• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,557 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...


Author's Note:

Yes, you know where the title is from.


The military council of Parsley was in session at this time as generals assigned to their own respective cities discussed the incidents they had to stage.

"Say that again?" Said one bat pony.

"These Parslians and our own people had turned against us somehow, I don't know why, but according to our unit the people in Kracu had been attempting to vote me out in the election, and according to the statistic reports the people have attempted to vote us out of our own ruling city!" Reported the Bat Colonel.

"But you did deal with the scoundrel elected correct?"

"...That is not the point, I think we should leave the area to its own devices, and NO I did not deal with him, I had enough of killing innocent people who were democratically elected!" Protested the Colonel.

"...You have orders Colonel, deal with him or we'll-"

"You'll what? Court martial me and line me up on a wall? Don't forget General I have loyalties within the ranks, killing me would stage a revolt like nothing before!" The Colonel threatened which made the guards tense up a bit and the generals and colonels a bit fluffed.


"My city, my jurisdiction, you have your city, be glad there isn't a resistance cell within it unlike me, who's having to quell such resistance!"

" And? I believe you are just incompetent, but I can send you my unit to quell the rebels since you can't by yourself."

"I believe that's not ne-"


The sound of explosions ranged in every bat pony's ears as some screeched in pain from the loud bang while the Colonel and the General ought against the urge to screech and looked at the flames erupting from an oil depot.

"You were saying, General?" Chuckled the Colonel, ignoring the pain in his ears, while also avoiding the shattered glass below his hooves.

"...You better quell this fucking rebellion, do whatever it takes, appease them, kill them, whatever! But do NOT! LET THEM SPREAD HERE! Or it's your head! *Hm!* I think the council will be adjourned and preferably evacuated, guardsman! Get this mess cleaned up!" The general ordered.

"Yes commandant," replied the guard.


The hillside of Warzhinga

The air raid sirens blared warning nearby residents to evacuate the oil depot site as Night Sky watched through his binoculars happy that the plan was executed perfectly as the bat pony saboteur group arrived at his side.

"Misja zakończona sukcesem. Miną lata zanim oni zdołają się odbudować," Said Private Willow night.

"Rozumiem. Wracajcie do bazy w Kracu,” replied Ordered Night Sky.

As the men headed back to base in silent stealth Agent Eskamoe looked at the flames below and chuckled profusely.

"What's so funny?" Night Sky asked.

"Funnily enough, I never expected a resistance like this to be well armed, if not equipped, how long did you say your resistance lasted?" Eskamoe asked.

"Thousands of years," replied Night Sky.

"Huh... Thousands of years..." He muttered, turning towards the blue-furred pony and taking a glimpse at the coat.

"Say... Why do you always wear that cloak?" Asked Eskamoe, which Night Sky looked at him and got up on his hooves.

"Star gazing is over now, it's best we get back to base," Night Sky said, blatantly ignoring Eskamoe's question.

Which in turn gave Eskamo mild suspicion of the cloak that Night Sky was wearing, he could just assume that Night Sky was one of those ponies who aren't in the nude, but then, on the other hand, he could be something else, although Eskamoe hoped it's not what his suspicions are telling him because if that's the case it would cause trouble within the world as everyone knows it.

And he rather not think about the Gold Star incident that he personally witnessed...

The Depot in flames...

The clean-up crew consisting of firefighters, police, and paramedics arrived at the scene and managed to get control of the situation that erupted in the oil depot, while the police investigated armor personal carriers arrived with Thestrial troops sent to secure the perimeter and search nearby areas.

They failed to find the culprits that were in the area.

However, one of the soldiers found a flag raised above the now-destroyed depot and took it down where he and his comrades approached the general with it.

"General Flight, we've secured the area and its perimeter," reported the soldier.

"And for the culprits?" The Thestrial General asked.

"So far we cannot find the culprits, but they've raised this flag sir," The soldier and his comrades presented, and the general smirked at it.

"Finally... A worthy opponent, the fight shall be legendary!"

Kracu/Kraków, resistance base

The room formerly the olden wood map room turns into a war room being nothing but maps, and crowded generals wearing helmets with white and red stripes circling the middle.

The Parslians, Bat Ponies, and some of the minority oppressed such as ponies and humans, worked together as a team to bring down their enemy, Night Sky entered and everyone in the room saluted.

Meanwhile, Icebreaker had been speaking with the general staff about the possibility of intervention when a messenger walked by them.

