• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Chapter 10: Captive

This situation went from bad to worse. We were held at gun point and led out to the deck of the ship. Guards were aimed at us from all over. Thi was brought forward and forced to bow by two guards at the hooves of the captain. We were cuffed and had our horns clamped with the magic cancelling ring. Cloudchaser glared hatefully at the captain. Flitter stood next to her, holding onto Scribble with the knife at his neck.

The captain marveled at Thi.

“Once again, you’ve proven to be the very bane to our guiding light. At least now we have the right measures to ensure you and your ‘friends’ don’t cause as much an issue.” She said. Thi scoffed.

“Pfft, please. We all know this song and dance. I swear, it’s like a broken record at this point. Get new material.” She retorted with a smirk. The captain shook her head.

“We won’t fall like the Iron Shroud in the Mediterranean. You won’t find magic artifacts here.” She replied. Thi kept her smirk.

“That’s a start.” The captain turned to face Flitter.

“The mad doctor’s serum truly is a spectacle. Shame we couldn’t prod his brain a bit more. How far has the imprinting gone?” She hummed before stamping her hoof twice. “Servant. Your king demands you show us your loyalty. Hail to your king.” She stated. My eyes widened as Flitter didn’t hesitate. The knife was plunged into Scribble’s side, his eyes widening before falling forward and clutching his side. He was struggling for breath as Flitter stood over him.

Her expression was manic, yet, she had tears flowing from her eyes. Thi looked petrified at Scribble. Cloudchaser was the first to rush forward, bucking two of the guards. The guards aimed, but the captain held up a hoof as Flitter fell into her sister’s embrace.

“Excellent. Your king is pleased.” She said with a smile. Flitter slumped and fell with Cloudchaser. Cloudchaser cradled Flitter, who seemed to be gagging for air as the black veins retreated. The captain turned to us. “Aww, what’s with that look? We are just getting started.”

“You bitch…” Thi rasped, shaking a little. The captain shifted a frown.

“You should know that your actions have consequences, Ms. Billet. I thought your countless run ins has taught you that. You know, we were given the kill order for you and your associates. Guess the higher ups got tired of your games.” Thi began to chuckle a bit, her head still bowed.

“Don’t bullshit me. I don’t care if this is a game or not. You can kill us, but I doubt they even ordered to kill Fie.” She looked up from under her bangs. “I saw the containment field you had set up. That material was meant for Fie. Somepony has been busy.” She rasped. The captain waved a hoof dismissively at her.

“Not that it would matter if you know or not. But just to spite you, you’ll be executed here without knowing.” She then eyed me as I shifted. While the ring suppressed my magic, I doubt it had suppressed Din. These ponies should know who they are toying with.

“You know, The Triad still continue to surprise me in a disappointing way.” I began. The captain arched a brow. “You’re pretty calm for somepony who is in the presence of a demi-god. A magic canceling ring won’t stop me.” The captain grinned.

“Ahh, but that’s the thing. We know of such existence of your power. And with the brilliant minds of our great kingdom and our Queen’s glorious guiding light, we have taken measures to ensure to suppress a demi-god’s power. That’s no ordinary ring you are wearing.” I furrowed my look.

‘Can you confirm, Din?’ I thought. No response. Well, that’s concerning. The captain rubbed her chin.

“Now that I think about it. How did you get on board, Ms. Billet? Stolen property you managed to bypass? Another thing. How did you know this vessel would hold the Fire Demon? Last I recall, a platoon had left you for dead in a ruins.” She studied Thi. Thi smirked.

“I’m just about as too stubborn to die like your damned generals. Eye for an eye. You might try to execute me here and now, but will you be able to hit your mark?” She retorted. The captain looked at her stoically. She then waved a hoof over and a guard walked up to her. She withdrew the guard’s pistol and aimed point blank at Thi. She pulled the trigger and the gun made a click. Thi only grinned up at the mare. The captain looked at the arc pistol uninterestedly.

“Soldier, you will give me your rank and file. I will report your neglect of firearm as well as incompetence.” She stated, passing the gun back. I’ve never seen a Triad bright red that wasn’t bloodied. The captain then withdrew her own pistol and aimed. I balked and quickly moved forward.

