• Published 11th Apr 2018
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If Wishes were Ponies . . . . - tkepner

Harry Potter, after a beating by Dudley and friends — with the help of a real gang member — wishes he had somewhere safe to go, and starts crawling home. He ends up in Equestria. The CMC find him. A year later, an owl brings his Hogwarts’ letter!

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96 — Hidden

They had just passed the Poison Joke patch when Harry heard the rustling to the side of the path. A moment later, the lead guards let out a warning shout. Harry saw three timberwolves blocking the path ahead. He took a quick glance behind, and sure enough, there were three more behind them. From the noises to the sides, and the glowing yellow-green eyes he could see peeking out from the trees to either side, he estimated that there were at least four or five more. Maybe even ten.

The timberwolves clearly hoped they would panic and run off the path. Which would give the wolves hiding in the forest the opportunity to ambush the terrified and fleeing ponies. Especially as the snow patches and ice would hinder their progress.

The guards quickly herded the younger ponies into a bunch. The wolves moved closer. The smell of rotting meat began to surround them.

Harry and the fillies, used to meeting predators, quickly formed up. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle stood with their sides tightly pressed together. Scootaloo stood on their backs. She spread her wings as wide as she could. They made for a much larger and more formidable appearing opponent than the wolves expected. They hoped. At least it had worked with some of the other predators in the Everfree.

Harry guarded against an attack from behind and looked for a way out.

Ginny saw what Scootaloo had done. She quickly imitated her atop the twins. Ron and Percy guarded their backs.

The guards formed a loose square around both sets of ponies. Myrtle nervously stood beside Harry. They watched the three that were on the trail to Zecora’s tree.

Harry wished the group wasn’t so large. Now that the fillies had wands, they could teleport out. Or he could take Scootaloo while Sweetie Belle took Apple Bloom. But with such a large group there wouldn’t be time to organize an escape before the wolves attacked. Some pony, inevitably, would be left behind. And he didn’t know if the unicorn guards could use the teleportation spell fast enough to avoid being caught.


“Get out your wands,” shouted Harry to the fillies, “Use locomotor mortis.”

The timberwolves were confident. They didn’t outnumber the prey, but the prey were trapped. Having them bunch together actually made it a bit easier to get a good meal for the pack. If they had scattered, then the timberwolves would only have caught the slow and inattentive ponies.

The alpha wolf advanced and growled menacingly. He wanted them to run.

The twins didn’t wait, and neither did Harry.

Harry hurled the leg-locker at the nearest wolf. There was a snapping sound. The wolf’s four legs locked together. Harry saw that one leg had completely snapped free. It slammed into the front legs. The now three-legged wolf promptly fell apart.

Behind him, he heard the twins yell, “bombarda.” And Percy said “reducto.” Followed almost immediately by the same from Myrtle.

Harry didn’t know those curses, but the explosions behind him told him they had hit something. Myrtle’s target simply fell to splinters.

Ginny and Scootlaoo had cast their own spells. As had the others. Some wolves were the target of more than one spell.

In seconds, the ponies had “killed” almost every wolf on the trail.

The lone wolf still trapped with the leg-locker spell thrashed, growled, and snapped at his surroundings, but couldn’t get traction in the snow. The remaining wolves stopped all sounds. Those still partially hidden in the forest just stared.

Percy and the twins, however, did not stop. Their cries of “reducto” and “bombarda” continued. The three were shooting destructive spells into the forest almost at random, Harry thought. At anything that they thought had moved. They were shooting at shadows. But some of the shadows were wolves.

The guards were stunned. They had been readying for a charge by the wolves in front and back when the wolves had simply ceased to exist. Then the other wolves slowly coming into sight had similarly exploded.

The timberwolves had gone from the prospects of an easy meal to losing over half their pack without any warning. As they considered the situation, one of the ponies shouted something. A timberwolf investigating the piles of splinters beside a second suddenly exploded into splinters, too.

