• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 49,422 Views, 3,789 Comments

The Monster of Canterlot - drnkntst

When a human child appears in Equestria, somepony will have to take him in.

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Chapter 28

Chapter 28

I was sitting on the edge of my bed, facing the balcony and cradling my broken hand. I was exhausted from smashing the picture of Rose and I that had been sitting on my dresser. I know that shouldn’t be enough to tire someone out, but what I did to this thing was, especially with only one hand. In fact, Philomena was still chewing on the remnants of the photo. She was preparing it to be cage lining, and anything that a phoenix uses as cage lining cannot ever be saved.

I heard a knock at my door, but didn’t respond. I didn’t want to move or even make a sound. Maybe if I sat still long enough, the world would just go away. The sound of the door unlocking itself informed me otherwise.

“Chris?” Celestia’s voice was soft and soothing, like it always was when she spoke to me, but even more so now. “Chris, can I come in?” I said nothing. In fact, to save time, I’ll tell you I didn’t respond to anything. She entered the room and sat on the bed next to me. She didn’t say anything for a while, but she did heal my hand.

“Honey, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Nopony should have to. I only wish I could take the pain away,” Celestia let out a deep sigh, “but that’s one spell that I don’t know.”

We sat there in silence for some time, the only sound being Philomena chewing. Neither of us knew what to say. I was dead to the world and she was at a loss for how to help. After a long time of quiet, Celestia stood and started toward the door.

“Don’t go,” I weakly begged. “I don’t want to be alone.”

Celestia gave a pitiful smile and sat back down next to me. As soon as she did, I threw my arms around her and held on for dear life. She, in turn, wrapped her wings around me and shielded me from the world.

“Shh… you’re not alone. There’s a lot of ponies who love you and would never do anything to hurt you.”

“Really? Do they really care about me? Or is it just the crown?”

“Honey, don’t talk like that. Rose may have been like that, but the others aren’t.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yes. Just look at Twilight’s friends.”

“It was either that or face your wrath.”

“Okay. What about Dust Bunny and her family?” Her voice was starting to change.

“I got them jobs and stopped her from being forced into something she really didn’t want to do. They’re just grateful.”

“Fine. What about Twilight and her family. They’re your family.” I couldn't see her eyes starting to moisten from where I was.

“Twilight’s the reason I’m here in Equestria. They all just feel guilty.”

“What about me? Do you believe that I don’t truly love you?” Tears were starting to flow from Celestia’s eyes. I looked at her and could feel the hurt pouring from her heart. “Or what about Luna? Doesn’t she love you? What could we have to gain from faking our love for you? And if you even think about claiming it was just to have a child of my own, then… just… don’t.” Her voice was cracking from the powerful sobs.

I may have been hurting before, but seeing her cry like that broke my heart. I hugged her tighter and buried my face into her fur. “I’m sorry, Mom. I didn’t…” I couldn’t get any further than that.

We just stayed like that for what seemed like hours while I matted her fur with tears, and she soaked my hair with hers.

Eventually, I lessened my hold and she dropped one wing. When that wing folded up, it brushed across my hand. I felt a secondary feather that was out of place and, out of habit, plucked it. Celestia winced and then relaxed. “You always were very good at preening my feathers.”

Again, I didn’t say anything, though I did grin and even chuckle a little. Instead, I just studied the feather. I twirled it in my fingers, looked at it closely, and even smelled it. Like every other feather I’ve ever preened from her, it was brilliant, impossibly soft, and smelled a little like cake frosting. In a nut shell, it was just like my mother.

Celestia was watching me absentmindedly studying her feather. I could hear her using her magic, I looked up at her. Celestia was very carefully pulling gold from the back of her breastplate and weaving it into a chain. Then she lifted the feather from my fingers and her horn flared intensely. When the light died down, I saw that she had fused the feather to the chain and she was holding it in front of me with her telekinesis.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“Look closely.”

I did as she said and found a message engraved on the shaft. I read it aloud. “So you will never be alone again.” She slid the chain over my head and the feather laid right on my chest. I swear I could feel warmth and love radiating from it.