“Wait!” I exclaimed. The captain looked at me and Thi glanced at me. I looked between her, to Scribble panting on the ground and then over to Cloudchaser and Flitter. I bit my lip. “We… we can do this without the need for anymore bloodshed.” I began. Thi gave me a concerned look.

“Fie?” She asked. I gave her a wary but reassuring smile. I then stepped forward and stood between the captain’s arc pistol and my best friend.

“On behalf of Princess Twilight Sparkle, the princesses Celestia and Luna. We have been selected as messengers to instigate negotiation of peace talks with the kingdoms of Euclides and Fenice.” I stated. The captain arched her brow.

“Messengers? You?” I nodded at her confusion. She then shook her head. “Forgive me for sounding skeptical, but the fact your ‘rulers’ sent the very abomination that decimated an entire city as a messenger? That almost sounds like an ultimatum.” She stated. Okay, I’ll give the Triad credit on that. But I have to do something. We can’t end here. I stood my ground and nodded.

“When you put it like that, yes. Hence why I will ask to negotiate several things. All benefitting your side.” I said. The captain shook her head.

“You are in no position to negotiate. Neither for your friend’s release either. She will be punished.” She replied, aiming past me. I took a hold of the arc pistol in my hoof and placed it against my head. I could feel the mare trying to move the gun away, but I held it firmly to my head.

“You’ll have to get through me to my friends. And we all know what’ll happen if you kill one of the seven. You also don’t want to incur the wrath of one of them either. So, it’s best if you listen to what I have to say.” I stated. Thi sat up.

“Fie, no! You can’t give yourself up like this!” She began. I looked out the corner of my eyes to her.

“Thi. For once, I’m going to have to ask you to shut up. Please, just trust me on this.” I said. Thi was shocked but quietly growled and stared daggers at the captain. I focused back on the Triad. “I want to ensure my friend’s safety. In exchange, I will come willingly with you to Pony Land. You’ll be able to do whatever tests or torture on me as much as you please. I have a healing factor, so you can do as much as you want. I will also exchange some information on Equestria side to your side. What vital points of interest, certain tactics and any vulnerabilities in Equestria.

“I can even give key players that will be vital to the war efforts that isn’t the princesses or our heroes. If you want, I could aid in the war efforts for your side, leaving Equestria open and without a champion.” I stared stoically into the mare’s eyes. The captain narrowed them. This has to work. All eyes on me. The captain then lowered her weapon.

“How interesting. You are willing to turn your back on the very nation you call home to benefit us for the sake of your friends? Picking the wrong side of the track, aren’t we?” I didn’t respond. I made myself as convincing as possible. The mare hummed in thought before spinning on her hooves. “Alright, Fire Demon. I will run this by through command inland and announce your cooperation. However, any thoughts of going against your words and it doesn’t matter what happens. Equestria is doomed as it is.” I only narrowed my eyes in response. Triad really did not care about their own well beings enough. Such a waste.

“Return the Fire Demon to the containment cell. Lock up Thi Billet in the brig and…” she looked down at Scribble, who was still holding on. “Get this pony a tourniquet and some bandages then lock him up. As for these two.” She looked to Flitter and Cloudchaser. “Put them under surveillance. I’m interested to test a bit further into the serum.” I grit my teeth.

“Remember, you put so much as any verges of death on them…” I hissed. The captain looked at me boredly.

“Of course, Fire Demon.” She stated before walking away. The guards surrounded us. Before long, I was back in the massive containment cell and I sighed. Thi was strapped up and wheeled away into the bottom of the ship. Scribble surprised the Triads about him treating himself, but proceeded to injure him a bit as they shoved him down the stairs and away from view. I couldn’t see where Cloudchaser and Flitter were led too. I sighed.

‘That honestly could have gone a lot worse…’ I thought to myself. I frowned and looked up at the ring on my horn. ‘In it for the long haul. Din? Can you hear me?’ I waited in silence a bit. I then blinked and found myself looking up at Din in the pitch-black void. She was once again stoic and still as a statue. Her eyes studied me.

Quite the performance. How far can our luck take us? she then grinned slyly. I sighed again and bowed my head.

