• Published 18th Aug 2013
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Daughter of Discord - DisneyFanatic23

Sequel to "Bride of Discord." Discord and Fluttershy are blessed with a daughter named Screwball, who is gifted with incredible power that attracts the attention of the Queen of the Changelings...as well as her son.

  • ...

Five Years Later

"Now make a wish and blow out the candles!" Pinkie Pie screeched.

The seven-layer cake sitting in front of Dinky and Screwball had thirty candles, fifteen for each of them. The party was held at Screwball's this year, and a good thing too, because there were many guests and much space was needed. Three energetic, poofy-haired fillies hovered over the birthday girls. One was blue, one a deep magenta and the third a light red.

"Quick, quick!" the blue one urged.

"Blow them out!" cried the magenta one.

"Yeah, so we can dig in!" the red one clapped.

"Blueberry, Raspberry, Cherry!" Pinkie Pie shouted, ushering the girls back into their seats. "Calm yourselves!"

Screwball looked to her friend. "You ready?"

Dinky nodded. "On three."

"One..." they counted together, "two...three!"

They inhaled simultaneously and extinguished the tiny flames while Fluttershy snapped a picture. There were cheers from every pony and a cry from a baby.

"That yours or mine?" Discord asked Applejack.

"I got this one!" Spike declared, rushing to a purple baby carriage. He took a baby bottle out of his bag and fed it to the infant. "Here you go, little fella! There's a good little Applespike!"

It turned out that it was possible for a pony and a dragon to have a child. At a glance, the foal looked normal: an orange earth pony with green hair, until you saw his green reptilian eyes and scaly orange tail.

The young colt let out a burp, coughing up green fire. Spike only smiled.

"That's my special boy!"

Discord put his hands around the birthday girls' shoulders. "So what did you gals wish for?"

"I wished that Dinky's wish would come true," Screwball said.

"Aw, thanks, Screwy!" Dinky sniffed.

"In that case," the draconequus said, "what'd you wish for, Miss Doo?"

The unicorn blushed. "Uh...I wished for...muffins!"

Lightning Dash rolled her eyes. "Of course."

Discord chuckled and snapped up a plate of assorted muffins. "Here you are, but I think you should have the cake first."

"Cake, cake, cake!" the Pie triplets chanted, pounding their hooves on the table.

"Girls!" Pinkie said firmly. "That's not very polite. You know the birthday girls get the first bite of the cake! It's one of the major rules of birthday parties!"

The foals scrambled into a line as Discord cut the chocolate-frosted yellow cake.

"Uh, how many calories does this have?" asked a white unicorn filly with an elegantly coiffed blue mane. "I'm on a diet."

"Oh please," Prism groaned, rolling her eyes.

"Don't be such a party pooper, Gemstone!" Rarity laughed, patting her daughter's head. "There's nothing wrong with a little cake. Besides, you're too young to be dieting."

Gemstone was Prism's age at nine and was the daughter of Rarity and Fancy Pants. Screwball had not wanted her to come because she was so fussy, but she had rarely seen Aunt Rarity since her marriage and wherever she went, Gemstone went.

"Here you go, girls," Discord said, handing Dinky and Screwball each a slice of cake.

The latter gasped as the plate floated out of her hands and over to a high chair. There sat a gray foal with a lock of pink hair and swirly red eyes. He clapped his hooves as the cake landed in front of him.

"Zany!" Fluttershy exclaimed, swiping the dessert out of his reach. "You shouldn't be eating cake! Besides, this belongs to your sister!"

"Oh, let it go, honey," Discord chuckled. "He's only five months old and his diet already consists of chocolate."

"That's no excuse for him to steal from his own sister!"

"That's okay, Mom," Screwball assured her as she took back her cake.

When Zany had arrived, Screwball had been worried that this meant she was no longer special, but after spending time with her new baby brother, they became the best of siblings. Zany was just as crazy as she was; only he was little and had less control over his powers. It had surprised everyone that he looked like his parents when the case had not been for his sister. Then again, nothing made sense with this family.

The other guests included Rainbow Dash, Soarin and their three kids, Pinkie Pie's husband Red Shoes, Apple Blossom and her parents, Cinnamon Stick and Cinnamon Roll, and of course, Dinky's mother.

