• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,904 Views, 5,029 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 22: Pick Yourself Back Up

Episode 22: Pick Yourself Back Up

Hot water fell on her in thick, needle sheets. The steady drone of the shower blanketed out Sunset’s thoughts for a few blessed moments as she let the shock of the hot water wash over her, the deluge pushing against the boggy fatigue that threatened to suck her down into unconsciousness right then and there. She didn’t think passing out in the shower would be very dignified, but it’d fit her mood. She stood with her hands braced on the shower wall, letting the water wet down her hair and rinse down her back. She wanted to just stop thinking for awhile, but it was all but impossible. Her mind’s eye continued to flash back to the events of mere hours ago.

Sonata’s sobbing could still be heard, even down the hall from a different room. Sunset, back in her human body, and her friends stood in a tired, haggard group, with Pinkie Pie’s family not far away gladly receiving the rescued Limestone with hugs and cries of relief. Discord was there, standing across from them, his expression stiff.

“I should have anticipated that Gorgar might have taken a personal hand in this,” he said with a gruff, muttering tone, “He usually detests getting his hands dirty. I suspected he might have been responsible when that first partially evolved Arrancar showed up, but I didn’t believe he’d be there in person. I’m sorry you girls had to go through that.”

“There’s nothing that can be done to change that now,” Sunset said, wondering if she looked as tired as she sounded, “What I want to know is if there’s any chance at all of getting Adagio back.”

The look Discord gave her was answer enough. She hung her head, taking in and letting out a shuddering breath. Applejack stepped forward, less willing to let things stand. “Yer sayin’ there ain’t no way o’ snatchin’ her back from that old goat an’ sticking her back in her body?”

“I am not a man inclined to say anything is impossible, but in this case the odds are so astronomically low as to be a false hope if I made any claim to the contrary,” said Discord, holding up a slim hand and holding up a finger, “First of all, by now Grogar has likely taken Adagio to Las Noches, the seat of Arrancar power and a fortress of Hueco Mundo’s most powerful Hollows. Even all the Soul Society could not mount an assault upon such a place without risking being shattered by the casualties that would result from such a battle. You girls would be like lambs to the slaughter were you to go there as you are now. Second of all, even if Adagio was retrieved, she is a Hollow now. Her soul is now changed irrevocably from what it was before. There’s no method I know of that could place her soul back into her original body, because the two are simply not compatible, now. It’d be like trying to shove a DVD into a VCR and expecting it to play.”

“I don’t understand all that’s transpired,” said Cloud Quartz suddenly, still hugging Limestone so tight it looked like the girl was having trouble breathing, “But if this young lady, Adagio, has been lost to us while helping bring my daughter back to me, I... I wish I could show her all the gratitude in the world for it. I want to thank all of you for what you’ve endured to return Limestone to me.”

“Ugh, m-mom, I think they get it. Can you stop... crushing... lungs...” Limestone said, face turning red, for probably more than one reason. As Cloudy Quartz let go, giving Limestone a chance to breath, Maud glanced at Discord.

“It’s late.”

“Hmm, oh, yes, yes it is... perhaps before we do anything else we should all get some rest,” Discord said. Applejack gave him a hard look, stepping closer to him.

“Hold on just a’ sec there. Ya owe us answers, remember? A’ whole cart load o’ answers!”

Discord’s brows drew together, “Indeed, Miss Applejack, I do. I won’t duck that Q&A session, rest assured. But I think, for what I need to disclose, you all might want to be fully rested. Besides, Miss Clover will likely be awake by then, and she can add her own perspective to the matter as well. I suggest you girls all return to your homes. With Grand Fisher gone you’ll likely be safe for a time longer. I doubt Grogar will risk openly operating in the living world so soon after the battle in the city, with the Quincy and Soul Society both on high alert.”

Rarity yawned, running a hand through her hair, “I admit, sleep does sound preferable after... all that has happened. Everyone is frayed at the edges and there’s nothing like a full night’s beauty sleep to clear the mind.”

“I feel like I could sleep for a week,” said Fluttershy in a voice barely stronger than a hush.

Applejack practically growled, but said, “Fine, alright, we’ll hit the hay.” Her green eyes flared at Discord with fierce promise, “But ya better believe I’m gittin' the whole truth tomorrow, first thing in the mornin’! Ya hear me?”

“Quite loudly and clearly,” said Discord.

The girls piled out into the hallway in one exhausted procession, Sunset at the lead as they trudged towards the shop’s exit. They had to pass by the room that’d been given over to the sirens on the way out, and Sonata’s cries were barely muffled. Then they got louder for a moment as the door to their room opened and Aria came out. Sunset caught a brief sight of Sonata curled up in one corner of the room on a bed, knees drawn up, head buried, but then Aria closed the door and stood in Sunset’s way.

