• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Chapter 30: A Moment of Respite

Four Days Later

I opened my eyes, unable to move. I was floating in the expanse of space. The stars shimmered and the nebulas coloring the darkness. This felt strangely familiar. I looked around, expecting a giant serpent to come sailing by. Yet, something else caught my attention. Five stars shimmered brightly before circling each other in a dance. They then shot towards me and I rightened myself up. I was no longer a human. Just my good ol’ unicorn self.

The stars circled me for a bit before stopping and the visages of the other power element vessels appeared. I blinked and noticed Din sitting next to me, her look staring straight ahead. The visages of the others then solidified and their eyes open. Gwyen, Katlyn, Zalas and Steel blinked and looked around. Their eyes fell on me.

“Fie! You’re alive!” Gwyen beamed. I smiled and waved at the griffon.

“Hey, Gwyen. Been a while, I know.” I replied. Katlyn crossed her arms and smirked.

“Beginning to think the whole world was goin’ crazy. Alright then, lass?” Katlyn said.

“I was expecting you in Zebrica. But then you just… vanished.” Steel spoke. “Shiva sensed Din no longer present. What happened?” The others looked at me. I rubbed the back of my head.

“Err… funny story. Steel, I was planning on heading to the facility in Zebrica. But my friends and I got sidetracked into helping out a village against some Exiles and Triad and an Ursa Major. Just… ya’ know. The usual stuff.” I casually explained. Zalas shook her head slightly, the aquatic lizard eyeing me.

“Tisss not a helpful casssse.” She spoke. I gave a bashful smile. Katlyn looked around.

“Where even are we? Did Ouroboros call us again?” She asked.

“On the contrary. I was the one who did.” Din spoke suddenly. We all looked at her quizzically. Gwyen scratched her head.

“Err… you can do that? We can do that?” She asked. Din smirked smugly.

“I’d like to see my sisters try to compensate for their lack of power scaling at the moment. Speaking of…” she then stood up and flared brightly. “Wake up, troglodytes!! Your queen demands your presence!!” Din roared suddenly, causing us to cover our ears from the sudden startling.

“You are no queen of mine, sister!” A fierce and imposing voice spoke. Gaia formed in front of Gwyen and stared Din down.

“The realm is still up for grabs. Just because you’ve been getting all this power doesn’t make you worth our time.” Aquarius spoke as she stepped forward in front of Katlyn.

“Must we be so loud? The mortals are much quieter than you lot.” Shiva spoke as she rubbed her muzzle upon appearing. Din scoffed before her eyes looked to the side. Out of nowhere, Ventus appeared and planted a hard hoof into Din’s cheek. Ventus stoically glared at her before her eyes widened. Din grinned as she pushed back against the punch. Ventus stepped away.

“Try again, little filly.” Din maniacally smiled. Ventus snorted.

“What happened to you?” Ventus spoke. Din returned the annoyed snort.

“Not that it should concern you, but I have my reason for… ugh… calling you all here.” Din began. “My vessel will try to fill in blanks, won’t you?” She looked at me. I blinked and tilted my head.

“Uhh… sure?” I responded quizzically, curious as to what Din is doing. Din then looked to the others.

“Your concerns are not needed. My vessel and I are in a bit of a bind, but as inconvenient as it was, it did make me realize somethings. I take it none of you have heard from the youngest of us, have you?” She eyed the others.

“I have no time to entertain a filly.” Gaia spoke dismissively.

“Tenebres is probably sulking somewhere again.” Ventus replied. Din nodded with a smile.

“Yes! Somewhere! Only, not sulking and more being… well… a little brat.” She then scowled. "My vessel and I have stumbled into a world that is very much parallel to ours. And the magic there is… well… now it is potent.” She said. The surprised looks from the elements threw me for a loop.

“You are in another world?! Do you not realize the consequences of what you are doing?!” Gaia snapped. Din looked at her boredly.

“I’m sure a smart one like you will tell me what I already know.” She replied. Gaia’s eyes flared in a green fire.

“Mock me, will you?!” She growled. I frowned and stepped in front of Din, looking up at Gaia.

“Gaia, we will get to the point of the matter. Just sit down and let Din explain.” I said with a frown. Gaia eyed me angrily.

“I do not take the words of a vessel! Out of my way!” She stamped her hoof.

“Gaia, enough!” Gwyen spoke. Gaia spun around to her. Gwyen frowned. “For once, we aren’t called by the serpent. Wouldn’t this be considered a relief? Something is really wrong. And as one of the seven, we need to do our part to help stabilize the balance, remember?” Din clapped her hooves with a smile.

“Finally, some creature with a brain! Do be a dear sister and listen to your vessel, won’t you? Because, as much as I loath to admit this, this opportunity will not happen again.” Gaia eyed us before scoffing and stepping back. Gwyen smiled at her.

“Thank you. Continue.” She said. Din cleared her throat.

