• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,903 Views, 5,029 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 171: Poking the Tiger

Episode 171: Poking the Tiger

“Sure you’ll be okay?” Sunset’s question was a simple one, but it carried a strong undercurrent of complex feelings. Wallflower, when she’d finally woken up again, had declined Sunset’s invitation to ask further questions, although Sunset could easily tell that many still resided inside the mild mannered girl. Furthermore, Sunset hadn’t really found a good opportunity to properly apologize for the way she’d bullied Wallflower back in the day, and remained uneasy about it. Yet there really wasn’t time at the moment to really hash any of that out. It was early morning, just after sunrise the day after the Hollow attack, and Sunset’s schedule was already packed to the gills, especially with her little impromptu plans involving a “diplomatic” visit to Hueco Mundo.

Of course it wasn’t like she’d intended to just keep Wallflower at Discord’s place. She had a home and family to get to, and had already called them about staying overnight at a “friend’s” house. From what little Sunset heard of that conversation, it sounded like Wallflower’s parents were incredibly relieved to hear Wallflower had stayed with a friend. Was that because of the whole not showing up at home last night, or because Wallflower had a friend? Regardless, Wallflower just wore a tense, eyes down look as she simply nodded to Sunset’s question as they stood just outside the wards to Discord’s shop.

“Yes, I’ll be fine.”

“I mean, I don’t even know how far your house is, and Applejack will be here any second with her brother’s truck to-”

“I said I’m fine!” Wallflower blurted with an odd amount of desperation in her voice, and she quickly gulped and looked away, “I mean... th-thanks... for saving my life last night. And I know you took the stone because it’s magic or whatever, so it’s not like you were stealing from me.”

That stone had been one of the first things Wallflower had asked about not long after waking up that morning, and Sunset hadn’t hid the truth about taking it or why she had. Magic was dangerous in the hands of someone who didn’t have any familiarity with it. Sunset had asked if Wallflower had discovered any abilities with the stone, or if it had done anything unusual, but Wallflower had simply told her she’d picked it up because it had looked neat and had no idea it was magic.

Sunset had sensed some serious discomfort in Wallflower when she’d said that and didn’t need a lot of brainpower to figure the girl must have been hiding something, but she wasn’t about to turn things into an interrogation. Whatever secrets the stone held, Twilight would probably figure them out soon enough. If Wallflower had used some magical ability the stone had, it didn’t seem to Sunset that it had left any aftereffects. As long as Wallflower was alright, that was about all Sunset cared about concerning that matter.

“I’m glad you understand, Wallflower. Magic is dangerous, especially the less you know about it. Now just remember that you’ve got my number now, so if anything happens, you can ring me up and I’ll come running. You’re also welcome at the shop here, and if you’re worried about Hollows, get in touch with Bon Bon. She’s organizing a lot of the students for neighborhood watch. Otherwise, just be careful about going out at night.”

“Um, sure, I... well, I gotta go.”

Wallflower gave Sunset the impression of a spooked kitten as she quickly walked away, giving furtive glances over her shoulder at Sunset before disappearing around the alley corner that’d lead back to the main streets of downtown. Sunset watched her leave with a sigh, wondering if perhaps she could have handled things better? Should she have just come out and apologized right then and there, or would it have just brought back bad memories for Wallflower? Had she told Wallflower enough about the truth of things with the spirit world and it’s dangerous, or had she said too much? Should she have pressed Wallflower for more on that magical stone, or was it better just to leave it be?

I’ve got too much on my plate as it is. I just hope she’ll be okay.

Sunset’s thoughts focused back on the new day ahead of her, and she broke into a swift walk down the opposite alley that’d lead to a different street where she and her friends had agreed to meet up. Sunset patted her face to clear her head and started to psyche herself up. If everything went as planned, today was going to be interesting.


Wallflower felt light headed as she walked for the nearest downtown bus stop that would take her towards her home street in the east suburbs. Her brain was buzzing with half finished thoughts and her heart stammered with uncertain emotions that even Wallflower couldn’t really parse out.

Everything Sunset had told her sounded so insane, yet lined up perfectly with everything that had happened and everything Wallflower had experienced. She didn’t know what to feel about any of it, and about Sunset most of all. Wallflower could remember every petty unkindness that had been inflicted on her by that girl, but that stood in bold contrast to the brave soul that had snatched Wallflower, quite literally, from the jaws of danger. Not to mention all of that kindness and patience Sunset had shown in trying to explain it all while giving Wallflower a place to recover. Sure, she’d taken the Memory Stone, but Wallflower wasn’t even sure she wanted the thing anymore. Convenience of being able to vanish from people’s memories aside, if it was going to make her a target of monsters like those Hollows, she was way better off without it.

But that means I’m back to being a complete nobody, aren’t I? The one thing that made me even slightly special is just a freaky rock from another world I shouldn’t have had in the first place. Heh... and I can’t even be mad at Sunset about anything because she’s pulled a total one eighty into becoming a literal super hero. Popular as a bully, even more popular as a heroine.

What surprised Wallflower is that she really wasn’t mad at Sunset anymore, but that hadn’t stopped her from feeling insanely awkward and uncomfortable around her, either. After all, Wallflower had spent a lot of time plotting some unpleasant things for Sunset before all of this occurred, and it just left her feeling ashamed of herself and even more like a loser who didn’t deserve the consideration she’d been shown. As if it would have been better if that Hollow had finished her off in that alleyway. A stupid thought, a part of her knew, but it remained lodged in her, all the same. What would she even do now? She’d gotten answers, but not the kind that showed her what she should do other than stay as far out of Sunset’s way as possible.

Unless... should she join that neighborhood watch Sunset had mentioned? The one apparently Bon Bon was taking charge of? She was a little terrified of the notion. Wallflower had never been the sort to volunteer to do anything. The very idea of approaching someone, especially someone outgoing and loud like Bon Bon, was horrifying in a way not unlike a Hollow.

But Wallflower was so, so tired of just being the one who no one remembered. If Sunset Shimmer could change so much in such a short time, then... why not her?

Such thoughts swirled within Wallflower as she got on the bus that would take her home, and she never did notice that across the street, a figure that had been shadowing her moved with smooth steps into the awning of an open cafe and pulled out a cell phone as the bus pulled away with Wallflower on it.

“This is agent Sweetie Drops, reporting that the target has left the Candy Shop. Repeat, target has left the Candy Shop. No sign of the arcane object in the target's possession. ...Agreed, most likely it was taken by Orange and given to Purple. ...No, no sign yet that target is being hunted, but we can’t discount the possibility. Yes ma’am, I will. Backup? Doubt I’ll need it. H-hey, I am careful! ...Lyra is the exception, ma’am, not the rule. Fine, point taken, I’ll take the backup, just make sure that those two don’t go overboard! Last thing we need is anyone figuring out we’re in town. I will, ma’am, Agent Sweetie Drops out.”


The ride out to Sweet Apple Acres was pleasant. Summer heat was mitigated by a stiff and cool wind coming from the ocean, making for a day that was enjoyably warm rather than outright scorching. Traffic was light, and Applejack handled her brother’s truck with a smooth touch that led to a gentle ride, even for the girls riding in the bed of the vehicle, including Sunset Shimmer.

