• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,688 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

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Fly Away From Here

"Whoah..." Rainbow Dash exhaled. "Wh-whoah!" Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Ha ha ha!" She smiled into the whipping winds as her colorful mane danced behind her. "That's some nice speed right there!"

"Yeah!" Ariel shouted as the plank carrying the entire Herald cruised off the side of the mesa like a glider. "This is actually kind of cool!"

"Grnnngh!" Flynn suddenly gnashed his teeth. "I-I'm losing the leylines!"

Ariel blinked. "Okay!" She winced, trembling at her station on the right side of the cart. "It's not longer sorta cool!"

"Flynn?!" Rainbow's head whipped in his direction. "What gives, dude?"

"I-I can't explain it!" Flynn hollered. As he spoke, the wagon began experiencing turbulence. "It's like they're dissolving into one another!"

"He's right, Rainbow Dash!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed. "The entanglement is unraveling! Without a manacircuit, the rocks along the undercarriage will turn into normal rocks!"

"I can't keep it together!" Flynn exclaimed as the forward momentum of the gliding "plank" sped up, descending rapidly. "Soon there'll be no hover to hover with!"

"But... why is that?!" Rainbow Dash barked. "What could be causing—"

"Lack of frriction!" Kepler shouted from the back.


"The last lunarr command rrequirres prroximity of a solid surrface to prropel us!" Kepler exclaimed. "Am I rright, brrotherr?!"

"That's gotta be it!" Flynn struggled to keep a telekinetic grip of the forward half of the cart. "We're burning mana into nothing!"

"Then friggin' fix it, baldy!"

"Uhhhh... uhhhhh..." Flynn fidgeted.

"Neutral!" Twilight yelped. "Put it in neutral!"

"Put it in neutral!" Rainbow's voice cracked, passing it along.

Flynn took a deep breath, and then: "M'shrynmh Thymmk!!!"

The howl of rushing wind was interrupted by a pronounced vibration. It took a few seconds, but the bright glow soon returned to the undercarriage of the vessel. The Herald could already feel the momentum of the cart slowing as it continued its lazy descent into the dark canyon now engulfing them.

"Whew..." Ariel slumped slightly.

"Huh..." Flynn blinked. "Well... take notes for the next time, I suppose."

"Are all of your exercises this chaotic?" Seraphimus droned.

"Double-yoo," Logan growled.


Seraphimus was already wincing from the slap to her skull. "... ... ...do that again and you might tip us over."

"Then I'd gladly welcome death!" Ariel barked. She looked towards the left side of the wagon. "Guess it's smoothe sailing from here on out!"

"You don't hear me complaining," Rainbow said. She began to smirk—

"Uhhhhhhhhh..." Pinkie Pie's ears poked inward. Soon her eyes were crossing as she shook all over. "WuuuUUuuUUuuuUuueeeeeee!"

—a frown returned to Rainbow's face. "Pinkie? What's the matter?"

"'Pinkie?'" Logan flashed Rainbow a grimacing expression. "She's the 'oh shit' friend, isn't she?"

"Is something wrong, Rainbow?!" Flynn exclaimed.

"Pinkie, I know you're twitching all over," Rainbow leaned in, speaking calmly. "...but if you're gonna actually help us, then you've gotta speak up."

"PULL UP!" Rarity shouted.

"Huh?" Rainbow turned to squint at the mare. "Rarity, we're gliding earthward in a hover wagon. We can't just—"

Right at that exact damn moment, a stalagmite of dull stone rose like a dagger through the faint twilight, emerging directly in front of the wagon.

"—pull up!" Rainbow shrieked. "I mean, pull right! I mean—" She flung her body to the left and flapped her wing within an inch of her life. "Rrrrrrrrgh!"

"Oh shit!" Logan grunted with the rest of the Herald as they were rocked violently.

The wagon soared right, missing the tip of the jutting rock structure by ghastly centimeters.

"Guh!" Ariel struggled to stay upright. "Rainbow...!" She stammered while the descending wagon veered to her side. "I thought shouting 'right' meant that I flapped my wings—!"

"Rarity?!?" Rainbow was too busy sneering.

"Why didn't ya warn us?!" Applejack barked.

"I thought we had a clear angle!" Rarity exclaimed. "That magical kerfluffle up there must have upset our trajectory!"

"Then..." Fluttershy blanched. "...that means—"

"WuuuUuuUuuuUuuUUuuuiiieeeee!" Pinkie spun like a top, ears twitching.

The right edge of the canyon wall pierced the starlight. Within seconds, it would shatter the wagon and its passengers to dust.

