• Published 11th Apr 2018
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If Wishes were Ponies . . . . - tkepner

Harry Potter, after a beating by Dudley and friends — with the help of a real gang member — wishes he had somewhere safe to go, and starts crawling home. He ends up in Equestria. The CMC find him. A year later, an owl brings his Hogwarts’ letter!

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100 — Détente

Albus was too far away to hear clearly what Princess Celestia said in reply. Fluttershy’s welcoming hug, however, was quite a contrast to everyone else’s reaction, which ranged from horror to exasperation. Mostly horror.

The line of ponies greeting the royals became noticeably shorter as those farthest from the thing discretely abandoned their positions and set out for the tables and chairs at a rather quick pace. New ponies entering the hall were clearly just as disturbed by the creature’s presence. Those already within easy recognition range were clearly too scared to abandon their positions for fear of being sought out later. Although, the longer he stood there focused on the Princesses and her friends the braver the ones at the end of the line became at abandoning it.

Albus studied the creature as best he could without leaving his place. He remembered quite well Molly’s description of the powerful wizard she had said was called Discord. After he discounted the creature’s current outlandishness, the similarities were apparent.

The wizard Molly had described had appeared to be made of the many different races of man. Discord, here, was clearly made up of the different races that made up Equestria. Based on that, that meant each different feature was from an intelligent race here. Albus pushed the implications of that aside for later examination.

What was more stunning, and took the forefront of his mind, was the overwhelming feeling of power radiating from the creature. He had thought Princess Luna was powerful when he had met her at Hogwarts, based solely on the aura leaking into her surroundings. He had expected her sister to be even moreso — based on how Harry and the three witches had said she was the older sister. Since coming through the portal, though, he had noticed that the ambient magic in the area hid magical auras — or, rather, an individual’s aura had to be very powerful before it rose above the ambient level enough for someone else to detect it. And then it only would be seen by those who were accomplished in seeing auras — very powerful and experienced wizards such as himself.

He had been able to detect Princess Twilight’s from several yards without a problem, but only if he stilled himself and searched for her. Lady Rarity had been almost impossible to detect even when she was casting spells constantly. If she had been quiet, she would have required the pony equivalent of homenum revelio to find her.

The magical background here dwarfed that of Hogwarts and the other magical locations with which he was familiar. Usually, if he concentrated on auras, he could detect almost any wizard in a hundred yards. Here, he could pick up a unicorn only if it was within a few yards. For the earth and pegasi ponies, he couldn’t detect their magic at all.

When he stilled himself here, the two sisters dwarfed both Princess Twilight and Princess Cadance. The sisters easily dominated the room, with Princess Celestia over-topping Princess Luna by half.

No wonder their manes and tails floated and glowed --- with so much magic, it had to manifest itself somehow.

At first, he had thought it an affection that the Princesses used to establish their station. But if their magic replenished at a high enough rate, was it merely a way for them to burn off their excess magic so it didn’t build up to deadly levels? Another thing to put off until later to contemplate.

Discord, however was radiating power like a bonfire, without regard for how it might effect those around him. Or what such power might spontaneously create without conscious direction.

“And Luna, my favourite dream-time invader!” Discord said, sliding suddenly to the side, “Still avoiding those pink dreams featuring you as the star performer?” A pink cloud appeared beside him, pulsating, and a faint moaning could be heard.

Albus could see her face turning pink and she started to sputter, much as Princess Twilight had a moment ago. Who was this creature to talk so intimately with a ruler of a nation? And how did they manage to blush through their fur?

“Can’t keep any secrets from you, can they?” he said, with an elbow nudge to her shoulder, and a wink from one of his eyes. The cloud disappeared, replaced by a miniature Luna looking into a pony’s head with a microscope — the scalp and skull were peeled to the side.

