• Published 11th Apr 2018
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If Wishes were Ponies . . . . - tkepner

Harry Potter, after a beating by Dudley and friends — with the help of a real gang member — wishes he had somewhere safe to go, and starts crawling home. He ends up in Equestria. The CMC find him. A year later, an owl brings his Hogwarts’ letter!

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90 — Truth

The train trip was boring after the first few minutes. While there was the anticipation of being at home for the hols, there wasn’t the glee and dread of the ride to Hogwarts. It was a bit of a tight fit for the Gryffindor Firsties, at first, as ten of them crammed themselves into the cabin. Seven of them becoming much smaller ponies solved that issue. Scootaloo was more than willing to “sacrifice” her seat in favour of hovering overhead and perching on the luggage rack, which further reduced the crowding.

The Equestrians spent most of the time telling the others of their various adventures in Ponyville and playing Exploding Snap. There were several sceptical looks at some of the things they said, but Apple Bloom said, “Just you wait until we get there! Y’all’ll see.”

Percy was taking his position as Prefect very seriously while on the train, and scolded them for setting off the very last of Fred and George’s Filibuster fireworks.

In a surprise visit partway through the trip, Malfoy dropped by with his boyfriends, Vincent and Gregory. “Well, look who it is,” said Malfoy in his usual lazy drawl. He had pulled open the compartment door. He looked over at four animagi mares sharing the seat with Harry, dismissing the others in the compartment. “Pottie and his harem.”

Harry glanced quickly at the mares on either side of him as two of the three Equestrians pressed up against him. Scootaloo landed, turned back into a witch, and glared at the intruders with her eyes narrowed.

“I’d say he’s doing better with the five of us than you are with your two boyfriends,” Scoots said, to Harry’s surprise. “At least we all are ponies, while y’all are just average wizards.”

It was Draco’s turn to narrow his eyes, and the other two boys shifted slightly. They made a show of trying to look tough. Which, if it had been Harry alone, might have been intimidating. They were, after all, much bigger and beefier than him.

“You should be careful of whom you insult,” Draco said.

Before things could go further, the twins stood up behind Scootaloo.

Smiling, Fred said, “Now, there’s no need for that.”

“We’ll be home soon and we don’t want to mar that with a fight, now do we?” added George.

“Yes, let’s end this year on a friendly note.”

“Gryffindors and Slytherins. Here, have some treats,” said George, reaching into a pocket and holding out a handful of wrapped sweets from Honeydukes.

Draco’s accomplices eagerly grabbed a few as Draco frowned and slowly accepted the remainder. Draco suspiciously looked at the twins. Vincent had already eagerly unwrapped a sweet and was chewing it vigorously. Gregory was not far behind and already unwrapping a second piece. Finally, with a disdainful sniff he closed the door.

Fred grinned widely while Ron burst out laughing. The others realized a prank had been played, but what?

George sound-proofed and locked the door.

Fred, still grinning, said, “The special ones?”

“Yep. Draco and friends will now enjoy the trip home as girls.”

“They’re timed to kick off in fifteen minutes,” explained Fred.

“And last an hour each, unless you take several at once.”

“So, for them, at least until we get to London.”

“Maybe even until bedtime.”

They all broke up laughing at that revelation.

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Harry was surprised, at first, when he saw Bonbon and Lyra waiting for them when they got off of the train in London. Then he realized that of course they would. They were supposed to be Harry’s and the fillies’ minders. He was annoyed however, that the two had probably made the trip instantly, or nearly so, from Hogwarts while the students had to make the trip on the train, wasting most of the day.

It took some time, but they finally corralled the Weasleys. Bonbon opened Harry’s trunk on the platform, and the group quickly made their way inside to floo-travel to Little Whinging.

It was only when they exited the floo that he realized they could have done this on the train. Or better, in Hogsmeade. Then Bonbon or Lyra could have used the floo at the Three Broomsticks’ to floo directly from Hogsmeade! Messing with the train was completely unnecessary.

He sighed and shook his head, resisting the urge to face-palm. Next time, they would do that. Then they could spend the extra time with their relatives. Which they all would enjoy.

They were overjoyed to find their relatives waiting for them as they exited the trunk in the sitting-room in Little Whinging. Bonbon and Lyra watched, amused and happy, as the fillies hugged their sisters. Harry hugged Twilight and then Spike. Spike had grown only a little, much the same as Harry had.

Myrtle appeared a little wistful as she watched. Then she was in the middle of attention as the other adults were introduced.