Aria’s eyes looked hotter than fresh coals, and every inch of her buzzed with seething anger. Sunset felt her mouth go dry, and started to say, “Aria, I’m-”

That was about as far as she got before Aria’s fist collided with her jaw. Sunset was rocked back, but she kept her feet, more taken off guard than actually hurt. Rainbow Dash burst forward, saying, “What the hell!?” But Sunset held out a hand, keeping her friend back.

She looked at Aria, who was glaring at her with her hands still balled into fists. Sunset wiped at her mouth, feeling the already growing bruise, and said, “I’m sorry.”

“Save it. What was Adagio doing there? Why was she there!?”

Sunset felt cold, taking a deep breath before saying, “She asked to come.”

“...And you let her?” Aria’s voice was deathly quiet, and more frightening than the loudest of scalding screams could have been.

“I didn’t know what would happen, but she wanted to come. She wanted to save her sisters,” Sunset said, only telling the truth, because what else could she do?

Aria’s voice was pure acid, “Well, she did save us. Us, and you idiots as well. And guess what...” Aria’s hand shot out and grabbed Sunset by the collar of her jacket, hauling her to be eye to eye with the enraged siren, “She’s dead. My sister is dead because of you. You could have made her stay behind. Instead you took her along into a fight she didn’t belong in.”

There was an uncomfortable shuffling among Sunset’s friends, but Rainbow Dash was the one to grit her teeth and push past Sunset, not quite getting in Aria’s face, but definitely putting her presence between the two, “Hey, your sister made the choice herself to come along! Don’t blame Sunset for that. And in case you missed the same screwed up scenario I saw, we all would have been dead if your sister didn’t pull of some last second awesome to get us out of there!”

“Dash... its...” Sunset began to say, but Aria just shoved her back, stepping away, breathing hard and giving them all scalding looks.

“Yeah, Adagio saved us. All of you owe her, and can’t pay half of it back. I just want you to know I won’t forget this. We were just fine until all of you showed up.”

She opened the door back into her and Sonata’s room, only pausing long enough to glare back at them. “From now on, stay away from me and Sonata!” She then slammed the door closed, leaving the rest of the girls to stand uncomfortably in the hallway.

After a moment Fluttershy put a hand on Sunset’s shoulder, “Don’t blame yourself Sunset. She’s angry, and hurt. Anybody would want to lash out after what happened.”

Sunset just nodded weakly, “I know.”

“I know...” she echoed her own words, one hand slowly balling into a fist that she used to punch her shower wall, all of her thoughts and feelings bubbling together like a cauldron.

She could have told Adagio no. Could have made her stay behind. What could she do, as just a doll, anyway? Sunset knew that the battle was going to be dangerous, that any of the battles she and her friends had been involved in were dangerous. Some part of her had held onto the hope that they could all pull through without anyone being lost. The hard reality was like the water pouring over her, scalding and unrelenting.

Yet the fire was still inside her. Beyond the pain and sorrow the fire of rage burned bright, her pride a flare against the encroaching dark. Sunset turned her face up into the water, letting it wash over her, then pulled back, opening her eyes and giving the ceiling an intense stare, hands still balled into fists at her sides.

Even if they couldn’t get Adagio back, Sunset knew this wasn’t over. The Hollows would continue to be a threat, and she and her friends would continue to face that threat head on. Grogar was stronger than them, for the moment, but Sunset would make certain that didn’t stay the case.

Grogar had taken a friend from Sunset, hurt her people...

There was going to be a reckoning, to settle that score.

Sunset left the shower feeling more invigorated, if still beaten and battered. It was strange. Wounds to the soul’s ‘body’ didn’t translate directly to the physical body. Her soul had been cut badly on the shoulder, the arm rendered inert, and she’d taken a dozen other smaller wounds. Discord had provided treatment before Sunset had returned to her physical body, and while her real body didn’t bear any of the wounds she’d taken in spirit form, she could still feel those wounds like a deep ache inside her. Still, with the shower, and a sense of resolve, she was now feeling better.

She threw on a white bathrobe, and trudged out into her apartment’s living room, intending to go plop into bed, but a knock at her door caused her to pause halfway across where the open kitchen met the living room. There was only a short hallway leading to apartment’s front door, with just a small closet to the left of it. She didn’t think a Hollow would bother knocking, but she snatched up Hokori anyway from where the blade was leaning against the wall by the entry hall.

The knock came one more time, a kind of brief, awkward sounding triple knock that was somehow both formal and somehow dorky at the same time. Sunset took a peer through the peephole, and her eyes widened. She quickly unlocked her door and opened it.

“Twilight!? What are you doing here?” she asked, looking in surprise at the girl standing in the hallway, “I didn’t think your family would let you out of their sight anytime soon. Did you sneak out?”

Twilight gave her a strange look, “What? My family? Why would they be keeping an eye on me? Wait, are you talking about the other me that’s here? The human one?”