“Yes, we are aware of the consequences of what we have stumbled upon. Do know, it was by mere coincidence. In this world, Tenebres is running rampant and disrupting the laws of balance in this new world. We aim to stop her and bring her back to our realm. We do not belong there. Our very presence is disrupting. We have a clue as to how to get back. It’s just a matter of getting Tenebres back. Now then, with that being said, this new world has an… unusual magic about it. One that I intend to use against the serpent himself.”

Everycreature remained attentive as Din continued. “With this magic, I’ll be able to ascend beyond what I was originally created for. And one I hope to achieve. And perhaps, you all can receive this same benefit. For I will need your aid in stopping the World Serpent from continuing his sloth.” She looked between them. “Do not take this as it being from the kindness of my heart, I still despise you all. But if we are to free ourselves from this cursed loop, then I will use this magic to give to you as I see fit.” Shiva spoke up.

“So, you intend to bring that magic back to this realm? I sense the bylaws do not apply to this fact.” She said. Din grinned.

“Yes, my frozen hearted sister. Then you know where I am going with this.” Din replied. Ventus spoke.

“But will it work? This’ll be the first time all of us have experienced any form of freedom.” She stated. I chimed in.

“You all don’t need to keep living the way you do now. Look at your vessels. They all bring to you benefits that you wouldn’t have previous. Our lifetime is a time of freedom and opportunity. To go out and see what’s beyond a simple realm. You all can work to achieve this same power as Din has. Gwyen, Katlyn, Zalas and Steel. You are all living your own lives and keeping your element in check, right?” They exchanged glances before nodding. I put a hoof to my chest. “It took me a long time to realize that doing that was only causing a lot of hinderances from doing what we were set out to do. Yeah, we may not have been given a choice in the matter, but don’t believe that anything has changed out of you. All of you. The elements are not the serpent's playthings and we are not tied to the strings of fate.” I smiled. “It took me a spiritual journey and an old friend to reassure us of that. We need to stop treating each other like parasites.” I motioned to everycreature. “What vessels you had previously are no longer their ambitions. You are in newer ambitions, and you both need to work towards achieving it.

“Gwyen, you want to see Appleloosa and the entire canyon to prosper not just economically, but endemically, yes?” Gwyen crossed her foreclaws in thought. She then met Gaia’s look before nodding.

“We… have been providin' tha' creatures of Appleloosa a better ecosystem that is benefittin' even tha' buffalo. Galavance an' Rita have been chippin' in as well. Gaia… you did mention how serene even a barren wasteland like Appleloosa could blossom into an evergreen of nature? It doesn’t have to be just green. You benefit an' strengthen when the earth prospers. Instead of twisting it to as you see fit, why not nurture it to grow as it is?” Gaia studied the griffon.

“Are you saying… I should work with you to nurture the earth as it stands now? Despite all the vile mortals trampling and killing my beloved trees?” She asked. I nodded and chimed in.

“Silver Scribble had said that greed will always remain in the hearts of mortals. It’s the follies we develop through our means. But if you, Gaia, and everycreature else can recognize that, accept that our follies are always going to be there, no matter what, we can work with you to create that harmony that will keep us going. And you can continue to be free.” Katlyn smiled.

“Like a true adventuring spirit. A mare after me own heart. What say ye, Aquarius? We’ve been in a few scuffles and we certainly have come a bit o’ ways in terms of partnership. The crew will come around and start treatin’ ye like family iffin’ that what ye want?” She said. Aquarius studied the abyssinian.

“I…” she began but faltered. “I desire the knowledge to know more of the world. The beauty of the sea calls to me.” She spoke. I smiled and looked to Ventus and Zalas. Zalas didn’t say anything. But Ventus spoke up.

“I’m perfectly satisfied with what I have received.” She said. I blinked and exchanged a glance with Din.

“R-really? Nothing to think about?” I asked. Zalas smiled.

“Ventussss and I have a coexissstance already. What we would like issss to provide aid when called upon. It’sssss boring ssssstanding guard over a tree.” Zalas said. I looked to Din and she gave a shrug.

“A-alright then. You can bet there’ll be plenty of action once we uhh… find a way back with Tenebres.” I said with a swish of my hoof. Din narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Ventus.

“I’m keeping my eye on you, sister…” she glowered. Ventus remained stoic and unimpressed. I then looked to Steel and Shiva.

“Any word about Lux on your end?” I asked. Steel shook her head.

“The facility was a bust. However, I’ve heard tales of your friends causing all sorts of trouble with the Triad. Specifically, the red headed one. She’s been stirring the hornets' nest far more than Shiva and I would like.” My look furrowed into worry.

“Is she okay?” I asked. Steel shrugged.

“If you count mass murder as okay, then yes?” She replied. Panic shot through me. Oh no, oh no! Thi is going to get herself killed!

“W-what about the others?” I asked. Shiva shifted as she replied.

“They have joined R.E.Z.A. in an effort to hunt down your crazed friend.” I looked to Din and Din rolled her eyes.