The Weasleys had met all of the adult ponies at The Burrow in August. They exchanged their hellos, smiling as they watched the reunions.

“Before we go through the portal, you’ll need to leave your trunks here. You won’t need anything in them. Don’t worry about clothes on the other side, we’ll provide everything you need. Anything you want to take through, just put into these,” Twilight said, gesturing at the saddlebags on a table.

It took them several minutes to transfer their homework assignments and other incidentals to the new bags, which they held awkwardly. Harry and the fillies were watching and giggling.

Then the group went outside. The streetlights clearly illuminated the area, with the lights from the Embassy shining brightly.

The Weasleys had seen the house at Eleven Magnolia Crescent, but not since the Embassy had been built. And while Harry and the fillies had told them of it, they hadn’t realized just how big the new building was. Nor that the former number Eleven Magnolia Crescent was no longer there. Their exit-trunk had been moved to an identical house on Wisteria Walk.

“Blimey!” said George.

“It’s as big as Hogwarts!” said Ron.

“It’s bloody huge!” was Fred’s contribution.

“Merlin!” whispered Myrtle.

Even Percy managed a soft “ ’Cor,” as they gazed at the side of the white-marble building across the street from them. It was almost as impressive in the gathering dark as the Castle had been when they had first seen it as eleven-year-olds crossing the lake.

Magnolia Crescent now cut through a wide lawn in front the Embassy. The houses that had lined it were long gone.

The official front of the wide, U-shaped building faced that road, and they could see from the lights that it was four stories tall. The far wing of the building was three-stories tall, the near wing was merely two. A tall, well-lit wall swept from the corner of the building to Privet Drive where there was a large gate. The wall continued until it met the Wisteria Estate perimeter wall. There were several illuminated windows in that last section that indicated it was actually the side of a building. Poking well above the enclosing wall was the crystal dome that covered the portal, softly glowing from its interior lights.

Harry saw that all the houses along Magnolia Crescent were gone. As was the street itself, which would have been between the Wisteria Walk and the Embassy. What was left was an enormous park-like area with large plots of flowers everywhere. Even the houses that had faced south towards Wisteria Walk were gone, except for the twenty or thirty that now faced the new building across the street. Harry looked between the buildings to see the perimeter wall behind them.

In fact, out of the several hundred homes that had made up Wisteria Estate he could only see the ones behind him. All the houses that had been on Magnolia Crescent and Privet Drive were also gone — replaced by the building far behind the Embassy and close to the portal tree, and the new recreational area. The remaining houses, he decided, must be living quarters for the important workers in the Embassy. No doubt the regular workers were housed inside one of the Embassy’s wings.

And everything looked as if it had been there for years.

Percy said, “But I thought you lived in a Muggle area?” He clearly remembered seeing all the houses.

“We did, originally, but we bought all the homes here in Wisteria Estate. And built this Embassy building and walls to protect the portal. The Ministry even has this entire area listed as a wizarding estate,” Twilight explained. “And, of course, we are very careful about our magic, and the charms make the muggles think everything is just as it should be. No one ever sees anything they shouldn’t see.”

Percy nodded in understanding, relaxing now that he understood the laws and regulations were being followed.

They passed through the narrow building, taking a zig-zag path. They were carefully examined by the guards before being allowed farther. Once they were in the enclosed area, they saw that the U-shaped building had been designed and positioned to give the portal-tree maximum sunlight. And maximum protection from interference. Although, being inside a crystal dome, winds would never be a problem. Lights currently kept the area reasonably well-illuminated for them. And made the dome shine in the night.

There were trees near the portal and bushes to provide root-coverage, but nothing like the barely tamed forest that had once covered the area. There were clear lines of sight, and in certain places he could see guards watching or patrolling.

The area bounded by the building would easily cover two football fields, maybe three. In fact, he was sure he could see a baseball pitch at one side, and a quidditch pitch over another part with a hoofball court below it! Modest seating stands for watching the games were built into the building, both at ground level for the baseball and hoofball fans and on the roofs of the buildings for the Quidditch fans. There were even dugouts and changing rooms for the players.

It wasn’t often that Harry had seen the Weasleys struck dumb. Ron and the twins took special notice of the darkened Quidditch pitch. The fillies giggled at their expressions.

Twilight watched, amused, and said “Some of the pegasi have said that discovering Quidditch, alone, justifies contacting you through the portal.”

The Weasleys all stared at her a moment, unsure if she was joking.

The adults herded the children towards the portal dome, which had a small guard building attached.

