• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Princess Twilight Sparkle (Part 1)

A couple days had passed since Sora, Twilight, and Spike walked through the mirror portal to the human world of Equestria. It was a long few days inside the world to retrieve the crown back after Sunset Shimmer stole it, but she was stopped, and saved from her darkness, the Element of Magic returned to its rightful world. Along with saving both worlds from destruction, Twilight had brought something new that shocked everyone: a Keyblade. Even though she acquired it by an accidental ancient ritual used by Keyblade Masters to find potential wielders to use their power for the good of the world, she was now considered a defender of light.

With the Summer Sun Celebration coming up again in just a few days, Celestia had decided to change how it would be known as after the return of her sister Luna. Twilight would also be involved as a new alicorn princess, and her role would be just as important as the two sisters'. But, she had a little problem, and it involved her new wings.

"AHH!" Twilight screamed as she flopped onto her stomach, groaning in pain as her wings twitched.

While in Canterlot preparing for this year's Summer Sun Celebration, Twilight began practicing how to fly after finally figuring out how to move them. Everyone watched from the ground as Rainbow, Sora, and Riku helped her practice, though the results so far were pretty difficult with how big her wingspan is compared to theirs.

"Uhh, good try?" Sora tried to encourage, even though he winced along with the others after that painful belly flop. "But, you kind of need to keep flapping your wings in sync with each other, or else you fall."

"How have you and Riku managed to figure it all out just after arriving in Equestria?" Twilight asked, rubbing her sore belly.

"I think it's instinct," Kairi said. "Our bodies adapt to new worlds, and we learn quickly so we don't seem suspicious to those from other worlds."

"And now she needs to learn how to fight Heartless now that she has a Keyblade." Riku whined and brought his hooves to his face. "I can't believe I gave her a Keyblade. Now she's going to be in even more danger."

"Come on, Riku! Twilight's done fine when faced with threats before!" Sora reassured his best friend, finding it amusing to see him constantly worry about someone he truly loves. "If push comes to shove, she can blast her opponents away with magic."

"I'm more worried about taking her to new worlds she'll wind up exploring," Riku groaned. "We know how much she loves learning new things, and I might have to keep a leash on her just to keep her from running off by herself. And..." He began to blush, his eyes darting to Twilight flapping her wings as Rainbow instructed her on keeping her balance every so often. "...She wants to see what I look like as a human after going through that portal."

"Of course she would," Sora said, oblivious to Riku's implications on what he meant. "Good thing I managed to keep her away from any biology books at C.H.S., otherwise that would have been a pretty awkward time being there."

"You have no idea how curious she was about that topic," Riku mumbled.

"Come on, Twilight! Flap them harder!" Rainbow exclaimed as she and Twilight hovered in the air. The alicorn looked like she was getting the hang of it, but flapped her wings too hard and veered off back to the ground. "Not that hard!"

"Whoa! OOF!" Twilight fell onto the branch of a nearby tree, only making her earlier crash hurt more. "Ow...This is so complicated..."

"Lookin' good up there, princess!" Applejack complimented, though the title of princess being addressed by her friends only made it sound weird.

"Applejack, please don't call me that." While Twilight struggled to slip off the branch without landing harshly again, Riku gently helped her down to the ground. "If other ponies want to call me that, then that's fine. But I don't want any of my friends to address me as a princess. It doesn't feel right." She stretched out her wings, grumbling angrily as she kept failing trying to do simple hovering. "Like all this flying. The Summer Sun Celebration's in a couple days, and I don't think I'll be able to get ready for my part."

"Not to mention your Keyblade training after all of this," Sora said. "But that'll be more rough than flying! Consider your flying lessons early training for maneuverability on the field!"

"Let's see that big finish!" Rainbow encouraged, Riku nodding in agreement as the alicorn looked in his direction.

"Ok." Taking a deep breath, Twilight spread out her wings and took off. She was flying pretty well after the few mishaps earlier, growing a wide grin as she felt as free as a bird. "Whoo hoo! I'm doing it!"

"Twilight, watch out for that cloud!" Riku shouted, but it was too late as she rammed into it.

She coughed and wound up slowing down, not paying attention to where she was going. Twilight has stopped flapping her wings, and in a panic, flapped them erratically as she free fell back to the ground. She spiraled out of control, screaming as she tried to right herself up, but failing to do so. Before she hit the ground, Riku dove after her and caught her, taking the impact of her fall as they slid across the grass. Once they both stopped, Twilight groaned as she yet again messed up.

"I was never cut out for physical activity," she mumbled, burying her face in Riku's chest. "It's going to take years for me to learn how to fight with a Keyblade, too."

"You just need a bit more practice," Riku said, patting Twilight's back as he sat them up. "I know you'll be able to master the magical aspect of using the Keyblade, and...as much as I really don't want you to get into any danger...you'll be able to master how to fight and fly, too."

"...I think I'm done practicing for now. I don't want to look all bruised up before the Summer Sun Celebration starts." Twilight stood on her hooves, rubbing a sore spot on her chest before heading back to the castle, the others following after her as flying practice ended.

Inside the castle, the ponies walked through the grand hall of stained glass windows depicting Equestria's greatest moments in history. The most recent one was of Princess Twilight Sparkle, her wings spread out as she wore her crown, the Element of Magic shimmering in the light as the sun shone through the window. It was all about her and the kingdom's newest princess, and her image was far bigger than her other depictions from her other feats with her friends.

"You look absolutely amazing, darling," Rarity said, complimenting the princess. "They really captured your regality quite well."

"I guess," Twilight uttered.

"Don't be so modest, Twilight. Every mare and filly dreams to wear a crown, be a princess, and have a big coronation preserved in stain glass for the world to see." The fashionista sighed dreamily, though the others didn't seem to share the same dream as her.

"I have lots of dreams about frosting!" Pinkie said, licking her lips at the thought of guzzling dozens of gallons of cake frosting.

"Right," Sora said, ignoring the drooling earth pony. "But everyone has different dreams they accomplish."

"Sora's right, sugarcube," Applejack agreed. "And as much as we hate to leave ya before the celebration, but we got plenty of things to do back in Ponyville. The Summer Sun Celebration might be here in Canterlot, but we're still gonna be puttin' up a big party back home to celebrate too. Ah'm gonna have a lot more work to do since ya need Sora to help with more of your trainin'."

"Right...but, the Summer Sun Celebration was what brought us together," Twilight sadly said. "It wouldn't feel right to celebrate it without you all here."

