• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 916 Views, 8 Comments

The Reign of Princess Twilight Sparkle - ShaD-23

General Tirek returns and is more poisonous an enemy than ever. As the world teeters on the brink, everypony fears Tirek wishes to resurrect his master. And what of Twilight and the whispers she hears in the night? Non-canon. In memory of Kiki Havivy

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“Let she who does battle with dragons take care, lest she thereby suffer a nasty, nasty burn.

And also, should you stare long into a dragon's eyes, you may make him really angry.”

Pinkie Pie

It had been some time since Tirek had attacked Equestria. Everpony enjoyed the well earned peace that flourished throughout the land (even with the occasional dragon alert). Times were good once again, but they would not last.

Princess Twilight Sparkle sat reading peacefully in her study, the sunlight pouring in through her window, her wings folded neatly. Spike sat on the steps, cheerfully reading a rousing comic book. It was a nice summer day, everypony enjoying themselves. Just as Twilight began to drift in and out of daydreams, however, Spike grunted loudly and then let out an almighty belch, a roll of parchment plopping into his clawed hand.

“Looks like we've got another message.” Spike said. Twilight narrowed her eyes. Every time they received a letter, she was poised for the news, certain they would receive one stating Tirek had returned. Spike looked it over and mumbled to himself. “It's just Shining Armor and Princess Cadence saying they've come for a visit.” Spike said. “Your birthday IS coming up, after all, Twilight.” the baby dragon smiled. Twilight let out a sigh of relief. With everything that had been happening lately in Equestria, she was shocked she had completely forgotten her birthday.

“Right... they must be really excited.” she said, bowing her head slightly.

“It's going to be a lot of fun this year.” Spike said, rolling up his comic book. “Now that you're a princess, I'll bet everypony's gonna wanna come and join in the celebration.” Twilight didn't say anything. True, she was more content with her new status as a princess, but she wasn't all too keen with the publicity she received. All of the cheering ponies that bowed to her every movement, their constantly watchful eyes expecting her to be refined and graceful every moment. It took her forever to convince Ponyville's denizens to stop referring to her as 'princess'.


Twilight smiled as she waited on the train platform, watching the steam engine Shining Armor and Cadence rode on approach. It would be nice to see them again after they had been away for a while after their last meeting. As a small flock of birds flew by, the train pulled up slowly, hissing loudly as it came to a stop. Stepping slowly to the boxcar, Twilight smiled as the door opened. Just as she began to muse over all the things they could do over their visit, Tirek stepped from inside the car and pulled the red blade from his cloak and held it to the awestruck princess.

“Tirek!? What are you doing here!?” Twilight breathed, glaring. Tirek gave a snort.

“I've come to crush Equestria while you watch, Twilight Sparkle.” he said with zest, pointing his sword top her and firing a blazing beam for her.

“NO!” Twilight breathed, rolling from her bed, moonlight flooding the room. This was not the first time she had nightmares similar to this since meeting with Tirek. Shaking her head, she chalked it up to being apprehensive of possibility of Tirek returning.

“Are you afraid, Twilight Sparkle?”

Twilight gave a shriek, turning around to find her bedroom empty, her wings outstretched and stiff. She was certain she just heard somepony whisper in her ear. Was she going mad?

“Twilight? Are you okay?” Spike yawned, stretching from his basket. Rubbing his eyes, he got a cold chill seeing Twilight stare at the empty library. “Twilight, what's wrong?” No response. Shuddering, he climbed from his basket.

“Twilight, you're creeping me out-” he said, tapping her shoulder, causing her to scream and jump, knocking Spike to the floor.

“Spike?” she breathed, shaking and frightened. “I'm so sorry!” she said, helping her dragon assistant up. “Just a bad d-dream,” she said, shuddering fiercely “Th-that's right... just- just a bad dream...”

Spike looked at her suspiciously. She was never this frightened by any dream, no matter what it was. He was beginning to grow frightened as well. Watching his friend climb back into bed, Spike climbed under her covers and hugged her tightly.