“I had no other choice. I’ll have to think of another solution.” I replied sadly. Din smirked at me.

How very noble. It makes me sick. She said. I frowned at her. I really hope my half-truth will hold out for as long as it can.

I lost track of time I’ve been in here. None of the guards would even speak to me save for throwing insults when they gave me slop for meals. Just about as I expected. I couldn’t help but keep thinking of my friends. They had been treating them okay enough. I wasn’t expecting their hospitality to be pleasant. But if they want any of my cooperation, they better stick to that deal. The lights went off again. The sign that it was night and that I should get some sleep.

My containment cell had no bed and no toiletries. Thankfully, I hadn’t felt like going anywhere. But sleeping on a cold, metallic floor is pretty uncomfortable. On whatever day we were on, I happened to look up from having finished my slop and saw the captain, accompanied by other guards, approach my cell. I narrowed my eyes as the captain levitated over a contraption that she spoke into.

“Fire Demon. We are going to begin interrogation. Comply with us and we will have no harm befall upon our current occupants.” The voice echoed throughout my containment cell. I crossed my forelegs and gave her a skeptical raise of my brow. But when she stepped in with two armed guards, the glass door she entered in sealing shut behind her, I eased a little.

"Whatever." I stated. The captain remained stoic as she spoke, clipboard in hoof.

"We have been given permission to go ahead with intel gathering at the permission of Queen Moonlight Sonata and now recent Grand Conductor of the Orchquestrian Order, General Lilac. We will begin by stating the name for the record." She looked at her clipboard and withdrew a pen. I lowered my head slightly. Here we go. The questions were pretty straight forward at first. Name and previous occupation, age, measurements, adaptability as a unicorn, specialization magic. Then it got to the very personal ones. My birth parents, any siblings, friends or relatives close or estranged, lovers if any. Where they live and what is their occupation. I had to try my best to twist my words on this. With the mole in Canterlot and probably many others, I'm already on thin ice. When the captain was done scribbling down on her clipboard, she focused back to me. "Your cooperation is duly noted. We will begin the next set of interrogations. You will be accompanied by our Inquisitor Sharp Shape. You are to cooperate with the inquisitor and under no circumstance you are to fight our inquisitor, lie or leave out any details, given or otherwise. He has ways of making creatures talk." She eyed me. "Especially demi-gods." I shifted my glare and frown.

"Higher ups really love passing power around, don't they?" I stated unironically. I heard Din scoff quietly in my head. The captain turned and was about to step out. "Hold on a minute." The captain paused and looked over her shoulder. "How long has it been since I've been in here? You guys don't have a clock or calendar around. Also, are my friends doing well enough?" I asked. The captain hummed before responding.

"Well, it's not like you'd see the light of day for a long while anyway. Your friends are handling chores under strict supervision, save for Thi Billet. We have her running... several courses. She has quite the stamina for a mare such as her. Shame. When she tires out, there will be no more Thi Billet." I stood up and glared, but the captain held up her hoof. "She's being fed porridge in between. We aren't barbarians. As for your time question, we have been at sea for three days." She then stepped out and had one last bit of words before the door sealed shut. "Pony Land isn't another several days out." I snorted and swished my tail challengingly. Three days already, huh? At least my friends are okay. Thi Billet can manage herself, but she knows her limitations. It was back to another quiet few hours as I paced and lazed about in my containment cell. Another two days passed keeping in mind of what the captain said. On top of simple excercises, I had brushed up more of my lip reading. Some of the guards were quite chatty.

There were two that hitting on each other but quickly became professional when another guard patrolled by. Another were talking about thinking of getting their kid something nice for their Birthaversery when they made it back. I found from two that had passed by talking about Flitter and Cloudchaser. Flitter has been subjected to several tests as well as having gone a full day under the control of the serum. It must be taking quite a massive toll on her as the guards seemed eager to see her break. Cloudchaser has been sticking close to her, but the guards made it hard as they would have her do heavy work without breaks. Scribble was being overworked and is unfortunately being targeted by a couple of female guards that have been trying to harass him in more ways than one. From what it sounds like, Scribble has been more of an ass than usual. Good. Give them hell, egghead.