The entrance to the crystal dome in the building was . . . interesting. It was actually a huge revolving door, easily five yards high, in a cylindrical housing. It divided the cylinder into four sections with only two sections fully accessible at a time. It was big enough for their entire group to go into the open section facing them at the same time. The door stopped at the quarter-turn point, trapping them into the triangular shaped space, as another security check was made that they were who they said they were. Then it completed its turn to let the people out. The security check was in both directions.

Like the Equestrian side, there was now a spiralling deck around the tree leading to the actual portal building around the tree. The building was divided in half, each section angled so that the guards in the building at the revolving door could see straight through to the tree. And was well-lit with a solid roof.

No one would be sneaking, or flying, through the portal without being seen by several guards.

“As the signs indicate,” Twilight said, once they were in the building, “On this side is the changing room for females and on the other is the changing room for the males. Please put on the robes you find inside, and place your clothes in a basket for storage and retrieval when we return. There is an inside pocket in the robes for your wands if you aren’t wearing a wand holster.”

“Change clothes?” said George.

“Why do we need to change clothes?” said Fred.

The other new visitors were just as puzzled.

Twilight smiled. “This portal takes you to Equestria and there will be problems if you are wearing your normal clothes. When you go through, it will change you to a pony. However, unlike an animagus change, your clothes won’t be included. And you’ll end up tripping and falling or otherwise hurting yourself. Or you’ll ruin your clothes. The robes are to maintain your modesty during the transition, and allow you to carry your possessions without tripping you up on either side of the portal.”

Myrtle looked at the saddlebags she was holding and smiled.

The twins looked at each other, shrugged, and went inside, followed by the other wizards. The witches went through the other door.

A minute later, Harry was looking at the sign hanging overhead that said, “Sweet Apple Acres.” He took a breath and walked into the tree. A flash of wood shot by him then he clomped down onto all fours, the robe hanging easily on his back and out of the way of his legs. He grabbed his saddlebag in his magic and darted forward a yard and started to remove the robe. He planned to store his wand and holster in his room while they were here. After all, with a horn, why did he need to carry a wand?

As he did so, the others began to come through behind him. The Weasleys and Myrtle were dumbfounded, yet again. They stared at the guard ponies in the pavilion, and the end of the spiral walkway, who were watching them. And at the towering illuminated walls in the background around them. That the guards all had swords and spears was startling.

And they were all ponies.

Myrtle almost immediately face-planted, unused to being on four legs. Sweetie Belle and Harry quickly went to her rescue. They helped the new unicorn upright and to one side so she didn’t block the portal. They stood on either side of her and used their magic to hold her up while they removed her robe and settled her saddlebags into place.

“Hey!” said George, almost immediately after arriving, looking at his hooves.

“Why can’t we change?” said Fred, with an expression of concentration.

The other Weasleys coming behind them made similar exclamations as they stared around in surprise. Besides being unable to transform, Harry could almost bet that they had been expecting something else entirely, something other than a well-lit open-air pavilion in a park-like setting.

It was not a duplicate of the building on the other side of the portal. There was, however, a crystal dome over the tree and decking around it.

The fillies and their sisters giggled at the Weasleys’ expressions.

Twilight turned to face the wizards, and witch, smiled and extended her wings. “Welcome to Equestria!” she said, echoing the print on the sign not far from the portal. “As to your question, well, as I understand it, the portal actually changes your base form if you have enough magic when you go through it. As a result, in Equestria wizards and witches, even squibs, are ponies just like the rest of us. And ponies do not have another form as wizards and witches do on Earth, so you can’t change from it. That does not mean you can’t be transformed with a spell, however. There are numerous spells to change a pony’s form, but we rarely use them.”

The Weasleys and Myrtle were staring at Twilight as if she were mad.

“Wait a minute,” said George, eyes narrowed.

“What do you mean, our base form is as a pony?” said Fred suspiciously.

“Just like the rest of you?” finished George.

“This is Atlantis, isn’t it?”

Myrtle had braced her four legs and wasn’t trying to walk. She didn’t want to fall and miss this discussion. She listened closely as she stared at Twilight intently.

Twilight frowned and looked at Harry and the fillies questioningly. They shrugged. Bonbon and Lyra were both looking away, in different directions, feigning disinterest, Harry noticed. After dealing with the fillies on a daily basis, he could tell the two adults were not as innocent as they were trying to appear.

Twilight sighed. “I thought it was obvious. We’re Equestrians on the planet Equus. The portal connects our world to yours. We are not simply another country on your world.”

