• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 916 Views, 8 Comments

The Reign of Princess Twilight Sparkle - ShaD-23

General Tirek returns and is more poisonous an enemy than ever. As the world teeters on the brink, everypony fears Tirek wishes to resurrect his master. And what of Twilight and the whispers she hears in the night? Non-canon. In memory of Kiki Havivy

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The Cutiemark Conclusion

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Babs Seed and a regressed Trixie (hiding away for protection) strolled down the bustling afternoon streets of Manehatten. After Tirek's attack on Trixie and Zecora, several ponies had left Ponyville. Big Macintosh and Granny Smith wasted no time in sending Apple Bloom away to keep out of harm's way, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle coming along with her (they of course had gotten permission from their parents to leave for Manehatten).

It was a real switch for them here in the big city, but something much more heavy weighed on their minds. Sweetie Belle had gotten her cutiemark on the way to Manehatten. It happened when they were riding the train. While the four of them were playing (Trixie enjoying her little shrink), Sweetie Belle took a moment to marvel at some of the hanging pictures in the train car. She thought they were quite pretty. Then, before her friends eyes, it appeared on her flank. A portrait with a song note in it.

“I must be an artist! Or maybe an art critic!” Sweetie Belle called as her friends just stared. She hopped up and down on the train as the moment of realization dawned on them all. They were growing up. Now that they thought about it, what did it mean for them? What was going to happen to the Cutiemark Crusaders?

Babs lead them through the streets, excitedly showing them everything Manehatten had to offer. It made the small town ponies dizzy just looking at all the bustling crowds and towering buildings.

“My favorite ice cream place is just up here.” Babs smiled, stopping to allow a patrol of guards to pass by. “C'mon, I'll treat you.” she said as they hurried up to a busy ice cream parlor. As the four Ponyville ponies hurried up behind her, they saw her stop at the doors. What was going on?

“Actually, let's so see the sunset from the bridge.” Babs blurted, hurrying off. Confused, but not wanting to get lost, they hurried behind her as a pair of colts exited the ice cream parlor.

“What about the ice cream?” Trixie called, hurrying up behind Babs.

“Eh, it was busy.” she said as they raced up the street. “We'll go back another time.” The others just shrugged this off as they followed up behind her. They had never seen the sunset from the bridge. As they came to the pathway on the bridge, they raced up the incline, several wagons and carts racing up and down the road. Streets in Ponyville were never this busy!

“Just up this way.” Babs called as she lead them to the middle of the large bridge. Smiling, they turned to the bay... and all they saw was a purple sky.

“That's the east.” Babs said, her friends turning back to her. “The sun sets that way.” she said, motioning them toward the town. As they watched, their eyes grew wide as the black, shadowy buildings were dotted with lights up and down the windows, the orange and red sky behind the skyline shining vibrantly. It was nothing like what they were used to at Ponyville.

“Pretty cool, huh?” she asked as they watched on. “Stick with me an' you'll love it here.” she smiled, turning back to watch the setting sun.


It had been a few days since the Crusaders first came to Manehatten. Babs had shown them around the town more and more every day, more and more things to be seen everywhere.

“So, what d'you wanna see next?” Babs asked, leading them up a familiar street.

“Maybe the Central Park zoo?” Sweetie Belle cheered, hopping up and down, the other Ponyville ponies nodding and grinning in agreement.

“Okie dokie lokie!” Babs cheered, leading her friends off. Come to think of it, she hadn't been to the zoo in quite some time (not that it really bothered her).

“Alrighty, then!” she called, leading her friends down the road. “To the zoo!” she exclaimed, everypony cheering behind her, the wind giving a whip to their manes. Apple bloom mused to herself as to what kind of exotic animals could be there for them to see at the zoo. Just as they came up to a pass, however, Babs stopped suddenly, turning quickly back to her friends.

“Wait a minute!” she said suddenly. “I forgot to take you to my favorite ice cream place a few days back.” the four looked at each other. This was true. Trixie smiled at this.

“Well, the great and powerful-” “And tiny.” Scootaloo interjected, cutting the regressed blue unicorn off, everypony chortling as Trixie scowled, her face growing red.