"I wish Twilight was here," Pinkie said as she chomped down on her cake. "She's missing out on the fun!"

"You know she's busy with preparations for the Grand Galloping Gala next week," Rarity reminded her.

Thunder Dash groaned. "Dad, do we have to go?"

"What's wrong with the Gala?" Soarin asked. "I thought you kids liked seeing us perform."

"But it's so..." Lightning shivered, "girly!"

"It's not as lame as it used to be," Rainbow assured her. "Aunt Scootaloo's going to be there with the other Cutie Mark Crusaders."

Prism gasped in delight. She loved Scootaloo like she was her real aunt.

"Awesome! Is she going to do any of her cool scooter tricks?"

Rainbow laughed. "We'll see."

"I can't wait to see Apple Bloom," Applejack sighed. "I haven't seen her or the others since Hearth's Warming Eve."

"They sure have been busy," Rarity said. "I mean they're performing at the biggest event in all of Canterlot! Not to mention they only just returned from their tour in Saddle Arabia."

Sometime after they had graduated from school, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had formed a band. Even though they had received their cutie marks long ago, the name the Cutie Mark Crusaders had stuck. Sweetie Belle was the lead singer, Scootaloo the main dancer and Apple Bloom the costume and set designer, though she still performed onstage with the others. Fortunately, Scootaloo's singing had improved since the talent show fiasco. They soon became famous all over Equestria and were greatly missed by their families and friends.

"Princess Flutterby Lily will be there too," Fluttershy pointed out. "And you all like her, don't you?"

"I guess so," Screwball mumbled. "But you still want me to wear a dress?"

"Don't be rude, honey. Rarity's making the dress for you."

"That reminds me!" Rarity exclaimed. "You two have to open your presents!"

Dinky squealed and raced towards the mountain of gifts.

It was tradition that after the double birthday party, the girls would sleepover. They especially loved Screwball's home because of all the fun rooms.

"Girls, time for bed!" Fluttershy called.

The teenagers groaned.

"Mom, we're fifteen!" Screwball insisted. "Can't we play bowl one more game?"

"Sorry, girls," the pegasus said, ushering them to Screwball's room, "but Rarity wants you all at the shop in the morning to try on your gowns."

Her daughter sighed. "Okay, Mom, we'll go to bed."

That did not necessarily mean they would sleep.

"Guess what I heard about Gold Digger!" Lightning Dash whispered once Fluttershy had shut the door.

"What?" Apple Blossom asked, sitting up from her sleeping bag.

Lightning gestured for them to move closer. "His dad told him to find a job, but the only job he was able to get was at..." she paused to snicker, "a rock farm!"

The four mares burst out laughing, but then got quiet when they heard Fluttershy's voice:

"Girls, you better not be talking!"

"No, Mom!" Screwball called. "We're doing our best to fall asleep!"

She listened with her super hearing as her mother flew to her room. "Coast is clear."

"How did Gold Digger get on a rock farm?" Dinky inquired. "His dad is the biggest businessman in town!"

"Apparently, no pony liked his personality," Lightning smirked. "I don't blame them."

"There is justice in the world," Screwball giggled. "My only regret is that I wasn't responsible for it."

"I can't wait for the Grand Galloping Gala," Apple Blossom sighed. "I'll bet it's going to be magical!"

This was Apple Blossom's first Gala. Children were not often invited, but because their mothers were bearers of the Elements of Harmony, and Lightning's parents both Wonderbolts, Screwball and Lightning had gone a couple times before and Screwball never went to a party without Dinky. But this year, because Apple Bloom was performing, all members of the Apple family had been invited, which meant it was going to be quite crowded.

"It's kind of dull," Screwball said flatly. "Well, until Daddy and I shake it up a bit!"

"Don't forget the Wonderbolts!" Lightning exclaimed. "You can never get bored watching my parents do their tricks!"

"And the food is great!" Dinky piped. "Plus, with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, this should be the best Grand Galloping Gala ever!"

"I hope so," Apple Blossom said. "I want this night to be the best night ever!"

"How so?" Lightning asked slyly. "Are you going to ask my brother to dance?"

The yellow pony blushed. "What?!"

"Come on, Blossom," Screwball said, rolling her eyes. "We all know you and Thunder have been digging on each other since the day you met!"

"I...I don't know what you're..."