"Mr. Willak, good morning," Night Sky greeted.

"Good day to you commander, apparently you might like what I have to give you," the messenger said, handing him the election results which surprised the unicorn pony.

"Ignacy Mościcki won!?" Night Sky said in surprise.

"Yes sir, he also sent this with me, hoping it might grab your attention," the messenger said, handing Night Sky a red envelope that said "OPEN WITH SECRECY" on it, which Night Sky turned to the staff In the room in which everyone understood and left it, all but Eskamoe who being an American agent, preferred to listen in on what it says. Night Sky didn't mind him since he was the only communication he had with the Federation.

He opened the red envelope, inside it was a tape recorder which seemed to be a bit banged up with some of the buttons on it missing all except for the play and pause buttons which were intact.

Using his unicorn magic he played the tape.

"Good morning Commander Night Sky, by the time of this recording you may have already blown something up, but now that the people have spoken at this time I might end up dead soon because of the Thestrian's policy on "fair elections" But nonetheless I sent the messenger the tape recorder with secrecy, first of all, it's been a pleasure fighting on your side my Alicorn friend, and second, at 7:25 A.M. I will be doing an announcement stating a denouncement of this government and I will personally charge the government with the crimes listed, after my speech, you've been ordered to serve the country bread, no doubt that I will be dead, but in the name of Parsley and it's people, it was an honor, goodbye."

After the tape recorder was finished, Eskamoe sat in surprise at the word "Alicorn" but before he got up to say something Night Sky turned towards him rashly.

"Now you know," he said, as he used his horn and unveiled his cloak, beneath it a dagger and a pistol.

The sight burns Eskamoe's stomach, he was fucking right, and sometimes he hated it, and it was one of those moments, but instead he loathed this.

"Well, shit! How the hell did you become an Alicorn?" Eskamoe queried, which Night Sky sighed.

"Well, I assume something like this wasn't going to be concealed for long, but I do not wish to argue, so I will tell you."

21 BLB

I never knew who my parents were, or where I was born, but I know that they were a unicorn themselves before they left, I wasn't born with wings either, I was however born with a Unicorn horn.

After being adopted by two Bat-pony couples who never had a child until I came into their lives, they and their community taught me the life of being a bat-pony like them, from stealth to even covering movements through sound, of course, they tried to teach me echolocation but I think we all know where that went.

But when it came to magic I've been able to ace the magical abilities to the point of being invited to the school of Gifted Unicorns, but this was 20 years later when I made my decision to leave my old life to find my real parents, along the way I've been to cities in Equestria such as Manehatten, Las Pegasus, and heck! Even Canterlot for that matter.

Nonetheless, I couldn't find my parents so I set up home at Ponyville, and then there it was, the castle of the two sisters was where I had my quiet place, or at least was quiet once before a fight broke out between the two sisters which resulted in Nightmare moon being banished, but I and every other pony never thought it was going to cause something major...

Only except it did when the next day when my neighbors heard the disturbing sounds of propellers in the skies, and when we looked up all we felt was horror beyond comprehension as if we saw a giant dragon or bird flying above, though I would later find out it was the feared B-17 bomber that your people used to carpet bomb the cities I visited, although Canterlot was spared due to the shield, Las Pegasus on the hand..

Of course, I would try to ignore this war that had been raged throughout the land by reading books from the same castle that was now abandoned by the princess, but one day it changed when I discovered a secret room that was built by Luna as some sort of staging ground, one thing leads to another, and I've woke up with wings, and a letter.

That letter was Celestia inviting me to Canterlot, though I did not want to be some royal lineage on the throne, especially when there was a war being waged, and I wasn't that good with strategy back then so I burned the letter and grabbed a cape, or what you would call a cloak, and covered my wings with it.

Three years passed, and I continued to get pounded by everypony saying "Hey did you see what the Americans did!" Or some saying "Hey the Americans are bombing Canterlot again!" So forth and so forth, I was getting annoyed with the newspapers, all they talk about was the damn war still being waged, like come on! I know Luna was important but It's nothing to start a war over!

And of course, I've started an argument once before I was talked down and was straight-up called a traitor to the country, nothing happened since but I vowed not to let arguments get the best of me, which was a problem, because I could seem to never get friends and even if I did they would be either be drafted into the war, killed in a bomb rush operation by America, or detained under suspicion of espionage...