Human one...? Sunset blinked, looking Twilight over again. She then picked up on what should have been obvious from the get-go. The lack of glasses. The fact that she wore her hair (or mane, as Twilight still likely considered it) straight and long instead of pulled up in a bun. The odd blouse, cutie marked skirt, and large boots that seemed to come with the transformation from pony to human. The fact that Twilight Sparkle, despite having been here to the human world several times, still held her hands in an awkward hoof-like ball.

Relief and happiness swept through Sunset, pushing down the previous feelings of anger, sadness, and pain. A genuine smile like a rising sun spread on her face as she moved forward with one swift step and pulled Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, and her first real friend, into a tight hug.

“Yikes! Eheh, Sunset, you’re uh, pretty glad to see me I take it?” Twilight said, laughing in a combination of happiness and nervousness as she returned Sunset’s hug, purple face gaining a reddish hue.

Sunset found she was having trouble speaking past the lump of emotions clogging her throat, and with embarrassment she felt tears in her eyes. She finished her hug, holding Twilight at arm’s length and said, “Sorry, I just... you have no idea how glad I am that you’re here.”

“Heh, feels like it,” Twilight said, returning the smile and looking Sunset over, her brow quirking up, “Was this a bad time to show up? I would have been here sooner, but you know how Equestria can get. Always a new friendship problem to solve. Or a magical disaster to avert. Or lessons to teach to a new apprentice.”

Sunset gave a small nod, remembering that the last time Twilight had visited, just after the Friendship Games, she’d mentioned having a student. A time warping, former cult leader, on the road to reformation. Sunset wasn’t about to judge. She-demon, after all. “How’s that going, with the new student?”

Twilight coughed politely, her smile turning adorkably nervous, “Good. Um, it’s good, yeah. She’s eager to learn. I’m still not sure how good I am at teaching. I’m having to figure a lot of it out as I go along.”

“Well, if there’s anyone... anypony I know who can do it, it's you Twilight. Please, come inside.”

Sunset led Twilight into the living room, which was really the only room beside the bedroom on one end and the small bathroom on the other. Her open kitchen more or less bled into the living room, and there wasn’t much space to begin with. Sunset went to the small table set up at the edge of the kitchen and sat down, with Twilight glancing around the apartment before taking a seat herself.

“Um, this is a nice place. How did you end up with it?” Twilight asked.

“Right, this is your first time here. I know it's not roomy, but I picked it for simplicity more than luxury,” Sunset said, chuckling slightly at the memory, “When I first came here after running away from Canterlot, I had no idea how the economy here worked. I’d taken some gems from back home, figuring I might need currency, but nobody here just takes gems for goods and there’s not much of a barter system. I had to figure out how to sell the gems off for actual money... which wasn’t easy without an ID or social security card. Had to find a less than reputable place to sell the gems that didn’t care about legalities. Pair of brothers in town who don’t ask too many questions. Twins, I think? Whatever, they tried to shill me on the price but I was a very aggressive customer and got a decent price for the gems. That set me up with enough to afford food and a place to stay initially. Turns out those brothers rented out a room above their shop, and I took that at first. Worked at their pawn shop part time for a bit, until Flam’s connections got me a fake ID.”

She laughed, shaking her head, “Luckily Principal Celestia helped me get actual citizenship. Still don’t know what wheels she greased to pull that off, but she managed. She didn’t want to make a big deal about it, but I’m really grateful to her. I still have a fair chunk of cash left from the gems I sold and the work I did at the pawnshop, so I can afford this apartment for awhile longer... at least until I graduate high school and can move on to whatever’s next.”

Sunset’s voice trialed off then, her eyes looking down at the table, at her hands folded in front of her, “Assuming whatever’s next is something I have much choice in anymore. Um... did you get my last message?”

“I did,” said Twilight, eyes softening with worry as she leaned forward on the table, looking at Sunset earnestly, “I wish I could have come here sooner, Sunset. It sounds like you’ve been dealing with some pretty dangerous situations. Its both amazing and... well... pretty scary, too. Hollows sound like terrible monsters, but I can’t deny I’m fascinated by the idea of how they function. Equestria doesn’t have anything like them. Not to mention the whole notion of Soul Reapers! I never imagined the human world had such diverse forms of magic!”

Seeing the look Sunset was giving her Twilight smiled sheepishly and settled back in her chair, “Ah, anyway, your last message said that you were just starting to train with that girl named Clover, the one you think might be this world’s version of Clover the Clever. That was... a week ago?”

“Somewhere around that,” Sunset said, drawing in on herself a bit as she tried to brace herself for what was coming up. How to even begin explaining the events of the past few days? Twilight saw Sunset’s hesitance and gave a reassuring smile.

“You look tired. Um, not that that’s bad or anything, but um, we can talk after you’ve had a chance to sleep, if you want.”

“No... no that’s fine. I’ll get some sleep soon enough. Its been a rough day,” she laughed without any humor at the vast understatement that was.