"Hey, you got your coltfriend here to keep you company when we go," Rainbow teased. "But it's not like we're going to split up just like that because you're a princess now, right?"

"Rainbow's right," Fluttershy said. "We're united by the Elements of Harmony. Even if you do get busy with any royal duties you have, we'll never forget each other."

"Exactly. And it's just like with all the friends I've met when traveling to the many worlds out in the universe." Sora held up his hoof and looked serious, reciting a quote made by a certain gunblade wielding man with a serious expression. "We may never met again, but we'll never forget each other...Though I doubt the never meeting part won't be as long as you think. Right, guys?" The others nodded, though Pinkie didn't voice her opinion. "...Uhh, Pinkie? Am I right?"

"Creamy, creamy frosting..." She continued drooling and let out a pleasurable giggle, the mare lost in her own little world.

"...I'll take that as a yes." With their train about to leave soon, the rest of the Mane Six headed off, dragging the daydreaming Pinkie with them. "I think Pinkie may need some help if she drifts off like that over frosting. Or anything sweet."

Riku noticed Twilight's ears droop as she sadly watched her friends disappear around the corner. "What's wrong, Twilight?"

"They haven't been gone for even a minute and I already miss them..." Suddenly, coming flying in the hall, a paper plane swerved and glided over to Twilight, lightly bumping into her snout before it fell to the ground. She picked it up and opened the folded envelope, reading what was inside. "'Dear Twilight, you aren't missing anything. Your friend, Pinkie Pie.'"

"That's me!" Pinkie shouted as she suddenly appeared out of nowhere, tackling Twilight into a quick hug before bounding back down the hall. "Bye, guys!"

Riku was about to ask how Pinkie appeared after having been far enough away to not hear Twilight, but quickly shut his mouth, knowing better than to question Pinkie Pie. "Oh boy. Imagine Pinkie Pie with a Keyblade. She'd be tougher to take down than the Heartless."

"Please don't," Kairi pleaded. "Anyway, I think we should get a little headstart with Twilight's weapons training. We'll work our way up to actually using your Keyblade when you're ready."

"Wait, Keyblade training now?" Twilight asked as she got back up. "What about preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration?"

"Celestia, Luna, and Spike have that covered. We really need to teach you how to fight with a sword, and luckily, the guards allowed us to use the training grounds for Princess Twilight's self defense class." The alicorn growled, requesting not to be called a princess, but Sora grinned as he teased her. "Come on. You need to learn how to use a sword the proper way, not like back in the human world."

"Can't we call that world Human Equestria to make it simpler?" Riku suggested. "It's like you're mentioning our world, or any others that have humans in them by saying that."

The two stallions and mares made their way through the castle, finding the Royal Guard's training grounds used to help hone the guards' skills in combat. There were all types of wooden weapons set up on racks, each of varying sizes and designs to suit a guard's preferred weapon of choice. But those won't be used, instead, the training weapons they will be using were something new and looked like a blue foam sword with an orange hilt.

"Ohhhh yes!" Sora ran up to the table of weapons, picking up a simple sword-shaped one. "Struggle weapons! They designed them already! Perfect for training than a wooden sword!"

"Ok, Sora, since you're not considered a Keyblade Master, yet, you and Kairi will practice on one side, while I train Twilight." Riku grabbed one of the Struggle weapons, a similar sword like the one Sora grabbed, bopping his friend on the head as he pouted. "You may be better than me, but you're still considered a student."

"Yeah, yeah. I get it, 'Master Riku'." Sora blew a raspberry at his smirking friend, smacking the Struggle weapon away. "But I swear, if Master Yen Sid meets Twilight, gives her her Mark of Mastery exam after a few months of training, and she's able to pass before me, I'm going to flip tables...if there are any in sight."

He marched off to the other side of the grounds with Kairi, the unicorn picking up a Struggle weapon to have a friendly duel with her boyfriend. "Is this Mark of Mastery exam difficult to pass?"

"It's not exactly a written exam if that's what you're thinking. But you're far from ready to attempt that test." Riku grabbed a couple Struggle weapons and laid them out in front of Twilight. Along with the simple sword made of foam, there were two other designed Struggle weapons. One of them looked similar to the plain sword, but it had a guard curved around the hilt to protect the wielder's hoof or mouth from a stray strike to the handle. The other was shaped like a magical staff, similar in length to the other two swords, though the blue foam was shaped like a star. "Now, your Keyblade may be something you'll be used to, but you can use any one of these for training. And, ironically enough, these are the same weapons that will be allowed in the Struggle tournament during the Equestria Games."

"Oh. These are...pretty interesting." Twilight looked over the three different weapons, able to tell each of them had different preferences for combat. The first one was the normal bat-like swords Sora, Riku, and Kairi grabbed, a simple weapon made for fighting. The second one with the guard was more suited for defense. The third was better used for magicians, though how a wand will be practical for a competition based around physical combat alone wasn't very practical if magic wasn't allowed except for levitation. She decided on using the defensive one, mostly due to being a beginner with using weapons and knowing she'll lose a lot if she ever did have to duel one of them. "I'll go with this one."

"I would have expected you to choose the wand, but extra defense is a good choice too." Riku put the other weapons away and headed out to the battle ground. "Ok. Let's start by practicing the basics." While Twilight was ready to begin with her weapon held in her aura, the stallion wasn't ready to officially start. "Twilight, you're going to have to hold it in your mouth. If your magic is disabled, you won't defend yourself well if all you can use to hold your Keyblade is with telekinesis."

"Oh, yeah." She took the bat in her mouth, finding fighting like this a lot more awkward than Sora made it seem. "I got used to using my hands back at C.H.S., and holding something to use as a weapon in my mouth is so awkward."

"I'll be doing the same thing, so it's going to be a challenge for me as well." Riku put his fake weapon in his mouth, having no clue how Sora could fight like this and switch between using his hooves and mouth while fighting. "Ok, let's start with a few strikes. Try to hit me and make sure they're as hard as you can swing."

The alicorn nodded and rushed forward. With her Struggle bat gripped firmly between her teeth, Twilight began swinging her head to strike Riku, her coltfriend blocking each hit as he judged her physical strength. He was surprisingly able to adapt to just using his mouth to defend, and Twilight seemed to have a little bit of power in her strikes thanks to the extra bit of earth pony strength as an alicorn, but it wasn't much to make him flinch or stagger back. After doing enough, Twilight backed away, panting a little as she wasn't used to anything as active as swordplay.

