• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,902 Views, 5,024 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 51: Countdown to Dawn

Episode 51: Countdown to Dawn

Captain Amore had been just as unable to gain entry to the Central 46 building as Starswirl had been, and consequently her next destination was the Twelfth Division. She swiftly entered the compound of dome-like and cylindrical gray towers that consisted of the Division’s research facilities. Finding one of Starswirl’s scurrying lab assistants she was able to learn that he was inside one of his personal workshops, deep down several sub-levels. As a Captain herself she had little trouble gaining access, and moved with hurried, tense steps.

Much like Starswirl had concluded, she realized that Captain Commander Scorpan being stuck within Central 46 could be a serious problem. She hoped Starswirl was already working on a way around the issue. They needed Scorpan to put a halt to the execution. With every step she took Amore became more certain the execution’s only purpose was to weaken the Gotei 13, and she wasn’t certain what disturbed her more, the fact that someone had been bold enough to try to attack them in this manner... or that it seemed to have worked so well.

Starswirl’s private workshop was five sub-levels down beneath the surface, consisting of a wide, octagonal shaped room. Each side of the octagon consisted of a lowered section of floor that was filled with different laboratory equipment, with tall pillars of stone wrapped with talisman constructing a barrier Kido around each individual section in glowing fields of orange light. A raised bridge led from the elevator shaft to a circular platform where a control console was situated in the center that looked like some madman’s pipe organ with an encircling keyboard. There sat Starswirl, working the keys with utmost concentration, sweat beading on his gray brow. In response small servitor constructs floated within the barriers of one of the lab section, working upon a staff-like object upon one of the tables.

Amore wasn’t certain what it was, but her attention was more grabbed by the two other women in the room, one of whom was Captain Daring Do, leaning against the railing of the control platform somehow managing to look both tense and bored at the same time. The other was Radiant Hope, Amore’s Lieutenant, who perked up upon seeing Amore and smiled brightly, despite her tired features.

“Captain!” Radiant Hope quickly saluted, “I’m sorry I didn’t report sooner, but I encountered Captain Daring Do at the Daireishokairo and we discovered... something.”

“Something?” Amore gave a curious look towards Daring Do, who leaned off the railing and proceeding to walk over with a lazy wave.

“Captain Amore, good to see you. Lemme bring you up to speed...”

It didn’t take long for the Third Division Captain to relay events. While Radiant Hope hadn’t found where her friends were, there was clear evidence of a fight at the Daireikshokairo. It was deeply unsettling. Two Lieutenants missing, and the great library itself attacked? Then there was the strange device that had been found outside the archive. Amore peered at it, the small metal rod sitting on a examination platform in one of the other lab sections.

“And Starswirl has not discovered what it is?” she inquired.

“As it happens,” said Starswirl himself, giving her a vaguely crotchety look over his shoulder, “I’ve seen its like before. I poked it a few times, just make sure. Its a Fullbring construct.”

“Fullbring!? The same power the human girls are using?” Amore said, surprised. “Are you saying one of the Ryoka created it with their power?”

Starswirl shrugged, “One of them may have manifested a Fullbring with similar powers, but I believe this belongs to another.”

“But there are no other Fullbringers. The mothers of those young woman have all had their powers sealed, even...” she was about to mention Captain Sweet Cider, but hesitated as she glanced at Radiant Hope. Technically only Captains were fully briefed on Sweet Cider’s unique circumstances. Lieutenants and lower ranked weren’t informed on that front.

Starswirl just waved a dismissive hand, “I’m not talking about her. I’m talking about the one that got away. What’s her name? Firefly? The mother of the rambunctious rainbow colored girl.”

Amore did recall that one of the previous team of Fullbringers had escaped capture. By the time she’d resurfaced with a husband and child she vanished again, before Soul Society could do more than put a few eyes on her. Eyes that had been readily evaded when Firefly had gone to ground. Amore knew the basics concerning Xcution, but no details on the project beyond the surface facts.

“You must know more about her then than I do, Captain Starswirl. Can you confirm that rod is hers?”

He nodded, “I recognized the design not long after Daring brought the damn thing in. Its a little different from the ones we’ve got on record, but the rods are part of Firefly’s ‘Ace of Sky’.”

“Ace of Sky?”

“The name of her Fullbring. Fully evolved Fullbrings each have a name the Fullbringer learns. They don’t have independent spirits like our Zanpaktou, but the names of their Fullbrings seem to have a personal significance to the Fullbringers, as much as the objects that serve as their Fullbrings’ catalyst.” Starswirl said, “A pair of goggles, in her case. At any rate, these rods are generated by her Fullbring, among many other devices and weapons, not to mention an impressive flight system that our last records showed allowed her to move faster than even experts in Flash Step. As for the rods, they create linked portals. A rod made by one portal can connect to any other rod within a limited radius of roughly fifty kilometers.”

Daring Do’s expression was now rather grim, “And I’ve found dozens of the damn things planted all over the Seireitei.”

“Is she the one responsible for the turmoil we are enduring?” Amore asked.

“By herself? Not likely.” stated Starswirl firmly, “Firefly was a strong leader for her small team, but she was no plotter. A scheme on this level is beyond her. But she’s no doubt helping our enemy. Or herself. Hard to say. Regardless, the most important part of her involvement is that her portals can be used by others. This would explain how our hidden enemy has been able to move freely around Seireitei. It wouldn’t be surprised if we searched the Fourth Division hospital closely enough we’d find more of the rods there. Chances are those portals were used to move the bodies of the attack upon the hospital, whether they were alive or not.”

Radiant Hope fidgeted in place, eyes downcast, “Its possible Meadowbrook and Moon Dancer are still alive as well, if they were taken through the same kind of portal. I... I hope they still live. I was the one who pushed them both, along with Lieutenant Redheart, into investigating the situation behind Captain Celestia and Luna’s capture. If they’re dead, the fault is mine.”

Amore shook her head, offering her Lieutenant an understanding look. “None of us had the foresight to see the extent to which this situation would escalate beyond control. I’m proud that you realized something was amiss before many others did, and tried to take steps to forestall this chaos.”

A grateful look passed Radiant Hope’s face as she bowed her head, yet when she met Amore’s eyes again she was back to looking solemn. “What do we do now, Captain?”

“I’ll tell you what we’re doing,” said Daring Do with heat snapping into her tone, “We’re going to put a stop to this execution bullcrap! Its obvious now we’ve been manipulated into this, and its equally obvious someone in our own ranks has pushed for all this. My money’s on Platinum. So I say we march on down to the Repentance Cells and release Celestia and Luna.”

“We cannot do that so easily.” said Amore, stepping forward and putting a hand on Daring Do’s shoulder, “We need the Captain Commander’s authorization. He’s currently inside Central 46 with no way to contact him. I was hoping Starswirl had a means to bypass Central 46’s wards.”

“That’s precisely what I’m working on.” Starswirl gestured at the staff he was making, “This will bypass the standard wards, once its finished. However I agree with Daring Do, we shouldn’t wait for me to finish this. The two of you should go and free Celestia and Luna now. We can worry about ‘authorization’ after the fact.”

“Impossible. By the law we need Scorpan’s command to ensure this went smoothly and without a fight-” Amore began, but Radiant Hope cut her off, something the Lieutenant had, in all the years she’d known the girl, never done before.

