Unfortunately we only have two tanks at our disposal as the other tanks had been recalled for operation missions in Griffonia, but nonetheless while they enjoy those damned birds and their beer and sausages we'll be fighting the one guy with infantry only, unless of course Ogav might lend us a hand but without additional heavy support I feel like we’ll be blown to pieces by whatever magic power this beast has, " the Colonel explained, making Cogwheel go into plan mode.

"Then how about this, if we can start building up trenches, machine guns, motor trenches, and guerilla defenses then perhaps given enough fire power he might leave knowing that he'll be torn the shreds."

"I see what you're planning here General, but what if he doesn't turn back after the hellfire of bullets?" Colonel Perov asked.

"If he doesn't turn back, then we will then go to phase 2, unleash all we got, he may sound tough, but I Ain't afraid of blowing his body apart piece by piece!"

“Then we have a lot of work ahead of us.”

Ponyville, 1:20 PM ETZ,Base Alicorn

Gold Star had been working intensely lately since the date, while I was chilling on the bed playing with a rubber ball the Colonel barges inside the room like a swat raid scaring the shit out of both of us, mainly with Gold Star having his back fur fluff up like a cat.

"Do you HAVE! To barge in the room!" Gold Star complained.

"Yea... What do you need, sir?"

Colonel Alex straightened his tie and threw the military orders on Gold Star's desk and then signaled me over to come to the desk in which I did, me, Gold Star, and Alex looked at the order with concern..

"Huh.. Apparently some guy named Tirek is wreaking havoc on cities, hm, probably a tantrum," I said in my opinion, which the two looked at me with annoyed faces.


"I don't think you know about Tirek," Gold Star assumed.

"Welp, say that towards me too, because I have no idea who he is either," Alex said while crossing his arms, while Gold Star raised his hoof up and then realized he didn't know who he was either.

"Man, neither do I.. Come to think of it? I have no clue who or what he is, other than just the name which sounds a bit intimidating, kinda sounds like Tyrannical, or something?" Gold Star scratched his mane thinking what Tirek could be.

"Well it seems that command wants him gone, so I guess we'll follow orders then?" I suggested.

"Nah, if they want him gone that would mean he knows tactics and I Ain’t underestimating him," Gold Star pointed out.

"Yea.. That is odd they want to take out one being, I guess we'll need to follow through with the orders and start planning, as soon as we actually know who he really is, Gold Star, I assume your girlfriend has any knowledge of him?" Alex asks.

"Well I think she does- wait.. Did you just say girlfriend!?" Gold Star said insultingly.

"Yea? Got a problem with that captain?" Alex replied, knowing that Gold Star won't gnash out of spite because of the phrase 'girlfriend' which Gold Star abruptly stopped his sudden aggravation to annoyance.

"No... I'll see if Twilight knows, but don't think I'll forget that!" Gold Star warned, leaving the building with me and Alex.

"Sure, we'll see," Alex smirked.

"I think I'll go with him, just for something for me to do," I insisted.

"Go on ahead Lieutenant," Alex authorized, turning to his own work and looking at the order and staring directly at the name Tirek.

"Now just who the hell are you supposed to be??"


As Gold Star angrily walked towards the jeep I came running and called his name, he paused and looked behind him to see me running towards him and then stopping.

"Decided to join me?" He reckoned.

"Well, what am I gonna do? Collect dust and figure out who Tirek is? Or go with the captain and get fucking autographs from the legends themselves?" I exclaimed, which he smirked and threw his keys towards me.

"You drive Lieutenant," he ordered.

"Aye, aye captain," I replied, boarding the driver's seat of the Humvee and started the vehicle up waiting for Gold Star to board when I noticed he grabbed two side arms and a MP5 submachine gun from the armory and hoisted one of the side arms on his chest and slipped the submachine gun in one of his satchels.

"I don't think we're in any danger going up there you know?" I was assured of myself.

"Trust me, after some nights with Twilight you learn that it's best to keep a pistol with you at all times, you can never know what stuff could happen around her," Gold Star noted, while I cranked the car stick to drive.

"Duly noted then," I said in a sigh, when Gold Star handed me a Colt 45’ and signaled me to drive towards the road down to Ponyville and into potential autographs we went.

While me and Gold Star were heading towards Ponyville I decided to start the conversation, mainly the relation between Gold Star and Twilight Sparkle, a bit wrong for a Colonel to tease like that, but I guess that's what happens when you choose presidential mission over military chores.

"So, how are you and Twilight going anyways? With personal diplomacy still being in effect I can safely assume that you two are doing well?" I asked.

"Yeah, but there's something I've never yet told her about that's been bothering me the whole time," Gold Star admitted.

"Ahh, a secret! Please tell me I do love secrets and then forget them," I've personally admitted.

"Well it would kinda stay a secret if you forget them, all though I suppose that's kinda the point of one, but this one is something you will never forget, so no, sorry," Gold Star denied.

"Oh.. Sorry to hear that then, kinda sucks hope this trip better be worth it,"

"But you are getting autographs aren't you not?" Gold Star chuckled.

"Heh, to be honest I was just gonna chill with them, a bit weird to be asking civilians for autographs to be honest," I said in my opinion.

"Yea but, they are the mane 6 aren't they? After all they have the power of the elements, of course since the incident from the everfree, which by the way, loooong time ago."


"They've just been hanging out like they do have them when really they don’t have them at all! I mean I Aint trying to sound power hungry or jealous but I'm just saying,"

"Yea, yea, I can see where you're progressing at, but if you look through their view it's basically the average citizen, while they're friends with the daggum princess of Equestria they like to live with their lives to, it's basically like Celestia told me some time ago when we were at the negotiation meeting before Reagan announced the personal diplomacy."

