• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Chapter 23: Strange New Realm

Two Weeks Ago

In a realm that is entirely different from Equestria, a city glimmered in the snowy season. The day of love approaching ever so quickly, fliers spread across light poles and electric poles advertising a party bash for the event:

Hearts and Hands Celebration at Canterlot High. All families and ages welcome! Enjoy the pleasantries of music, dancing and food as the Rainbooms perform. All donations will go to Foals Whole Foundation. Celebration begins February 27th -29th from 7 PM to 9PM.

One of the fliers peeled off the light pole and began to flutter through a carrying breeze. The night’s moon shined brightly over the sleeping city. The flier traveled quite a bit of ways through the city, even passing a private academia school before heading further out to the suburbs. It flittered past several houses of notable design, then towards a school courtyard. The building tall with an intricate dome at the top. In front of the school was a pedestal where there was once a majestic equine proudly rearing up stood. The flier landed on the pedestal, sticking to it.

It wasn’t until a rainbow glow shimmered from a crack in the top of the pedestal that the flier flew away into the breeze. Colorful orbs wisped out of the crack and hovered around the pedestal before separating away and vanishing into an unknown area. Not too far off onto the sides was a green glow that shone brightly as if from nowhere. The path leading away from the school led to an outdoor garden.

The garden having signs of tender love and care, the flowers and plants covered by material to keep them warm and protected from the snowy elements. Three rocks made a formation that arced inwards towards the center of the garden, and a snow-covered fountain. The glow from the rocks grew brighter and brighter until a crackle of energy sparked above the fountain. Magical energy began to flow from the rocks, conjoining at the center above the fountain and creating a small swirl of light.

It grew bigger and bigger until it was wide enough to match the width of the fountain base, creating a portal that crackled with energy. Out from the portal came a sickening fog of purple and black, washing over the fountain and spreading throughout the garden. The flowers began to wilt and rot. A limb emerged from the portal. Then an entire body. The figure was cloaked with what appeared to be shadows covering the entire being. The figure stepped down from the fountain and walked a bit further away from the center. The figure looked back as the portal glowed intensely before exploding into a magical spark. The rocks shattered, leaving the figure to look around.

“I was expecting a little more. Oh well. There is a lot of ground to cover. What do you say? See what would be rightfully ours?” A childish voice spoke gleefully. From inside the mind of the figure is a pitch-black abyss. Glowing purple slit eyes narrowed into glee.

But of course, bestie. Think of all the friends we can have under our kingdom? The others can have that pathetic failure of a realm. This is just waiting to be explored! The gleeful voice laughed. Our shadow will loom from as far as this realms coast! All of it will be ours! And there is nothing that’ll stop us!

The childish figure grinned under the hood, the movements gliding away from the withering garden. As quickly as the figure appeared, they vanished into the shadows. Yet there was one thing that was unaccounted for. When the portal burst into a spark of magic, a wave washed through the entire city, shaking the foundations of buildings. Further in the suburbs in a mansion, a girl lay sleeping with her dog resting lazily in a basket at the foot of her bed.

The wave washed over the room, causing her to change her sleeping posture but unable to wake. The girl’s desk riddled with pieces of tech and computer gizmos as well as a couple of devices pushed aside. One such contraption blipped to life, the arrow going crazy on the scale. Tonight, a dark shadow has emerged into this realm. One that would be the epicenter to a series of strange events leading to a clash that this world has never seen before.

Present Day

I found myself sitting under the tree with Din resting comfortably on the trunk. I stared out into the fiery colored grass and blue flowers. All was quiet between us. Din finally stirred and looked up.

It seems that we are now able to wake up. Such a strange feeling of change. She commented. I blinked and rubbed the back of my head.

“I don’t feel any different.” I stated. Din rolled her eyes.

Because you are not awake yet. Though I must admit that was quite a gamble. She smirked smugly. I motioned to her.

“You could have blasted us out of there and we’d be fine. Why didn’t you react?” I asked. Din sighed boredly, her hind leg swaying limply off the trunk.

I could. But I was also curious as to where the mirror would take us. The strange magic coming from it distracted me. She bluntly stated. I slumped.

“Well then. I guess I’ll check and see what’s going on with us now.” I stated, standing up and walking forward. Din waved boredly.

Don’t hurry back now. She said. I walked further down the field before coming to a glowing doorway. I took a deep breath.

‘Alright, Fie. Now or never.’ I told myself. I reached out a hoof and entered the light, Din’s realm fading away around me.


“Hey! Hey you! Get up! Get up, you lazy slouch!” A voice said. My eyes began to open and I groaned, my body aching strangely.

“Huh…? Wha…?” I slurred. My vision was blurred but opening my eyes more, I saw a strange creature looking down at me. They were balding with a strand of their mane combed over the bald spot. They were also rather chubby and wearing a neatly pressed brown suite and tie. Their coat was rather purple but upon closer inspection, there was no fur at all. Only black strands of hair along the forelegs. Or… were they legs? The look of the creature frowned down at me.

