• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Too Many Pinkie Pies

A week had passed since the Crystal Empire returned and was rescued, thanks to the efforts of Twilight and her friends, Sora and his companions, but mostly, Spike. During that time, Celestia had received a letter from Cadence and Shining Armor, where the crystal ponies couldn't stop talking about the heroism that came from the baby dragon, and from the pegasus who was evenly matched with Sombra. A new window was placed in Canterlot castle, depicting the momentous event: Spike set in the center of the mural, holding the Crystal Heart above his head, Sombra at the bottom, though in his gaseous form to keep the stallion's image from being tarnished by any who see it, dozens of pairs of yellow eyes staring through the dark mist that belonged to the Heartless, and up top were the rest of the heroic ponies that helped save the empire, Sora in the center as he pointed his Ultima Keyblade down to the relic, his clothes shifting colors from his Harmony Form.

Looking up at the new window of historical art were Celestia and her guests from across the universe: Sora's friends Donald and Goofy, and the mage and knight's king, Mickey. "Seems like Sora's getting pretty involved in your world, Celestia. He isn't supposed to and risk breaking the world order."

"Though order is never really all that kept protected, isn't it?" Celestia asked. "Even in a world as peaceful as ours is, there has to be something to mess what every world strives to keep. Except when it involves someone who is practically chaos incarnate that lives in Equestria, then what purpose is there to keep order when he just makes more chaos in his wake?" The four of them looked through one of the normal windows, staring at the gardens outside. In the center of a variety of plants was Discord's statue, still as terrified as he was when he was turned to stone again from Sora's unimaginable power with his Harmony Form. "Peace is never kept for long, which is what can bring utopias to ruin...It almost had back when Luna and I were supposed to rule together, but my carelessness and disrespectful arrogance to her feelings almost brought the kingdom to its downfall."

"Well, your sister's at least back to normal, and you two are ruling your world together again," Goofy said. "And thanks to Sora, your world is perfectly safe from the Heartless and any other evildoer who wants to destroy it."

"But not all alone!" Donald added. "He may be strong, but nothing can't be done without good friends to help him, like us!"

"Right!" Goofy agreed with a chuckle.

"The same can be said for your student as well," Mickey said. "Just from hearing about her magical abilities and her heroics, she clearly deserves what you have in store for her."

"Indeed. I knew she had potential when I first met her as a filly, the magic she had in her greater than any foal wielded at a young age." Celestia remembered the day she met Twilight fondly, feeling just how strong her magical surge was when the sonic rainboom spooked her years ago. That moment had brought the destinies of the six mares involved in such a spectacle to be Equestria's saviors in the years to come. And thanks to Sora going through the book of the Elements of Harmony's bearers finally found, she was able to see what had happened to the other five mares. "I know she'll do great things for what we have in store. But, for now, I think all of them need a little while to recuperate after saving the Crystal Empire."

"Yeah. The Crystal Empire was rescued, but after we got back..." Donald and Goofy looked at each other, both of them looking really worried.

"Yes...It will take some time for Luna to recover, especially with the engagement ring Sombra wanted to propose her with." Celestia sighed, hating how her sister has been constantly suffering, feeling unappreciated by their subjects a thousand years ago, the stallion she loved fallen victim to the darkness and couldn't be saved. Any time Luna had felt happy, something had to come around and take that happiness away, only leaving behind anger and sorrow. "If only everything had gone differently...both for my ignorance to her feelings and Sombra's change."

"We can never change the past, and even if we did, there's always going to be something terrible to balance out the good like it would have," Mickey said, recalling his own experiences when he was Yen Sid's apprentice, helping a couple young Keyblade wielders nearly a decade ago. He hadn't seen them since they split up, with him returning to his home world as a Keyblade Master and assisting Ansem the Wise with his studies on the Heartless, along with traitorous apprentice, Xehanort. "I'm sure things will get better with time."

"I know," Celestia said, shaking her head slightly as she wanted to avoid the depressing topics of the past. "Well, I'm sorry to see you all leave so soon. I'm glad I have gotten to know you three a lot better during this week, along with your own world."

"I have my own duties as king back in my castle," Mickey said. "That, and I don't want to worry Minnie again. Having to leave her and everyone else behind to stop the Heartless and not come back after a couple years wasn't a smart decision, but she understands. Maybe I'll bring her along with me when we use the Star Shard to visit Sora again."

"Gawrsh. Sora..." Goofy and Donald worried about their friend, knowing he seemed to have taken what happened in the Crystal Empire almost as badly as Luna had. "I hope he's ok."

"Me too," Donald pondered as well.

Resting on a cloud down in Ponyville and a beautiful day, Sora stared at the sky, lost in his thoughts. Even though it had been a week since they saved the Crystal Empire, but what happened to Sombra still clouded his mind. Out of all the villains he's face, he didn't show any mercy to those who's intentions were to spread darkness without a care about anyone else's lives, or the world they destroy. Sombra and Luna were one of the few in Equestria with an exception, both of them completely innocent, one forced into darkness by a Keyblade wielder's hand and one from unappreciation and neglect. Not everyone was considered bad without a reason, but those like Xehanort or Maleficent would never see any sympathy from him if all they care about is conquering a world while spreading darkness wherever they go.

The pegasus sighed sadly, rubbing his eyes as he felt tired, but had slept restlessly for the past few days. Sleep just wouldn't come to him, his mind too distracted to pay attention to anything else after watching Sombra's heart and body shatter and disappear into light. Sombra was just a young soldier, desperate to prove his worth as part of the Crystal Empire's populace, became Luna's friend and lover, and before he had the chance to tie the knot and become husband and wife, that dream was snuffed out by a mysterious, dark Keyblade wielder who abused his desperation to help his lover be appreciated by her kingdom. In the end, there was nothing he could have done to save him: calling out to his light, fighting him, unleashing the powers of the Elements of Harmony with his own light to help, not even the Crystal Heart could save him, only eradicating what darkness loomed over the empire.

"...We won...stopped 'Sombra'...but I feel like I failed..." Sora sat up on the cloud, shaking his head as he felt like he was about to pass out. His insomnia was catching up to him, but he didn't want to sleep. "If only there was some way I could have saved him...If he was given a second chance...He can't now. His heart's destroyed...and his body...Not even Kingdom Hearts could save what's been destroyed by the light."

He soon stood up and looked down at the town, spotting Sugarcube Corner not too far from the cloud he stood upon. Maybe a lot of sugar and caffeine will help wake him up and keep him from randomly zoning out. Sora leaned off the cloud lazily and plummeted to the ground, spreading out his wings as he glided above the rooftops to the bakery. Hopefully what the Cakes had for sale today would give him the energy boost he needed, and maybe the Cake Twins might cheer him up and distract his thoughts.