“Captain, the law must be put aside in this instance! Can you not see that?” Radiant Hope’s voice was filled with a powerful note of conviction, despite the stress clearly tensing her features. “If we delay until we have the Captain Commander with us it may become too late! If we are to act, it must be now!”

“The kid’s right.” said Daring Do, “If we hold off too long, the bad guys are just going to get further along with their plans, and we still don’t know the full extent of those yet. For all we know this execution is just one big distraction from something bigger in the works. If we’re gonna nip this thing in the bud we’re better doing it sooner rather than later.”

Amore sucked in a breath, letting it out slowly as she contemplated, feeling the weight of the burden being lain at their feet. This could well spark an all out battle that would split Soul Society down the middle. So far the fighting had just been contained to a few small skirmishes... but this would be placing herself and several Captains in open rebellion against Central 46’s orders and likely lead to them having to fight their fellow Captains openly to free Celestia and Luna.

Yet what other option was there? Wait for two very likely innocent women, two of the Gotei 13’s very best, to be killed due to the machinations of shadowy schemers who at this very moment continued to poison Soul Society from within?

“If we are to do this, then we must take every chance to avoid this devolving into an all out battle.” she said, breathing slowly, evenly, trying to keep her calm. “This should be kept between the high seated officers, Captains and Lieutenants. I don’t want our Divisions mobilized against one another. We will go to headquarters and try to convince the others to free the prisoners.”

“And if they try to go through with the execution before Starswirl can reach the old man?” asked Daring Do with a note of challenge in her voice.

“Then we stop them.” Amore said, feeling her mouth go dry at the words. “It is still several hours until dawn. I suggest we take that time to ensure our Divisions have proper orders to remain out of any conflict that takes place at headquarters. If this becomes a fight, I want it to remain between officers alone. Daring Do, where is your Lieutenant?”

“Quibble’s doing some special scout work for me. I was worried all this hubbub in Seireitei might blind us to outside threats, so I set him and a few squads from my Division to check out what’s happening on the Hollow and Quincy front.” Daring Do said while leaning a hand on her hip, “Just have this feeling they’re not going to be inactive while we’re tearing ourselves up here.”

“A wise course of action.” agreed Amore, “If either group makes a move we’ll need as early a warning as possible.”

“Great, since we’re all on the same page now, I’ll go make sure my people know to keep their heads down for when things get crazy at headquarters.” said Daring Do, and Amore grimaced.

“If they get crazy.”

When.” insisted Daring Do, “I mean come on Amore, do you really believe Hurricane or Platinum are going to back down, even when we shove the obvious truth in their face that we’ve all been played for dupes? Hurricane is too proud to admit when he’s wrong, and Platinum... well honestly I think I’ve got her pegged as our traitor.”

“You can’t know that for certain.” whispered Amore, still hoping that there was no such traitor among her comrades.

“Fine, believe what you want, but even if she isn’t she’s not likely to back down either. Blueblood will follow where Platinum leads, so we can’t expect any help from him. Then there’s Thunderhooves, who’s an even stronger stickler for the rules than you are, and that’s saying something.” Daring Do shook her head, licking her lips. “Gonna be a tough fight, when it comes down to it. I’m betting Cheese Sandwich will be in our side of the ball-court, but who knows where Sweet Cider will fall? She did vote against Celestia and Luna.”

Amore’s heart sank, her expression dour, “True, but I’ve never been able to tell just what that woman is thinking most of the time. She’s rather rough and uncouth, and seems to have little patience. Who can say what she’ll do, come morning? And to make matters worse, Captain Zecora remains missing. Even if we succeed in halting the execution, we still don’t know what fate has befallen her.”

“Just more proof we have a deadly opponent in play here who has remained hidden.” said Starswirl, “For I guarantee you that even if Firefly was involved in cleaning up the mess, there’s little chance she could have defeated Zecora without causing far more collateral damage than was reported. Someone must have gotten the drop on the whole Fourth Division.”

He turned back to his massive control console and resumed his work, “At any rate, if I don’t finish this ward pass to get inside Central 46, then your task will be made all the harder. I suggest you find Lieutenant Smart Cookie at headquarters. She can at least corroborate that Scorpan is enacting his right to suspend Central 46’s orders until his has had his chance to argue the matter with them.”

Amore’s brow furrowed, “Lieutenant Smart Cookie was with you?”

“Until recently, yes.” Starswirl said, not looking up from his work, “She was investigating the dubious nature of the execution, and joined me when I first checked upon Central 46.” He paused and frowned. “Why? Did she not return to headquarters?”

“I did not see her there. Perhaps we merely passed by each other... she might be back by now.” Amore said, but her feeling of worry only deepened. “If she isn’t, we have no direct evidence the Captain Commander is even inside Central 46.”

“Look, don’t get your panties in a twist over it.” Daring Do said, “We’ll hit up headquarters. If she’s not there, I’ll put some of my boys on looking for her.”

Radiant Hope chimed in with clear fear in her voice, “What if the same thing that happened to Meadwobrook and Moon Dancer happened to her as well!? At this point are we not under clear attack by an infiltrating force besides the Ryoka! The other Captains have to listen to us now, don’t they!?”

“Radiant, calm yourself.” Amore said, feeling nothing but sympathy for her Lieutenant, for she felt much the same sense of dread herself, but she had to keep herself composed. She was a Captain of the Gotei 13, and she would not allow herself to fall to panic. “We will take this one step at a time. Daring, will you meet me at the Fourth Division hospital when you’ve finished preparations? I’ll check headquarters for Lieutenant Smart Cookie. If she’s not there, I’ll still inform the Captains present that I intend to call a meeting at first light of dawn. I’ll even send word to Sweet Cider.”

“And however that pans out, I shall enter Central 46 and bring out Scorpan.” Starswirl said, then darkly chuckled under his breath, “Assuming something horrible hasn’t happened there.”

“Cheerful thought.” Daring Do muttered.

Amore took a deep breath, steadying herself. “Then our course is set. When dawn arrives, we make our move.”


Normally Pinkie Pie’s dreams were easily some of the best parts of her day. Well, every part of her day could be the best part, as long as she was with her friends, but the dreams were pretty good too. They were usually filled with lots of colorful landscapes, enough tasty candy to put a herd of elephants into sugar comas, and plenty of upbeat party music.

But her dreams weren’t colorful or playful. In fact what little she remembered of them were cold and dark when she awoke, although the memory of them faded almost as quickly as sleep’s heavy pull fell from her. While she felt a bit chilled inside, she found she was laid down and was resting within the warm folds of a comfy bed. She was in a room that smelled like a hospital, so she was going to take a wild stab in the dark that that was where she was. How did she recognize the smell? Well she was part of a large family, with sisters who’d gotten hurt plenty of times growing up, and an aging father whose health wasn’t always peak. So Pinkie Pie knew the smell.

The room was lit by lamps situated along the walls between the hospital rooms quartet of beds. Raising her head she could see she wasn’t alone.

“Fluttershy!” she said, almost bouncing out of her bed before a wave of dizziness sent her flopping back down. “Ooooh, room’s going tilt-a-whirl on me. No lunch, stay down. I need you in my belly. Or did we skip lunch today?”

“Oh my, Pinkie Pie, I’m glad you’re okay.” said Fluttershy, who seemed fairly calm as she sat in her own bed, her shoulder covered in fresh bandages. “I mean, none us knew where you’d gone, and it was a little scary to see you unconscious like that. I wasn’t sure when you’d wake up, and you were, um...”

