• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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The Return of Harmony (Part 1)

It's been a few days since the Grand Galloping Gala. News about how chaotic the fancy ball was spread out throughout Equestria, which Celestia had apparently deemed it the best gala when the ponies that "caused" the disasters in the castle were bold enough to change traditions of how the Gala was for the past several centuries. She had decided to invited the Elements of Harmony and any of their friends again to make another exciting Gala that can be entertaining for any guest, not just the nobles rich enough to buy at least ten of those golden tickets.

Since the Gala was over, Kairi unfortunately had to leave Equestria, if only for a little while. She still had a duty to uphold to protect the worlds, and if Riku found out she had been in Equestria for about a month slacking off, she wasn't going to hear the end of it. She promised to return, along with some Gummi Blocks for Sora to recreate his own ship, though she was going to have to make sure he built it right so that it wouldn't blow up on him again.

Today was just another average day for Sora, working on the orchard and helping Applejack and her family with the chores. Apple Bloom was up in Canterlot on a field trip with her class, taking a tour around the castle to learn a bit about some history of their kingdom. While the teen was busy working on watering the trees, something else rained down on them, the water looking brownish.

"What the heck?" He looked up and saw a strange pink cloud raining the liquid down on him and the trees. Some of it got on his tongue, his eyes widening in shock and confusion. "Chocolate milk? Why's that cloud raining chocolate milk?" Figuring this had to be some kind of weird prank, he flew up to the cloud. "Ha ha, Rainbow Dash. A cloud raining chocolate milk. How did you and Pinkie come up with that?"

As he reached the top of the cloud, there was no sign of the pegasus around. He then began to smell cotton candy, and it was coming from the oddly colored pink cloud. Sora pressed a hoof down on it, feeling the odd stickiness coming from it as he pulled a chunk off. He gave the piece of cloud a small nibble, feeling chocolate milk spurt in his mouth while tasting strawberry cotton candy.

"...Ok...That's actually a really good prank. A bit scary, but tasty." Down below, he heard popping sounds and thuds. Looking down at the trees, his jaw dropped as the apples on the branches had grown to a gargantuan size, bending the trees over with their weight. And the sound of the popping came from the cornfield near the Apple family home, the corn turning into popcorn and flooding the field, along with Applejack struggling to swim out of it. "On second thought, this isn't a prank. There's no way Pinkie could do all of that." A stampede ran by the trees, a large group of rabbits running by, with extremely long legs. Sora's eye twitched as all this randomness was bringing back Wonderland flashbacks. "What is happening!?"

Getting his answer, Sora's Keyblade appeared in his hoof and shot out a flash of light, a letter from Princess Celestia falling in his hoof. He quickly opened it, hoping the alicorn can give him some clue as to all of this nonsensical chaos.


Find Twilight and the others and head to Canterlot immediately. You need the Elements of Harmony. I'll explain everything once you all arrive at the castle.
Princess Celestia

"Ok, whatever you say, princess!" Discarding the brief letter, Sora flew down to gather the girls, avoiding the cotton candy clouds and any other random thing that could pop up and delay him.

Celestia paced around the grand hall, waiting for the bearers of the Elements of Harmony and Sora to arrive. She looked up at the murals on the windows, mostly at the one with the strange chimera controlling the ponies beneath it like puppets. After almost an hour after she had sent Sora her message, he and the Mane Six ran into the hallway where she was pacing.

"Princess Celestia, what's happening!?" Twilight asked. "I tried to use my fail-safe spell to stop everything that's been going on, but it failed!"

"I have called all of you here for an important reason," Celestia said. "It seems that an old foe of mine has been freed from his imprisonment, and I alone cannot stop him. It has been a thousand years since his defeat, but he has returned." She looked up at one of the murals, the others following her gaze. "Discord, a being of chaotic power, causing disharmony and havoc all over Equestria."

Sora did recognize the mural, passing by it when he was taken captive. That odd creature controlling the ponies beneath it must have been Discord, which would make sense with all the chaos in Ponyville. There were other murals about him, especially one with him grayed out, as if he was turned to stone.

"He broke free?" Sora asked.

