• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 917 Views, 8 Comments

The Reign of Princess Twilight Sparkle - ShaD-23

General Tirek returns and is more poisonous an enemy than ever. As the world teeters on the brink, everypony fears Tirek wishes to resurrect his master. And what of Twilight and the whispers she hears in the night? Non-canon. In memory of Kiki Havivy

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Shining Armor and Cadence raced through the Everfree Forest. A long stream of smoke rose in the direction of Ponyville. Questions flooded their heads. What could have possibly happened in the short time that they were gone away? They entered Ponyville to the screams of ponies running about the small town. Neither saw anypony they knew. Finally, to their horror, they came to the source of the smoke. Cadence cried in terror as Shining Armor roared out in disbelief. Twilight's home stood engulfed in mammoth flames.

=====Several Days Earlier

Twilight Sparkle looked out over the land from the Cloudsdale observatory. It was amazing. From the gargantuan telescope, she could see everything. Far out in the distance was Appleoosa, Canterlot glinted in the sunset and the lights of Manehatten were slowly starting to blink on one by one. Nevertheless, she saw nothing unusual (given the recent circumstances). Dragons flew in a frenzy over the now inactive Great Roost, and she knew it was only a matter of time before they dispersed over Equestria as more dragons came to the Great Roost to repeat the same process. Turning her sights to the edge of Equestria, she skimmed out over the barren plains known simply as the 'Badlands'. Still, she saw nothing.

“That is where Tirek's kind come from.” one pegasus said, Twilight turning quickly to face him. “They are a secretive race called the baphotaur.”

“Do you think we could investigate them?” she asked as she tuned back to look upon the Badlands.

“Unlikely, milady.” the stallion explained. “They are a nomadic clan, and finding them out in the savage Badlands would prove most difficult.” Twilight nodded. If they were going to take any action, she thought, it must be something quick and effective. She nodded silently to the pegasus and started for the doors to the observatory, slowly descending the steps as Rarity waited at the bottom for her.

“Were you able to discover anything, Twilight?” she asked. Twilight sighed, her friend understanding right away.

“It doesn't look like we have any leads to Tirek or anything new he might be trying.” the alicorn princess explained. “I think all we can do is go home and wait to see if something new happens.”

Just as they came to the drop-off point, they covered their heads as a giant gust of wind blew at them. Looking up, they saw a giant shape coming for them. Rushing back, they watched as a grand airship descended to the drop-off. It was gigantic, well maintained, the wooden structure shining in the newly setting sun, large cannons dotting the sides with many different sized propellers, the numerous small propellers still spinning quickly as the larger ones slowing down to almost a stand still as the ship bobbed up and down, floating next to the clouds. The ship read 'ENTOURAGE' on the side. As the side hatch slowly slid open, several gruff looking pegasi marched out, followed by...

“Flash Sentry?” Twilight gasped. The pony, however, looked taken aback.

“Flash Sentry? No, your highness, Flash Sentry is my younger brother.” The mare did look exactly like him, with an orange coat and a long, spiky blue mane, only she was also dressed in a red vest.

“I am Captain Starlight, milady, at your service.” she said in a proper voice as her courtship bowed with her. “I humbly request that I be your personal bodyguard, your highness.”

“What?” Twilight said, blinking. “Bodyguard, for what?” “Milady-” Starlight began in her proper tone, only for Twilight to wave her off.

“At ease, captain,” the princess said “there's no need for formalities.”

“Yes ma'am.” Starlight responded. “Word in Canterlot castle is that Tirek has returned. As I understand, this information has been kept secret from all but a small few.” Twilight eyed her suspiciously. “Princess, I helped to defend Canterlot from the swarm of dragons. If Tirek has truly returned, I think he will bring more than just dragons to bear, just like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna said.” Twilight couldn't argue with this. Tirek definitely did seem to be as bad as his word.

“I appreciate the offer, captain,” Twilight said with a bow “but I politely decline. There is no need for you to endanger yourself on my behalf.” Starlight maintained her solid stare.

“I understand, your highness.” she said slowly, bowing. “If it's all the same to you, at least let me escort you to Canterlot. Princess Celestia wishes to meet with you.” Twilight looked at the airship. It had been years since she rode on a proper airship. Smiling, she nodded. “Step this way, your highness.” Starlight said, motioning Twilight to follow (Rarity blushing as a pegasus escorted her on board). The ship was large and stocked with gunpowder and cannon balls where they just entered. Following Starlight silently, they passed what resembled a giant iron safe door. Twilight figured it was the engine room where they powered the propellers. Trotting up a long flight of stairs, Twilight and her company made their way to the deck of the airship. Upon surfacing, all pegasus troops bowed to Twilight.