I sighed and traced on the glass in no particular pattern after another few hours passed. I then looked up to see a uniformed pony dressed in black accompanied by the captain. The pegasus stallion eyed me as the captain was speaking.

“The Iron Wave appreciates the Queen’s guiding light to have you in our presence, Inquisitor Sharp. Please, do not show any mercy on this one. She’s quite dangerous and if what she says about her having a healing factor, then I see no reason to hold back.” She spun on her hooves when the glass door opened and the Inquisitor stepped in. He was carrying a bag under his wing.

He eyed me narrowly. As if sizing me up. He then placed down his bags and began to remove his coat.

“So. You’re the one who had thrown our people into war. What you did to our Grand Conductor was quite rude, wouldn’t you say?” He spoke, his voice as if he smoked several packs a day. Yet his handsome features made him look younger than how he sounds. He opened one of his bags and dug into it, withdrawing bulky anklets and a collar. I arched a brow as he placed them down at me. “We’ll start with your obedience. Would you kindly, place these on your hooves and neck?”

I hesitated. What the hell is all this? I took a deep breath. This is for my friends. I snapped the anklets on me and then the collar. The Inquisitor smirked.

“Good. With that in mind, this shouldn’t take long at all. Now then, I can assume you know why I’m here?” He asked as he began to dig through his bag again, pulling out several things. I sighed.

“A torturer, obviously. You want more info than what I gave the captain. If I leave anything out, then it’s up to you what to decide.” I stated. The Inquisitor looked impressed.

“Interesting.” He began before chuckling a bit. “Forgive me, you’re the first one I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with that isn’t terrified by me or shows any irrational thinking. Such a shame though that I have to scar perfectly good flesh for information.” He then held up a second bag and turned it to face horizontally. He clicked on something and I saw four legs extend from the bottom of the case. He let go of it and opened the bag. It was strangely similar to the kelpie lure in Manehatten. But this one had buttons with letters and numbers on it.

He clacked on the buttons with his hooves for a bit. Suddenly, I was yanked into the air and my forelegs sprawled out. I felt my head lock in place. This felt strange. It was like I was restrained in zero gravity. The Inquisitor tapped on the device a little more and I noticed two ovals hovering out of the bag at his hooves. They looked like parasprites, but the only defining trait is the glossy tinted eye. A green laser grid began to crawl around me as the eyes floated around me.

I shifted a bit in my restraints. The pegasus held up a wing.

“Do not move until the Seers are done.” He said. I arched a brow before sighing. When the eyes were satisfied in checking me out, they floated over to the standing device and connected themselves at the top. I heard some strange sounds coming from the device. Blips and beeps sounded with square boxes popping up on the screen. The Inquisitor nodded. “Excellent. Body is in good condition, save for the fact you have become underweight. We can fix that of course. But it appears that aside from your vital signs, your brain waves are showing unstable patterns.” He smirked and looked up at me. “You’ve seen some gruesome things, haven’t you?” I didn’t respond. He shrugged and went back to tapping on the device. “Eh well, in the line of duty, you are bound to see something unpleasant. Now then, we will begin with samples of your DNA and a gauging of your magical prowess.” He pressed a button on the device and I felt the ring on my horn unlatch and fall to the ground with a clatter. There was a brief moment of silence before the stallion beamed. “My, you are quite the star subject! Obedient and smart! I’m going to enjoy our time together! And perhaps we could fix those unstable brainwaves of yours.” I snorted.

“Are you an interrogator or a psychologist? I was expecting myself to scream, not be given life advice.” I stated. The Inquisitor chuckled as he reached down and unfolded a leather bag, showing surgical tools. But what he said next had me perplexed.

“Believe it or not, I was a psychologist. For sixteen years actually. My wife is a nurse. She’s currently on the frontlines in the Nilneigh Isles. I take it you are familiar?” He arched a sly brow at me. I furrowed my look at him as he continued, pulling out tools as he went and admiring them. “What if I told you we aren’t really from Pony Land. We are, in fact, Equestrian ourselves?” I narrowed my eyes. “We moved to Pony Land as a way to get away from the affiliated underbelly of Detrot.” He chuckled quietly to himself. “The gangs paid well enough. But when we arrived to Pony Land, hoho.” He smiled up at me. “It was like walking into wonderland. Perfect society. Not a single piece of trash on the streets. Affordable housing. A Queen and King who care deeply about their subjects. No discrimination between kingdoms. Perfect harmony unlike Equestria.” He placed a tool down before picking up a scalpel. I looked a little warily at it. He studied it a bit before putting it down and continuing to talk. “But of course, the only issues that spring up is the questioning of certain military exercises. The Queen has stated that it is for the benefit of everypony. That those who will willingly give their sweat, blood and tears to crawl out of the darkness and into the guiding light, will find harmony like no other.