"I thought that the spell Luna and I cast on him using the Elements of Harmony would have kept him as a stone statue forever, but they are no longer in out power anymore. The spell has been broken, and he was able to escape." Celestia lead the group down the halls until they reached a tower connected to the corridor, a sealed door that seemed to hold what they expected were the Elements of Harmony. "With the elements returned to us, I've kept them here in this high-security safe, where nopony can access them except myself. Now, I ask you and your friends, Twilight, to wield the Elements of Harmony and defeat Discord before he thrusts this our world into chaos."

"But why us?" Twilight asked.

"Hey! Look at this!" Pinkie exclaimed as she pointed at a mural that looked like it was made recently. "We're famous super heroes!"

On the window, it showed the mares and Sora on the ground, Nightmare Moon flying above them as a rainbow aura surrounded her, which was supposed to be the rainbow lights that were shot out from the Elements of Harmony. The girls wore their elements, a colored beam of light matching their gems shining from their necklaces and crown, while Sora had his Keyblade pointed up above him, shooting a white light into the aura with the others. A dark cloud was seen seeping out from the Mare in the Moon as it was destroyed by the light.

"Twilight, you and the others showed the potential to being the Elements of Harmony." They turned back to Celestia after looking at the mural commemorating all of their efforts on the Summer Sun Celebration. "Because of the magic of friendship you had harnessed, you were able to save my sister and wield the elements. And with Sora's help, their power was strong enough to free Luna from the darkness in her heart. I knew you could help her, and I know now that you all will be able to stop Discord before he causes more trouble throughout the world.

"You can count on us, Celestia," Sora said. "We'll stop Discord before he-" Pinkie suddenly pounced on the teen's back, her weight making him collapse to the ground as she faced the rest of their friends.

"Wait! Eternal chaos comes with chocolate rain!" the mare said. "Think about it! Endless supplies of chocolate rain coming from the heavens! It's my life-long dream to live in a candy covered world, and it's coming true!"

Sora flipped Pinkie off of him, flicking her nose and making her whimper. "No. Bad Pinkie. Chaos bad."

While the pink earth pony wilted, Celestia looked at the safe containing the Elements of Harmony. She stuck her horn in an indent in the sun etched in the center of the door, casting a spell into it as her horn glowed. She pulled away as the door itself began glowing the same aura as her magic. With the door opened, the safe revealed a pedestal with a blue chest, Rarity's eyes sparkling at the glimmering box. The alicorn held the box with her levitation and held it out to them.

"Take the Elements of Harmony, and use their power. You are Equestria's only hope." She opened the box, but the elements weren't inside. Celestia gasped and dropped the chest. "B-But how...? That chamber is protect by a powerful spell only I can unlock!"

Suddenly, they heard laughter echo in the room, everyone looking around to find out where it was coming from. "Oh, Celestia. Do you not recall what I am capable of doing?"

"Discord," the alicorn growled, looking around the corridor to find him, glaring angrily. "Show yourself!"

"So you have missed me, Tia." Sora summoned his Keyblade as he looked around. He felt something around them, sitting in one of the windows. He soon spotted the chaotic deity, disguised as part of the murals in one of the windows. "I sure missed you."

"What have you done with the Elements of Harmony!?" Discord flew into another mural, hovering around the window where the seven ponies stopped Nightmare Moon.

"I took them," he simply answered. Discord began poking around Sora's image, his eyes trailing up to look at the stallion glaring at him. "And there was an added edition to the Elements of Harmony, too."

"You seem to be nothing but talk, Discord!" Sora exclaimed. "How about you show yourself and take me on one-on-one instead of hiding in the window!?"

"I'm not a fool, Sora." The ponies gasped in shock as he had said the Keyblade wielder's name without even knowing it, but the pegasus stallion wasn't deterred in the slightest. "That's right! I know just about everything about you all, including who each element each of these mares own: Twilight Sparkle is Magic, Fluttershy is Kindness, Applejack is Honesty, Rainbow Dash is Loyalty, Rarity is Generosity, and Pinkie Pie is Laughter, my personal favorite."

"So what? Are you actually scared of me? That's pretty pathetic coming from a freakshow that can control anything," Sora mocked, goading Discord to come out.

"Oh, why thank you for the lovely compliment, but I'm not afraid in the slightest." Discord snapped his fingers, stealing Sora's Keyblade out from his hooves. He swung the odd weapon as he examined it, which quickly came back to the teen. "Hmmm...What otherworldly magic...You might be more troublesome than you look."