2 weeks earlier, Canterlot Castle

At the start I've watch the party goers go, and going, y'know, usual cider drinks and whatnot, well it was when I bumped into a blue pegasus that cursed me with every foul language in the book and attempted to ram me before being caught by this orange earth pony who called herself.

"Woah there partner, sorry about that sir, Rainbow is a bit aggravated today,"

"What? No, I'm not Applejack! You're just saying that so I wouldn't-"

"Punch my skull? Yea I've heard that before," I'd said which was kinda very awkward that day since we decided to negotiate and stuff and well it would seem that I've yet to befriend Twilight's friends, so hey I thought to myself why not befriend them!

"You know I kinda think rainbow colored manes match well with a blue fur Pegasus don't you think?" I spoke to a wall..

"Uhh, partner that's a wall."

"Yea I think I know that now.. But say I Aint bored here other than the cider, very tasty, compliments to the producers who made it, ;)"

"Hold on! Hold on!"


"I can't tell if you're trying to seduce them or not, but if anything I don't think they'll be that easily fooled, especially when you're talking to the element of Honesty and Loyalty... Also, can we just get to the point!" Gold Star interrupted the perfectly good flashback sequence.


Well just for Mr. "I hate flashbacks" me and Celestia met up at the cider table where me and her conversed about some stuff..

"How important stu-"

"Shut up and listen!"

So me and Celestia chuckled at one funny part of the important discussion.

"Oh dear Mr. Yates! I think I broken my voice box because that's the most funniest thing I've ever heard!!"

"Hehe yea, especially how random people tried a milkshake and just fucking die!"

As Celestia swiped her tears from extreme laughter she went into a more serious mode, but kept her smile.

"You know, I don't think nopony knows, but whether or not they're all just average denizens."

"Huh, really? I guess I'll just call you citizen Celestia then ey?" I've obviously joked and she nodded without laughter but rather a sigh.

"Oh you're a bit serious about that..."

"It's only been a thousand years and when you've lived this long you start to see more into the truth of life, all heroes, legends, and warriors had started out as denizens, whether they deny it or not they still live as one."Celestia expressed, which had left me deepened a bit.

"They may have a purpose in their destiny, but deep down they still want to live their average lives to the fullest."

"And then she received that letter from the Eclipse brigade guys about how they tried to ruin her kingdom, and then without no regard for the phrase “Don’t shoot the messenger,” she slapped the messenger, and I think he was a lieutenant? Because the guy pointed at him after she asked who was a higher rank was probably the captain," I've finished.

"Hm, I guess there are some types that would like to live their lives other than being pure legends, was that before or after you first saw me and Twilight?" Gold Star asked.

"Well it should be obvious that it was before since apparently I was watching Celestia breaking up a brawl that broke out with almost everyone from the cabinet after she slapped the Lieutenant guy, damn whatever those two doofuses did with Equestria must’ve had it coming, but also kinda feel sorry for the messengers, I guess it seems that Celestia and the other Equestrians never heard of the phrase, "shoot the sender, not the messenger," but yea hopefully that's been resolved," I reckoned.

I decided to go to the radio to find some tunes when the radio started to play for what it's worth.

"Ah here's a classic," I said to myself.

I stared towards Gold Star who was peeking out of the window with pondering thoughts, it's almost as if I could read his mind, his face that looked like he was saying to himself.

-Everything has been leading up unto this moment, now I wonder what else is in stored...-

Colonel Alex was looking through the book of Equestria's history that says nothing about Tirek's existence which annoyed him, so when he couldn't find Tirek he turned to news paper articles from the old days and it seems there has been none confirmed, so instead he decided to go on Gold Star's desktop and search up military archives where he found the date of the attack...

"About time," he said to himself, scanning his eyes on the report of the incident when came across a name in the report about Tirek called "The Foundation" which intrigued the Colonel a bit so he tried to look it up online and all what he can come up with was just conspiracy theorize, placing his finger on his lip he looked at the phone and then slapped himself.

-Not worth it! Not worth it!- he thought to himself, keeping his hand back before finally.

"Ah fuck it, what's the worse that can happen?"

After a good amount of a 12 minute drive from the base to the entrance of Ponyville we've finally arrived at the usual meeting place of the 6 hero's/side character dragon, sugar cube corner, or atleast what seems to be empty other than the cake's residence.

"Has Ponyville always been empty like this? Not gonna lie it's kinda bumming me out," I said to Gold Star, which he seemed a bit suspicious about the place being empty.

"That is a bit strange," Gold Star then looked behind and see's Mrs. Cake sweeping the front of her shop and her husband cleaning the counter, Gold Star exited the Humvee, leaving me behind the drivers wheel, and approached with a wave.

"Good morning Mrs. Cake, have you happened to see Twilight and her friends? I wanted to ask them regarding an individual?" Gold Star questioned.

"You must be the Gold Star colt that everypony but Twilight has been talking about! Well certainly, the ponies are just down there at that forest," Mrs. Cake pointed, in which Gold stared towards the everfree forest that's filled with death traps, and creatures.

".... Thanks ma'am," Gold Star waved, in which she waved back.

He then entered back inside of the Humvee with a bit of a stern face.

"Sooo, guess what we're going?" Gold Star asked.

"If it's the Ever fucking free I'm going slap you," I warned.

"It's the everfree," He replied, as I proceeded to slap him in the face.

"Ow... You do know I can pink slip you for that," Gold Star reminds.

"But do you have witnesses?" I replied.

"I don't need any, I'm the captain," He replied back.

"So? The Colonel will probably not believe you," I said back, which made Gold Star a bit silent.

"So it would seem..." He said to himself, turning towards me and continued.
"Anyways, onto Everfree forest! Creator help us all.."