“Queen Sonata loves to flourish her words in a manner that befits a true ruler to this dying realm. Unlike the sisters, where one had banished the other in a fight for the throne. It was inevitable for the two to fall in such a manner. And their ruling shows it to this very day.” That struck a nerve with me.

“How long ago do you think that was? Princess Celestia and Luna have gotten better. Even made up and now rule together. Equestria isn’t perfect, yes. And the princesses aren’t either. But they are, by the end of it all, ponies just like you and me.” I replied coldly. The Inquisitor smirked.

“Spoken like a true Equestrian. But if you only saw the wonderland. Your mind would change. There is still hope after all.” He said before pulling away with a drill. I frowned.

“I mean, we would have gotten there if the captain didn’t decide to poke her nose in our business.” I said. The Inquisitor revved the drill a bit before walking over to me.

“Yes, well, you can never be too careful. Not after what you pulled with our newly appointed Grand Conductor General Lilac, we wouldn’t be in this situation.” He said. “It’s all your fault, Fire Demon.” My eyes widened angrily. There was a loud sequence of cracks. The Inquisitor looked at me in confusion. Before I knew it, my restraints shattered and I fell onto the ground, landing deftly on my hooves and facing down the inquisitor. The Inquisitor looked warily at me, nervously smiling. “Now now. Must we ruin a pleasant time? Things are going swimmingly.”

I continued to glare angrily at the stallion. After a bit, I held up a broken anklet and shook it slightly.

“You wanted to test my magical prowess? Here you go. You’re going to need better restraints.” I said coldly, dropping the anklet. I then sat on my haunches and eased myself. I was repeating “for your friends” over and over in my head. I felt my boiling blood simmer and soon relaxing myself. The Inquisitor wiped his brow a bit before easing himself.

“Yes. I… see that now.” He replied. There was a bleeping sound from his device and he quickly pressed a button.

“Inquisitor Sharp. I apologize for the interruption. We are soon to arrive in Roam.” The voice of the captain sounded. The Inquisitor blinked a bit before a look of understanding befell him.

“Yes, thank you captain. I’ll be up deck.” He then eyed me as he pressed a button, ending the call. He sighed and started to pack his things. “What a shame. I have yet to delve into you. You’ve piqued my curiosity, to say the least. Until tomorrow, Fire Demon.” I said nothing and watched the stallion pack his things before leaving my containment cell.

Back to being alone, I looked down at the broken devices.

Hmph. How long must we continue to humor them? I’m starting to get bored. Din spoke. I sighed and kicked away one of the anklets, watching it slide across my cell.

‘I’ll try and see if I can manage something with these ponies.’ I replied to her.

That opportunity came sooner than I expected. Another day has passed. This time, the captain visited me along with several guards. They stepped into the containment cell as I was resting my head over my forelegs laying down.

"Fire Demon. A new proposition has been implemented that even General Lilac has approved of." The captain stated. I didn't look up, only glanced at her boredly. She then reached behind her and withdrew a contraption with a crystal on it. She twisted the contraption and I looked up now when a projection screen appeared floating over the crystal. There she was. The face of the very pony who started it all in Hoofington. The blonde, long mane. Sharp, blue piercing eyes and a cold and stoic expression on an alabaster coat. I noticed her uniform was different. She was wearing a black coat with button sleeves and a fancy frill ascot. I glared coldly at her. General Lilac smiled.

"I did have my doubts, captain. Pray, forgive me." She said. The captain bowed.

"You humble me, Grand Conductor General." She replied. Lilac met my eyes.