“Like I said, vessel. Anyway, since you are being a dear and keeping tabs on my vessel’s companions, would you care to knock some sense into that other one? I would rather not have to go through another zebra magical acceptance thing.” Din spoke. Shiva studied her. “Something amusing, sister?”

“You took my advice to heart.” She replied bluntly. Din flared.

“Don’t get too comfy! My desire remains the same as it ever was!” She then turned to the others. “I will repeat myself!! I do not care for any of you!! My own desires are inclined to look past it in an effort to maintain what the serpent held!! I do not care for your friendship! I do not care for honeyed words!! We are the seven who have broken our ties of the World Serpent! We are free!! All I ask is that you do not squander the magic I plan to give all of you when we need it most!! That serpent’s head will be cut one way or another and I will ascend beyond the stars!! We cannot ignore what the Creation Mother made for us, but we can deny the inheritance of a false god!!”

She leaned back and snorted, looking down on them. “Heed my words!! I am the Apex of The World! And I will not be cast aside when I have worked too hard for my rite!! I do not care what you all do!! Just don’t get in my way, am I clear!!?” Everycreature remained quiet. Din scraped the space. “Good! Now then, vessel. It is time for us to wake up and continue on our way back home. We’ve been out for too long.” I was about to ask her what she meant but thought better of it for something else. I turned to Gwyen, Katlyn, Zalas and Steel.

“Before I forget, I have a feeling I won’t be able to make it in time for the gathering. If I do, we’ll still meet up in Manehatten coast. If not, we’ll meet at the Tree of Power. Zalas knows where it is.” Gwyen smiled.

“Can’t wait ta' see ya' again. Things have been gettin' intense over here in Equestria.” She replied. Katlyn nodded.

“With the Triad having taken over some vital points of interest, the Equestrian Navy has been rather tricky to avoid.” She spoke. I blinked.

“Wait… the Triad are on the move??” I asked. Zalas nodded.

“Equesssstria is currently trying to take back their holdsssss. That ssssity in the ssssky hasssss been active. Huntersssss caught in the crossssssfire.” She explained. Gwyen looked at me worriedly.

“Fie. Equestria is beginnin' to hear the first songs of war. We’ll try what we can on our end. But we need ya' back. Everypony is goin' crazy!” She exclaimed. I darted my eyes in worry.

“And I can’t call on the four watching over Ponyville in the world I’m in currently… dammit… Why so soon?? I thought they planned to march when the Spring Solstice happens?” I spoke.

“It’s as your book friend says.” Steel spoke. “Greed will always remain in the hearts of mortals. The Triad are also at fault for it.” I didn’t say anything. My experience at the Zetecan temple was par for the course. I sighed.

“We’re trying. Just try and keep yourselves out of too much trouble.” I said.

“Take care, lass. The world seems bleaker without ye.” Katlyn spoke. I nodded and walked back towards Din. One by one, my friends and their elements vanished, leaving me and Din to stare ahead.

“An entire world riding on your shoulders and an entire ascension on my back. We do have our work cut out for us, eh?” Din began with a smug smile. I only nodded. Din shifted her look slightly. I then shook my head.

“I won’t let it distract me. Focus on finding a way home, get Tenebres back home and restore the balance. Together.” I said. Din studied me before nodding coolly. Space melted around us.

My eyes shot open and I rose out of a bed. I looked around, shielding my eyes at the bright colors of the walls around me. I was also hearing a loud ringing in my ears. I tried to say something, but I wasn't sure what I was saying. I laid back down and just remained still. My auditory bodily function eventually came back and I heard the sound of something beeping. Then, came my voice. I could feel the vibrations as I tried to make words. I then began to remove my hands away from my eyes and slowly opened them. My vision blurred but the images eventually became clearer. I groaned and rubbed my head, the beeping getting louder and louder until it was right next to me.

With my vision returned, I looked around now. It was a familiar sight, yet different in a way. This isn’t the Ponyville Hospital. I groaned and found that moving was out of the question. I was hooked up to these tubes and a machine. I sighed and continued to lay in the hospital bed.

‘Well, damn. How long am I stuck in here for?’ I frowned as I thought to myself.

On the bright side, sleep is amazing~ I heard Din spoke. I blinked groggily.

‘But… don’t you sleep usually when you have time in my head?’ I asked her.

When I rest to recover, I’m idle. I laze about. As calming as it can be, I get bored. What we did caused me to, what I believe, is called Magea Stasis. The term resonates for me somehow… Ahh, well. Whatever it means, I feel great! Din spoke. She was eerily chipper. Just then, the door to hospital room opened and in walked a nurse and my parallel father. He thanked the nurse before the nurse gasped and eyed me.

“You’re awake!” She exclaimed before rushing over to check the machines. My father arched a brow before walking over to the side if my bed. The nurse seemed to look puzzled.

“Something the matter?” Wild asked. The nurse hesitated.

“I… I’m going to get the doctor.” She said before hurrying out of the room. I weakly looked at him.