And so I drove the Humvee to the Everfree forest. Let's hope that Gold Star knows what he is doing or we're Timberwolf food, not that we'd be worried about it but in some cases if we were to run out of ammo, then we're screwed.

White House clay shooting ranch, Washington City

Outside in the backyard of the White House, President Reagan had free time and decided to challenge his political buddies in a game of target shooting. After 5 pulls, 3 hits, 2 misses, Reagan was about to shout pull when his assistant ran up to him while also catching his breath.

"Ah, Mrs. Johnson, nice for you to join us in target shooting," Reagan greeted, chuckling as he lifted his rifle.

"Mr, Mr. President sir, you have a phone call in the oval office," said the assistant.

"Is it urgent?" Reagan asked.

"That's what the caller said sir," the assistant answered.

"Alright then, lemme do one more shot and I'll be on my way," Reagan responded, aiming his gun in the air in preparation and then shouted.


The clay was fired and then at the pull of the trigger Reagan's bullet directly impacts the clay and shatters it into tiny pieces, which he then turned to his assistant, and handed his rifle to the secret service, and then said.

"Now, let's see about that phone call shall we?"

10 minutes later

After a walk back inside of the White house Reagan fixed his suit collar and sat on his desk looking at his assistant.

"Alright then, hand me the phone and let's see what we have that's so urgent," Reagan added, while the assistant handed him the phone that was still on the line.

Back at the base Colonel Alex had waited about 15 minutes before the automated voice message had said.

"The president may now speak with you, thank you for your patience!"

"Yea.. Patience my ass," the Colonel said, placing the phone on his ear.

"Please let this not be another robot behind the phone," Alex said in the phone line.

"If you liked the newly installed voice message I can always let you speak to it again?" Reagan smirked, while behind the phone line the Colonel was shocked.

"I.. Mr. President, I expected one of your representatives to answer the phone!" The Colonel surprisingly said.

"Well, today is Bush's off day, and my Vice president is on a diplomatic envoy in Griffonia and won't be back until next Tuesday, but now for other matters," Reagan stated.

"I see, Mr. President, I've been looking through the assignment that the defense department has sent us correct?"


"Well, so far all I gotten from him was his name, and since me, Gold Star, and Yates failed to interpret who this guy is I sent the two to ask hopefully the princess of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle, to get it cleared up on who Tirek was, while this though I've been looking through files and found myself stumped, until of course I stumbled upon the word or name, "Foundation,"
The Colonel at last explained to the president who went from a smirking man to a dead serious tone.

"Did you just say? Foundation??" Reagan asked.

"Yes Mr. President sir, apparently there was limited documentation about an incident involving this group and Tirek, and I was wondering if you knew what they were?" The Colonel asked, which Reagan was a little in disbelief, so he briefly lowered his phone and turned to his assistant.

"Did you trace the call?" Reagan asked, just to see where the call was…

"Yes Mr. President, the call is located 12 miles north of Ponyville, 5 miles south of Canterlot, or so what the F.I.U. has said sir," the assistant reported.

Reagan looked at the phone and realizes that it was indeed from base Alicorn, he was a bit stubborn at first considering that he was given a secret oath to not reveal secrets that could confuse or panic the populace, but it was obvious that at this moment with Tirek on the lose it would've been a matter of time anyways that the secret will get out, so he placed the phone back to his ear and spoke.

"Tonight at 3:30 AM ETZ, in Canterlot at the Griffonian cuisine shop, I will be activating a informant to relay information regarding the Foundation, she will explain who they are, but you will need to speak the code words, "Griffonian cuisine is very different here," her response will be "because ponies are usually herbivores," now as for the foundation, all I can say is don't get in their way or there will be consequences, is that understood Colonel?" Reagan explained.

"I understood, thank you Mr. President," replied Alex.

"It's no problem, just don't start something to trouble folks," Reagan advised, as the two hanged up the phones Alex shook his head and looked at the clock, and it was a good from until 3:30 in the morning so obviously he'll need some sleep to perform the meet up with Reagan's informants.

But for now he wonders what Gold Star and Yates are up to right now?

Everfree forest

After a nature drive followed up by a nature hike, me and Gold Star had finally came across what was the infamous castle, the castle that started everything to this point, the castle that housed a certain incident that started a global war, the same castle that would've been a shrine for Luna's supporters if they weren't deported.

"Ah, the castle of the two sisters, I never thought I'd see myself standing here on ancient stone," Gold Star expounded.

"Yes, but remind me why we came here again?" I asked.

"Well obviously to find Twilight and hopefully see if she knows who Tirek is," Gold Star replied.

"Ah, simple and yet easy, but what if she doesn't?" I ask.

"If she doesn't then I hope to the creator above that someone does," Gold Star sighed.


Suddenly in the distance we noticed something bright was emitting from what seems to be a chasm of some sort below the castle, taking a peek to investigate we noticed these.. Keys were inserted inside of a chest or something, and when the yellow pegasus, or known as Fluttershy, placed the flower on top of it, it transformed into a key...

"Woah, I didn't know you ponies can transform random crap into weird keys?" I asked.

"I don't think we could've ever done that? But what bothers me is that I didn't read up on anything related to a magic chest in the reports?" Gold Star observed.

"What did that report say then about the Everfree incident?" I asked.

"All it said was that the mane 6 had to give up their elements to the magic tree, but it never fully explained why or what caused it to spiral out of control in the first place, and that chest right there? Something is a foot here like how did a magic tree somehow create an animate object out of thin air!? Or for that matter why?"