“Well, I do have some good news if it’ll help you feel better,” said Twilight, “I talked it over with Princess Celestia and Luna, and they both agreed with me that the sirens deserve a second chance.”

At Sunset’s sudden, twitching look, Twilight seemed to misinterpret what it meant and said, “Of course they’d be on kind of a probationary status, watched in case of any problems, but they’d be allowed to return to Equestria. I did some research on the siren gems and after consulting with Princess Celestia she thinks it’s possible to regrow the gems under the right conditions. I think it should be safe for them to go through the portal, but just in case Princess Celestia would be there to help me with any spells needed to help them adjust back to their original forms.”

Twilight’s voice trailed off after a moment as she looked at Sunset, who’s face had gone deathly still and her hands gripping the edge of the table, hard.

“S-Sunset? What’s wrong?”

Taking a shaking breath, Sunset closed her eyes, “I’m... glad that Sonata and Aria will get the chance to go back home if they want to.”

Twilight was an intelligent pony, and instantly picked up on the context of the name that was missing from that sentence. A paleness entered the young pony princess turned human’s face, her voice quietly filled with uncertainty, “Sunset, you didn’t mention the third sister. You meant to, right?”

Well, there wasn’t going to be any avoiding it, and talking about it wasn’t going to become any more pleasant by putting it off. Sunset took one more deep breath, trying to steady frayed nerves, and without any preamble she began to tell Twilight exactly what had happened, starting with the invasion of the city by the army of Hollows. It didn’t take all that long, even without trying to paraphrase or skip on the details. Twilight listened with a twisted mix of fascination and horror, equal parts intrigued by elements like the unlocking of Sunset’s Shikai or the description of Hueco Mundo, by clearly disturbed by the sheer violence of the Hollows, the raw power of those like the Sternritter and Arrancar, and ultimately a heartfelt sadness at Adagio’s fate.

When Sunset was finished talking, Twilight looked away, rubbing at her face with an arm, “I know she was someone who tried to do wrong to us, and I didn’t know her at all besides as an enemy, but I can’t imagine wishing that kind of fate on... on anypony. Even with Tirek all we did in the end was lock him back up. I wouldn’t want him dead. And... and it's so strange, to think that she’s... dead, but her soul is still out there, having who knows what done to her by Grogar. Grogar, as in the Grogar, Father of Necromancy and one of the worst users of dark magic in Equestrian history.”

There was a hard, heated edge to Sunset’s voice as she said, “Believe me, if I could have done anything to prevent what happened, I would have.”

“I know. You’d never leave a friend behind, no matter the cost. Adagio, it doesn’t sound like she gave you much choice, but... she did save all of you. It was incredibly brave and selfless.”

“But still, ultimately, my fault,” Sunset said, remembering the faint bruise on her jaw from Aria’s fist.

“You shouldn’t be blaming yourself. You couldn’t have known how it would turn out.”

“I didn’t know, but that’s irrelevant,” Sunset said firmly, “The responsibility still falls to me, because I’m the one who took charge and made the call to bring her along. She might have asked, and Grogar might have forced the situation, but it was still my decision that put her there, Twilight. If I’m going to play the role of leader, I can’t duck responsibility when my choices have consequences I don’t like. You of all ponies ought to understand that, being a Princess.”

Twilight made a curious drooping gesture with her shoulders, and Sunset imagined if Twilight was still in her alicorn form that her wings would be drooping along with her ears. As it was, in her human form, Twilight merely slumped. “I... can see what you’re trying to say. I haven’t had to make too many tough decisions as Princess yet, but the responsibility is still there. Looming. But you never specifically took on the job of leading anyone, Sunset. You’ve had all this shoved at you, along with the rest of the girls, and you’ve had no time to do more than your best to just survive. I don’t think any of them are blaming you for what happened or are demanding you take responsibility for it.”

One of them is, Sunset thought, but instead said, “Even if that’s true, whether they asked it or not I’ve been the one making choices, and they’ve been following my lead. That’s enough to put the responsibility on my shoulders. Sometimes leadership doesn’t come with a crown and title, just the burden of making the call when no one else will.”

A faint tremor entered her voice, “And my call got Adagio killed, plain and simple.”

Silence reigned for a minute, then Twilight said, “Even so, what can you do, now? How do you even begin to take responsibility for something like that?”

“I wish I knew,” Sunset said, squeezing her eyes shut and suddenly very much wanting to just go to bed and pass out into a nice, dreamless void of sleep. She forced her eyes open again, looking at Twilight frankly, “So, besides the pep talk, and telling me about the siren’s pass to go home, did you have any other reasons for coming to my end of reality?”

“There was...” Twilight said, a shadow of trepidation on her face, “And it's even more important after what you’ve told me. These Hollows, Princess Celestia was hesitant to send me, but I insisted, because of the danger the Hollows represent. I came to do research on the portal between here and Equestria, and if possible develop spells that can ward it against the chance a Hollow might try to step through.”