“Huh?” I said with a rasp. Wild looked at me and shrugged, clearly unfazed by me waking up.

“Enjoyed the rest?” Wild asked me casually. I rubbed my forehead and shrugged weakly.

“I’m still sore.” I replied. Wild smiled softly.

“Guess fighting a legion of shadow monsters and a leviathan will do that to you.” He said before looking at me stoically. “That being said, are you okay to answer some questions?” I chuckled softly and lazily waved my hand.

“Not like I’m going anywhere. But can I ask something first?” I began. Wild met my look. “You wouldn’t happen to have any info on Tenebres’s where abouts, have you?” Wild studied me. He then rubbed his chin.

“You really are uncanny to me. Who’s your mother, if I may ask?” He asked. I blinked and shook my head.

“I… can’t say that. It’s super weird and I don’t want to make things awkward.” I replied. Wild hummed before nodding.

“I understand. As to answer your question, we have not been able to track down Tenebres or a young girl based on your description. Ever since you and the Rainbooms took on that monster, that’s all anyone is covering. Global news, social media, even political debates unfortunately. Our department has been piling up with missing persons and found persons. The attack left over four hundred injured and thirty-six fatal.”

This didn’t sit well with me. I remained quiet as my father continued.

“You’ve been out for quite a while. Everyone has been getting worried.” He then motioned past me with his head. I looked over and my eyes fell onto several cards and a present. Wild removed his hat. “Four days to be exact.” My eyes widened and I sat up.

“Four days!?! Ow!!” I held my side and winced as a sharp pain shot through me. Wild lowered me back down.

“Better you stay in for now. It’s not pretty outside.” He said. I looked at him worriedly. “Let’s just say, be glad I’m the only one you’re talking to right now.” I sighed and put my arm over my forehead, the empty alien feeling of my missing horn bothering me a little.

“I can’t be here. I’ve wasted too much time.” I said. Wild narrowed his look.

“That’s one of the questions I want to ask. What does it mean for our world when you are present?” He asked. I met his gaze.

“I told you, I ended up here with no choice. What Din tells me, however, is that if Tenebres and Din continue to exist in this world, both of our worlds are doomed. I have to get back home with Tenebres.” I explained. Wild nodded before pulling up a chair and sitting down.

“Then. Care to explain from the start? Specifically, how you came about this magic?” He asked. I smiled weakly. I explained to him how it all started. How I ended up with Din, how my journey led me to here, how my very existence is questionable to this world and so on and so forth. When I finished explaining, Wild was jotting down in his note pad. He had filled out at least twenty pages worth of notes. He then pocketed it in his trench coat and nodded with a smile. “Thank you. I still can’t believe that you are from an alternate dimension. And a pony no less?”

“I did say it’d be weird.” I said with a nervous smile. Wild put a hand over his mouth in thought.

“But it all makes sense. Ever since the incident at Canterlot High. It all stems from there. And all this time magic has been seeping into our world.”

“And possibly other things that Equestria may have banished.” I chimed in. Wild nodded.

“Right. So why would our world be used as a prison for monsters?” He asked. I shrugged.

“I can’t give you a correct answer on that. My guess is that we have no clue your world exists. But from what I gathered of my own, only the entire school of Canterlot High, Crystal Prep and a select few individuals know Equestria exists physically.” I replied. Wild’s leg began to bounce a little.

“So… you sure you can’t tell me who your mother is? Err... at least the name in your world?” He asked. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes playfully.

“I can tell you one thing. I’m not your daughter and most likely the mare shares no similarities to your interests in this world. Like I said, it’s… weird to explain.” Wild remained stoic at the response.

“Right… pony.” He said before standing up. “Well then, I appreciate the time and will not keep you from rest any longer.” He then put his hat on and turned to walk out of the room. I sighed and rested my head down. I then looked over to the cards and present on the bedside table. Looking just above, I could see a calendar. It was already the start of the spring season. If time is parallel in this world to Equestria, then would that mean Winter Wrap Up is happening? My eyes feel onto a later date. The spring solstice.

Seeing it made me anxious. My thoughts were cut off when I heard the door open again and the nurse came in with the doctor. He looked over a clipboard and then eyed me.

“This week just keeps getting more and more interesting. Hello, I’m Doctor Swift Heart. I just have a few questions for you.” He began. I sighed and stared up at the ceiling.

Can I go back to sleep? Din asked sarcastically.

The World is Changing: Magic in the Air.

A headline has been making the waves. The city has been quietly recovering from the events four days ago, with buzz that has been on every forum, social media, news outlet and even a debate among the government. What began as a series of theories and accusations of special effects has become the eye opener.

Magic is real. Those that have believed in it rejoiced in the possibilities. And those that didn’t have had mixed receptions. And of course, the special cases believe it to be something else convoluted. Regardless of the words and actions, Canterlot City could not deny that the events that have been happening have been just that. And what has the people excited is the heroes that appeared to harness it.

