• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 15,503 Views, 985 Comments

Twilight: The Gamer - ilbgar

Twilight dies, then finds out her life's a game. Chaos ensues.

  • ...

Nightmare Moon

Twilight waited for the dramatic reveal that would happen right about... now. "And now without further ado, I give you princess Celestia!" the mayor announced, then the curtains were pulled back to reveal nopony there. There were gasps all over the room.

"Well, that can't possibly be good." she commented. It was hard to freak out over somepony who didn't really want to hurt anypony, especially when she'd become acquainted with said pony.

"Oooh, where'd she go? Is she hiding?" Pinkie asked cheerfully.

Rarity looked inside the room behind the curtains, then came back out saying "She's not here!" This elicited another round of gasps.

"Oh, she's good." Pinkie said, before screaming as purple smoke coalesced on the little platform above the crowd into a black alicorn in armor. As per baseline, Spike fainted.

"Oh my beloved subjects, it's been so long since I've seen your precious, sun-loving, faces." Nightmare Moon said.

"What did you do to Princess Celestia?!" Rainbow Dash asked, held back from attacking Nightmare Moon only by Applejack's hold on her tail.

"Oh, I sealed her in her own celestial body like she did me, poetic justice and all that." Nightmare Moon said, a smirk on her face.

"Nightmare Moon, I need to talk to you. You're making a mistake. Making the night eternal isn't going to make ponies like it, it's just going to make them resent it. Besides which-" Twilight ducked under a bolt of Nightmare Moon's magic. She didn't want this to come to a fight for personal reasons, namely that she didn't want to beat up a future friend.

Besides, Nightmare Moon had 10,000 HP, she'd lose by attrition. She simply didn't have the damage-dealing ability for that kind of a fight.

"Well, well, well, it appears some of you, at least, remember me and know why I'm here. However, I won't tolerate lectures from a pony who is obviously biased in favor of the day, being Celestia's student. She mentioned you while we fought." Nightmare Moon said.

"I'm trying to help-" Twilight dodged another bolt.

"Remember this day little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last FOREVER!" Nightmare laughed evilly.

"Seize her! She's the only one who knows how to free the princess!" the mayor ordered several of the royal guards stationed in town for the celebration, presumably they'd come with the princess. The guards launched themselves at Nightmare Moon, only for her to send them flying back with contemptuous ease.

Twilight cast her clone spell and ordered it, "Keep her occupied while I help the guards." She healed the guards while her clone managed to deal some damage to Nightmare, until a stray attack caught her clone and she popped.

"Well, that's enough of that nonsense." Nightmare Moon said, before dissolving into smoke and leaving in the direction of the Everfree forest.

'Main Quest. Stop Nightmare Moon. Find the elements of harmony, defeat Nightmare Moon, and restore daytime and Celestia.'

Twilight galloped back to the library, soon followed by the other five of the element bearers.

She put Spike to bed, then pulled out the book about the Elements of Harmony, needing an excuse to know about where the elements were. "Right, the Elements are in the old castle." she said.

"What are you talking about?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Y'all are the only one who seems to know what's going on." Applejack said as she and the other three girls stepped into view.

"The elements of harmony are what stopped Nightmare Moon the first time. Unfortunately, they're last known location is the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters, located deep in the Everfree forest. We can assume she knows about their location as well.

What's worse, I don't know what exactly they do." This was true. The exact workings of the elements eluded her because the bearers, the one they were being used on, and the mental and emotional states of both parties had a massive effect on what they did in a specific situation.

"However, we don't really stand a chance of winning a straight on fight, so the elements are our only chance of stopping her. Otherwise we're looking at mass extinction and eventually total wipe-out of all life on the planet." Twilight said.

"But, how does that work? It's just going to be night out all the time." Rainbow Dash asked.

"Plants make their own food, but they require sunlight to do this. Without sunlight, all the plants will die, then the herbivores, us, will starve to death without them, then the carnivores, then the omnivores and scavengers, and so on. The sun is the source of all non-magical energy on the planet, either directly, or indirectly. Without it, we only have a few years until all life is wiped out at best, though it will only take a few months for us ponies to be affected as food stores run low." she explained.

A shocked, horrified silence answered her. "This is what I was trying to explain to Nightmare, but she's too bitter to listen to her counterpart's student, and has managed to delude herself into believing that she can force ponies to like the night before the negative effects kick in." Twilight said.