“Get up you! This is not a resting place! This is public property and you are disrupting the peace of my museum.” He said in a grumpy gruff voice. I shifted onto my side and pushed myself off the ground. I froze, my eyes falling onto my forelegs. No… not forelegs. I studied my “legs”. What are these things? Somehow, I was able to flex them. My other foreleg had the same things. A shot of panic flowed through. I looked down at myself. I was wearing clothes with my tattered hoodie cloak covering them.

Long black cargo pants, what looked to be shoes fashioned strangely into an odd shape, and a black shirt. I examined my legs again. There were no signs of fur anywhere. Was this… skin? I noticed the balding chubby creature arch an unamused brow at me.

“Are you feeling well?” It asked. I was dumbfounded, still fascinated by what I was seeing. I then tried to stand up, finding that my body pushed with my hindlegs. I ended up flailing my arms and tipping over back and forth to try and balance myself. I planted both hooves… err… whatever I had now onto the ground and steadied myself with my “legs” outstretched. I noticed I was acquiring several looks from other creatures. I managed to take a deep breath and balance myself.

“Look, kid. I don’t have time for this. Get out of my museum. You’re scaring my customers. Security, please escort this ruffian out.” The creature said with a frown. I brought my “forelegs” back into my chest as two strangely uniformed officers stepped forward and spun me around. One had their limb hovering at my back and began to lead me away. I tripped over myself, landing hard onto a marble floor. It was extremely weird to walk. The two officers had to steady me as I tried to walk with them.

I heard the other onlookers laughing and pointing at me as I was doing a strange walk. Eventually, I managed to find the proper rhythm to walking when I was then led out of the building and pushed a bit away from the door. I nearly stumbled and flailed my arms to balance myself, spinning around and holding onto a massive pillar. I looked at the officers and they crossed their "forelegs".

“You alright, kid? Are you under something? Did your friends put you up to this?” One of them asked. I leaned against the pillar to support myself.

“I-I don’t know? I just… woke up here. Where even is here?” I asked. The officers looked at each other quizzically. One rubbed their chin with one of the stubs on the foreleg.

“Must have hit her head harder than I thought. I’ll call the paramedics. Watch her, will you?” The officer spoke before doing a strange bound into the building. The other officer studied me.

“What were you thinking, lying down in the middle of the floor like that? Not only that, trying to make a fool out of us with your strange walking! What is your deal?” The officer asked. I pushed myself away from the pillar, my “forelegs” flailing a bit as I steadied myself.

“I’m not trying to make -whoa- a fool out of any -eeee- pony.” I replied, nearly tipping over again. The officer arched a brow.

“You’re doing it right now.” They said. I looked down at myself.

“It’s just hard to walk in this… this… what even happened to my legs?!” I exclaimed a little. “And I’m wearing more clothes than usual!” The officer frowned.

“You better keep it that way. You’re in public young lady. I don’t care what you do at home, but you’ll be in a lot of trouble streaking around here.” They stated coldly. I blinked and looked at them, confused as to what they mean. Din hummed in my head.

It appears this realm requires clothing. Vessel, we are to figure out how to get back and I’d rather not have any complications. I gave a nervous smile.

“Err… I’ll keep that in mind officer.” I replied. The officer nodded as the other one bounded out of the building.

“Paramedics will be here in ten minutes. How is she doing?” They asked. The other shifted his look.

“Aside from thinking about streaking, I think she might need more than paramedics.” They replied. The other officer put their “legs” on their hips.

“Do you know where your parents are? Have a place to go home to?” The officer asked. I was about to reply when Din butted in.

Vessel. This realm has entirely new laws I’m sensing. Better to not bring too much attention to us for now. She said. I darted my eyes in thought.

“I-I do have parents and they are uhm… on vacation currently in… Estonia?” I replied, hoping to sound like I knew what I was talking about. The two officers exchanged glances.

“Estonia? Heard that place is nice this time of year.” One said. The other crossed their “legs” and looked down at me.

“And your place of residence?” They asked. I darted my eyes in thought, trying to come up with something.

“Uhhh… I’m… actually in the suburbs… Just hanging around the uhhh… city. Passing time.” I lied. Well, it really wasn’t a lie. But Hoofington was long ago. I heard the sound of sirens and looked down the steps of the building to see a strange looking auto wagon pull up. Now that I notice, there were a lot more strange looking auto wagons. Some sleek, some bulky and some looking like they had seen better days. Many creatures of varying height, design and clothing were walking down sidewalks and across street crossings.

‘At least there is some familiarity here.’ I thought to myself. Two different uniformed creatures, one looking feminine and the other masculine hopped out of the wagon, the feminine one carrying a red duffle bag with them and bounded up the steps towards us.

“Did you call about a person injured?” She asked. Person? Is that what these creatures are called? Such an alien realm yet somehow familiar. The officers motioned to me. The female person smiled and knelt down, putting their stubs under my chin and studying me. She then held out my “forelegs” and rolled up the sleeve of my cloak. “Does it hurt?” She asked when she started flexing my “legs”. I blinked questioningly but shook my head.