The city’s own Rainbooms have also been the headlines of several news outlets. All wanting to interview the girls who saved their city. While no words have been given by the Principal and Vice Principal of Canterlot High, in which the heroes attend, police have been issuing protective services as to keep the girls from being overwhelmed and the students that attend the school to continue their studies without the invasion of privacy.

It is safe to say, however, that the world is changing. For better or worse, only time will tell when the events progress.

Equestria Girls POV

Sunset Shimmer glanced nervously at her phone. The Rainbooms had gathered in the privacy of the music room, each one sitting quietly and swiping at their phones. Sunset eventually got up and began to pace around the room. Her frustration starting to rise, causing her to grind her teeth in thought. Pinkie Pie saw this and reached out a hand to her’s. Sunset blinked and looked back. Pinkie handed her a cupcake and beamed. Sunset smiled softly and took it.

“Thanks, Pinkie.” She said, taking a small bite out of it. Pinkie Pie nodded happily.

“Chocolate always helps me to relax!” She replied, taking a big bite out of her own. Applejack looked up from her phone and began to tune her bass.

“Still no word about Quiet Fire?” She asked Sunset. Sunset sighed and swiped at her phone, taking another bite out of her cupcake before swallowing and speaking.

“Nothing. Not even a word about Tenebres or the other two Dazzlings. It’s been four days. Something should have happened by now.” She replied.

“With all the craze going on, I think it’s safe to say that Tenebres is laying low. Same with the other two Dazzlings.” Twilight spoke as she put away her phone and began to tinker with a compass like device.

“Perhaps we should lie a bit low as well?” Fluttershy asked.

“I agree with Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash spoke. “As awesome as we were, the other day at work, we had to close the shop early. We sold out of practically everything because people wanted to see me.” Rainbow rubbed the back of her head. “I’m also supposed to be meeting with the head of the sport’s store tomorrow. They want to use me as the poster girl for more products. It’s a little too much right now…” Rarity sighed.

“I agree, darling. While thrilled I am to have so many followers on my accounts, the err… emails have been rather… ahem… awkward. And I haven’t been able to catch a break to finish my new line of clothing I planned to unveil at work tomorrow.” She said.

“That’s what you are concerned about? ‘Ah had random strangers come by an’ try to help aroun’ my house! Couldn’t sleep a wink for two days because they decided to throw a hoe down in front of our yard.” Applejack frowned.

“And I’ve been trying to calm the animals. So many people believe that animals can talk now and try to get along with them. It’s… admirable, but it’s’ scaring them away from their habitats. And someone might get hurt, critter or otherwise.” Fluttershy said, hugging Angel close to her.

Pinkie Pie chewed on a chocolate bar before speaking.

“Coinky-Dink has been running out ice cream and food! We’ve also been closing early because of it! I’m all for parties but it’s a little much to keep up right now!” Pinkie Pie said, sighing a little. Sunset looked around.

“Anyone seen Wallflower?” She asked.

“Girls!” A voice said. As if on cue, Wallflower excitably burst through the door and rushed in, her eyes lighting up. “Come to the garden! Quick!” She said before taking off jogging down the hall. The girls exchanged glances before setting aside their things and rushing after Wallflower. The girls made their way out the school and towards the garden, only to stop and look up. Wallflower stood by what appeared to be an arching entrance of trees leading into the garden.

She proudfully had her hands behind her back, grinning ear to ear.

“Neat, huh? C’mon!” She then jogged into the garden and the girls followed. The seven came to a stop and their eyes lit up as well, their breaths leaving them. The garden had a complete makeover. While their own work remained untouched, trees and plants decorated the area. With the snow having melted long ago and the weather starting to warm up, colorful plants of all sizes bloomed.

The girls walked around in wonder.

“Wallflower… this is amazing!” Sunset said with a smile as they looked up at a giant purple lily that bloomed over the fountain like a ceiling lamp as the sunlight gave it a soothing and cool colorful vibe. Wallflower beamed.

“It surprised me too. I found the lily blooming over the fountain. It gave me an idea and inspired to work in a bit of magic too.” She then reached into the back of her jeans and withdrew the horn. She waved it in front of her. “Everything else was my doing. A little bit of imagination and a bit of practice, I figured out how to work this.” Sunset studied the horn.

“Are you sure about it? I mean, don’t get me wrong, this is incredible. But with our run in on magic lately, I’d be a bit careful about it.” She replied. Wallflower sighed.

“I… know what you mean. But I promise I have been very careful about it. The magic doesn’t work if I don’t wish with all my heart. Like this.” She then aimed at what appeared to be a budding dahlia flower. Wallflower waved the horn around, her eyes closed. “I wish… I wish… for this dahlia to blossom.” She then flicked the horn, aiming it at the flower. The dahlia bloomed as if time had sped up. Sunset let out a breath of awe. Wallflower giggled. “It was how I was able to help you all out during Adaggio’s rampage. All I wished was for you all to win and then… well.”

Twilight walked over and adjusted her glasses, squinting at the horn.

