• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 49,422 Views, 3,789 Comments

The Monster of Canterlot - drnkntst

When a human child appears in Equestria, somepony will have to take him in.

  • ...

Chapter 11

Author's Note:

Before we get started, I just wanted to thank everyone for reading. I also really wanted to thank you all for the likes and the comments. It really mean a lot to me. With that said, enjoy.

Chapter 11

After the first day, the girls were all very tired and were sharing Twilight’s old quarters. Rainbow’s hooves were still wrinkled from holding a wet rag all day long and she never wanted to see a maid’s frilly skirt again. Applejack did indeed love to cook, but sharing a kitchen with a screaming Prench chef and dodging a bouncing Pinkie Pie was very tiring, especially when she was made to clean the pans after whatever it was that Chris ate for breakfast, she was exhausted. At least Pinkie was happy, she got to spend all day with one of her best friends in the royal kitchen, she couldn’t have been happier. Fluttershy was also quite pleased, thanks to Chris and Philomena, the animals in the gardens had warmed up to her very quickly.

Rarity, by far, was the most miserable. She couldn’t understand why she was being punished by being forced to serve the very creature that had started the fight to begin with. He was the one who came crashing through the bushes and demanded to be fed. It wasn’t their fault that he looked like some crazed monster. Even more, she couldn’t understand why so many of the staff loved him so much if he used a wooden sword on them whenever they ‘stepped out of line’.

“Yeah, I don’t get why everypony likes him either.” Rainbow Dash said.

“I don’t know, I think he’s nice,” Fluttershy defended. “He helped me with all the animals in the gardens. I couldn’t take care of them otherwise.”

“He probably just wanted to make sure they were healthy enough for him to eat,” Rarity pointed out.

“Is that whut was in those pans?” Applejack asked. “Ah think, *hurp* Ah’m gonna be sick.”

“Yes, bacon and ham. Both are made from… pigs,” Rarity informed them. “I have no doubt he’s devoured more than his fair share of helpless animals.”

“Oh, but lots of animals at my home need to eat meat. Some animals just can’t help it,” Fluttershy offered as a counterpoint.

“Even so,” Rarity was running out of arguments, “I just don’t think I can trust anypony so proud of their own destructive works.”

Twilight, who had been quietly listening, had finally had enough. “Just stop it. With the exception of Fluttershy, none of you are even giving him a chance. The crossbow bolt in the door isn’t really my story to tell, but I will tell you it was put there the day after we all met. The wooden sword, which was a gift from King Gurfon, was a training tool used by Chris and Shining while I was being tutored by the princess. When he said he used it on ponies who got out of line, he meant anypony who he caught spreading rumors about Celestia or even mentioning the name Nightmare Moon. He wants to make sure both Luna and Celestia are happy.” Twilight stood from the bed she was laying on. “Now, if you ladies will excuse me, I’m going to go see my cousin.”


I was reading a book in my bed when I heard a knock at my door. “Enter.”

I was a little surprised when the door was opened to reveal Twilight. “Can I come in?”

“Of course, Twi, come in. It’s been far too long since we got to just hang out. Though, what, may I ask, brings you here this late at night?”

“I just couldn’t stand hearing them talk about you like they were. They just don’t want to take the time to get to know the real you and it drives me crazy.”

“Says the pony who one year ago didn’t want anything to do with other ponies.” She rolled her eyes while I snickered. I slid over in the bed to make room, she took the hint and curled up next to me. “Twilight, I know it must be tough on you, trying to stay loyal to both friends and family while they sit on opposite side of the fence. I’m sorry you’re being put through this. Please know, I don’t blame you for anything and I will not ask you to choose.” I reached over to my nightstand and handed her a book that was resting on it.

“Thank you,” she levitated the book from my hands and began reading. We lay there in silence, we read ‘til we fell asleep. The whole time, I couldn’t help but absentmindedly stroke her mane and occasionally scratch behind her ears. It wasn’t long before we both drifted into Luna’s realm.


“WHAT’S GOING ON HERE!?” Rarity’s shrill scream woke Twilight and I both with a jolt that assured there was no going back to sleep. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO TWILIGHT!?”

“Huh?” It took a second for me to realize what she was talking about. “Oh, nothing. She came in here last night and we read ‘til we fell asleep.”

“And that required her to be in your bed?”

“What? It’s more comfortable than the floor,” Twilight pointed out.

“Bu- Wha-” Rarity was stunned into silence, which suited me just fine this early in the morning.

“Rarity, he’s my cousin. I’ve known Chris since he first arrived. He and Shining played together every day. My own parents consider him a member of the family. He would never do anything bad to me.”