And as if life wasn't terrible enough, things got worse when I received the draft notice...

This was something I never expect to receive when everyone else was drafted, it seemed that the war came back to bite me in the ass, immediately though I packed every provision I needed and headed to the recruitment camp in Ponyville which was gaining more non-draftees than the drafted themselves, but I wasn't going to abandon the country despite the amount of stress and depression I've had in it.

Of course, on examination, I used an invisibility spell that I learned in the book to keep my wings invisible from the military examiners, because if I was caught with them they may send me to Canterlot and I still wasn't willing to become a royal.

It worked, and I was allowed in without getting shipped to Canterlot, and just by telling the war was desperate to the point that I ended up here, where I was found by the locals both Parslian and Bat ponies.

After nearly stabbing someone in the neck with the knife I've held for so long I was discovered to be an alicorn by the first resistance members, who coursed me to become their leader, despite my rejection and request to get back to Equestria, but when I saw how horrendous the city was in the war-torn state, I changed my way and mind, and became leader of the resistance that's been waging guerilla war since then.

"And now, here we are, standing here on this boat, awaiting the final word."

"Attack," Eskamoe added.

"Correct, and upon those words, the winged hussar knights will conduct a calvary charge riding on Unicorn stallions with a combined attack on the Eastern checkpoint, taking it out, we will then sweep through the town hall, capture the Colonel, and maybe and possibly rescue our friend," Night Sky explained.

"Hm... It may work, but we're going to need a bigger picture and plan than just the simple 1, 2, 3, action," Eskamoe spoke with reason.

"And what would that be agent?" Night Sky asked as he buttoned his cloak back on.

"Being an ex-soviet Colone-"

"Wait you were a Colonel for Rodinia?" Night Sky interjected.


"Oh sorry, continue," apologized Night.

"As I was saying, being an ex-colonel of the Rodinian Red Army, I was told that a mass assault doctrine mixed with guerilla tactics was the best maneuver to use when dealing with an operation such as this, you have partially this tactic, but if you want to swiftly strike quick and efficient, the best thing to do is to strike fast and swiftly.

Starting with signal, instead of waiting for him to speak his code phrase, wait for him to read the charges Thestria committed, and then you can attack, and do it fast," Eskamoe explained.

"So how do we execute this doctrine like that with the plan we already have?" Night Sky asked.

"Let me show you."

Rio De Batanero

As the motorcade arrived with Thestrian police cars securing the area, the helicopter landed at the designated pad assigned to them to land on.

Thestrial generals were on the scene as the helicopter was landing and brought a roofless car to the airport to bring the American diplomat to the meeting between Argendina and Thestria.

As the helicopter landed the the stairs placed before the diplomat, he stepped down from the helicopter while also giving greetings from the reporters and the generals.

"Good day Mr. James, we can hope that your presence gives us luck in our conference with Argendina," said a Thestrian.

"Indeed it may, but... I'm more of a sideshow than your average main show," replied James.

"Huh? Why so..."

It was then that behind James was Princess Luna of the Night, and of Dreams, which shocked everyone as Bat-ponies stood in a place frozen, with a small amount being skeptical of her, the majority outnumbered the rest with some bowing to the princess.

Luna looked at the city and gazed with wonder at how advanced her subjects were, with even the statue which the Bat-ponies called "Princess Luna the Redeemer." With the status being Princess Luna with her forehooves raised in a galloping pose.

However, out of the bat-ponies bowing one of the generals spoke from the crowd.

"And just who in Tartarus are you!"

"I am Princess Luna, the ruler of the night, and dreams, you may not know me, but my subjects are familiar with me, and from what I heard you are allied with a cult that prefers my dreaded old self, something I'd rather forget and learn, then to be... Her," Luna replied, which the Bat-ponies murmured and whispered to each other with some interested in meeting their royal ruler until Celestia came into appearance in which everyone hissed like cats towards the multi-colored mane alicorn which everyone disliked in Thestria.

Soon they started throwing fruit towards Celestia with some landing and pelting her skin before Luna shielded her and privately said.

"Tia, these ponies are not like your subjects like home, they are not willing to like you, I have to-"

"It's alright Lulu, just... Just be safe," Celestia said, as the two sisters hugged each other and James again went into yet another moment.

"Uhh... *AHEM* anyways, we should probably head towards to meeting?" He insisted.

"Indeed, lead the way, Mr. James."

