• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,688 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

  • ...

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A Breath of Relief

"I have been extended an invitation," Seraphimus said in a quiet tone. "And... I have found it advantageous to accept it." Her eyes hung low as she spoke. "In consideration of the circumstances... I doubt that I will manage very well on my lonesome. Also, I suspect I could be of good use to this expedition by applying my talents in survivability and combat. It is my understanding that there are forces at play in this part of the world that will require full cooperation for all of us—any of us—to endure. It would be... foolish to pursue any other path at this juncture."

"Yeah, that's nice." Flynn nodded, his forelimbs folded. He and the Herald stood in a tense line across the urban platform from Seraphimus. "Now would you mind looking us in the eye as you say that?"

"Baldy..." Logan began.

Nevertheless, Seraphimus looked up. The menace was missing in her gaze, replaced instead by a vulnerable glaze of earnestness. "It is my promise—on the souls of my family and the fallen defenders of Rohbredden—that I shall not do anything to harm Rainbow Dash or her traveling companions ever again."

Ariel blinked.

Kepler glanced in surprise at Rainbow and the others.

"Well then..." Flynn nodded, his lips parting. "That's... that's more like it."

Seraphimus looked at Logan. "Are we planning to embark upon our next destination anytime soon?"

Logan cleared his throat. "No, uh..." He shook his head. "There isn't a 'next destination' yet. We've still got a lot to discuss. And Rainbow here is still recovering from the spider shit in her system."

"Very well." Seraphimus cleared her throat, and there was slight shakiness to her voice. "If you would not mind... I-I need some time alone. I tr-trust that you have the necessary means of summoning me should an emergency arise."

"Right on..." Logan dripped.

He and the others watched as Seraphimus limply flew off and glided beyond the nearest row of buildings.

Wildcard observed her from a lofty perch. He looked down at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow sighed. "Yeah, sure thing, buddy. Go ahead." She gulped. "Just... be sure to give her the space that she needs, okay?"

The Desperado saluted back. Dark wings spread, and soon he glided in the general direction of his former Commander's introspective flight.

Rainbow Dash plopped back on her haunches, catching her breath.

Ariel noticed it, and she scampered over. "Ah jeez. Ah jeez—you're still sick from the spider juice, aren't you?"

"I've been better." Rainbow patted her forelimb for reassurance. "Don't fret. I just..." Another sigh, and she lowered her eyelids. "...just needed to get that over with."

"Ach..." Kepler nodded. "Not as much as she rrequirred it, I suspect."

"What did you even say to her?" Flynn asked.

"Mrmmmfff..." Rainbow Dash rubbed her face. "...nothing Seraphimus hadn't heard before."

"Only this time, she's got Abaddon's Song to back up all you've ever tried to teach her," Ariel said, rubbing Rainbow's shoulder. "I guess that was finally the last straw, huh?"

"While I'm pleased as a peach to have her on our side..." Logan looked at the others. "...even a truckload of Rohbredden's finest isn't going to mean much against the factions of the Trinary War."

Flynn sputtered: "You prefer she still be after Rainbow's jugular instead?!"

"Wow, you're quick to claim our newest trophy, egghead."

"Big Show, you have no idea how long I've waited for her to drop the 'murder' from 'murder turkey.'"

"Yes. We do. It's been your only tune for over a month, bro."

"I'm just saying that we can all finally breathe now... unless of course the bitch was lying."

"She was telling the truth this time, Flynn."

"How do you know?!"

"She's like a completely different griffin. You could hear it in her voice."

"Still... could be an act."

"Seraphimus is only good at killing and threatening. I very seriously doubt she got any thespian talents hidden beneath all those feathers."

"You say that as if you've been deep enough into those feathers."

"And what if I had? While you've been demonizing her left and right, I've actually spent some time trying to figure out what makes her tick! I'm telling you, Rainbow's finally gotten to the griffin!"

"And how long will she remain a 'changed soul?' If she's seen half of the shit we have—"

"She has. That's precisely why she's made this decision. And now that her eyes are open..."

While the Job Squadders continued arguing in the background, Rainbow Dash had found herself oddly fixated with the floor of the platform beneath her. There was a fine layer of dust and sediment covering the street. The mare's brow furrowed. Slowly—with a weak forelimb from her post-coma condition—she reached down and ran her fetlock across the powdery layer. Her line formed a clear swath, and soon she was curving it slightly.

Rainbow's nostrils flared. She lifted her hoof, then brought it down again... forming another line... then another. Soon, she had casually—thoughtlessly—made multiple curved lines in dust. All of them seemingly at random. She paused halfway through the act, staring curiously at the inexplicable array before her.

Kepler was the first to take notice. He craned his hairy neck, eyes narrowing behind his spectacles. "Harrk... prrecisely what arre you doing, Rrainbow One."

Rainbow said nothing.

"Yeah..." Ariel leaned in. "What are you doing, Rainbow?"

"... ... ...hmmm?" Rainbow looked up. She blinked. "Doing what?"

Logan and Flynn stopped arguing, looking over.

Ariel and Kepler looked at Rainbow with dumb expressions.

"Oh... I'm just..." Rainbow ran a hoof to her head, wincing slightly. "Mrmmfff... you think all of the barfing would have gotten it all out."

"You poor thing." Ariel smiled. Reaching out, she helped the petite pegasus onto all fours. "Let's get you back to your tent. You can rest it off while I make a mushroom brew."

"That... sounds kinda awesome, actually..." Rainbow sighed, hobbling off with the mare. "But the moment Merula shows up, I wanna speak with her."

"Hehehe... of course!"

"I've got a hunch she can fill in a few gaps in Abaddon's song. There's a lot that still needs explaining."

"You really think Merula can help?"

"I'm betting on it. Sometimes the messengers know more than they let on."

"Well, here's hoping."


As the two mares trotted off, Kepler remained behind. The wyvern stroked his hairy chin, staring at the odd formations Rainbow had made in the dust. Murmuring to himself, Kepler adjusted his glasses and turned to exchange contemplative glances with Logan and Flynn.

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