“Alright. Arms are looking good.” She then examined the open part that the stubs were attached to. She put her stubs on the joint and flexed them. “Does that hurt?” She asked. Again, I shook my head. “Wrists and palm okay. No damages to the fingers as well.” She then put her, what I am now guessing I have to call hand, onto my forehead. When she pat my head, as if feeling for my temperature, a realization came over me. When she removed her hand and proceeded to check below me, I put a hand over my head.

‘Where’s my horn?’ I asked myself, my panic increasing. ‘What happened to my horn?!’

Ease yourself vessel. Remember, no attention. Din reminded with slight annoyance. I took a deep breath and calmed my panic. The paramedic examined me top to bottom and pulled away, turning to the officers.

“Everything checks out. No broken bones or injuries. Temperature is normal as well.” She then looked to me as the masculine person came up the stairs with what looked to be coffee cups. “Do you need help getting home? We can take you.” She smiled. I shrunk back a bit.

“Oh, no. You don’t have too. I can walk. Err… yeah, walk.” I said. One of the officers sighed.

“Look, kid. Don’t be causing a ruckus around here. This city has laws and they must be followed. Look both ways before you cross the road. Don’t go down any dark alleyways or be lured by strange characters. Keep yourself with friends if you have to. Understand?” The officer spoke. I gave a reassuring smile and nod. The officer tipped their hat before turning with the other officer back into the building. The paramedics left, both enjoying their cup of coffee and leaving me to stand at the top of the steps.

I looked down at myself again.

‘Am I stuck like this? How do I change back?’ I asked. Din hummed.

Perhaps a certain spell over this place. Maybe I could… no… Din sounded shocked. I arched a brow.

‘Din?’ I asked.

No, no, no!! No!! What kind of sick, twisted joke is this?! She yelled. I furrowed my look worriedly. This is going to take ages to untangle!! Of all the rotten…! Dammit all!! There was a brief moment of silence. We have a problem. Your natural magic is… closed off I should say. In turn, that has denied me any access to it as well allowing me to not share mine. Everything is all twisted and tangled! I have to untangle it all manually! Such a pain! Din was swearing up a storm for a bit. I waited patiently, idling as she swore uncontrollably. When she finished, I was about to speak when she interrupted. Make yourself useful, vessel! Study the laws of this world! We have nothing better to do until we can find out how to get back to our realm! She growled. We are not wanted here. I sighed and looked down the steps.

‘Guess I should take a look around the city. Alright Fie. Baby steps. Time to blend in.’ I told myself. Easier said than done with the way I was walking down the steps.

Walking around the city was quite a feat in of itself. I didn’t realize how big it was. I must have spent a couple of hours wandering. Thankfully in that time, I managed to get accustomed to walking. It wasn’t long until I observed what the persons here called “joggers” bounding by did I decide to try my hoof err… hand at doing so. I had tripped over myself a few times, but eventually I managed to end up running down a couple of blocks, nearly causing a couple of auto wagons to screech to a stop and blare a loud noise at me.

I couldn’t help but laugh a little at the running. It was completely different to galloping but it exhibited the same rush. The only problem I noticed is that I felt a bit slower. I ended up jogging to a park where I noticed some stylish looking younger persons running an obstacle course. I asked one of them what they were doing and they explained the concept of parkour to me. I spent the next thirty minutes observing the way the persons moved through the obstacles.

Feeling a bit confident and realizing that this is something I tended to do with my training with Namaste back in Equestria, I decided to try my hand at it. I failed a couple of times but on the third go, I pretended to imagine this as my training. I was soon hopping, vaulting and climbing up over heights and obstacles, getting several cheers from the others as they were kind enough to encourage me to keep trying.

I finished the course with a little flip and landed on what they call “feet” and I bowed at the applause. I sat at a bench on the side and took a moment to catch my breath. One parkourist was kind enough to pass me a bottle of water, which had a different way of opening. I twisted the cap and chugged it like no tomorrow. I then bid them farewell before heading out of the park and down the sidewalk to continue my exploration of the city.

This place was incredible. The technology they had was so similar yet built differently. I had asked a passerby about the many televisions behind a glass wall and they looked at me funny before walking past. The more I observed the persons around me, the more I noticed something had on them. A strange looking tablet that they were constantly swiping their fingers on. I managed to sneak a peek on a few of them. The tablets had some images on them with words accompanied underneath them. Some were watching moving images with strange effects sprinkled into the images. Another had an interactive image that had all these weird colors.

When I asked about it out of nowhere to the person, they awkwardly replied and explained that it was a collect ‘em all game where you could spend actual money to get rare collect-a-mons or play and grind out for resources to get them. I was a little lost in the explanation, but I thanked them for the info and jogged down the sidewalk to continue my exploration. The cool breeze and the light snow that covered the city made it quite a homey sight.

I couldn’t help but be reminded a little of Ponyville. Though with the way some persons here interacted with one another, it’s safe to say that the values are far from Ponyville standards. More like Manehatten or Dodge Junction. After a while, I started to become hungry and feeling parched as well. I looked around and saw a stand that I can familiarize with as a food stand. When I jogged over to them and asked what they were selling, the guy looked at me funny.