“Never mind!” Trixie huffed, turning. “I feel like ice cream!” The others cheered, Babs' heart giving a leap.

“I want ice cream!” “Me too!” “Yeah, me three!”

“Alright, follow me!” she called, racing off at full speed, the little fillies hurrying up behind her as she lead them quickly up the street. It was a hot, humid summer day, and they all could really go some cool ice cream. Passing a few crosswalks, Babs looking back at them a few times, they finally came up to the ice cream parlor they saw a few days prior just up the street.

“There it is!” Scootaloo called as they came to a stop outside the double doors. “It's ice cream time!” she called, Babs shooting inside, Apple Bloom holding the door for her fellow Crusaders and Trixie as they hurried in. Shooting inside, Apple bloom hurried up behind her friends as everypony stood in line.

“It's a little busy in here.” Scootaloo said, looking at several ponies ahead of them. Babs just waved her off.

“This is nothing.” she sighed. “Lines in Manehatten are never this short.” she added, the four other fillies nodding at this. They weren't used to big city life after all. After a lengthy bit of time, they finally made their way to the counter and placed their orders, paying a handful of bits for their icy treats.

“Let's get a seat by the window!” Trixie cheered, everypony hurrying over an open table at the window, giggling and watching the passing ponies and carts. Watching everypony and everything passing by was a big switch for them as they watched out the big window.

“Thanks for the ice cream, Babs.” Apple Bloom called, turning to see her cousin was sitting far off at another table. Why wasn't she sitting with them, she wondered, the others chatting cheerfully as they dug into their ice cream. Getting up and walking over to her cousin, Apple Bloom saw her watching out the window at the passing crowds.

“You okay, Babs?” Apple Bloom asked solemnly. Her cousin immediately smiled and nodded.

“No prob.” she said, taking a bite from her ice cream. “I'm just so used to the busy city. I like some peace an' quiet when I get some ice cream.” she said. “This is the same table I always sit at.” Apple Bloom shrugged at this and walked back to her table, leaving Babs behind as she looked down at her ice cream. As she looked out the front window once more, Apple Bloom sat at her table with her ice cream.

“Figured you could use some company, cousin.” she smiled, Babs looking at her cousin. After a bit of staring, she smiled as well, the two fillies chuckling and chatting as they ate their ice cream.

Stepping outside after finishing their ice cream (Scootaloo and Trixie's ice cream had melted from them chatting so much more than eating). The sun was beginni9ng to set and another squad of guards strolled by.

“Guess we should get on home, huh?” Babs said. The others nodded. “Y'know.” she said as they walked off down the street, the highrises starting to become peppered with glowing lights “it's nice for you all to be visiting. Every since my two friends got their cutiemarks it's been a little lonely.” she explained, the streetlamps beginning to flicker. “They got their cutiemarks an' their folks sent them off to fancy schools... it's been just like old times.” she sighed.

“You mean like when you were being bullied?” Sweetie Belle asked, a look of concern on her face. At this Babs gave a quick shudder.

“N-no, I didn't mean it like that.” she said defensively. “Just kinda lonely, is all.” she added, walking faster up the street. The others really didn't feel like pressing the issue. It really wouldn't help.


The five little fillies chatted amongst themselves as they walked up the street of Manehatten. It wasn't nearly as muggy as it had been outside and they were back to exploring. It was a new adventure every day, Babs showing them the way, the perfect guide. She knew just the right streets to take and all the perfect shops and attractions to show them. Manehatten hadn't grown bored for any of them. Not even Babs.

“So, where d'you wanna-” Babs started before walking straight into somepony, stumbling back onto her bottom.

“Watch where ya goin', blank-flank!” came a boy's voice, the others looking to see two gruff looking colts smirking up ahead. “You've been really hidin' away lately, huh, blank-flank?” an orange one sneered, Babs blushing as she saw who was talking to them.

“We thought you skipped town, lil' Babs.” a blue one taunted as she looked on completely embarrassed. “So, you got more blank-flank friends?” he asked, looking at the Ponyville fillies, each of them scowling. “We're not gonna bother with you baby fillies.” he sneered as they turned to walk away, chuckling to themselves. Babs got up slowly, her eyes filled with tears.