Sure enough, as he walked inside, he heard the sounds of giggling from Pumpkin and Pound Cake as they played in their playpen and the parents busy at work until the twins needed them for something. They noticed their favorite pegasus foalsitter walk in when they heard the jingling bell, Pumpkin floating out of the pen with her levitation from her little magic surge and on the teen's back, babbling gleefully as she enjoyed the ride. Sora just shook his head and bounced a little with each step, hearing the unicorn foal giggling at the bumpy ride her gave her as he approached the counter.

"Hello, Sora!" Mrs. Cake greeted. Her smile disappeared as she saw the dark bags under his eyes. "My goodness. You look horrible, dear."

"Uhh...didn't really sleep that much the last couple days," Sora said, hiding the real reason for his sleepless nights from her. "You know how it is working on the farm. Can't stay up too late, otherwise you'll regret it when a certain little filly bangs pots and pans in your ear to wake you up before the crack of dawn." Pumpkin crawled up on the teen's head, his hair tickling the baby's belly as she looked down at him. "No, you're not the filly I'm talking about. Though you're probably gonna be wild with that little horn of yours shooting spells randomly when you get older."

"You should probably take a nap and relax," the earth pony suggested.

"I'm not one to sleep in the middle of the day. Just get me something tasty that has a lot of sugar and something to drink with a gallon of caffeine." Sora grabbed Pumpkin off his head before she accidentally fell off, holding her in his forelegs and pet her head. "And I'm gonna steal Pumpkin while you're back is turned and have fun with her forever and ever! Mwa ha ha ha!

The filly giggled at Sora's silliness as the mother rolled her eyes at the joke. As Mrs. Cake got the pegasus's request, Pinkie suddenly burst through the door, panting heavily and smacked into the counter, alerting the other patrons and waking Sora up a little.

"Hi, Sora!" the pink mare greeted, acting a lot more strange than usual. "Doing anything fun!?"

"...Uhh...no?" He looked down at Pumpkin, hoping the baby could give him some insight into Pinkie's stranger than strange behavior, but the filly was just as confused as he was. "Why?"

"Too much fun...not enough time...to get to the fun..." Pinkie let out a heavy sigh and fell to the ground, collapsed in exhaustion.

"And there's your Aunt Pinkie being weird as usual," he said to Pumpkin.

Sora placed Pumpkin back in the playpen with her brother and helped Pinkie into a chair. Mrs. Cake brought out Sora's order, along with a glass of water for her hyperactive employee. With Pinkie finally breathing normally, inhaling her water instead of drinking it, she began explaining why she was running around trying to find fun.

"It is so hard to have so many friends," Pinkie said. "Everypony's doing something fun, or not, and I'm not there to have fun with them. I may be random, but I'm not fast! I can't keep up with all the fun to be a part of!"

"Pinkie, you don't have to have fun with everyone in the short time span each event plays out," Sora said. "Sometimes, you have to make a choice to go somewhere for the day."

"But that's the problem!" Pinkie exclaimed. "I mean, just today, Twilight was doing some spells in town, and she made a birdie turn into an orange!" Sora nearly choked on his diabetically sugar-coated latte, hearing the unicorn experimenting magic spells on birds that turned them into fruit. "And Rarity showed up after making a beautiful dress that I missed out on seeing! So I began running around to see what everypony was doing for fun, got tired when I met up with Fluttershy, then Applejack and Rainbow Dash said they were going to fun things, like the barn raising today at Sweet Apple Acres and Dashie hanging out at the lake in the park, but they're gonna happen at the same time and I can't decide where to go for fun!"

Pinkie let out a loud gasp and slammed her head on the table after her long winded explanation. Sora's tired brain tried to process everything she had said, remembering the barn raising Applejack was having to rebuild the old barn, again, was today. Even though she said she got it covered with some other earth ponies along with Big Macintosh, Applejack knew he was still troubled over what happened in the Crystal Empire and wanted him to relax. He couldn't help it; Luna begged Sora to save Sombra, and even though he couldn't promise that he might succeed, he felt that promise felt like it was officially broken.

The pegasus quickly shook his head, diverting his thoughts away from that and back to Pinkie Pie. "So, why exactly were you running around?"

"I was trying to time myself, racing from Sweet Apple Acres to the lake in record time before the barn raising and relaxing started," Pinkie explained. "But I kind of dropped my stopwatch on the way and came here to find another one."

"That...sounds impossible. The only way to do that is if you were able to teleport, or if there were two of you." Sora took another sip of his latte to keep him awake, but as he looked at Pinkie, her head slowly began tilting, almost like a hand on an analog clock, while also making a ticking noise with each twitch. "...Uhh, Pinkie? Are you going to explode?"

Thankfully, to Sora's relief, she didn't as her head straightened up as her body shuddered, alarm bells ringing as she shook. "That's it, Sora! The legend of the Mirror Pool!"

"...What?" Sora asked, having no clue where the mare got the sudden idea of his theory of being in two places at once with a pool.

"The legend of the Mirror Pool!" Pinkie repeated. "It's a special pond that my Granny Pie told me about all the time when I was a filly! And when it comes to legends nowadays, they always come true!" Sora just stared at Pinkie, his sleep addled brain failing to respond with what this "Mirror Pool" was supposed to do. "And since you've been having trouble sleeping and can't do anything, maybe there can be two of you just like I'll make two of me!"

"...Am I on a sugar high and crashing, or am I just so tired that I have no clue if you're being serious or not?" He didn't get his answer as Pinkie grabbed him by his jacket collar and dragged him out of the bakery, forced to follow the random and confusing earth pony to wherever she was taking him.

The two wandered around the Everfree Forest, where Pinkie claimed that the Mirror Pool was located, given a bit more detail as to what it does. With a rhyme told in her grandmother's story when they find the magical pool, they're supposed to pull out their reflection from the water and make a clone of themselves. It was hard for Sora to believe Pinkie, mostly because he was so tired to know if it really is a true legend or just a story.

"Ok, so let's see if I remember the rhyme where it's located. 'Where the brambles are thickest, there you will find a pond beyond the most twisted of vines.'" The duo had indeed been going through thick brambles like the rhyme said, their fur and Sora's jacket getting snagged by the sharp foliage.

"A magical cloning pool in a dark, creepy, and dangerous forest. Makes perfect sense," Sora muttered. He winced as a bramble caught some of his hair, growing frustrated as he sliced through them all with his Keyblade. "I have no idea what you're granny was like, Pinkie, but I think you may have gotten the weird genes from her if you believed a story like-AHHHHHHHH!"

