• Published 18th Aug 2013
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Daughter of Discord - DisneyFanatic23

Sequel to "Bride of Discord." Discord and Fluttershy are blessed with a daughter named Screwball, who is gifted with incredible power that attracts the attention of the Queen of the Changelings...as well as her son.

  • ...

We Are One

"I never wanted any part of Mother's plan," Mothball explained.

He and Screwball were sitting at Zecora's table, eating soup with one hoof and holding hooves with the other. Well, Screwball was the only one eating anyway, since Mothball was not accustomed to solid food.

"But what was I supposed to do?" he continued. "I was young, I had nowhere else to go. The hive is the only home I've ever known. The changelings never really felt like family, but..."

"I get it," Screwball said, giving his hoof a gentle squeeze. "No matter how crazy they are, you can't pick family." She hung her head. "And sometimes, you'd do anything to please them."

"Part of what my mother told you is true, though. I was supposed to feed off your love, but...I couldn't bear to hurt you. Eventually, I kept away from you altogether."

"It's funny. You keep saying that the more time I spend with you, the weaker I get, but the thing is..." She put down her spoon and scooted closer to him. "When I'm with you, I feel...stronger."

"You do feel stronger. I still don't understand how that's possible."

"Perhaps I can explain," Zecora volunteered, "why she feels no pain." She held up the card 'Temperance.' "I spoke to you of balancing your traits. There is more to what this card dictates. You gain power from Screwball's love, it's true, but from your love, she gains power too. What you give replaces what you take. 'Tis such a rare magic that you two make."

"So what you're saying is," Mothball attempted to clarify, "that instead of me taking away her power, we're...sharing our own?"

The zebra nodded.

"It makes sense," Screwball declared. "Love is the most powerful form of chaos there is." She smirked. "But I thought you didn't have a heart, you big softie."

"So did I," the prince said. "But Zecora told me something interesting. If I were heartless like my mother, I would have left you for dead." He gazed into her eyes. "But I didn't."

Screwball smiled and nuzzled her head into his chest. "I'm sorry I doubted you."

He grinned nervously. "Well, you had reason."

She slowly pulled away and looked at him seriously. "What else do you know about Chrysalis' plan?"

He sighed. "The night of the Gala, when I returned to the hive, Mother demanded I tell her everything I had learned from you. I refused, but then she threatened to hurt you, so..." He turned his head away in shame. "I told her. That's how she knew that you could see through lies and that you had a baby brother. She replaced him before you returned from Canterlot.

"He's alive, as far as I know. He's being held in the hive's nursery. Changelings find babies to be..." he winced, "a bountiful food source, because in their innocent age, they tend to love everything and everyone. I would have rescued him, but I scarcely escaped from the hive myself. I tried to warn you about Chrysalis in the park today, but I couldn't risk revealing myself to her."

Screwball's eyes were wild with worry. "Why is she doing this?"

"She wants revenge on your father. What for, I'm not sure, but this was all so she could get him back into stone. With him out of the way, and his power transferred to Chrysalis, the changelings would be free to take over Equestria!"

He shook his head. "She had it all planned out! She even got two changelings to kiss in front of your father, posing as your mother and another stallion to get him angry!"

Screwball's jaw dropped. "I knew Mom would never betray us!" She gasped. "Mom! Oh, she's probably gonna ground me for life after this! She might... No, she would never let Daddy be turned to stone."

"My mother figured that, which is why she also planned to pose as Discord and act so evil that your mother and the other bearers of the Elements of Harmony would have no choice but to turn him to stone. Once that's done, she intends to dispose of them so that nothing can stop her!"

"Oh no! What if it's already been done? What if we're too late?"

As she spoke, a frog crossed with a teapot hopped onto the windowsill. Its lid opened as it croaked.

"I think your dad's alive," Mothball observed.

"But we might not have much time!" Screwball exclaimed. "We have to warn him! We have to save Zany! We need to explain things to..."

"No," Zecora said. "You have not fully recovered, and you cannot risk being discovered."

"But if I wait too long, it'll be too late!"

