• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 49,422 Views, 3,789 Comments

The Monster of Canterlot - drnkntst

When a human child appears in Equestria, somepony will have to take him in.

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Chapter 40

Chapter 40

I sat up in my bed and stretched. I haven’t felt this refreshed in over a month, though I still felt very drained. It was an odd combination to be sure. I looked around the room to see that Twilight and Cotton were still sleeping. That meant that Luna and Bunny were elsewhere. If I knew Bunny, she was probably cleaning the library or cooking breakfast for everypony else. Luna was most likely reading.

I got up, got dressed, and proceeded downstairs. When I got down there, I found I was right on all three counts. It’s a rare mare indeed that can cook and clean at the same time. It astounded me that Blueblood had risked losing her over a simple night of pleasure. Luna, for her part, silently read while resting on a large cushion I’ve never seen before and dodging the occasional flying book or duster with a simple nod of her head.

“Good morning everypony,” I greeted in a voice low enough to not wake anypony else in the house.

“Good morning, Chris,” Bunny replied.

“Good morning, Nephew. Please, come closer and hold out your ring.”

I did as Luna instructed, though I didn’t know why. As soon as I was close enough, she touched the tip of her horn the ring. Her horn glowed for a moment and I could feel a coolness traveling up my arm and filling my chest.

“What are you doing,” Bunny asked.

“My dear nephew, in his justifiable desperation, drained far more of his magic than he meant to. I am simply giving him a little more so he will not be in any danger.”

Her magic stopped flowing into me, but I could still feel in my core. “Thank you, Aunt Luna. I feel much better.” I leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Bunny, what are you doing? I told you to go on vacation, not to transfer to a new workplace.”

Bunny sighed, “I know. I just can’t help it though. Besides, I feel like it’s the least I could for Twilight after she let us stay here.”

“Gotcha. So, what are you cooking anyway?”

“Pancakes and hash browns. You hungry?”


“Understandable. Your magic is very low, so your body is trying to compensate for its loss. Remember this for future reference when you go to use your magic.”

“I will, Aunt Luna. It smells great, Bunny, I only wish you had some ham or bacon to go with it.”

“Two things; gross and sorry, no. I love you and all, but I’m not about to fry up some defenseless creature because you think they’re… *shudder*… tasty.”

“They’re not tasty, they’re awesomely delicious.”

“Stop that or you won’t get anything.”

“My apologies, your highness, I meant no offense,” I teased with a deep bow and a fake Trottingham accent.

This lead to enough giggles to wake Cotton Tail. She, in turn, made enough of a racket to wake Twilight. Twilight, using her normal level of tact, woke Spike. The three of them came down the stairs together, the two young ones riding on Twilight’s back. That, of course, led to breakfast time.

After that, I went to see Fluttershy. Though, I wasn’t going to get much training done with my magic so low. As we all know, a pegasus needs not only wings to fly, but also magic get them airborne and keep them there. If it weren’t for their magic, their wings would need to be three times their size and their bones mostly hollow, just like birds and griffins.

Either way, I felt it was good manners to let her know in person.


“Oh my. You really can’t fly?”

“No, not for a full day at least. Heck, if it weren’t for Aunt Luna, I wouldn’t have enough energy to hold my wings up.”

“Oh dear. This isn’t good.”

“It’s not so bad. It’ll just put us back a day.”

“But, I have to prepare for the Breezie migration. I had planned on being done with your training in time for them to come through town. Then I have training with Rainbow Dash and Bulk Biceps.”

“Right, for the Equestria Games. Both are very, very important and I understand completely how stressed that would make a pony. Hmm… How about this, I take care of your animals for you today, while you focus on your preparations? That way, you won’t get behind and I won’t feel useless.”

Fluttershy giggled. “While I would disagree with you on being useless, I could use the help.”

“Awesome. Where do I start?”

Fluttershy giggled again. “I’ll show you.”


After feeding the chickens, otters, birds, bunnies, squirrels, and mice, I took a little break. I sat under a tree next to the little stream in front of the cottage and watched the critters play around in the water. During my rest, I heard scratches on the bark of the tree followed by the feeling of a small creature jumping onto my shoulder. I looked to see what it was and found a tiny flying squirrel sitting there.

“Oh, hey there little fella.” I raised an open hand up for the small creature to climb onto and then held it out in front of me. “You’re a cute little thing aren’t you? What’cha doing out here all by your lonesome?”

Fluttershy trotted over to me. “I thought you might enjoy some iced tea, Chris. And I see you made a new friend.”