Sora didn't pay attention to where he was going as he fell into a hole. He grunted as he bounced down the tunnel, tumbling down the slope into a light up by nocturnal flora, the light reflecting off a small pond in the cavern. Skidding to a halt, he groaned, berating himself for not paying attention to where he was walking, and not using his wings to recover. As he began to stand up, Pinkie came sliding down and landed on top of Sora.

"Whee! That was fun!" Oblivious to the grumbling stallion underneath her, she bounded off of him, staring in awe at the cavern. "Sora, I think you found it! You're really good at finding secrets!"

"Yippee," Sora sarcastically cheered, stretching out his sore limbs from the crash landing and Pinkie using him as a cushion.

Pinkie approached the Mirror Pool and stared down at her reflection. "Now, let's see. How did the rhyme go? 'And into her own reflection she stared, yearning for one whose reflection she stared.'" Sora walked up to her, both curious to see if it actually does work and frightened at the idea of two Pinkie Pies in one room. "'And solemnly sweared not to be scared at the prospect of being doubly mared.'"

She reached her hooves into the water, and to Sora's shock, another pair of pink hooves was being pulled out from the water. Now fully dragged out was another Pinkie Pie, the pool actually having magic, or he was hallucinating and the sugary snack and beverage he took had something else in them.

"Whee!" the clone cheered, bouncing in the air as she was just like the real Pinkie.

"It worked!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Fun!" the clone said, repeatedly saying "fun" and began bouncing all over the place.

"And the apocalypse begins," Sora mumbled, snapped out of his shock by the real earth pony pushing him over to the Mirror Pool.

"Ok, Sora! You try it! Just say the rhyme and pull yourself out! It's pretty fun!" The clone stopped bouncing around the cavern and zoomed over to them, wanting to see fun.

"Do I have to say it exactly like you did, and do I have a choice?" Sora asked, only to see two Pinkies staring at him with big grins on their faces. He's already lost track of who the real Pinkie was, mostly due to his vision blurring as the sugar in his system isn't helping him pay attention. "...I'm taking that as a probably for the first and a no for the second..." He sighed and approached the edge of the water, staring down at his reflection. "'And into her reflection she stared, yearning for one whose reflection she shared, and solemnly sweared not to be scared at the prospect of being doubly mared.'"

The teen cringed as he had to refer to himself as a girl, but he reached a hoof into the water to grab another hoof. As soon as he touched the Mirror Pool, it began to grow brightly, blinding the three ponies as it didn't do that with Pinkie. Sora suddenly felt something pour out from inside of him and out through his hoof, finally feeling something as he struggled to pull his clone out of there.

"What is going on!?" Pinkie asked.

"Fun!?" the clone questioned, apparently more clueless than the original.

"W-Was this supposed to happen!?" Sora asked, trying to pull himself out of the brightly glowing water.

With a hard pull, he managed to pull the clone out, throwing the two stallions back. Sora smacked his head against the wall, knocking the teen out cold as his body finally found the sleep he needed, even though he was rendered unconscious. The pool finally dimmed back down to the light of the glowing flora, Pinkie and her clone rubbing their eyes as they began to see again.

"Wow. How come that didn't happen with me and other me?" she asked. They heard a groaning noise as Sora's clone stood himself up, but there were a lot of differences to him than the real stallion, not like her Pinkie clone. "What in Equestria? That doesn't look like Sora's double."

The clone had Sora's tan coat as he sat on his haunches, but everything else about him was completely wrong. Pinkie saw the cutie mark on his flanks, being two Keyblades, one white and the other black, the jacket he wore closely resembled Sora's, except it was a pale silver with a black undershirt beneath it, and his mane and tail were a golden blonde instead of brown, styled differently compared to the unconscious stallion's. He groaned and rubbed his head, having landed on his head as well, though not as badly as Sora did.

"Ow...What happened?" As he opened his eyes, he looked at his surroundings, then at his hooves. "...I-I have a body?" He looked over at Sora, his question answered as he looked back at his body. When his eyes trailed up to the two Pinkie's staring at him in confusion, he stared back. "...Uhh...Hi?"

"Fun!" the clone cheered, bouncing on the other pegasus while repeatedly chanting the only word she seems to know.

"AHH! Hey, get off of me!" He shoved the newly born Pinkie off of him and stood on his hind legs. He flailed his forelegs, a big mistake as he lost his balance, landing hard on his back. Pinkie hovered over him, only for him to crawl back and stand up again, losing his balance yet again as he landed on all fours, legs wobbling at the new body he was in. "Why the heck is it so hard to stand like this!?"

"Who are you?" Pinkie asked. "And how come you came out of the Mirror Pool instead of another Sora?"

"...I...really have no clue how I got out of him," he said.

"'Out of him?' What's that mean?" Pinkie questioned. She got a closer look at his eyes, the same exact shade of blue like Sora's, even looking very similar to him. "This is weird...You're kind of like Sora, only...not."

"You're not that far off." Unable to stand on his shaking legs, the pegasus sat down, glaring at his body. "My name is Roxas. I'm Sora's Nobody. And...I'm somehow in my own body."

"Fun?" Clone Pinkie suddenly popped up next to Roxas, the pegasus yelping and leaping away, falling down on his back.

"Roxas, huh?" Pinkie scratched her chin at the odd name, gasping when she thought of something. "That's Sora spelled differently with an 'X' in it!"

Roxas sat up, staring at Pinkie in shock. "How do you know that after just meeting me!?"

"Simple!" Pinkie pulled a chalkboard out of nowhere and began writing out the letters to Sora's name, spacing them out as individual letters. "His name has four letters, and yours has five, and aside from the 'X', you have the same letters! Rearranging the letters 'S', 'O', 'R', and 'A' to other names wouldn't make much sense, but Sora told us about Nobodies and this Organization XIII, being ponies that are an empty shell with no heart. No heart means non-existence, which means the existence of the letter 'X' comes in to give you a new name, making you look almost like the real pony but with differences in every way. And making more names while adding in the 'X', we get 'Roxas' as it sounds like a better name with the jumbled up letters!"

Pinkie grinned, making a squeaking sound after going through mathematical formulas that could even baffle Twilight with making up a name using Sora's name. The clone of the mare stared in awe at the lesson, but Roxas's eye twitched, his brain immediately growing a migraine, completely and utterly lost the moment she spoke. He had known everything that had happened to Sora after finally merging back with him after they thought they defeated Xemnas back in The World That Never Was, and Pinkie was one of those new friends in Equestria that he left Sora to deal with when she did whatever made her tick. Now that he had his body back, though not knowing if it was permanent or temporary, he wished he was back inside the unconscious teen.