That was it. The remaining timber wolves turned and ran. The odds of getting a meal had just gone to zero. Their companions would reform and join them later. Meanwhile, they would hunt other prey.

“What just happened?” asked one of the guards, into the silence after the sounds of the fleeing timberwolves faded.

“Magic happened,” Scootaloo said smugly, waving her hoof holding her wand. Then she laughed. It might have been a bit hysterical in nature, but no pony cared.

The pegasus with the rifles looked at the twins and Percy, and then at the new clearing that surrounded them. A tree creaked and fell as they watched. “I want one of those,” the pony said, nodding at the stick in Scootaloo’s hoof. “And where can I learn those spells?”

Percy looked up at him. “Being one of Princess Twilight’s guards, I should imagine all you have to do is ask her. Or ask at the Portal buildings, they can help you.”

After a pause, the earth-pony sergeant nodded firmly. “We’ll do that.”

Harry smirked. “And when you get a wand, ask her to teach you how to teleport. She’s made a teleport version that works with a wand. Then you’d never be trapped again.”

The ponies’ eyes all got wide at that, especially the earth-pony’s.

The sergeant looked around. “We’d better move on before they fully reform.” He looked over at Percy, “Would you mind watching our back-trail, in case any of them decide to follow us?”

“I wouldn’t mind at all, sir,” Percy said, puffing up slightly at the responsibility.

“Good. Hop on my back and keep watch.”

Percy looked at him uncertainly, then shrugged and jumped up onto the bigger pony’s back. He turned around so he could look behind them while the sergeant walked last.

“Reform?” asked Fred.

“Yes,” answered another. “See,” he said, pointing. The sticks from one of the exploded wolves were slowly forming a heap.

George took a step back and looked at the other piles of slowly wiggling leaves, sticks, splinters, and short branches. All had a slight glow. He walked to the closest, and studied the pile. He used his hoof to spread them apart. After a moment, he lifted a brightly glowing stick. The sticks around that one still strived to reach it.

He dropped it on the ground again, and cast “incendio.” The glowing stick burned fiercely for a moment before falling to ash. The sticks around it stopped moving. He looked at Fred. Fred nodded. The two began walking over to each pile of moving sticks, removed the one that was attracting the others, and reduced it to ash. The bound timberwolf watched them with narrowed and glowing eyes.

The guards watched as well. “Huh,” said one unicorn. “Gotta tell the others about that trick. Maybe we can teach them to leave ponies alone.” He gave the lone remaining wolf a vicious look. They need one alive to spread the fear.

After the twins were done, the group once more set out for home.


They arrived at the castle after lunch. Once they were inside, their escort headed for the barracks to file a report. The non-unicorn guards wanted to ask about wands. They all wanted to ask about the combat spells. The ones demonstrated by their charges had looked quite useful. Especially that leg-locker. It would come in quite handy with chasing down fleeing criminals. And would do so without any collateral damage. Always a plus when apprehending ponies.

“MUM! I’M HOME!” Harry yelled

“She’s out!” came the answering yell from deeper inside castle.

Harry shrugged. “Come on, let’s get something to eat,” he said. “I’m really hungry.”

Scootaloo’s stomach growled loudly. She blushed, but stared at them defiantly. The others were, frankly, too hungry themselves to make much of a fuss about it. And the scare they had just had had left them all a bit subdued.

“I hope there are some leftovers,” Harry added.

A few minutes later, they arrived in the kitchen. To their surprise, there was a large platter of sandwiches on the preparation table in the middle of the room. There were also ten glasses of hot apple-juice.

Alright,” said Scootaloo, swooping over and grabbing two sandwiches off the top. She happily started munching on one. The rest galloped over and dug in. They didn’t even wait to move to the dining-room.

After they had all demolished one sandwich and had started on the next, Harry stopped and said, “Spike out-did himself with these! They’re really good.” He took another bite.

“I can’t take credit for them,” came Spike’s voice from the door. “Squeaker did lunch today.”