“I’m glad that Wallflower headed home without incident, but are you feeling alright, Sunset?” asked Fluttershy, who was sitting in the truck bed across from Sunset.

“Huh? Why do you ask?” Sunset blinked. She didn’t think she’d been showing anything to indicate she was feeling off, but then again Fluttershy was a lot more preceptive than most.

“You were staring off a bit. I thought maybe something was worrying you.”

Next to Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash let out a short cackle-snort, “What, like our plan to jump right into the frying pan at Hueco Mundo? Totally nothing to worry about.”

“I can’t tell if you’re being serious or sarcastic, Rainbow,” Sunset said with a quick half-smile, but she wiped it away and adopted a more level look to both of her friends in the back of the truck. Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie were in the cab, but if need be Sunset would reiterate this to them later as well, “Believe it or not, I’m not stressing too much about what we’re going to do there. Discord and Ditzy both approved the plan. Gaia’s on board with it too. It’ll be rough, but I think this will work. If you’re worried about me, I’ll be alright, it’s just that Wallflower reminded me of some things from back in the day. Like, pre-debitchifying myself back in the day.”

“Ooooh,” Fluttershy said, and Rainbow nodded with knowing eyes.

“Got it. Yeah, easy to forget how you were back then. I mean, you’re way cool now, and we love you to death, Sunset, but yeah if Wallflower only really knew you from those days...”

“I know. I’m not stewing on it too much, but I did want to apologize to her, and just couldn’t find the spot to do it,” Sunset heaved out a consternated sigh, “It’s weird, right? We’ve got literal multiversal scaled problems starring us in the face, but I’m worried about how I was mean to a girl in school and just want to apologize to her for it.”

“It’s not weird at all, Sunset. It’s very good of you, and honestly it just tells me that you’ve really put your heart in all the right places,” Fluttershy said with a smile that could overdose a dinosaur with it’s sweetness. “Our lives have so much fighting in them nowadays, it’s too easy to forget the things that might seem small, but are really important.”

“You’ll get a shot to apologize to that Wallflower chick properly someday, but first we got to save the world. Er, worlds. Can’t forget Equestria,” Rainbow Dash said, then cocked her head in question, “Ever get any word through that journal yet?”

“No, and that’s seriously starting to bug me, too,” Sunset said, face etched in a deep frown, “There’s no way Princess Twilight would go this long without checking in. Something’s wrong over there. We’ve got to get through that portal.”

“Which is topic numero uno once we get all the big wigs in the same room, right?” Rainbow Dash said, “Once we get the Soul Reapers and Quincy all nice and hand shaky with each other, we don’t have to be as worried about ol’ Tirek shoving a Hollow horde through there, and we’ll be free to go on through, chat up the Beast Tribes or whatever, and then move on to Equestria for a long overdue rematch with Starlight Monologue Glimmer and her posse of idiots, including my mom. We get their clocks cleaned, maybe recruit them to our side if we’re feeling generous enough and they say sorry, like, a bajillion times, then BAM, we move on to Zero Division for the final showdown! Easy as can be.”

Sunset couldn’t help but let out a relieved and relaxed chuckle at Rainbow Dash’s casual assessment of their overall goals, as if the entire affair of negotiating peace between two warring factions that absolutely hated each other, traveling through the largely unknown Beast Realm, then defeating whatever foes awaited them in Equestria, all before tackling the most monstrously powerful entities in the world that had orchestrated all of this madness was just... going to work out. Then again, Rainbow Dash was essentially the living embodiment of confidence, and thankfully it was infectious.

“Thanks, Rainbow, I needed the pep talk. You’re right, crazy as all this is, I think we can do it.”

“Duh, of course we can. We’re awesome.”

By then the truck had pulled off of the freeway and had taken the short, looping exit to the small side road that would lead across short hills and a few grass fields before arriving at the farmland owned by the Apple family. Sunset was generally a city girl, even when she’d been a unicorn back in Equestria, but she couldn’t deny the wholesome feel of well maintained farmland. Maybe she had some earth pony in her somewhere? She never did know her parents, so one of them could have been an earth pony, she supposed.

The gravel driveway leading up to the farmhouse was already somewhat packed. Sunset recognized the Pie family station wagon, but surprisingly next to the weathered old car was an impressive and large motorcycle, painted black. Next to that was the plain white, four door sedan belonging to Rarity’s family. In stark contrast to the sedan was an almost painfully colorful minivan, painted with flowers of all colors. At a guess, Sunset figured that must be Fluttershy’s family. The last car present was a long, heavy looking one painted bright red, an old fashioned Cadillac with convertible roof. Sunset wasn’t sure who that belonged to, and she gave Rainbow Dash a quizzical look.

Dash, however, just shrugged and said, “Don’t recognize it, either. I don’t see my dad’s car. He must not be here yet.”

“Well the cookout isn’t until noon, so we’re all pretty early, but I imagine everyone was looking for an excuse to unwind a bit,” Fluttershy said as the truck pulled up to an empty space beside the Cadillac and everyone hopped out.

“Whooowee!” Applejack let out a whoop, stretching, “Ain’t got words fer how nice it is ta have a’ full house fer a day o’ shootin’ the breeze n’ cookin’ up some grub on the grill!”

“An outing somewhat hampered in it’s relaxed atmosphere by the fact that we’ve planned some mischief for the evening, but I’ll certainly enjoy the day before then,” Rarity said, already grabbing the case from the back of the truck that contained her electric keytar, “If anyone wouldn’t mind helping me carry our equipment to the barn, I’d like to start setting up.”

“On it,” Sunset said, snatching up additional cases with her friends’ instruments, and gingerly grabbing a large portable amp as well. None of it was heavy to her, of course, but even with supernatural strength it could get awkward carrying too many items.

“I am toooo!” shouted a now familiar voice as someone came scampering across the deck of the farmhouse from around the back end and neatly jumped the distance from there to the truck, landing just on the edge of the bed. Chappy’s grinning visage filled Sunset’s vision as the girl who now looked so remarkably like her in the Mod Soul’s new gigai started grabbing equipment as well.

“Chappy, you’re up early,” Sunset noted. Usually Chappy had been indulging on more than one hedonistic front, including sleeping in considerably. Not that Sunset really blamed her, after last night, which was partially why she was surprised to see Chappy up and already at the farm.

“Couldn’t sleep. Too excited! Big party with lots of food! And possibly cute boys.”

“Uh, not sure on the cute boys front, Chaps,” said Rainbow Dash, “Unless big, tall, and not talkative is your type.”

“No offense, Chappy, but don’t ya even think o’ goin’ near Big Mac,” Applejack said with a protective glare, to which the Mod Soul’s innocent grin didn’t even remotely dampen, all but bouncing on her feet as she helped Sunset get the last of the music gear out of the truck.

“Awww don’t be like that, AJ! We’re all one big happy family here. Me and Sunset are like sisters now, which is the cover story for any time we’re out in public together.”

