• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 15,503 Views, 985 Comments

Twilight: The Gamer - ilbgar

Twilight dies, then finds out her life's a game. Chaos ensues.

  • ...

Duel: Nightmare Moon

Twilight was significantly faster than Nightmare Moon, but had less HP and power behind her attacks. Therefore, she had to avoid getting hit as much as possible while hitting her opponent as often and hard as she could. It was a good thing that her fighting style centered around the former. Talking certainly wasn't going to work, but she really only had to incapacitate Nightmare Moon long enough to do her thing with the elements and let the girls get here so that they could use the elements to restore Luna.

She used Fireball a dozen times in quick succession as a second blow against Nightmare Moon. It had that useful auto-target sub-directive that was augmented by her high Combat skill, which would be useful for making sure that her opponent was actually hit by them. Beam was fast, but only traveled in a straight line. Fireball was much slower, but could curve in it's path if necessary.

Nightmare Moon tried to dodge, but was unprepared for their ability to adjust their trajectories to such a great degree. She took direct hits, but was still 9000+. Twilight needed to use a massive damage-dealing spell in case of fights like this in the future. She felt held back by the lack of spells designed with killing intent for the first time.

She'd had trouble making a spell that was higher power, but not going to blow up the whole room, so she had failed to make one herself so far, but maybe an overpowered Beam...

She dodged several Beams from Nightmare Moon, before a more powerful ray was fired, essentially just a continuous Beam. Twilight teleported behind Nightmare Moon and did a short continuous Beam. It was a bad move, that was stupidly draining.

She regenerated almost at a rate of 1MP per second, but she wasn't without a limit. She dodged the flurries of attacks, still taking some damage, but not an overwhelming amount as she retaliated. She was still over 700 HP when Nightmare Moon dropped below 7000 HP.

"Well, you're doing better than I expected, so I suppose I should take this seriously." Nightmare Moon said.

'Boss is now Taking Opponent Seriously. Slight reduction to attack power, large increase speed and defense.'

Well crud. She was dead if she couldn't hit Nightmare Moon, but Nightmare Moon could hit her. Getting an idea, Twilight switched to Pegasi magic momentarily to speed in close, then switched to Earth pony magic, smashed her hoof into Nightmare Moon as hard as her Str Stat would allow, then insta-grew a tree that smashed Nightmare Moon into the ceiling hard enough to crack it, dropping her to below 5000 HP.

Her eyes widened, that combo had done roughly 2000 damage. She was making that a finishing move. Anyway, now that she was bound, Nightmare Moon wouldn't be able to stop her from activating the elements. Twilight hurried over to the elements and infused them with a large amount of magic, only to be blown back by Nightmare Moon. Oh right, she could teleport. The sparking between the elements started, then faded away, leaving the elements only half-activated.

"Well, you certainly put up a good fight, I can understand why my sister made you her student. However, you were foolish to challenge me. You wouldn't have stood a chance had I gone all-out, and now your only real hope of defeating me is about to be crushed." Nightmare Moon crushed the elements with a single stomp.

"Check that, was just crushed." Nightmare Moon said smirking

Twilight got ready to try outdueling Nightmare Moon again, when her friends voices became audible. Right, now to prove her wrong.

"You can't destroy the elements of harmony just like that, Nightmare Moon. Those were just their physical forms, their spirits are right here!" she called as her friends came up behind her, not asking questions about the signs of combat. The elements' shards began to float and gained a color, either the coat or mane of their bearer.

"What!?" Nightmare cried out in surprise, and a hint of fear.

"Applejack, who reassured my doubts, represents the spirit of honesty." Twilight said, causing the three orange shards to circle Applejack, who glanced at them curiously.

"Fluttershy, who was more concerned with the health and safety of an animal she'd never met before than her own, represents the spirit of kindness." Twilight said, causing the three yellow shards to circle Fluttershy, who was a bit nervous about all this.

"Pinkie Pie, who laughed danger in the face, represents the spirit of laughter." Twilight said, causing the three pink shards to circle Pinkie, who bounced excitedly.

"Rarity, who gave a sorrowful serpent a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of generosity." the trio of purple shards encircled Rarity at Twilight's words, Rarity looked at them with a calm acceptance.