Harry turned and looked at him. He knew everyone who lived at the castle and this was the first he had heard of Squeaker. “Is that a new pony?”

Spike snickered. “Naw,” he said, leaning against the doorframe and smiling. “Squeaker’s actually from the other side of the portal.”

Everyone stopped and stared at him.

Harry frowned, “Mum hired someone as a cook from the other side?”

Spike’s smile grew larger. “Not exactly,” he said slyly.

They continued to stare at him.

“You remember when Luna went through the portal to get that snake?”

They nodded.

“Well, when Twilight came back through,” he snickered again, “she had an accidental passenger.”

Harry and the fillies began to frown at him.

He continued to smile at them. Then he laughed. “Watch this,” he said. “Squeaker!”

There was a pop and a creature Harry never seen before appeared. Everyone gasped and took a step backwards. The unicorns turned their heads to point at the thing. The others lifted a hoof with a wand in it.

It was tall enough to look Harry in the eyes. Its eyes were smaller than Harry’s, but its ears were much bigger. It had large wings, too, so it could obviously fly. It had narrow and thin arms and legs, with clawed hands and feet. And it was dark pink. And it was wearing a clean pillowcase as a tunic. The pillowcase had Twilight’s cutie mark on it.

“Squeaker is here, Spikey!” it said. Then it looked with horror at the other ponies. It gasped, “We’s not be seen by outsiders!”

“It’s fine,” said Spike dismissively. “Harry is family now.”

Squeaker repeated, “We’s not be seen by guests!” He started to pull on his large ears, but then switched to his wings.

The Weasleys and Myrtle were staring at the creature, dumbfounded. Harry and the fillies were puzzled. Percy, frowning, tentatively said, “A . . . house-elf?”

Squeaker nodded, “I’s be a house-elf,” he said.

“What’re you doing here?” Ron blurted out.

Spike burst out laughing.

Squeaker looked defiant.

“Twilight told me,” Spike said, after he recovered, “that the . . . ,” he tilted his head at the house-elf, “Headmaster?”

Squeaker nodded enthusiastically.

Spike nodded, too, “Headmaster told him to obey her as if she were him.”

Squeaker continued to nod, this time a bit smug.

Percy face-hoofed, then said, “ow.”

They heard the clear thup as he hit himself on the muzzle.

“Let me guess,” he said, massaging his sore muzzle. “The headmaster didn’t say for how long.”

More nods.

“And he didn’t tell you it was only until they caught the snake.”

Still more nods.

“And you won’t obey her order to return because the Headmaster’s order supersedes hers’.”

The nods hadn’t stopped.

He stared, narrow-eyed, at the house-elf and then sighed.

He looked around the room, then at the other Weasleys.

“What we have here-a is a failure to communicate,” he said, in a Yank’s deep Southern accent. He blinked and looked puzzled for a moment. Then he continued, “And a stubborn elf who has construed his orders to his best advantage.” He stared with narrowed eyes at the house-elf. “I’m sure the readily available magic saturating this world helped that decision.”

He looked at his brothers and sister, and at Myrtle. Then he looked at the curious Equestrians and Harry. He sighed.

“A house-elf is a creature,” he said to Harry and the other Equestrians, “that must attach itself to a master. Without a master, or a generous supply of magic such as at Hogwarts or Diagon Alley, it will die. In exchange for magic, the house-elves agree to work for wizards and witches. On the other hand, house-elves find joy and fulfilment in working, so it is an equitable arrangement.

“They are rare in that you can only find them at Hogwarts or rich families. Or occasionally in Diagon Alley.”

He turned and looked at Squeaker, who was standing with his arms crossed and staring back at the wizard.

Squeaker lifted his chin and said, “Squeaker has whole castle to himself.” He glared at Spike and they heard him mutter, “Even if others clean and cook sometimes.”