“They are hotdogs. It’s uh… all we are selling.” He said. I tilted my head.

“Hotdog?” I asked. I could only picture a dog on fire. The person looked me over and sighed. They had an expression of pity.

“You look like an okay kid. Here, I’ll give ya’ one on the house. But the next one ya’ gotta pay.” He said, reaching into the box and pulling out a strange red-looking thing, sticking in between a bread bun. He then poured what I was guessing was ketchup and handed it to me. I awkwardly reached over and bit down on the food to hold it in my mouth. When I pulled away, the person gave me a disgusted and strange look. I blinked and realized what I was doing.

I flushed and proceeded to grasp the bread bun with my hands and began to chew on the food. A juicy, meaty taste was fascinating yet delicious. I perked up at the taste. Usually, we would eat anything green or hay. The creatures here must eat meat then. Does that make them partial griffon? Regardless of the matter, I walked away from the stand, chewing hungrily at the hotdog, the ketchup resting on my… muzzle? Mouth? I’ll call it mouth for now. I finished the hotdog and felt satisfied.

“I don’t know why I hadn’t tried meat before. That was delicious!” I said aloud.

Shut up! I’m trying to concentrate. Din hissed. I coughed a bit and pat my chest. I forgot to ask the stand owner if they had anything to drink. I looked around and found another familiar thing. These were usually found in CSGU from what I recall. I rushed over and bent down, pressing the button and tasting the refreshing cold-water flow down my throat. Feeling satisfied with food and water, I wiped my mouth with my sleeve and proceeded to continue my exploration.

It was only now did I realize I was standing in front of a tall and massive purple building with a crystal class dome overhead. A purple and blue flag with the words dynamically painted as “SB” were displayed along with what looked to be an equine figure surrounded by a crystal heart. I narrowed my looks and rubbed my chin.

‘That’s… odd. Why am I getting Crystal Empire vibes here?’ I asked myself. I began to walk down the pathway that led to the building entrance. I pressed my face against my hands to peek through the glass. The halls were sparkling clear, a display case lining the main lobby with trophies, flags and pictures. Several fliers and banners displayed around the lobby as well. I found myself reaching for the handle of the door, pushing against it to find that it was locked.

I frowned and jiggled the handle. I then started to push, realizing it wasn’t locked but just being stubborn in opening. I grunted as I pushed against the door.

‘C’mon! Open!’ I groaned. I was about to turn around and try to buck it when the door opened towards me, bumping me in the rump and sending me rolling down the steps.

“Oh dear!” I heard a voice say as I landed on my stomach. I groaned and shook away the daze. “Are you alright?” I shook away my daze and furrowed my look. That voice… why is it familiar? I noticed somepony err… someone reaching out to me and I took it, being helped up. When I looked at the person, my jaw dropped in shock.

“Princess Cadence??” I blurted out. There was no hiding the similarities. Rosey mixed hair, pink hue and dressed in a business dress and suite over pink coat. She did not look like the pony I’m familiar with however. There as quite a bit of makeup to her. She gave me a questioning raise of her brow.

“Err… I am Cadence. Principal Cadence to be exact. No princess here.” She said with a small chuckle. I flushed and pulled back.

“O-oh. Sorry. You just… look like somepo- errr… someone I know.” I replied. Cadence arched a brow.

“Really? How peculiar. Can I ask your name?” She spoke. I rubbed the back of my head.

“Quiet Fire. I’m… not from around here.” I replied. Cadence smiled.

“Nice to meet you, Quiet Fire. Are you planning on attending Crystal Prep?” She asked. I arched a brow.

“Crystal Prep?” I asked. Principal Cadence motioned to the school.

“I have some free time so I can show you around.” She said. I followed next to her, looking around as we walked up the steps and she pulled the door open. I entered into a big lobby, the scuffing of my shoes making squeaky sounds as I walked further in. I spun around slowly in awe. “This is the main lobby. Here, students tend to gather and mingle or study while they wait for their next period to start.” We walked towards a glass case full of the trophies. “This is a memorial of all the accomplishments that the students here at Crystal Prep have contributed. Their athletic and academical achievements are displayed here as to inspire the next year’s freshmen to push for their own goals and even contribute to more than just Crystal Prep’s achievements.”

Principal Cadence walked down a hall and I followed, fascinated by the design of the place.

“Down these halls are all sorts of curriculars. We not only provide standard and advance courses, but active clubs that all are welcome to join. We have archery, fencing, football, ballet and choir just to name a few. Our most popular one is band club. Nothing gets the school spirits rising like a good song or two.” She chuckled. I tapped my fingers together bashfully.

“I-I’m more of a martial artist than a musical pony. Person!! I meant person!” I said, quickly correcting myself. I gave a nervous laugh as Principal Cadence arched a brow.