“Who the heck was that?” Scootaloo demanded, glaring at them as they disappeared. Babs only shook her head.

“They're a couple bullies who've always been messin' with me... 'cause I got no cutiemark.” she sighed. “They always follow me everywhere an' never leave me alone 'cause I'm a blank-flank.” she sighed. Just then, Scootaloo stepped up, glaring.

“Well, that's just dumb!” she called. “I mean, you stood up to Diamond Tiara an' Silver Spoon, right?” she called. “You're one of us. You're a Cutiemark Crusader.” Babs smiled and wiped her tears away at this.

“Yeah, you're right.” she said, turning to see they had completely disappeared in the bustling crowds. “I'll... I'll try to remember that next time they show up.” she said, everypony nodding at this.

“Well, let's get back to Manehatten!” Trixie cheered, everypony nodding. “Where to next, Babs?” she asked, Babs hurrying off down the street.

“To my old club house.” she called back to them as they shot down the street. “I'll teach you the games me an' my old friends used to play.” The five hurried down the street and rounding a bend here and there until they came to a stop at an alleyway. Stepping down the small street, they saw it led to the underside of an elevated train track, stacked creates and hanging tarps here and there.

“This is cool.” Scootaloo said, looking around the setting. It was much more unconventional than their clubhouse back in Ponyville.

“Yeah, this is pretty nice.” Sweetie Belle said, sitting on a small, worn create. Babs, however, looked around her clubhouse.

“What's wrong, Babs?” Trixie asked as she looked up at the train tracks above for a minute.

“All my stuff is missing.” she breathed. “My cart, my dartboard, my playing cards.” she looked everywhere feverishly. “What happened to everything? I can't find-”

“Hey, look!” Trixie called, motioning up to the train tracks. Everypony looked up to see a shape moving down the tracks slowly. They all thought the same thing immediately.

“How do we get up-” Apple Bloom stammered as Babs shot out the front of her club, leaping up a stack of creates and climbing up onto the tracks. She saw exactly what she was both dreading and knew she was going to find. The two colts from before had stolen her cart and had it stuffed with her things, both of them hauling it off slowly.

“Hey, you!” called Scootaloo, Babs and the colts turning to see she had managed to shoot up to the train tracks as well. “What d'you think you're doing?”

“We're just taking some of that stuff off lil' blank-flank Babs' hooves.” one of them taunted, Scootaloo glaring. “What are you two gonna do about it?” the other asked, Babs shaking and gulping.

“We're not scared of you!” Scootaloo called. “C'mon back here, why don't ya?” she snapped. The two colts looked at each other and laughed.

“You come up here, why don't you?” they called. Babs scuffed her hoof nervously at this, the two of them laughing as Scootaloo glared up ahead. Babs was tired of them taunting and laughing at her. It had gone on for as long as she could remember. This was it! No more, she thought. Glaring, blowing her mane out of her face, she stomped up the tracks to the two colts, both of them staring.

“Not so tough now, are ya?” she asked, smirking at them. They just stared at her.

“Well, what are you gonna do, huh?” one snapped, Babs turn and kicking her stolen cart hard, her dartboard flying out and through the tracks down into her hideaway.

“I'm takin' my stuff back.” she taunted. “What are YOU gonna do about it?” Neither of them made a move. “That's what I thought.” she said, coming up under the yolk of her cart and turning it around easily, both of them surprised at how strong she was. “Have fun, you two babies!” she laughed, hauling the cart down the track easily. Even Scootaloo was shocked at how she was able to pull a heavy cart all by herself.

“Care to help me get this down, Scootaloo?” Babs asked, not even having broken a sweat as she came to her friend. Scootaloo only stared at her. “What? What's up now?” she asked, turning not to see the two bullies but instead her brand new cutiemark. Babs gasped loudly as a red shield with an apple seed appeared on her flank. This just couldn't be, Babs thought, her eyes welling with tears.

“You two okay?” Sweetie Belle called up to them from under the tracks.

“I... I got my cutiemark.” Babs said quietly, her voice barely echoing down below.

“What was that, Babs?” Apple Bloom called up.