"H-How was that?" she asked.

"Not exactly great, but it's not a bad start," he evaluated. "You'll get used to fighting like this with a lot of practice. And some weight training. You're gonna need to build up some muscle and increase your stamina if you're surrounded by a horde of Heartless." Twilight groaned, but nodded her head. As much as she didn't want to work herself to the bone to get in better shape, but if she didn't want to turn into a Heartless, then she was willing to go through with whatever Riku, Sora, and Kairi have planned. "Ok, now let's try some blocking. I'll start out easy, but in the future, you'll have to have quick reaction timing to avoid a stray claw, foot, or even another sword."

Now it was Riku's turn to strike while Twilight went on the defensive. With her Struggle bat designed for defense, she would have an easier time to block, and since this was beginner basics for her, the pegasus's strikes were slow enough for her to react, simple telegraphing with his wide swings. He didn't hit too hard, not wanting her to get knocked back or smacking her weapon out of her mouth. Twilight was quickly getting used to blocking, even though it was easy to see where Riku was going to swing. If it was a Heartless, she was going to have to learn how they attack, making sure to keep a mental note of how they move, behave, and strike.

Through the rest of the day, Twilight continued her training, switching from offensive to defensive basics. At least the Struggle bats' blue foam was as soft as it appeared solid. Any moment the alicorn was bopped by the training weapon, she felt the impact given, but it didn't cause that much pain to make a bruise. Even though it wasn't like a real blunt weapon, it still hurt. The sun was setting as day slowly began to turn to night, and Twilight was exhausted. Her jaw cramped up from holding her Struggle weapon for so long, her neck hurt from twisting it around to strike or block Riku's attacks, and with the bit of flight practice she had earlier this morning, her whole body was sore.

"C-Can...Can we...call it a day?" Twilight panted, dropping her training sword.

"Yeah. It is getting a bit late. I think we made some good progress." The alicorn groaned in relief and fell over, unable to stay standing for much longer.

While Riku helped her up, none of them noticed Celestia and Spike had been watching them for the past couple hours. They had finished going through all the preparations for the event in the next two days, the list Spike held completely checked off, and thankfully not needed to be rechecked hundreds of times over.

"I still can't believe Twilight has a Keyblade, and she's doing all this training along with learning how to be a princess," Spike said. "You think she can pull this off without having a mental breakdown like last time?"

"Training or working out can be a good stress reliever, letting out frustrations that could drive anypony mad until they're too exhausted to move. She has all that energy still lingering as she studies, writes, and researches whatever she wants, and all of it goes to waste when she doesn't take a break." Celestia thought back on that one moment the previous year when Twilight thought she had to turn in a friendship report every week like it was a required homework assignment. The chaos she caused with that "Want it, Need it" spell came from the result of her panicking, trying to impress her as her student when she's already done that enough as a filly. "Although, now she has more responsibilities. Helping keep Equestria safe from the Heartless alongside Sora, Riku, and Kairi might end up stressing her more. But I don't think that will be a problem with her friends around."

While watching Riku praising Twilight for the start of her training, Celestia and Spike looked up when they heard someone scream, quickly backing away as Sora slammed into the ground, landing on his head hard. "Oooooogh. Darn it..." Sora flopped down on his back, his eyes spinning as he saw stars. "Best of twenty-one..."

Kairi skipped up to the dazed stallion, lightly bopping his snout playfully with her Struggle bat. "You need to learn to not get distracted by me, Sora."

"I had you on the ropes," Sora slurred, his eyes focused on the floating stars around his head. "Ooh. Colorful stars."

"How are you expected to win the Struggle tournament in the Equestria Games in the next few months if you keep going easy on me?" Kairi teased, her words snapping Sora out of his daze as he stood back on his hooves within a millisecond.

"I was not going easy on you!" he said, the unicorn raising a brow at him in disbelief. "...Ok, maybe a little, but mostly because you're new to how Struggle fights work."

"And I know how to use a weapon to fight, which is pretty much the same thing." Sora stammered, trying to make an excuse, but failed to find one and just looked away with a pout. Kairi giggled, giving Sora a kiss on the cheek. "You don't have to go easy with me. I've had my fair share of injuries in the past, so I can take a beating with a large blue bat made of foam."

"...They still hurt." Kairi shook her head and hugged him, Riku helping guide the stumbling Twilight over to them.

"Well, I'm about to call it a night," Twilight said. "I feel sore, I need a shower, and I feel like passing out as soon as it hit a bed. But before I do anything, is there anything I can do to help with the preparations?"

"Don't worry, Twilight," Spike said, unrolling the list, showing all of the checked items. "Everything's all set."

"Can we double check it?" she asked. "Or maybe triple check it?"

"Alright, come on, Twilight," Riku said, dragging the alicorn into the castle with his wing draped over her withers. "No checklist. Shower, then bed, and more training in the morning."

"How early in the morning? Please don't tell me we're going to wake up at the crack of dawn." While Twilight whined as she was escorted to one of the castle's guest rooms, Spike hurried after them while Celestia, Sora, and Kairi walked elsewhere to see the preparations.

After Twilight showered and Riku made sure she would stay in bed, he left the room to let her and Spike relax. He wandered the halls in search of Sora and Kairi, wondering if they were in the dining hall to get some food. Thinking about what he was craving to eat, he stopped when he noticed something odd about the sky through one of the windows. Looking outside, he saw the sky seemed to be split in half for the time of day: one side with the sun still up, while the other with the moon barely rising.

"What the heck? Did Celestia and Luna forget to do their jobs? Or are they trying to attempt to make the sky twilight for Twilight?" Riku snorted at his own joke, but grumbled as he realized it sounded really dumb. As he continued looking at the sky, he didn't notice a black root break through the floor behind him, slowly slithering its way toward him. He felt something prod against his back leg, making him look back. "What the-"

Too slow to react, the root quickly wrapped itself around Riku and restrained his limbs like a snake lunging at its prey. He tried to summon his Keyblade to cut the roots off of him, but the strange black roots, growing blue thorns, somehow cut off his ability to call it to him. They wrapped around his neck and muzzle, the thorns sparking with electricity as the whole root electrified him, muffling his cries of pain until he blacked out. Once he fell unconscious, the mysterious roots grew and placed the unconscious stallion into a cocoon of black roots, teleporting him elsewhere as the root disappeared back down the hole it made.