"Right! Right!" Rainbow Dash hollered.

"Wait!" Ariel panicked, teeth chattering. "Do you mean you push us right or I—"

"Flap your damn wings!" Logan hollered.

"Eeeeeeeep!" Ariel covered her eyes with one set of feathers while she flapped wildly with the other set.

Despite the awkward execution, it worked... somewhat. The right edge of the wagon lifted, but the cart was still drifting towards the canyon wall. If nothing else, Ariel's wingflaps only bought the group a few more milliseconds.

"We arre heading towarrds oblivion!" Kepler shouted.

"Wildcard!" Rainbow shouted towards the back of the wagon. "Can you counter—?"

The griffin was already sweating profusely in the effort it took to assist Ariel in her thrust. He swung and pivoted his body, flapping his wings at alternating angles. At last, he was able to take advantage of the pitch and angle the wagon back towards the left.

"Move move move move move—!" Ariel squeaked.

The right side of the wagon graaaaaaaaaaaaazed the canyon wall, spilling dirt and pebbles across the Herald. Then—within the next gasp—they were heading back into the dark throat of the ravine.

"Okay!" Rainbow Dash exhaled heavily. She smiled at Twilight and Fluttershy. "That was close—"

"WEEEoooWEEoooWEEOooo!" Pinkie Pie pinballed around the lavender forcefield containing her. As Rainbow's vision focused beyond her friend, she saw a massive anvil-shaped cleft of rock rushing straight towards them.

"Oh buck me backwards to Sunday!" Logan spat. "This is it! Nice knowing you folks!"

"Like hayseeds, it is!" Applejack frowned, turning to face Rainbow. "Rainbow! Do somethin' awesome, sugarcube!"

Rainbow Dash didn't need to be told twice. "Everypony!" She stuck her left wing hard over the wagon's side. "Flap your wings! Do it all at once! We gotta clear this cleft!"

"Flynn, brrotherr!" Kepler craned his neck. "I believe that includes yourr prriceless telekinesis!"

"Ah jeez..." Sparks flew out of Flynn's horn as he strained, channeling as much mana into the bed of the wagon as he could. "All the hangovers and none of the drinks—"

"Flap! Flap!" Rainbow hollered in time with her muscle movements. "Lift! Lift!"

Ariel whimpered from the effort. Wildcard huffed and puffed with intense concentration. The manes and feathers of every passenger seated in the wagon billowed from the resulting draft.

It was an agonizingly slow accomplishment, but the wagon's front end lifted up just as it reached the rock formation. However, it was still descending.

"Not... g-good..." Flynn snorted, leaning back with his good eye trained on the impending doom.

"We've got the speed—but not the lift!" Ariel wheezed. "Should we flap harder—!"

"We are! We're flapping the hardest!" Rainbow yelped.

"You need to stop!" Seraphimus shouted.

Rainbow looked over her shoulder. "Huh?"

"She is right! You have the momentum!" Seraphimus' eyes narrowed. "You simply need to glide!"

"Ach!" Kepler stood up tall and spread his own leathery wings. "She speaks the trruth!"

Rainbow blinked ahead. She gulped. "Flynn! Logan! Duck low! We gotta become aerodynamic!"

The stallions did as they were told. They pressed themselves flat to the bed of the wagon—as did Seraphimus. Meanwhile, Ariel, Rainbow, Kepler, and Wildcard stretched their wings out along a flat, invisible plane. Then—following Rainbow's lead—they angled their wings to catch the rippling air beneath them.

The manacrystals of the rising wagon hummed loudly; their enchanted shards illuminated the stone surface of the rocky formation as it blurred safely beneath the gliding cart. The proximity to solid matter made the leylines reactivate, and this gave the cart another boost—thrusting it slightly upwards. This threw most of the passengers off balance... until one by one they sprawled out across the surface of the vehicle. The entire cart shook, wobbled, and spun around like a lazily tossed disc.

Then—after multiple vomit-inducing revolutions—the cart came to a stupidly soft landing along the bottom floor of the canyon. It glided and coasted along the arid floor until it bumped lightly into a stout row of stalagmites.

At last, the vehicle came to a stop hundreds of meters from the location of the mesa. They had nearly cleared the Curveside map of the canyon in one single shove.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuuuu..." Pinkie Pie finally stopped spasming all over. She came to a rattling stop—as did her bright blue eyes. "Whew! That was a real doozie! Did you know that Ariel's got a crush on Dashie? I sure didn't until now!"

She smiled at the rest.

"Oh! And by the way... look out for random rock formations! That would be bad!"

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