• Published 18th Aug 2013
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Daughter of Discord - DisneyFanatic23

Sequel to "Bride of Discord." Discord and Fluttershy are blessed with a daughter named Screwball, who is gifted with incredible power that attracts the attention of the Queen of the Changelings...as well as her son.

  • ...

A Lesson in Friendship

Dinky, Cinnamon Stick, Apple Blossom and the twins stood outside Screwball's bedroom.

"Go ahead," Lightning said, nudging her brother. "Knock."

"I'm not knocking," Thunder insisted. "You knock!"

"No, you knock!"

"You knock!"

"Fine! Cinnamon Stick, you knock!"

"No way!" the earth colt declared. "I'm not crazy to go near her when she's in this state!"

"My coz is right," Apple Blossom agreed. "Suppose we get her upset and she loses it? She went through a lot yesterday. Maybe only one of us should go in."

"I'll go," Dinky volunteered. "She's my best friend."

No pony ever argued whenever Dinky said that, knowing that the two of them were closer than bread and butter. The unicorn was about to knock on the door when Cinnamon Stick stopped her hoof.

"Be careful," he whispered.

Dinky nodded and knocked.

"Go away!" Screwball screamed from inside.

"Screwy, it's Dinky! May I come in?"

There was a pause. "Just you."

The door opened automatically for Dinky to step inside. The room was completely dark and silent, save for Screwball's sobbing and the twittering of three sparrows circling her. Dinky raised an eyebrow at them questioningly.

"They're for moral support," her friend stated.


Dinky climbed onto the bed and carefully lay her hoof on Screwball's head. "You okay?"

"Do I look okay?!"

The unicorn jumped back at her tone. Screwball sighed as she rolled onto her back and sat up.

"Sorry, Dinks. I've just had a bad day."

"I understand," Dinky nodded. "The Tri-Pies told us about your fight with your dad."

"Those tattletale triplets," Screwball muttered under her breath.

"Every pony fights with their parents now and then."

"But that's the first time I fought with Dad! I mean Mom's gotten sore at me several times before, but not Dad! We never had anything to argue about until now!"

She buried her face in her knees. Dinky patted her on the head.

"The Tri-Pies told me he was hard on you."

"What else did they tell you?" Screwball asked, not looking up.

The unicorn bit her lip. "Well...I don't know if they were just talking crazy like they normally do, but they said that...you were, um...dating that changeling?"

This time, Screwball did look up. "It's true, okay?!"

Dinky's eyes widened. "Was he the special some pony you were talking about?"


"Wow. You weren't kidding when you said your dad would get mad."

Screwball had expected a scream. "You don't mind?"

"Screwy, my best friend's the Princess of Chaos, my boyfriend's dad is a dragon, my eyes look in opposite directions. I'm used to weird stuff."

The earth pony giggled. "Well, yeah, but...changelings are supposed to be evil."

Dinky shrugged. "So is your dad."

Screwball smiled and hugged her friend. "I knew you'd understand, Dinky! What do the others think?"

"Oh, they freaked out when the Tri-Pies told us. Guess it makes sense, since their parents did use to battle changelings."

"But not Mothball. He wasn't even born yet."

"Mothball? Is that his name? Hey! Screwball? Mothball? It's like you were meant for each other! Hey! I have an idea! You could run away together! It would be so romantic!"

"Yeah. It's a little more complicated than that, Dinky."

"How so?"

"For starters, he's the prince of the changelings."

Dinky gasped. "Wow! He's a prince even!"

"You don't get it, Dinky! He's heir to Chrysalis' throne! Queen Chrysalis is his mother!"

"Well, no offense, but your family's rep isn't perfect either."

"Second, Mothball doesn't believe he has a heart."

"That's silly! Every pony has a heart! Some have two, Mommy says."

"But changelings aren't supposed to have hearts. Dad thinks Mothball's just leading me on."

"Then why does he keep coming to your window? By the way, I saw the rose."

Screwball sighed. "Of course, you did."

"Hey, everything will be okay. Things will work out with your parents and you and Mothball will live happily ever after!"

The earth pony shook her head. "Dinky, face it. You may be my best friend, but you can be really naïve sometimes."

"Exactly!" Dinky exclaimed, flinging her foreleg around Screwball's shoulders. "Which is why you have my support the whole way!"

Screwball grinned. "Thanks, Dinky. You know how Gold Digger and Silver Tray used to say I would become evil and have to be turned to stone? I don't see how that can happen when I have a friend like you."

"You know what they say!"

"Friends to the end!" they said together.

"Move over!" Lightning whispered harshly, shoving her brother away from the keyhole. "I want a look!"

"Guys, we shouldn't be doing this!" Cinnamon Stick insisted.

"Aren't you worried that your girlfriend might accidentally get turned into an orange?"

"Come on! Screwball would never hurt Dinky!"

"What are they doing now?" Apple Blossom asked.

Lightning was about to answer when Thunder regained control of the keyhole. "They're hugging! That must be a good sign."

"And what are you little ponies up to?"

The four jumped at the sound of Twilight Sparkle's voice.