The fight over whether he took care of Twilight’s castle, or the maids had been epic, Spike knew. They had finally compromised. The maids took care of the public areas, he took care of everything else. Plus, he snuck into Twilight’s lab and cleaned whenever he thought Twilight wouldn’t notice. Spike noticed, however.

The house-elf had been ecstatic when the students had arrived for the holidays. Ten more rooms to clean! And, he got to serve Harry Potter! He could hardly wait until the wizard returned to the castle this summer with his three mates. After seeing the one called Ginny, he thought it might be four mates. And Myrtle would be here, too. Spike knew Squeaker could easily fit the new additions into his schedule without slacking off on the barracks that housed the castle’s guards. Although Twilight didn’t realize that the little house-elf considered the barracks as part of the deal.

Spike thought it was awfully funny.

“I think the plentiful magic in this world is just too attractive for him to want to leave,” Percy said. He studied the house-elf carefully, who now looked guilty and was tugging on one of his wings.

“And so, unless the Headmaster, himself, comes here and orders you to return, you’ll be perfectly happy to stay and carry out his orders, won’t you?” Percy concluded.

The house-elf looked decidedly uncomfortable, and abruptly vanished.

Spike burst out laughing. Then, while they continued to eat, he told them of the arguments he and Twilight had had with the creature. The elf stubbornly refused to leave because of his “orders.” He was a good elf, he didn’t disobey orders! Twilight had countered he had to obey her orders, according to his orders, and she ordered him to return. After going back and forth several times, he had vanished.

They had thought it settled and that he had returned home. Then, three weeks later, Princess Luna had stopped by one evening and asked if their elf was lonely. It seemed the others in Canterlot were worried about him.

It was the first time that it had occurred to Twilight that the other four house-elves had also come through the portal — and that the house-elf might not have gone home.

A quick demand of “Squeaker!” and the resultant pop as he teleported into the room, had demonstrated that the elf was still in Equestria.

And so, Spike explained, there were four house-elves in Equestria and one in the Crystal Empire. And three pregnant house-elves delighted to finally have permission to have babies — the new floo connections between the palaces were quite useful in that respect.

They weren’t happy about being forced to take a day off every month, and accept a whole bit every week. But they could do whatever they wanted on that day, even if it was work. And spend the bit on anything they wanted, even if it was supplies for cleaning.

The other four envied Squeaker because he had managed to derail Twilight into arguing about him being in Equestria. Thus, he had managed to escape those conditions. He wasn’t paid and worked every day, to his delight and the others’ dismay.

The only question anypony had had at the time was, just where the tartarus the elves had set up their sleeping quarters without any pony noticing?


Bright Star was dumbfounded when Top Marks brought in a whole group of guards that Saturday mid-afternoon.

The two researchers weren’t officially there that day. But both had decided, independently, that the quiet of a weekend made for an excellent work environment. And been surprised they weren’t alone in that plan when they had met each other as they walked into the corridor in to room.

Still, when Corporal Steady Charger had appeared, saying there were visitors at the front desk, Top Marks had gone to check.

Bright Star had dismissively said, “It’s probably some big wig throwing her political weight around trying to show others what she can do. I expect you’ll quickly send the pony on her way.”

He had smiled wryly and headed for the front desk.

So, the guards were quite unexpected.

“These gentle-stallions need to have wands,” Top Mark explained. “Several of them were in the Everfree with guests of Princess Twilight from the other side of the portal when they were beset upon by timberwolves. They were rather impressed when their guests wiped out the Timberwolves before the guards had a chance to act.”

He stopped and gave her a significant look. He knew she didn’t like Twilight, even though she had tried to hide that fact. No pony here knew the reason for that. Yet. She had hopes they never would.

“Considering these are her personal guards, I feel we should assist them. Keeping the Princess safe, after all, is important to the kingdom.”

Not quite gritting her teeth, she nodded, smiled, and grumpily said, “Of course. Who’s first?”