“Big Mac knows about what you are, so the sister story is kind of moot,” Sunset said, “Besides, Big Mac isn’t the only brother around here for you to prowl around. Fluttershy, don’t you have a brother, too?”

“Oh, um... yes, but...” Fluttershy trailed off, and Rainbow Dash suddenly shuddered, but then offered Chappy and Sunset a mischievous smile.

“Zephyr Breeze is his name. By all means, Chappy, go for it. He’s all yours.”

“Rainbow!” Fluttershy said, “Don’t give Chappy any bad ideas.”

“Why would it be a bad idea?” asked Chappy, to which Sunset just snagged her by the arm and motioned to the barn.

“Never you mind that. C’mon let’s get this stuff set up.”

“Meet ya’ll there in a sec, just gonna go find Granny an’ see how everything is goin’ with all o’ our guests,” Applejack said, waving over her shoulder as she strode for the main door to the house, leaving the rest of the girls to head for the barn. Within the barn itself Sunset found that the place had already been largely cleaned up and organized so that a large space towards the back was open for her and her friends to set up the music equipment. With all of them working at it, the process took nearly no time at all, although Chappy didn’t cease being a chatterbox the entire time.

“Oh man I can’t wait to stuff myself full with some fresh cooked barbeque. I haven’t had the chance to really put this body through the paces and see what it can handle!”

Sunset was adjusting the strings on her guitar, but looked up at Chappy with a furrowed brow. “You do realize you can’t go hog wild with that body without dealing with the consequences, right? It’s not like you can pawn the problem off on me if you go overboard.”

“Sure, but that doesn’t mean a girl can’t test her limits, right?” Chappy all but bounced in place, ever shifting about as if the simple act of moving was pleasure, “You don’t get it, sis. That plush body was okay, but there was no feeling to it. No feedback. I’ve spent so long as just a ball, or a stuffed animal, that every time I got to be in your body was total bliss. Now I get to feel that all the time! Can you blame me for wanting to enjoy it?”

“Which is fine, I just want you to actually be able to enjoy it, instead of learning the hard way that there’s some really unpleasant parts to having a flesh and blood body all the time. Call it, er, ‘sisterly’ concern,” Sunset said. She really didn’t mind the way Chappy called her that. It made sense from a cover story standpoint, and it was strangely nice to hear. She had never had a sister, and Chappy certainly fit the role of a bubbly little sister. It sort of triggered a protective instinct in Sunset, hence why she was cautioning Chappy so much.

Granted the gigai probably could handle more than a real human body could. And on the ‘boys’ front, well... at least the gigai wasn’t capable of bearing children, so no worries on that front if Chappy got a tad promiscuous. The bigger worry was Chappy needing to learn social boundaries and some actual emotional restraint. Sunset imagined she was going to have her hands full keeping the overly eager Mod Soul from getting out of control.

It wasn’t long before Applejack showed up again, this time with the trio of Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle in tow. The three girls wanted to watch and listen in on the band practice, which none of the older girls had any objections to. In short order they were fully set up, and Sunset led them in their first set, starting with the familiar and soul soothing tune of “My Past is Not Today”, one Sunset had written herself not long after she’d turned over her new leaf.

An hour flew by like magic, Sunset losing herself in the music with her friends. She’d forgotten how at ease this put her, or how long it had been since they’d played together. Battles past flashed by her mind’s eye like running water. The pain and sorrow of loss, the hot rage of conflict, all blended and ran down her soul with each note that belted forth from her fingers on guitar strings. Within her heart, at the core of her spirit, she felt the warmth of magic fill her with it’s golden heat. Sunset felt the pleasure and harmony not just from her friends, but beating like a heart inside her Zanpaktou, which she’d rested against the barn wall. Hokori no Hikari spoke to her not in words, but in the pleased hum that stemmed from the blade’s twin spirits, both pride and light buzzing in tune to the music that filled their wielder and her friends.

Sunset had no idea how much more time had passed, but suddenly she found herself sweat soaked, breathing in ecstatic relief as the final note rang in the air and she, along with her friends, touched down on the ground.

Wait, when did we end up floating in the air, and ponying up? Sunset wondered, not even realizing that they’d all become glowing and taking on their trademark pony traits during their long playing session. The forms faded quickly enough once they set back down, but Sunset and all of her friends showed similar signs of fading glows.

“Whoa, been awhile since we grooved that hard,” Rainbow said, smiling past a few quick breaths, “Forgot how good this feels.”

“I’ll say! Like my whole body got dipped in cotton candy!” Pinkie Pie said, licking her lips, “Makes me and Mena super hungry.”

“That. Was. Amazing!” Scootlaloo shouted, leaping up from where she’d sat down with her friends on a haybale. “Seriously, why aren’t you guys signing records deals or something?”

“C’mon now, we’re good, but we ain’t pros yet,” Applejack said, using her hat to fan herself a bit, “Although I guess we are a mite impressive, ain’t we?”

“A fair sight better than good, by my estimation,” Rarity replied, then another voice spoke from the barn door, causing all eyes to be drawn that way.

“Ain’t gonna hear me gainsay that assessment. Been a long time since I heard playin’ like that, an’ no mistake, glowin’ aside, you girls got somethin’ special there that ain’t got nothin’ ta do with magic, but talent.”

“Ma!” Applejack cried, setting aside her instrument and all but leaping to the door where Sweet Cider stood. The mountain of a woman was in her Soul Reaper uniform, complete with white Captain’s coat, but was holding herself at a far more relaxed manner than Sunset had ever seen her. A lot of the ready violence that had been the woman’s norm since Sunset had first seen her back within the Seireitei was now replaced by an ease that was pleasant to see. Sweet Cider, uniform aside, looked like any other woman enjoying the atmosphere and feel of home, and the sight of her grinning down at her daughter brought a similar smile to Sunset’s face.

“Howdy, young uns,” Sweet Cider said, “I just got here a bit ago an’ heard ya’ll belting out some fine tunes. Figured I’d come see how ya’ll were before I went n’ met up with the rest.”

Which, in a way, was a rather big deal. As far as Sunset knew this would be the first real chance Sweet Cider would have had to catch up fully with her old friends from her Xcution days. With that thought in mind she started putting her guitar away while saying, “Glad you enjoyed the music. Even if we never go pro, I don’t think I ever want us to stop doing this.”

“Be a real shame if ya did,” Sweet Cider said, then a bit more of a serious look came over her, “Now, ‘fore we mosey on over ta the house, Discord done told me ya’ll wanted ta postpone our little trainin’ session?”

The girls exchanged looks, and Sunset noted that the three younger girls were suddenly looking quite interested in the change in conversation. Thinking about Screwloose’s warning about those three, Sunset nodded at Sweet Cider but kept her response simple, “Kind of. Let’s just say I got an idea, and need to run it by you, at Discord’s recommendation. We can talk about it later, after lunch.”

Sweet Cider was no fool and picked up on Sunset’s furtive glance at the CMC, and gave a bare nod indicating she understood. “Sounds fine ta me. Ain’t much fer straight talk ‘till after grub anyhows.”