"We're not little," Thunder grumbled. "We're fifteen."

Lightning nudged him in the side and whispered, "Show some respect." She looked up at the alicorn. "Dinky went to comfort Screwball and we were spying, err, making sure they were okay."

"I tried to talk them out of it," Cinnamon Stick said.

"Didn't your parents teach you that it's rude to eavesdrop?" Twilight inquired.

The twins hung their heads. "Yes, Aunt Twilight."

"Good. Why don't you all join the others for breakfast? I need to speak with my god-daughter."

The teenagers knew best not to argue with a princess. Twilight knocked on the door, startling the two mares inside.

"Yes?" Screwball called.

"Screwy, it's your Aunt Twilight."

"Oh. Come in."

The alicorn opened the door. Dinky bowed her head as a force of habit.

"Dinky," Twilight spoke softly, "I need to speak with Screwball alone. They're serving muffins in the dining hall."

The gray unicorn nodded and left the two alone.

"Am I still in trouble?" Screwball asked.

Instead of answering her question, Twilight simply said, "Follow me."

Screwball had learned long ago that when grown-ups are this ominous, it was wise to listen to them. She put on her propeller hat for good luck before following her godmother.

Twilight led her to a long hallway decorated in colorful stained-glass windows.

"Have you ever been to this part of the castle?" the alicorn asked.

Screwball shook her head. "Never."

"I'm not surprised. It's not exactly your father's favorite wing."

The first window she saw had an image of Discord. "What is this place exactly?"

"This is the hallway leading to the Canterlot Tower, where we keep the Elements of Harmony. The images you see here are moments in history when the Elements were used, along with many other victories."

Screwball counted at least five windows in which her father was depicted. There was one particularly unsettling one showing her father treating a unicorn, a pegasus and an earth pony like marionettes as he dangled them over a fire. The one next to it showed two alicorns circling a white version of her father. She soon deduced that it was Princesses Celestia and Luna turning Discord to stone.

Twilight saw the horrified expression on the filly's face and felt guilty for showing her this.

"You must understand that your father was out of control then. That was before..."

She guided her to another window, one that was more pleasant. Her father was in this one as well, but so was a yellow pegasus with flowing pink hair. They were running in a field and both looking happy.

"Mom and Dad."

"Beauty tamed the beast," Twilight said with a nod. "Your mother saved Equestria with her Element of Kindness alone. In a way, she saved your father as well."

Screwball stared at the window of her parents for a moment and then looked around at the others. There was one of six ponies battling a dark alicorn. She recognized the heroes as her mother and five aunts.

"That was the battle against Nightmare Moon," Twilight explained.

"Oh," Screwball said, remembering the story.

"That's how we all met. If you think about it, if the six of us had not recovered the Elements of Harmony that night, we would not have faced Discord a year later, and your parents probably would not have met."

Screwball pointed to the next window. "Is that Uncle Spike?"

Twilight chuckled. "Yes. That was our victory in the Crystal Empire."

"Hey! That's Cadence up there!" She looked at a pink window beside it. "There she is again with Shining Armor!"

"Oh, yes. That was when the two of them used their love to defeat the..."

Twilight trailed off, but Screwball already knew what she was going to say.

"The changelings?"

The alicorn sighed and nodded solemnly. "Screwball, the reason I brought you here is because there is a chance you could be on one of these windows someday. Whether you are depicted as a hero or a villain is up to you."

Screwball's eyes widened as she stared at her godmother. "You think I'm going to turn evil, don't you?"

"All I know is that you have great power, Screwball, and with great power comes great responsibility. Need I remind you of the story of Nightmare Moon?"

"No, but I have a feeling you're going to remind me anyway."

"Princess Luna was always a good ruler, but there was jealousy and darkness in her heart that took control of her a few times. You are like a daughter to me, Screwball, and I do not want something like that to happen to you."

"It won't!" Screwball insisted. "Why would I ever...?"

"Last night, you lost control of your emotions and used magic against your father."

The younger mare hung her head. "Oh, that. But he was going to hurt Mothball!"

"Mothball? Oh yes, the changeling prince. If you don't mind me asking, how do you know him?"

"Well, um...we kind of met as kids and...we became friends and..."

"You are aware that changelings physically have no hearts?"

"I know, I know! But he's different! I've felt his heartbeat, I swear! Are you going to tell me to stay away from him too?"

"Personally, and regretfully, I agree with your father. Changelings are too dangerous for a young filly like you to be dealing with."

"I'm fifteen!"

"I'm saying this from experience. It is in a changeling's nature to toy with ponies' emotions. If this prince is truly your friend as he says, I have no right to lecture you, but...you must be careful."

"You know I can tell when ponies are lying, and he hasn't lied to me about being my friend!"

"Are you sure?"


Twilight sighed. "Well, the choice is yours to make. Before you go, there is one lesson I have left to teach you today."


"What do most of these windows have in common, other than the Elements of Harmony?"

Screwball rubbed her chin. "In all of them, a bad guy was defeated?"