“I got my cutiemark!” Babs cheered, hopping up and down, everypony down below staring up at her. Babs was the second Crusader to get her cutiemark. This was just unreal how fast their cutiemarks were appearing.


Everypony was so excited that Babs had gotten her cutiemark. Since it appeared, Babs had been going on about joining the royal guard or even the Manehatten police force. She was still going on about it as they stopped for snacks at a local store, Apple Bloom staying outside. Just as the others entered, however, Sweetie Belle turned to see Apple Bloom walk off, a disgruntled look on her face.

“Apple Bloom, what's wrong?” Sweetie Belle called, hurrying out for her friend. Apple Bloom just sighed.

“You an Babs just got your cutiemarks.” she said glumly. “We've been wanting to get them for two years now, but now that we're finally getting our cutiemarks... what happens next?” she asked, sparking the same questions they briefly pondered when they came to Manehatten. “Babs says her friends went away when they got their cutiemarks... but what about us?” she asked. Sweetie Belle couldn't find the words for this. Apple Bloom was right. What if they were going to go away to some fancy school or academy now that they had their cutiemarks? Just then, they saw something grand in front of them. It was a museum and it looked like it was full of fancy exhibits.

“I say we spend a lot of time together, Apple Bloom.” Sweetie Belle said as she raced to the museum, Apple Bloom hurrying up behind her friend, still thinking about all this. Coming up to the museum, however, they saw that it was closed. Hurrying up to it, they saw a security guard locking up for the afternoon, Sweetie Belle jumping in front of him.

“Please, mister, can we see the museum?” the tiny unicorn asked in a proper tone. The guard only shook his head.

“Sorry, kid.” he said, locking the door. “It's after hours-”

“Please, mister.” she said again, frowning. “I just got my cutiemark in art.” she said, turning to show him her cutiemark. “I really wanna show my friend everything I know about art. It's what my cutiemark is telling me.” she cooed, her eyes welling with tears. “I wanna know what it's really like to have a talent.” she said, looking straight into his eyes, another squad of guards passing by. After a moment, the guard sighed, unlocking the door.

“Only fifteen minute, kid.” he sighed. “Then you gotta leave.” With that, Sweetie Belle squealed and hopped up and down excited. As the guard opened the door, the two hurried inside, looking at all the many works of art throughout the museum.

“I learned that trick from Rarity.” Sweetie Belle smirked, wiping her eyes as Apple Bloom giggled. There really were some pretty pieces on display, some of them weird and some of them fancy looking. As they spotted a very old black and white portrait of a nurse and sailor pony kissing in the middle of Manehatten, there suddenly came the sound of an air raid siren wailing outside. Looking around nervously, ponies screams suddenly filling the city, they heard loud crashing before they managed to hear someone yell “DRAGON!” It came as a total shock to everypony. It had been months since report of a dragon attack. The two raced for the doors but screamed and jumped back as a taxi was smashed through the doors. They were trapped in the museum. As they heard the roar of the dragon, they covered their ears, Apple Bloom shooting for the stairs.

“Where are you going?” Sweetie Belle called, following her friend.

“To find a fire escape!” Apple Bloom called as the sirens, screaming and roars of the dragon filled the air, the temperature suddenly rising in the museum as they raced up the steps.