As a whole the group departed the barn and made their way around the back of the farmhouse. There, Sunset saw that the wide open back lawn was sporting a big wooden deck, where numerous outdoor circular tables had been set up. Two huge, double deck grills were already fired up, and Big Mac manned them while dual wielding spatulas, with a big blue apron over his work clothes. The elder Apple sibling had a practical hill of burger patties, hot dogs, and chicken breasts good to go, already loading up the grills with expert care, causing the air to fill with the tantalizing smell of cooked meat.

Dang it, I’ve really gone full native, Sunset thought with a wry little smile, noticing the way her mouth watered a bit at the scents now filling the air.

Aside from the grill, there was a longer patio table with checkered red and white covering that was piled up with chips, fruits, vegetable trays, cheese, crackers, and enough condiments to fill a small pool. Beneath and to the side of the table were four or so coolers, stocked full with various sodas, and more than a few beers. Not everyone present was of drinking age, but Granny Smith was loose on the rules regarding that at times, and Sunset was technically of legal age... by Equestrian standards.

The Apple family matron herself was presiding over a gathering of the adults at one of the tables, although the moment the group came into view Granny Smith looked to them with warm eyes and an even deeper look of contentment at the sight of Sweet Cider. Although not spiritually awakened like her granddaughters, and increasingly her grandson, Granny Smith had been granted a talisman by Discord that helped her see things of the spirit realm more clearly. Granted she’d apparently always had a faint sense of such things, just not on par with those with actual spiritual powers. Big Mac, while not yet exhibiting a Fullbring, could see his mother’s spirit body clearly without such a talisman, indicating it wouldn’t be long before he did manifest such powers.

“Ya’ll were making quite the racket out front, but glad ‘nough that it sounded like it was a fun time,” Granny Smith said, gesturing at one of the unoccupied tables, “Grab seats, young uns, an’ lunch’ll be served in no time. Sweet Cider, hun, ya mind given yer boy a’ hand at the grill? He thinks he’s a gourmet ever since he started watchin’ them cookin’ programs with the fella what yells and swears all the time.”

For a brief second Sweet Cider had a look as if the towering and powerhouse of a Soul Reaper Captain could break out into tears right then and there at the homely love in her mother’s voice, which soon became an easy grin as she started for the grill, “No problem, ma.”

“Hey, I got this all just fine,” said Big Mac, but his token resistance of male pride melted like caramel as his mother gave him a knowing look and the boy who was every inch his mother’s son gave a sheepish smile and offered her one of the spatulas, “But I guess the chicken always gives me a bit o’ trouble.”

“Gotta learn the timin’ on chicken, son. Takes a mite longer than other meats, an’ there’s a trick ta it,” Sweet Cider said, taking the spatula and standing by Big Mac.

Sunset could feel the emotion radiating off of Applejack even before the farmgirl let out a long, sighting breath of ease. Sunset gave her a friendly pat on the arm and nodded to the table, “Nothing like a full house, right?”

“Nah,” Applejack smiled, “Nah there ain’t.”

Granted there was still one missing component from the Apple Family equation, but at least they all knew that Lament was well and recovering. Or Hard Nail, as it was. Adagio still referred to him as ‘Lament’ in her sporadic communications, whether that was out of familiarity, preference, or some other reason wasn’t clear. Still, according to what Adagio had said he was slowly regaining his lost strength, although it remained unknown if he’d get back to the same level he’d been at before. Thus far it seemed like his position was only being maintained by having Adagio and Torch run interference for him, and the fact that Hard Nail hadn’t been very active as an Espada anyway, so him going unseen for a time wasn’t unusual.

Sunset hoped that if her plan was successful, it might help open an avenue for the Apple Family to more properly reunite.

“Ah, Rarity dear, Sweetie Belle honey, I was just regaling everyone with the story of our first times out as Xcution!” piped Cookie Crumbles with a wave from the adult table, which had most of the parents, sans Rainbow Dash’s father seated at it. Sunset noted that while Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie’s mothers both had understanding nods at Cookie Crumbles’ enthusiasm, there was a lot of mixed signals coming from the fathers. Igneous Pie seemed the most calm, sagely nodding alongside Cloudy Quartz, but Magnum and Gentle Breeze both looked as if they were still trying to get their heads wrapped around it all. Fluttershy’s brother, Zephyr Breeze, looked as if he was finding more interest in doing damage to the local potato chip population than pay the conversation any mind, although Sunset noted he kept giving glances towards Rainbow Dash that were about as subtle as a sack of bricks.

“It’s, um, r-really quite the story,” said Gentle Gust, Fluttershy’s father gulping with visible sweat on his brow, “Very harrowing.”

“I mean, I get this was before we started dating, but it’s still so hard to believe,” Magnum said, “Isn’t it weird, having all these memories suddenly pop back into your heads?”

“Oh, my head had plenty of room to spare,” Cookie Crumbles said with a laugh, waving a hand at her husband, although her mood shifted to one of brief melancholy as she looked at her daughter, “I just had to have those memories back, I think. After what happened, I just don’t want to not know or be powerless any more.”

“Believe you me, Cookie, I understand,” said Cloudy Quartz, her demeanor exuding a solidary like rock itself, “I, too, and glad Mister Discord was able to unseal both our memories and our powers. While our daughters may have surpassed us, and our younger children are learning to control their own abilities, we remain parents. We’ll protect our own, now as a whole, united family.”

“I’d like that,” said Soft Spoken, “Although the sooner things can go back to being peaceful, the better.”

“Gonna be a long road fer that,” called Sweet Cider over her shoulder, but there was a keen and happy look in her eyes as she glanced back at her old friends, flipping over a piece of chicken without even looking at it, “But ya’ll can bet yer bottom dollar’s that I’m with ya ‘till the end. It’ll be like ol’ times, crackin’ skulls tagether.”

“Hah, you’ve had quite a bit more practice at it than we’ve gotten to have over the years, Sweet Cider, but we’ll do our best to keep up!” said Cookie Crumbles, while a more dour look hit Fluttershy’s mother.

“I just wish Firefly was here,” Soft Spoken said.

“And Velvet...” added Cloudy Quartz. With their memories restored, and the news of the fate of Twilight’s mother having reached them, all of the former Xcution members had their own feelings to sort out over the loss.

Pinkie Pie, perhaps immediately sensing the need for an uplifting of the atmosphere's gloom, “All of you together must’ve really been extra amazing, and I really wanna hear about how you all got trained by Mister Discord! Did you all have to fight Miss Ditzy in a big arena like we did?”

“Oh God, that place,” Cloudy Quartz let out a breathy chuckle, “So she did the same to all of you girls? I swear Miss Ditzy Doo never does anything by halves, does she?”

“That was a grueling experience to say the least,” Cookie Crumbles said, giving off a quick shudder at whatever memory was flying through her mind’s eye, “Did she use that frightening Shunko attack on you as well?”

“Did she!” Pinkie Pie laughed, while Rainbow Dash raised a fist and tapped Pinkie on the shoulder with a grin of her own.