“Just... had a bad dream too.” Spike lied. Twilight smiled and stroked his cheek. “So, what are we gonna do when Shining Armor and Cadence get here, Twilight?” he asked yawning. Twilight let out a low exhale.

“Not much. Probably just hang out and wait for my birthday to come... I'll bet they have some kind of surprise waiting for me.” she said, slowly closing her eyes, Spike already asleep. As she slowly drifted back to sleep as well, she couldn't shake the thought that she was certain she heard somepony whisper in her ear.


The morning was brisk and humid. Shining Armor and Cadence were just coming off the train when they were greeted by the other bearers of the Elements of Harmony.

“Hello everypony.” Cadence smiled as everypony bowed to her. “Where's my sister?” Shining Armor asked confusedly. Everypony shrugged.

“Twilight didn't show up for some reason.” Rainbow Dash said.

“I flew around Ponyville this morning, but saw no trace of her.” Rarity said, flapping her wings slightly.

“Hey! Guys!” came a sudden call from down the road. They turned to see Twilight charging for them, Spike cling to her as he rode. Her mane was a mess and she looked as if she hadn't slept well, but she was still smiling as she hurried for them. Just as she came up to the train station, however, Spike belched another note into Twilight's head, causing her to stumble and roll in a heap outside the train station, everypony laughing.

“Sorry about that, Twilight.” Spike said, brushing dust off his scales, Cadence helping Twilight up. “That note just came out of nowhere.”

“I wonder what it says.” Applejack said as Rainbow Dash powered her horn and opened the note to read it.

“It's from Princess Luna.” Fluttershy said as she read over Rainbow Dash's shoulder.

“All it says is to hurry to the Ponyville Tower!” she said. The crowd wasted no time in hurrying to the grand tower. It stood at the far end of Ponyville, opposite the Everfree Forest, and was an old outpost used to camp out on the border of Equestria. As soon as the came to a stop, they found Princess Celestia and Luna facing down someone in a heavy hooded cloak. There was no doubt in their mind that it was Tirek.

“And here come the rest of our friends.” Tirek jeered, everypony coming up to him and glaring. “No welcoming party for an old friend?” he taunted, laughing under his heavy cloak, slowly tilting his head back as the hood slid off to reveal a deep, straight scar across his face from when he encountered Rainbow Dash.

“What do you want, Tirek?” Pinkie Pie spat. Tirek only smirked.

“Silly ponies.” he said, never dropping his smirk. “You know what I come for-”

“Enough, Tirek!” Celestia said with a stomp. “You threatened my kingdom and its ponies, kidnapped numerous ponies and cursed them to become dragons,” she said, Applejack narrowing her eyes “you sacked my palace and you claim you want the terrible power of the Alicorn Amulet.” her horn slightly glowing, Celestia inhaled deeply and stood tall. “Were you a subject of my kingdom, I would see to it you are dealt with properly, but as you are not, I will instead choose to be lenient. You are hereby exiled from Equestria, and should you ever return, you will suffer severe punishment.”

“Be grateful, beast,” Luna said darkly “for I would not be nearly as merciful as my sister.”

Tirek began to laugh at this, everypony glaring.

“You are such fools...” he said. “You truly believe you have a chance against me?” “I'm not forgetting I knocked your teeth in last time, Tirek.” Rainbow Dash sneered. Tirek's smile didn't fade, at least not too much.

“Yes, I made the mistake of underestimating you, Rainbow Dash.” he said, licking his chops. “I will not make that mistake again.” Stretching, he let his cloak slide back off his shoulders, revealing a glinting mythril breastplate and gauntlets. What caught everypony's eye most of all, however, was one of Tirek's arms was pitch black. Muscular like his other, but completely black as night.

“The powers of hatred and fear flood into me, you see?” he said, showing them his arm. “Soon, my power will be tenfold, and you will have no choice but to surrender the Alicorn Amulet.” he said, everypony still glowering at him.

“You will soon have far more than just dragons to worry about.” he said, stepping away, walking off into the fields. “You have my orders... give me the Alicorn Amulet or Equestria will burn around you.” With that, he spread his wings and flew off into the sky, nopony sure if they were able to find their voice.