Fluttershy trailed off, and Pinkie Pie tilted her head. “I was doing something in my sleep?”

“Um, y-yes... you were... crying.”

“Oh.” Pinkie Pie drooped, pulling her knees up to her chest as she sat in the bed, thinking back to the end of her fight with Cheese Sandwich. It had more than a little affected her to see Pinkamena being taken down so thoroughly, and then knowing that even her best hadn’t done much to phase the Captain. She felt like she’d let everybody down.

Fluttershy’s soft voice was quick to cut through her funk. “Its okay Pinkie. Everything will be okay.”

Pinkie Pie looked up at her friend, “Aww, you’re just saying that to make me feel better.” She grinned. “Thanks! It helps a lot. So, how’d you end up here? I got taken out by a giant metal chicken.”

“Huh?” Fluttershy blinked in confusion.

“Okay so it was more like a big flying chain scythe thingie, but it totally looked like a chicken head under the right lighting.” Pinkie sighed, “Did you lose a fight too?”

Yellow fingers curled through locks of pink hair and Fluttershy glanced away, face turning a rosy tinge. “W-well, sort of. I actually think I did pretty well, and I managed to help a lot of people, but... um, things got compli-”

The door to the room burst open and Lieutenant Posey, on shaky legs, forced her way inside past a struggling Lieutenant Redheart.


“-cated...” finished Fluttershy sheepishly as Posey got past Redheart and swiftly reached the foot of the bed, eyes fixated upon the shy young girl as she edged back against the wall slightly.

“Mother I just had word sent to father about you. Hopefully he’ll be able to protect you from any problems your current, um, condition may cause.”

“Oh, uh, that’s... nice?” Fluttershy whispered, not looking Posey directly in the eyes.

Redheart, looking as if she was fuming, eyes sharply fixed on Posey, said, “Lieutenant I am going to have to insist you leave my patients alone and let them rest. Must I go fetch one of the Captains to sit on you?”

“N-no... that won’t be necessary.” said Posey, looking torn between being mortified when she glanced at Redheart, or ecstatic when she glanced at Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie just stared between them with her brain doing its best impression of an old dial up modem as she tried to process what she’d just heard.

She cupped her hand in a manner that wouldn’t even remotely prevent anyone from hearing her whisper very loudly to Fluttershy. “Hey, Fluttershy, I don’t want to freak you out or anything, but I think this crazy chick thinks she’s your kid.”

Fluttershy responded with a small squeaking sound and a faint nod of her head.

Did you have a kid while we weren’t looking?” Pinkie asked.

“Of course not!” blurted Fluttershy, but immediately quieted down as Posey turned to look at them both.

“I know this must be... confusing.” Posey said, but before she could say more Cheese Sandwich literally popped his head into the room.

“Alright, no more giving the mortal humans existential crisis’ Posey. You’re confusing the kid, and she’s already gotten the third-degree from Thunderhooves. Out.”

Posey stiffened, looking torn. “But-”

“You can give the girl an aneurysm some other time, but I’m pulling rank here.” Cheese Sandwich said, stepping fully into the room and gesturing with his thumb to the door. “Go on, scram. If I have to I’ll carry you out, but let’s save us both that embarrassment, alright?”

She looked like she wanted to argue, but Posey slowly composed herself with a couple deep breaths, and gave Fluttershy one last furtive glance. “We’ll talk soon.” she promised, then hurried out, giving Cheese Sandwich a brief glare as she did so.

After Posey was out, Redheart bowed deeply to Cheese Sandwich. “My thanks, Captain. I might sympathize with her feelings, but she’s entirely out of line trying to harass the poor girl like that. Especially given her injuries.”

“I... don’t mind really.” said Fluttershy quietly, “But is she right? Was I, um... you know?”

“Know what?” Pinkie Pie nearly shouted, “What’s going on here!? I’m supposed to be the confusing one. So why am I so out of the loop?”

“Glad to see you’re awake and energetic as ever.” said Cheese Sandwich with a quick smirk as he strode between Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy’s beds. She gave him an uneasy look, still keenly recalling their fight. A similarly sour expression crossed his own face. “Sorry that I had to be rough with you, but you didn’t toss me a heaping helping of options. Just to make sure we’re all on the same page, please don’t do anything rash like trying to escape.”

“Especially given both of you are still recovering.” Redheart said emphatically, sending a stern look at both girls. “Regardless of your status as criminals, this is a place of healing and I’ll not have patients of mine re-opening wounds I’ve treated.” She turned to Cheese Sandwich, her look no less stern for him. “I trust I can leave them in your capable hands for now, Captain? I have many more wounded still to see too, given how understaffed we are at the moment.”

He shifted so he could dip her a short bow, smiling disarmingly. “I promise I’ll only tie them to their beds if they give me trouble, and clearly they’ve both learned their lessons about tangling with Soul Reapers. Go on Lieutenant, see to your charges, I’ve got this. Oh, but if you spot Sugar Belle, feel free to send her our way.”

Redheart nodded, then after giving Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy a final look of equal parts warning and concern, she departed. Cheese Sandwich took a quick look out the door, seemingly to make sure nobody else was around, and then closed the door and went back to facing the girls with a measuring look in his eyes.

“Alrighty then, guess I’ll answer the easy question first.” He looked at Fluttershy, a somewhat embarrassed grin on his face. “I’d like to put your worries to rest, but the funny thing is, Posey might very well be right.”

“O...Oh.” Fluttershy gulped, looking like the proverbial deer in the headlights. “She really is... mine?”

“Get out of here! Really!?” Pinkie Pie nearly vibrated out of her bed, “That is super-extra freaky to the deaky. Wait, do I have and surprise family members I don’t know about!?”

“Strictly speaking we all probably do.” said Cheese Sandwich, shrugging. “That’s the nature of the life-cycle. You live, make family, die, move on to the other side. Wash, rinse, repeat. You see girls, you’ve probably lived more than a few lives both on this side and on the other one. So have I. The thing is though is that memory doesn’t usually keep very well between lives. Goes bad quick, like milk left out too long. Sure you get exceptions like living humans who might have dreams of past lives, or spirit folks here in this realm who remember bits of the lives they had as a human, but by and large those memories don’t stick.”

He looked Fluttershy over, scratching his chin stubble, “You bear some resemblance to Lieutenant Pansy, but not enough to say you’re her spitting image. Posey must have gotten a better look when your mind entered her Zanpaktou's Inner World. Hurricane might suspect who you are, but unless he got a good, close look at your soul as well he wouldn’t have a way to be sure. Honestly, having worked with the guy for a few centuries I feel safe saying he might not care even if he did know.”

“Wowsie, is he really so much of a grump that he wouldn’t care about hurting his baby mamma?” Pinkie spouted, to which Fluttershy’s face blazed cheery red.

“P-Pinkie, please...”

Cheese Sandwich shook his head with a dour half-chuckle, “Its complicated, and not like I make a habit of sticking my nose into the other Captain’s personal lives. But since you’re neck deep in this, I’ll tell you what I know, which is that Hurricane and Pansy weren’t married, and Posey’s birth was a bit of a scandal, given Hurricane was, emphasis on the ‘was’, married to someone else at the time. Specifically one of the leaders of the noble houses, Lady Puddinghead. Suffice to say that didn’t go well.”