"We have to stop her!" Rarity said.

"Are you sure you want to come? We'll be facing obstacles from Nightmare as well as the Everfree Forest's natural dangers, from cockatrices to manticores." Twilight warned.

"The whole world depends on it, and besides, we ain't letting any friend of ours go into that freaky place alone." Applejack said.

A few minutes later, they entered the perimeter of the forest. "You know, other than being dark, it's actually not that bad here." Twilight said.

"Does the dark scare you too?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, this big spider was in a basement I went down into when I was little, spiders and the dark have freaked me out ever since." Twilight answered.

"You don't seem to bothered by it." Rarity noted.

"Well, it's worse if I'm alone. I've learned to get past most emotions and approach situations logically, so that's some of it. We have more important things to worry about anyway." Twilight explained.

The others shared a look.

"Hey, what was that copy thing you did earlier against Nightmare Moon?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"A spell of my own creation, it's rather limited because it drains as much magic as most ponies have in the original casting, and an additional 5% of the average every minute is deducted from the clone's magic. The remainder is divided equally between the original and the clone or clones. Unfortunately, I don't regain the magic the clone has when it pops, and the slightest injury, or even a hard knock will disperse them.

However, I do get their memories and experiences, which means they're good for studying and scouting, but not so good for anything that might get them hurt like actual combat. It makes them useful for experiments with magic. I can perform experiments that could kill me without actually risking death, though I could do without remembering the sensation of being disintegrated." she muttered the last sentence too quietly for them to hear. Some of her experiments inevitably went wrong, and the ones she used her clones for were almost always sources of very unpleasant memories when they went badly.

"Huh, has your magic recovered?" Rarity asked.

"Well no, but it will only take about five more minutes." Her Regen regenerated about 55 MP per minute thanks to her Regenerator skill, and she needed to regain 570 after making a clone, so it would take a little longer than 10 minutes to recharge her magic to full, assuming she didn't use it for anything in the mean time. She'd already spent about five minutes not using magic, so she was at about three quarters of her full reserves.

They were nearing the cliff that had collapsed the first time through, she had decided to let the events of tonight play out as per baseline, unless one of her friends was about to be hurt, then baseline could go to Tartarus. It was probably the only way to get them able to use the elements in order to use them to restore Luna. It didn't seem that talking was going to work, which left the elements as her next plan. One of the things she'd learned during her time as those other Avatars was that a good strategist always had a backup plan.

"So, none of you have been in here before?" Twilight asked, noticing the purple smoke seep into the cliff side out of the corner of her eye.

"Nope, this place ain't natural, folks say that it don't work the same as the rest of Equestria." Applejack said.

"What does that mean?" Twilight asked nervously. She was nervous about something going wrong with this part of the timeline since it was the most dangerous part of the night, not the forest itself. Falling from this height could seriously hurt the others, her Resilience would nullify most if not all potential damage, but the others didn't have that luxury.

"Nopony knows, because everypony who's ever gone in has never... come... out!" Rainbow Dash said, just as the cliff gave way.

They all managed to get good enough footing to stop their downward slides, except Twilight. She was unlucky in that regard, the slope was almost smooth in her spot. She did manage to grab onto the edge, preventing a fall.

Applejack let herself slide down to Twilight, grabbing a hold on Twilight's forehooves, but wasn't strong enough to pull Twilight up while fighting her own battle with gravity.

"Applejack, what do I do?" she asked.

"Let go." Applejack told her.

"... Do you know how crazy that sounded?" Twilight asked.

"I'm not crazy. I'm telling you the honest truth. Let go, and you'll be safe." Applejack said reassuringly.

Twilight nodded, braced herself, and let go. She was immediately caught by her pegasi companions. She dropped slightly as Fluttershy struggled under her weight. "Sorry girls, I'm not used to carrying anything heavier than a bunny or two." Fluttershy said.

Twilight watched Applejack use a series of ledges to get down from the cliff. That was one down, four to go. She noticed the smoke dart past them, and heard a muffled roar as Nightmare Moon enraged the manticore. Huh, so that was how that thorn got there.