“I put a protection spell on it. That feather is protected from all but the most powerful magics. If you ever feel alone again, just look at it and know that I will always be here for you.”

I threw my arms around her once again and she wrapped me in her wings. We sat like that for short time before there was a knock at the door.

“Christopher, may we enter?” Luna’s voice came from the other side.

I loosened my grip on Celestia, but didn’t release it. I’m a little ashamed to say that I was like a child who thought that the moment I lost contact with her, she would disappear forever. I looked from the door to Celestia. She gave me a look that clearly said ‘it’s up to you’.

“Yeah, come in.”

The door slowly swung open. The second it was open wide enough, Cotton Tail launched into the room and cannoned into me. I let go of Celestia and scooped up Cotton Tail. I cradled her like a baby’s favorite teddy bear while she did her best to reach around me with her tiny legs.

“Chris, I’m so sorry about what Rose did to you,” Twilight said as she walked around the bed to where Celestia and I were. “I swear, if I get my hooves on that cheating whorse, I’ll… I’ll… uugghh… I don’t know what I’ll do.”

“Nothing, you’ll do nothing to her.” All eyes were on me after I said that. “She may be carrying a… ” I covered Cotton’s ears, “a bastard foal,” I released my hands, “but she is still carrying a foal. You, none of you, would ever be able to forgive yourselves if you hurt that innocent baby.”

“What about the father?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“What about ‘im?” Rainbow smiled maliciously and rubbed her hooves together. I dread to think about what was going through her mind at that moment.

“You know, I could banish her,” Celestia offered.

“Yes, the moon is actually quite nice this time of year,” Luna confirmed.

“Simply say the word.”

“Thanks for the offer, Mom, but you can’t do that either. She didn’t break any laws.”

“So. She has offended me and my family. As princess I can pass any sentence I see fit.”

“That’s just it though, you’re a princess, not a tyrant or a dictator. It’s one of the things I admire most about you.” She cooed when I said that and squeezed me again with the one wing she still had around my shoulders.

“The man’s a wise one, just like his mother,” Gurfon’s voice came from the back of the room. He was a little too big to get closer than that with all the ponies in the room.

“Yeah, I guess. Too bad,” Celestia lamented.

“Chris, I feel I must apologize for my behavior earlier.”

“Oh, why’s that, Rarity?”

“Well, when Rose said that she was pregnant and you stormed out, I thought you a brute. For a moment, I feared that you were the type of stallion who would abandon a mare in her moment of need to suit his own needs. Please forgive me.”

“Uh, yeah, meh too,” Applejack added. “Sorry ‘bout that.”

“Seriously? I thought you all knew me better than that.” Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity all hung their heads in shame. “Luckily, I value your friendship far more than I do my own pride. You are all forgiven.” There was a huge sigh released from each of them.

“Hey, what’s this?”

I looked down to see Cotton Tail batting at the feather hanging around my neck. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Mom gave me that to make sure I know that I’m never alone.”

I held it up so everypony in the room could see. Celestia smiled with glee over how much I enjoyed her gift. All the mares admired the trinket in my hands, but Luna seemed to be a little anxious.

“Christopher, would it be alright if I, um, added my own feather and chain?”

“I guess it’s okay. Mom?” Celestia simply smiled and nodded. “Alright then,” I pulled the necklace over my head and held it out, “go ahead.”

Luna smiled and plucked a secondary of her own and some metal from her breastplate. And, with a little effort, she copied Celestia’s protection spell and wove her own chain through her sister’s. What surprised me though, was that Twilight had also plucked a feather, protected it and fused it with metal right next to Celestia’s and Luna’s.

When it was returned to me, I read the inscriptions. Luna’s said, ‘WE ARE ALWAYS HERE WITH YOU’, and Twilight’s simply read ‘ALWAYS’. I slid it back over my head and Cotton proceeded to bat at it some more.

“Thank you. Thank you all so much.”

By the time they all left to either return home (Cotton tail had to be levitated out of the room) or go to their guest rooms, I was feeling better. Better, but not great. In fact, Celestia had decided to spend the night with me. I know it’s kind of sad, but I was really happy she did, it allowed me to feel like there might be hope for me after all. I don’t think I could have gotten any sleep otherwise.