"Mmmm, Puddinghead. She sounds like she’s in charge of a delicious house.” said Pinkie Pie, licking her lips.

“Hmm, think I’m going to have to get some food brought down for you girls.” Cheese Sandwich muttered, “But yeah, Puddinghead’s a real doll, once you get past her weirdness. Could’ve made Captain herself, but she prefers to stick to the noble scene. The only house leader who does. Anyway, I wouldn’t count on any hugs and apologies form Hurricane. Even without the social awkwardness of it all, there’s also the simple fact that the law is that all family ties are effectively severed with death. You die and pass on, you’re effectively considered a different person, by Soul Society law. Kind of necessary for people to be able to move on. Of course that doesn’t always pan out. Some people do retain memory, and look for family when they get to this side. Aaaaand there’s been a few poor schmucks that’ve tried to look for the reborn souls of loved ones who moved on to the living world.”

He sat down on the bed beside Fluttershy, offering her a reassuring look, “So you don’t have to freak out too much, kid. You’re you, and Pansy was Pansy. You’re under zero obligation to carry any of her baggage. Posey’s young, and kind of what you might call ‘emotionally unstable’, so she might be coming on way stronger than she should. Right now you shouldn’t be worrying about it.”

Fluttershy looked pale, eyes swimming with thoughts that Pinkie Pie couldn’t discern, but she was starting to get worried.

“How did Pansy die?” Futtershy asked, and Cheese Sandwich blanched.

“You don’t really want to kno-”

“How?” repeated Fluttershy with ghostly calm.

The Captain sighed, looking away from her, then back with a dose of respect in his eyes. “Wasn’t there myself, but I heard she was killed in a fight with a Hollow. Not just any Hollow, either, but one of the Espada. Hurricane was there, and only he really knows the full story. Does it make you feel better to know?”

“Not really, but I want to understand as much as I can.” Fluttershy replied.

“That’s a good attitude to have. Must’ve impressed Thunderhooves, otherwise he’d have wanted you in a cell instead of a hospital bed.” said Cheese Sandwich, hopping up and energetically began to pace around the room. “Saving his granddaughter’s life, stopping Posey from rampaging around, not to mention keeping a bunch of other Soul Reapers alive long enough to get medical attention... all that’s gone a long dang way to make Thunderhooves second guess going after your friends, and its certainly made me re-think a few things.”

That made Pinkie Pie perk up, her eyes suddenly very alert and attentive upon Cheese Sandwich. Her ears did a twitching motion followed by a tremor in her left femur, which ran up her spine to make her pinkie finger tickle. Which meant that a former meanie pants was about to put on their good-guy shorts. She learned that much from when Sunset gave her the same feeling after the Fall Formal.

“I already figured something stank about the execution.” Cheese Sandwich began, “Kind of a no-brainer. Celestia and Luna, traitors? Pfft, yeah, and I’m the reincarnation of the queen of France.” He paused, scratching his chin. “Actually that might be true for all I know, but the point is that I never bought that they were guilty. Knew something was up, just didn’t know what. But after hearing testimony from Lieutenant Strongheart I’m starting to see what’s up.”

He looked to Fluttershy, eyes filled with an intense light, “That lady you ran into, Firefly, she kidnapped Lord Pipsqueak. You tried to stop her, then helped a bunch of Soul Reapers you didn’t have to that she injured. What doubts I might’ve had about you girls got blown outta the water by that. Now, Firefly being here and nabbing Platinum’s kid convinces me that we’ve got way bigger problems than you and your friends running amok. Platinum herself is probably compromised, might even been in on the whole scum-pond of a scheme. Either way...”

A deft hand reached into the folds of his Captain’s coat and he whipped out a scroll. “I got word from Captain Amore. She’s coming here to convene with me and Captain Daring Do. When dawn hits, we’re going to headquarters and confronting the other Captains, and try and blow the lid off this thing. Platinum can’t ignore that her kid’s been taken, and we ought to be able to convince her to let Celestia and Luna free. Then, theoretically, we can get on top of this conspiracy and shine some light around to expose wherever the cockroaches are. Your friends can come out of hiding then too and we can clear up the whole mess.”

Pinkie Pie’s thoughts did a few gymnastic back flips, “Okie dokie, but what if any of the Captains still wearing their mean pants decide they don’t want to change underwear to team Not-A-Jerk?”

“Well... then things get complicated. As in sword on sword action kinda complicated. In that case, you and your friends can feel free to go hog-wild and bust Celestia and Luna out yourselves.”

“You want us to fight?” Fluttershy said, eyes wide.

“Shh,” Cheese Sandwich put a finger to his lips while grinning, “Keep it on the down low, Miss Fluttershy. Now I’m hoping things can be resolved all nice and peaceful like, but I’m not betting my chickens on that particular basket not flying down the fast highway to Jigoku. Also not one hundred percent certain that if it comes to a fight me, Amore, and Daring can tackle the opposition, even if Sweet Cider weights in on our side.”

“Oh, um, I think she will...” Fluttershy said, licking her lips, “I don’t know if I should say this, but she kind of, um, remembers who she is now.”

Cheese Sandwich's eyes became dinner plates of surprise. “Oh. Ooooooh. Well, that’s either really good for us, or really bad for us depending on just how much she holds a grudge. Not envying old man Scorpan when he ends up on the receiving end of that earful. Anywhos, back to my point, if this turns into a crazy battle royale between us Captains, then you don’t need to worry about me, Amore, or Daring. We’ll consider you girls friendlies, and give you what support we can to bust Luna and Celestia free. To that end, I’m going to be leaving Sugar Belle here to watch you guys until morning. I want both of you resting up until then, but when dawn comes, you guys can sneak right on out, and Sugar Belle will go on break to the little Soul Reaper’s room and not see a thing. Mostly because that’s what I’ll be ordering her to do.”

“Oh my, but what if you all get in trouble for this?” Fluttershy said with a quiet voice.

A rich laugh burst from Cheese Sandwich, “If we lose tomorrow, I think disciplinary action is going to be the least of our worries. Just focus on resting up girls. Big day, come morning, one way or another.”

“Meh, I’m not feeling sleepy.” said Pinkie Pie, “But I’ll take that food you mentioned earlier!”

“Consider it done, pink-gal. I’ll make sure we get enough down here to fill up a moderate sized whale.” Cheese Sandwich said, tipping an invisible hat and heading out the door, apparently trusting them to stay put in the meantime. Pinkie Pie considered the idea of just trying to sneak out with Fluttershy, but vetoed the idea pretty fast. One, she was hungry. Two, she didn’t think Cheese Sandwich was lying. Her Pinkie Sense wasn’t often, or ever, wrong. He was a bouncy ball that’d landed in their court now, and she trusted that come morning they’d be free to leave and go find the other girls.

She hoped Pinkamena would be recovered by then, although she was pretty heavily worried about her other self. There was a faint echo of aching pain in the back of her head that said Pinkamena was far from tip top shape.

Shaking herself mentally she focused her attention back on Fluttershy, offering a wide smile, “So, guess we’re looking at a wait. I’m terrible at waiting.”

“Yes, I’m not too good at it either.” Fluttershy said, looking quite distracted as she coiled a finger through her hair and kept shifting her gaze about every few seconds.