Discord suddenly twisted and was in front of the three pegasi. “Oh, you must be the guest of honour being honoured?” he said to Castor. He grinned wider than his face. “Let me guess, Shining Armor, right?” And then he leaned to the right, addressing the man’s wife. “And you must be Mi Amore Cadenza?” He leaned farther to the right. “And this is little Flurry Heart.” He looked her up and down approvingly. “What a dear you are. And such lovely ornamentation!” He made a show of examining her necklace. She stared up at him, as wide-eyed as her parents.

There were three of him in front of the three pegasi. The Discords bowed simultaneously. “I am Discord, and at your service,” they said in three-part harmony.

Everyone was staring at the three pegasi in surprise, even the alicorns. Celestia seemed to be most interested in the girl’s necklace. The others were clearly surprised by the names bandied about by Discord, especially the two from the Crystal Empire.

Albus frowned at the names Discord had used addressing the Searles. Could their names actually translate into those? And how had this Discord known that fact? How much time had he spent on the other side of the portal?

Or was he merely playing games with the rulers of the Crystal Empire? When the three Discords straightened, they said, still harmonizing, “Oh dear, those colours won’t do at all!” They snapped their fingers in sequence. Castor’s colours changed to a white-coat, with a light and dark blue mane and tail. His wing feathers had blue tinges at the edges. And he had blue hooves and eyes. Milada turned into a pink pegasus with a tri-colour purple, magenta, and yellow mane and tail. And purple wings, hooves, and eyes. Thalia also remained a pegasus, but with a light-magenta coat; violet, arctic-blue, and light-pink mane and tail; and pink feathers with a dark-pink edging. Her eyes and hooves were a light-opal.

Everyone stared at them, with the two from the Crystal Empire going wide-eyed in shock. If the two adult pegasi had had horns they would have been impossible to differentiate from the royal couple at a distance.

Discord had to be taking the piss, Albus decided.

The one closest to Thalia said, “Imagine the shock you’ll give your friends the first time they see you change into a winged pony!” He giggled madly. “You’ll be the life of every party!”

Albus wasn’t sure, but he thought he might have seen the other two miniature Discords wink at the adults. He tried to hide his shock. Had the creature just given a squib an animagus form? Squibs had far too little magic to initiate the transformation, even if they somehow managed the long and difficult training required to achieve such a goal.

Had he done so for all three?

Now there was just one Discord, in front of Castor. “I hope you’re more fun than the other Shining Armor,” he said, elbowing the uncomfortable looking stallion. He stage whispered, “He’s such a spoilsport, you know!” A miniature Shining Armor appeared prancing daintily around Discord’s head, with his head held high and back straight — and the bristles of a broomstick poking out under his tail.

Discord stood mostly straight and added, “And you’ve been doing such a good job of chaos, too, while pretending to bring order!” He wiped an oversized tear from his left eye.

His next victim was the pink alicorn. He smiled at her toothily. “And you’re still meddling in ponies’ love lives, aren’t you? Bending their little minds? Warping their emotions? Destroying their wills? All in the name of loovvee?” he said teasingly. He ignored her sputtering denials, but several of the listening ponies began giving her questioning looks.

The unicorn Shining Armor’s face turned red and he looked like he was close to losing his temper.

“Ah, Twilight,” he said fondly. “That pirate romance from the other side any good?” A mare in a long dress pranced into view, chasing behind her was a well-muscled pony in a pirate costume — with a rear pegleg and a parrot on his back. The mare kept looking back, but she wasn’t running away very hard.

Twilight stared at him in dismay.

“You know, the one stuffed under your mattress? How does it compare with the other hundred you’ve read?”

Her head dropped, blushing yet again.

“You know, writers are quite prolific over there. Over eight hundred romance titles hit the stands each month.” He grinned at her as her head snapped up eagerly. He wagged his eyebrows suggestively. She blushed and started to stammer that she really didn’t have that many, that she only read them when she had nothing else to read. He laughed and patted her shoulder.