“Right,” I rubbed Twilight’s mane. “Twilight, why don’t you take the washroom first, I can wait.” She thanked me and trotted off to take care of her morning duties. I turned to address Rarity, Bunny was standing quietly behind her trying to kill her with a glare. “I don’t care if you think of me as an animal, but don’t you dare try to insult my integrity again. I have done nothing untoward to anypony and I will not have such rumors spread. Do I make myself clear?”

Rarity could only look at me with wide eyed terror. She managed to nod. Bunny was watching the whole thing with a smug grin. “Y-yes, your highness.”

“Good, now get to work.”


After breakfast, which went without a hitch, I went back to my favorite spot in the gardens. While I was gone, Bunny decided to set the record straight.

“You need to give him a chance. All the princesses love him and so does Twilight. Doesn’t that mean something to you?”

“I suppose so.” Rarity thought to herself for a few seconds. “Will you tell me why you like him so much?”

Bunny let out a deep sigh. “Fine, if it will help you to understand him better. About six years ago…”


I was sitting under my tree, reading. Fluttershy was tending to the animals, which were being far more cooperative, with Philomena riding on her head again. After our discussion the day before, she had gotten far more comfortable around me. Maybe, with some patience and luck, I could have another friend outside the palace.

Suddenly, I got the sense that somepony was sitting beside me. I turned my head and totally didn’t scream like a little filly.

“Pinkie?! What the heck are you doing?!” I asked once I calmed down.

“I was kicked out of the kitchen by your chef.” She thrusted a cupcake in my face.

I took it from her hoof. “What’s this for?”

“Fluttershy says you’re a good stallion, this is my way of being sure. How does this cupcake make you feel?”

“O…kay…” I opened my mouth to take a bite but she stopped me.

“No, no, no, no. Not how does it taste. How does it make you feel?”

I closed my mouth and after a couple seconds of confusion, I took a deep sniff of the baked good. “Mmmmm… smells good. So you want my honest opinion, right, and not just my analysis?” she nodded her head furiously. I swear I heard something rattle in there. I sniffed again. “Honestly, it makes me happy. Mom always smells like cake frosting, because of all the cake she eats. Every time I would be sad or scared or crying myself to sleep, she would be there for me. She would wrap me up in those big wings of hers and hold me close to her until I felt better. Every time I smell frosting, it makes me feel a little bit safer and a little happier.”

Pinkie surprised me again by hugging me. I even heard her sniff a little. “You are a good stallion. Anypony who likes cupcakes that much can’t be all bad. I’m sorry I fought you and I’m really sorry about the party bomb.”

“Thank you, Pinkie. Can I eat this now?” I lifted a surprisingly empty hand.

“Eat what?” she asked while licking frosting off her lips. Then we both laughed. Make that two possible friends.

“So what, Pinkie brings you a cupcake and she’s forgiven?” Rainbow Dash’s scratchy voice called from overhead.

“Not exactly, but it couldn’t hurt,” I joked. Pinkie thought it was funny, Dash didn’t. “I’m not a bad guy, Rainbow, and if you gave me a chance, you might figure that out.” She drifted down to the ground with a seriously sour look on her face. “You know what, how about this, I give you and everypony else one chance to get out of this punishment.”


“A race, pure and simple.”

“Ha! Any time, any place, any where. What kind of race did you have in mind?”

“The hedge maze. First one to the other side wins. If I win, you keep washing windows in your pretty little maid outfit. If you win, you’ll all be back home by dinner time. I’ll even let you all use the royal chariot. What do you think?”

“I don’t know. You probably know this maze backwards and forwards.”

“And you’re the fastest pony in all of Equestria. I’ll even let you use Applejack and Rarity too. That way, you’ll have three times the chance of picking the right path.”

“What’s the catch?”

“No catch, just I can’t fly or use magic, so neither can you.”

She looked at me sideways for a little bit, then came to a conclusion. “Deal!” We shook and she flew off to get her team mates.


“So let meh get this straight, we beat you through this here maze, and we get ta go home?” Applejack asked with some subtle disbelief.

“That’s right, first to the other side wins,” I told her. “Only no flying and no magic. A nice, level playing field.” I walked to the front of the maze. “So, if you agree, then all you have to do is step forward, choose your path, and gallop for the finish.”

“Easy,” Rainbow said as she approached followed by Applejack. Rarity followed soon after, but she seemed uncertain about something and she kept looking at me.

Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinkie where all waiting nearby. Pinkie wasn’t being allowed to compete because she’s too… Pinkie to be considered on a level playing field with anypony.