It took nearly three hours to equip the twelve pegasi and earth-ponies with the correct wands. The first two ponies had learned lumos, nox, reparo, and diffindo by the time they finished with the last.

And she had listened as the pegasus and earth pony had once more explained what the Hogwarts’ students had done in the forest.

It thrilled her to the core to hear how the ten students had worked together to demolish their attackers. Six humans-as-ponies, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, had shown up the highly trained, and proud, guards. Who, in turn, now demanded such abilities for themselves so they could “properly” protect their Princess.

Which she didn’t find nearly as thrilling. Protecting their precious Princess Twilight, that is.

But, my, how having one’s pride hurt could motivate a pony!

And ponies with no access to magic wanted to learn magic, regardless of their cutie marks. And now could! A sea-change was building. It was about to sweep across Equestria. And that thought she enjoyed, and it sent chills down her back that made her shiver in excitement. The others all saw her big smile after each guard picked up his wand and shot sparks across the room. Others probably thought she was only happy because she had matched them to a wand.

If they only knew that each guard who picked up a wand was a nail in the coffin of the friend-destroying cutie marks.

The two researchers then spent the next hour teaching the sergeant the incendio and reducto spells while the others taught each other the first four spells.

When they finally left, Top Marks made sure to give them several of the training manuals with the useful spells a guard might need. It wouldn’t be as good as in a classroom with a proper teacher, but the guards were motivated to learn all they could as fast as they could. And she was sure they would be back to take part in those classes!

When he returned, Bright Star frowned, then said “Hasn’t anypony bothered to make sure the Princess’ guards were in the loop with the Canterlot guards?” She shook her head. “Sometimes ponies can overlook the most obvious things!

She paused. “Should we mention this to anypony? Has anypony bothered to clue in the Ponyville garrison?” She looked at him and said, “Or are the only ones on the training roster the Portal and Canterlot guards?” She sighed, and started cleaning up the work benches and storing the wand materials.

It was clear that the use of wands was going to spread. That meant a lot more schools teaching how to use the wands. Which meant friends wouldn’t be leaving friends behind simply because there wasn’t a school close enough to teach them what they needed to know. Or their parents weren’t rich enough to send them to a boarding school far, far away.

And with them all using magic, the earth, unicorn, and pegasus ponies would be equal. What one could do, the others could do, too, not matter the tribe.

“I’m heading out,” said Top Marks. “There’s supposed to be a Ball in Canterlot. Supposedly, the Princesses gave a knighthood to a human who’s been helping the portal negotiations.” He grinned. “I hear the nobles are all in an uproar about it — ‘Oh the horror,’” he said dramatically, and placed the front of a hoof against his forehead. “‘a foreigner being elevated to Equestrian Nobility!’” He sighed. “‘How will we ever survive!’” He pretended to swoon.

She snickered and he laughed.

After he left, she sat down and looked around the room, considering. She had done quite well here. She knew everything there was to know about making wands. She had even made four for herself, and hidden the extras in bands that fit over her hooves but were hidden by her coat. Undetectable expansion charms, notice-me-not charms, and colour changing charms prevented any pony from suspecting she had them.

She had a complete set of the fourteen Hogwarts’ books on wielding magic. She had already read completely through the first three books for both charms and transfigurations. Her research had provided her a reason to peruse the books in Flourish and Blotts. She had purchased another dozen books on offensive and defensive magic, and the wizarding society in general.

Her original objective to get revenge on Princess Twilight was rather silly, in retrospect. Yes, Princess Twilight had ruined her position in her perfect town. But she had exposed how the belief that everyone should be equal was a hard sell in Equestria. “My Town” as she had quietly called it, had proved that. At first, the ponies had supported the idea, but after living it, they had turned against it. Some had hated it.

She had been too early. In another twenty years or thirty years, or even a hundred, after every pony could use magic they would understand that they were all really equal, she might have been able to succeed. But today?