Twilight lightly snored as she slept in her bed, her sheets a splayed out mess from her tossing and turning. Her limbs were still sore, even when she was relaxing on the soft mattress. Feeling her inner alarm clock telling her to wake up, the alicorn squinted her eyes open, groaning in annoyance as she wanted more sleep. She sat up and yawned, knowing Riku would have woken her up bright and early, or send Sora to do it for him. Spike was laying in a small bed, snoring away as he held a pencil in his claw, randomly making check marks in the air around him.

"Ugh. I'm still sore from yesterday's flight practice and my swordplay basic training." Twilight climbed off her bed and stretched her limbs, groaning as she felt her legs, neck, and back crack. "What time is it?" She looked out the window to see what time of day it was, only for her jaw to drop at what she saw. Running to the window and pressing her face to the glass, she saw both the sun and moon were up in the sky at the same time, splitting the world between day and night. "What in Equestria!? Spike! Wake up!"

The baby dragon snorted awake, his claw snapping the pencil in half as he sat up. "What!? What happened!? I didn't eat all the cookies again!"

Ignore the odd statement he made, Twilight levitated Spike and dragged him over to the window. "Spike, look at the sky!"

"...Whoa. That's weird," Spike said. "Is it morning? Or is it still the middle of the night?"

"I don't know! We need to find Princess Celestia and Princess Luna! And fast!" Twilight levitated her number one assistant on her back and ran out to search for the princesses.

With a possibility that Celestia and Luna could be checking the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration, Twilight made her way to the castle entrance. Unfortunately, the moment she opened the doors, she was met with a crowd of Canterlot ponies waiting for her, but not to meet her.

"There she is!" one of them said.

"Princess Twilight, what's happening to the sun and moon!?" a mare asked.

"Are the princesses having another fight just like they had in the story a thousand years ago!?" a stallion questioned, holding a notepad and a pencil in his magic, clearly a member of the press.

Soon, everyone began asking questions, the new alicorn princess unable to answer them all as she stammered. She wasn't even given a chance to even say a word with all of the overwhelming questions, especially from ponies who worked for the press. Luckily, she was rescued by the Royal Guard, the stallions pushing the pencil-pushing snoops back while keeping the rest of the crowd in line, escorting Twilight back inside the castle as they closed the doors.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle, we have a problem," one of them said as two guards lead her back to the throne room.

"Yes, I can see it clear as day...or night," she said. "What's happening? Where are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?"

"We don't know," the other guard answered. "They weren't in their rooms...It's almost as if they...vanished."

Twilight and Spike gasped, the baby dragon fainting at the unfortunate news. "What do you mean vanished!?"

"There's no trace of them anywhere," the first guard responded. "And that's not all who's missing."

"While searching for her Highnesses, we were hoping to get help from the key wielding ponies to aid us. But...they're nowhere to be found either." Now that was something that bothered Twilight if Sora, Riku, and Kairi were gone too. They would have told her if they needed to leave Equestria for anything, and Riku swore to come and get her early in the morning. She began to panic: What if Heartless showed up and none of them were around? What happened to all of them? Did someone kidnap them? What if this was Maleficent's doing? Is she holding them ransom until she agrees to let her take over Equestria and shroud it in darkness? "Your Highness?"

"H-Huh!?" Twilight finally snapped out of her thoughts, completely forgetting she was in the presence of the Royal Guards.

"Your orders, Princess?" the first guard asked.

The two stallions were awaiting her command. With Celestia and Luna nowhere to be found, she was the one in charge now. If Cadence were here, then she would have taken charge, but her sister-in-law is in the Crystal Empire running her own kingdom. Not only was she in charge of running Equestria, she was also the only one capable of defending her world from the Heartless. She's had barely any training with using her Keyblade, or even fully mastering how her new magic worked let alone her new alicorn powers. Everyone in her world was depending on her to make the important decisions and protect them.

Taking a deep breath, she let it out, slowly relaxing as she looked at the guards with the eyes of a leader. "Continue searching for the princesses, and tell the rest of the guard to try to keep everypony from panicking. There has to be some clue that can tell us what happened to them. If you find anything that might hint as to what happened, inform me immediately."

"Yes, Princess Twilight!" The guards saluted and ran off with their orders given.

As soon as they left, Twilight whimpered and began to panic herself. "This isn't right. What is happening?"

Spike woke up from his fainting spell, scratching his head as he heard a bit about what else had been informed to Twilight. "I don't know, but if there's any clues, we could try Princess Celestia's room. Maybe she's got something she knows."

"Good idea, Spike." Picking Spike back up on her back after he fell off from fainting, she quickly made her way through the halls to Celestia's room. After walking inside her mentor's bedroom after closing the door, she looked around to see that there was no sign of a struggle, but not ruling out the thought of her being kidnapped as a possibility. "Ok. The princesses somehow missing, that could mean somepony powerful enough has managed to kidnap them without a trace...Even though everypony would mostly tremble at the thought of overpowering them unless they found something of overwhelming power that can easily best them.

"And Sora, Kairi, and Riku are missing as well." Twilight began to pace around Celestia's room, no sign of any clue left behind that explained where she went or any threats she should have worried about. "Riku said he was going to get me before I woke up, but he isn't here anymore. They were here last night and stayed here to help me train, and if they had left, they would have at least said something or left a message telling any of us a world needed their help."

"So, what happened to them?" Spike asked, unable to figure out everything that was going on.

"I don't know! I have no idea who's behind any of this or what's going on!" Twilight grunted in frustration, approaching one of Celestia's mirrors that was covered by a white tarp, sitting next to it and accidentally bumping into it. "I need help!"

The mirror began shining, the sudden light startling the alicorn and baby dragon. Twilight backed away, having no idea there was another magical mirror the princess of the sun hid from her. Her curiosity getting the better of her, she slowly pulled the tarp off the mirror. Instead of a reflection of herself, Spike, and Celestia's room, it looked like another study she had never seen before: from the view of what she was facing, there were a couple other mirrors veiled by sheets, a bookshelf with some books lined on the shelves, a window that showed a twilight sky outside with an endless landscape of nothingness for miles to see, and a large green door leading to an adjacent room.

"Wow. What is this?" Spike asked.