"And Rainbow Dash, who refused to abandon her friends for her heart's desire, represents the spirit of loyalty." the trio of blue shards was circling Rainbow Dash before she was finished.

"The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge that was thrown at us." Twilight explained.

"The sixth element is still missing, the spark didn't work!" Nightmare Moon said, grasping at straws.

"Wrong again, that wasn't the right spark earlier. The spark was the realization that the five of you..." Twilight turned to her friends. "...are my friends!" she said. A final orb appeared in a flash of light, and continued to glow. This one was engraved with a star. Twilight turned back to Nightmare Moon.

"You see Nightmare Moon, when these elements are ignited by the spark, that resides in the heart of each and every one of us, it creates the sixth element. The element that represents friendship itself, the element of magic!" Twilight called, as the shards circling her friends joined together and formed their necklaces, while hers shed the stone and became her crown.

She and her friends floated as the elements charged up and fired a rainbow at Nightmare Moon with the intent of removing the corruption.

"Nooooo!" Nightmare Moon screamed. She tried to resist the elements, but between the infusion Twilight had given the elements to wake them up and the duel which had weakened her, she stood even less of a chance of it than the first time. She noticed that the elements registered as infinite damage.

When the light from the element's faded, they found themselves on the ground. The others seemed to have slight headaches.

'+100 Exp/Bits. + 20 skill points.'

"Oh, my goodness!" Rarity called, upon discovering that the elements had been kind enough to restore her mane and tail.

"Oh Rarity, it's lovely." Fluttershy said.

"'It's'? You mean they're." Rarity said, confused.

"No, I meant your necklace. It looks just like your cutie mark." Fluttershy replied.

Rarity compared the two, then said. "So does yours!"

Fluttershy compared hers as well, noticing that they were the same with a gasp.

"Look at mine! Look at mine!" Pinkie said, bouncing over.

"Aw yeah!" Rainbow seemed to like having a lightning bolt necklace.

"It makes sense, we're the spirits of the elements, and our cutie marks, which represent our special talents, are closely tied to our souls. So they took form as our cutie marks." Twilight said.

"Gee Twilight, I thought you were spouting a lot of hooey, but you were right, we really do represent the elements of friendship." Applejack said.

"Indeed you do." Celestia said, appearing in a ball of light as the sun rose.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight said, going over and nuzzling her mentor.

"Twilight Sparkle, I knew you could stop Nightmare Moon, and free my little sister from her corruption, because you had the magic inside to do so, and now you have friends to help you unleash it. Now I can only hope that she will accept friendship as well." Celestia said.

Luna had reverted to an alicorn of roughly the size of a normal pony. She became nervous as her elder sister approached.

"Luna, I'm sorry I didn't see how you felt, but we were meant to rule together little sister. Will you accept my friendship?" Celestia asked.

Luna was silent for a few seconds that passed anxiously for everypony but Twilight. Pinkie actually fell over.

"I'm so sorry! I missed you so much big sister!" Luna said, crying. Twilight hadn't had the normal Luna to compare it to before, but Luna's voice was quite a bit higher in this state. She seemed to be younger or something along those lines, perhaps Luna was actually made younger by the elements as a side effect, and had used an age spell to turn herself back to normal. That, or her current state was a side effect that wore off later once Luna had recovered from having a chunk of her magic stripped.

"I missed you too." Celestia said, also tearing up.

Pinkie started to bawl her eyes out, then stopped abruptly and asked. "Hey, you know what this calls for?" They were suddenly back in town. "A party!" she yelled, confetti sprayed out of nowhere as Celestia and Luna rode through town on a chariot. Some pegasi foals put a wreath of flowers around Luna's neck. Twilight was reunited with Spike and he was given a summarized version of what transpired.

'Quest Complete! +200 Exp/Bits. +10 skill points.'

"Some day I'll understand how you do that." Twilight told Pinkie, glancing around their surroundings. "Not today though."

"Sure, your Int is more than three times the average, so you understand a lot of stuff the rest of us don't." Pinkie said smiling.

"Wait, are you saying you don't understand how you do this stuff?" Twilight asked, flabbergasted. She was sure that Pinkie had at least some idea of how she did what she did before now.

Celestia approached the group as the others were chuckling at her expression.

"Well, are you ready to go?" Celestia asked.