"Well, sometimes you gotta ask yourself the big questions, like, is cereal a soup? Or is your school teacher a robot? Weird yet also existential questions, of course as for this case I already asked myself, but what is inside of the chest and what relation does it have with the tree and the mane 6? A gift? A weapon? Or some third option that will not be revealed until it's opening?" I pondered.

"Well, whatever it is I won't disturb Twilight on her own research, not just yet at least," Gold Star said.

"Ah, I see someone has been gaining some chivalry lately, I wonder why," I spoke in a crowed tone.

"Well, when you spend some time with someone with importance it's kinda best that you don't get in their way, and obviously whoever Tirek is he's probably priority number 1 on her mind, unless of course he's instead priority number 2."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Well, remember about our date that I had with Twilight?"

"Did you smooch."

"What the hell? I'm not going into a relationship!"

"But by the sound of it you're definitely denying it."

"Do you want to hear the rest of the story or not!"


"Anyways, as I was saying, back in that night me and Twilight were finally alone with the exception of Mr. and Mrs. Cake doing house work (yes surprisingly they live there) and the girls finally went back to their homes due to sleep deprivation, though for Twilight.... She was a bit keen on keeping her own secret-"

"Gee sounds relatable... As if a certain pony who's talking right now doesn't have one,"

"Are you going to let me tell my story or not!"

"I am, I'm just reminding you about the 'secret' you've yet to tell me."

"It Ain’t a secret if I tell you, you know that."

"Fine, your loss."

"... ANYWAYS! She told me it eventually when I was walking her home, no it's not what you think with romance movies lieutenant don't even say anything..."


"But then it was when she told that she felt a bit out of line with the other princesses, like Celestia raises the sun, Luna raises the moon, Cadence kept the up flow of love magic, and then she told me that comparing herself with them she feels like she doesn't have no fitting with the royal leaders, which I saw what she meant, while she may be strong she still have no capabilities of raising neither the moon or the sun, and I doubt she can control the endless vast amounts of Stars so that's obviously a no go, and when she got inside of her house as I was leaving I can hear faint sighs," Gold Star explained fully, after being interrupted multiple times by me.

"Well damn, I guess I can see where Twilight kept her secret at, of course eventually she'll rule something like Sunset Shimmer is ruling Gradenland... Eventually?"

"I doubt she'll abandon her friends for some foreign country overseas, and while she would've love Humarica, she won't like the hostilities there,"

"Yea.. I guess so,"

As me and Gold Star sat down and wait, Twilight received a message from Canterlot and that she was summoned and so without hesitation or knowledge of us knowing, she flew right past us and into the skies to Canterlot, that was when me and Gold star realized that the pony we were SUPPOSE TO ASK! LEFT THE VICINITY!!! I got pissed.


Petershoof, the outskirts

With preparations underway Colonel Perov was walking on the dirt road kicking rocks awaiting for the additional reinforcements he had sent a call for when General Cogwheel trotted to him with a smile as the Colonel looked through his binoculars and sees the 134th motor-rifle division arriving to their aid as BMP-1s, BTR-80s, and trucks filled to the brim with soldiers arrived past the Colonel and General with a jeep carrying the captain of the unit arriving in front of the two commanding officers.

"Good day Captain Volklav, how's the new rank treating you?" Perov asked.

"Couldn't be better comrade Colonel, of course being summoned and patrolled by the Rodinian central committee it's nice to know I've been watched a lot," Ogalivich chuckled.

"Why so?" Perov asked.

"So they can see what I can really do when it comes to busting these criminals," Ogav and Perov both laughed with Cogwheel waiting for the two to finish their usual human jokes.

"Anyways captain, this is General Cogwheel Ponyarchuk, the commander for the Stalliongrad army part of the operation, and as you may know of me myself,"

"Colonel Perov and the infamous knife division, "Suffering before death" yes I've heard of you and your group, now I come to support Rodinia and the world's finest special forces group, by the way, have you heard just now?" Ogav asked.

"Uhh. No?" Cogwheel asked.

"I have but I think it's best you relay the news captain," Perov insisted.

"Very well Colonel, General I believe that the one called Discord had apparently joined sides with Tirek," Ogav informed.

"D-DISCORD!?" Cogwheel yelled in surprise.

"Da, as we speak our Red Mother is sending in additional military equipment of MI-24 helicopters, General Secretary Brezhnev is also sending in his private militia to provide us further with the armor support needed to topple Tirek and Discord, however.. Looking at the map it seems Tirek had just recently raided Manehattan, Applelossa, and by the seems cloudsdale, weirdly it seems he decided to come here again after tormenting the two other towns, and apparently no American resistance or response as of yet," Ogav explained, which made the Colonel and the General suspicious.

"Is it possible those damned Americans released him on purpose?" Perov asked.

"That's what I got within the R.I.B. So far, but with Equestria now on edge and the Americans clearly confused on what's going on, I think it's about time that Rodinia steps further from operating in Stalliongrad and into Equestria," Ogav suggested, which the two officers laughed hysterically.

"What's so funny?" Ogav asked sternly.

"I'm sorry! I thought you said to operate in Equestria, as if we'd care for those sugar loving pests in the south, Stalliongrad is more respectable here than there," the Colonel laughed and chuckled continually.

"But if Tirek ends up stronger than what he is now what're the chances that he might become immune to bullets or our explosives!" Ogav pointed out.

"Nothing can outrun a bullet nor can they be immune from them, the bullet is what killed the enemy here and now, and it will be what kills Tirek," the Colonel moralized when a group of scouts arrived at the trenches with a report.

"Colonel Perov sir!"

"You got something?" Asked the Colonel.

"Yes sir! We've spotted Tirek and discord at South forest!"

"Holy shit he's here already!? I just got here!" Ogav shuddered in surprise.