And so the two went down to the bottom of the stairs and departed towards the capitol building where the meeting was taking place, however, the general who asked earlier didn't like the monarchy, nor was he willing to let it ruin his own private paradise.

"This is General tar tar, we have a code 0-12."

The East Kracu city checkpoint

It was now sunny with clear skies, Bat-pony troops continued to hold the checkpoint and inspect and arrest those who were affiliated with resistance cells.

Some chattered, some smoked, and some straight-up drank themselves to death.

However, it was then that they heard heavy trotting from the distance, some thought it was some sort of nearby stampede, however, the commanding officer looked through his binoculars and saw with horror what was approaching.

"Wait why is it-"


Before he can answer he was quickly slit in half by the sword of the warriors as pony stallions dueled and fought against the checkpoint, the area once quickly turned to a violent struggle as guns are fired and exchanged, and armed troops opened fire on the enemy positions with small and big arms fire.

As the guard's posts are scattered in disarray the commander attempts to hold a part of the checkpoint.

"SIR WHAT'S GOING ON!" Shouted a private, as he shot at the enemy with his gun, while also trying not to catch a bullet.

"I DON'T KNO- AGH" Yelled the commander, being killed in the crossfire of a gun battle as the Winged Hussars circled around stabbing the Bat-pony soldiers who tried their best to host the post.

"LONG LIVE PARSLEY!" Shouted some of the subordinates, catching their former comrades off guards and gunning them down with their own weapons as the leader of the infiltration ground quickly grabbed the resistance flag and raised it on the checkpoint which signaled to the Winged Hussars to halt further progression.

"That's one out of three to liberate," said the captain of the Hussars, as his men got off of the Stallions which they moved to secure the post.

"Now we'll need to wait for the barracks at the north to be raided," replied the infiltration leader.

Barrack 0-43

Upon word that the main checkpoint had been raiding bat-pony troops quickly got to their tanks and APCs until...

The commander of the barracks is killed in his tank which drove confusion in the base, it was then that a truck filled to the brim with resistance troops smashed through the base gates and fired on the Bat-pony troops in masses with some of the resistance fighters holding AK-47s, the main rifles, captured Thestrial weapons, and one resistance fighter with a M143 minigun.

As they disembarked the base personnel rallied to take positions but with their commander dead the NCOs rallied with whatever troops they could find to mount a counterattack, with some of the officers locked themselves in a bunker armed with a Light machine gun that gunned down some of the resistance rebels creating casualties.

It was then that Agent Icebreaker, who is the only one armed with American weapons approached the bunker by crawling on the ground, and then within his reach, he grabbed a little present from his belt.

"THROWING FRAG!" He shouted, as he ripped the safety off and threw the grenade inside of the bunker which exploded into fragments of shrapnel and debris, Icebreaker then raided the bunker and killed everyone else who was alive despite them being unarmed and in pain.


After killing everyone in the room he quickly radioed in that the bunker in the west sector of the barracks was secured.

In the north corridor of the Barracks, the resistance troops rushed the enemy through a series of heavy gunfire as the bat ponies attempted to escape in fear of being killed in a brutal death.

Upon reaching the second floor it was filled with barbed wire and machine gun foxholes as the whole hallway turned into a trench zone, a resistance soldier climbed up the stairs and got his head blown clean off from his body which now lays stabbed and poked by barbed wire.

"Dammit! They got the damn second hallway packed with those machine gun nests!" Said a Corporal, as his commanding officer who is a Bat-pony ringed in Incebreaker.

"We need assistance here, we can't move an inch up on that second floor without getting our heads blown off like the guy before us!" Said the commander, as a bullet ricocheted right in front of her.



"Yeah?" Asked the driver.


"Yeah! Let me just get in one without getting my ass shot off!" Said the driver as he kept his head ducked from the oncoming enemy fire coming in from the top of the Barrack building.

Icebreaker then followed suit and the two jumped inside the T-80 tank what met them were a series of complicated lights that looked like buttons but in reality, the controls were simpler, so immediately the driver got to work and turned the tank on and cranked some things and then moving the tank.

"Nice, I always wanted to man this thing," Icebreaker chuckled.

"Here's your opportunity now, you see the turret controller?" The pilot asked.


"Grab them and turn the turret towards the target, when you're ready push on the pedal below."

"What does that do?"

"It fires the damn cannon mate what else does it do!"