"I get that quite a lot. Now, how about you tell us where you took the Elements of Harmony before I find a way to jump in there and force you to talk!?" Discord sighed in annoyance as he floated back to where he first appeared.

"Might as well, but I'll tell you...via riddle." The chaotic being chuckled as he tapped his claw's and paw's fingers together. "To retrieve your missing elements, just make sense of this change of events. Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the elements back where you began."

Discord's mural flashed as it was now once again a permanent piece on the window, his laughter echoing as he disappeared. "What did he mean by that?" Rainbow asked.

"'Twists and turns...Back where you began...'" Twilight looked out the window and spotted the hedge maze out in the gardens. "...Wait. I think I know where he hid them! In the hedge maze in the castle garden!"

"That close to the castle? Knowing who were able to use the Elements of Harmony?" Sora didn't think that the maze was where someone like Discord would hide artifacts that could easily kill him or turn him to stone.

"It's the only lead we have. Let's find the elements and stop Discord!" The teen shrugged, unable to think of anything else Discord had meant in his riddle, but he followed after the others as they ran out and to the labyrinth.

Staring at the entrance to the tall hedge maze, Sora felt that this must have been some kind of elaborate trap. Considering the amount of villains he's faced in the past who were smarter than they seemed, there was no way Discord could have placed the Elements of Harmony so close to where they were. He tried to figure out his riddle, but he couldn't find the solution. And if he knew everything about them, through some unknown means while he was encased in stone, then he must have known they would have blindly gone for the closest location.

"Twilight, are you sure Discord hid the Elements of Harmony in a hedge maze?" Sora asked.

"He had to. The labyrinth is full of twists and turns, and they have to be somewhere in there in the dead ends," Twilight figured.

"But that last part of his riddle doesn't fit. 'Find the elements back where you began.' That would mean they have to appear at the entrance of the maze after going through whatever he's set up in there." Sora thought hard, but there was nothing else he could think of that fit his cryptic puzzle.

"Well, if they're in there, then Discord forgot about the three pegasi that can fly." Rainbow Dash flew up into the air. "We'll get those Elements of Harmony in no time at all!" Suddenly, her wings flashed and disappeared from her sides, causing her to fall back to the ground before she even made it over the hedges. "Ow...W-What!? My wings!"

Fluttershy's wings disappeared too, the timid mare screaming in fright as she looked at her back. Twilight's and Rarity's horns also disappeared, both unicorns screaming as they lost their ability to use magic. Sora looked back at his own sides, watching his own wings disappear, leaving everyone an earth pony. He was a lot more calm about it since he was born without having wings. Soon, they heard Discord's uncontrollable echo around them, the being of chaos appearing before them, clutching his sides.

"Y-You should see the looks on your faces!" Discord cackled as he rolled around in the air.

"Then you should see my face." Sora summoned his Keyblade and flung it using Strike Raid, smacking the chaotic chimera, flipping him around in the opposite direction. "Give back our lost appendages!"

Discord stopped spinning and leered at Sora. "So, you want to play rough, do you? You're already breaking the rules before I explained why I took away your wings and horns." He snapped his fingers, causing the teen's Keyblade to disappear. Sora tried to call it again, but he couldn't. "If you want to find your precious Elements of Harmony, then you will follow these rules: Number one, no flying, no magic, and no Keyblade."

"How do you know what it's called!?" Sora questioned.

"Word travels fast when you're a living statue trapped in her royal sun butt's garden for a millenium." The teen had to slap himself in the face, unable to believe Celestia would actually keep Discord, an unstoppable creature with the power to defy logic and cause chaos, as a lawn ornament. "Number two, every single one of you has to play, otherwise this little hunt is over, and I win."

Discord snapping his fingers and disappeared, leaving the wingless pegasi and hornless unicorns at the entrance of the labyrinth. "Wow. He got really mad after you hit him, Sora," Pinkie said.

"Because he knew I actually did some damage to him. He may seem powerful, but my Keyblade can deal with just about anything aside from the Heartless and Nobodies." Sora looked down at his hoof, shaking his head. "I can handle myself without it. Let's just go in there, stick together, and find the Elements of Harmony." Just as they all stepped forward, a large hedge popped up behind them, trapping them in the maze, along with several more that shot up between them all, splitting them apart on separate pathways in the now expansive maze of shrubbery. "Or he's going to split us up..."