“That makes sense,” Sunset said, frowning slightly, “Could you manage to do that without making it impossible for anyone to use the portal?”

“I don’t know,” Twilight said honestly, “The only alternative would be to turn off the equipment I have keeping the portal functional year-round. Let the portal go back to being inactive save for during its natural cycle. I’d rather not cut you off from home like that, however, so the ideal is that my research goes well and I can work out a way to protect the portal from this end so a soul eating monster doesn’t end up popping up in my castle library.”

She laughed nervously, and Sunset could see why. The idea that there were invisible, phantom monsters infesting a world that you had an active portal to in your home was not a comforting thought. Thinking about it, Sunset realized the kind of research Twilight was talking about couldn’t be concluded quickly. “So you’re going to be spending a lot of time over here, then?”

“Well, sort of. I wasn’t going to impose on any of you. As long as the portal is active I can just hop back and forth as much as I need to. I’ll come over in the morning, work on my research with Principal Celestia’s blessing to use the school lab, and then in the afternoon hop on back home. Some days I’ll stay in Equestria due to my duties as Princess, or because I’ll need to consult my own library of magical knowledge, but you can probably expect to bump into me at the school until I finish my research.”

“I guess it is convenient to be able to just step through the portal whenever you want,” Sunset said with a small smile.

“You know you could, um, come back some time,” Twilight said, “Just to visit, you know? I’m sure Princess Celestia would love to see you again after so long.”

Sunset froze up, feeling a clenching ache in her chest that she hadn’t felt for awhile. She’d decided to live in the human world for a number of reasons. She had friends here who mattered a lot to her, and the human world was a fascinating place that she found she enjoyed. Not to mention it was a place that needed people knowledgeable in magic to help protect it from magical threats. Even the Soul Reapers weren’t experienced with dark magic, and if anything like that seeped in from Equestria Sunset would be the expert in that case.

Then there was the deeply rooted, if admittedly illogical, fear of returning home to face her old mentor. She and Celestia had not parted on good terms.

“I don’t know if she’d love to see me, Twilight. She might forgive me for running out on her, but... but she still has to be a little mad over the fact that I planned to usurp her throne with an army of mind controlled teenagers.”

“Actually she laughed when I told her about that part,” said Twilight, “Like, a lot. I was a bit worried she’d forget to breath again.”

“You know, I’d feel insulted, only I can’t say that’s not a perfectly justified reaction,” said Sunset with a sardonic half-grin, “I still have no idea why I thought the teenager army scheme was going to work. Talk about being drunk stupid on power.”

They shared a laugh, and the tension eased out of Sunset a bit, and she looked solemnly at her hands clasped in front of her as she said, “I know I can just step through the portal, Twilight. I know I could go home at any time, and it wouldn’t even have to be permanent. I could visit, see old places... apologize to Celestia. I guess I’m just scared to bite the bullet and just do it.”

“Bite the bullet?”

“Human expression. Nevermind,” Sunset said, pushing back a yawn. Twilight watched her for a moment.

“So, about the other me in this world, do you think her family is going to keep her from seeing you and the other girls?”

The change in subject caught Sunset a bit off guard, but then again she didn’t see why she should be surprised. Of course Twilight would be curious about her human counterpart. It was a hard question to answer, as well, because Sunset just honestly didn’t know for sure. The Quincy had hardly proven to be reasonable people.

“I hope not, but the practical side of me says not to expect to see our Twilight for awhile. If her mother and father let her out of that mansion it's only going to be on Quincy business, I think.”

“I still have a hard time believing my... her... well, this world’s version of my family is like that. It's hard to get my mind wrapped around,” said Twilight in a shaken tone, though there was also a curious light in her eyes, “I’ll admit, however, I’m very curious how humans developed what sound like very magical abilities. We were so sure this world didn’t have magic.”

“It isn’t magic, Twilight, at least not like we know it in Equestria,” said Sunset, unable to stop her yawn this time, and stretched her arms above her head, “And while I’d love to try and bounce some theories with you about it all, I think I need to hit the hay. Do you have a place to stay?”

“I can just trot back home. The school isn’t too far,” Twilight said, but Sunset shook her head.

“It's dark out, and while the Hollows got thrashed in that last battle, there could still be stragglers out there, wandering around. I’d rather not risk you getting jumped at night. Why don’t you take my bed. I’ll crash on the couch.”

“I-I couldn’t impose like that!” Twilight stammered, waving her hands.

“Pfft, it's not a bother, Twilight. The couch is just as comfy as the bed and I’ve slept on it on nights I’ve been up late studying and just didn’t feel like crawling over to the bedroom,” Sunset said, already getting up to make her way over to the couch, flopping onto it, “Just toss me one of the pillows from the bed and I’ll be golden.”

“Um, well, if you’re sure,” Twilight said with a light yawn herself, “I am feeling pretty tired, too, and I’d like to get to work on my research as early as possible.”