"I-I don't know..." A moment later, the door opened up, revealing an elder human wearing a blue magician's robe and a blue cap with yellow stars and a crescent moon on it, his hair and beard long and gray. What startled the two was the human's eyes, filled with wisdom, but also deadly serious and making him seem very strict. He closed the door and faced their direction, stopping as his eyes seemed to widen in surprise, looking right at them. They all stood still and remained quiet, but the old wizard was the first to move and approached the mirror. "Oh boy..."

As he got close enough, Twilight and Spike looking up at the tall human, the wizard looked around in Celestia's room, trying to find someone or something. "Odd. She isn't here," he said, looking down at the lavender alicorn and baby dragon. "You must be Celestia's student, Twilight Sparkle."

"Y-Yes...but, how do you know who I am?" Twilight asked, feeling a bit intimidated by his height compared to hers.

"Your mentor has told me a lot about you. Your intelligence astounding, magical abilities one can wish to achieve, and now an alicorn princess to rule a kingdom of your own one day. And, you also have a Keyblade some time ago from your previous adventure." While Twilight was surprised to know this human had known so much about her from Princess Celestia, the man bowed to her in respect. "An honor to meet the newest princess and new wielder of the Keyblade. I am Yen Sid."

"Yen Sid? You mean Sora, Riku, and Kairi's master who trained them?" Yen Sid nodded his head with a smile, which to Twilight and Spike seemed a bit odd to see just from that hard, serious expression. "So...I'm communicating with you from another world...through this mirror?"

"Correct. Both Celestia and I had stumbled upon these mirrors, and we have become quite friendly in the past year." He looked around the room again, humming in thought. "But usually, she would be the one to show. Is she busy on a royal meeting?"

"Actually, we're in the middle of a crisis, sir," Twilight said. "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have gone missing, the sun and moon controlled by them are still in the air, causing everyone in Equestria to panic, and there's no sign of Sora, Riku, or Kairi anywhere in the castle. They would have told me or my friends if they had to leave if it meant a world was in trouble and they needed their help. Are they by any chance with you...wherever your...home is?"

"No. I would have known if they came to my tower to report in." The alicorn began to panic if Yen Sid had no knowledge of them showing up to their master's home. "This is quite serious if they aren't around the castle."

"Oh no." Twilight began to hyperventilate. "What am I supposed to do now!? I have to protect Equestria and lead it, and I don't know what to do!" In her panic, her wings flapped as she was oblivious to her sudden flight, slowly rising up to the ceiling. "With Sora, Kairi, and Riku gone, I have to stop Heartless, but I've barely began any training with the Keyblade except for studying the magic they used! And I don't even know how to run a kingdom! I'm just going off by what I've seen from the princess!"

"Uhh, Twilight?" Spike tried to call out, but Twilight didn't listen.

"Everypony is in a panic, Equestria will eventually getting swallowed by darkness, and I can't do all these things at once by myself because I have no clue what's the right thing to do so nopony will think I'm a horrible princess for making any stupid decisions because I can't think properly!" Her ranting finally stopped as she smacked her head on the ceiling, her wings ceasing their panicked, perfect flapping as she fell back to the ground.

"Miss Sparkle, you need to calm down," Yen Sid said. "If you're in a panic, then you can't concentrate and focus on what's important. The same can be said when confronting the Heartless. Without focus, you will end up losing yourself, then your life when they see you're easy to target." Taking the wise magician's advice, Twilight took in deep breaths and tried to relax, though the thought of possibly losing her mentor, friends, and coltfriend still lingered. "The best think you can do right now is to find out what happened to them. I'll also send word to my former student, Mickey, and his loyal companions to help aid you in your search."

"T-Thank you, Mister Yen Sid. Er, Master Yen Sid, actually," Twilight corrected, now considered a student of his with her Keyblade.

"Princess Twilight!" Hearing one of the guards outside of Celestia's room, Twilight quickly threw the tarp over the mirror to keep Yen Sid and his home seen by any other pony. The stallion opened the door, finding the princess as he panted from searching for her, saluting to the alicorn. "Urgent news from Ponyville! The Everfree Forest is...invading the town!"

"What!?" Twilight exclaimed as she and Spike stared at the stallion in shock. "What do you mean the Everfree Forest is invading!?"

Down in Ponyville, inside the small cottage outside the town, Fluttershy's abode was filled with all of her frightened animal friends. All of them had suddenly barged into her home, chattering in their animal tongues as they sought the yellow pegasus's help. She squeezed through her friends, trying to calm them down, to no avail, while also struggling to get around her home.

"Oh my goodness," Fluttershy said. "What's wrong with all of you? Why are you so scared?" The grizzly bear grunted, getting her attention as he pointed out the front door. Curious to know what was out there, she immediately regretted it the moment she saw her yard. Her jaw dropped, shivering in fear as a valley of moving black vines with blue thorns were outside her home. Quickly slamming her door shut, she panted, knowing why her animal friends were afraid, and she was now too. "Ok. Now I see why. What is happening!?"

At Sweet Apple Acres, the infestation was a lot worse. The vines began popping up in the Apple family's fields, in their farmhouse, barn, even around their crops. Applejack, Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, and Big Macintosh tried to pull the dangerous weeds off their farm, but their efforts were in vain.

"Come on, y'all! We gotta get rid of these confounded vines!" Applejack said, snapping her jaws on a growing vine and pulled hard.

Granny Smith tried to help, but due to her old age, it was difficult for her to pull one of them let alone the dozens beginning to surround her. Apple Bloom pulled one, but it wouldn't fully come out as it became an endless vine that kept getting pulled out from the ground. Big Mac had a bigger problem, unable to pull one as they popped in and out of the ground like moles, smacking him in the flank or upside the head when he wasn't looking.

"This is insane!" Apple Bloom shouted. "They just keep comin'! Where's Sora!?"

"He's back with Twilight helpin' her learn how to use her Keyblade!" Applejack said, finally snapping one of the vines out of the ground, only for three more to appear in its place. "Oh shoot. Ah think we might need his help whackin' these infernal plants." The Apples heard a scream above them in the half day, half night sky, watching Rainbow Dash getting chased around by black clouds with blue thorns growing out of them, just like the vines attacking their farm, the cyan mare avoiding lightning bolts being struck at her. "What in tarnation is goin' on with the sky!? And them clouds!?"

Rainbow flew back around and tried to buck the clouds, only to get stuck in one of them and get shocked by it. It soon let go of her, making her plummet to the ground, Applejack catching her before she broke her neck from the fall.