"Everypony, head for the center of the maze!" Twilight shouted. "Find your Element of Harmony if you can and regroup in the middle!"

Everyone, except for Fluttershy, who was scared out of her mind, nodded and ran down the path they were forced to run down. Sora ran down his path, which was oddly enough just a straight line that seemed to go on forever. After only making it what he felt was halfway through the endless path, he stopped and looked up.

"This is ridiculous. Did he alter the maze?" The teen groaned. "It's like Wonderland all over again. As long as he doesn't give me a bottle that I have to drink that shrinks me to the size of a mouse, I'm good." Sora leapt up high in the air to get a better vantage point, only to slam his head on an invisible ceiling at the height of the hedges. He fell on his rump, rubbing his sore head. "Well, so much for that plan. He really wants us to go through this maze. How is this a maze if there's only one direction!?"

Up ahead in the direction he was running, a doorway appeared out of nowhere. When Sora heard the door appear, he stared at it, finding it familiar. It was exactly like the door he had seen in that dream and before he fought Ansem years ago. Whatever tricks Discord had for him, he wasn't going to be fooled that easily. Taking the challenge, Sora opened the door and walked in, ignoring the blinding lights shining through the doorway.

As soon as Sora's vision returned after passing through the doorway, the teen gasped at where he was now. "No way..." He was looking out at the sea on Destiny Islands, where his and Kairi's secret place was. The sky was dark, just like it was when the Heartless first came and destroyed his home. While looking around, he noticed he was back as a human. "...Wait. This is just an illusion. Discord's trying to trick me. This isn't real. I'm still in Equestria."

Lightning struck in the distance as thunder rumbled out over the ocean, the teen feeling a shiver up his spine as the atmosphere reminded him of that fateful day. The Heartless appeared, he was split up from Riku and Kairi, found the Keyblade, and lost his home. It was a scary evening, his adventure truly began under the setting of this dreary sky and dark tone. Sora walked along the shore, wondering where the exit is in this illusion of his home.

"Quite a lovely home you have here." Sora gasped and turned around, finding Discord having appeared behind him. "Like what I've done with the place?"

"Discord!" The teen tried to summon his Keyblade, but it wouldn't come to him.

"No need to be violent, Sora," the chaotic creature said. "Besides, that really hurt, just hurling that Keyblade at me."

"Good! I'm and eager to give you more of a beating!" Sora cracked his knuckles, deciding to go against Discord with just his fists if he can't call his Keyblade by the chimera's magic.

"Naive, bold, and outright stupid." Discord snapped his fingers, summoning hundreds of Shadows that surrounded the Keyblade wielder. "How a child like you managed to save everyone from certain destruction by Heartless, I'll never know."

"How do you know so much about me!?" Sora asked, staying far away from the Shadows, having no clue if they really were real or were fakes. "Who are you!?"

"I believe the question you wish to ask is 'What I am?' And to answer that, I'm a draconequus. And I can read your mind like an open book." Another snap of his talons, a book appearing with an insulting illustration of Sora appeared. It had him in a terribly drawn style, looking angry as his mouth was wide open, with sharp jagged teeth. "And quite literally too. You've been on quite the adventure in every single world in the cosmos."

"Right. So you break all sense of logic. You're Pinkie Pie with unstoppable power," Sora said, leaping back as a Shadow tried to lunge at him.

"Yes. I know...but you're not all that innocent, are you?" Discord's question brought the teen's attention to him. "Turns out you're hiding a...'dark' secret from all your friends. Except your little girlfriend."

"...W-What are you talking about?" Discord snapped his fingers, sending Sora through a portal of darkness underneath him. He was now in a realm of darkness, seeing nothing but blackness all around him. "Now where am I?"

"Sora, stop!" The teen turned around as he had just heard Riku's voice, the sound of steel clashing with something in the darkness. He heard his best friend grunt as he fell next to Sora through the darkness, his body covered in deep cuts and his clothing was torn. Riku weakly got up on his knees and turned around to his attacker, unaware of his friend right next to him. "Why? How did you turn into this?"