"...I don't know if that was supposed to be brilliant or just random," Roxas said, deciding to go with the route Sora does with Pinkie: don't question Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie lead the way out of the hole to the Mirror Pool and out of the Everfree Forest, her clone bouncing behind her while she walked normally, along with Roxas as he carried his unconscious other on his back. As they walked, Pinkie talked about her friends to her double, and Roxas, even though he knew all of them through Sora.

"Ok, me! Ponyville's just up ahead, and-" The mare was interrupted by her clone as she hyperactively bounced around them.

"Ponyville!? That's where the fun is! Where's the fun!?" Clone Pinkie asked, unable to stand still.

"Well, Applejack's having the barn raising at-" The clone ran off in a random direction, having no clue where exactly Applejack lived. "Wait, it's back that way!" She zipped off in the direction Pinkie pointed in, the real earth pony grabbing the other her's tail, pulling her back to her. "Don't forget to tell me everything that happened, like I was there myself!" Clone Pinkie nodded, the real Pinkie squealing with joy. "This is the greatest plan ever!"

The Pinkie's split up to go about their day of fun, leaving Roxas to stare, mouth agape, as they left him with Sora. "Hey! What am I supposed to do with...Sora..." He sighed, grumbling to himself, the first meeting of someone from Equestria in person having to be the wild and crazy party pony. "Great...I don't want to carry Sora all day."

Having no choice, Roxas made his way into Ponyville, using what knowledge he had of the world from inside Sora. He hoped that he didn't encounter Riku again, still holding a grudge against the teen after their fight in The World That Never Was. It took a while for him to get used to walking on all fours, though it still felt awkward to walk like a pony, and the wings on his sides randomly fluttering with each twitch of his muscles as he walked. As grateful as he was to be allowed freedom from Sora, he wished he was a human Nobody and not a pony Nobody.

He reached the closest place he could in town to drop Sora off, which happened to be the Golden Oak Library. Twilight and Spike lived in this giant tree, though with some of the worlds he had been in while in Organization XIII, he's seen stranger places to live in. Roxas walked inside, finding no sign of the unicorn or baby dragon in the main lobby/living room. He walked over to the nearby couch and tossed the unconscious pegasus onto it, not even stirring awake from being flung off.

Roxas groaned and stretched out his back, and while he looked around at the several books on the shelves, Twilight walked down the stairs as she heard guests walk into the public library. "I'll be right with you! All the books on the shelves are organized by-" Twilight froze when she spotted Sora asleep on the couch and the new stallion staring at her. "Sora? What are you doing here?" The unicorn walked up to the sleeping pegasus, trying to shake him awake. "Sora?"

"He's out like a light," Roxas said, Sora's snoring confirming his response. "His fault for not sleeping for the past few days."

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Twilight asked.

"My name's Roxas," he said.

"Roxas?...Unusual name..." She got a better look at Roxas, finding it peculiar that he looked somewhat familiar. She stared at him and Sora, finding odd resemblances between the two, the only differences she noticed was his clothing, mane, and cutie mark. "...Are you...Sora's twin or brother?"

"Well...not exactly...Has Sora told you about Nobodies? The shells of those who lost their hearts?" Roxas asked.

"Yes..." It took Twilight a moment to understand what he meant when he brought a secretive topic up, gasping in shock as she realized who, or what, she was talking to.

"Yeah. I'm Sora's Nobody, which explains why I kind of-" Roxas was suddenly flung into the bookshelves by Twilight's magic, held firmly under her power as he struggled to break free. "Wait! I'm not as bad as you think I am!"

"Why should I believe you?" Twilight approached the pinned Nobody, not willing to let something more intelligent than the Heartless Sora warned her and her friends about have a chance to attack.

"If I wanted to attack you, or Sora while he's out cold, I would have done it already." She didn't believe him, pressing him harder into the shelf. "Look, I have no clue how I even came out of Sora when I was back to being a part of him completely! Sora followed Pinkie Pie in the Everfree Forest, found this Mirror Pool she talked about in some story her grandmother told her, and somehow, I have my own body outside of his when he tried to make a copy of himself!"

"...Mirror Pool?" She dropped Roxas, the Nobody rubbing his back after it was almost smashed to pieces from being flung into the bookshelves. "What the heck is a Mirror Pool?"

"I don't know everything about it. Pinkie just talked about it, dragged Sora, made a clone of herself, then made him try to create one of himself too." The unicorn leered at him, unable to trust him, despite being another version of Sora. "I know I should be considered suspicious, but I'm on your side. And I have no idea if I'm on a time limit or not after being pulled out of that water. I'm not really supposed to exist anyway...At least, outside of Sora."

"...Fine." Twilight backed away, putting away any of the books that fell when she tossed Roxas into the shelves back in their place with her magic. "But if you try anything, I'll fling you into the walls and ceiling like a ragdoll."

"Yeah. I know how powerful you can be when you get ticked off." The mare raised a brow in confusion. "I know everything Sora does. I am him, just his empty shell that also has his memories. Though, now they're a lot clearer than randomly showing up when they want to since I'm fully connected with Sora again."

"Oh...That...kinda makes sense...I think?" With the room cleaned up of any scattered books and the tension between the Nobody and unicorn settled, the library was pretty quiet for the building's standards. Twilight brought some tea for them as they sat on couches opposite each other, though Roxas didn't accept any, mostly because he has no idea how he was supposed to grab anything with hooves instead of hands. The two sat in silence, aside from Sora's breathing and stirring, finally getting his sleep after being knocked unconscious. "...So...Is it true what Sora told us about Nobodies? Are you really just a body without a heart?"

"Yeah," Roxas said. "But don't think we actually are living beings. We may express emotions, but it's mostly from the memories of our true selves giving us an idea of what that emotion is. We think we have hearts, but that's what we desire. And powerful Nobodies, like myself and those in Organization XIII, retain a form of who we used to be when they lost their hearts."

"...That's odd." Twilight looked at Sora, then back at Roxas. "Is there supposed to be slight differences when you appear? Aside from your physique and eyes, everything else about you is nothing like Sora. Even your voice is different." The Nobody nodded, agreeing with Twilight's theory. "And, if you're not like the Nobodies that aren't strong like you are, then you shouldn't think that you're heartless."