Their jaws dropped at those four sentences. Even Myrtle froze in place, and just hung in Sweetie Belle’s and Harry’s magic hold.

“But our father said Dumbledore says you’re from Atlantis!” said Percy incredulously, the other Weasleys nodding agreement.

The purple alicorn rolled her eyes. “I haven’t a clue where he came by that idea,” she said. “I’ve never said that. Nor did any pony else.” She glanced at Harry and the Equestrians, who shook their heads.

She sighed and started pacing. “When we first made contact we were worried about how you might react to us. Your wizarding history books and fiction didn’t exactly promise that we would be well-received. Quite the contrary, actually, because we obviously aren’t humans. You even forbid non-humans to own or use wands. And just look at how you divide your people between muggles and magicals! So, we didn’t come right out and say we were from another world — it was risky enough saying we were from another country. Even the prejudices I read about only being ‘foreigners’ were quite upsetting.

“Our priority is to protect Harry and the fillies in your world. And, before you ask, we were there because your world is Harry’s world. We, that is the Princesses and I, felt it would be better if he had a chance to see what his world was really like. After all, before his letter, he didn’t know his world even had magic, so it wasn’t an issue. He preferred here with magic over there without.”

The Weasleys nodded. They understood how it was so much better to have magic than not. Giving it up was simply not imaginable.

“When we discovered there was magic there, it felt only right that he should have a chance to experience it himself. And it wouldn’t be fair to deny him his heritage when we could easily accommodate him. Plus, then he could make an informed choice as to if he wanted to permanently return or not.”

She paused a moment. “Fortunately, the magic at Hogwarts accepted our base form as human and not as pony-turned-human, and issued invitation letters to the fillies.”

The three fillies struck what they thought were inspiring poses.

“Anyway, we said we were from Ponyville and did not mention Equestria as the country we were from. We allowed you — and by you I mean the adults we talked to — to think we were from another country on your world. It would be much better to be considered foreigners than non-humans.”

She grimaced. “But we’re not diplomats, trained to watch everything we say with an eye towards keeping secrets. We made a few mistakes, such as saying we were from Equestria when Princess Luna took care of the basilisk, and that we used a portal to get here.” She sighed. “I knew you never had a nation called Equestria in your history and I thought Chief Warlock Dumbledore realized we were from another world after that incident.”

“We didn’t exactly keep it a secret, especially when the teachers from Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns visited for so long. I mean, the diet questions alone should have indicated we weren’t humans. Not to mention our just as obvious clumsiness with manipulating things with our hands. And walking.” She rolled her eyes, “Unless he thinks all ‘Atlanteans’ are naturally exceedingly clumsy.”

She paused and looked at the Weasleys, who all shook their heads.

“But how do you explain all the Greek references?” exclaimed Percy. “Tartarus, centaurs, dragons, griffons, cockatrices, and chimeras?”

She sighed glumly.

“I believe that there have been other portals between your world and ours. And especially one in Greece a very long time ago. And all those creatures crossed-over to your world, creating those legends. Or perhaps they were native to your world and fled to our world because it seemed more welcoming.” She shrugged. “Until we read your books, we thought all those creatures were known only to our world.”

The fillies and their sisters were grinning fit to end the world.

The wizards and witches stared at her.

Rainbow Dash stared at Percy. “You mean everyone thinks Equestria is a part of the Earth?” she asked, incredulous.

At the wizards’ slow nods she began to laugh. “That’s rich!” She laughed so hard she had to land. “And that we’re people who can turn into ponies at will?” She sat down laughing. Scootaloo and the fillies quickly joined her. Harry found it impossible not to grin. He had warned Twilight that the Headmaster thought they were from Atlantis.

The twins looked at each other, carefully. They were used to their animagus forms, but a second check was in order. They would sort that out later. After a moment, they both grinned and Fred said, “So this is Atlantis, isn’t it?” and made a production out of looking around them.

“Yeah, the Greeks just thought they were on Earth when they really went to Equestria,” said George.

They nodded simultaneously. “This is Atlantis!” they declared, bumping their hooves in a pony version of a high-five.

Twilight looked at them, puzzled. Harry and the others simply face-hoofed — there were a few “ows” as a result. Hooves were a good deal harder than hands.

“Okay,” the princess said as Rainbow subsided into giggles. “This is the truth. This is an entirely different world, not Atlantis. Maybe even a different universe. Not a country or place from Earth. The portal changes magical beings that pass through it to whatever the native lifeform is that is of equivalent intelligence.”