"How long has it been since your outburst that threw the whole nation in peril? I must express my relief a little. To see you alive and well despite the circumstances." She smiled softly. I growled in response. Ignoring my hateful look, she continued. "But I digress. Seeing as how even Thi Billet is captured as well, I'm in a pretty good mood. So much so that I'm willing to allow your friends to go free. However, they are to remain in Equestria. If they so much as step hoof outside of their borders, they will be killed on sight." I stood up now and faced the image.

"You have your hoof that far into Equestria's backside, eh?" I stated. General Lilac ignored the retort.

"It doesn't matter where the power lies. What matters is that I'm a fair and understanding Conductor to my people and enemies. Hence, why I am here today. This ship is soon to dock at Roam. The glorified nation of proud warriors and pleasant debaucheries. Rich in bloodied history and mythical tales that rival even the god's oracles themselves." She gave a small chuckle. "Could you believe it? Gods! Plural! Why so many gods dictating the lives of so many creatures?" She clapped her hooves together. "Because the denizens of Roam continue to please their gods of war with mock battles and even arena battles! A society driven by their ancestors and ideals!" She seemed a bit smitten by her words. "Ahh, a nation after my own heart! Is what I would say..." her smitten look turned cold. "If the 'gods' weren't an issue. Just like your two rulers, even they are beginning to lose control over their subjects! Unlike our Queen Moonlight Sonata, may her light ever guide us from the dark, we only need one ruler in the realm. And who's better to run than our very nation?" I frowned with a glare.

"High and mighty talk coming from someone who decided to pull the trigger." I stated. I then had a thought. Looking at the screen, I put a hoof to my chest. "So, what does the 'fair and understanding' tyrant want me to do to ensure my friend's safety?" General Lilac leaned forward on her desk with her chin under her hooves.

"A chance to see what you are really capable of without the use of your powers. There is a certain... underbelly of Roam. Unlike the mock battles, these ones follow the Roam tradition thousands of years before. I have offered up your friends in a trade for freedom. You win these battles completely stacked against you, and your friends go free. Lose, then you'll just have to keep trying." She grinned. "We need you alive. But that doesn't mean we can't break you. Until the promised day comes, you are our own little lap dog." She then spun, the back of her chair facing me as she waved a hoof off the side. "And don't worry about your dear friend Ms. Billet. She will fight her own battles. How fortuitous that her own escape plan backfired." She hummed and muttered to herself. "Perhaps it's time to give a zebra a proper promotion..." And with that, the crystal dimmed and shattered in the captain's hoof. She dropped the device and looked at me coldly.

"Keep in mind, you are still under our jurisdiction. Play nice and you'll have an easier time. And don't worry. No harm will befall your 'friends'." The captain adjusted her hat and spun on her hooves, marching out with the guards tailing her. My containment cell door sealed shut and I was left to ponder my own thoughts. I lowered my head and frowned.

'The bitch mentioned a zebra. But... that doesn't make sense. The Triad are an all-exclusive pony militia.' I crossed my forelegs in thought, tilting my head left and right in thought. No matter which way I look at it, something isn't adding up.

I found myself having been strapped and encased in a portable version of my cell with a muzzle cage over me. They even threw a curtain over my cell to avoid suspicion. Two earth pony Triad guards wheeled me in a wagon down the ramp. I couldn't take in any of the scenery from Roam. Where was I being taken? How long was it going to be? I felt my cell stop suddenly. Thankfully, my cell wasn't soundproof.

"Another shipment from Equestrian Ministries Incorporated. As usual, the haul is abundant." A thick, heavy accent voice spoke.

"Is that a problem?" One of my guards asked.

"At ease, ponies. He's merely just doing his job." I heard the captain reply. "Forgive me, but as I'm aware, our cargo has always been met up to standards with Roam on the Range's Shipping Company plenty of stock and share. It's our usual foreign goods and services." I heard a snort and something being scribbled.

"Whatever, ma'am. As usual, warehouse gamma is where you'll be putting your haul. We have several stocks in from the usual orders for EMI as well. They are located in warehouse omega, section fourteen." The voice said boredly. I then felt my cage getting wheeled to wherever this warehouse is. It must have been a long and arduous travel. I've lost track of how long I've been in here. After a while, my cage stopped, and I was expecting to be left alone. But I heard a couple of voices.