"We aren't supposed to exist," the pegasus stated. "Light and dark have an existence in the world, a part of the heart that lasts for all eternity. Nobodies are basically nothing, just empty shells thinking we exist, but we're just a piece of who we were. So it's best not to give Nobodies any pity or sympathy. It's who we are."

"...It's still pretty depressing. Why were you even a part of Organization XIII anyway?" Twilight asked.

"Because I can use the Keyblade." He held out his hooves and summoned the Oathkeeper and Oblivion Keyblades, Roxas a little surprised his hooves were able to grip something despite them being flat while Twilight stared in shock and awe as the Nobody called two Keyblades without shifting into Drive Forms like Sora. "Some of my memories in the Organization are a bit fuzzy, almost like I'm missing some pieces of them from the one year I was there. I was tasked to hunt down Heartless to take the hearts they release, to make Kingdom Hearts and give us the hearts we desired to have. The only friend I had there was Axel, always looking out for me, and he was part of the Organization much longer than I had.

"After each mission I was tasked, we would meet up at our usual hangout and eat Sea-Salt ice cream. And I'll tell you this: each place I went to to hunt Heartless, some of them were a pain to take down on my own." Roxas dismissed his Keyblades, leering down at his legs. "Though, I ran away after...something happened. I can't exactly remember what it was, but I was so angry. I ran back and decided to take out Organization XIII after being treated like a tool for nearly a year. But before I could make it back to the castle, that's when I met...Riku."

"Riku helped you?" Twilight asked.

"We actually fought. He won, caught me, threw me into an illusion of where I thought I lived in with the friends I thought were real, finally realized who I was, the memories of Sora that kept popping up, and having to fight against my best friend after thinking I was too far gone to be brought back to the Organization." Roxas rubbed his forehead, remembering how severe his migraine was with all his memories returning to him that day. "Worst case of an identity crisis I ever had. Then, I met Sora for the first time after beating Axel, trapped inside of a capsule where he had been sleeping for a whole year, waiting for me to bring the remaining pieces of his memory back together. Before he confronted Xemnas, I fought him to see if he was a far better other than I was...I lost, caught off guard when he was able to call back his Keyblade."

"You were surprised by that?" Twilight questioned. "You have two Keyblades! How did you get caught off guard by bringing them back to you if you dropped them!?"

"I didn't know I was able to do that," Roxas said in embarrassment. "I just thought summoning and dismissing them were the only things I could have done."

"And Sora said Nobodies were supposed to be smart," Twilight grumbled.

"Smarter in combat, not understanding what the heck the Keyblade can do," he corrected with a glare, taking offense to the unicorn's insult. Suddenly, they began hearing a commotion outside of the library, as if the whole town was rioting. "What's going on out there?"

"I'm not sure." Both ponies got up from their seats and checked on what was going on with Ponyville. As soon as they walked outside, everyone began complaining about something, trying to talk over the other to see if Twilight can solve their dilemmas. "Ok, everypony, quiet down! What is going on!?"

"Like hay we should be quiet!" Applejack exclaimed. "Our barn raisin' got ruined by a stampede of Pinkie Pies!"

"They ransacked my boutique!" Rarity added.

"And they ruined our critter picnic!" Fluttershy included, surprisingly as upset as the rest of the town.

"Wait, you're saying two Pinkie Pies made that much of a mess in the span of an hour?" The crowd went silent as everyone stared at Roxas, being a new face in the town and somehow knowing about the Pinkie Pie incident. "...What?"

"Ya'll know what's goin' on?" Applejack questioned, approaching the somewhat familiar looking pegasus. "And just who the hay are ya?"

"Uhh...I'm Roxas...a visitor who knows absolutely nothing over what's going on?" Roxas chuckled nervously, already being cast as suspicious with whatever crazy plot Pinkie had.

"Don't try and backpedal on me!" The farm mare approached the Nobody, backing him up into the library's trunk. "There weren't two Pinkies, there were dozens of them!"

"Dozens!?" the pegasus exclaimed in shock.

"Applejack, calm down," Twilight said, Pinkie suddenly appearing next to her and silently mimicking her words and movements. "We can figure this out, and nopony's going to blame anypony else."

"Uhh...Twilight?" Roxas pointed at the pink earth pony standing beside her, still mimicking her.

Soon, more Pinkie's began popping up around the crowd, all of them erratically chanting fun while doing everything random and out of the ordinary. The Nobody's jaw dropped at the amount of Pinkie Pies there were, definitely a lot more than just two: a clone and the original. Now there were at least three or four dozen Pinkies, and they all looked, sounded, and behaved identically.

"Oh my gosh...Roxas, in the library. Now." Twilight dragged the Nobody inside the treebrary, leaving the rest of Ponyville to suffer under the chaotic nature of the Pinkie clones running amok. "Roxas, you did say only two Pinkie Pies existed with that Mirror Pool thing you mentioned, right? Were you lying to me, or were you being honest?"

"I'm telling the truth!" Roxas defended. "I swear, there were only two before Sora pulled me out and knocked himself out! I don't know how there's more of them now!"

"Ok. Let's not panic too much! We have the library at our disposal! Let's go through books on legends and find out what we need to do to get rid of all these Pinkies!" Twilight began floating several different books off the shelves, all of them pertaining to legends of Equestria.

Roxas began looking around too, skimming through different books, though none of them seemed to have any information on the Mirror Pool. The only thing he knew was Pinkie Pie's knowledge from a story her grandmother told her as a filly: where to find it, and how to make the clones pop out. Groaning in frustration, both of them unable to find anything on the Mirror Pool, Roxas shoved a book back into one of the shelves, hearing a hollow thump as it hit the wall.

Curious, he moved the book aside and tapped on the wall with a hoof, knocking on a hollow section and a completely solid wall next to it. He pushed the hollow part forward, the fake wall lifting up as what lied inside was another book. Taking it out of the odd hiding spot left inside of a tree building of all places, Roxas brushed off the cobwebs that covered it from some years of spiders making it as a post for their webs and opened it up. He flipped through the pages and found a section on the Mirror Pool.

"I think I found it!" Roxas said, Twilight taking the book out of his hooves with her magic. "Did you know there was a secret compartment behind these shelves?"

"No. Spike and I haven't even noticed there was one. Must have been in placed a long time ago." The unicorn read through everything on the Mirror Pool, and the solution to get rid of the Pinkie clones was simple. "Ok, it has a spell in here that can zap the other Pinkies back to the pool, but...if I shoot the real Pinkie, then I'll end up sending her back by mistake." Twilight and Roxas looked at each other, worried about this simple method, and the fact that all the clones behaved like the real Pinkie: wild, random, and hyperactive. "...You do know which one's the real Pinkie, right?"