Pinkie Pie, without even really thinking about it, found herself sliding up to Fluttershy’s bed and slowly poking her head up from beneath the bed’s edge to eye her friend. “You know who looks like they need a huuuuug?”

“Um, me?”

“Right you are!” Pinkie said, and bounced onto the bed, wrapping her friend up in a tight embrace. “Hugs are the best for removing injuries and soothing mental issues from having crisis’ of personal identity!”

“They are?” Fluttershy asked with a slight wince. “And, um, I’m not having an identity crisis. I think.”

“Really? I’d be totally having a major mental break if I learned I was the reincarnation of some chick who banged one of our current worst enemies and has a kid who looks like they’re the same age as us. It’d be, like, super freaky in the head-space for me.”

“Pinkie, you’re doing that thing we talked to you about.” Fluttershy said rather dryly.

Pinkie blinked, “Whoops, am I? Sorry! Silent hugs only then. Totally quiet and considerate emotional support from here on out.”

“Thank you.” Fluttershy said, and slowly returned the hug.


Clover got around faster and easier than she expected she would. It wasn’t that her fellow Soul Reapers weren’t alert for trouble, in fact she saw numerous squads on patrol or guarding key streets, but Clover knew her way around and could avoid most of them. Those she couldn’t avoid it wasn’t too hard to bluff with the lie that she was running messages for Captain Starswirl. There were enough couriers running around with similar messages between the Divisions that few blinked twice at her. It made Clover glad she had such a nondescript appearance and that the Twelfth Division in general was sort of a cloistered group. Even if word of her presence with the Ryoka had spread, few people knew her face at a glance.

The first thing she had done was check the grand courtyard where the huge stairs leading up into the fortress plateau was located. She’d surveyed the warehouse Rainbow Dash had reportedly lit her firework distraction at as well. She’d witnessed most of the wounded, including Fancy Pants being picked up from the devastated warehouse, all get carefully carried off by members of the Fourth Division. She was rather impressed with the healers, whose Captain was missing alongside many other members. Yet the Fourth Division members kept their cool, tending to the wounded and pursuing their duties diligently despite what had to be a great deal of anxiety being shared among them.

The damage she witnessed done at the courtyard was disturbingly impressive. The battle that had taken place there must have been intense, and clearly not all of it done by Posey or Fluttershy. Speaking of Fluttershy, she saw the girl surrender to Thunderhooves, and kept out of sight as she saw the tower Captain take her alongside the other wounded towards the hospital of the Fourth Division. She had followed at a distance, and quietly observed from hiding until she was sure Fluttershy was being looked after inside the hospital. Thunderhooves had departed shortly thereafter, heading back towards headquarters, but Clover noticed that Captain Cheese Sandwich was moving around the hospital as well, although she’d only spotted him once through one of the windows.

Shockingly she also thought she saw Pinkie Pie bouncing around in one of the rooms too, looking none the worse for wear.

Clover didn’t want to risk getting closer, however. Not with Captain Cheese Sandwich there. He did know her face, and if he wasn’t on their side, she wouldn’t be able to escape him if he spotted her. Still, it looked like both Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were safe for now, which was a relief.

She’d turned to go, only to find a bright orange face grinning at her from across the street.

“Enjoying a night tie stroll, Third Seat Clover?” asked Cheese Sandwich, waving casually.

She froze, mind starting an instant panic while while tried to decide the best direction to try, and likely fail, to run away, but the Captain quickly let out a disarming laugh and held up his hands. “Relax, relax! We’re on the same side.”

“We...are?” Clover said with a climbing eyebrow.

He shrugged, “Well, more or less. If you promise not to bolt like a scared rabbit I’ll explain.”

“Given that if I ran you could catch me in the span of three seconds flat, I think I’ll hear you out, sir.” she said, swallowing past a dry throat.

“Pfft, three seconds? Do I look that old to you, kid? Try one second.” His grin didn’t falter as he brought her up to speed about Captain Amore’s plan to confront the other Captains at dawn, hoping to at least stall for time so Starswirl could get inside Central 46. He also told her that she and her friends were clear to try and rescue Celestia and Luna when the time came.

“That’s fantastic news!” Clover said, feeling for the first time in awhile that this mission wasn’t quite so suicidal. “If I can find the remainder of the Thirteenth Division and Second Division, we can coordinate with them. And by now I know Captain Sweet Cider will be on our side.”

Cheese Sandwich flinched, “Eh, I’ll believe that when I see it. Don’t worry about contacting Inkwell. I’m pretty sure I know where she and the others are at and will get in touch with them myself. Honestly not sure I want them getting involved. Amore’s pretty adamant about keeping this just between us officers, in order to minimize potential casualties.”

“That’s understandable, but I’m unsure Inkwell will want to be sidelined.” Clover said, “So, Captain Starswirl won’t be angry if I show up back at my Division?”

“Probably not. He’s working on cracking the wards around Central 46. Probably wouldn’t even notice you there if you dropped kicked him in the back of the head while playing the polka.” Cheese Sandwich said with a smarmy look glazing his features.

“Then I’d best hurry.” Clover said, and relayed to the Captain where Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy could find their friends, so they could all link up when dawn broke. She knew it was a risk telling him that, because if he was lying he could easily turn that information against them, but it was too late to try to do things by halves anymore.

Once they parted ways Clover doubled timed it across Seireitei, making her way to the Twelfth Division labs. When she arrived through the front gates she didn’t even see any guards to challenge her. That wasn’t unusual, however. Captain Starswirl rarely posted guards, and most of her fellow researchers were the sorts to remain busy with their projects rather than worry about who was passing through the halls.

It was somewhat relaxing to be back, actually, walking through familiar corridors and smelling a homey scent of chemicals and dry paper in the air. She’d forgotten how much she missed being here, her home away from home. She hadn’t been in the human world long, really, but it felt like so much longer now that she found herself walking brusquely through her own home turf.

Despite Cheese Sandwich's assurance that Captain Starswirl wouldn’t respond poorly to her presence, that didn’t necessarily mean every member of Twelfth Division might not decide to report her being her if she was spotted, so Clover still avoided contact with any of her fellow researchers as she began her search for the training area Ditzy Doo had taken Sunset to.

While she didn’t know precisely where it was, she did know the layout of the Twelfth Division quite well. It was divided into five sections, most of them specialized laboratories for different branches of research, surrounding a central tower that acted as both administration and barracks. Her old room was near the top of the barracks tower. There were five sub-levels as well, dedicated to workshops, archives, and specialized testing areas. If one was going to fit a secret training area here, it’d have to be underground, and it’d likely connect to one of the sub-levels.

Now logically Ditzy Doo would’ve helped make this training area back when she and Discord were still here in Seireitei, during the time that Discord was Captain of the Twelfth Division. They’d want it easy to access for themselves, but not to anyone else. That meant it was probably connected to the fifth sub-level, which usually required a Captain or Lieutenant's access clearance.

Lucky her she’d studied and copied the access ward Meadowbrook had once used to get them into the restricted archives, so she had a means to get into even the fifth-sublevel. She avoided the elevators and instead took the stairs down, opening up into darkly lit corridors where there were doors leading to Starswirl’s private workshop, but also the most reinforced testing labs in the entire Division. Places where any major accidents could be contained via powerful barriers, and heavily reinforced structures in the walls.