Her five friends, and the three rulers, were giving her thoughtful looks. Shining Armor was staring at her in horror.

He looked at Harry as the colt tried to shrink behind Twilight.

“And you,” he said lovingly, “Who knew that one little unicorn could create such chaos across two universes merely by existing.” He sighed deeply, contentedly. “And it just continues to snowball.”

A giant snowball appeared over Harry’s head, then crashed down over him. Princess Twilight and Princess Cadance danced to the side in surprise, and then they hurried to brush off the snow. Which dissipated as soon as they touched it.

“And speaking of chaos,” he appeared in front of Sweetie Belle. “Who knew you were such a master!”

“The three of you have done me proud!” he continued, throwing his three arms across the three Cutie Mark Crusaders. Despite the fact that their sisters were separating them. “I can just sit back and enjoy the show.” He shoved a paper bag in front of all four of them. “Popcorn?” he asked. A row of Discords appeared in theatre-chairs watching a large screen on which Sweetie Belle’s cauldron was exploding.

The fillies, and Harry, looked more than a bit uncertain, and would have backed away if he hadn’t had such a good grip on them. Harry hesitantly reached forward and took a hoof-full of the treat. Discord smiled widely.

The creature appeared in front of Albus. They stared at each other for several moments. Then Discord sidled forward, bent low, and wrapped an arm over the Headmaster’s shoulders. “I really have to thank you for being such a secretive, manipulative bastard twelve years ago,” he stage-whispered beside the wizard’s flicking ear. “If you had told anyone about the full prophecy, he would have won the war by the end of that December. And the world would have gone up in smoke two years, nine months, and twenty-six days later as the russkies retaliated using nukes against those who were attacking them. And then set off their ‘secret’ . . . ,” actual quotes floated in the air as he said that word, “. . . doomsday nukes in the Ural Mountains a short time later.” He paused and leaned back, his eyes glittering. “Well done. Well done, indeed!” He shook the wizard’s hand enthusiastically — his paw had actually become a hand! “For that, alone, you deserve the name, ‘White Hat!’”

Albus stared back at Discord, eyes wide. How did he know of the prophecy? How long had this creature been watching the wizarding world? Had he travelled through it? How had he heard of the prophecy? How long had he been spying on them?

Discord grinned creepily, still pumping his hand.

For an instant so short Albus wondered if he had imagined it, the creature in front of him transformed into a tall muscular man, with a trident in one hand and astride a seapony. A fine spray of water hit his face, leaving the salty smell of the ocean. And a faint rumble as the floor under his hooves shook, as if there was a distant earthquake.

Then the creature was back to normal before Albus could so much as blink.

And Albus’ face was dry.

No one else seemed to notice anything unusual. As far as he could tell, no one but himself had seen the brief change.

Discord leaned closer. “I would have been soo disappointed if that had happened,” he said. His eyes flashed red for a moment.

Albus was suddenly glad he had not shared the full prophecy with anyone — not even the Potters or Longbottoms.

Discord suddenly looked at the Weasleys, still grinning. “And my favourite pranksters are still at work, I see.” He studied the twins for a moment, then chuckled. “Keep ’em guessing!”

Ron, Ginny, and Percy were guiltily relieved when the Lord of Chaos passed over them to Myrtle.

“Oh, my!” he said gleefully. “You have been making up for lost time, haven’t you? And not above using what you learned while a ghost to the best advantage, no less. All those secret passages that no one living knows about. Except you.” His creepy grin became even creepier. Three miniature Hogwarts’ students appeared behind his head, giggling naughtily as they ducked behind a statue close against his head.

His hand was still shaking Albus’ hand up and down, even though it was no longer attached to Discord.

The twins gave the girl a careful look after seeing just which statue the students used.

Discord paused, then shot back to Princess Celestia.

“You’ll treasure the days when you were bored by nobles trying to sneak through the laws, Tia.” He sighed contentedly. “It’ll be just like old times.”