“You know how to set the alarm. I’ve got to get up early too, to meet up with the girls at Discord’s shop.”

Twilight flinched a bit, “Oh, right, you’ve got a Discord too. I hope things are going smoothly with him? He isn’t, you know, acting all... chaosy.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow at Twilight, “Quite frankly I still don’t know what to make of him. I guessed from the start that he was holding things back from us, but I wasn’t sure just how much. Guess I’ll find out tomorrow. You could tag along if you want. The girls would enjoy seeing you again.”

“I’m curious, but I really do need to get started on my research. I’ll get a chance to see our friends at the school. Besides who knows how Discord will react to me showing up out of nowhere? I’d rather not make a complicated situation more so,” Twilight said, making her way to the bedroom where she retrieved one of the pillows to toss Sunset.

After that the two bid each other goodnight, and Sunset settled into the couch, feet propped up on one of the arms and keeping her bathrobe wrapped tightly around her. It wasn’t cold in her apartment, so she was comfy enough, and she wasn’t lying about the couch being good for sleep. The cushions seemed to suck her right in with their comfortable plushiness.

Sleep came slowly, despite her exhaustion. Her mind continued to turn over the events of the entire day while her heart smouldered. There was no denying pain and shame of Adagio’s loss. She remembered the depressing sound of Sonata’s heart rending sobs, and the harrowing anger in Aria’s eyes. Sunset lay on the couch and held her hand up in front of her, staring at it, slowly closing it into a fist.

It hurts, doesn’t it? Losing.

Yes, Hokori. Even if we killed Grand Fisher and saved who we went there to save, this doesn’t feel like a victory. I feel like I’ve been knocked flat on my ass. I’ve never... lost a friend before.

I ask you then, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to stay knocked down?

Sunset’s clenched fist tightened, until she could nearly feel her nails breaking the skin.

“No...” she said aloud, fire lighting up her eyes with the promise of things to come, “No I’m not.”


Pain, deep, gnawing, tore at her. It felt as if her belly was being dug into by a hundred spinning daggers. Her mouth was dry, and unbidden a plaintive sound between a growl and a wail escaped her jaws. Adagio was woken from restless sleep by the oozing pain of a dozen wounds and the horrific hunger tearing at her insides.

She was in an octagonal chamber, perhaps thirty or so feet wide and ten feet high. Its wall were a dull bone white color, lit strangely by a source-less light that seemed to drip in from the seams between the wall and ceiling. Slowly, her whole frame shaking with strain, Adagio lifted herself up. Her body, she found, could float much as it had when she’d been a true siren back in Equestria, with small flicks of her tail or gestures from her arms allowing her to swim through the air as if it were water. She looked over herself, her new form... and growled bitter frustration.

So this was to be her existence, now. A parody of her true self, her soul warped into a mockery of her siren form? Yet... something felt somehow right about it all. Her gem, the core of her being as a siren, it was there, fully formed, floating in the middle of the void in her chest that was the hole of a Hollow. It felt so strange. She could feel the gem pulsing with energy, with life, amid the vast emptiness that radiated from that hole. A contrast that was as infuriating as it was confusing.

It was hard to think straight. Her hunger was increasing by the minute. She’d never felt so... so voracious She literally thought she’d consume anything that she could find, and might start gnawing on herself before long if this incomprehensible pain didn’t let up soon!

With pure, undiluted rage she decided to assault the wall. Her arms ended in vicious talons, and she put them to work, clawing and slashing at the white stone of her prison. She did little more than scratch the surface, as if the stone was made of something more akin to steel. Adagio let out a roar of unrestrained pain and anger, and felt horrified to her core as the sound that came out of her maw was... was no different than the piercing howls of a Hollow.

It drove home just what her situation was and what she’d turned herself into, and at that moment she hung her head, sagging down to the floor, and wept. She did so for a long time, only the monumental depression shoving back the pain of hunger.

The only point of light inside her dark thoughts was that, if nothing else, her sisters were safe. That thought was a buoy in an otherwise tumultuous sea of boiling hate, anger, and sorrow.

She nearly jumped out of her new skin when a voice, Grogar’s condescending nasal tone, spoke from seemingly everywhere, yet nowhere.

“Ah, I see you are awake. Good. I was growing impatient with you. I know I didn’t do so much damage to your form that you’d be in a coma, yet you took your time awakening after our... scuffle.”

He must have meant the wounds covering her form. She only had vague memory of the battle after she’d forced Sunset through the Garganta. She recalled unleashing everything she had at Grogar, only to time and again taste the edge of his sword on her flesh as he dismantled her piece by piece. She shuddered, then glared bitterly at the ceiling, “Where are you? Show yourself! I’ll not be taunted! If you’re going to finish me off, be done with it!”