"I had no idea which was the real one when I came out of the real me," he said, both of them hearing Sora snoring, still asleep, even as the clones all chanting "Fun!" outside caused mayhem. "...How are we going to tell the real one from the fakes?"

As the two tried to think of an idea to discern the real Pinkie Pie from the Mirror Pool ones, a couple Pinkies had managed to sneak inside of the library without opening the door or windows. They both whispered "Fun" as they approached the sleeping pegasus on the couch, one of them spraying whipped cream on his hoof while the other had a feather. The clone tickled the teen's nose, his instincts forcing his hoof to smack whatever was bugging him, slapping the creamed hoof over his muzzle.

"Gah!" Sora shouted as he sat up on the couch, feeling wide awake after getting pranked. "What the heck!?"

"Fun!" One of the clones said as both of them bounced around and began making a mess of the library, more of them intruding and shocking Sora.

"W-What is happening?" he asked, Roxas and Twilight trying to force the clone Pinkie's out of the library. Sora saw his Nobody somehow out of his body, more than two Pinkie Pies running around like lunatics, and he was sleeping in the library, nowhere near the Mirror Pool. "...Am I dreaming still, or am I awake?"

"Fun!" A clone popped up next to Sora and slapped more whipped cream on his face, speeding off with the rest of the pink pack to search for more fun.

He looked over at Twilight and Roxas, highly confused, though feeling slightly refreshed from his "nap". "...I need answers...And a paper towel."

After Sora was given an explanation of what had happened while he was out cold, and cleaned his face off the whipped cream smacked on his face, the trio sought out the other mares to wrangle up the Pinkie clones. Each of them split up and used the Town Hall as the perfect location to hold the wild pink earth ponies to distinguish the plan Twilight came up with to tell which is the real Pinkie. Sora teamed up with Roxas, Twilight thankfully keeping the Nobody's actual identity secret from the others, not wanting their other friends to worry about him being dangerous. Or threaten him, even though he was able to defend himself. While on the lookout for more Pinkie's, Roxas explained how he was now physically here.

"Oh. Now I get it," Sora said. "Seems like the magic in the Mirror Pool must have mixed with my magic, and in sensing you, it pulled you out as my clone instead of another me."

"I guess. But that Mirror Pool thing is dangerous," Roxas said. "Why did Pinkie make so many clones of herself when all she needed was just two?"

"Did you see her go back and clone herself again?" Sora asked.

"I was busy carrying your unconscious body after she and Pinkie Number 2 ran off, Twilight attacked me when I told her I was your Nobody, we talked about myself and gave her a better understanding of what kind of Nobody I was, and then we heard the town freaking out about all these Pinkies running around." The Nobody leered at Sora, blaming him for Pinkie's idea of being in two places at once. "You know, you could have stopped her from making another her."

"I was tired and wasn't thinking straight! Don't blame me!" Sora exclaimed.

"I unfortunately am you, so I'm blaming you and me." As the duo made their way to one of the restaurants in town, they spotted another Pinkie Pie sitting at the table, though she didn't behave like the others. She looked miserable, drawing sad faces in the dirt with her hoof with her head laying sadly on the table. "There's another one. This one should be easier to drag off without her slipping out of our hands...hooves. Urgh, whatever we have!"

"Wait a second, Roxas." Sora stopped his Nobody before they nabbed the sad Pinkie. "Isn't it weird that the other Pinkies kept bouncing around and shouted 'fun' over and over, acting like kids on a sugar high, while this one's depressed and sitting there doing nothing?"

Roxas was about to make an excuse, but he did find it strange. "...Actually, yeah. That is a bit weird." The pegasi approached the sad Pinkie, the mare looking up at them as she finished drawing another sad face. "Pinkie?"

"Hi, Roxas. Hi, Sora." Pinkie sighed sadly as she made the frown on her latest face bigger and more depressing.

"This has to be the real Pinkie if she's not acting like the others," Sora said.

"Maybe. I don't even know myself," Pinkie said. "If I said I was the real Pinkie, no one would believe me. If only I didn't make clones of myself, and they made clones of their clone selves, and the clones of the clones made more clones of themselves to clone and cause so much trouble." She slammed her head down on the table hard, making Sora and Roxas wince, feeling their skulls hurt just from watching. "Stupid Mirror Pool. I made too many Pinkies, and I ended up making Sora make another him, but instead of another Sora, I made his Nobody a real pony."

"You sure that's the real one?" Roxas whispered to Sora. "What if these clones are actually smart and faking it?"

Sora nudged the Nobody hard in the side, knowing Pinkie well enough to tell if she's really upset about something. "Well, Pinkie, Twilight has an idea that can prove you might be the real one. Let's head down to Town Hall and take a little test."

"Ok." The pink earth pony slumped out of her seat and sadly followed Sora and Roxas down to Town Hall.

On the way to the center of the town, there didn't seem to be any other Pinkies left wreaking havoc in Ponyville. The others must have caught the rest of the few dozen duplicates that were made. As soon as they walked in, Twilight was about to address to the Pinkies all sitting in front of a stage, surprisingly sitting still for once.

"Wait, hold on Twilight! We got one more!" The sad Pinkie walked past the pegasi stallions and sat down with the rest of the other Pinkies.

"Ok. That must be all of them," Twilight said to herself. "Now, I'm sure all of you Pinkies are wondering what you're all doing here."

"For fun!?" one of them said, the others all hoping for the same thing.

"Nope! The opposite, actually! All of you are going to be taking a little test!" The Pinkies all groaned, immediately disliking what they were going to be doing. "It's really simple, and the one who passes gets to stay! Your test will be..." Using her magic, Twilight pulled the curtains back, revealing a plastered wall with wet paint dripping to the floor. "Watching paint dry!" They all gasped in horror while the rest of the Mane Six, Sora, and Roxas facehooved. "If any of you get distracted and look away from the wall, you fail."

"Watching paint dry?" Roxas grumbled. "That's the best she could come up with?"

"Well, if you know Pinkie Pie, it won't be easy staying patient." Sora looked out in the crowd, spotting the sad Pinkie they brought in looking determined. "But if the real Pinkie is desperate to pass and stay with her friends, she'll even watch grass grow if she got in a fight with a friend and said hurtful things to them."

"Your test begins...NOW!" As Twilight began the boring test, all the Pinkies leaned forward and stared at the wall of drying paint.

It had already been a few minutes, and the test was already wearing its toll on everyone else. None of the Pinkies had looked away from the wall, even though some of them fidgeted in place as they tried not to fail. Thankfully, something happened, as one of the opened windows showed a red robin perching on a branch outside, tweeting and catching the eye of one of the Pinkies.