“Riiiight… Well, we do also have a martial arts club. In fact, I believe we are about to be in the championship this week.” She said as we continued walking. We went through a pair of double doors into what I would assume was a gymnasium. My eyes fell onto several students in karate gis sparring or running through motions. My eyes lit up a bit. I then noticed somepony I recognized as well on the sidelines.

“Shining Armor…?” I blurted out again. I noticed Principal Cadence arching another questionable brow at me.

“Have you’ve met Dean Shining?” She asked. “Or is he someone who looks like him?” I felt my heartbeat racing as she seemed to narrow her eyes suspiciously.

“Nope! I’ve seen him around and he helped me with uhh… a thing that happened at the uhh… place. Yeah.” I quickly looked around, fanning myself with a hand. “Err… you don’t happen to have a library?” I asked, hoping to change the subject. Principal Cadence rubbed her chin but smiled.

“Of course. I can show you it.” She then waved to Shining Armor who noticed us and waved back with a handsome smile. I couldn’t help but notice something when we were heading back to the main lobby and turning down a hall.

“So… are you and Shining Armor a… thing here?” I asked. I noticed Principal Candence flush brightly to match her skin hue.

“O-oh! N-no, no! He and I aren’t really a thing.” She replied, with a bit of uncertainty. I hummed in thought.

‘So, the Shining Armor and Cadence here aren’t together. They are similar but completely different. I guess I should treat any familiar faces as new ones.’ I thought to myself. Principal Cadence cleared her throat, brushing her business dress a bit.

“H-here we are. The Crystal Prep library.” She spoke as she opened the door. I couldn’t help but let out a breath of awe at the sight. The shelves towered high and seemed to connect through the second story balconies. Several ladders could be seen leaning against the shelves. This would definitely give Twilight another several hours to read through everything twice. Principle Cadence motioned around. “We have everything a studious mind can indulge in. Advance courses, human history and even fictional novels dating back to the eleventh century.” I blinked and looked at her.

“Human history? Eleventh century?” I looked around and rubbed the back of my head. “Err… you don’t happen to have anything for modern day, do you?” I asked. Principal Cadence nodded and waved me over to a table. A black and white screen faced me with what looked to be a board with letters on it. These buttons were smaller however than my world. And jumbled together.

“If you want to catch up on latest news and such you can read about them on the library computers. If you want to follow what trends are going on, we have that too, but this is a place of academia. To learn. You can follow trends during recess periods or after school on your cell phone.” She stated sternly. I blinked as I was pressing the buttons on the board while she talked. I turned to her.

“Cell phone?” I asked. There was a loud noise that rang in my ears. I looked around, wondering where it came from.

“Classes are over. I’m sorry, but I must attend to my duties. I’ll get someone to help you look around. When you are finished, you can meet me in my office.” She said as she walked over to the door. “It’s just up the stairs on the third floor, first double doors you see. You can’t miss it.” She then gave a small wave out the hall and a student walked over. “Flitter Glider will be able to show you around.” My jaw dropped when I saw a female person walk in, wearing a purple cardigan and a plaid purple and black skirt, high socks and button shoes. There was no mistaking the mint mane and pink bow on her head. She looked a little confused but then smiled.

“Of course, Principal Cadence. It’ll be my pleasure!” She said. Principal Cadence nodded and closed the door. Flitter skipped over to me and held out a hand. “Hi there! I’m Flitter Glider. You must be new here.” She said. The resemblance was so uncanny that I nearly forgot to speak.

“Oh uhh… Quiet Fire.” I replied, hesitant at first but shook her hand. She seemed rather chipper. Something I grew used too with Flitter before the Trottingham experience. ‘Remember Fie. Treat familiar faces here as new faces.’ I told myself. I then smiled and rubbed my chin. I was a little curious. “Don’t you have a sister?” I asked. Flitter blinked but then nodded.

“Yes. Though she doesn’t go to this school… anymore.” She said with a small sad sigh. I balked and waved my hands out.

“S-sorry. I just thought I saw someone who looked almost like you in town.” I said. Flitter smiled.

“It’s alright. So, what did Principal Cadence show you so far?” She asked.

“Oh uhh… just the main areas.” I replied. Flitter tapped her chin.

“Did she show you the cafeteria?” She asked. I shook my head.

“N-no. I don’t think sooOOO!” I was then pulled along by Flitter as she beamed.

“Good! Because it’s my lunch period and I’m starving. I could go for Caesar Salad.” She stated. She pulled me along as we weaved in and out of students that were gathered together or walking by. I had bumped into a few students who gave me confused or annoyed looks. We then arrived at a set of double doors that Flitter pushed open, and I was blinded by the shining floor of the cafeteria. It was rather big and spacey. Like you could fit several more tables into here and still have enough room.

Plenty of students in sweaters, shirts and long sleeves mingled about with trays full of food and sitting at tables. CSGU didn’t have a cafeteria from what I recall. Most of the students would just eat at the local cafe nearby the school. Flitter led me to wait in line, taking a tray. When we got our food (Flitter having a nice-looking salad while I had this food called chicken cordon blu with mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables and a shiny apple on the side) we sat at a table and Flitter started to chew on her salad while she pulled out a pink tablet that I have seen everyone here have and scroll through somethings.