"Damn, alert our forces immediately! Order all guns to be pointed at the forest tree line and on my words show no fucking mercy! Ogav! Position the BMPs and BTRs on the road and get their turrets to take aim on the tree line!" Perov ordered.

"Sir yes sir!" Ogav acknowledged, as he ran towards his second in command and relayed the orders given by Perov to aim all heavy weapons towards the tree line.

After that the troops waited patiently for the enemy to reveal themselves to their guns.

Meanwhile Discord and Tirek were traveling through the forest heading towards Petershoof, with Discord floating midair reading a magazine and Tirek being buff and strong looking at him with annoyance.

"Do you realize you can teleport us to Petershoof city right?" Tirek pointed out.

"Well yeah! But why do that when we can do a nice calming trail on the way, though thinking in terms why Petershoof?" Discord asked.

"To answer your question I will need a little more than what I have to drain the Alicorn magic but with some additional pain, so they can feel absolute suffering!" Tirek brutally simplified.

"Oh... I see.."

After the conversation the two were now in the opened when Tirek sees a massive line of Rodinian humans pointing machine guns, assault rifles, armor vehicles, and bazooka's towards Discord and Tirek which completely caught them off guard, and that was when the Colonel patted a soldier.

"Microphone me," he ordered.

"Yes sir!" Replied a soldier, slapping the microphone on his palm.

"This Colonel Perov of the R.S.A! (Rodinian Soviet Army) You are instructed to turn around immediately! Or face the consequences!" The Colonel yelled.

"Oh dear.. I didn't expect this," Discord gulped.

"Who says I can't enter Petershoof! Who commands you foul beast!" Tirek shouted.

"In the name of our Red Mother! She forbids any movement towards the city! Any step closer and you will be dead!" The Colonel warned for the last time.

Tirek was about to move a inch when Discord quickly stopped him.

"Maybe we shouldn't underestimate him? After all, who knows what would happen if we move further," Discord said to discourage Tirek.

"You? The mighty Discord? Afraid of bi-pedal beast with staffs?" Tirek bloated.

"I've seen them in action, I wouldn't mind stepping as far away from them as we are now,"

"Chicken, I'll show you how it's done," Tirek smirked, shoving Discord aside and heading towards the group.

"Don't say I warned you so," Discord said to himself.

"I MEAN IT DAMMIT! ONE MORE STEP AND YOU'RE DEAD!" Shouted the Colonel, which Tirek continues to get closer.

"Colonel Perov, I think he's done talking," Ogav advised.

"I think so, fuck it then. DROP HIM!" Ordered the Colonel as immediately everything at their disposal open fired at Tirek as BMPs fired and BTR-80s rapidly shot their rounds towards Tirek pelting him with explosions and gunfire as Tirek was directly hit by a BMP round and blew him all the way back into the tree line which shocked him.

However despite Tirek being back into the tree line the troops continued to keep shooting at Tirek as the bullets had now started to insert inside of his skin, and it was then that a MI-24 helicopter arrived and unloaded its incendiary missiles on the tree lines starting a forest fire and burning the trees.

As the troops continued to shoot, the Serbija mercenaries arrived with T-64B tanks shooting immediately at Tirek's last known position before Tirek got back on his hooves and shouted.


"Right oh!" Discord acknowledged taking himself and Tirek away from Petershoof and into an unknown location as the gunfire continued on until the Colonel shouted.


The guns, tanks, and helicopters ceased to fire, as Cogwheel signaled one of the Stalliongrad Pony soldiers to scan for Tirek and Discord but the flames raged as the entire tree line is now nothing but a forest fire so the pony soldiers returned to General Cogwheel and reported to have found nothing.

With this knowledge the Rodinian's shouted and repeated their battle cry.


As the Rodinian's embraced each other victoriously Ogav looked at the flames with the amount of knowledge he now had gathered.

"It's not over, Colonel, with all respect I would like to seek permission to go from Stalliongrad borders with my unit and head for Ponyville," Ogav requested, grabbing the Colonel and General off guard.

"Are you absolutely insane! You'll get mutilated by those fucking pastel barbarians! And Ponyville!? That area is a fucking American base of operations! Those greedy bastards that enslaved my home country will apprehend you, and throw you in the dungeons!!" Cogwheel protested.

"Not to mention the truth of them giving you diabetes the moment you enter Equestria," the Colonel stated.

"I must! The fate of Rodinia lies with their deaths! And if I have to, I'll bring the Serbija mercenaries with me as well!" the Captain spoke.

"Captain Ogav, if you do this it may end up having your unit exiled to a place far away from here, or potentially face demotion," the Colonel warned.

"I'll take my chances sir," Ogav replied, which the Colonel sighed in disbelief.

"I can’t risk them captain, you will need a general to authorize this and even if they do it’ll be a sanctioned mission."

"Then in that case I think I'll authorize it myself thank you very much," Orlovsky said, stepping in with T-90 tanks rolling right past the officer group.

"General Orlovsky!" The Colonel expounded as he and Ogav saluted.

"At ease, I understand what Ogav feels, but considering that it would be risky I will have to inform the Red Mother of your mission, she may not approve it but I'll take the blame," Orlovsky stated.

"But General sir! I- wait.. Did you say go?" Ogav asked.

"You heard me Captain, go, and give him our peoples regards," Orlovsky smirked with a wink.

Ogav was surprised with the general's reply and saluted.

"I will not let my motherland down!"

"Good luck comrade," Orlovsky granted, saluting to the captain as he climbed on board his BMP and immediately drove off to the south of Stalliongrad as BTR's, BMPs, and tanks attached with his division formed a straight line column and headed towards Equestria.

The Colonel looked at the convoy with worry of an international incident.

