• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,688 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

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"Rnnnngh!" Rainbow Dash galluped to a running start, hopped over a lunging beast, then jump-kicked her way violently into a separate pair of monsters. "Htttt!" They fell back and tumbled off for several feet as Rainbow came to a sliding stop. Panting for breath, she peered across the blood-stained field of battle.

There was another ripple of ruby light. Pale heads rolled, and there went Seraphimus—screaming bombastically—as she threw herself at another wave of beasts. She twirled both swords with ease, lopping off claws and sending wet sprays of black blood staining the air in opposite directions. There was a beauty to her carnage—a primal efficiency lying beneath her brutal exterior. She met the mindless charge with louder and louder shouts, seemingly frightening the otherwise unflinchable heart of the attacking enemy.

"Raaaaaaaugh!" She stabbed forward, impaling a beast—then throwing the weight of it into a flanking charge. She spat and snarled her way through a suffocating curtain of blackish blood. "I am the Right Talon of Verlaxion! Your putrid lives—as you once knew them—end here!"

The battle shifted, with the beasts lumbering in her direction. There was a ripple of twilight, and Rainbow's ghostly friends briefly reappeared—all of them surprised and slack-jawed.

"Rainbow Dash..." Twilight Sparkle wheezed, eyes twitching. "Please tell me you didn't just free her to—" She vanished, replaced by a casually yawning Discord.

"Now you've got some explaining to do with the Missus."

Rainbow was startled by the sound of claw-scraping footsteps pounding towards her six. She spun to meet the ambushing attack—

Thwissssssssh! Wildcard dove in, staff first. WHACK! He uppercutted the beast before it could puncture Rainbow from behind. Thw-Thw-THWACK! He twirled Bard's weapon against another skull, clearing the Curveside flank of enemies. The Desperado huffed, weathering the pain of the wound in his shoulders.

"Wildcard..." Rainbow wheezed. "What are we going to do about—?"

Wordlessly, Wildcard dove past her and sailed towards Seraphimus. Rainbow watched, wincing. When Wildcard landed, it was with a violent downswing that pinned a random monster's skull to the floor. WHAM!

Seraphimus didn't even flinch. She merely shifted her weight to the left, and soon both griffons were standing back to back as a fresh line of monsters closed in around them from all sides.

"Silt Prefecture!" Seraphimus shouted. "The mountain dredge smugglers! Alpha position!"

Wildcard responded with two swift wing gestures. Then—coiling his feathers to his side—he twirled the staff while strafing sideways to the left.

Seraphimus likewise side-stepped, swinging and slicing at every enemy that dared invade their dual circle of impenetrable defense. In such a fashion, the two former Talon members delayed the rush of chaos brutes.

Discord vanished again, and Rainbow's friends reappeared. "At least tell us if this was planned, sugarcube!" Applejack exclaimed, still shocked at Seraphimus' presence.

Rainbow gulped. "If it was planned, then would it be working nearly as well?"

"That's it..." Twilight tossed her hooves, eyes rolling. "I give up!"

Pinkie stuck her tongue out. "Wuss!"

"Can we just smash heads and then get out of here?!" Twilight groaned.

Rarity threw a look back towards Curveside. "They appear to be attaching the rocks to the hovercraft as we speak!"

"Are they nearly finished?" Fluttershy stammered.

Rarity shook her head. "Not nearly."

"Well then..." Rainbow flexed her wing muscles. "Head-smashing it is."

"Oh good grief..." Twilight face-hoofed.

"Go, Dashie, go!" Pinkie cheered—

—as Rainbow charged back into the fray, sailing towards the thicker line of advancing beasts. "Here's mud in your eyes." Rainbow grimaced, preparing a savage drop kick. "Black muddy blood..."

She came into violent content with her foe. Pinkie and the others vanished—leaving Discord to reappear with a black cowboy hat. "Bah gawd!" he hollered out one side of his muzzle, fang glinting. "If I'm my own witness, they're broken in half!"

Logan's feverish eyes were locked on the distant battle. He clenched his jaws and sweated...

"Head in the game, Big Show!" Flynn snarled.

Gulping, Logan turned to assist his friends in slapping the chaos rocks onto the bed of the hovercraft. "Can you really get this shit to fly?"

"I'm not the miracle worker today!" Flynn frowned at him. "I still can't believe you actually let that turkey buzzard go!"

Logan huffed, shouldering his axe as he assisted his friends with the wagon. "It's working so far, isn't it?"

"Yeah?! And what about later on?! You've just given our worst enemy an avenue to escape and eventual vengeance on the Austraeoh!"

"She ain't the same as she was two months ago," Logan growled, fastening more and more clumps of chaos metal in a frenzy. "She's going to give us the edge we need to survive right here and now!"

"Big Show—"

"I bet you a hundred bits!"

"Like money means anything over here—"

"Fine!" Logan spat. "Fifty bits and I don't get to bend your head back into your own ass, ya cheap bald bastard!" He shook his hoof. "I've spared you for this long, haven't I?! Now get this stupid-ass boogey board to fly again!"

"Almost done with the application, brrotherr!" Kepler sounded off.

"It's now or never, Flynn!"

"Grnnnngh..." Flynn stepped back and aimed his horn at the ring of material. "...I should just change my name to Mr. Migraine... I swear."

"Just do your job!" Logan growled, turning to look fitfully Edgeside. "I'll thank you later." He nevertheless trembled slightly, gripping his axe as he watched the skirmish from afar.

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