“Oh no, my dear, I won’t be destroying you anytime soon. Why, it’d entirely defeat the purpose of capturing you and bringing you here. You see I fully intend to divine the source of your power,” Grogar’s voice said chidingly, “I do not make waste of opportunities, and since you’ve cost me the chance to study one of those other girls, you’ll suffice as their replacement. Now... I imagine you’re quite hungry at this time. Newborn Hollows usually become incredibly famished after a short span of time. You will need to feed.”

Adagio looked around with wide, wild eyes. The hunger seemed to spike inside her at the mere mention of feeding. However Adagio was no so lost in her mental faculties to not grasp the implications. Hollows had a very narrow diet, after all, and the thought sent a freezing chill down into her core.

A hole opened in the ceiling, stone grinding, and Adagio shot for it, but was thrown back by a barrier of energy that sent jolts of agony through her and threw her right back down to the ground.

Groaning, she floated back up just in time to hear a muffled series of shouts and screams, and backed away in time to see a form tumble down the hole and land in front of her. Whatever energy field had blocked her apparently didn’t go both ways.

Slowly, painfully, a human female of perhaps mid to late twenties teetered to her feet. The woman was wearing fairly normal clothes, the kind of skirt and blouse any number of average day to day people might have on, with fairly nondescript short brown hair and blue eyes. The only thing that marked the woman as different was the soul chain dangling from her chest.

“W-what...where...?” the woman blinked in confusion, and when her eyes laid upon Adagio, in all her horrific Hollow state, the woman shrieked and scrambled away. “Wha-what’s happening!? Oh God, what are you!?”

Adagio just floated there, stunned. Stunned not only because she knew exactly what Grogar was intending for her to do, but stunned for the fac that... the woman smelled so good. It was an impossible to describe scent, like the sweetest of fresh baked pastries mixed with the enticing scent of something warm and spicy. There was an instant pull inside her gut and Adagio felt her jaws salivating.

The woman continued to babble and scream, scratching at the wall and trying to stay as far away from Adagio as possible, and somehow those actions were only making Adagio more hungry, as if the woman was triggering deep, powerful predatory instincts that were washing against Adagio’s sanity and reason like a dark tide.

Adagio floated back from the woman, shaking her head, muttering, “No. You can’t make me do this. I won’t do this!”

Grogar’s voice spoke clearly from all places at once, “I don’t need to, my dear. You’ll do it on your own. It is what you are, now. A born again predator. Hunger will drive you, and instinct will run its course. Be thankful I’m allowing you a morsel from my personal pantry of intact human souls. I find them to be more palatable than my fellow Hollows, though in time I’ll have to have our feed upon them as well. But we’ll start simple, today. Really, this poor woman would not find much rest for her soul in Soul Society anyway, and you can just blame the Soul Reapers for being sloppy at their job, not reaching this woman in time before my servants could drag her here to serve as a meal.”

The woman wasn’t paying much attention to the conversation, already terrified out of her mind and curled up in the corner, crying and hugging herself. Adagio, while never making claim to being a person of moral character, still balked and felt sickened by what was happening. She knew she wasn’t a virtuous person, but this... this wasn’t what she wanted at all! She had thought Grogar would simply destroy her, after transforming into a Hollow. She’d never really considered the consequences of actually being taken. Even then, why couldn’t he just send another Hollow for her to eat? It was still a sickening thought, but at least it wasn’t...wasn’t this!

An angry growl tore its way from her lips, causing the woman to scream, but Adagio just clutched at herself as if she could physically restrain her own body, and floated into the corner opposite the woman. “No. I won’t do this. I don’t care how much it hurts! You hear me!? I’m not a monster!”

“Ah, but you are,” said Grogar, “And that is the first, most important lesson I must teach you, my dear. We all must eat. We all must give into our base natures. Until you understand this most fundamental truth, I can hardly make use of you. Now then... have a good meal. Try not to make too much of a mess.”

With that, Grogar went silent. Adagio was left alone with the poor, sobbing soul, who began to babble small prayers under her breath.

Adagio set her salivating jaw tightly closed, determined to control herself, determined to not give in.

To her credit, she lasted nearly ten hours.

Perhaps mercifully, by then, the hunger had become so powerful that Adagio was barely conscious of her actions... or of the screams that came afterward.


Twilight’s room didn’t feel much like hers anymore. She ran a hand over the tightly shut window and looked out at the city beyond the mansion grounds, and wondered for the hundredth time how the girls might be doing. She desperately wanted to just call then, but her parents had taken her phone, her laptop, any access at all to the outside.

She’d been alone in her room, under guard by her dour faced butler, Robert, who stood watch outside the door. Twilight had slowly been going stir crazy, waiting for her parents to return. Apparently they were discussing what was to be done with her, without any of Twilight’s input, of course. She had spent most of the time since then either fruitlessly trying to sleep, or pacing around her room like a caged animal ready to tear down the walls.

She more than once glanced at her Quincy cross, considering the mad option of summoning her bow to blast the wall and make a run for it. Of course that was nothing more than a simple dream born of frustration. She’d be caught quickly, she knew, and her situation made only worse.