The perfect kind of spot to put a training ground where someone might try to achieve Bankai. Any powerful discharges of energy could not only be contained, but also not be easily detected by anyone trying to sense the spiritual pressures involved in such training.

So Clover searched the testing labs one by one, of which there were only four down here anyway so it didn’t take her long. Having spent some time at Discord’s home in the human world she was also familiar with the Kido he used to conceal the training ground he had there, so she knew what to look for.

Even so, she hadn’t entirely expected the hidden entrance to be concealed within one of the lavatories connecting to the testing labs. She supposed the fact that the ‘Out of Order’ sign on the door was bolted on was something of a hint. The ladder leading down was exposed upon flipping up the fake toilet seat. Clover wondered if that was meant to be symbolic of something before descending the ladder, which went down a short stone tube before opening up into a large underground chamber.

She felt the heat on her back almost instantly. The vast, stony area was awash with flames, and if Clover squinted she could see a pair of flickering dark forms darting in and out of the maze of fire, clashing with echoing rings of steel on steel. She could feel Sunset Shimmer’s spiritual pressure radiating from the area now that she was inside it. The shielding of the training area was superb if she hadn’t felt a shred of this reiatsu until she’d entered this place.

The ladder led all the way down to the ground, and just as she hopped off she felt a presence beside her.

“Gotta admit, I’m surprised you found us.”

Clover nearly jumped out of her sandals at Ditzy Doo’s words, the busty woman smirking at Clover with a wink. “Good job though, and glad to see you still got your head attached to your shoulders. I’m sure Sunset will be happy to see you too, assuming she survives her current-”

A distant explosion of fire blew apart one of the larger rock formations.

“-predicament.” Ditzy finished, smirk still firmly in place.

Clover gazed towards the direction where she sensed Sunset’s reiatsu, and noticed now that there was a separate spiritual pressure. She recognized it as being very similar to Sunset’s, but still distinct, like telling the difference in flavor between equally hot but subtly different spices.

“She’s fighting with Hokori.”

Ditzy nodded, “Its the fastest route to Bankai. She’s doing pretty good too, for having such a bi-polar Zanpaktou. She’s got at least half of her blade on her side. Heh, but Pride is a stubborn thing. The Hokori half isn’t submitting easily.”

Clover cast a questioning look at Ditzy, “The Hokori half?”

A white flash showed Ditzy’s grin deepening, “You’ll see. Not to jinx it, but I feel confident Sunset will pull this off before the next two days are up.”

Clover’s hands clenched with a sweaty grip that had nothing to do with the intense heat filling the training grounds. “We don’t have two days.”

That got Ditzy’s attention, her bright yellow eyes sudden gaining laser focus upon Clover, her voice a breathy hiss. “I’m not gonna like what you’re about to tell me, am I?”

“Not really, no.” Clover said, and quickly explained what she’d witnessed taking place on Sokyoku Hill, and what it meant. Ditzy’s face turned into a deep, terrifying scowl, and Clover for a moment feared for herself before Ditzy slammed her fist into her own palm and looked away with a growl.

“Crapmuffins, this is not what we needed! Sunset’s pushing herself bad enough as is! I don’t think she can finish this by morning.”

“I don’t see what other choice she has. That any of us have.” said Clover severely, casting a furtive look towards the battle once more. She couldn’t really make Sunset or Hokori out, only the flash of their clashing forms, along with the deluge of flames exploding around them like an ongoing volcanic eruption. Strangely, she also saw bright flares of white light, which she couldn’t identify. Was that some kind of new technique?

Ditzy shook her head ruefully, “Nothing for it then. C’mon. I didn’t want to interrupt their dance, but no way I can keep her in the dark about this. Sunset has to know that its crunch hour.”

Ditzy Doo rushed off, leaping with a full speed Flash Step that Clover couldn’t follow at all, but she didn’t have to. She knew where Ditzy was going, and moved as fast as she could to join her in reaching Sunset Shimmer. The heat only got worse the closer she got to the site of the fight, and she had to stick to the higher cliffs to avoid the worst of the flames. In many places stone ran liquid like molten streams, and embers filled the air in a flight of a thousand fireflies.

“You know, I’m glad Discord installed some serious atmosphere control in here.” said Ditzy as Clover found her atop a cliff overlooking a lower quarry-like area. “Without it we’d be getting roasted.”

“Where are-” Clover began to ask, but flinched as a massive crash of clashing metal exploded in the quarry beneath them in a ring as loud as a cathedral bell. That was when Clover saw them.

This was her first time seeing Hokori’s true spirit form, and was amazed and shaken all at once. In many ways Hokori resembled Sunset, with similar strong facial features and an eager grin that was all but a twin to Sunset’s own. The bright red skin and burning dark eyes were clear differences, however, alongside the literally flaming hair and wide bat-like wings. Truly a heated, raging she-demon, who was as unsettling to behold as she was awe inspiring, wielding the familiar broadsword against Sunset herself.

Sunset for her part arrested Clover’s attention even further. Bleeding from dozens of wounds, covered in sweat and soot, she still stood tall and strong against the flames. She carried her shield like it was a blade itself, holding off Hokori’s broadsword as it pressed down on her, fire flowing off the sword to surround them both.

Yet Sunset’s shield flared with a pure white light, a pulse of sunlight solidified into a barrier that shoved Hokori back in a shining burst.

Pushed back, Hokori gave off a fang filled grin and flashed back in, thrusting her blade. Sunset mirrored her Zanpaktou’s grin and stepped into the attack. Just as the two were about to slam into each other, Ditzy put a few fingers to her mouth and blew out a sharp whistle that seemed amplified beyond the norm, echoing across the entire chamber.

Sunset and Hokori stopped with their respective weapons bare inches fro each other, both sliding equally irritated glances towards Ditzy Doo. At least until Sunset spotted Clover, and her annoyance quickly gave way to equal waves of both joy and relief.

“Clover!” Sunset cried, and Flash Stepped up to them in an eye-blink, soon followed by a eye-rolling Hokori.

“You’d better have a good reason for interrupting us!” said Hokori in a tone that all but spat fire.

Sunset, instead, wrapped Clover up in a tight hug, then clapped the Soul Reaper on the shoulders, eyes as bright as her smile despite her clear exhaustion and the pain she was enduring. “You’re okay! That’s... I can’t tell you how much of a relief it is to see you.”

A momentary worry crossed her eyes, “Do you know anything about the others?”

Understanding that Sunset had been dealing with her Bankai training without any real notion if any of her other friends besides Rarity were okay after the battle with Hurricane, Clover wasted no time.

“Everyone’s fine, more or less. A lot happened.”

“Enough to be worth stopping our fight?” Hokori asked with an agitated glare.

Clover gulped and nodded, “Believe me, you both need to know what’s happening.”

And so she told them. First about all that had occurred with meeting Lord Pipsqueak and his subsequent kidnapping, then the run in with Captain Cheese Sandwich and the arrangement to try and break Celestia and Luna free at dawn. Then, finally, the reason things had to happen that soon... the fact that the Sokyoku was being prepared for the execution, and it would likely take place tomorrow morning.

There was a stunned silence following her words, and after a moment Hokori scoffed.

“Doesn’t matter. Me and Sunset still have to settle this our way. All that’s changed is the time limit.”

“Yes, that’s right.” said Sunset with surprising calm, her eyes seeming to burn with sharper focus as Clover sensed the girls’ spiritual pressure deepen. She turned her gaze towards Hokori, and the Zanpaktou spirit returned the look without blinking.