“Weird. This isn’t a typical Equestrian home.” I looked around and it became clear to me. “This… this is my home… on Earth.”

“Ohh~… how cute~…”

I spun around to see the speaker and found a woman I’d never seen before. She was tall, tan, stunning and swooning over a young boy getting ready for Halloween. I realized that the young boy was me. I was struggling to find the eyeholes on my new ghost costume before I put it on.

“Mommy~, I need your help~!”

This strange woman in her white sundress reached out to help, but her hands passed right through me. I could hear her moan in frustration and disappointment. I realized that had to mean she wasn’t a part of the scene I was watching, but was watching it with me.

“Umm… hello? Who are you?” She turned and looked right at me. I recognized something about her, her eyes. Those kind and caring magenta eyes. It was Celestia. Though, I should have guessed from the pink hair. “Mom?”

“You like it?” she asked, looking down at her human body. “I must admit, I wouldn’t mind have a figure like this when we-”

Then I heard a voice I thought I’d never hear again. “Alright, Chris, I’m coming.”

I froze. There she was, my birth mother. I couldn’t hold back the tears that flowed freely. I rushed past Celestia and threw my arms around my real mother. Or, I tried to. I fell right through her image. I rolled onto my backside so I could watch again.

“I swear, how’d you get so tangled up in this thing?” Mom laughed.

Celestia rushed to my side, “Chris, are you alright?”

I didn’t look at her, my eyes were fixed on the scene playing out before me. It was hard to see through my tears, but I still recognized everything that was going on.

“Well, he is your son.” My father walked out of their bedroom.

“Chris? Speak to me.”

“…this… this is… my home… on Earth. That’s me… and this is Halloween.”

Mom had managed to get my holey bed sheet to face the right way around. “There. Okay, you got everything?”


“Got your flashlight?” Dad asked. I held it up and turned it on and off again. “Got your sack?” He always grinned at that and I never got it at that age. I held it up too. “Good. Now let’s go get you some candy.” All three dream humans walked through the door and out into the night.

“So, that was…”

“My mom and dad. This was one of my happiest memories as a kid.” I stood up and headed for the front door. “Mom and Dad took me all over… the…” I had opened the door and gone through, but it was my neighborhood anymore. Instead, it was the nearby park. The same one we always went to. “No. No! Not here!” I dropped to my knees and held my head in my hands.

Once again, Celestia rushed over to me. She dropped down next to me and took my face in her own hands. “Chris! Honey! What’s wrong? What’s going on?” I didn’t say anything. Celestia looked around the park to try to figure out what was going on.

All she saw was a small playground in a small park. There were the sounds of children playing, though none could be seen. None that is, except for one. She saw my younger self running through the trees and bushes waving a stick around and shouting ‘bang!’ every once in a while.

“Chris, talk to me!”

“This is it. This is the day it happened.”

Celestia could feel me trembling and held me closer. Suddenly, there was a loud screaming and she turned to identify the potential threat. Instead of a threat, there was a blinding light surrounding my younger self. Celestia watched helplessly as my mother ran to me, screaming my name over and over again. The light expanded to envelop the whole area. An instant later, we were in a field by a stream.

I was still curled up and trembling, while listening to my other self screaming for my ‘mommy’. “Oh, oh my poor baby.” Celestia was starting to cry as well. “To suffer so much at such a young age. I never realized how bad it really was for you.”

“*Sniff* well, *sniff* it wasn’t all bad *sniff*.”

“What do you mean?”

“Hello there, little one.”

I simply turned to look at the dream Celestia. “I wasn’t alone for long.”

The dream world faded out and my room faded in. Celestia and I woke up just in time for her to raise the sun. We were both still a little teary eyed when the door opened. Luna walked in.

“So, how was your… oh. Was it really that bad?”

“Yes, Sister, but it could also have been much worse. Right?”

I nodded. I’m just glad to have found a great family.” I hefted the feathers hanging from my neck. “Very glad.”

And so the healing slowly began.