"To be honest, no. I have friends now, and I don't want to leave them." Twilight responded.

"Well, in that case, I decree that the unicorn Twilight Sparkle will henceforth study the magic of friendship. She will report her findings to me, from her new home in Ponyville!" Celestia said. There was cheering at the announcement.

"Thank you, I'll study harder than ever." Twilight smiled gratefully.

"Before we leave, we should talk." Celestia suggested.

"Right, the library should work." Twilight said, her smile replaced by a more neutral, buisness-like, expression and tone.

*** 25 minutes later ***

"So, you knew about Nightmare Moon beforehoof?" Luna asked.

"Yes, an advantage of living through your life once before." Twilight answered. Luna was an alicorn with centuries of experience, Twilight had explained her situation to Luna at Celestia's behest. She had pointed out that her sister could be a valuable adviser like Celestia herself. Not in so many words, but that was what it boiled down to.

"Well, I'm curious as to how you moved that quickly at the end, hit so hard, and then made that tree grow." Luna said, taking the fact that their lives were a game fairly well since her sister and one of her saviors was already dealing with it.

"Well, I explained the other Avatars right? I spent a few decades as the others and figured out how to use the other types of pony magic. The difference between my magic and alicorn magic is that I can only use one of the different types at a time."

"Really... interesting, can you teach that to others?" Luna asked, a look that hinted at a plan.

"Well, yes. However it's very hard to learn. It was hard making it possible, I'm still working on simple and it's slow going." Twilight responded.

"Hm, well there goes that idea for the moment. By the way, what happens when your skills hit 1000?" Luna asked.

Twilight considered it. "Well, I haven't even gotten a tenth of the way there, but I think that would mean nopony could defeat me in that. If I got Blade-wielding to 1000/1000, I'd probably be able to use any thing with an edge, which is to say just about everything, as a weapon with enough skill to overcome a master with a legendary sword." Twilight hypothesized.

"Hm, well, we could see if the points you got from stopping me make a noticeable improvement." Luna suggested.

Twilight nodded, raising Combat, Resilience, and Blade-wielding to 61/1000, and Positive Magic to 70/100. For Combat,

'At 60/1000 or more, you are more skilled than anypony in the royal guard, and nearly all in the mercenary field.'

For Resilience,

'At 60 or more, falling from the third story of a building won't hurt you.'

For Blade-wielding,

'At 60 or more, you can out-duel even a skilled swordsman with an inferior blade.'

For Positive Magic,

'At 70 or more, you are more than two-thirds of the way to the level of understanding required of an Archmage.'

"Hm, since you raised Combat, Resilience and Blade-wielding by more than 10%, they should have improved by more than 10%. Frankly, I don't like the idea of fighting you even more skilled than before." Luna said, analyzing the situation.

"I kind of only won because of the elements." Twilight said.

"Perhaps, but you certainly put up an impressive fight before. More than 10% improved..." Luna trailed off, the conclusion of her sentence self-explanatory. Twilight might be able to beat Nightmare Moon herself now.

"Huh, now I'm tempted to go through that again just to see if I could, but I'm not going to. I didn't exactly enjoy beating up a future friend." Twilight said.

"Anyway, I'll be using my foreknowledge to make the events that I'll be going through run more smoothly, but I can't change anything too much, or I'll mess up the timeline to the point where my foreknowledge isn't of any use." Twilight explained.

"That makes sense." the royal sisters said at the same time.

"You're not going to do the twins thing all the time are you? Because not only would that not make sense since you're not twins, but it's creepy no matter what." Twilight said, a little weirded out.

"No, that was a freak accident." Celestia said.

"Alright, is there anything else you two think we should go over?" Twilight asked

They shook their heads, and left a few minutes later. Twilight helped Spike organize the books. The library hadn't had a librarian in three years before she arrived. She was finally back in Ponyville to stay, and the ticket incident would be in a week. She had a plan for that though. All in all, today had gone very well. She yawned suddenly. Oh yeah, she hadn't slept in over 24 hours. It could wait until the book sorting was done though.

'1 quest completed. 0 stars found. 100 exp to next level.'

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait on this half, but I got it out within a couple days, right? The next chapter will be Ponyville's version of what I did for the first few chapters.