The two burst into laughter and carried on with the task at hand as the Driver positioned the tank into position Icebreaker peeked his head out a rocket landed right beside the tank in a fiery explosion.


"Yeah, too close," said the driver, as they arrived at the central part of the battle for Kracu.

The tank cannon turned towards the second floor and in an instant just as the enemy Thestrians peeped their heads out the window he shouted.



The tank fires its shell and zooms all the way to the building where it destroys and burns everything inside of the floor killing anyone inside of the floor in particular while also creating a hole in the wall.

And when the survivors peaked out of the hole in the building they were quickly gunned down by either the resistance troops or Icebreaker and the driver with both the tank's light and heavy machine guns cutting down the surrounding area.


"Now's our chance everypony! Charge!" Ordered the commander as the Bat-pony and Parslian troops continued their building rush and killed the survivors inside while taking a few prisoners who went down the stairs with a white flag as a sign of surrender, the Parslians now awaited word for the final place to be liberated.

The city.

Kracu, City Centre district

In the city, people gathered to listen to their new district manager's words of reason despite what had been going on in the distance, although people had noticed that there was no internet in their city and some people noticed that.

While people weren't concerned about the internet blackout they all stood in front of the town hall balcony where stands the democratically elected leader of Kracu, Ignacy mościcki.

As they looked up at the leader he spoke.

"Hello my children of Parsley, today would be a historical moment in the nation's history as we've all gathered together about the essence of the Thestrial and their intentions, but nonetheless I would like to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to lead you all."


"Colonel Gallif!"

"What is it corporal I'm trying to watch the speech," the Colonel said, smoking his pipe.

"Sir! The Eastern Checkpoint has been raided! And the Barracks had been overrun!"

This news made the Colonel spit out his pipe and cough.


"Resistance sir! Our entire garrison had been overrun, the checkpoint is now opened and the city is under-manned!"

"Corporal! What the HELL ARE YOU SAYING!"




The Colonel looked at the blue phone provided by Stefanos on the occasion that something like this occurs, calling the number though could end up having him be demoted or discharged from the army because of such incompetency, of course, the resistance would be taken care of but not in his way...

But if he doesn't call Thestria will not know for a while, but then considering that the general he just threatened is sending an armor column to his city it could be his head!


The bakery

Night Sky and Eskamoe waited for the leader to announce the charges when suddenly the door opened and it was Colonel Galliff and his soldiers, Night and his men along with Eskamoe pointed their rifles towards him before Galiff's bat-pony soldiers did the same before Galiff raised his hoof ordering them to stand down, and then grabbing a white handkerchief.

"A surrender?" Night Sky asked. "And why should I believe you?"

"Let's just say unless you like barren wastelands I'd rather you listen to me, I am not for or against the Thestrial government but for years I tried to undermine them on their doctrine of occupation, why do you think he is still alive Mr?"

"Sky, just Sky, and why should we even trust you when you killed people with your orders!"

"Trust me when I say I do not enjoy the crimes committed and I'm sorry for that, luckily though you killed most of the loyalists towards Thestria instead of the ones loyal to me. So thank you."

"Thank... You?"

"In other words, I'd kiss you right now If I wasn't a stallion, of course, that to say, your forces and my men can take out the convoy heading right straight for us," the Colonel informed.

"So what counts for little tanks?"

"Those tanks you destroyed in the Barrack are nothing compared to what Rodinia supplied."

"What are you talking about..."

"This column has tanks all right, but give it helicopters and everything goes to Tartarus, but these are not just any helicopters either, I'm talking..."

"Mi-8s, shit that means they have special forces!"

"Correct, and no one could survive them, and if this column reaches us."

"It's over..."

"Correct, but knowing what they'll do to me I'd rather hurt them for every misery they cause me than surrender cowardly to the same ones who'll execute me, I dreamed of glory, just not in the way I thought," the colonel said, as he grabbed his hat with the Thestria symbol and tossed it into the fireplace.

"Where can I and my men start sir," he saluted.

"I think I know what you can do."


Columns of trucks carrying tanks with some of the armor vehicles rolling on the grassland plains.

General Night Flight and his vehicle lead the convoy heading straight for Kracu when his radio suddenly scrambled into white noise.

"What's going on!" He demanded.

"Sir, someone is scrambling all radio frequencies! We can't get a signal!" Informed the bat-pony soldiers.

"Alright, stop this column, I want a technician on the ground now!" He ordered, as his passenger climbed out of the jeep and raised flag signals to the column, ordering them to stop.