“And guess what, Pinkie Pie totally busted out the next stage of her Fullbring right then and there, when we were all sure we were toast! Turned into a huge hammer and straight up ate the attack. It was awesome!”

“Oh my, I’m afraid we weren’t so lucky our first time she did, that,” said Fluttershy’s mom, gulping, “I remember getting blown through a wall, and was only protected by my darling pack of puppies curling around me like a shield for protection.”

“Your Verdant Pack, right?” said Fluttershy. After Discord had gone through the process of restoring the elder ladies' powers and memories to them, there had been a brief test run of their old Fullbring powers that had been conducted back at the shop’s training area. Each of Sunset’s friends had gotten to see at least a little of their parents' Fullbrings in action, albeit not to any strenuous degree. Sunset did find the eclectic mix of abilities interesting and seemingly fitting for their owners.

“Yes, my seeds from my first garden turn into the most delightful and loyal animals, and even when they were still little and not full grown they instinctively protected me.”

At Soft Spoken’s words, Cloudy Quartz gained a fond look as she glanced down at where her shadow grew in size slightly, if only for a moment to give a flicker of unnatural motion before returning to normal. “It is nostalgic, having these powers again, but it’s clear as day to me that we’ve a ways to go to get used to them properly once more, let alone stand shoulder to shoulder with you and your friends, daughter.”

“I still think yer all really cool!” said Applebloom, “An’ we’d all love ta train with ya.”

“Look, all this talk of training is fine, but you sure you younger tykes ought to be doing this dangerous stuff?” asked Magnum, “I heard you all got into a fight last night.”

“Yeah they did!” spouted Chappy, flexing an arm and patting her bicep, “And they, led by their noble and courageous leader, wiped the floor with those Hollows. And we did it with only moderate collateral damage!”

“Chappy, xnay on the lateral amageay,” Sweetie Belle hissed in a loud whisper, stepping on Chappy’s foot, to which the proud Mod Soul readily ignored and continued to beam an encouraging grin.

“What’s this about Hollows?” asked a voice suddenly from the farmhouse’s back door as it opened and out walked Scootaloo’s aunts, Lofty and Holiday, both carrying trays with fresh baked pies on them. “Oh, pies are done, Mrs. Apple, where do you want them?”

“On the table there ‘tween the chips an’ veggie platter,” said Granny Smith, who also then eyed up Chappy and then the younger girls, “An’ same question; what’s this now ‘bout ya young un’s gettin’ inta scrapes with them Hollow critters already?”

Sunset coughed loudly and stood up from where she’d taken at seat at one of the tables, “Let me, uh, answer that one real quick. I imagine some of you at least sensed a disturbance last night? Spiritually speaking, I mean?”

Some of the adults nodded, and Lofty, after the pies were set down, turned and leaned back against the food table with crossed arms, “Me and Holiday did feel a distinct aura of negative spirit energy last night, yes. We were at our home so it must have been quite a few Hollows for us to feel it out that far from the city limits, too. What happened?”

With little point in hiding things, Sunset quickly explained the events of the previous night, only excluding the magical stone that Wallflower had, as it wasn’t specifically relevant to the meat of the Hollow attack. Rarity soon pipped in, “I was with the girls the entire time, ensuring that matters didn’t get too far out of hand.”

“Um, no offense honey, but from the description of that poor SUV, you might have considered stepping in earlier,” Cookie Crumbles said, to which Rarity did give a small nod of acknowledgement, but held firm with a steady tone.

“Had any of them been about to be seriously harmed, I would have, but it’s important they be allowed to gain genuine experience without being coddled, mother. Theses battles are dangerous and we do the girls no favors if we shield them from that entirely.”

“I know they’re dangerous, Rarity,” Cookie Crumbles said with a haunted look as she eyed her daughter’s Soul Chain, “You know they are. Maybe Sweetie Belle needs shielding, so what happened to you doesn’t...”

She trailed off, and Rarity bit her lip, unable to come up with an immediate response. But then Sweet Cider, not looking up from her grill, spoke in a clear voice, filled with a strong current of authority but still soft enough to show she knew she was speaking to a friend and worried parent. “Yer not wrong ta be concerned, Cookie, but take it from me, I rest easier knowin’ my AJ can handle herself n’ a fight. Felt her fists myself an’ I pity the Hollow that ends up earnin’ her ire. An’ much as I fear fer my youngest, an’ my son when he comes inta his powers, I’m gonna want both o’ them trained up so they can not just protect themselves, but whomever else is dear ta them. Like it or not, we’re all n’ this fight now. Ain’t no goin’ back ta normal. Not fer a good long while, at least. Best shield any o’ our kin can have right now is the power ta fight back when the monsters come o’ callin’.”

There was more than enough weight in her words to give all others present pause, and the tension was only broken by Pinkie Pie glancing around with her blinking blue eyes and she asked, “Hey, by the way, where’re Marble, Limestone, and Maud? I don’t see them anywhere.”

“Ah, your elder sister decided to go for a ‘rock walk’ with Boulder,” Igneous said, “I believe your other sisters joined her.”

Cloudy Quartz gave a small laugh, hiding her smiling mouth with a hand, “I do believe Marble was a bit embarrassed to be around so many people, especially a certain someone.” She gave a knowing glance towards the oblivious Big Mac, who was focusing very hard on his cooking, “And of course Limestone just hates being left out of things. I believe they went towards the orchards.”

“Should we go fetch them? Doesn’t seem like it will be long before the food is ready,” noted Rarity.

“Not a bad idea, I’ll go-” Sunset started to say, but was interrupted by the sound of a distant, booming impact. She and her friends shared confused looks, but only for a split second before they stretched out their spiritual senses towards the direction of the noise.

“That’s Maudie alright!” said Pinkie Pie, but she scratched her head as her hair quivered and her nose twitched, “And a Hollow, but, like, a super familiar one.”

“You’re right, this reiatsu is familiar,” Sunset said, recognizing the Hollow’s reiatsu after a moment of feeling it out. It was much stronger than average, to the point that this was clearly an Arrancar, and one of above average power. Not Adagio, but one she had run into before, although rather briefly. Fluttershy also nodded in recognition.

“I know it, too.”

“Glad someone does!” said Granny with a flat, no nonsense tone, “Now how ‘bout some ya’ll go find out who’s interruptin’ a perfectly quiet family get together.”

“Seriously, isn’t this bad?” said Zephyr Breeze, already looking like he was halfway to hiding under one of the tables, “We’re like, under attack or something?”

Already Cloudy Quartz’ shadow rose like a bubbling fountain of ink, sharp claws extending from writing limbs of obsidian while a voice hissed out, “Hunt?”

Another crashing noise in the distance, like something massive was rocking the earth, was followed by a flare in Maud’s reiatsu. Sunset and her friends stood, and Pinkie Pie’s body formed the thick pool of dark red shadow herself, so similar to her mother’s Fullbring. Her eyes changed color, not fully summoning her jester mask and garb, but gaining Pinkamena’s gold yellow sheen. “No need to get involved, mom. I know this scent. Let me and Pinkie go handle this. I guess her friends can come along.”

“Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence,” said Rainbow Dash, already taking to the air as he body was engulfed in lightning, her Fullbring’s armor and wings snapping into existence around her. “Race you there.”

She was gone faster than a blink, and Sunset and the others weren’t far behind. Applejack just paused long enough to nod at her other, who gave the all a questioning look. “We probably got this, ma. If we need help, I’ll give a yell.”

Sweet Cider could sense the reiatsu of both Maud and the mystery Arrancar clearly herself, and could tell that this Arrancar, if truly hostile, was utterly outmatched by her daughter and her friends. Any one of them would have little trouble, by Sweet Cider’s estimation, so as the girls rushed off, she looked to the other adults, and the worried looking CMC, and simply kept flipping over cooking chicken without much worry on her face, “I think they’ve got it handled. Now, who wants first dibs on chicken?”


“Bloody hell lady, I said I was sorry for last time!” Di Roy shouted as he blurred away with Sonido to avoid a crushing blow form Maud Pie’s mighty fists of stone. He hadn’t drawn his Zanpaktou yet, as he was under orders from Adagio to not cause any trouble while he was here, but he hadn’t expected the crazy elder Pie sister to immediately go into extermination mode the moment she saw him!

Granted he wasn’t here for her, it was just coincidence his Garganta had opened up in the Apple Family orchards just as Maud Pie and her two sisters were wandering around. Di Roy did vaguely recognize Marble and Limestone, the former hiding behind one of the orchard trees while the later was shadow boxing in mimic of Maud’s movements and shouting encouragement, “Get him, Maud! Knock his head clean off and stomp on the remains!”

“Geeze, violent much!?” said Di Roy, “What did I ever do to you!?”

“You tried to hurt my family,” Maud stated bluntly, and Di Roy was forced to leap away again as she came in with a devastating uppercut that generate a tremor in the earth that created a massive spike of rock to leap up form the ground and nearly impale him if he didn’t use his own Heirro hardened hand to smash the rock aside. He grunted a bit at doing so. The rock that Maud was manipulating with her swings was infused with her reiatsu, so it wasn’t as easy as just smashing regular stone would be. If he hadn’t gotten a power boost from the Seed, it’d have left a mark on his hand. As it was Maud wasn’t actually in any real danger of harming him with her incomplete Fullbring, but Di Roy was still shocked at how much power this human girl packed while having only recently obtained her powers.

“Okay, point, but I said I was sorry, okay!? That was a very different time in my life.”

“It was four months ago,” Maud said in that murderous monotone of hers, advancing on him like some relentless Terminator.

“But a really freakin’ busy four months! Major character growth all around. C’mon, I’m not here to fight, I swear! I’m just here to deliver a message!’

“You can still do that with a broken spine,” Maud replied, cocking one of her huge gauntlets of spiked stone for a potent punch, but just then a harsh wind blew past as Rainbow Dash zapped in with a flash of electricity. A split second later Di Roy found himself surrounded by a familiar pack of colorful girls, and he felt Sunset Shimmer’s reiatsu most keenly as the girl, now clad in her Soul Reaper garb, appeared between him and Maud. Her sword wasn’t drawn, but her hand was on the Zanpaktou’s hilt as she held up her other hand to forestall Maud.

“Hold on a sec, Maud,” Sunset said, and Maud Pie looked quite ready to ignore Sunset anyway, but then Pinkie Pie, still sporting Pinkamena’s yellow eyes, came up next to her.

“Heheh, I wouldn’t mind watching you scare the piss out of the guy a bit longer, Maud, but he doesn’t smell like he’s here for a fight. Shame, because all that cooking has made me extra hungry and I could use an extra bite. Heya, Sharkface. Looking even tastier than last time.”

Di Roy visibly gulped at the sight of Pinkie Pie, doing his best to contain a near PTSD level flashback to his first encounter with her, and he did his best to look non-threatening as he held up his hands, “I’ll try to take that as a compliment and not a threat to my bodily safety.”

“It can be both,” said Pinkie Pie, and at Sunset’s look she smiled, “But we’re all friends here, so why don’t you tell us why you’re here, hm?”

“For the record, I’m not his friend,” said Maud, and Pinkie Pie shrugged.

“Okay, so we’re not all friends here, but close enough that immediate murder is off the table. Future murder is debatable.”

Di Roy rubbed the back of his head, grumbling, “Man, you attack a girls’ family one time and she never lets you forget it.”

“Listen buddy, be glad we decided not to plant your butt in the dirt and get with the talking,” Rainbow Dash said, “I remember you’re supposed to be part of Adagio’s crew or whatever, but some of us didn’t forget you were part of that nasty bunch Grand Fisher had attack us.”

“Let’s try to give him a chance,” Fluttershy said, “I’m sure a lots changed for him in the time since then, just like it has for us.”

“Seriously,” said Di Roy, brushing himself off of some of the rock dust and dirt that had gotten on him, “So we cool? Adagio sent me to talk to Sunset Shimmer, and this was the closest I could get with a Garganta without tipping any Soul Reapers in the city off to my reiatsu. Didn’t realize I’d be popping in on top of a damn convention of the local badasses.”

“It’s fine,” said Sunset, relaxing her stance, “As it happens you’ve got good timing. I’d been wanting to get a hold of Adagio, but wasn’t sure how to do it quickly. With you here you can take a message to her for me once you’re done telling me what she sent you here for.”

“That’s me, top quality errand boy. So, right, message,” Di Roy did his best to contain his nerves. Even when they were trying to keep it low key, these girls had a lot of reiatsu flowing off of them. It floored him to think of how they’d all started out, and that he’d even tried taking them on back in the day. Buffed up as he’d gotten, he didn’t think he’d last a hot minute against any of them in a serious fight. No wonder Adagio was so keen to keep working with them. These girls were dangerous.

“She wanted to warn you about Chrysalis. She’s back in Hueco Mundo.”

“Wait, she’s not in Equestria right now?” Sunset asked, and Di Roy gave her a quick shrug.

“Adagio didn’t give me the details, just that for the moment the Secunda is here, and Adagio doesn’t know for how long or what she’s doing. But far as she knows, Chrysalis is in cahoots with Grogar on some scheme, and given Grogar’s interest in you gals, Adagio figures it was worth giving you a heads up so you can be on guard.”

This earned a few exchanged glances between the girls. None of them had encountered Chrysalis outside of briefly seeing her back on Sokyoku Hill when, masquerading as Captain Zecora, the devious Espada had grievously wounded and nearly killed Captain Amore. Sunset had to admit she still know precious little about the Second Espada, although what little she had seen was more than enough to understand that she was Bad News, complete with capital letters.

“I appreciate the warning,” Sunset said, “Might be good to know she’s around, considering what I wanted you to tell Adagio about.”

“Huh? And what’s that?” Di Roy asked, his tone filled with a wary air. Sunset couldn’t blame him, really. Adagio probably wasn’t going to think this was a brilliant idea, at least not at first.

“Well, you see...”


“You’re planin’ ta do what now!?”