"Yes, but how were they defeated? This includes your mother's taming of Discord."

"Oh, that. Mom said it was the Magic of Friends?"

"Technically, it's the Magic of Friendship, but yes. It may sound cheesy, but friendship is one of the most powerful forms of magic. The only thing more powerful was what saved your father."

"My mom?"

"And what did your mother offer him?"

Screwball glanced back at the window of her parents. "Love?"

"Exactly. True love between two creatures is the greatest magic you'll ever find. You may be a being of chaos, Screwball, but there is a chance you hold such magic in your heart. Never lose sight of it, okay?"

Screwball was a little confused, but then again, Twilight often confused her. She nodded anyway.

"Good," the alicorn said with a smile. "You going to breakfast?"

"No, thanks," the filly said. "I'll just eat in my room."

Twilight watched Screwball go with a sigh, wondering if the young mare had understood her lesson. Whenever she had the chance, she would teach Screwball control of her magic and the importance of friendship, hoping it would lead her down the right path. Considering how many friends she had, it seemed there was nothing to worry about.

But now that Screwball was friends with a changeling, and she suspected more, Twilight feared for the young mare. She had a choice between family and love, and that's a decision no pony should ever be forced to make.

It was quiet in the Discord household. Not even the baby was up to his usual antics. Discord sat pouting on the couch, his head in his hands. Fluttershy flew up to him and patted his head.

"What's wrong, honey?"

He looked at his wife sadly. "Screwball hasn't spoken to me in over a week, ever since our fight. She does nothing but sit in her room with the baby!"

"She'll come around soon enough. Or do you want me to use the Stare on her?"

He sighed. "No. I'll talk with her myself."

As if on cue, the door to Screwball's room opened and the filly floated out with her brother in her hooves.

"Mom," she said. "Can I take Zany for a walk in the park? I think we need some fresh air."

Actually, it was mostly her that needed air. She had been feeling very grimy lately.

"But of course, sweetie," Fluttershy said. "I would go with you, but I'm meeting Rarity at the spa."

"What's she doing in Ponyville, anyway?"

"Trouble at home. That's all I can tell you."

Screwball looked at her father for a moment. He opened his mouth to say something, but she placed Zany in a baby buggy and rushed out the door before he could.

"What's the use?" Discord groaned. "Even if I manage to get a word in with her, she's not going to talk back!"

"Then it's time we put our hooves down!" Fluttershy declared. "We'll sort out everything tonight at dinner. Sound good?"

"I guess."

"Okay, I have to go now." She kissed him on the snout. "I love you."

Her kiss made him grin a little. "I love you too."

Mothball sunk into his bed. All exits were guarded, including the secret one. He had been confined to this room for over a week and had contemplated his escape ever since. Any moment now, his mother would carry out her plot! She thought he did not know about the new phase, but he had heard it from some foolish drones gloating outside his room.

He had to get out of here and warn Screwball! She and her family were in danger and it was all his fault!

In his time to think, Mothball had at least figured out which way he was going to escape. The main exit was out, because it led to the hive and he would be seen. If he went out the back and somehow incapacitated the two guards, he was less likely to get caught. But how was he to do that? It was not like he could make them obey him with a glow of his horn.

Wait a minute.

As prince, his mother taught him to control changelings as well as ponies. Only royal changelings could do that, otherwise any changeling would have the power to overthrow the queen. Mind control was not his strength, but if he could harness enough energy...

He lifted the poster and poked his head through the hole. Two sentries hovered on either side.

"Hey, Hornet! Wasp! I'm getting kind of hungry. Do you think I can slip out for a moment and get a quick meal? I won't tell Mother!"

The sentry on his left, Hornet, smirked. "Nice try, your highness, but we weren't born yesterday!"

"Yeah," Wasp nodded. "Those guys are all in the nursery with the other larvae!"

"We have orders from the queen not to let you out of your room under any circumstances!"

Mothball closed his eyes as his horn began to glow.

"Hey, what are you...?" Hornet started to ask.

He was cut off as the prince shot a green beam at him.

Wasp gasped. "Sound the a...!"

He was silenced too as Mothball placed him under his control.

"It worked," the prince uttered. "Now, please remain quiet and listen carefully. I'm going out, but you are not to tell anyone. Understand?"

The sentries nodded absent-mindedly. Triumphant, the prince did not waste a moment as he took to the skies.

"Oh, I hope I'm not too late!" he exclaimed.

"Thank ya for helpin' me out today, Sugar," Applejack said to her adopted daughter as they stood behind the apple cart.

"Well, it was either this or spend the day with Gemstone," Cinnamon Roll giggled.

"Now hon, that's not very nice."

Though Applejack was still a little short with Rarity after their spat at the Gala. She felt guilty for not apologizing for her insensitivity.

The cowgirl's ears perked up at the sound of a familiar voice, though it was making inappropriate noises. It was coming from an alley a few feet away.

"Excuse me, hon," she said to Cinnamon Roll. "I've got to check something out."

Applejack cautiously walked towards the sound and peered her head around the corner. What she saw made her jaw drop.