“Yeah, this little guy just crawled onto my shoulder a moment ago. Do you know him?”

“Yes I do. His nest was blown out of the tree in a storm when he was still very young and I found him. He could use a home if you’re interested.”

“Hmm, how ‘bout it little buddy? You want to come home with me?” My question was answered by the flying squirrel running up my chest and perching on top of my head. “I guess that’s a yes.”

Fluttershy giggled again (I still love that sound). “What are you going to name him?”

“For some reason, the only name I can think of is Rocky. Do you like that name?” Rocky started chittering excitedly and bouncing up and down. “Alright, Rocky it is then.” I stood up and took a long draw from my glass of tea. “Okay then, time to clean some cages.” I then realized what I just said. “Ohh~… it’s time to clean cages.”

‘Don’t worry about that. Thanks to you, I managed to get almost all my preparations for the Breezies done. Why don’t go and get some rest, build your magic back up, and get to know Rocky a little better.”

“Sounds like a good plan to me. What do you think, Rocky?” He chittered away with a tiny little smile on his face. “I guess that’s a yes. Okay then, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, Fluttershy.”

“Have fun you two,” She waved goodbye as I walked away with my new friend.”

“Alright, see you tomorrow.” I waved and Rocky squeaked and gave a tiny wave of his own.

I decided to see what Applejack was up to, since I was so close anyway. As I walked down the road, Rocky scurried all over me, making me laugh at his antics. I was really going to like having this little guy as my pet. Although, I didn’t know if that was the right word for it. Rocky was smart, especially for a squirrel, maybe ‘friend’ was more suited, or ‘companion’ at the very least.

Soon, I was walking between huge apple trees that signaled I was nearing the Apple homestead. The large farmhouse was coming into view over the tops of the trees. It always reminded me of Earth, since there were orchards very similar to it in my picture books growing up.

Unfortunately, my fond memories and playtime with my new friend were interrupted. “Honey, look! It’s the monster!”

I froze in place as the word bounced around inside my mind. My hands slowly lowered to my sides and clenched into fists. Rocky could tell something was wrong and jumped off my shoulder and hid in the nearest tree. I could feel myself shaking as my vision started to darken.

“You’re right, Dear. I do believe that’s the so-called Monster of Canterlot, Prince Christopher."

Instantly, my vision cleared and my nerves settled. I then clearly saw two earth ponies, one male, and one female. Both were a pale orange in the coat but the male had a green mane and the female had and orange mane. I could also tell they were not from around here.

“Aunt Orange? Uncle Orange?” I heard Applejack call out. She rounded the doorway of the barn and spotted the alleged Orange’s and myself. “Chris? Whut brings you out here?” She asked as she trotted over. “An’ whut happened to yer hands? They’re bleeding!”

I raised my hands in front of face as Applejack trotted closer. I had to force my fingers to open. In the palm of each hand, I found four small crescents cut into the skin. There was blood under my nails, leaving very little question as to what had happened.

“I… I think I cut my hands while helping Fluttershy earlier.”

“Well ya march inside right now, Mister, ‘n’ Ah’ll clean ya up in uh bit. Aunt Orange ‘n’ Uncle Orange, head on in ‘n’ help yurselves to some cider while Ah deal with Chris ‘ere.”

“Alright, Applejack dear,” Aunt Orange said as she and her husband walked inside the house. “I cannot believe our niece knows so many royals,” I heard her whisper. Alicorn hearing is pretty cool.

“Are you still standin’ there? Git!” I smirked and walked inside the farmhouse as ordered. Once inside, I went into the kitchen and sat down. Applejack was right behind me and went straight for the sink where she wet a cloth and came back to me. “Now, how’d ya really hurt your hands?”

“I told you, I hurt them helping Fluttershy.” Applejack looked me dead in the eyes with a single eyebrow raised. I had apparently forgotten who I was talking to for a moment. “*Sigh* Fine, Miss Element of Honesty, I clenched my fists a little too tight.”

“Why? What made you mad enough to do this?” She asked as gently cleaned the blood off my hands.

“Honestly, your relatives in there.” Applejack froze while wrapping my hand in gauze and gazed up at me with shock plastered across her face. “I know now that they didn’t mean anything by it, but when they first spotted me, I heard your aunt call me ‘the Monster’.”

Applejack gasped and held a hoof to her mouth. “Oh, Sugarcube.”

“It’s alright. It’s what the newspapers called me before I was revealed to the world.”

“Then, why were you so mad?”