Some had stopped while some smashed into one another from the back damaging some of the equipment and breaking one out of the three helicopters that rested on the flatbeds.

The general stepped out and looked at his column.

"Great Creator Dammit!" He cursed to himself as he and his men moved in to inspect the damage.

Suddenly a tank shell zoomed passed them and destroyed a second MI-8 helicopter blowing it to pieces as it now sits in flames the drivers tried to get out of the truck but were consumed in the flames of Tartarus.

Then it happened, the winged Hussars, the Colonel's troops, Night Sky's liberation forces, and some of the troops that raided Barrack 043 had all charged and attacked the column in a fierce ambush as the once peaceful plain lands turned into a scorched hell land.

In the midst of the battle General Flight Grabbed his pistol and fired at the rebels that raided him.

Eskamoe was nearly shot before Night Sky tackled the General which turned into a full-on brawl.

Night Flight pounced on Night Sky and tore his cloak off revealing his true self before being kicked in the head.

After the general grabbed his bearings he spat out a blood-covered tooth and stared at the rebel leader.

"So you're the one they call the immortal leader," he chuckled.

"Surprised?" Night Sky replied as they circled around in the chaotic fight between freedom and tyranny.

"You and your people should've never set hoof on these lands!" Night Sky exclaimed as he pulled out a sword.

"Hehehe. Same for you, Equestrian rat."

The General then drew his sword out and the two charged at each other in the style of sword-to-sword combat.


The city was now in flames, rebel uprisings had now begun, Parsley was now rebelling against their occupiers, and the only one left was the General who had tried his best to consolidate power, but now the civilians of Parsley were now attempting to breach the capitol palace.

And once it happens thousands of years of military occupation will be undone and they can't do anything about it no matter what they throw.

The General no doubt attempted to escape before being slapped by a Parslian with an M14 rifle pointing it at him.


And so, the members of the General Council of Parsley, all except for the Colonel who fights for Parsley.

Are dead.

Rio Batanero, capitol building

Argendinian representatives sat quietly in the room and so did the bat Ponies.

Except the Argendinian representatives smiled at what Stefanos was hearing on the phone, and President Alberto could laugh his ass off when Stefanos got off the phone and sighed.

"What did you do President," Stefanos demanded.

"What happened bat? Lost control of your little enclave that you've held for thousands of years?" Alberto insulted while keeping his laughter inside of him.

"This will not be tolerated! Just you wait! I will make sure to burn your frontlines to the point of Tartarus!"

"You will do no such thing!" Entered Luna and James, as they stood towering over the Bat-ponies who looked in shock at Luna's presence.

" And who are you, faker!?" Stefanos questioned, as Luna explained who she was, what she was called by him and every other bat pony, and her purpose here.

Stefanos wasn't going to give an inch to her, no matter what, even if she was Nightmare Moon he wasn't willing to give up his power.

"Soldier! Detain her and put her away! I do not want this faker anymore than-"

But before he finished Luna moved the moon in the sky blackening the sky into a total solar eclipse causing the men, the soldiers, and the Bat-ponies to truly fear like never before an alicorn.

The Bat-pony soldiers dropped their guns and dropped to the ground in a bow at her hooves Luna, with her eyes bright white, moved the moon back to where it was which revealed a scared Stefanos who was now shocked at what she did.

And he should be when his own men turned against him with guns pointing at him.


"You are a traitor to our goddess! It's clear that this one is better than Nightmare Moon!"


They then launched an all-out coup de tat and detained Stefanos, banging him on the wall with rifles pointing at him, Luna held her hoof up and spoke harshly in demand.

"Recalled ALL troops from the lands occupied, from Parsley to the Gilligan region! And I promise I will make a better treaty that can solve this conflict!"

"Oh yeah! How so-"

"QUIET PRISONER!" Yelled the Bat-pony Sergeant who banged Stefanos in the gut.

"Now now Sergeant, that won't be necessary, Mr. Alberto?" Luna asked, in which he pridefully placed down a map that is actually internationally fair for all parties even for the Parslians who aren't present.


"If you agree, we'll let you live and let you go back to Chiropterra, otherwise if you disagree, then you will have to deal with your army," Luna threatened, which the leader of the nation he ruled for a year had never been forced to this rate.