"Do you think he'll make it?" He asked, as the general turned towards him and replied.

"Watch and see."


In the castle of Canterlot Holt Martavias was busy on guard duty as trucks from the expedition brigade arrived filled with machine guns, troops, and bazookas.

Holt was referred personally as Patton's go-getter, when he was told to shoot but not specifically where to aim he'd shoot at whatever was the danger until he ran out of bullets which he then proceeds to charge the enemy with the butt of his rifle for miles just to give he/she a spanking.

However after staring at flowers with the intention of eating them whole he notices a bright flash of light with the three Alicorns transferring their magic to a lavender colored pony.

It was then his commanding officer broke off from the trance.

"Hey Holt! Why are you looking in the throne room? When they say top secret that means keep your damn nose from the door!"

"Yes, but-"

"But what!"

"Bright white color in there!" Holt pointed, which the commanding officer looked at and gazed at the three Alicorns transferring their powers to Twilight Sparkle.

"Holy shit," he said to himself, turning towards Holt and said.

"Umm... relay this message to Colonel Jerkins immediately," the commander officer ordered, as Holt saluted with his rifle bonking his helmet and running through the hall with the message that the commander didn't even say yet.

"Very weird, but also, why are they transferring their magic to Twilight unless... Patton must know about this," my greater grandfather said as he jogged down the halls to alert Patton of his discovery.

Crystal city

Patton was looking at his map as the entire command ran around with their heads cut off wondering how they're going to kill Tirek, Patton had placed his unit on alert after receiving word that Manehatten, Appleloosa, cloudsdale, and even more recent the outskirts of Petershoof skirmish, it was then that the expeditionary messenger handed Patton a letter message straight from the department of defense.

"About time, what do we have after waiting for hours?"

Patton looked at the message which said.

"S.A.U. Has been activated and is enroute to Equestria, F-14s and 15s are dispatched, and be on a look out for a rogue soviet brigade, wait a fucking minute, Soviet brigade? What are those bastards up to now!" Patton angrily questioned.

"Sir no one knows but we believe they're heading to Canterlot," his messenger replied.

"And nobody bothered to stop them? What type of army does Equestria have!"

"We don't know sir, but-"

Suddenly Patton's phone rings and his messenger picks up with scrambling words speaking through the messenger's ear he nods and says towards Patton.

"It's from Colonel Canter Yates sir, he requested to speak with you," the Messenger informed.

"Put him on the line, I want to speak with him about the defense in Canterlot," Patton ordered, after which the messenger handed the phone to him.

"Alright Colonel, hand me the situation report."


After a massive disappointment on Gold Star's end for dragging me in for nothing I decided to drive back to base where we can figure out who Tirek is ourselves, however the trip became a sudden pull over when me and Gold Star sees a huge column of M2 Bradley's and HIMARS heading straight for Ponyville with soldiers loaded up onboard as I turned on the emergency lights and pulled over as me and Gold Star confusingly watched the convoy roll by us.

As the Bradley's and the HIMARS had fully passed us the Abrams convoy came up and one of the Abrams pulled in front of the Humvee, opening the hatch was Colonel Alex with his full fledged military gear.

"Good evening gents," he jokingly said.

"Colonel Alex? What's going on?" Gold Star asked.

"Well, shit has gone real, it turns out Tirek sucks up energy out of ponies and anything that possesses magic and had teamed up with Discord, Patton had sent a company to Canterlot and we've been dispatched to Ponyville as final line of defense," Alex explained, shocking me and Gold Star.

"Holy shit." Said Gold Star. "Who gave the order to send our division to Ponyville?" He asked.

"General Patton, Captain, he also wanted me to give you this by the way," Alex said, as a Abrams tank with Gold Star's cutiemark painted on the turret top pulls up behind Alex's tank as Gold Star opens the document and reads official orders from... Wait...

"Princess.. Celestia?"

Suddenly my Nokia phone rings and it was from my Greater Grandfather Canter, me and him usually kept each other up to date with our lives and showed him once personally how to use a standard M16 rifle, since then me and him just continually conversated with each other through the phone but something tells me it Aint a friendly conversation at this rate..


"Hey sonny, I was calling you up about what's been going on in Canterlot, thought you'd like to know since the whole thing is going down rapidly," Canter said.

"I definitely want to know what the hell is going on in Canterlot!" I persisted in knowing.

"Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadence had just given up their magic," Canter informed.

"Oh fuck. Wait but how the hell did Tirek get past yall!?" I questioned.

"He didn't, and it wasn't him they gave their magic up to," Canter revealed.

"Then who did they give their magic to?" I asked which the phone was silent for a moment when Canter then said.

"Is Gold Star with you?" Canter asked.

"Yea?" I replied.

"Hand the phone to him, or just hover it in his ear," Canter demanded, which I placed it on Gold Star's ear and Canter said.

"Did you get an order sent from Celestia?"

"Yes of course, it's right here on my hoof," Gold Star replied.

"Good, then follow through it, the princesses had given every inch of their magic to Twilight Sparkle, you must protect her at all cost! If Tirek get's to her, the world is fucked, you hear me captain!? Fucked!" Canter relayed the order.

"I... I understand sir, but where do you possibly expect me to take Twilight and her friends to? And then there's the matter of their family-" Gold Star asked.

"Where did I mention her friend's captain?

"Well, if her friends can't come then Twilight won't go," Gold Star considered.

"Well, whether she likes it or not orders are orders, you must take her somewhere safe than her current area, as we speak my men are raiding the throne room to start vandalizing anything that resembles of exposes Twilight Sparkle, of course with Discord being with Tirek it'll only be a matter of time before Discord starts yapping his trap, so no, her friends must not come with her, and if possible..."