"Ugh...The clouds have thorns. Why do they have thorns!?" Rainbow sat up, shaking off the shocking jolt she received. "The Everfree's trying to take over, and it's getting worse in town!"

"We're in a lot of trouble..." The vines began to grow around them, the ponies quickly fleeing before they could trap them in a deadly forest of black and blue thorny plants.

Rarity looked out the window of her boutique, staring at the sun and moon still up in the air. "That is odd. What is going on with the sky?" She headed for her kitchen, unaware of the black vines approaching her window. "I hope the princesses aren't having another scuffle again." As she poured herself a cup of tea, the vines leaked out a strange green mist that sneaked its way up to her horn. It affected her magical aura, making the teapot squirt the liquid in her face, the unicorn gasping and spluttering in shock. "What in Equestria!?" Her magic acted on its own, moving the teapot and squirting tea on her cat, Opal. The feline mewled in fright, hissing at her owner, only to flee to avoid getting splashed by her owner. "Oh no! Opal-Wopal! Mommy's so sorry! I'm not doing this on purpose!"

She chased after the pot getting her pet soaked, unable to catch up to it. Rarity licked her hoof and pressed it to her horn, stopping the aura as the teapot fell to the ground. Opal growled and leered at her owner, wandering off somewhere in the house to find a safe spot to lick herself clean. While wondering what happened to her magic, she heard her little sister shriek and grunt, watching the stairs as her own magic was going haywire, her horn levitating her and bouncing her head down the stairs.

"Rarity, help!" Sweetie Belle cried. "Something's wrong with my horn!" Her green aura tossed her over to one of the windows, her magic now affecting the curtains. It pulled itself off the wall and began to chase after her, the filly screaming in fear as she ran away. "What's happening!? My magic wants to hurt me, and I barely know how to cast any spells yet!"

"This is absolute madness." Suddenly, Rarity's horn lit up again without her doing, levitating her mannequins and flinging them at her. "AHHHHHH! Somepony help us!"

Taking a back way out of the castle to avoid the ponies begging for answers, Twilight and Spike ran into the city and headed for the train station. "Ok, so today's become the worst day imaginable. The princesses have disappeared, Sora, Riku, and Kairi are nowhere to be found, and now the Everfree Forest is trying to take over Ponyville! Maybe if we find the others and deal with this, we just might be able to find them all and bring order back to this mess! I hope the train schedule is directly on time and they rush to Ponyville!"

"Twilight, you do know you have wings, right?" Spike reminded, bumping into the alicorn's back legs as she stopped.

"I have wings?" She looked down at her sides, completely forgetting she was an alicorn now. "Oh. Right. Even though, it's statistically faster to fly than take the train, I haven't really gotten that much flight time, or perfected flying at all."

"Well, if we want Ponyville to get covered in creepy plants coming from the Everfree Forest, I say we fly." Spike climbed up on Twilight's back and gripped her mane tightly. "Let's go! Who knows what could be happening to Rarity right now!?"

"You mean all of our friends, right?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, that's what I said." The alicorn shook her head and spread out her wings.

"Ok. Here we go. First time flying without any pegasi to help catch me if I fall." Twilight gulped and began to flap her wings, remembering her small lessons she did receive from Rainbow, Sora, and Riku. "Alright. Flap them hard, but not too much. Equal muscle movement in the wings. Remain clam." She managed to lift off the ground, hovering a few meters from the streets and began to ascend. Twilight controlled her breathing, focusing on flapping and staying airborne. "Oh my gosh. I think I'm doing it right!"

"I hope so," Spike said, greatly worried as he clung onto Twilight's neck for dear life.

After getting high enough over the tallest of the mountain city's buildings, Twilight flew off as fast as she could, her flight slightly wobbly as she tried to keep herself stable while looking in the direction of Ponyville.

All of Ponyville was in a panic as ponies began fleeing from the vines surrounding their homes. In the midst of the infestation, a bright light zipped along through the skies, flying down to the ground. A bright flash hit the ground, revealing King Mickey and his two loyal friends and fellow captain and mage, Donald and Goofy. The moment they saw the state the town was in, they all had their weapons out, wondering what was happening to Ponyville.

"Gawrsh! We're gonna need a big ol' can of weed spray to get rid of all these plants!" Goofy said.

"This is the right area, right?" Mickey asked, leaping back as a vine tried to grab his foot.

"It is Ponyville, but it's infested." Donald squawked as he felt a vine smack his behind, the mage turning to face the plant with a flustered glare. "Oh yeah!? You want to mess with me!? Eat Fi-" Right as Donald thrust his staff up to cast his spell, the vines grabbed his griffon paw and swung him around. He squawked as he was being flicked in the air like a ragdoll, his magic completely drained from the black vines until it was completely gone. It slammed him back down to the ground, Goofy unfortunate enough to be Donald's cushion as the two were knocked in a daze. "Uuuuuuuugh. What happened?"

Knowing his two friends could take a beating, Mickey looked at the vines and tried to cast a spell, only for one of the vines to latch onto his arm. The king could feel the attacking plant sucking his mana out from him, absorbing the spell he was about to cast. Not allowing it to feed off his magic, the mouse managed to pry its grip off him, slashing through it with the gold Kingdom Keyblade, the chopped off tendril writhing until it stopped.

"These plants absorb magic." Hearing a scream, Mickey looked over to find a unicorn mare running for her life, her horn glowing brighter than any unicorn's aura he had seen since his small stay in Equestria. That mare's aura held some flower pots, chasing after her and trying to dive over the unicorn's head. He noticed a green aura that came from the vines close to her, releasing some kind of magical spore that were attracted to her horn. "And apparently, they can make a unicorn's magic spark out of control. Something's definitely not right here."

"Wheeeee!" The mouse king looked up, spotting Pinkie Pie sliding down one of the vines. She flew up after reaching the end of her descent, soaring right on top of Mickey, the pony landing on him and glomped him. "Hiya, your Mousyness! Get it? You're a king, and a mouse!?" She let go after nearly suffocating Mickey, running up to Donald and Goofy and hugged them in a back breaking embrace. "I knew my Pinkie Sense went off when somepony I've met before came back and were here in Ponyville! And you two are back! Yay!"

"GACK! P-Pinkie! C-Can't breathe!" Donald weakly squawked, flailing his limbs as he was being crushed by the earth pony and diamond dog.