“Hikari says we can’t afford to waste any more time, and I agree with her.” Sunset said, causing Clover to blink in curiosity.

Hikari? Who was that?

A snort burst from Hokori. “I’m sure she and you are happy little peas hopping into the same pod, but I don’t give handouts. You want my power, you have to take it!”

Sunset’s smile returned, predatory and fierce. “I didn’t say otherwise. I just said I agree with Hikari about not wasting time. I was enjoying our fight, but we don’t have any more time to spend on fun. Sorry, Hokori, but I’m going to have to end this.”

“Hmph, if you think you can, give me your best shot.” Hokori said.

Sunset glanced at Ditzy and Clover, “Thanks for telling me what I needed to hear. Now, you both might want to get a good distance away. This is going to over... soon.”

Ditzy and Clover exchanged a quick look with each other and Ditzy tossed out a shrug, saying, “Good luck. Don’t get dead, Sunset.”

“Please, um, win.” Clover offered, with a helpless, somewhat shaken smile, “If you get killed I’m not sure how I’m going to explain that to your friends. It’ll be extremely awkward.”

“Don’t worry.” Sunset said, hefting her shield and facing Hokori. “I’ve got this.”

As Ditzy and Clover proceeded to give the two combatants their space to resume their fight, Clover felt a significant increase to the intensity of both of Sunset and Hokori’s reiatsu. Neither spiritual pressure was rising much, as it was clear both of them had been using up a great deal of their power and were nearing the limits of their endurance already, but what they did have left was being focused and brought to the surface like the fresh drawing of sharpened swords from their sheaths.

Both Sunset and Hokori jumped back from each other, but just enough to give one another space to build momentum for a final charge. It was clear both from their stances and their focusing reiatsu that the two intended to end the fight with the very next, final strike.

“Hoo, boy, they’re doing the classic showdown bit.” said Ditzy, sucking a breath as they watched.

Clover held back her own troubled thoughts, worried for Sunset despite the other girls’ assurances. There was nothing behind held back in the way both opponents had sharpened their reiatsu, and Sunset was already so drained.

As Sunset had promised, it didn’t take long.

The flames around Hokori’s sword grew brighter, until they transformed into a pillar of azure blue fire. Meanwhile the shield Sunset bore turned into a beacon of light, seeming to take the very substance of light and turn it into a physical shell around the shield. Both spiritual pressures seemed to converge in opposing tides, cracking the rocks beneath the two facing off with each other.

Then Hokori unleashed her flames, the billowing wave of destructive blue fire taking the shape of a laughing, demonic head, its mouth open wide to swallow Sunset. For her part Sunset didn’t flinch away from the fire, and holding up her gleaming white shield of light she dove straight into the flames, like a woman diving into a tidal wave.

Clover held her breath, unable to look away.


Sunset burned. Fire, painfully blue, searing all around, dominated her senses. Yet Hikari was with her. She felt that half of her Zanpaktou carefully, gently embracing her as a stark contrast to Hokori’s wrathful embrace of flames. The light of the shield was more than a guard, it also was a balm, healing flesh even as it was singed.

That was part of Hikari’s power. Just as attacks upon the shield empowered the blade’s flames, attacks made with the blade empowered the shield so its light could heal wounds to the wielder, while also forming potent energy barriers.

The harder Hokori fought her, the harder Hikari could work to protect her.

That, combined with her own supreme determination, allowed her to push her way through the seemingly unending pulsing of scalding fire. The stone beneath her feet burned like an oven-top, searing her feet. The air was so thick with heat and flame she could barely breathe as she pushed onward, the sheer pressure of the flames making every step a test of strength and will. Even with Hikari’s power washing her body with healing light, she still felt every in of screaming pain as the flames tried to push past her shield and consume her.

It will be okay. I am with you. Hikari’s voice spoke softly, a encouraging caress on Sunset’s soul. And Hokori, in her own way, is with you too. This is her way of showing her Pride in you. Now, rise, and show her it is warranted. Bring us together, as one.

Sunset took the words to heart, and pushed harder against the flames, turning her forward walk into a headlong run, faster and faster. The azure flames coiled around her, pushing back harder, yet Sunset could see a flickering end to them, and Hokori beyond, blade held forward, eyes blazing not with rage, but a joyous light.

Hokori was laughing, sounding utterly thrilled, even as Sunset broke through the flames and rushed on, straight for the demoness.

Hokori’s broadsword thrust forward, sparking past the tip of Sunset’s shield as she too lunged with everything she had.

There was a light impact and a burst of pain in her shoulder. The broadsword had cut along the top of her shoulder, deflected there by the shield, and opening up a large gash...

And the sharpened tip of Hikari’s shield had pierced Hokori’s chest, and stuck out of the demoness’ back.

The flames died out around the pair, and Sunset and Hokori both stood there transfixed. Then Hokori hung her head and rasped out a happy laugh.

“Heh... funny thing is, I hate losing, even to myself.” Hokori said, licking bloodied lips. “No, especially to myself. Even if I’d wanted to give you all of my power, there was no way I could until you forced it out of me. I’m just too damn stubborn to do otherwise.”

“You mean we are.” said Sunset, letting out a breath she’d been holding. “You and me, we’re all part of the same person. Hikari too. I need both of you. My Pride, and my Light. Without you guys, I’d be a pretty sorry shadow of what I could be.”

“Hah, you’re damned right...” Hokori said as her body started to turn into solid fire, flowing back into the broadsword. “And you’d better not ever forget it. Now brace yourself. This is gonna sting.”

“Huh?” Sunset asked, as Hokori’s form flowed like liquid fire into the broadsword, and then both the blade and the shield started to gleam with brighter and brighter light, as if both were turning into blindingly white fire.

Prepare yourself, Sunset. Hokori is right. This might be a tad uncomfortable. said Hikari.

Which was about all the warning Sunset got before her Zanpaktou proceeded to explode in a massive pillar of white fire, with her standing in the middle.


As he concentrated upon his work preparing the staff that would function as a ward pass for Central 46’s standard wards, Starswirl felt a slight tremor in the ground.

“Hmm?” he glanced around, wondering what might’ve caused such a quake, this far underground and in such a reinforced area... but since no alarms went off he just assumed it was his imagination and went back to work with a shrug.

It wouldn’t be long until dawn.


Clover rushed to the scene, where the white flames were slowly dissipating around a pool of seared, molten rock that was slowly cooling off.

“Sunset!” she shouted, rushing down as soon as the rocks cooled off enough to not burn off her feet.

Sunset lay in the epicenter of a charred crater. Her Zanpaktou was planted in the ground next to her, in its sealed katana form. Ditzy Doo appeared next to Clover just as she knelt down beside the seemingly unconscious Sunset, putting her arms around to cradle the girl and raise her head up.

“Sunset, can you hear me?”

“Well,” said Ditzy, “That was about as explosive as I remember from when me and Discy trained like this.”

Clover didn’t even glance up at the woman, instead focused entirely upon Sunset, who coughed and slowly blinked awake, much to Clovers flood of relief.

“Uggggh... now I know what it feels like to be banished to the core of the sun. Ow.”

“Are you alright?” asked Clover, and Sunset flashed her a grin.

“Better than alright.” Sunset said, an eager and strong glint in her eyes. “I know Bankai.”