“Huh… You don’t mind if I do something real quick.” She said before withdrawing a compass like object. Sunset arched a brow at the device before her eyes widened in realization.

“Are you sure you want to be using that?” She asked cautiously. Twilight smiled and waved a hand reassuredly at her.

“Don’t worry, I redid the schematics and math. I’ve pretty much made it able to sample the magic and give me a reading based on a color spectrum. It won’t steal magic or open portals. Trust me, I tested it on myself.” She said. Wallflower and Sunset exchanged concerned glances before Wallflower held up the horn. Twilight aimed the device and the lights began to glow around it. It then popped open and a colorful wispy orb floated out of the wand and into the device. Twilight closed it and hummed a small tune as the girls waited for something to happen.

The compass lit up with a multitude of colors. The device then popped back open and the wispy orb floated back into the horn. Pinkie Pie skipped over and looked at the device.

“Ewwwww, colorful!” She smiled. Applejack scratched her head.

“So… why a color spectrum?” Applejack asked.

“I’m glad you asked. Science can measure a lot of things, but one thing that science hasn’t been able to measure is the theory of magic. There have been a lot of ways that may make sense on paper, but since science is just another form of magic, actual magic couldn’t be measured accordingly. That is, science didn’t account on me!” Twilight grinned and wiggled her fingers at the device. “I figured what’s the simplest way a human can measure something unquantifiable? By looking at it. Through colors.”

“Kind of like that machine?” Fluttershy asked with an amused smile. Twilight nodded.

“Precisely!” She beamed proudfully.

“So… what do you do when you get a measurement?” Rainbow asked. Twilight opened her mouth to speak before realizing her words and tapping her chin in thought.

“I uhh… wasn’t able to get that far yet. I guess… we just use it to see how strong the magic is. Going by the many colors in the reading, Wallflower’s horn is powerful stuff. I still need to adjust somethings, but I think we can make something out of it.” She said.

“Well I, for one, am inspired by such beauty!” Rarity said pleasantly. Her eyes widened at an idea. “And I have just the idea for my current line! Flora Couture!” Sunset rolled her eyes playfully with a smile. Sunset’s phone went off. She reached into her pocket and looked at the caller.

“It’s from detective Wild Fire.” She said before answering it. “Detective?”

“You have a detective’s phone number?” Rarity blinked. Sunset listened in, nodding her head.

“Mhm. Mmm. That’s great news! When is she going to be discharged?” There was a momentary pause. “Oh boy. Anything we can do to help?” Another pause from her. “Got it. We’ll head on over to the station once classes are finished.” She then disconnected the call and looked to the others. “Detective Wild Fire wants to meet us at the CCPD station. He wants us there when they start questioning Adaggio.”

“But I thought they threw her in jail.” Rainbow Dash spoke. Sunset nodded.

“Guess there are still some blanks needing to be filled. They are going to transfer her over to Paradise Isle Prison after.” She explained. Wallflower nervously held the horn close to her chest.

“Do I… have to be there?” She asked. Sunset smiled.

“If you want. It’s just a quick in and out. Or you can go ahead and we’ll meet you up at the hospital. Quiet Fire woke up.” The girls perked up.

“Is she alright?” Applejack asked worriedly. Sunset nodded.

“Still bed ridden, but signs shows she is stable.” She replied.

“Oh, thank goodness. I was worried she might have… err… over done it.” Fluttershy said with relief. Sunset furrowed her look to thought.

“Yeah… must have been a little too much.” She replied. The bell rang. The girls looked at each other before jogging back to school. Gathering their stuffs from the music room, they bid each other later before heading off to their classes. Sunset and Wallflower chatted a bit more before Wallflower waved to her and headed for (she was dreading it) P.E. The day progressed uneventfully, the school still buzzing with the events from four days ago. There was one thing that Sunset had noticed, however.

Some of the students were looking a little pale. Not only that, they’ve kept a blank expression throughout classes and having a weird walk. Some have taken notice of this but they all wrote it off as just a trend chasing. And Sunset thought so as well. When classes finally ended, the girls met up in front of the pedestal, the flower still glowing with the magical effects. Wallflower looked up at it and hummed. Sunset eyed her slightly, curious as to what the introvert’s thoughts were.

“Alright, so how are we getting to the station?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I can run down there of course. But are we carpooling or what?” Sunset rubbed her chin and smiled.

“You know… I’ve always wondered how it felt to just fly to school and back. I wonder if…” She then held out her hands and they glowed. She let her magic surround her and with some concentration, she found herself lifting up from the ground. She opened her eyes and beamed, looking down at herself. But due to her excitement, the magic faltered and she fell onto her rear with an “oof”. Sunset winced and rubbed her tail bone as Wallflower helped her up. “Err… I guess we can have Rarity fly us over.” She said with a nervous smile.

Rarity smiled smugly in a playful manner before tossing out a gem that expanded big enough to fit all of them. Wallflower waved to them.