"EMI delivering bigger hauls than usual it seems." One voice stated.

"Can't complain. Ever since they've started trading with Roam, Queen Zeuli and King Leo have managed to stabilize the economy. The same can't be said for Gladius and his Gorgon Mercenaries." Another voice said, thick and feminine, replied:

"Hmph. I don't get why that Gladius zebra thinks the king has been 'poisoning the mind of our queen". A serpent speaks ill of others. Sad to say I couldn't stop my brother from joining the Gorgons."

"No kidding? My uncle joined the Gorgons sometime in the last year. Stated that Roam hasn't had somezebra commander who stood up for the pride and ancestry in over a thousand years." The male voice said.

"Oh yeah? Bet those two would have met at some point." The female voice replied.

"Nah. Not too long after, he was one of the casualties at the Embassy Raid. Over twenty of his kin slain and thirty more taken captive. Gladius tucked his tail and ran. A shame. Those creatures followed a coward." The male voice replied a little solemnly. I tilted my head a little. This sounds an awful lot like the Nilneigh Isle situation. The Quetzalcoatl mercenaries that is led by an old acquaintance of Thi's trying to liberate the islands from Triad hold. However, Roam doesn't sound like a pleasant place at the moment. If there is infighting between renegade groups and the kingdom, it only makes sense of why the Triad are amassing big hauls for Roam. At least, I'm assuming that is the case here. I can't really do anything aside from just sit here. However, it wasn't long until I felt my cage beginning to move. There was the sound of somecreature whistling a tune as I was wheeled to wherever I was going.

I stopped keeping track of how long I was caged. Eventually, I found myself falling asleep.

My dream was of home. Ponyville. I was sitting on a bench in the park. I was happily watching my neighbors chat and go about their business. The pegasi casually flying through the air. The earth and unicorn ponies helping each other and trading. Off in the distance, the crystal castle of Princess Twilight glimmered in the sun. It was a nice, spring day. I took in the air and sighed, satisfied with myself. I found myself closing my eyes and listening to the sounds of chattering and the feeling of the cool breeze wash over me. Then, I yawned, only to cough as I got a lungful of smoke. I waved my hoof and looked around confused. My eyes widened. There was fire. So much fire. The ground was softened with craters and houses were crumbled or caved in. I stood up quickly and grit my teeth, fixing to rush into Ponyville, only to flick my ears and spin around in surprise. A massive, metal behemoth rumbled over me and I quickly dove out of the way as the beast landed where I was with a crash. It rumbled on by, a loud boom resonating from the nose and striking Ponyville Hall. The tall building collapsing in on itself.

I got up and was about to rush over to the beast when I heard a scream. I looked over and my eyes widened. There were bodies. Among the fire and behemoths, I saw iron coated uniforms breaching into houses and firing arc weapons. I felt my panic rise as I quickly rushed over to the sound of screaming. I struck several uniformed ponies on my way there, but when I rounded the corner, I looked on in horror. The main plaza of Ponyville. All of my neighbors were on the ground. Their lifeless bodies mangled in several ways I couldn't even describe. I froze. There was Thi Billet. She was pierced throughout her body and held high over the fountain. A banner draped over her body reading in blood: Heathen.

At the foot of the fountain, I saw my family. My siblings mangled, my parents holding each other, my dad having protected mom. Then, I saw Scribble. His body in a way that made me awfully sick. I shook my head slightly in horrified denial. No... no this can't be happening... My eyes began to tear up as I heard the sound of a sickening squelch. As if somepony was eating. I looked over slowly, my mind trying to comprehend what was going on. There was a hunched over figure at the body of Cloudchaser. Flitter not too far off in a similar manner to Scribble. Cloudchaser's lifeless body twitched as the figure shifted over her. The silhouette of the pony was covered by the dark and burning sky. The pony then rose his head, ripping something out with his mouth. He then slowly turned his head over his shoulder. A glazed eye focused on mine in a dead manner. I couldn't see with the backdrop. But I did know who was slowly raising themselves up before me. I stared horrified at Cloudchaser's wide eyed body. Or what was left of it. Table Top wiped his muzzle and reached into something. He then pulled out two crystals and turned to face me.