"Good, a helicopter will be sent to send you back to Chiropterra, just know however, if you dare come back and try to take back what isn't your's I will fly over here myself, and deal with you in the harshest punishment known to ponykind! As long as I live you are to never come back to these lands, EVER AGAIN!"

"Very well... But know this, if you ever become Nightmare Moon, just know that the land I came from will accept you with open arms..."

"But not me!" Stefanos stated, as he signed the treaty and was escorted outside to the helicopter that awaited him to transport him out of Rio Batanero.

And with that, years of tyranny were brought to an end by Luna as F-16 Jets sent from America arrived followed by military helicopters filled with Marines as fireworks were shot up from the building to alert the army that they'd just overthrown their leader with the help of their goddess they formerly called Empress.

But they aren't heading to Thestria, they're going through Thestria.

The plains.

As the battle continued to rage the Thestrial troops were being pounded with the helicopter pilots attempting to fly the Mi-8 helicopter but were killed by a strafe of machine gun fire.

Special forces meanwhile showed their strength as they gunned down hundreds of Resistance fighters before they were calvaried charged by the Hussars whose swords sliced through the Special Forces soldiers necks.

Eskamoe and Icebreaker side by side fired their guns toward the enemy when suddenly, they heard helicopters and jets flying towards them, and everyone paused the fighting.

Except for Night Sky and Night Flight who continued to duel with their swords forming an X shape every time they clinged onto each other.

Night Sky attempted to go for a stab before being cut by Night Flight in the chest who he then chuckled.

"You fight like a brat, shamefully, your fur reminds me of something," the general thought as Night Sky got up on his hoof.

"You never show me your face, you continue to hide behind that blue helmet of yours!" Night Sky insulted.

"This helmet serves as my protection, also it's called an Atlyn, very USEFUL!"

He then went to attempt to cut Night Sky's throat off before being caught off guard and getting shot by the unicorn horn in the tail.

"You know! If I wasn't a damn pony I'd bite your skin off just for that!" He raged.

"Oh really? Should've been obvious considering how wingless you are!"

"I will KILL YOU!" Shouted the Pony as he charged towards Night Sky with the sword in an attempt to slice his eye out but he was foiled and fatally, Night Sky sliced Night Flight's helmet off and stabbed him in the chest.

"ERK- AU.. ACK-"


Laying on the ground bleeding Night Sky turned towards the pony whom he fought and was shocked..

"No... I-it can't be!"


"You're... You're my father!" Night Sky revealed, that Night Flight at first was about to insult him but realized now that finally recognized the fur coat.

He remembers the day of his son's birth, the day he and his wife left him.



The two didn't talk, but Night Flight was bleeding ferociously, and Night Sky attempted to save his father but he turned his face toward him.

"Don't... Y-you Won, there is no need to heal me."

"I can still save you, father!"

"No- *cough* you... Need to find my wife, she's still alive."

"But... How... How are you two still-"

"She... Knows, I... Don't..."


Night Flight closed his eyes and died, something Night Sky never thought to think was how his parents were somehow alive, it confused him a lot but nonetheless, he noticed White helicopters and Jets zooming over him in aid with the fighters.

But these weren't just Americans, it was the League of Nations Peacekeepers, with blue helmet troops mixed with Griffons, Ponies, Humans, and even Rodinians arriving to secure the area and treating both sides that were wounded when a White Helicopter with the letters "United Nations." Landed behind him.

The Blue Helmet men took away his now-dead father who he had vanquished and with that, he was gone with the sky.

As for the blue-capped men, they started discussing what they should do about the establishment of a Parsley country. And whoever should lead it.

3 days later

After days of packing provisions again, the war in Argendina was over, after an entire year of struggle the death toll reached hundreds upon thousand hundreds of dead.

The war was devastating and bloody, and now with Thestria losing its grip in Parsley after thousands of years of occupation, it was finally over.

And so, with Parsley liberated and with the knowledge that his mother was alive, he sat out to leave once again to find his only parent left.

Upon the day of the establishment of the Republic of Parsley and the renaming of cities, Night Sky left the resistance and was later presumed missing.

Nonetheless, a statue was constructed in his name, and Ignacy Mościcki became the leader of the newly established republic, a Parsley land for the Parslian people.

In honor of those who died, extra red is added to their flag to commemorate the sacrifices made in the war of liberation.

As for Night Sky, wherever he was, he could rest peacefully now knowing that he could safely chant to himself.

"Long live, Parsley, Long live the republic."