"Canter I know you are not speaking with that tone! I have my orders from Celestia! I will not follow an old man's orders and therefore I will follow whoever relayed them, but dammit I will not have you resort to killing anyone to erase Twilight's life from existence," Gold Star blatantly defied.

"Oh really now? Then if Tirek figures out who Twilight is and comes towards Ponyville then what!" Canter yelled.

"Then I'll fucking fight him myself, with fist if I have to, but dammit I will not go for a cowardly order or part take in deaths of Twilight's friends,"


Out of annoyance I turned the Nokia off cutting Canter off from Gold Star and looked at Gold Star.

"Well you got him pissed now," I said to the Captain.

"Well.. Atleast for what it's worth I'm not going run from a fight, I'm going to run towards it," Gold Star smirked.

"Heh, now that's my language, what about you Colonel Alex?"

"W-well I can't right now, I have a meeting I must attend in Canterlot, I won't be long," the Colonel stuttered, speaking to his radio and ordered the pilot to drive him to Canterlot who acknowledged and started driving away from us.

"Alright then, good luck Colonel," I said.

After disappearing from our sights I climbed aboard Gold Star's tank and looked at the cockpit.

"Damn, all these buttons, and how long were you in this brigade?" I asked.

"2 years, but this baby has seen more shit before me," Gold Star chuckled.

"Alright Captain, so what's our first move?" I asked, which Gold Star equipped his tanker helmet, raised his goggles up, and then looked at the distance with the armor column moving in towards Ponyville in the evening sky.

"First, let's get Ponyville locked down, but first we'll need to find Twilight," Gold Star ordered.

"Aye aye sir, pilot! Take us to Ponyville," I ordered.

"Yes, sir," responded the pilot, as the tank now moves towards the front of the armor column as Himars rocket Artillery vehicles breaks away and established firing positions near the Everfree forest, as for the Bradley's which took the Pentagon 19 years to make finally sees combat action on the frontlines as it pairs with the variant 2 Abram tanks into combat.

3 hours earlier | Equestrian-Stalliongrad border

Royal guards were on a look out for Tirek after reports came in that he was in the area, however as one of the Royal guards were looking through binoculars they spotted something.

"Sir! We can see movement up ahead! It might be Tirek sir!" Said one of the royal guards.

"Let me see," Ordered the commander, looking through the binoculars and trembled...

"That's not Tirek," He added.

The royal guards peaked up and sees a convoy of armor vehicles, troop transports, and tanks all in one column as multiple flags raised in every single one of them to represent each company or nationality as the leading vehicle, which is a BMP-1, pulls up on the border in front of the entire soviet convoy, nearly alarmed the Royal guards as they pointed their spears when they were told to stand down.

The commanding royal guard pony walked from the checkpoint with some of the guards pleading for their commander not to trust human soviets.

Of course ignoring their pleas the commander of the checkpoint trotted towards the armored vehicle.

The human with the rank patch of captain climbed out of the co-pit and walked towards the commander with trust as he extended his arm towards the Equestrian.

The commander was surprised but didn't lowered his guard as he shook hoof-to-hand with the human captain, with the first contact of Soviet humans from Rodinia, the two started chatting about what's been going on around Equestria, what happened in Petershoof, and a call for a truce. The Royal guard commander nodded but concerningly he stated that he had orders to intercept any Rodinian or Stalliongrad convoys, or columns that tries to enter Equestria.

However Ogav, knowing how stubborn he is and how he got a military officer in jail, he decides that the best play to do is the long game of negotiation as he is, he asserted himself that he is destined to take down Tirek with the Rodinian red army.

Even if it means, launching a soviet operation.

Canterlot, present time

6 hours later after Ogav authorized the convoy to smash through the checkpoint and made their destination towards Canterlot the whereabouts on the Royal guards that were defending the border was unknown, but with expeditionary soldiers taking up positions against Tirek or the Soviet convoy, Colonel Alex enters the scene, by now it is 2:32 AM ETZ, and he now waits for the informant at the cuisine shop to hand over details about the Foundation to him.

But as he waited the area was nothing but noise and shouts of orders, of course while they were preparing defenses they've literally barricaded the streets with tank hedgehogs and barbed wire fencing so Tirek has a huge challenge to get to the castle.

But as Alex climbed off the tank a creature was sitting at the Griffonian restaurant with full hat and uniform sitting looking through the menu, it was then that Alex spoke the code phrase.

"Griffonian cuisine is very different here, wouldn't you say?"

"That's because ponies are usually herbivores and would never set a claw in this restaurant even if it slapped them in the face," a feminine griffon said, taking a document from the cover of the menu and slid it to Alexander's hands.

"You weren't followed here, correct?" She asked.

"No ma'am, I came from the tank," he replied.

"Of course, classic American's, of course they pay well for me to do their dirty work quietly unlike Agent 44 who guns blazing, obviously though I can never figure out the logic with you American's other than being payment," the agent expressed, as Alex looked at the document.

"I'm sure the president will assure your payment, now with that said you may go," the Colonel dismissed.

"Very well Colonel, au revoir."

And then the agent spread her wings and flew out of Alexander's sight leaving him with a document and a nightly background with the sounds of continued preparations continuing to rang out throughout Canterlot.

Moskva city, Kremlin palace

The Kremlin was on active alert after pairs of F-15s were spotted at their coast, military vessels were dispatched to the coast and tanks had arrived on the American-Rodinian borders, and what was the Red Mother doing?

Clearly when she heard that Ogav was authorized by Orlovsky to cross the border into Equestria and head for Canterlot she immediately ordered his arrest and placed Colonel Perov as commanding officer of the unit, as for other phone calls from military generals concerning the security compromise that occurred in Arabia, reports circulated that militia's had taken up arms again in soviet occupied Arabia and threaten the national security and potentially a civil war.