"Ooh! Look at the birdie!" Twilight immediately fired a beam of magic at the distracted clone, the spell causing her to inflate like a balloon and be sent back to the Mirror Pool.

"One down, and too many to go," Roxas said.

"You're as optimistic as Riku," Sora said sarcastically. "You sure you're my Nobody?"

"Shut up. I'm just glad he's not here at the moment." The Nobody Keyblade wielder sighed and sulked. "And her as well."

Sora smirked, knowing exactly who he was talking about. Since they were the same person, so was Kairi and her Nobody, Naminé. They continued watching the boring test, the Pinkies all slowly dwindling down in numbers as they kept getting distracted by something: one of them getting bored and doing something fun, others ending up watching the one having fun or pointing something out, some of them doing something weird or disturbing, like blowing into their hoof and making small, stubby fingers on the other, or rearranging their face to look almost realistic, cartoonish equine head. Twilight fired shot after shot of the returning spell, sending distracted Pinkies back to the magical water from whence they came.

Eventually, it all came down to two Pinkie Pies, both of them still sitting perfectly still as they continued staring at the paint drying. There were no other distractions outside to get them, none of them doing anything to stave off the growing boredom in them, just having their eyes glued to the wall and doing absolutely nothing. It's already been an hour since the test began, but everyone else is getting impatient, unable to wait any longer.

"Ok. These two are really good. Time to pull out...the secret weapon." Sora summoned his Keyblade and cast a Balloon spell, nudging the dangerous balloon forward into the sky. "Hey look! Free balloon! First one to touch it gets an unlimited supply of fun!"

It took a moment for something to happen, one of the Pinkies sweating bullets and shaking, nearly ready to explode, while the other remained stoic and serious. The one that cracked squealed and leapt up at the balloon, sending her crashing back down as she touched it and shot by Twilight, sending the doppelganger back to the Mirror Pool.

"Thank goodness!" Rainbow said. "I couldn't take this boring waiting any longer."

The real Pinkie didn't notice she won, still staring at the wall like a statue. None of them were sure if she even blinked when the test began. Twilight waved a hoof in front of the pink pony's face, but she still didn't move.

"Pinkie, you can look away now," she said.

Pinkie finally blinked and looked at everyone. "I passed?"

"Well, you were the only one who kept staring at the wall," Roxas pointed out.

"But I had to!" the pink mare exclaimed. "I couldn't leave my friends. I had no choice but to keep staring for the sake of all of you guys!...And, sometimes, I have to choose which of you to hang out with for anything fun to do together."

"And you learned not to make clones of yourself from a mysterious pond of magical water and cause more chaos than Discord had, right?" Sora asked, his eyes flicking over to Roxas, giving her a subtle hint to Pinkie after his different cloning incident earlier.

"...Heheh. Yeah. Learned my lesson. No more copies of me anymore." Pinkie let out a nervous laugh, vowing never to use the Mirror Pool again.

Walking through the Everfree Forest, Sora, Roxas, Twilight, and Pinkie headed to where the Mirror Pool was hidden, ready to close it up so no one else can stumble upon it. The others didn't come along as they didn't need to know much more about Roxas than the fact he was another "friend" of Sora's, only traveling around the worlds on his own without the help of anyone else. After carefully going through the tunnel system leading to the magical pond, Twilight stared at the water's reflective surface, making sure not to touch the water or say the enchantment that creates a clone.

"This definitely has some magic we don't want anypony else to stumble upon," the unicorn stated. "The Everfree Forest sure has a lot of dangerous and enchanted creatures or objects. It's a mystery how anypony's crazy enough to find some of them without thinking of the consequences."

"I'm sorry!" Pinkie apologized. "I just didn't want to have fun with all my friends, and I got carried away! And then I made Sora try to make a clone of himself because he looked really tired and couldn't fight Heartless if he randomly fell asleep, and that's how Roxas appeared when the Mirror Pool shined brightly and blinded us."

"And Sora actually went along with it after you made your one copy?" Twilight asked as she leered at Sora.

"I was tired and loopy from lack of sleep!" he defended. "Excuse me if my train of thought derailed and my brain was too slow to tell me 'Bad idea! Don't do it, you idiot!' No one can think straight when they're tired, sleep deprived, or overly stressed. You know how that feels when you freak out over something as small as a test, Twilight."

The unicorn growled, shoving Sora's jacket hood over his head and slamming him down to the ground. "You're still a bit ornery from your lack of sleep the past week, and I'll have you know my stress is eustress, not distress. That stress keeps me focused on my studies, which is how I got perfect scores on all my tests."

"Hey, go easy on him," Roxas said to Twilight. "He's still a mess about what happened with Sombra."

"H-How do you even know-?" The Nobody pointed his hoof at Sora, then back to himself, interrupting Twilight's question. "...Oh. Right. You know what he knows...He still feels bad about being unable to save Sombra, huh?"

"He thinks he failed to keep a promise to Luna to save him, even though he knew it was impossible to keep. I know you think I should be feeling as bad as he is right now, but I surprisingly don't." Roxas shrugged his shoulders as the unicorn gave him an odd look. "What's important was saving the Crystal Empire, and it's been saved. He'll get over it at some point, but for his sake, he'd better sleep, otherwise he'll do something even more crazy. Like Pinkie Pie crazy."

"Hey!" Pinkie shouted. "I'm not that crazy!"

"You wrote math equations to explain how you figured out my name is Sora's with an 'X' all jumbled up! That makes no sense!" Pinkie just stuck her tongue out at the Nobody, though Roxas didn't stoop to her childish level as Sora sat up, moving his hood off his head.

"Wait, is your name really Sora's, just rearranged?" Twilight asked. Roxas sighed, dragging his hoof in the dirt, separating the letters of his name and Sora's, showing the unicorn the simpler version that was easy to understand. "Oh. I never even realized that. That's...kind of clever. Just like Sora, but with a differently arranged name and personality, giving you your own type of identity."

"Kind of, but I'm still a Nobody, something that exists as nothing. As fun as it was to be in my own body again, I'm not sure if I should be out any longer." Sora approached Twilight and Roxas, nodding his head in agreement. "I'm not sure if I might steal his memories again from being outside of him."

"Ok. Hopefully the same spell used to fling the Pinkie duplicates back works on you." Twilight began to charge the spell, but not before Pinkie gave Roxas a quick, death grip of a hug. "It was nice meeting you, Roxas, even if it was only for a day."