"It's all your fault." He rasped before striking the crystals together. Everything went into a bright, fiery blaze, causing me to jolt out of my sleep and struggle against my restraints. I breathed heavily through my caged muzzle, my eyes darting around the dimly lit room. I took a moment to gather myself before realizing something.

'A room?' I looked around and noticed my containment cell was in the center of a circular room. There was sand and what appeared to be cells around me. I furrowed my look. I could make out what appeared to be ancient armor and weapons lining the red bricked walls. Old, battle worn tapestries draped against the walls with insignias I'm not familiar with. What I also noticed that in the dim red light of this room, inside the cells were ragged looking creatures. Ponies, griffons, zebra, and a few minotaurs. My jolting awake startled some and got looks from others. What kind of place is this? A slave holding pin? Here in Roam?

My eyes studied the creatures around me. Most were battle scarred. A few were trembling. From the looks in every creature’s eyes, most here have been desensitized. My only guess with the decor and everything is that I am inside a waiting cell for battling. I lowered my head. ‘I prefer the diner we went too in Cloudsdale…’ I thought to myself. I blinked once and found myself in the pitch black, sitting next to Din. Din looked as if she was focusing on something in the dark.

“How much of your power has been recovered?” I asked her. Din looked down at me and gave a smug look.

Oh? Planning on burning our way out of here? That’s all you need to ask. She replied. I shook my head.

“As dumb as an idea it is that I would be up for if I was any dumber, I actually want you to save as much as possible.” I said. Din scoffed and went back to focusing ahead of her. I squinted my eyes, trying to see what she is focusing on.

She is near. Very near. Her aura is entirely different than before. Din stated. I arched a brow questioningly. Din narrowed her eyes. Her vessel is strong. Din began to glower. I aim to win this time, vessel. For once, we are going to have to work together. Become one with each other. I tilted my head. This is surprising. Until now, Din has always stated that she would let me borrow only a fraction of her power. Is she suggesting that I have permission to use whatever? Din frowned and looked at me, making me remember that she could hear my inner thoughts.

Do not mistake this as a sign of equality. You are always far below me. I may have picked you over every other viable vessels due to you being weak. But hard work has been paying off tremendously. She held out a hoof in front of her. Nothing better than working from the ground up and burying those that deem to be higher than you. I furrowed my look before holding out my hoof in mimic to Din.

“Once again, the high and mighty are hypocrites.” I began. “You want to be the apex of the world. To show every being known to us that you stand above all with proven hard work. Yet, you were bested by mortals not long ago. Your advice works as a double-edged sword Din.” Din smugly smirked at me.

Then I just need to sharpen and temper the side that I use most often. It’ll be a single sided blade eventually. She replied. I slumped.

“You really are somepony who loves taking metaphors to a whole new level.” I sighed. Din pat her chest proudly.

It’s a diehard habit I don’t plan to get rid of. She then stood up and walked forward a bit before stopping and turning to face me. Now then. Instead of sleeping away till we have to fight some poor creature to the death, let us begin tempering our synergy. I blinked quizzically and stood up.

“Synergy?” I asked. Din sighed in annoyance.

Must everything be spelt out for you? Remember, I aim to win. I aim to ascend. Remember what your supposed mother told us? She said. I took a bit to realize she meant Equulie. I frowned but nodded.

“I refuse to accept that considering what we’ve been told. But you’re right.” I looked at her. “So… how do we go about it?” Din stood up on two and took my stance.

We sync our movements till we are capable of reading each other and moving at the same time. This is something that the power elements can do. We synergize with our vessels, increasing our own power. Doesn’t that sound lovely? She smirked coyly. I looked at her worriedly.

“Then… wouldn’t that mean that the others are on the same as well?” I asked. Din threw her head back and laughed.

Ahahahaha! Such an idiot! My sisters don’t nearly work as hard as I do. And their vessels aren’t in a rush to test their abilities. Shiva, however, seems to have the grasp of the idea. She grinned. I balked.

“Is that why…?” I yelped and ducked as Din was instantly up in my face and swiped her hoof. I backed away and stood up on two.

Just shut up and follow me! She said in annoyance.

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