"Don't even try lying to me. I'll know if you are."

"You should ask him to be your date!" Dinky suggested. "You two would look cute together!"

"I...I don't think he'd..."

"I think he would," Lightning said.

Apple Blossom blinked up at her. "You do?"

"I'm his sister. There's nothing about Thunder that I don't know."

"Oh but...I don't think I'll be able to..."

"We'll help you," Screwball assured her. "What are friends for?"

The mares went quiet as a low cackle echoed throughout the room and lightning flashed.

"If you don't go to sleep right now, you won't have any friends!"

Lightning, Dinky and Apple Blossom shrieked while Screwball simply rolled her eyes.

"Dad, that's not funny!"

"Don't make me get the balloons!"

She ducked under the covers. "Goodnight!"

"What's so scary about balloons?" Lightning inquired.

Her question was answered when a bunch of balloons with smiley faces surrounded them and started laughing. The girls squealed and hid in their sleeping bags.

"Okay, okay! We'll go to sleep!"

The balloons disappeared in a flash. "Sweet dreams, girls!"

"Pssst," Dinky whispered, nudging her friend. "Screwball, are you asleep?"

Screwball groaned and sat up in bed. "Not anymore."

"I have to tell you something, and you have to Pinkie Promise to keep it a secret."

"Is it about what you really wished for today?"

"How did you know?"

"Dinky, I can tell when you're lying."

"Right. You still have to Pinkie Promise."

Screwball wearily made the gesture. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Dinky looked down at their sleeping friends on the floor and leaned toward Screwball. "I wished that Cinnamon Stick would dance with me at the Gala."

The earth pony scoffed. "I was wondering when you were going to tell me."

"You mean you know?"

"I'm your best friend, Dink. I've seen the way you look at him."

The unicorn blushed. "I'll bet you haven't seen Cinnamon Stick look at me the same way."

"Why wouldn't he?"

"Well...I'm not exactly...normal..."

"Dinky, his dad is a dragon. Do you really think he cares about normal? I'm going to give you the same advice I gave Apple Blossom: go for it, girl! What have you got to lose?"

Dinky sighed. "Maybe you're right, but you can't tell any pony, especially not Cinnamon Stick!"

"I won't. But you'd better."

"So now that I've told you my secret, can you tell me yours?"

Screwball's smile faded. "What secret?"

"I don't know." The unicorn looked toward the open window. "Maybe why you left a chocolate bar at your window?"

Panicking, Screwball made the evidence vanish from sight. "What chocolate bar?"

Dinky rolled her mismatched eyes. "Really? How stupid do you think I am?"

"You're not..." She sighed in defeat. "Fine. But you have to Pinkie Promise now."

Once that was done, Screwball whispered as low as she could. "You remember a few years ago, when you thought I had a special some pony?" Dinky nodded. "Well...you weren't entirely wrong."

The unicorn gasped. "Why didn't you tell me?! I'm your best friend!"

"Says the mare who didn't confide in me about her crush!"

"Fair point. Who is it?"

"That, I can't tell you. It's nothing personal, Dinky. It's just that if my dad found out, I'd be in big trouble, so the fewer ponies who know, the better. Anyway, he loves chocolate, so I leave some out for him in case he comes by."

"He visits you in your sleep?! Talk about a stalker!"

"It's the only way he can see me these days. His mother's...very controlling. I haven't actually seen him in a while, but if I wake up and the chocolate is gone, I know he's been here."

Dinky stared with her mouth open in wonder. "Have you...kissed?"

Screwball glanced down. "No. It wasn't anything like that, but...at one point I kind of...you know."

"Oh. So I guess we'd better go to sleep then."


"Well, if your special some pony does come tonight, I don't think he'd want us to see him."

Screwball smiled. "There's not an ounce of stupidity in you, Dinky."

The two best friends slid back under the covers and closed their eyes. Before Screwball drifted to sleep, she wondered what Mothball was doing. She had not seen him since her twelfth birthday and he had been coming less and less, but he never forgot her birthday. Whatever his mother was doing to him, she was keeping him on a tight leash. She had only met the queen once, so Screwball could only imagine what she was putting the prince through.

Queen Chrysalis circled her son as he sat upright on the throne. "Now, what have we learnt about love?"

"It is weakness for the victim, but strength for us," Prince Mothball said with indifference.