“I… I don’t really know. Ever since the whole changeling incident, I’ve been… angry. Heck, I challenged a bear the other day because he was in my way. Applejack, I’m starting to worry I might hurt somepony.”

Applejack leapt up and wrapped me in a hug. “Oh, Sweetie. Ah can’t imagine how hard this must all be on you.” She released the hug. “Ah saw how much it hurt ya when you… but you were asleep ‘n’ that wasn’t yur fault. Ya have ta remember, none uh this is yur fault, ‘n’ no matter wut, you have friends who can help.”

“I will. Thank you, AJ. I really- oh shoot! I forgot about Rocky!”

Ten minutes later, myself, three ponies, and a cute little sheep dog were all standing around an apple tree with a little flying squirrel looking down at us from the branches. The dog, Winona, was sent to the barn to find Big Macintosh, leaving me and the ponies to try to coax him down. The reason Winona was sent off was so that Rocky wouldn’t have anything to be afraid of.

“Come on, Rocky, we need to go. I have lessons and you need to meet your Aunty Twilight,” I held a bandaged hand out for Rocky to climb onto. Instead, he leapt into the air and glided down onto my head and scurried onto my shoulder. I chuckled at his antics.

“Aww… he’s adorable,” Mrs. Orange said. “Wherever did you find him?”

“Our friend, Fluttershy, rescued him a while back and I met him today. Little guy needed a home and I’ve always wanted a pet, so everything worked out.” I looked up at the sun and judged the time. I needed to go. I turned to the Oranges and knelt down so as to be on their level. I held out a hand to Mrs. Orange and gave it a gentle shake, then repeated the process more firmly for her husband. “Mister and Missus Orange, I fear I have taken up too much of your valuable family time. I must go.”

“Oh, well, if you have to go, then you have to go,” Mr. Orange responded. “It’s too bad we couldn’t visit longer.”

“I agree. Next time you’re in Canterlot, please stop by the palace.”

“Th-th-the palace?” Mrs. Orange was taken aback. “Is that allowed?”

I smirked as I stood up. “It’s fine. I know the mare who owns the place.”


“And where have you been?” Twilight inquired as I ducked through the door.

Spike was enjoying the help that Bunny was offering with the cleaning. Twilight was studying, as usual. Luna was reading and smiling while she was playing with Cotton Tail, making a teddy bear dance around with her magic (Seeing Luna having so much fun with the little filly always made me wonder why she didn’t want foals of her own).

“Sorry, Mom~,” I snarked, “I was at Fluttershy’s, where I picked up this little guy.” I held my arm straight out and Rocky ran to my open palm and gave a little wave. “Then I stopped by AJ’s place and met her Aunt and Uncle Orange. Nice folks.”

With the exception of Luna, all the other mares cantered over to coo at the squirrel in my open hand. Luna, instead, noticed the bandages on my hands. Thankfully, Rocky had already leapt over to Bunny’s head, because Luna hauled me over to her by my hands.

“Nephew? You are injured!”

“Oh dear! Are you alright, Darling?” Rarity asked as she trotted out of the kitchen, holding a teapot and a tea set aloft in her magic.

“I’m fine, everypony. It’s not that bad.”

Luna peeled back the gauze and prepared a healing spell. She froze once she realized what had caused the injury. She then continued her task and healed my palms. Once she was done, she said, “there. Good as new.” She then looked directly into my eyes with a knowing look.

“Thank you, Aunt Luna,” I kissed her on the cheek to further show my gratitude.

“You are welcome, Christopher.”

“And, not that I’m complaining, but why are you still here instead of back in Canterlot?”

“I simply wished to ensure that you got another good night’s sleep. Also, I wished to ensure you didn’t expel too much magic again.”

“I don’t know whether to be flattered or insulted,” I grinned at my precocious aunt. “Alright, Twilight, what’s the plan for today?”

“Oh, right. Well, since your magic is weak right now, I thought we could go over fine-point, telekinetic manipulations.”

I looked to Rarity, since whatever Twilight had said would have to have something to do with her being here. “Huh?”

“Think of it as advanced motor skills, Dear,” Rarity told me without even taking her eyes off her teacup.

“Ah, why didn’t you just say that?”

“Ugh… I did say that.” Twilight took a deep breath before she continued, “that is why I asked Rarity to come over. She’s an expert at this type of magic. She does it every day in her boutique. There’s nopony better.” I could tell Rarity wanted to act a little smug, but her decorum wouldn’t allow it.

“Very well. Miss Rarity, I am but clay in your very skilled hooves, mold me.”

And that was the day I got a pet of my very own.