“I’ll catch up with you girls. There’s something I'm wanting to check on.” Wallflower replied, studying the horn. Sunset nodded.

“Try not to get into too much trouble!” Pinkie Pie teased with a wave. With the girls on board, Rarity soared them high into the air and made their way downtown, Wallflower watching as they did. Wallflower, however, was unaware of the dark haze that was creeping up behind her.

Quiet Fire’s POV

I laid boredly in the hospital bed. No matter how many times I’ve visited the hospital before this whole journey, there was always nothing to do. Not even the TV could satisfy my restlessness. I need to do something active. I asked if I could walk around the hospital a bit, but the doctor told me that they wanted to ensure I hadn’t developed internal injuries and want me to go through therapy. It eventually got to the point that I planned to sneak out.

It wasn’t the first time I have done so. And it wasn’t because of being short on funds. I wanted to avoid so many questions and when I felt better, I’d walk out and act like I was discharged. Somehow, I think it’s going to be tricky to do that here than in Ponyville. I did read through my get-well cards. One from Cloudchaser and Flitter giving me positive wishes, Thi’s being a tad strange, but I found it endearing. The Rainbooms had a bigger card with their signatures and some good vibes comments.

I then looked at the present and was curious to open it. However, it was a little further away than I’d like and I’d wince in pain when trying to reach over to it.

‘Din, is the healing even working?’ I asked her boredly. Din scoffed.

I’m spreading my magic to aid in my own recovery. You’ll just have to make do with normal, mortal healing. She stated.

‘But I’m sooooo boooooored!’ I complained.

Indulge in yourself, why don’t you? Your simple mind has some urges that are left unattended that… frankly I want to burn. She said in disgust. I wasn’t sure what she meant, but I could go for a stiff drink. That always perked me up after a hospital visit. Though, now that I think about it. It has been a long while since I’ve poisoned my liver. I missed the warm feeling in my belly, but at the same time, I felt a bit more energetic sober. Ahh well. Nothing like a victory drink.

‘Now if I can only just get out of here…’

“Enjoying your stay?” A voice spoke, startling me.

“Hazabawahuh?!” I flinched, only to wince and hold my side. I looked over to see a strange looking person in a multicolored suite sitting down and reading a book.

“It is nice to see you too, Quiet Fire. Been some time since our last talk.” He said, smirking. My eyes narrowed at him.

“That voice… Discord?” I asked. The person looked up from his book and his yellow and red eyes glinted.

“Indeed it is, my friend.” He said with a smile. My eyes widened.

“Wait… how are you here?!” I pointed at him. Discord kicked back in his seat.

“Really now, have you’ve forgotten that I said I’d be keeping an eye on you? It’s in the second chapter.” He said. I blinked at this before shaking my head.

“Wha? Don’t start with your nonsense now. What happened??” I retorted. Discord sighed and closed his book.

“If you recall, I’ve been disguised as a decal on your cloak. Have been since you left Canterlot. Does that answer your question?” He asked with an unamused raise of a brow. I was about to speak when I thought about it a bit more. I then slumped back into the pillow.

“You know I had no choice, right? I was stuck to the mirror and going to be turned into solid gold.” I said. I blinked again. “Wait, if Din was curious about the mirror, why didn’t you get us out??” I asked. Discord rubbed the bridge of his nose.

“In our world, that serpent has limited me in my powers. I cannot help even if I wanted too. But I can do some work arounds. Stuff that gives somethings a little… push.” He said, making a gesture with his hand. I blinked and groaned, remembering the events.

“Right… Then… have you at least figured out a way for us to get home?” I asked. Discord pretended to tap his shoe in the air as a leg rested on a knee.

“I have been doing some searching, yes. But then I realized to myself and I was like-“ He then snapped his finger and a copy of himself popped into existence. “‘Discord, our friend has been working too hard in saving the world, perhaps she could do with a little bit of a vacation! Isn’t that so thoughtful of me?’” The other Discord nodded approvingly.

“Why, of course it is! And maybe even take some time off to yourself too! Nothing like partying in another dimension, as Pinkie Pie would say!” He winked at me before popping out of existence. Din growled.

The Lord of Chaos speaks tongues. She hissed. I narrowed my look.

“So… you did revel in the chaos that has been going on?” I asked suspiciously. Discord scoffed a couple of times.

“I… Well… okay… maybe a little enjoyment out of the chaos, but I never went out of my way to cause it! You must believe me that my intentions this time are to help us. The Rainbooms had the push, but they are a little slow on the upkeep of what I’m putting down.” He said with a flourish of a hand.

“Probably because you like to speak in circles. But then… does that mean you being here allows you to freely use your magic?” I asked. Discord wagged a finger.

“I cannot send us back with my magic. Doing so will create a singularity that will surely destroy this world. And you being the hero, you wouldn’t want that as a part of your genocidal record.” He smirked.

“Low blow, Discord.” I frowned in response. Discord scoffed again as if he had been rightfully accused of something vile.