I scratched the back of my head and studied my food. I poked at it with my fork before giving the chicken a taste. My eyes widened and I perked up. This. Is. Amazing!! I proceeded to lean in and use the fork to help me rip into the chicken, getting a bit of the gravy on my chin. When I pulled away and chewed happily, I noticed Flitter eyeing me strangely. Realizing what I did, I blushed and took a napkin to wipe my mouth.

“Sweet Celestia how have I not tried meat before?! I wonder what kind of other variety of meats they have here…?” I spoke happily. Flitter swallowed and raised a brow.

“Uhhh, yeah… Anyway. Do you follow any bands?” Flitter asked. I brought the apple to my mouth and bit down on it, taking a chunk out of the apple before tilting my head.

“Bandssth?” I spoke with my mouthful. I began to chew as Flitter scrolled through before showing me.

“Lately I’ve been following this metal band called Skull Cruncher. They have the best light show in all of the whole world! I especially like their song Crazed Minds Think Alike.” She said. I stared blankly at her. I then swallowed and wiped my mouth with my sleeve.

“Where I come from, it’s mainly pop, electronica or orchestral. Sometimes jazz.” I stated remembering my neighbors Octavia and Vinyl Scratch. Flitter beamed.

“What about rock?” She asked. My mind shot back to the temple.

“I’ve had enough of rocks for one day.” I stated, rubbing my arm. Flitter giggled.

“No, dork. Rock as in the musical genre. You ever heard of the Rainbooms?” She asked. I arched a brow.

“Can’t say that I have.” I replied. She then swiped her finger over the tablet and tapped something before showing me a black screen. I was about to ask what I was looking at when images popped up and began to move. “This happened during the Battle of the Bands that Canterlot High hosted. Some crazy special effects, don’t ya’ think?” I watched as it looked to be from the front stage of what appeared to be three girls singing on stage. The music was entrancing at first before being interrupted by a musical number somewhere off screen.

When the image turned, it zoomed in onto a group singing at the top of a hill and playing on instruments. I couldn’t quite make out the faces, but something about them were familiar. The video suddenly went crazy as the girls that were on stage began to transform with sea like wings on their back and projected images of sea like monsters rushing the group. The group then fought back with their own harmonizing song, winning against the creatures with a fantastical display of lights and rainbows.

Flitter grinned. “Neat, huh? What if I told you that those special effects were actually real magic.” She said. I tilted my head.

“Magic? Like… magic magic?” I asked. Flitter nodded and tapped her tablet again before showing me another moving image of what appeared to be a crazed individual opening up portals around the area. My jaw dropped when I noticed that some of the portals had certain views of Ponyville. However, the images showed that a strange girl faced down the creature and turned into something beautiful, sealing up the portals and clashing with the creature. The video ended there.

“I fumbled the last recording there. But ever since the Friendship Games, things began to feel a bit different. We even heard that a spring break trip went crazy at some point that involved magic. Crazy right?!” She exclaimed. She then furrowed her look and sighed, sitting back down sadly. “Yeah… it’s amazing that most of us know that magic exists for real. But… I can’t help but not be too excited about it.” I was still recovering from the sight of seeing Ponyville in the images.

I managed to gather myself and eye her.

“So… it’s safe to assume magic really does exist here?” I asked. Flitter nodded sadly, poking her food. I was about to ask what was wrong but the loud sound rang in my ears again and Flitter stood up.

“Err… sorry I couldn’t show you around like you wanted. I have to get to class. I’ll… see you later?” She asked as she gathered her things. I smiled and nodded.

“Yeah.” I replied. She gave a friendly wave before walking off with the crowd out the door. I looked down and poked at my food.

‘So… magic does exist in this world. And not only that, it looks like monsters too.’ I thought.

Yes. I could smell it in the air. It’s magic from our realm mixing in with the pathetic excuse for magic here. Din stated. I crossed my arms.

‘Those moving images… there were those portals to Ponyville… Equestria…’ My eyes widened and I smiled. ‘Then we can get back to our world! We aren’t entirely stuck!’ I said, punching the air happily. Din snorted.

One problem. Where can we find that creature that opened those portals? More importantly, why is this more complex than that muddled brain of yours?! Din stated in frustration. I arched a brow.

‘Anything I can do to help?’ I asked.

Doubtful. Just continue finding info on how to get us out of here. It’s rather unstable here. She said. I hummed.

‘Then… shouldn’t we also figure out what’s causing the instability that you are picking up? Aren’t we supposed to be fighting for balance here?’ I asked.

We are not supposed to be here. Our duty lies back in the other world. Let me tell you something before the serpent decides to mention it and confuses us. Each world has its’ own laws and balance to dictate itself on. Any outside laws acting upon it will send both worlds into total damnation if it were to be meddled with. Not like we can’t do anything at the moment due to this mess. But even if we were, I would prohibit you from using anything aside from your own innate talents here.