It was quiet as the newcomers took a few moments to digest that information. Then the George repeated, “Right, that’s what George said.”

“This is Atlantis, but you all call it Equestria,” said Fred.

“It’s clear as glass,” said George. “This,” he swung a fore-hoof, “is Atlantis!”

They grinned at the purple alicorn Princess.

The other wizards and witches just looked confused.

Harry sighed. He knew that when they returned the twins would spread the word as far and wide as they could that the Equestrians were really and truly from Atlantis. But that the Equestrians called it Equestria. That it was on a separate world they would leave out. It would be a master prank on the entire wizarding world, and also be pranking the Equestrians. The muggles would know they were from another world, not Atlantis, but the wizards would insist they were from the continent of Atlantis, not another world.

Pranking two worlds at the same time. No prank could ever top this.

Thinking about it made his head hurt.

Twilight hung her head and shook it in disbelief.

Percy asked abruptly, “What about Spike? Why is he a dragon?” He frowned deeper, “He is a dragon here, right?”

“My current theory,” Twilight said, looking back up and nodding, “is that because there are magical dragons on Earth, he wasn’t changed. And that we ponies changed because while you do have magical horses, ponies in your world have a different genome and are not magical. Thus, it changed us into humans — wizards and witches — whose animagus form is a pony.”

“You mean that while we’re visiting here, we’ll only be ponies?” asked Ron uncertainly. “That we won’t have hands?” He looked down at his fore-hooves, then over at his brothers and sister. He was clearly unsure of how to take that information.

Twilight nodded. “Yes, but that won’t be as big a problem as you think. Just ask Apple Bloom. And the pegasi use their wing-tips as fingers,” she said to Ginny. “While the unicorns use their magic to pick up and do things,” she said to the twins and Myrtle.

The witch extended her wing and looked at it doubtfully. The twins and Myrtle went cross-eyed for a moment looking at their horns, then grinned mischievously.

Percy sighed and rubbed his head with a hoof.

Twilight grinned at him. “Don’t worry, you know you can use your wand to lift and move things here even though you’re an earth pony.” She floated his wand out of his pocket and stuck it to the cannon bone on his right fore-leg. “Just point your hoof at what you want to move, and use your wand to do the work!” she said floating his robe to a nearby rack.

He stared down at his leg for a moment, brow furrowed, thinking.

While he was doing that, Twilight repeated the process with Ron. The fillies and their sisters had already done that and were helping the other Weasley children and Myrtle.

Ron pointed at a leaf on the grass with his hoof/wand combination. It gently floated up. He grinned as he stood straight and the leaf drifted back to the grass.

“Well,” Twilight said, breaking the Weasleys out of their contemplation of their wands, “We need to move on.” She turned and started leading the way, following the spiral.

Rainbow darted up beside her, hovering lazily at head-height, and said, “Can’t I just meet you at the gate?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “No, you cannot. You have to follow the decking. And no flying until we leave the Portal Exclusion Zone.”

“But walking is so booorrriiing!” Dash said, clomping down on the deck beside the purple alicorn.

“We don’t want a repeat of the changeling, do we?”

“Nooo,” said Rainbow, drawing the word out, dejected.

Harry felt his ears perk up. She had sent him a letter that a changeling had snuck through the portal, but hadn’t said how. He suspected the increased security around the portal was because of that, but that was all. He would ask her for more information later.

Seeing how much the area around the portal had changed, on both sides, Harry was very impressed. The effort they had expended in making it impossible to slip through undetected was incredible. However, based on what the others had said about the changelings, and his own suspicious nature, it was very necessary. The changelings were a very competent foe, when they wanted to be. They had, after all, managed to stay hidden for uncounted centuries.

He heard Scootaloo and Ginny sigh behind him as their hooves also clomped down on the deck, following Dash’s lead. He couldn’t help but smirk, they’d have to walk just like the rest.

It took several minutes to trot around the spiral and move through the revolving door at the end to exit the dome. Once more they were checked by security before being cleared to head for the Partition-wall gate.

Sweetie Belle and Harry walked on either side of Myrtle to help her keep her balance, and used their magic just to keep her from tripping. Myrtle was concentrating too much on not bashing her muzzle into the ground to notice anything else.

Harry thought the Weasleys didn’t notice the hospital building. On the other hoof, maybe they didn’t realize what it was, and what it meant to the muggles.

And they had been too distracted by their new discoveries to question what happened to muggles when they went through the portal.

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