“Then what do you expect me to do? While it’s true that I have free reign of my magic again, you and I both know we cannot be here. I bet Din will vouch for that as well.” He replied. I heard Din snort in annoyance as he continued. “Be it as it may, this time it does call for my direct aid. I’m all for ponies figuring out their own struggles, because if friendship has taught me anything, it’s to support them through their trying times. Just as Princess Twilight and the others have for me.” I raised a questioning brow.

“Uh huh…” I replied. Discord held up a finger.

“Would it help you if I told you I have an inkling of where Tenebres is hiding?” He said, his eyes glinting. I narrowed my look.

“Whatchu’ talkin’ about?” I asked suspiciously. Discord put a hand on his chest as he proudly puffed it out.

“Being the good friend that I am, I had tracked down the last known location of Tenebres. I spotted her meeting up with those two other sirens. You should start at the museum where we first came here.” He nodded. “Trust me! I haven’t let you down yet!” I sighed and bumped my head against the pillow out of boredom.

“That’s nice and all, but I’m stuck for another few hours before they can fully discharge me.” I said. Discord rubbed his chin. He then had an idea, a lightbulb popping up over his head. He grabbed it and took a bite out of it like a cookie before snapping his fingers. A strange glass bottle of red liquid appeared in front of me. I instantly recognized it. “Grandma’s secret recipe? How did…?” Discord shook his finger as he chewed on another bite of the lightbulb like a cookie.

“I don’t kiss and tell for anypony, Fie. Just consider it a… push.” He said with a stuffed smile before tossing the remaining lightbulb into his mouth and chewed. When he swallowed as I took the bottle in my hand, he stood up and stretched.

“Well, visiting hours are almost up. I’ll meet up with you when you find out what to do next. Ciao!” He waved to me before popping out of existence, leaving me to look at the bottle. Din grumbled.

As annoying as he is, the draconequues is right. We mustn’t waste more time here. She said. I nodded in agreement, popping the cork and then drinking the liquid. The bitter taste flowed down my throat, nearly making me cough. I drank all of it and winced at the awful after taste. However, I felt the tightening pain in my sides wane and a burst of energy course through me.

After a few minutes, I felt my pain ease and feeling normal. I smiled and sat up. Din shifted.

Zebra magic works all the time. She said, sounding a lot more energetic than previous. I looked down at myself. Carefully removing the tubes and putting then aside, I shifted off the bed and felt a cold chill when my feet touched the tiled surface. I stretched to test how well I was fairing. Completely normal. I grinned and flexed my fingers. With a silent nod to myself, I looked over to the present.

I took it and proceeded to open it. My eyes lit up in awe as I then pulled out what was my clothes entirely pressed and cleaned. Beneath it was a red hoodie cloak. A new and improved one. Stripping off my hospital gown and dressing into my clean clothes, I studied the design of my new hoodie cloak. The fire decals were colorful this time, lined with a woven silk to give it an eye-catching flare. On the very back was what appeared to be the design of a fiery majestic equine creature with her eyes closed and embroider lined wings unfurling up and over the shoulders. From the horn of the equine figure was a, what appeared to be, depiction of magic weaving up and creating a veil of fire that lined the edges of the hood. The cuff of the sleeves were thicker with a button strap that would allow me to roll up my sleeves and keep them from falling.

My eyes then fell onto a fashionable folded note tagged to my hood. I took it and read the fancy cursive.

Quiet Fire. Consider this a gift from yours truly, a Rarity original in a new line of inspiration! You have the weight of the world on your shoulders, darling. And what better way to tackle it than to look stylish doing so? From yours - Rarity. P.S. The others would love to catch up with dinner at some point. Give us a call, okay~? Din shifted in my head curiously.

Is that supposed to be me? Din asked. I smirked.

'Insulted by a fashionista?' I asked amusedly. Din was quiet for a moment.

Tis a better form of flattery than your pathetic attempt. Din replied stoically. I chuckled and held up the hoodie cloak.

'That's the Element of Generosity for you.' I replied to her. I tossed my hoodie cloak around me and put it on. when I clipped and tied the front of my hoodie cloak, I swished it out with my arms and examined myself. It felt real cozy to wear. Not loose and not tight. Just the right fit. I pat my chest, feeling satisfied with the new hoodie cloak. I then turned to the window and opened it. No use going out the front door and having to be confronted by hospital employees. I got stuff to do.

I stepped onto the sill and Din unfurled her wings behind me. I took off into the sky, fiery spectral wings fluttering from the effects of a newly energized duo ready to begin their hunt for Tenebres. There was something vindictive about being the hunters after spending some time before being hunted by Tenebres.

As we flew through the sky, my eyes scanned the ground. In the distance, I could see that reconstruction of the bridge was coming along. But it also seemed that several main streets in the city were closed down, leaving a lot of auto wagons stuck.

‘The city certainly has its’ work cut out for it.’ I thought.

Mortals here will never know the pure freedom of independent flying without limits. Din commented with a satisfied smile. May the queen reign supreme.

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