"Your father is crafty, clever and cunning. He will sense the ponies coming. It will take time for them to hunt him down. I suggest you rest till morning comes round."


She trailed off as Mothball laid a hoof on her shoulder. "She's right. You need your strength if you want to go up against my mother." He hung his head. "I wouldn't recommend it though. My mother is clever too, not to mention she has a whole army on her side."

"I don't care! My family's fallen apart and I have to help put it together again!"

"You'll need a plan first."

"Yes," Screwball said with a sigh. "I'm sorry, my mind is so jumbled right now!"

"You should get some sleep."

"Yeah. Zecora, do you have a sleeping bag or something?"

"You are welcome to sleep in my bed," the zebra offered. "I will find a place to rest my head."

"Oh, Zecora, really. You've done so much for my family already. I don't want to..."

"Nonsense. You both need your rest. For that, the bed would be best."

"But where can I...?" Mothball started to ask.

He trailed off as Zecora winked at him. He was silent as she gathered the empty teacups and disappeared behind a curtain. Screwball and Mothball simultaneously glanced at the bed and then at each other with a blush.

"I suppose there will be no harm in..." Screwball stammered, "snuggling?"

In a few minutes, they were lying under the covers, tight in each other's embrace, their hooves entwining. They were careful not to do anything...inappropriate, but Screwball tried to get a kiss from her love. Mothball leaned his head back in hesitation.

"Come on," Screwball groaned. "We already know you won't hurt me."

"Yeah, but...I...I just don't want to risk it. At least, not now when you're not your strongest."

She sighed in disappointment. "Fine."

On that note, she turned her body away from him.

"I didn't mean it like that!" Mothball insisted. "I mean...now that we know how...different I am with you...I just...don't know what will happen!"

She faced him again. "Why don't we find out?"

He stared into her pleading spirals. He wanted to kiss her so badly, but he could not risk hurting her.

"Some other day," he said.

She sighed again and gazed up at the ceiling. He looked in the same direction and for a while, neither of them said anything.

"Did you know?" Screwball asked abruptly.

Mothball raised an eyebrow at her. "Did I know what?"

She locked eyes with him. "Did you know how I felt about you?"

He looked away shamefully. "I can sense emotion a mile away. I've always known."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Her tone was sounding angry now.

"Because I thought I couldn't return your feelings. And...I didn't want you to think I was just staying with you so I could feed."

Screwball could understand that, considering how she had treated him earlier.

"Sorry," she apologized again. "Also...I never properly thanked you for saving my life."

That made her feel even more guilty.

"That's okay," Mothball said with a shrug. "I never thanked you."

"For what?"

"For saving me...from myself." He winced. "Okay, that was cheesy."

Screwball laughed. "I love you anyway."

She took his hoof and snuggled against him again. He smiled and stroked her mane. Even though he had always known it, hearing her say those three words warmed his heart, which he supposedly had.

"What I mean is...I always thought I was a heartless creature who didn't deserve love of any kind, until I met you. Not only that, but you showed me what it's like to have fun, to be crazy, to be...well, a kid."

She smiled. "How long have you been in love with me?"

"I was bewitched the moment I saw you. What I don't get is why you love me."

"When we first met, you were so different that I found you interesting. I knew you weren't as bad as Daddy said, because you tried to save me from that manticore. I...I can't really explain it, but...I just feel so...complete with you."

Screwball sighed contentedly as he wrapped his hooves around her.

"I feel the same way."

She was so happy that she finally had her prince, but her heart sank at the thought of her family.

"I have to make things right," she whispered.

Mothball shook his head. "It's hopeless. There's no stopping my mother."

"She was stopped before at Cadence and Shining Armor's wedding."


Screwball raised an eyebrow. "You mean your mother never told you about that?"

"If she was defeated, I don't think she would have."

"Well, basically, what happened is that Princess Cadence and Shining Armor cast a spell that banished the changelings from Equestria. But they're all the way in the Crystal Empire now! By the time they hear about Chrysalis, it'll be too late!"

"What kind of spell did they cast?"