The Princess gave him an alarmed look.

He draped an arm across Fluttershy’s shoulders. “Come, my dear, let’s check out the hors d'oeuvres.” His hand paw was back on his arm. And Albus’ hand was once more a hoof.

“But the welcoming line . . . ,” the yellow and pink pegasus weakly started to protest in a voice barely above a whisper, turning back towards her previous position beside Rainbow Dash. Discord laughed.

“I don’t think that’s a problem, my dear,” he said, glancing back at the Princesses.

Princess Celestia merely raised an exasperated eyebrow, but didn’t say anything. The line of ponies waiting to see them had disappeared. She shook her head ruefully and started towards the front of the ballroom.

Dazed, the rest of the group followed in her wake.

Almost as soon as they had arrived at the seating that had been reserved for them, a mob of ponies started arriving, as well.

It appeared that the welcoming line had been an attempt to cut off and manage the crowd of ponies now clustering around them. And there wasn’t the social pressure to continue into the room and let others meet the Royalty and their guests that the line at the entrance had imposed. Now they could just gather in a mob around them.

He noticed that the Princesses always had a cluster of nobles around them. Some listened, some offered opinions, some wanted to discuss matters of policy. The sisters pretended to be interested, but he could tell otherwise. He did notice, however, that Princess Celestia would look at Discord every once in a while and the very edges of her mouth would lift in a tiny smile. Then she would look at those around her and smirk. And her fiery mane and tail were quite animated.

The music was surprisingly close to what he expected to hear at Ministry parties. And like the private parties he had attended for all these years, the ballroom had a wonderful garden area on the other side of the exterior wall. Doors were reasonably spaced along its length.

He saw that Prince Blueblood seemed particularly adroit at escaping a cluster of ponies when they formed. More than once the Prince rescued the Searles from being overwhelmed, even though they tried to stay close to the Royal sisters to avoid being singled out. For some reason, the daughter looked to be attracting a bit more attention from the adults rather than her age peers. The Prince usually asked the daughter for a dance, or sent someone to ask her for a dance. The parents frequently took that cue and went to the dance floor, themselves.

The first time Albus tried to decline a dance, with the reason that he was too old, he received a puzzled look.

“You’re not on your deathbed, yet,” the mare said, looking him up and down.

“But I am unfamiliar with the dances you have,” he said.

“Phiff,” was her response. “I’ll teach you.” And cajoled him into dancing with her. After she had shown him the steps on all fours, and he was starting to get comfortable, she subtly grilled him on his political position on the other side of the portal.

It was surprisingly entertaining. And after that first dance he had a number of mares coming up to him. It was notable that the mares approached him as solitary dancers, and not groups as he saw on the dance floor and above it.

When a rather muscular stallion approached him, he was at first unsure. However, as he glanced across the dance floor, he saw a couple of stallions dancing together. Taking that as a cue, he accepted. Sunburst, unfortunately, did not appear to be attending this Ball, he saw.

However, the questions the ponies all asked became tiringly predictable. Not that he let that show. And he really had expected it. Preparation was always the key in these kinds of encounters. Let slip only the information you wanted released.

He noticed a bit later, when he was at the refreshments table, that some of his previous partners danced only with a dedicated partner. Or partners. Or spent the rest of the evening talking to definite cliques.

He had to smile. They must think him quite the amateur to think he wouldn’t notice. Or they assumed he wasn’t important enough for them to be concerned that he might realize what they had done.

The four witches managed to drag Harry out onto the dance floor, he saw, more than once. In fact, he saw several young mares asking him to dance as well. Seeing the boy’s expression every time some pony addressed him as Prince Harry Sparkle-Potter was vastly amusing. The poor boy didn’t know whether to be upset that they had addressed him as Prince or proud that the last name included Sparkle.

Dumbledore could only sigh at the problems that name would cause at Hogwarts and the English wizarding world in general.