"What are the Equestrians?"

"The enemy."

"And what is your duty?"

"I must find food for the hive, drain the enemy of their power, and take my rightful place as ruler of the changelings."

"And what must you do to anyone who tries to stop you?"

"I must dispose of them."

Chrysalis chuckled darkly. "You are ready."

"Mother, may I go hunting now? I am quite famished."

"Very well. Go, my son. Make Mummy proud!"

Once the hive was out of sight, Mothball let out a relieved sigh. He thought he would never get out of there! He had not fibbed about being hungry, but the main reason he said it was so he could see Screwball. It was her birthday and this time, he was going to let her see him. After going six months without visiting her, he was more desperate than ever!

He was over the Everfree Forest when a thought occurred to him. What if he were to accidentally feed on her, especially when his stomach was this empty? It was best to fill up first, so he changed his course toward Ponyville.

Since it was so late at night, few ponies were out and about. Mothball ducked inside an alley as his eyes followed a grey pegasus. He had much improved in his mind reading and took the form of the first stallion that appeared in the mare's mind. Sometimes, he could make out the pony's name, but all he could figure out about this one was that he was a doctor.

The minute the pegasus saw him, her eyes went wide and Mothball noticed that only one eye was directed at him.

"Doctor?" she uttered.

"Yes, Miss..." Mothball said in a peculiar accent as he searched for the mare's name. "Hooves?"

He screeched as the mare tackled him in a hug and they both fell over. She squeezed so hard, the prince was going to burst, but his stomach was filling quickly, so he did not complain. That is, until the mare stood up and slapped him in the face.

"You've got a lot of nerve!" she cried. "Sixteen years and you don't even bother to call?!"

Mothball raised an eyebrow. "I'm...sorry?"

"Sorry doesn't make up for the sixteen years you missed out on! Do you know how hard it was not to tell any pony who Dinky's father was?!"

"I'm really...Dinky?"

The mare glanced down at her hooves. "She's...your daughter."

Mothball blinked. "You're...Dinky's mother?"

"Of course, I'm her mother! Weren't you listening? I mean how many mares have you...?"

The prince panicked. He swore he would not feed off Screwball or her friends. Did mothers of friends count? His stomach was nearly full, so it was about time he left anyway.

"Darling," he purred, standing up. "I can't stay for long."

"Oh," Derpy said. "Do you have to battle the Daleks or something?"

"The what?" He then recalled his mother's lesson to roll with anything. "Err, yes. But don't worry." He stepped forth and ran his hoof under the mare's chin, causing her to giggle. "I will return soon."

Derpy narrowed her eyes and slapped his hoof away. "That's what you said last time and sixteen years later, you show up out of the blue! You didn't even come to your daughter's birth!"

Mothball cast a spell on her, turning her disproportionate eyes green.

"I apologize, darling," he whispered. "But I really must be going. Now, you are to head home, get some rest and forget any of this ever happened. Understand?"

Derpy nodded absent-mindedly and began her journey home. Mothball sighed and returned to the alley to remove his disguise. He despised toying with ponies' emotions, but it was his only method of survival. That poor mare had thought she was talking to her child's father, whom she had not seen for years! She had been on the verge of tears all because of him. If Screwball knew what he had become...

Screwball! He nearly forgot! He was about to take off when a vase of roses caught his eye. He was sure the owner would not miss one flower.

The flight to the chaotic castle seemed to take no time at all. Before he knew it, he was at Screwball's bedroom window. As usual, a bar of chocolate was sitting there, but that was not the first thing he noticed. He stared at the young mare's face as she slept peacefully. She looked even prettier than last he saw her. How he longed for her to open her eyes, so he could stare into infinity.

He stiffened as he heard a snore that had not come from Screwball. He looked closer to see the unicorn friend sleeping beside her. He glanced down at the floor and finally noticed two other mares in the room.

The traditional sleepover had completely slipped his mind! There was no way he was going to let her see him now. The others might wake up!

He sighed sadly as he took the bar of chocolate, replacing it with the rose.

"Happy Birthday, Screwball," the prince whispered.

He stole one more glance at her before returning to the hive.

Author's Note:

If you're wondering how I manage to write so fast, here's the answer: I don't.
I uploaded this on Fanfiction with my other stories, but it's not finished yet.