Yellow eyes appeared in the darkness, then lunged toward them. Sora gasped as he watched a dark arm thrust into Riku's chest, the silver-haired teen gasping in shock as they both watched the Heartless pull out his heart. That Heartless was Anti Sora, clutching the shimmering heart in its claws as its victim, Sora's best friend, disappeared in a flash of light.

"...No...No, this isn't real," Sora said, starting to grow terrified as his fears of his darkness hurting his friends. "This is just a trick..."

"It's no illusion." Sora's face went pale and his skin crawled, hearing his own voice coming from the Heartless. It looked up at him, a creepy red smile plastered on its face as it held Riku's heart. "I am you, Sora...Your darkness, which you are unable to control." Anti Sora squeezed the heart and shattered it to pieces. "You cannot control your own darkness, let alone save your friends from yourself."

The Heartless disappeared in the darkness, laughing maliciously as he ran around the never-ending realm of blackness, Sora cringing as he heard the sounds of all his friends screaming and the sounds of hearts shattering. He tried to tell himself that this was just an illusion, that his friends are all ok and covered his ears from the sounds. It didn't do much to help quiet the destruction of their hearts as they called out to Sora to stop him or scream as their lives were snuffed out. One scream he heard made his heart stop as Kairi came into view, badly injured as she was flung to the ground.

"Kairi!" Sora saw the glowing yellow eyes of his Anti Form staring at him, his grin faint in the darkness he hid in. The teen growled and ran at his darkness. "Don't you dare hurt her!"

He thrust his fist forward, but instead of hitting himself, Sora heard a feminine gasp of pain. When he looked at what he expected was his Anti Form, he stared in horror as he had just thrust his fist through Kairi's chest, his girlfriend staring at him with the terrified eyes. His skin was dark, as well as the rest of his body. Looking behind him, he saw himself looking at them with a dark glint in his eye, smirking at what he was seeing.

"...S-Sora...W-Why...?" He turned back to Kairi, seeing tears roll down her cheeks.

"No..." Against his will, he pulled his arm back and stole Kairi's pure heart of light. He couldn't move to catch her as she fell, her body disappearing in a flurry of lights. "No!" Sora's other hand grabbed the other side of Kairi's heart, both claws squeezing down on the glowing heart. "No! Stop! Please, stop!"

"You're not in control anymore," Anti Sora said, forced to watch as his own hands rested on his dark claws. "Your friends will all fall by your own hand. Your darkness is as strong as your light, and your friendships will end when you blow up like the ticking time bomb that you are...And Kairi, our precious lover, will meet her end, even after she believed you could stop me. When you. Just. Can't!"

The dark version of himself laughed as he squeezed his hands against his, causing Sora to shatter the heart of the girl he loves. Sora's hands shook as Anti Sora had merged his body back into his dark form, bringing him back to normal, but he crushed Kairi's heart with his own hands. Anti Sora's laughter echoed loudly in his head, tears rolling down his face as he believed the illusion was all too real. While lost in his despair, Sora didn't notice he was back in the hedge maze, back to a stallion, staring at the ground while Discord watched the broken pegasus, relishing in his distress.

"Oh, how terrible it must be to have that much darkness waiting to be released and go on a rampage," the draconequus said, his words unheard by the broken teen. "So many friendships, so much heartache...so much pain." He gently poked Sora's forehead with his talons, forcing him to look up at the swirling eyes of Discord. "It's better not to have friends, so you don't hurt them when you lose control of yourself. Safer to live alone in misery than suffer in despair at the losses you'll have by your own hooves."

Sora's eyes began swirling the same was as Discord's, forcefully being hypnotized as he believed in the chaotic being's words. Slowly, his body began to turn slightly monochrome, starting with his tail and leading up to his face. He didn't want to hurt anyone. He didn't want to harm his friends with the darkness inside of him. He wanted to be alone.

Giving up already? Come on, Sora! I thought you were stronger than that!

Sora's faded colors stopped just before they reached his eyes as he heard Riku's voice.

Sora, don't ever change.

Kairi's voice spoke to him, the hypnosis dispelled as his love's words back then brought some sense into him. He remembered the private conversation that had just a month ago, where he admitted to her his feelings, and the fears of his darkness threatening to hurt her. Her reassuring words calmed him, believing he was strong enough to fight back against the Heartless inside of him.

Don't give up, Sora!

Come on, Sora!