"Oh! You're right!" Pinkie let them go, Donald collapsing in a heap as he was as flat as a pancake. "We can't throw a welcome party for your king until we get rid of all these evil black roots from taking over Ponyville!" She leaned over to Goofy and whispered in his ear. "Don't tell him it's a surprise party! It'll ruin the surprise!"

"Let's hurry and round up the others," Mickey said. "We need to find a place where it's remotely safe."

"Ooh! We can use the library! It's always the safest place to be since it's a giant tree! Plants can't attack other plants, right?" Goofy scratched his head at the thought, but Mickey decided not to figure out if Pinkie Pie's theory was true as he ran on ahead to find the other mares, slashing through vines to clear the way.

"Wait up, your majesty!" Goofy called out, picking up the dazed griffon as he and Pinkie caught up with the king.

"Whoa! Twilight, stay straight!" Spike shouted as he wrapped his arms around Twilight's neck tightly, the alicorn's flight wobbly as she accidentally picked up speed from some turbulent winds.

"I'm trying!" Twilight responded, nearly flipping backward from Spike's tight hold slightly choking her. "Loosen your grip! You keep making me pull up!"

"I can't help it! Maybe we should have taken the train after all!" After a long and dangerously perilous flight, the two reached Ponyville.

Every single building was covered in vines, ponies fleeing or struggling to escape from their hold, and the unicorns' magic acting up from those same vines. The Everfree Forest really was invading, even turning the clouds that came from the dangerous forest into airborne hazards. Twilight flew over to the library, where the rest of the Elements of Harmony were placed aside from her crown with her Element of Magic, and prayed her friends were safe, hoping Sora, Riku, and Kairi were there as well. She dove down too fast, beginning to panic as her wings flapped uncontrollably, instinctively using her magic to teleport herself inside, unfortunately leaving Spike still outside, making him smack into the window.

"Ahh!" Twilight crashed inside after teleporting inside, hearing two startled yelps as she slammed into two ponies who broke her fall. With all three of them groaning, Twilight sat up and looked down at who she landed on. "Huh? Donald? Goofy?"

"Twilight!" The alicorn was suddenly tackled by Pinkie Pie, the earth pony hugging her tightly. "Thank goodness you're here!"

She let go, Twilight gasping as she tried to regain her breathing, seeing Mickey and her other friends in the library as well. Spike entered the Golden Oak Library through the front door, quickly shutting it before the vines could snake their way through.

"What is up with those vines!?" Spike asked.

"We have no idea," Rainbow responded, quickly shutting a window before a large vine could sneak through. "Everything's gone crazy around here!"

"I know," Twilight said. "Where did they come from?"

"Good thing we got Master Yen Sid's message and came as soon as we could," Mickey said, helping his friends back up on their feet. "These vines are really dangerous. Any kind of magic attracts them, and they even absorb the mana flowing from the caster like a sponge. They can still be sliced through physically, but burning them with Fire or even using unicorn magic can cause more problems."

"But luckily Twilight is here, and she has the answers we need to this dilemma, right, darling?" Rarity asked, her friends awaiting her response.

"...Actually, I don't." Having seen no sign of Sora, Riku, or Kairi in Ponyville helping get rid of the vines, her fears were coming true with the possibility of the three Keyblade wielders also disappeared along with the princesses. "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Sora, Riku, and Kairi...they seem to have vanished without a trace."

The mares all gasped in shock at the terrible news, which also gave some explanation as to why the sun and moon were both in the sky. "What do you mean they're gone!?"

"I don't know!" Twilight exclaimed. "Riku was supposed to wake me up this morning for more training, but he didn't show up! None of the guards in the castle were able to find them or the princesses, and I have no idea how they could have vanished! So, while searching for them, I went to Princess Celestia's room, accidentally stumbled on a mirror that allowed me to communicate with Master Yen Sid, which is why King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy are here, thinking they must have gone off to another world that needed saving, but they aren't and I'm under so much pressure!" She was about to burst into tears as she screamed in frustration, burying her face in her hooves as she collapsed on her stomach. "Why did this have to happen? Is my life always going to be full of life-threatening, world-about-to-explode danger?"

"Don't worry, Twilight," Goofy assured, patting the mare's head. "You got us here to help!"

"We'll find the princesses, Sora, Riku, and Kairi before you know it!" Donald added.

"You can always rely on your friends to back you up," Mickey said. "Though, it was kind of surprising to hear you had become an alicorn a while back, and now you have a Keyblade too."

"It sure surprised us," Applejack said.

"But how are we going to find them with all this chaos running around Ponyville?" Pinkie questioned as she scratched her head.

Twilight perked her ears up, lifting her head as she stared Pinkie Pie with her question. "Chaos?" It started to make sense with everything that was happening. The princesses, her coltfriend, Sora, and Kairi mysteriously disappearing, the sun and moon both in the sky, the vines surrounding Ponyville, trying to capture everyone and also causing mischief with a unicorn's magic. The alicorn furrowed her brow in anger, standing up and approaching the glass case holding the necklaces that were the remaining five Elements of Harmony. "I think I have a feeling I know who's behind this now. And we're going to need these."

Levitating the glass case off, she brought the five necklaces to her friends, clipping them on their respective owners as she began to head outside. Trusting her with who she believes is the culprit behind all of this mess in their home and Equestria's panic, everyone filed out of the library after her, Mickey jumping ahead and slashing through any vines that got in their way. While the mares stood around in a circle to use the Elements of Harmony, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy stayed out of the circle, keeping the vines away from them.

After getting in position, Twilight tapped into her element, making the gem atop her crown glow. The others followed suit as the six mares began to hover in the air, the Elements of Harmony releasing a rainbow light that formed the circle they stood in, curling straight to the Element of Magic. The alicorn unleashed the magic in the center of the circle, creating a rainbow tornado of harmonic light to swirl in front of them. As it disappeared, Twilight used the elements' power to call Discord to them, the draconequus surprisingly in a bathtub, taking a shower while brushing his back and singing.

"When you walk away, you don't hear me say-" Discord noticed he wasn't in a bathroom, letting out a feminine shriek as he covered himself with a pink towel. "Excuse me! I was in the middle of a shower! You don't have to use that little spell Celestia taught you to call me whenever you feel like it. I'm not one of Sora's little summoning charms, you know."

"Discord, cut it out," Twilight warned, summoning her Keyblade and pointing it at his stomach, surprising the chaotic deity. "I know you're behind all this! Fix it!"

"...When in Tarterus did you get one of those things!?" he asked in shock. "Don't tell me they're actually giving these things away like candy! How come I don't have one!?"