I nodded my head. ‘Makes sense enough. Then I guess we should start in the library.’ I replied to her. I quickly finished my food before pushing the tray away and jogging out of the room. I didn’t make it far as when I rounded the corner, I bumped into someone, knocking both of us over. I shook away my daze. “Sorry about that.” I quickly said. I saw a hand reach out and I took it, being helped up. My eyes widened when I caught a good look at the figure I bumped into.

Stoic demeanor, blue skin and white hair. He was wearing a yellow sweater, tan slacks and loafers.

“Silver Scribble??” I blurted out again. He arched a brow, bending down to pick up a book bag.

“Professor Scribble, if you please. You should be a bit more careful.” He said in a familiar stoic voice. I was baffled as he walked by, adjusting his glasses. “Pardon me.” He disappeared around the corner with the crowd, leaving me to scratch the back of my head.

‘I wonder if…’ I began to think before shaking my head. ‘Focus, Fie. To the library!’ I spun on my heels and jogged back towards the library, still unable to get over seeing both Flitter and Scribble here. Mentioning a sister to Flitter must mean that there is a Cloudchaser here. And most definitely now a Thi Billet. But… these aren’t my friends here. ‘Doesn’t mean I shouldn’t give them the cold shoulder…’ I told myself. I shook my head and smacked my cheeks before stepping into the library and closing the door. I took a deep breath and looked around. The library was empty and I nodded to myself.

I sighed and face planted into an open book. The stacks of books next to me toppling over into another pile of books. It’s been a long time since I sat down at a table and just read my mind out. I decided to pick up books on biology and some history. I even found a book called a “yearbook”. It had pictures of the students in younger days partaking in certain stuff to be displayed and signed. I spotted a young looking Cloudchaser and Flitter. They looked so close to each other.

I couldn’t help but snicker when I spied Silver Scribble. Apparently, he is an alumnus that graduated super early for his age and became a professor to teach at Crystal Prep. I knew he was smart, but this Scribble must be the new Einstein. My eyes then fell onto a girl who I couldn’t help but see an uncanny resemblance to Twilight. Her hair was a little bit of a mess, as if she had finished a science project of some kind and didn’t look quite too pleased or excited about her picture being taken.

Funny enough, the name under the portrait did say “Twilight Sparkle”. Nothing else stood out save for what I read that the school used to have a different principal at the time. Principal Cinch. The way she postured herself gave off quite a prideful vibe that didn’t sit well with me. I pushed the yearbook aside after I finished reading a passage in a book before closing it and slumping in my chair.

‘Did you know that Starswirl the Bearded here is not only an iconic astrologer, but also had an alias that was called Merlin and was the tutor to King Arthur? I do now.’ I thought tiredly. No matter which way I looked at it, this dimension and ours are connected in some strange way. A lot of history here paralleled major events in our own history. Which would be exciting if I wasn’t in a bid to find info on anyway to get out of this realm. The events never explained anything about portals or mystical creatures.

Well, aside from the current cryptids that this world has. But nothing that stood out. My eyes then fell onto a computer. I hummed in thought. ‘What if anything had happened in recent times?’ I asked myself. I got up from my seat and moved over to the desk. I studied the board and began to tap at the buttons with my knuckles. The screen flickered to life and I saw strange icons on it. I tapped more buttons, trying to figure out how to maneuver through this. Was there a special button or something? I lifted up the board and examined it from underneath.

I put the board back down and scratched my head. I tapped the side buttons and this time I saw something move. A white pointed icon. I furrowed my look and tapped the buttons again. It didn’t move. I sighed and bumped something with my fist, causing the pointed icon to skate across the screen. I blinked and looked to see a strange device connected to the screen. I meekly shifted it and saw the pointer move again. Feeling a bit more understanding of this, I held the device in my knuckle, fumbling it before managing to use my hand to have better control of it.

There were two buttons on it that I quickly found that highlighted one of the icons and the other brought a menu up. Taking another moment to adjust to this, I then clicked on a horse icon and something popped up displaying words and images. I took a moment to skim the words before trying to figure out how to move down to finish reading cut off words. I found another thing on the separate device that allowed me to scroll down. I couldn’t help but think that the Triad had a much easier time making stuff like this for pony accessibility.

It seems like this was made with these fingers in mind. In my world, the Triad would just have buttons assigned to things. This is just… mathematics with letters. Eventually, I managed to adjust and navigate the menus. I began to search for stuff relating to this year’s events. Nothing happened through New Years save for a celebration. Nothing for a parallel holiday to Hearts and Hooves. I checked last years and saw that there was plenty of strange events that were going on.

Such as a yacht having sank off the coast with all attendees alive and found back home with no info on how they got back. Another was the events that transpired in a place called Camp Everfree. Tall black berry brambles covered the camp for an hour before a flash of bright prismatic light of colors destroyed the brambles and freed the campers and employees in it. It was then followed by a fundraiser that stabilized the camp for future generations. There was also something about a Starswirl festival too.