Donald and Goofy, the two oddballs who he befriended by pure chance when Sora wound up in Traverse Town after his home was taken by the Heartless. Though they had their spats, he would never want to give them up for anything. His body slowly began to turn back to normal, shocking Discord as his spell was failing.

"What is happening!?" The draconequus began pouring more magic into his spell to fully manipulate Sora, but the voices of his many friends, from home and from the other worlds, kept calling out to him. "Why are you resisting!? You saw your precious little love get slain by your own hoof! You're broken!"

Sora growled, glaring at Discord as he grabbed his claw with both hooves, fighting back against his hypnosis. The words of all his friends echoed in his mind, all of the memories he had in each world, befriending new allies, helping them save their worlds from the Heartless and villains threatening to destroy them, rescuing Riku and Kairi, everything he strived to fight for the safety of everyone he knew. Even the friends he had made here in Equestria that depended on him, that he wanted to help from those with evil intent, which happened to include the draconequus trying to control him.

Discord was unable to pull his arm away, or even teleport away as the stallion fought back against his control. With a grunt, Sora shoved Dicord's talons away from him, keeping a firm grip on his arm as he flipped the lord of chaos over his shoulder, slamming his back down hard to the ground. Lifting him back up, he tossed the dazed deity up in the air, bucking him hard across the endless pathway of the maze the teen was stranded in.

"Nice try, Discord," Sora said, shaking his head as he cleared out the last of the spell out of him. "You can't fool me with your tricks. I know that won't happen to me. I'll never hurt any of my friends! Even without my Keyblade, I'll still fight back!"

He charged after Discord as the draconequus got back up. Growling in defeat, he snapped his fingers, shooting a hedge barricade in front of Sora, making him run into it like a brick wall as he teleported away. Groaning in pain, the teen rubbed his sore nose as part of the walls around him sunk to the ground. Twilight ran up to the now opened passageway, spotting Sora.

"Sora!" The hornless mare nearly tackled Sora as she hugged him tightly. "I heard you shouting. Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He cracked his neck, rubbing his head as he slowly began to feel a headache coming on. "Discord tried to lure me into a trap, but I broke free. Trying to hypnotize me and cheat his way to winning...If only I could summon my Keyblade and just burn these hedges."

Twilight looked down at his path, only finding it to be just one straight passage. "You get the easiest section of this labyrinth while the rest of us are running around corners and dead ends?"

"Did you find the others?" The mare shook her head. "Then I have a feeling he might be after the others, with me supposedly being his first victim. Too bad he failed." Sora got up, still feeling a little woozy from the attempted mind control, but he could still stand. "Let's find them before it's too late."

While Sora and Twilight searched around the maze looking for the Elements of Harmony, they did manage to find the other girls. Unfortunately, Discord got to some of them first, and it was not a good time. First was Applejack, finding her talking to herself, and when questioned about who she was speaking with in the large open space of the maze she was found, she lied. And Applejack was a horrible liar, her eyes darting all over the place, away from theirs, scrunching her face.

Next was Pinkie Pie, and it was a nightmare seeing her so angry about everything. She didn't smile, grin, or laugh. And whenever she heard them talking, she would always think they were mocking her and she lashes out verbally at them. Sora had noticed that Applejack and Pinkie Pie's coat and manes were slowly beginning to lose their bright colors and turn gray.

Rarity was next, and they found her lugging around a giant boulder that she thought was a large diamond. Anytime anyone tried to get near her "diamond", the fashionista would leap in front of them and protect it like it was her baby. It was then Sora noticed that how the three mares were behaving. They were acting like the exact opposites of their elements: Applejack was honest, but is now a liar, Pinkie Pie was always happy and bubbly, but now she's all grumpy and angry, and Rarity used to be generous, but now she's hoarding what she thinks is a precious gemstone, really a heavy rock that would break her back, acting like a greedy money grubber.

Fluttershy, for Sora, was by far the worst. The once kind and timid pegasus now acted like a jerk, and her first victim in her manipulated state was the teen. She whipped him in the nose with her tail, and while he was distracted, she grabbed the hood of his jacket, flipped it over his face, slammed his face into the ground with some unknown strength he never knew she had, and got kicked hard in between the hind legs. It was far worse than when Rainbow hit him there in their struggle, Fluttershy actually aimed with perfect precision and made him crumble to the ground in a curled, whimpering in agony as he tried not to move and make the pain worse.