"I'm not exactly going to be gone forever," Roxas said. "I'm going to be inside this clown for the rest of his life."

"Hey, you're me, so you're also that same clown you called me!" Sora said as he nudged his Nobody, he and Pinkie laughing at the irony. With the spell ready to be cast, Twilight fired it at Roxas, but instead of making him inflate like a balloon and fly off into the Mirror Pool, his body began to glow and slowly disappear. As soon as he faded away, the light shone on Sora, quickly disappearing as it appeared. The teen shuddered, feeling that same sensation just as weird as the first time back in The World That Never Was. "That's the second time that's happened, and I still feel like I might get a split personality with Roxas taking over my life at any random moment."

"That would be funny if that happened," Pinkie said. "Maybe we can bring Roxas back again one day and I'll throw him a party!"

"We are not using this Mirror Pool again," Twilight chided.

"Awww..." Sora, Twilight, and Pinkie exited the cavern and made sure to cover the only entrance to the magical pond of cloning duplicates with a giant rock, looking almost similar to the large boulder Rarity had named Tom when she was corrupted by Discord's magic.

No longer needing to worry about others accidentally stumbling onto the Mirror Pool if anyone was insane enough to wander into the Everfree Forest on their own, the trio headed back to Ponyville. They went their separate ways back to their homes, everyone exhausted from the madness that was the storm of Pinkie Pies that raided the town. Sora made it to Sweet Apple Acres, still very tired, and this time willing to go to bed as the sun was setting on the horizon. He didn't bother eating any dinner with the rest of the Apples, needing some more rest, and his bed in the guest room was calling his name. As soon as he flopped down on the bed, he immediately fell asleep.

While he slept, he didn't notice Apple Bloom sneak into his room, carrying some whipped cream on her back and a feather in her mouth. "Ah told ya Ah'd get back at ya for sickin' that strange blue dog of yours, even though Ah have no idea where ya hide him from us. Maybe Ah'll get a cutie mark for prankin', too."

Being as quiet as possible, the vengeful filly sprayed some of the delicious creamy topper on Sora's hoof, being careful not to wake him. With a good, big thick amount of it resting in his hoof, Apple Bloom tip-hooved up to the pegasus's head, and with the feather held in her teeth, began to tickle his nose. She was ready to get her sweet revenge, but it backfired as his hoof lightly smacked her snout, making her yelp as he rubbed the whipped cream all over her face.

"Nice try," Sora said, opening an eye. He brought his hoof to his lips, licking off the small bit of whipped cream smeared on it. "I got hit with that prank earlier today. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

"Darn it! Ah will get back at ya, Sora," Apple Bloom warned.

"Keep dreaming, kiddo." The filly just leered at him, her face coated white from her failed prank. "Looks like you need a little cleanup. I wonder where Stitch is." Apple Bloom winced, slowly backing away. Sora pulled out Stitch's summon charm, calling him forth as it glowed brightly. From underneath the bed, Stitch poked his head out, staring at the whipped cream masked earth pony filly with his black eyes. "Stitch, why don't you help clean Apple Bloom up? I bet she tastes delicious."

"Those pendant thingies work? So that's where he came from." Her surprised awe soon turned to horror, hearing Stitch lick his lips and began drooling. "And ya'll can call him whenever ya want!"

"Yummy whipped cream!" Stitch said and began crawling toward Apple Bloom.

"AHHH! Not again!" Apple Bloom ran for her life as the blue alien gave chase. "Applejack, help! Sora's dog is gonna eat me!"

As the filly ran down the hall to flee from Stitch, Applejack came up a moment later and appeared at Sora's doorway. "What in tarnation is mah sister goin' on about? When did ya get a pet, Sora?"

"Let's just say he's sort of like a pet." The pegasus held up Stitch's summon pendant, glowing a little as it was currently being used. "You know I use a different kind of magic, and that includes summoning some very helpful friends when I need them, or if I just want to hang out with them. Apple Bloom tried to prank me by making me smack my face with whipped cream she put in my hoof while I was sleeping, but I didn't fall for it. So, Stitch is helping clean up the backfired prank, and she's getting her just desserts."

Apple Bloom squealed, rolling out of her room and into the hallway, Stitch clutched onto her tightly as he licked every single inch of whipped cream all over her face. Applejack stared at the odd blue "canine" as it slobbered all over her sister, drenching the filly in his saliva. After she was all "clean", Stitch skittered off the dazed filly and approached Applejack.

"Hi," Stitch greeted, then crawled over to Sora.

"Uhh...What kinda dog is he supposed to be?" she asked. "Ain't no breed of canine Ah know of."

"He's a special breed," Sora said. "He's kind of...out of this world, if you know what I mean."

Applejack had no clue if what Sora meant was that Stitch was some kind of alien or his kind was actually from his own world. The blue "dog" grabbed the can of whipped cream and sprayed a big dollop of it on his tongue. As he ate it, some of it got smeared on his lips, giggling a little as he pretended to act like a rabid dog, growling and snarling as he skittered about like a wild animal.

"...He ain't gonna break stuff, is he?" Applejack asked.

"He's well behaved. The only thing he'll want to break are Heartless." Stitch crawled out into the hallway and began chasing Apple Bloom again, Sora chuckling as he heard her scream and flee again. "My summons have a sort of time limit, so he'll disappear in a little while. Besides, he's fluffy. Who doesn't like fluffy?"

"I like fluffy!" Stitch said, surprising Applejack as she saw him somehow clinging to the walls.

"Applejack, save me! He's crazy! Sic Winona on him!" Winona heard her name, yipping excitedly as she ran up the stairs.

Instead of helping, however, she noticed Stitch, both collie and alien experiment staring at each other in silence. Stitch walked up to Apple Bloom and sprayed some whipped cream on the filly's muzzle, where Winona walked up to her and licked it off, making her groan in annoyance.

"Guess they became friends." Sora yawned, wanting to get back to catching up on his missed days of sleeping. "Now, if you all don't mind, I need some sleep. Finally tired enough to do so."

"Eyup. Y'all really need it." Applejack looked down at Apple Bloom, scrunching her nose at the disturbing stench that came from Stitch's saliva. She took the spray can of whipped cream out of Stitch's claws before he eats it all. "And somepony's gonna need a bath. A good, long one, too."

The young Apple grumbled and marched off to the bathroom to clean herself of the disgusting alien slobber. Again. Applejack closed the door to Sora's room so he can sleep, the stallion out like a light as soon as the door closed. He really needed a wild and crazy day to forget about the worst of days a week ago, and boy, did they ever get the craziest of them all.

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