Myrtle and Percy both danced as well, although Myrtle seemed to have stiff competition for stallions. Their lack of “cutie marks” at their ages seemed to draw more than a little attention.

The twins eschewed dancing for some reason, preferring to explore every nook and cranny of the room they could reach.

When the crush around the Princesses had slacked off considerably, he made his way to the Royals. This close he could feel not only their magical auras but it was actually warmer standing close to Princess Celestia. It was almost like standing in the sunlight. It was especially noticeable to him when someone walked between the two of them, like a cloud sometimes passes in front of the sun and everything is slightly cooler.

It made him want to just stand there and bask in the warmth.

“Princess Celestia,” he said softly, respectfully. It was such a strange experience to be looking up at someone so much taller than himself. He rather imagined it was how First Years felt talking with Rubeus.

She looked down at him. “How are you enjoying the ball, Headmaster?”

“It is quite different from what I am used to, but at the same time quite similar. And it’s Albus, please, your Majesty,” he said quietly.

She smiled. “Then in private you may call me Celestia,” she said back in the same low tone he had used.

“I would be honoured.” He paused briefly, then said, “Could you tell me about,” he pointedly looked up at a window where Discord and Fluttershy were sipping tea and discussing something. Their table, chairs, and they themselves, were sitting at a right angle to the floor. In fact, from their point of view, everyone else was on the wall and they were on the floor.

Her smile faded to a grimace. “Yes, the God of Chaos. You haven’t dealt with him, yet, have you?” She shook her head. “It would take a long time to explain everything.”

He looked around and said, “If you don’t mind, I’m not exactly in a hurry.”

She looked at him amusedly, then nodded. “We first met him thousands of years ago,” she started. Ponies listening in began to drift away. The stories weren’t ones they didn’t already know.

He tried not to gasp at the proof that the three were really older than the Roman Empire.

She went on to explain how the three tribes had first encountered the creature while fleeing the wendigoes. It was peaceful, if odd, at first, and more than a bit strange. But then, after the ponies had established Equestria, the sisters had fought with Discord. He felt he should rule, with chaos being the watch-word for the land. The Royal sisters, and the ponies, had disliked the extreme chaos he preferred.

Receiving confirmation that Discord was far more powerful than the two sisters was very disturbing. Her descriptions of his reality-bending feats left Albus staggered. And the implications from her stories that this Discord creature was as powerful as the two alicorns.

Each of whom, Albus now knew, could easily outmatch him in a duel without trying very hard.

If this creature was a wizard, then he made Merlin look like a baby in a crib. By every definition Dumbledore knew of, this Discord was a god.

The God of Chaos had ruled for an unknown amount of time before the sisters had sealed him away with the Elements of Harmony for over a thousand years. Recently he had escaped and then been rebound in stone. This time by the Element Bearers, named so because they had used the same elements formerly wielded by the sisters. Which the sisters, for some reason, could not use anymore.

And then the Princesses had freed Discord and tasked Princess Twilight and her friends with turning him into a friend. They had succeeded — for certain, loose definitions of friend.

Abruptly, Discord was sitting in a smoking-room chair beside them. The chair was, of course, smoking, and blowing rings of smoke into the air.

“Actually, my dear,” he said, “I met you ponies loonngg before then.” His eyes glittered and a smug smirk appeared on his face.

Albus stared at the draconequus, then glanced at the identical draconequus still talking with Fluttershy.

“Yes,” Discord said, “Multiple instances of myself are as easy as falling off a log.” He fell off the log that his chair had transformed into. He dusted himself off with a hand-broom that vanished as he dropped it. The smoking chair reappeared, with him in it. It was upside down this time, and rotated sideways in mid-air as he watched them and smirked.

Princess Celestia sighed. “And he has this annoying habit of popping up when you least expect it.”