“Twilight, if you would be so kind.”

Twilight began to countdown. We all took our places and got ready to run. As soon as Twilight called ‘go’, the three mares took off down separate paths through the maze. I didn’t.

“Ladies, care to join me?” Casually, I stood and walked around the maze to the other side.


An hour later, Applejack came out the end of the maze, tired and out of breath. “Hey, you made it,” I said without even looking. I was in the middle of giving Pinkie a massage. Twilight had already gone first and was sitting on the same bench Pinkie and I were straddling. Fluttershy was next to her, talking quietly with a rabbit, though Philomena had returned to Celestia.

“Huh, …how?” Rainbow came out next, then Rarity.

“How the hay did you beat us?” Rainbow asked as she flopped onto the grass.

“Simple, I never said anything about going through the maze.”

“Wha-? Why you little-” Applejack started but was cut off by giggling from overhead.

“Now, Honey, I don’t think that’s quite playing fair,” Celestia said as she landed.

“Maybe, but it was fun. How can I help you, Mom?”

“Mister Fancy Pants and Miss Fleur Dis Lee are here for your fitting. I’m having them make a new suit for you. If I’m going to show you off to the whole world, I want you to look your best.”

“Fancy Pants? Fancy Pants is here?” Rarity was clearly shocked.

“Great! It’s been too long since I last got to talk to them.” I stood up and excused myself before sending the girls back to work.

Rarity and Twilight fell in behind me and Celestia who led us all into the dining hall. There, as previously stated, was Fancy Pants and his wife, Miss Lee.

“Mister Fancy Pants, Miss Lee, I can’t thank you both enough for coming on such short notice for this urgent order.”

“Think nothing of it, Princess. We consider it an honor to be selected for this order. Especially if it’s for our dear friend.”

“Friend? You’re friends with the prince?” I think that was the first time she called me that.

“Why, Miss Rarity, is that you? I believe we haven’t met since your visit some months ago if I recall correctly. Did you get a new job here in the palace, my dear?”

“Well I, uh I-”

“Rarity is here simply to fill in temporarily as a favor. She’ll be back in Ponyville soon enough,” I told him. “You know, I’ve been told she’s a very talented seamstress. Perhaps she could help you.”

“I am familiar with her work. I would welcome her assistance.”

“Excellent. Now, how about we get started? I also hope you don’t mind some conversation while we do this.”

“Of course not, my boy. I’ve been wanting to ask about your incident in Ponyville and this would be the ideal time.”

“Alright, I’ll leave you all to it then,” Celestia bowed her head and left the room.

“Thanks, Mom, I’ll see you later.”

Luckily, we were able to get my measurements without me having to remove any clothing. Not that I was embarrassed or anything, but there was two mares in the room. Fancy took my measurements, Fleur took them down and Rarity began to make some preliminary sketches based on modern stallion styles. All the while, we talked about Fancy’s business, joked about the skylight incident, and Rarity and Fleur shared some girl talk. Everything was going well, up until the subject of the fight came up.

“So let me get this straight,” Fleur said in her elegant and graceful tones, “when you and your friends heard from your younger sisters that a, and I hate to use the word, Chris, but, monster that wanted to eat them. Thus, you all ran off to defend your family and town from a supposed threat.”

“Yes, we did.” Rarity, for the first time since, seemed to be ashamed of what she did.

“While I can follow your logic, however misguided it may have been, I cannot approve of anypony bringing harm to such a gentlecolt.” Fancy Pants and Fleur had done quite an amazing job of being both angry and patient at the same time. “I am quite surprised that your only punishment was to be made to work within the palace. If the princess’s protective tendencies toward him that we have seen are anything to go by, you and your friends are lucky to still be breathing free air.”

“Yes, Twilight and Miss Dust Bunny have opened my eyes to what a mistake we made,” well that caught me by surprise, “but we are still forced to remain within the palace.”

“True, but, in the end, it is still a palace,” Fleur stated.

“Absolutely, and even being forced to work here as you are, you are still staying in a palace. Poor Christopher here has been trapped within these walls for, how long has it been, Chris?”

“Fourteen years.”

“My word, has it really been that long?” Fancy Pants was surprised, as were the two mares in the room.

“Yeah, Celestia was afraid that if I were seen, ponies wouldn’t be frightened try to defend themselves.”

“Which was exactly what we did,” Rarity sighed. “We never even gave you the chance to talk to us. It seems I was the real brute in all this. Prince Chris, I am so very sorry for what I’ve done to you.”

“Thank you, Rarity, and you can just call me Chris if you like.”

And that was how I started the foundations of three new friendships.