“At ease.” she called, feeling more confident with her status as a princess. Everypony returned to their tasks as she and Rarity followed Starlight up to the bridge, a stallion with a neat, black goatee and neatly combed mane wearing an identical red vest saluting with his wing as they met him at the wheel.

“Number One, take us out.” Starlight said proudly. The stallion saluted once more and turned to the wheel, pulling a lever and punching a couple buttons on podium beside the wheel. Twilight remembered from her studies this signaled those working in the engine room of the airship. Sure enough, they all heard the engine roar below deck and watched as the propellers began to spin faster and faster, the ship rising away from Cloudsdale. The rush of sailing through the sky was nothing short of (Twilight could think of no other word) magical. They zoomed past flocks of birds, shot by clouds, it was all so amazing. Twilight and Rarity gaped in awe at the tiny ground beneath them.

“We will be in Canterlot in less than an hour.” Starlight's first officer said as he stood at attention.

“No need to be so formal, sir.” Twilight said, giving him a nod, Rarity taking to a telescope, spying the passing land. “So,why does Princess Celestia want to see me?” she asked, her mane whipping about in the wind.

“She didn't say, milady.” Starlight explained. “There has been talk of searching Equestria for signs of Tirek.”

“I wonder what she could want me to-” “WHAT IS THAT!?”

The three turned to see Rarity staring in total awe at whatever it was she saw in the spyglass. Starlight pulled a pair of binoculars from the podium while Rarity let Twilight look through the telescope. What the two saw was unlike anything they had ever seen before. It was a giant hulking creature, standing on two small legs and had enormous claw-like arms. It's body was gargantuan, yet it had no head. Twilight knew it was a kind of golem.

Golems (which she briefly studied as a filly) were mostly mindless creatures who were created through magical means to do others bidding, though natural golems did exist in the deepest forests and most treacherous of mountains. This one, however, was clearly created from magic. As it glinted in the sunlight, Twilight still watching it, she thought it must have been made of some kind of metal.

“It's a golem.” Twilight said sharply as she spied it. “It's not natural, either. Someone made it.”

“A what?” “Golem?” “I thought those were a myth.”

Twilight ignored the stammering of her company as she watched the glimmering golem advance through the fields straight toward...

“PONYVILLE!” she called. “It's gonna attack!” Before anypony could say another word, Twilight spread her wings and shot down for the beast, her face burning with rage as everypony on the airship called for her. Zooming faster, her eyes stinging, Twilight flapped her wings as she came to a stop before the creature, staring in awe. It wasn't made of metal. It was made of black crystal, just like in Luna's story of the Crystal Empire. The creature turned to Twilight and, although it had no head or eyes, she could tell it was looking right at her. Lunging forward, her head lowered, Twilight jumped right past the mammoth brute as it quickly side-stepped her. It was shockingly fast for its size. Turning back to it, Twilight was knocked senseless by it's gigantic claw, flying several feet away from it. Dazed and wobbling, the alicorn princess turned to see the creature hold its arms above its head and put them together, forming a jagged looking maul. Shrieking, Twilight flew into the sky as it brought it's great weapon down into the earth, dirt and grass flying everywhere. Flapping her wings, feeling her heart pounding, Twilight lowered her head once more and fired a burst of magic for the monster, only for it to bounce right of 's glimmering body. This was not good.

Just as she was about to fire again, the golem fell to the ground, it's arms dividing into claws once more. Twilight watched as Rainbow Dash jumped back from the squirming beast, having torn its stubby legs off with her sharpened horn, her Element of Harmony glowing around her neck.

“Finish it off, princess!” the blue pony said proudly, tossing Twilight her magic crown. Placing her Element on her head, Twilight felt her fury wane and her mind become clear. Lowering her head once more, she fired a grand bolt of lavender light for the beast, shattering it into pieces as it exploded, the black shards shining in the sunset.


Shining Armor paced the study of Canterlot as Discord puffed on his pipe.

“This doesn't make any sense.” the stallion said irritably. “Twilight should have been here by now.”

“You worry too much, boy.” Discord said smugly. “You see me? I'm not stressed because I always smile.” Shining Armor raised an eyebrow at him. Just as he was about to turn back to the window (Discord polishing his tooth in a tiny makeup mirror), Celestia burst through the doors to the library, Shining Armor jumping as Discord's tooth popped off as he jumped as well, leaping to the floor, scattering about the for his bouncing fang.

“Your highness!” Shining Armor said quickly, bowing as Discord grumbled under his breath, slipping his eagle claw under a desk for his tooth.