The chair and Discord disappeared. A large metal box was on the floor before them, with a metal crank in one side. A few musical notes played as the crank turned, then the lid popped open. A life-sized puppet of the draconequus shot out, grinning madly. He was dressed in a pink cardigan and skirt, with a pink hat, purse, and gloves. “BOO!” he shouted, sending several nearby ponies scurrying away.

“And not showing up when you wish he would.” She glanced at Albus from the side of her eyes.

Discord simpered and cleared his throat, “Ahem,” he said in a sickly sweet voice, “As I was saying.” He gave them a sharp look, like Malfoy would give to a muggle-born for interrupting him.

“About six thousand years ago, give or take a few decades, I was wandering the Northern Plains. They’re now called the far Northern Wastelands, you know,” his condescendingly sweet voice made Albus want to grit his teeth. The creature sounded exactly like Senior Undersecretary Umbridge when she was being her most infuriatingly frustrating.

Discord was very familiar with the wizarding world, it appeared. Was anything unknown to this creature?

“It was just after having a delightful little chat in Shedet with Sobek. Eventually, I encountered one of those tragic little plays so common at the time.” He dabbed a pink handkerchief at the crocodile tear that appeared at the edge of one of his eyes. A crocodile that tried to crawl away before it was captured.

Discord in a Box disappeared in a cloud of pink smoke. The smoke suddenly formed into a little scene of four frantic ponies. There were two adults, an adolescent, and a foal, all in shades of brown and white. They were at a cliff’s edge, surrounded on three sides by a pack of wolves as large as they were themselves. The smoke changed into a three-dimensional image of the scene. From their actions, covering the two smaller ones and staying together instead of fleeing, Albus knew it had to be a family. He decided the larger adult must be the stallion, and the smaller the mare.

The cliff was hundreds of feet above the continuing plain behind the ponies. It very effectively cut off their escape. And with half their escape route cut off, it allowed the wolf-pack to group much closer together than would be normal. Which further reduced the odds of the family escaping.

Nearby ponies in the ballroom, at least the braver ones, crowded closer to watch. Several of the pegasi couples hovered overhead, watching.

The family of ponies, all earth ponies, had been crowded to the edge of the cliff. The adults were slightly in front of the two smaller ones, with the foal almost under its dam’s torso. The two smaller ones were trembling in fear.

They had a choice of fighting it out or jumping to their likely deaths. Or the adults could abandon the smaller two and flee. One, or maybe both, might escape if they did that. But with the number of wolves in the scene, he doubted any would survive such an attempt. There were too many wolves and they were too close to each other for a bolting pony to slip through a gap.

From their actions, though, the adults clearly intended to stay, hopeless though it might be. A horrible tragedy, from the watching ponies’ point of view.

A small Discord in a dark-blue business-suit appeared in the smoke above the scene, patting its mouth as it yawned in disinterest. “I almost passed on. Such things were a regular happenstance in those days, you know, old chap. Quite boring to watch,” he said in a fake British accent, a monocle appearing over one eye and a closed umbrella dangling from his arm.

“This time, however, it occurred to me to do something — unexpected.” Discord started smirking.

The stallion and the adolescent suddenly sprouted wings!


Author's Note:

“Albus” Latin for ‘white,’ “Percival” for the Knight of King Arthur's roundtable who was granted a glimpse of the Holy Grail. “Wulfric” Anglo/Saxon. ‘wolf power’ or ‘wolf ruler.’ “Brian” means ‘noble man from the hills,’ and “Dumbledore” is ‘a style of hat that was made semi-popular in London in the 1880s-1890s’ (although Rowling says she wanted to associate his name with bees). Thus, ‘Albus Dumbledore’ means “White Hat.” And his full name translates as ‘White Knight Wolf ruler Noble from the hills Hat/Bumblebee.’ (Dumbledore’s name translation from https://www.hp-lexicon.org/character/dumbledore-family/albus-dumbledore/ and Brian https://www.momjunction.com/baby-names/brian)

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