But nothing that stood out aside from a perfect Post Crush show where two lucky fans got to play with the band. I sighed however as everything seemed to go back to normal news. That was until I found an article going back two weeks ago. I read the report in my head.

‘An earthquake rocked the city last night, causing a power outage that lasted for several hours. Power was restored and the day remained uneventful after. That is until a group of students reported about a strange figure that was seen floating off the ground in the suburbs. I am not one to believe in magic, but as one student stated: "It was extremely creepy, like one of those Creepy Fettuccini stories. A shadowy ghost floating through the streets!" Another such strange occurrence is a mysterious decomposition of a Canterlot High student's garden.

‘We spoke with the caretaker of the garden, Wallflower Blush, about her thoughts on the matter. However, the caretaker was too distraught over the hard work she put into the garden and was thus unable to comment any further. My condolences to you, Wallflower Blush. I am a green thumb myself and am sad as well to see such a lovely sight that won first place in the annual Botany Care Competition.’ I skimmed more of the passage and leaned back in the chair, covering my mouth in thought.

‘An earthquake that happened two weeks ago? A shadowy figure?’ I darted my eyes. ‘Guess our next bet is this Canterlot High.’ I thought to myself. Din sighed in frustration. ‘You good?’ I asked.

The Apex of the World will not be bested by silly string, dammit!! She barked. I chuckled and kicked back in the chair.

‘Perhaps its’ time we both took a break. Enjoy your alone time?’ I suggested. Din shifted in my head before sighing in defeat.

Mark my words you damned web of confusion. I will have your head when I get back… She growled. I was curious as to what she was dealing with but I stood up and stretched before walking over to the door. I paused as I heard voices on the other side.

“I’m a little worried. She was supposed to see me in my office.” I heard Principal Cadence speak.

“I’m sure everything is fine, Cadence. She could have just been lost in the well of knowledge that is the Crystal Prep library.” I heard Shining Armor say.

“Maybe. But did you see how she was dressed? It was like she had just come out of the woods.” Cadence spoke. My eyes widened and I looked down at myself. I didn’t account on the fact that I did look like I had gone through hell and back despite the pristine clothes underneath the cloak.

“You’re overreacting. I’m sure she means no harm.” Shining replied. Cadence sighed.

“You’re right. If anything, she looks like one of Canterlot High’s students who took a wrong turn. I know those eyes. They remind me of Twilight.” She said. Shining chuckled.

“You’ll be seeing her for dinner tonight. She’s been wanting to do that for a while now.” He said. I stepped away from the doors and looked down at myself.

“It’s strange though. Her eyes were... odd. Like they had this sort of... strange effect going on with them." She replied. I covered my eyes, looking through two of my fingers in shock.

'I forgot about my eyes!!' I panicked.

How inconvenient. Like I said, vessel. We are not wanted here. The sooner we leave, the better. Din stated. I clutched my chest and looked around. I have to get out of here. I threw my hood up and began to jog down the library aisles, looking for any sign to get out of here. I spotted a window off in the corner, looking what appeared to be someone's old hang out corner. A beanbag, some left over notes and books. I hurried over to the window and opened it, peering out to see that it was quite a drop down to bushes. I don't know how durable my body is unlike in my world, but it's now or never. I climbed onto the sill and then hopped out, landing into the bushes ungracefully. I pulled myself out of the bushes and began to run down to the street. To my luck, a bulky auto wagon was parked, letting off some persons and letting on others. I quickly crossed the street, ensuring I looked both ways before doing so and rushing into the auto wagon. I found an empty seat and took it, keeping my head down and letting out a sigh of relief. The auto wagon jerked and I watched as Crystal Prep got further and further away. I leaned against the seat and crossed my arms.

At least we have more knowledge of what to expect in this world. And it seems magic, as recent as it is, is running amok here. This could be beneficial to our return home. Din spoke.

'Beneficial how? To power up portals?' I asked.

Some leverage over the World Serpent. Now that I know of another existence connected to the one currently in peril, there is no doubt that this could be the next location for the World Serpent to "entertain" himself. Not only should we find the creature that can open portals to our world, but we could also use that power for our own against the snake. Nothing more satisfying than seeing that bastard squirm! She grinned maniacally. I tapped my chin.

'I don't know Din. Perhaps we should focus on ensuring we are prepared to go against the magic here. No use controlling for blackmail if we can't get a grasp on our own.' I replied. I heard Din smack her hooves together with a cackle.

That damned tangle will crumble before my hooves!! She shouted. I frowned.

'Okay, what the hell is going on in there?' I thought, blinking once and finding myself amongst the flowing fiery grass. I saw Din entangled and biting down on some string like ethereal material, wrestling it with all four hooves and legs. She spat out the string in her mouth and looked up into the sky. I followed her gaze and my jaw dropped. The sky was flowing with the string like material, connecting to the stars. I couldn't tell where it started and where it ended. Din blew a fiery bang up and tapped her hoof on the ground looking annoyed at me. I gave a nervous smile. 'You're probably busy. I'll leave you alone now.' I said before blinking out of the realm.

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