It was hours later. After Di Roy’s departure back to Hueco Mundo things had calmed down, and a delicious feast of barbecue was had by all. Sunset had explained what Di Roy had come to warn them about, as given Chrysalis’ capacity for shapeshifting it seemed prudent that everyone be aware that the Espada and her brood could be a problem. It was disquieting, but hadn’t spoiled the festive mood that had taken over the group as everyone had settled down to eating and talking of more pleasant things. Rainbow Dash’s father had arrived, bringing with him a pleasant woman with light blue skin that was certainly reminiscent of Dash’s, along with neatly trimmed, short hair of various light orange and red shades. This was Windy Whistles, Rainbow Dash’s aunt, apparently visiting while on vacation from her work with some government accounting agency. The conversation had to turn to the mundane with her around, and Sweet Cider was careful to avoid talking too much or moving objects, as since Windy being a normal individual she wouldn’t be able to see Sweet Cider.

Considering it was probably an ideal time for it, Sunset had taken Sweet Cider aside into the farmhouse’s kitchen, while her friends were keeping the rest of their families occupied outside on the patio. She didn’t really want everyone knowing what they were about to do, but Sweet Cider needed to know, and Sunset wanted her to agree to the plan. Understandably the woman had react with the same incredulity that Di Roy had when Sunset had explained the plan she wanted communicated to Adagio.

“I know it’s audacious-” Sunset began, and Sweet Cider’s blunt tone cut her off.

“Downright suicidal is what I’d call it! Are you a dang idgit, Sunset Shimmer!? Tryin’ ta git my daughter’s foolish self killed?”

“Look, this isn’t as crazy as it sounds. I’ve thought it through,” Sunset said, and felt a bit intimidated when the soaring height of Sweet Cider cast a shadow over her as the burly woman crossed arms of corded muscles and leaned over Sunset.

“Do explain.”

Sunset sucked in a breath and looked up, not backing away from Sweet Cider’s presence. “First of all, we’re not doing this alone. Discord, Ditzy Doo, and Gaia Everfree are all going to be present for this. That’s a lineup that’d make anyone hesitate.”

A twitch in Sweet Cider’s jawline indicated that Sunset had scored a point, “Can’t argue that. Why shouldn’t I be there, then? I’m the damned Kenpachi, an’ the enemy knows it.”

“That’s precisely why I don’t want you there, Sweet Cider. Look, your relationship with Soul Society might be rocky right now, but you’re still Captain of the Tenth Division and, as you just pointed out, the Kenpachi. You being there sends the wrong message. This has to be a Coalition matter, handled by just Coalition members. If this organization is going to mean anything beyond empty words we’ve got to stand on our own feet, with our own power. In Hueco Mundo, though, that means something a lot different than it does to the Soul Reapers or Quincy. So last thing we need is you charging in there on your own, hence why I didn’t want you learning about this after the fact. Also, you’re among the strongest Captains. I don’t know for sure how you stack against Celestia, or Hurricane, but I know you’re up there. So you’re the best one to tell me just how strong we’ve gotten.”

Sweet Cider let out a rumbling little grunt as she leaned back on the kitchen counter, looking as if she was ready to spit rocks. “Still don’t like this. Can go wrong n’ all sorts o’ ways. But yer right, no point n’ startin’ up yer own faction if ya don’t show it’s got some teeth. Ain’t sure this is the way I’d go ‘bout it, but I can tell yer set on this. So, ya’ll want me ta gauge yer strength?”

“Yeah, just can’t be an all out fight, because we’ll need to preserve our strength. So you’ll do it?”

“Ain’t givin’ me a whole lot o’ other options, are ya girl?” Sweet Cider’s consternation soon gave way to a begrudging look of respect, “Gettin’ on ta time I stopped treatn’ AJ like she can’t make her own decisions anyhows. Just don’t even think o’ lettin’ her or none o’ yer friends get hurt over this. If things look like they aint’ workin’ out like ya plan, ya git yerself n’ them out of there. This ain’t no game. Not with them, not with Tirek or that Chrysalis creature there.”

“Believe me I understand that. But it’s time,” Sunset said, a welling of heat within her very blood coursing upward into her eyes as they burned with a phosphorus resolve, “Way past time we stop waiting for the monsters to come to us. One way or another, by the end of today, Tirek and all of his Espada are going to understand that there’s more than Quincy and Soul Reapers to worry about.”

Her words were interrupted by the door to the kitchen opening, and Sunset quickly clamped her mouth shut as she saw Windy Whistles enter. The woman wore a surprisingly sharp cut and well made business suit jacket and skirt in a deep purple color that matched her eyes. Sunset hadn’t really exchange many words with Windy, but she seemed pleasant enough, and this impression continued as Windy smiled wide upon seeing Sunset.

“Oh, didn’t know this is where you disappeared to, Miss Shimmer. I just came in to grab some fresh ice water. Soda isn’t really my thing and I try to avoid alcohol,” she said, breezing on over to the cupboards to grab a glass. Sweet Cider sighed, going quiet to wait for the woman to leave, while Sunset returned Windy’s smile as casually as she could.

“Hope you’re enjoying yourself,” Sunset said, just trying to make a bit of small talk.

“I most certainly am!” Windy Whistles said, filling up her glass with ice and water while looking over her shoulder, “And I want to thank you so much for being a friend to my niece. Ever since her mother left I worry so much for her. A developing young lady really does need the right role models in her life, and while I know Bow is an excellent father, I’m also happy to see Rainbow has made friends her own age.”

“Hey, Rainbow’s great, and I feel lucky to be able to call her a friend,” Sunset replied, feeling a tad out of sorts and not entirely sure why. Perhaps it was the mention of Rainbow’s mother, “I mean, I know Dash has had a few things to work out concerning her mom, but we’re always here for her and she’s been there for us more times than I can count. Pretty much loyalty personified.”

A little on the nose, but not inaccurate. Windy’s smile didn’t falter, but it did change in some way Sunset couldn’t quite place. Windy took a deep sip of her water, holding the glass with both hands as she looked at the ice clink in it, “I know. She’s a strong girl. Just like Firefly in so many ways. Strong of both body and will. You’ll look after her of course, won’t you? Make sure she doesn’t get into too much trouble?”

“Uh, yeah, of course I will. We all will,” Sunset said, wondering what it was that was bothering her. This was a fairly normal conversation. There was nothing weird about an aunt being concerned for her niece. So why did Sunset feel like she was having a different conversation than she thought she was.

“Good... very good,” Windy said, a small little laugh escaping her before she took another sip of water and perked up, “Well I’ll let you get back to whatever you were doing standing alone in the kitchen, Miss Shimmer. Thank you again for everything you’ve done up until now. I’ll be in town for a few weeks, so I’m sure we’ll see more of each other at... some point.”

With that she went right back outside, leaving Sunset standing there, blinking in wonderment at the short but somehow very odd conversation. “Huh,” was all she could mutter to herself, but when she looked back at Sweet Cider she saw that the Soul Reaper Captain was starring at the door Windy had just exited.

“What is it?” Sunset asked, and Sweet Cider glanced at her.