"I...I don't remember. My mom told me a long time ago, right after I met you, but I don't remember. I just know they cast it together and not even Chrysalis could fight it."

"That must have been some spell."

"If only I could remember..."

"We'll worry about it in the morning. For now, let's get some sleep."

As they held each other, Mothball could feel her love transfer to his body, but he could also feel his love going to her in return.

So he could not hurt her, but that did not make up for the fact that he was the Changeling Prince. He had to prove his loyalty, not just to her but to everyone.

He had to clean up the mess he had caused, and he knew exactly how.

When Screwball awoke, she was alone. Her hoof went to the empty space beside her.


She stepped out of bed and looked around the hut. Her eyes fell upon a note on the table:

Stepped out for a moment, will be back before evening. MB

A few minutes after Screwball had read the letter, Zecora returned with a plate of scrambled eggs.

"Let me guess," the young mare said. "Daddy made it rain eggs."

The zebra shook her head. "No, my dear Screwball. In fact, they were pouring from the waterfall."


The two waited hours for Mothball to return, untill Screwball grew impatient.

"Where could he possibly be?" she demanded, slamming her hoof on the table.

"Hush, my dear," Zecora said sternly. "You must have patience. It's not like we've been waiting for ages."

"But what is he doing?! Can't you look in your magic brew or something?"

The zebra rubbed her chin. "I will see what I can do. Hand me that jar of dust, would you?"

After Screwball handed her the jar, Zecora scooped up the green powder and blew it into the cauldron. As she said a few words, an image began to form in the brew. Screwball peered inside and saw the silhouettes of six mares she knew well. She gasped as she started hearing voices.

"His twenty-four hours are up," said the voice of Princess Twilight. "I'm sorry it had to come to this, Fluttershy."

"No!" cried Fluttershy's voice. "Just a little more time! Please!"

"You could try to reason with him once more, but it must be done. Come on, girls. Let's find Discord."

As the image disintegrated, Screwball felt a wave of panic.

"No! They're going to do it! They're going to turn Daddy to stone!"

The filly rushed to the door.

"Where are you going?" Zecora demanded.

"I have to warn him! Or, if I find Mom first, I'll explain things to her! I have to fix this! When Mothball gets back, tell him where I've gone!"

The zebra was about to protest further when Screwball slammed the door.

Mothball hid behind a dead tree so the changelings guarding the entrance to the hive would not see him. For a second, he considered turning back. Suppose he were caught, or worse, if his mother caught him! She would do worse than ground him! She would blast him to dust!

Then he remembered Screwball and the promise he made. He had to prove he could keep that promise and that his love was sincere. The task was dangerous, but he would face a thousand changelings for Screwball!

Under the circumstances, that might be exactly what he would have to do.

The prince closed his eyes and took the form of a nurse changeling.

"I hope my smell doesn't throw them off," he muttered to himself.

The guards did not appear to be suspicious, which was a great relief to Mothball, but the most difficult part of the task was yet to come. He took the passage to the lower level of the hive where the nursery was. He immediately caught sight of the gray foal lying in a cocoon shaped like a cradle. Despite the number of changelings surrounding him, the infant was laughing and clapping his hooves. The changelings, in the meantime, were feeding off his unconditional love.

Now what? The prince had to think of a way to get the child out of there without arousing suspicion. He cleared his throat.


The changelings turned to him.

"Her majesty," he stammered, "would like...the child...to be...brought to Ponyville! She wishes to...show him off to Discord."

The group murmured amongst themselves in confusion.

"Why would she do that," one said, "when she is disguised as the child at the moment?"

Mothball bit his lip. "Uh...well...she wants to..."

Then he grunted. "Oh, to heck with it!"

His horn glowed and the changelings scattered as he blasted open the cocoon. The baby applauded, as if wanting him to do it again. Mothball swept the baby in his hooves and felt its love transfer to him.

He's actually kind of cute, he thought with a smile.

"Stay where you are!"

The prince looked up and saw that he was surrounded by soldier changelings.

Author's Note:

Sorry if this seemed a bit rushed. I didn't realize how long it's been since I updated and I just really want to get this done!
No, they did not DO anything!