Dawn's first rays hadn't quite crept their way over the barrier of the horizon when Captain Sweet Cider existed the wide, sliding wood and paper panel doors of the Tenth Division headquarters and looked out into the courtyard. Standing there were her people, Soul Reapers she'd served with and commanded for years...

She knew those years were built upon a terrible violation of her own memories, but as much anger as she had simmering below the surface about that she couldn't place blame on a single one of the people who stood before her. For the time she'd acted as this Division's Captain these men and women had obeyed her orders, fought at her side, and demonstrated time and again their courage and loyalty. And this morning was the largest test of that loyalty, and some part of her felt a stab of of shame that she was asking this of them.

Silverstar was there at the head of the group of Soul Reapers, his head raised to attention as she walked out.

"Ma'am, we're ready to head out whenever ya give the word." he said with a somber note, but with resolve hardening his eyes.

Looking over the assembled Soul Reapers, all silently and alertly watching her, Sweet Cider sucked in a breath and said, "I ain't gonna ask if any o' ya want ta walk away now. If that was the case ya already had yer chance, an' I ain't gonna insult yer integrity like that. If yer here, ye've made yer choice an' I'm damn proud o' it. What's takin' place in our own home court is a' travesty, an' its time ta take a stand fer doin' the hard, but right thing. We're goin' ta headquarters, an' one way or 'nother we're makin' sure Captain Celestia and Captain Luna are freed. We won't be alone neither. Got word from other Captains who'll stand with us. Might be it won't come to no fight..." she shook her head, a grim smile on her face. "Don't suppose none o' you wanna take bets on how likely that's gonna be?"

There were a few short chuckles from her people, the tension thick enough that they'd take any excuse for a laugh.

She nodded, "Didn't think so. Alright folks, then let's not waste no time! Tenth Division, move out!"


"Where are they? Dang it, Clover said they'd be here by now!" Rainbow Dash said, pacing back and forth in ever increasingly agitated footsteps.

"She did say Sunset needed to recover as much of her strength as she could after that grueling sounding training." said Rarity, watching Rainbow pace with slow flicks of her eyes, her lips pursed in disapproval, "And will you stay still? I may have treated your wound, but I'm not certain how well those stitches will hold up, darling. We'll be engaged in no shortage of conflict soon enough, so why waste your energy?"

"She's right, sugarcube." said Applejack from beside Rarity, "Ya ain't doin' yerself no good runnin' yerself inta the ground 'fore the fightin' even starts up again.

Rainbow cast a sharp look at them both, but sighed and gave a nod of assent, joining the other girls in leaning up against the cliff face. They were waiting just outside the hideout. Clover had dropped by briefly during the night to inform them of what she'd learned. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity had spent most of the night trying, and failing, to sleep, and now just waited for when Ditzy, Sunset, and Clover would arrive, along with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, who supposedly had a way to escape the Fourth Division hospital without trouble and had been informed where to meet.

Nocturn had left a couple of hours prior to find the rest of the Second Division and organize them to make their own move when the moment presented itself. Which should be soon. Dawn was fast approaching, perhaps minutes off by Rainbow Dash's guess.

She was a coiled spring just waiting to snap. She loathed having to wait. Moments like this were torture for her. It was like when she had to sit in the locker room for those last few minutes before the big game. Always made her stomach twist up into knots. Once the action started she knew she'd be fine. Heck, she'd be thrilled once they were moving, fighting, doing something. These last few moments of tension as they waited were the worst.

When a twig snapped in the forested area nearby Rainbow Dash nearly flash fired it with lightning right then and there, but drew in an easy breath as she saw Clover, Ditzy Doo, and Sunset emerge from the treeline.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting." said Sunset, her smile confident and relaxed. "Also good to see you made it, Rarity. Took down that Blueblood jerk?"

Rarity ran a hand through her hair with a pleased smile, "I taught him a thorough lesson, I believe."

"I beat Lieutenant Fancy Pants." Rainbow blurted, perhaps a bit too quickly, and with an embarrassed grimace she glanced away. Applejack patted her on the shoulder.

"At least ya'll beat yer opponents fair n' square. Pretty sure my ma was kickin' my teeth in' somethin' fierce 'till I broke that dang chain keepin' her memories bottled up."

Ditzy Doo nodded firmly.

"All of you have fought well. Knew I put you girls under a serious pressure cooker with that training, but its really paid off." Ditzy Doo said, then glanced off to the right, along the eastern edge of the cliff. "Hmm, and I sense the last of our intrepid party are arriving."

"No, its this way Fluttershy, trust me! The Sense is never wrong!"

"Um, okay, if you're sure."

Rainbow Dash perked up, her heart beating a tad faster as Pinkie Pie's colorful form bounced into the clearing, followed by the demure walk of Fluttershy. Dash all but flew to them both, ignoring the soreness in her arm as she hugged them both tight.

"Goshdangit! Fluttershy! Don't you ever scare me like that, ever!" Rainbow all but shouted into the girl's shoulder, her hug a crushing thing that made Fluttershy gasp.

"I'm, I'm so sorry Rainbow, but I didn't know what else to do." Fluttershy said, strained.

"Yikes, Dashie, you could give Maud's hugs a run for their money." Pinkie Said, "My lungs are going all pancake central over here."

Rainbow Dash let her friends go with a huffing sigh, wiping at her eyes with an elbow, "Sorry guys, just... really glad you're both okay." She then looked to Fluttershy, a nervous wave of uncertainty rising inside her as she asked, "Fluttershy... about my mom. Clover... explained a bit, but... did you really see her?"

Fluttershy looked away for a second, then as if gathering her courage, she met Rainbow Dash's eyes, trembling, and nodded silently.

Rainbow Dash felt like the air had been knocked out of her as she stood there, feeling... numb. She gulped, hands clenching into fists, as a menagerie of emotions tried to burst through her frozen heart, and she shoved them all down hard.

"Rainbow..." Sunset began to say, but Dash just held up a hand.

"It's okay. Fine. Whatever. She's here. I don't care." Rainbow Dash spat out, taking a hard, shaking breath. "We got a job to do. We do it. If... she gets in the way, I'll deal with her."

"Sugarcube-" Applejack also tried to speak, but was just as quickly cut off by Rainbow Dash.

"Applejack, please, just don't. I ain't got the same relationship with her as you do with your old lady, okay? Just... do me a favor and drop it."

Silence reigned for a moment, before Sunset said in a gentle voice, "Okay Rainbow, we'll let this lay for now. Just know we're all with you, whatever ends up going down."

"Yeah, I know," Rainbow Dash said, shaking her head and forcing on a smile, "You gals always got my back. Just, if she does show her face... let me handle her myself." Her magenta eyes flashed and her voice turned hard. "I got a lot I want to say to her, and right now I can only speak in fists."

At the tail end of her words, the first bright rays of sunlight poked through the trees, the sky turning a growing shade of cerulean blue. Clover gulped, and said, "It's time."

Sunset nodded, her hand resting on the hilt of Hokori, still sealed and sheathed at her side.

"Then let's do this. All or nothing, girls. Either way, this ends today."

Author's Note:

We're almost to the end of the Soul Society arc. Everything's about to come to a head, and here's hoping you folks will enjoy what's in store. As always thank you all for reading, and I highly appreciate any comments, questions, or critiques you guys might have for me. 'Till next time.

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