“Send for Princess Cadence immediately!” Celestia said sharply, her eyes narrowed. “Discord, wait in the room of royal relics.” the princess said as the former Element of Harmony fitted his tooth back into place.

“Room of royal relics?” he asked, raising an eyebrow (which then went on to float from his face). “Is that some sort of joke?”

“Go now, Discord.” she said in her sharp tone, not phased by his antics (as he licked his scruffy eyebrow and stuck it back above his eye). As he slinked away with a smug look on his face, Celestia turned to the window, looking over a scroll Twilight sent her from Ponyville once more.


It was nearing midnight as everypony assembled in the hall of Canterlot's most valuable relics. Rarity looked about all of them in a joyous trance. Everypony else, however, stood and waited. The bearers of the Elements of Harmony had all come to Canterlot, Captain Starlight standing with them (Twilight having reconsidered her proposal), Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor both staring out the window at the calm night, and Discord fast asleep as he reclined on a priceless sculpture of Starswirl the Bearded. Finally, Celestia and Luna both entered the hall, having donned their gallant armor, a sword slung to each of their belts. Everypony bowed to them (Rarity joining with the group once more) as them came to a stop before them.

“There is no denying, everypony.” Luna said at once, Discord snorting as he awoke. “Tirek's master was none other than the wicked King Sombra.” Nopony said a word. Celestia inhaled deeply as she stepped forward.

“Everypony,” she began “while we cannot say for certain that this is what our foe intends to do, nor if such a feat is possible... we believe Tirek wishes to acquire the Alicorn Amulet and use it to revive King Sombra.” Not one of them could find their voice. Not even Discord.

“It is imperative we spread out and scout Equestria ourselves.” Luna announced, a couple of them looking taken aback by this.

“But why not just dispatch our forces, princess?” Shining Armor asked. “Wouldn't that prove enough?”

“No, Prince Shining Armor.” Celestia said darkly. “Already, our forces are scouring the borders... but I fear they will not be enough... they have been dispatched mostly to raise an alarm should they spot forces entering Equestria... while we must search for the demons inside the walls.” Once more, they looked quite taken aback by this.

“We are both certain Tirek and his forces are within the borders of Equestria.” Luna explained. “We must find him immediately and end his regime once and for all. Forever and for always.” Shining Armor opened his mouth to argue but turned back to his wife. She shook her head and he knew she was right. He turned to his sister who nodded as well.

“What is our plan of action, princesses?” Shining Armor asked as he powered his horn, putting his grand helmet on, Celestia stepping forward.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle and I will leave for the eastern peaks-” “I will accompany you, milady.”

Celestia turned to Starlight as she stepped forward, standing at attention.

“Milday Princess Twilight Sparkle has appointed me her bodyguard.” she said, not blinking once. “I respectfully insist I accompany you both to the eastern peaks.” Celestia said nothing as she looked straight into Starlight's eyes.

“Very well, captain.” Celestia said, not blinking either. “Ready your airship immediately after we finish our plan of action.” “Yes, milady!” Starlight called, saluting with her wing as she turned to stand next to Twilight once more, the young princess looking upon her companion with concern.

“Pinkie Pie and Rarity.” Luna said loudly, the two looking up at her. “You will accompany me to the Equestria bay at dawn.”

“Yes ma'am!” Pinkie called. “We will meet with you, your majesty.” Rarity said with a bow.

“Applejack, Rainbow Dash, leave at once for Appleloosa.” Celestia said, the two nodding. “We will need establish a garrison there, and we will rely on you to keep watch until we can dispatch troops to the town.”

“Yes, your highness!” Applejack said with a bow. “You can count on us!” Rainbow Dash added.

“Lastly, Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence.” Luna said, the two stepping forward. “Tirek would expect us to leave Ponyville unprotected and he would undoubtedly target it to break our spirits. You two are to keep guard at Ponyville and the outlying area.”

“Understood!” they both said in union.

“Does that mean I get the key to the palace?” Discord asked with a yawn as he lay on the statue of Starswirl once more.

“Fluttershy, you will stay here and keep watch over Discord as he defends Canterlot.” Celestia said sharply, Fluttershy shaking slightly as she bowed.

“So, thus ends another chapter.” Discord said with another yawn. “And I'm certain a new one will follow soon.” Everypony walked off to their dormitories (with the exception of Celestia, Twilight and Starlight) as he watched, left completely alone in the room of relics.

“Fighting off the most heinous of evils with little hope at all... this is absolute senselessness.” Smirking at the sculpture of his old friend, Discord closed his eyes, drifting slowly off to sleep.

“Just like last time, old friends... and just like last time... I love it...”