All the while, Tirek is currently on his way to Canterlot and the Americans had sent their new Bradley Fighting Vehicles and the recently invented rocket Artillery vehicles the HIMARs, something that the soviet military command had feared would happen sooner or later and top it there is rumors circulating that the Americans had already begun testing a new weapon that could change the fabric of geopolitics and military warfare tactics.

The project being called "Project Sunset"

And now, The Red Mother sits on her desk with massive worry, with chain of command confused with what to do about Ogav's convoy and the fact that the Americans had sent their own tanks to their borders was of massive concern, something like this shouldn't have never happened at all, and yet with the all increasing chances of war increasing rapidly this may be it for the two nations, a all out war.

It was then that the Washington hotline rang on her desk, the same ring she had never heard since the formation of Stalliongrad, she lifted the telephone and spoke.


"Listen, I know I hate you and you hate me, but perhaps I believe there may be a misunderstanding with the convoy heading towards Canterlot," Uncle Sam spoke from the other line.

"Explain, you got 30 minutes," she warned.

"Well, considering that we have common hate perhaps your captain was on to something when he and a huge column of armor vehicles broke through the checkpoint and kidnapped the entire border guard before dropping them off to a military outpost, apparently the commanding officer of the border guards had said that Ogav is on his way to Ponyville because he believes that Tirek will soon chase down Princess Twilight Sparkle," Uncle Sam explained.

"In simple terms he's after Tirek? What else, and why would he be after Twilight Sparkle?" She asked.

"Supposedly I was told by Celestia to never say or tell anyone about this, but apparently she, Luna, and Cadence had handed their magic to Twilight Sparkle, and as we speak she has dispatched Gold Star and his team to find and protect Twilight with their lives, Tirek has no idea of a fourth Alicorn at this moment," Uncle Sam added, which the Red Mother placed her finger on her chin and then replied.

"Have Reagan informed that if he pulls his army away from our borders I will guarantee that we can fix the problem and hopefully not find ourselves in a full blown war."

"I... Can't promise that, Reagan, has control over the military and it would be bad to tell someone with popularity towards him to stand down the army like an owner to his mutt, but I could try... Hopefully.."

"Then may Creator spare us and this continent some mercy," she phrased.

"Aye... I would drink to that.."


"What do we have so far?" Asked Canter to a military scout looking through his binoculars.

"Nothing yet sir, but I believe that we should evacuate some of the ponies here just in case," the scout advised.

"Good idea, I'll have Holt relay the message to have the officers evacuate the citizens to some shelter, question is though, where do we put them.."

"Sir, perhaps the old American-Equestrian embassy might do since the building had been kept maintained and is sturdy, also the walls are bullet proof so our weapons shouldn't be able to harm anyone inside," one of the engineers suggested.

"Brilliant then, start getting the populace inside and we'll start using their houses as machine gun nests to ambush that bastard that tries to come into this city."

Canter then sent the message to Holt to relay to other district commanders along with the Canterlot police force to begin sheltering pony civilians inside of the embassy where it is also built with a underground basement, the building was constructed the day George Washington set foot on Equestria soil that would signify the creation of the nation of America, the land that the embassy was built on was the pieces of soil that Washington first stepped in when arriving in Canterlot which is displayed in a glass container at the grand entrance of the embassy surrounded by fancy velvet ropes to preserve its historical importance with the label "Washington's dirt." (Don't ask me why that's pony culture)

After the message was relayed the local equine police started evacuating the population inside of the embassy with the assistance of the Expeditionary forces and American MPs as families from adult to young, mares and fillies, Colts and foals, the population was evacuated to the embassy that is heavily guarded with tanks, jeeps, and machine gun nest.

"I like to see this bastard get through this!" Canter boasted at how his troops had established forward defenses on the embassy when his radio went off and troops all around him scattered to take up positions, he grabbed his radio and spoke with the outskirt command and yelled in an aggressive tone.

"What the hell is going on!"

The receiver on the other side replied while gunshots can be heard in the background of his voice.

"SIR! HE'S ATTACKING OUR POSITIONS! WE CAN'T STOP HIM~" After a sound of an explosion which killed the receiver, Canter looked to his right and saw a mushroom cloud indicating that Tirek had arrived or the Soviet convoy had arrived.

And just when he wasn't worried enough the sky started having a seizure between night and day.

"Will this shit get any worse..."

Author's Note:

Part two will be coming soon, but until then here's some art that I've come with with, (Btw story art is credited to: Krystal Lancaster)

Anyways lemme show you some art with some notes shall I?

Colonel Perov Volinsky:

Despite him being purely fiction he looked perfect for the position and role to lead the infamous Knife brigade, which is basically the world of Equis equivalent to Spetsnaz but more brutal and strategic special unit. But also controversial in conventional tactics.

Captain Gold Star:

Of course I did said I was gonna make atleast something of what Gold Star is, the complication was that the template I used was something I had to edited for some time, but the best I could do is atleast straighten out his hindlegs and make it atleast to look like he's wearing a uniform though to note this is just for show and took hours to come up with the perfect mane for him, this was made by Dante, a friend of my artist friend Lancaster.

And finally, we have the Red Mother herself:

The original portrait was.... A nightmare considering that it took me a week to perfect her face and don't even get me started how I perfected this, but let's just say it would've ended up like the Roblox man face (If you play Roblox you'd understand what I'm talking about) so after planning and redrawing I finally got the fact perfected.

Originally though she was suppose to have medals but considering that it would tire me out I decided to just stick with the gold ribbon across her chest and be finish with it.

Anyways, I will see you all in Part 2 of this chapter.