After slightly recovering from the hard blow to the biggest weakness every male has, Sora hobbled behind the girls, Twilight walking next to him as she carried the heavy boulder for Rarity. "Ow...Ow...Ow...I wish I had my shorts appear with my shirt and jacket..." Sora winced and nearly fell over as a wave of pain struck him. "I hate being a guy sometimes."

"You...could touch some...Poison Joke," Twilight suggested as she struggled not to topple over from the weight of the heavy boulder.

"Never again!" The group seemed to have rounded the umpteenth corner in the endless maze over the past couple hours they've been wandering around, only to reach another dead end. "Urgh. Rainbow Dash better be alright. Discord better not mess with her head on us now. If her element is Loyalty, he'll find some way to make her betray us."

"Hey, look! Rainbow Dash really is abandonin' us, flyin' away into the sky!" Applejack pointed out, sounding sarcastic.

"Applejack, cut it out!" Twilight shouted, dropping the boulder. As she looked up, Applejack wasn't actually lying, surprisingly, as Rainbow Dash somehow had her wings back and flew out of the hedge maze. "Wait, how is she flying!? She's not supposed to have wings because of Discord."

The hedges sunk back into the earth, leaving nothing but an empty crater where the group had constantly wandered around. Discord appeared before them, laughing his head off, both literally and figuratively.

"It seems like somepony broke the 'no wings, no magic, no Keyblade' rule!" The draconequus snapped his talons, giving back everyone's limbs that had been stolen. "Game over, my little ponies! You didn't find your precious Elements of Harmony, and now, we are finally due for a hurricane of chaos!"

Discord laughed as he pulled out a pink umbrella and opened it up, only it opened the opposite way as if it had been blown backward by a harsh wind. "You cheated!" Sora shouted, ceasing the deity of chaos's guffawing as he summoned his Keyblade, a foolish move on Discord's part to give him back his power. "I knew the Elements of Harmony weren't in here, and it was all a trick to screw us over!"

"...Oh, I cheated, eh?" Discord asked. "Do you have any idea who I am?"

"You're worse than Hades, making up a rule where no rules don't apply! You tricked Rainbow Dash, gave her back her wings, and won by using her manipulated mind to fly away and automatically win!" Discord smirked, only angering Sora more and more. "I have a mind to slice through every single part of you until you're nothing but tiny pieces of animal limbs!"

Sora flew at Discord, the draconequus pointed one of the digits of his pawed hand at the Keyblade wielder. "Bang."

After flicking his paw back as if it was a gun, Sora yelled as he was sent flying back into the air, sent blasting off toward the castle. "Sora!"

"And it's a homer!" Discord exclaimed, an audience of the draconequus cheering and wearing shirts with his own face on them.

"He'll be fine, Twilight. Sora wasn't sent that far," Applejack lied, making the unicorn growl.

"Discord, you said the Elements of Harmony were in the maze!" Twilight shouted.

"No. I said nothing of the sort." The clones of Discord all voiced their agreements with what he said, though one of them said something about oatmeal when the rest of them quieted down. "If I recall, I said this; Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the elements back where you began. I never said anything about them being IN the maze! You just assumed they were in there, and you believed I would hide something that could defeat me within less than a mile from where they were hidden. Not so smart for being Tia's prized student, huh, Twilight Sparkle?"

Discord disappeared, along with his cheering fans of himself, leaving Twilight with a lying farm pony, a mad party pony, a greedy fashionista, a cruel pegasus bully, and a mare who had ditched them all to who knows where. And with Sora flung back at the castle, she had no choice but to try to figure this out on her own.

"'Back where you began...' Wait, did Discord mean...back in Ponyville? At the library?" She looked over at her corrupted friends, finding them annoying with all of their bickering, lying, and getting smacked around by Fluttershy. "They have to be there. Come on, guys! We're going back to Ponyville!"

"And we're going to leave that skinny punk here? Good idea, Twilight Stupid." Fluttershy tugged Twilight's tail hard, sending the unicorn flopping down on her stomach. "I'm going to miss my punching bag, though."

"This is going to be a long day," Twilight groaned as she headed off to Ponyville with her friends, completely focused on how they were behaving more than Sora's own well-being.

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