“Ya didn’t notice? She looked right at me.”


Las Noches’s roof was a truly massive expanse of stone, and from it rose multiple towers, although its central one remained an edifice that spiked higher than Adagio could readily comprehend. She often wondered why the fortress was built in such a manner, and as if he was reading her mind, Thorax stood beside her and looked up at the central tower that scraped the sky and said, “I heard that when this place was built by the first to call themselves Arrancar and claim the titles of Espada, the tower was meant to be their sign of defiance against all others who sought to exterminate Hollow kind. A statement that our way, our nature, would never die out from the realm of souls.”

“Always thought it looked like a big target,” Adagio commented, to which Thorax let out a bell of a laugh.

“There’s nothing actually in there. You know well the throne room and Tirek’s chambers lay within the fortress proper. But it would be fun to see someone take a pot shot at it. Now, I doubt you called me up here to talk about architectural choices, Adagio, although I don’t mind the secluded meeting spot. Quite intimate, wouldn’t you say?”

His joking, flirt ridden demeanor was at contrast to his body language; legs stiff, eyes slightly downcast, his hands fidgeting ever so slightly. He had to have known she’d been visited by his mother, right? Well, best to get that out of the way. She faced him fully, hand on hip, eyes frankly staring into his, “Did you know your mother had returned?”

To his credit, Thorax didn’t even blink or take a hesitant second to think of a denial, instead offering her an apologetic and strained smile, “She gave me little warning, and not soon enough for me to inform you ahead of time. I do apologize for that, Adagio. I had no idea she intended to return so soon from Equestria, although I gather she won’t be here long.”

“Do you know why?” she asked, “Both why she’s here and why she’s returning so swiftly? She must have told you something.”

“My mother’s capacity for being both duplicitous and unpredictable makes it hard to glean much of anything from even the things she tells me straight,” Thorax replied with his hands thrown up. With a resigned grunt he sat down on the edge of the roof, overlooking the vast sands stretching south of Las Noches, now occupied by so many Hollows it looked like an army of ants blanketing the sans. “She told me all about having made ‘friends’ with one of those pony Princesses. Named Cadence, which I do believe matches the name of a Quincy over here. My mother’s method of friendship leaves most begging for mercy, so I do not envy this Princess Cadence. She also spoke of a new power unleashed by the ponies. Something called Inheritance, or Inheritors? I forget, but it is apparently potent, enough so that even my mother seemed almost concerned about what that world’s Celestia and Luna may be capable of.”

“Something powerful enough to give even that crazy woman pause?” Adagio said with a hand rubbing her chin, partially in surprise, but also in a certain amount of encouraged eagerness. “Did she give you any details?”

“Not as such. From what she gathered it was a power not readily replicated, and tied to specific individuals, including Princess Cadence. Oh, and she met my and Pharynx’s counterparts. She gushed a bit about them,” Thorax said, actually looking a tad put out by that, “Seems as if my other self is friends of the ponyfolks, and rules what they call the ‘Changelings’.”

“Really? And what of your mother’s counterpart, then? Dead?”

“Deposed. Oh how mother seethed about that one. I do think my mother has a bit of a complex concerning her other self,” Thorax said, sounding both bemused and a tad concerned. Adagio reminded herself that despite the complicated relationship Thorax had with Chrysalis, the man still cared for his mother. Yet she had to trust that wouldn’t adversely affect his judgment concerning their own plans.

“Well I don’t much care what Chrysalis' issues are or aren’t with her Equestrian counterpart. I’m far more concerned with what she intends to do here. Do you know where she is, now?”

“In our sanctum, with Grogar. I don’t know what they’re doing, as I was not invited to this particular meeting. However I do know it has something to do with information she obtained from Equestria. Grogar and her have been working on those artificial gems built off of yours, and if I were a betting man, which I am, I’d say they’re refining an even more potent version. My own eyes and ears among the other Espada hordes have been whispering words to me of more artificial siren gems, being distributed to certain Espada.”

That news made Adagio’s blood boil, “Which ones?”

“Guto most certainly, and likely Hydia and Catrina as well.”

“But not Torch, not Lament, and not Gilda?” Adagio frowned, “It is no secret Torch and Lament are aligned with me. Gilda may be considered unimportant enough to be ignored, but...”

“I would imagine Grogar is fortifying his own alliance against you,” Thorax warned, “Why my mother aides him, I can only guess is because she wants more power herself. I doubt she cares what Grogar might intend himself.”

“And to make matters more problematic, Tirek is turning Las Noches into a bubbling cauldron of gathered Hollows, all poised and eager to strike at any target he points them at. Which will likely be Equestria. Thorax, would your mother reveal the means you’re using to get to and from Equestria to Tirek?”

He leaned back, eyes pinched shut, “Not long ago I’d have said no. I thought her chips were placed on Starlight Glimmer. But in her stories of Equestria she also told me that Starlight, for better or worse, has been temporarily removed from the board. That changes things. Now I can’t even give a partial guess as to what my mother’s next move will be. She could tell Tirek of our portal and use it to launch a direct invasion of Equestria at any time, but she could just as easily hold onto that secret as a trump card for her own purposes. We won’t know until it happens.”

“Great. Just bloody great,” Adagio rubbed at her forehead, “How much worse can the situation get?”

“Boss lady! Hey, boss lady! Oh, there you are, Gaw said she smelled you up here.”

Di Roy came waltzing across the roof, leaping right over to them with a friendly wave, “Yo, Thorax, on a date with the boss?”

“Of course. How could I resist the literal siren call of such a beautiful lady asking to see me alone where so few might stumble across us in all sorts of compromising positions?” Thorax replied, waggling his eyebrows, and Adagio flipped them both off.

“Screw you both. Di Roy, did you deliver my message to Sunset Shimmer?”

“Sure did, and she appreciated it. Enough to keep the insane rock girl from trying to smash my block off. I swear, some people just can’t let the past be the past,” Di Roy muttered, and at Adagio’s flat look he straightened up and added, “But, uh, that Shimmer girl also had a message for you. Like, a massive one. Insane, really. Like, I had to get her to tell it to me a few times before I believed what she was saying, and all those crazy girls with her totally backed her up.”

That didn’t bode well. Adagio felt the pit of her stomach clench up, her mind running full tilt at wondering what madness Sunset Shimmer might be up to. She was nearly afraid to ask, but she figured it couldn’t possibly be that bad, “Alright, spill it. What is the bacon head intending?”


Somewhere, near a mile from Las Noches, a few Hollows taking drinks from the large lake that was such a new and unusual thing to find in the world’s endless white sands, a noise reverberated in a long echo. Hollows looked up from dripping water at the echoing voice, shouting at the top of its lungs from the roof of the distant fortress.

“She’s going to WHAT!?”

Author's Note:

This chapter is a combination of giving our girls a moment of calm before the next storm that's about to break, although in this case it's the girls themselves who are initiating things. What's about to go down in Las Noches? How many explosions will be involved? Find out next chapter!

As always I highly apprecaite any and all comments, questions, or critiques, and thank you all for reading. 'Till next time!

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