The tribes were too different and too settled in their ways, today. And cutie marks still held too much value in their eyes. And reducing or taking away their individual abilities had been the wrong approach. Even inside the unicorn tribe, the differences in power were too great to deny.

No one in their right mind would think that they were the same as Princess Celestia or Luna. She had looked into the magic related to moving the sun and moon, and it was far beyond her abilities. Oh, she knew the spells. That was simple. But the power? Not a chance. It would take a hundred average ponies to do the job that Princess Celestia did everyday. And they would need all day to recover in time for sunset.

But adding to their abilities so that Cutie Marks were no longer as important? Wands would do a lot to even the playing field. Earth ponies and pegasi would easily match the unicorns. And unicorns and earth ponies could magic wings when they wanted. And pegasi and unicorns could magic earth pony abilities.

“Anything you can do, I can do, too!” would be the motto of her new town.

She began to hum as she considered her alternatives.

“If I go, there will be trouble,” she softly sang, barely noticing the music swelling in the background as she danced around the room.

In a new world where there was magic, but none of those awful cutie marks, she could do soo much. Although, that stupidity about “pure-blood” was irksome. Fortunately, she would be well-funded. She had the gems she had secretly harvested on her days off, so bits, or rather, galleons, would not be an issue. She would be free to do what she wanted and go where she wanted.

As far as the ponies would be concerned, she went through the portal for research. Then took the floo to the Leaky Cauldron. And disappeared. They would look for her, perhaps even think she had been kidnapped.

Hmm. That wouldn’t be good. Perhaps she should send them a note through the mail? She could say she had decided to visit relatives in Manehattan and would return later. Yes, that would be a good plan. And the new floo network would make it a matter of only an hour to mail something from Manehattan while still returning here in time to sneak through the portal. Teleporting that distance would be exhausting, but doable. She could even leave several extra letters with a lawyer and have him mail them for her at weekly intervals. That would cement the impression she was in Equestria.

Once she was in Diagon Alley, a simple colour change on her hair would fool most ponies. A change in the colours of her clothes would further disguise herself. And she would disappear into the human magical world.

“And if I stay, it will be double.” She pirouetted on the wand-wood selection table.

If she stayed, she would have plenty of time to study and perfect her wand magic. Which also meant the Guard would have more time to realize an enemy of Princess Twilight was right inside their most important research facility — or, at least, the most important at the moment.

She was always looking over her shoulder for a pony to notice that her fake cutie mark tended to fade out during the day as her true cutie mark tried to assert itself. And then the pony would ask, “Why?” And the moment one did, she would have to flee — for their next action would be to call for a guard.

It was odd to think that a new world, a totally foreign world, would be more of a haven than the one in which she grew up. She would be a completely different form. But having hands was useful, and her new height would let her see much farther. There were many advantages to that new form. Although the big mammaries at the top of her chest took a bit of getting used to.

“Should I stay, or should I go now?” She sank onto a chair and into The Thinker’s pose.

If she left now, or soon, it would be on her terms. She wouldn’t need to worry about some pony stopping her. If she waited to be discovered, she would have to flee, instantly. And while she had everything she owned in her saddlebags — thank you very much, expansion charms — there was always the chance somepony might grab it as she ran.

Or they might trap her and take her prisoner. The security around the portal had been severely upgraded since the changeling snuck through. That would be the trickiest part.

“Should I cool it, or should I blow?” She jumped up and trotted in a circle in time to the dying music.

She would tell Top Mark on Monday that she had a sick relative in Manehattan, and would be going there at the end of the week. After a week in Manehattan, she would sneak back and go through the portal early in the morning. With luck, they would think she was still in Equestria for weeks after she had left.

The guards at the portal would recognize her. But the higher-ups would think she was in Manehattan. They wouldn’t start a search until Top Marks reported her failure to return from her visit.

And there would be a lot of confusion as they tried to reconcile her apparently being in two places at the same time.


Author's Note:

Song lyrics by Clash. Not enough to be a copyright violation.

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