I just wish I knew the girls were okay. They were going to go after Grand Fisher. What if one of them got hurt? What if the needed my help!? Oooh, I can’t stand this! I feel like I’m going to scream!

She very nearly did scream, more in shocked surprise than anything else, when the door to her room opened and Cadence entered alongside her father, both of them still wearing their Quincy uniforms. Twilight turned to face them, trying to smooth over her features and remain calm.

“H-hello father, Cadence. Um, is mother okay?” she asked, genuinely worried, still, over her mother’s injury.

Night Light inclined his head in a shallow nod, clearly trying to maintain a stern visage despite the fact that it seemed more to Twilight that he was just as worried as she was, and perhaps even more ruffled, “Your mother is recovering, don’t you fret. She’ll be on her feet again in no time. Now, about you...”

He gave her the most solid and serious of ‘dad stares’ Twilight had ever seen him do. Far more so than the one time she’d nearly burned the mansion down due to a certain chemical accident in her lab. Twilight gulped, as transfixed by that stare as any young person who’d grown up with parents who had perfected that kind of look. “Y-yes father?”

“Shining Armor, Cadence, your mother and I have spoken at length. While your mother and I remain... reserved about this, your brother and Cadence have convinced us that your dedication to your training, even if it was done in secret, has been exemplary,” Night Light said, his lips in a thin frown, “Understand, young lady, that I am sorely disappointed you kept your training hidden from us. Your brother I’ve already told this to, and I tell it to you now; you will never hide anything from us again. Is that clear, young lady?”

“Of course, father. I... I’m sorry,” Twilight said, mouth dry.

Night Light sighed and said, “Well, with that said then, I’ll also so I’m proud of you. Your mother and I always knew you had potential, but if what Shining Armor says is true, you’ve gone past even those expectations. You’ve come a long way in a short time, but now, if you are willing, you must learn discipline as well as skill. If you are to truly join the Quincy ranks you must go through the same process we all have, and join your fellow trainees at the Quincy Academy of the Wandenreich.”

Cadence, at Twilight’s questioning look, stepped forward, “You will be taken to the hidden realm of the Quincy, where the seat of our power lies, Twilight. You will join the class of other Academy students and train to become a full fledged Quincy of His Majesty’s army. This is not an idle game or mere formality, Twilight. You will have the rank and responsibility of any other Quincy, and be answerable to your superiors. If you make a mistake, if you break the rules, you will be dealt with under the law of the Quincy. Even your parents, even I or Shining Armor, can’t shield you from this. You must understand what you are getting into before you accept.”

“If you do not wish this, Twilight,” said Night Light with deadly seriousness, “We can still use our influence to ensure you something resembling a normal life. You will not be allowed to ever use your powers as a Quincy again, and you won’t be able to see your old friends still, but I promise you I will see to it you get a fresh start at a new school, perhaps in a nearby city. You can continue your studies in science, and live like a normal young woman. That is the only other option we can afford to grant you.”

“So... this is my only choice?” Twilight asked, “No matter what, either living as a Quincy or as a normal girl, I can’t see my friends again?”

“Given who they are and what they’re doing, they’ll either remain potential enemies of the Quincy, or too involved in the affairs of the spirit realms to ever be safe enough to be around if you’re trying to live a normal life. I’m sorry, my daughter, but these are your choices...” Night Light said, and firm steel entered his voice, even as his eyes seemed to say that he didn’t like this any more than she did, “So choose, Twilight.”

Seconds ticked by like heavy sands in an hour glass. Ultimately Twilight knew she’d made her choice awhile ago, since starting her training with Shining Armor. She met her father’s eyes and stepped forward. “I’m ready to join the Quincy, father.”

There was, for a moment, both a flash of sadness, mixed with pride, in his eyes, and he nodded, “Very well. Then follow us. Cadence and I shall meet with your brother, and together we shall escort you. Before anything else, there is someone who wants to meet you. He asked that we take you to him immediately, if you decided to join our cause.”

“W-who am I meeting?” she asked, suddenly nervous.

“His Majesty,” was all Night Light said in response.

Author's Note:

It was only a matter of time before pony Twilight showed up. I really like how Sunset and Equestria's Twilight bounce off each other, and its a shame we don't get more of it in the actual Equestria Girls movies.

Anyway this chapter is mostly about setting up the transitions our protagonists are going through. Adagio probably has it roughest right now, but it won't be picnic for SciTwi either as she gets a full taste of life as a Quincy. And next chapter? A very long overdue talk with Discord about just WTF is up with the girl's mothers. I'll try to keep it from being too expositiony.

As always folks, my heartfelt thanks for reading along with this mad idea of mine for a crossover, and I hope you all continue to enjoy. As usual I welcome any and all comments and critiques. Even if I'm not exactly Mr. Reply in the comments, I read and appreciate them all. 'Till next time.

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