"Don't change the subject!" The alicorn smacked Discord in the side with her weapon hard while in her aura, making him drop the towel around his waist. "Release the princesses, Sora, Kairi, and Riku, and get rid of all these stupid vines! Now!"

After rubbing his sore side, grumbling at getting hit again by another key-shaped weapon, he leered at Twilight from the harsh assumption. "And you think I did all this? I was busy taking my shower before you summoned me and embarrassed me with my indecent exposure. Plus, I'm reformed. Would I lie to you?"

"Yes!" the Mane Six said, though Fluttershy seemed to have been reluctant saying it.

"Oh, gee. Thanks for the vote of trust, girls." Discord looked over at the mouse, griffon, and diamond dog cautiously staring at him, teleporting in front of them with curiosity. "And who are you three? You clearly don't belong here in Equestria."

"How can you tell?" Goofy asked.

"Your faces, for one." The draconequus flicked Donald's beak, angering the mage after his mouth stopped wobbling. "I seriously cannot believe other worlds don't even bat an eye when they see a walking, talking, anthropomorphic dog and a squawking goose with a speech impediment."

"What!? You wanna mess with a wizard with more magical knowledge than you can imagine!? Put em up, you gigantic, walking zoo!" Donald stood on his hind legs and put his fists up, ready to fight against Discord knowing full well he can't use magic around the black vines.

"...Ok, seriously, am I the only one who can't understand him? What did he say!? All I keep hearing is quacking!" The small griffon squawked and flew at Discord, his clawed fists punching the draconequus, but he didn't feel anything. "I mean, seriously! Who makes a character so iconic that the only thing memorable about him is how you can't understand what he says!?"

Goofy grabbed Donald, easily pulling him away while the mage continued flailing his limbs. "Ok, he isn't cooperating!" Rainbow said. "I say we blast him to stone and fix all this!"

"Sounds like a good enough plan to me!" Applejack agreed along with Rarity, the three mares about to use their Elements of Harmony, but Fluttershy hovering in front of Discord.

"Wait! What if he is telling the truth?" Fluttershy asked. "What if he isn't the cause of all this?"

"Finally! Somepony willing to give me the benefit of the doubt!" Discord reached a claw out, but instead of Fluttershy, he grabbed Mickey, the Keyblade wielding mouse confused as to what the draconequus was doing. "All of you could learn a lot about friendship from Shutterfly here."

"Her name is Fluttershy, and you picked up the wrong mouse." Mickey smacked Discord's hands with his Keyblade, forcing him to drop the king. "Now, either you help us figure out what's going on around here, or you'll have to deal with me. Our friends have been taken away, and you don't seem to care about the lives that are in danger."

"Give it up, your highness," Rainbow said. "Discord doesn't care about anything other than himself."

"That is not true!" Discord complained, sitting on one of the vines as began knitting to form an arrow pointing to the Everfree Forest. "If anypony can help you out, why not ask your zebra friend? She's wiser than any of you put together and might have an answer." Ironically enough, Zecora came out of the forest right on time, dragging a cart of her belongings with her. "See? I can be helpful."

Seeing Discord won't be any help, being the selfish and cryptic draconequus he will always be, Twilight and her friends ran up to the zebra while Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and Spike kept an eye on Discord. "Zecora! Are you ok!?"

"I had no choice to leave my home and flee!" Zecora said. "The Everfree has grown to wild, even for me!"

"You mean you have no idea what's happening?" Twilight asked.

"I'm afraid it is a mystery to me as well, but I think I have something to help, if combined with a spell." Reaching into her cart of valuables, Zecora pulled out a potion bottle filled with a purple liquid, holding it out to the alicorn. "I dare not use it, the results could be tragic. This potion, however, will respond to alicorn magic. Princess Twilight, you can turn the potion from purple to white. After one sip, you may see why the sky is day and night."

As sinister as the liquid inside the royally designed potion bottle looked, Twilight could trust Zecora more than Discord if it meant figuring out what was happening to Equestria. Focusing her magic, she surrounded the bottle with her aura, slowly turning the liquid a bright white. Once it was done, everyone watched with anticipation as she levitated the potion up to her lips. She tilted it up and took a mouthful of the white liquid, prepared to taste something foul as soon as it hit her tongue. After swallowing what she took, smacking her lips as she didn't really taste anything, she placed the potion down as she waited for something to happen.

"...I don't think it seems to be doing any-" Twilight suddenly gasped as it finally took affect, her eyes widening as they began to glow white.

Twilight rubbed her eyes, confused as to what had happened when she blacked out suddenly. Whatever the potion did to her, it felt like it sucked her out of Ponyville and somewhere else. As soon as she was able to see again, she looked at her surroundings. She was no longer in Ponyville, but in a castle she had never been to before. Or had she?

"Where am I?" she asked as she looked around where she stood.

"Not. Another. Step." Startled, Twilight turned to look at two thrones from where the voice came from, the right as bright as the sun while the left was as dark as the night.

Stepping forward from behind the curtains near the lunar throne, Luna stepped out, and she was not happy. "Princess Luna! What happened to-?" Before Twilight could walk up to her, she gasped when she noticed a dark aura surround the blue alicorn, sensing the foreboding darkness coming from her. "P-Princess?"

"Do you honestly think you can just let me sit idly by while they all bask in your precious light?" Luna questioned spitefully, only further confusing Twilight. She had no clue where she was, why Luna just suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and there was no sign of Celestia, Sora, Kairi, or Riku. The lunar princess stepped up to the dais in between the two thrones, the aura around her growing stronger as she grew angry. "There shall only be one princess in Equestria! And that princess...well be ME!"

Luna's eyes glowed as she slammed her forehooves into the dais, shattering it and causing the wall behind her to crumble as well. Using her magic, Luna raised the moon, blotting out the sun and creating a solar eclipse, darkening the sky and forcibly bringing the night. She soon began to transform, the darkness veiling her body as Twilight gasped in horror, unable to move as she watched. Luna grew taller, her coat turning black, the blue armor worn by the dreaded Mare in the Moon forming around her body, her mane and tail turning more gaseous like it was made out of the night sky, fangs growing out of her cackling maw, and the pupils of her eyes turning into slits like a reptile's. The dark sphere around her was broken through as Luna opened her massive wings, laughing menacingly as she had transformed into Nightmare Moon.

"No," Twilight uttered. "Not again...Why is this happening again?"

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