Scootaloo, Babs and Trixie hurried through the street, searching for any sign of Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle as the townsfolk ran everywhere to escape the attacking dragon, guards hurrying to fend off the dragon. Just then, as the rounded the corner, they dove out of the way as the rampaging dragon swept its tail for them, the trio gasping and screaming as they hurried off in the opposite direction, but then something else caught their eye as more and more guards hurried for the dragon. One of the buildings that was on fire had two young ponies at the top. Coming closer, Babs and Trixie shrieked, Scootaloo staring in awe, the whole world around her melting away. Up about, on an archway at the top of a burning museum, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle screamed and called for help. As more and more ponies shot this way and that, Scootaloo stepped slowly toward the burning building, Trixie calling up to her two friends. It was as if everything around Scootaloo had disappeared as she looked up to her friends. Just then, the archway gave way and crumbled, Sweetie Belle diving back for the rooftop as Apple Bloom squealed and fell with the stone arch. Immediately, Scootaloo spread her wings and shot up from the ground at high speed, her large, beautiful orange wings flapping harder and harder as she shot through the small, falling arch and threw her hooves around her friend, both of them shooting higher and higher into the sky. Sweetie Belle, while shocked by her friend's first flight, screamed and called for help. Just then, Babs shot through the doorway leading to the rooftop, covered in ash and breathing heavily. Did she really fend her way through the whole fire? Looking around for some way to help her friend, Babs spotted her answer. A large water tower sat just above the doorway. Hopping up to it with ease, Babs rammed into one of the wooden posts with all her might, hearing it creak. She had to do this quickly before the fire got too intense, Scootaloo spiraling slowly down to the ground as she held Apple Bloom. Just then, as Babs gave it another ram, Sweetie Belle focused her magic with all her might, her horn glowing vibrantly. Tugging at the breaking post, Sweetie Belle heard it snap as Babs crashed into it once more. This was it. Watching the tower lurch toward her, Sweetie Belle pulled and pulled, Babs giving the other splintering posts a kick as the tower toppled over, water pouring down onto the burning building, the loud hiss of extinguishing fire filling the air.

“We don't have much time!” Babs called, hoping down as Sweetie Belle was covered in splashing water, steam filling the air. “The fire's gonna catch back up!” she called, kicking the door open and Sweetie Belle hurried up beside her. Quickly but cautiously, they made their way down the burning steps, into the raging inferno. It seemed the water tower idea hadn't done much. Remembering the way she came, both the fillies coughing, Babs lead Sweetie Belle to the fire exit on the second floor, both of them leaping over a large hole in the floor. The sweltering heat was getting to both of them as they rounded a hallway, both gasping as they saw the fire exit completely engulfed in flames. It was the end of the line.

“Get back!” called little Trixie as a burst of magic blew open the fire exit, leaving a large hole big enough for Babs and Sweetie Belle to escape. Hurrying through a cloud of smoke, they could see Trixie at the top of the escape stairs materialize through the smog. “Hurry! Hurry!” she called as the two jumped through the collapsing wall, the three of them hurled onto the guardrail. Shooting down the metal steps, they saw Apple Bloom and Scootaloo hurrying up for them on a separate flight of stairs opposite them.

“Let's get outta here!” Babs called, the fillies vaulting over the stairs and tumbling onto the asphalt, turning to stare as the burning museum collapsed just moments later.



After spending what seemed like hours in a hideaway shelter, the townsfolk finally walked the streets of Manehatten once again, the sun drifting to the west. In all the panic, Scootaloo had gotten her cutiemark as well (two pure white shooting stars). The whole ordeal was such a fright, none of them noticed until now.

“I wonder what I'm going to be when I grow up now.” Scootaloo said, smiling at her flank as they came back to the Manehatten bridge. “I mean, y'know...”

“Now that it's all over.” Sweetie Belle said, her voice quivering as she watched the harbor. “At this rate... it'll only be a matter of time before Apple Bloom gets her cutiemark.”

“Then... then no more Cutiemark Crusaders...” Babs said, her voice trembling as well as Trixie looked away. This was really it, then?

“No...” everypony turned to Apple Bloom. “We're... we're always gonna be the Cutiemark Crusaders.” she said, sniffling as her face grew wet with tears. “We're... we're still best friends... an' we'll still always be together, right?” she asked, her company nodding. “Jus'.... jus' 'cause we're growin' up.... an' may go our own ways...” she stammered, sobbing quietly. “We're always gonna be best friends...”

“That's right, Apple Bloom.” Scootaloo sniffled.

“We'll always have each other... an' our sisters, an' our friends an' Ponyville.” Sweetie Belle managed to say.

“Yeah... we'll always be Cutiemark Crusaders.” Babs smiled.

“You're... you've still got everything ahead of you.” little Trixie said, wiping a tear. Apple bloom inhaled deeply and turned to watch the setting sun with her friends.

“Our time has just begun.” she said as they placed their hooves around each others shoulders.

Author's Note:

Author's Note: ElectroKaplosion has had no input on this chapter or story. I just quite liked his song. It served as the inspiration for this chapter and I hope to sample his music in the future.