"Did anyone else hear that?" she asked, to put them on guard for the manticore. She was manipulating them, but that didn't mean she wanted them hurt if she could avoid it. Then she facehooved. "I just realized I could have teleported out of that situation." How had she not remembered that? Though she hadn't known the teleportation spell the first time. Still, she was intending to keep the timeline the same in this case so that they could use the the elements, even had she remembered, she wouldn't have done it.

"Well, I suppose we all tend to forget these things when we're in mortal peril." Rarity said.

"What did you hear?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"It sounded like something roaring in anger." Twilight answered.

They proceeded forward warily, on the lookout for the creature that Twilight had heard. They were on guard when the manticore showed up. Fluttershy's face fell as she noticed the thorn in it's paw as well. "Well, I could teleport us past him, but not all that far considering there's six of us. It's an exponential increase with added distance and mass. He might just turn around and run us down." Twilight said, before Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity rushed the manticore. She gaped in disbelief, surely she hadn't caused ripples large enough to make them this much more reckless and willing to fight?

Rarity got a few hits in, doing little damage to the Manticore before retreating. It's HP was now 480 out of 500. Applejack moved forward and tried to ride the manticore like in a rodeo as Fluttershy said "Wait." the first time.

Applejack was flung off and casually said "All yours Dash." as she flew overhead.

"I'm on it!" Rainbow said, flying at the manticore fast enough to leave a contrail of her namesake, as Fluttershy called "Wait!" louder and more urgently.

Rainbow Dash flew around the manticore, making a small rainbow tornado before the manticore swatted her away with it's tail.

"All together!" Twilight called out, only for Fluttershy to come between them and the manticore yelling "WAIT!" stopping anyone from making any more moves. She approached the manticore, which was initially hostile, but soon caved under Fluttershy's kindness and allowed her to remove the thorn.

"How'd you know it wasn't going to hurt you?" Twilight asked.

"I didn't, but I had faith that showing kindness would get through to him." Fluttershy responded once she was released from the manticore's licking her in gratitude.

A few minutes later, they were headed towards the trees that had been given frightening faces and laced with a spell to instill terror in baseline.

"My eyes could use a rest from all this muck." Rarity said.

"Careful what you wish for, you just might get it." Twilight said, a moment before they entered the total darkness of that grove. "See?" she asked.

"I didn't mean it literally." Rarity muttered.

They kept bumping into each other, and then suddenly, the trees took on their frightening appearances, glowing a dull red as they started to move slowly. The fear spell was more powerful this time, so Nightmare Moon was stepping up her game, probably because of fighting her clone from earlier.

Twilight's Will was high enough not to be affected, but with the exception of Pinkie, this was not true for the others.

They screamed loudly, and only stopped when Pinkie started giggling and laughing.

Twilight ducked as one of the branches suddenly accelerated, trying to snag her. It seemed the slowness was an act to make catching them easier. Pinkie was already at least somewhat aware of the game mechanics and the others were too scared to notice that she was almost to fast for the enchanted eyes of a pegasus to follow.

"Pinkie, why are you laughing?!" she asked as she dodged another swipe. Odd that they weren't going for the others, but if Nightmare Moon thought she was enough of a threat to warrant her undivided attention, then that meant she'd mostly leave Twilight's friends alone. A good compromise.

The others had stopped freaking out, and Twilight could only hope that the others were to preoccupied with Pinkie's song to realize that Twilight was far faster than any normal pony, even Rainbow Dash was slower than her while on the ground. It would raise questions she'd rather not answer.

"Oh girls, don't you see?" Pinkie asked before starting to dance in place. "When I was a little filly and the sun was going down," she started to sing, as Twilight ducked under a swipe. "the darkness and the shadows, they'd always make me frown." she sang, bouncing around.

"She isn't." Twilight deadpanned, still dodging with casual ease. Since Nightmare Moon was smoke bonded to these trees right now, Twilight didn't want to know what would happen to her 'enemy' if she did something to the trees.

"She is." Rarity responded.

"I'd hide under my pillow, from what I thought I saw, but granny pie said that wasn't the way to deal with fears at all." Pinkie continued to sing, and the movements of the trees became jerky. Huh, perhaps they could each channel a tiny amount of Harmony without the elements.

"So what is?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"She said, Pinkie you've got to stand up tall, learn to face your fears. You'll see that they can't hurt you, just laugh to make them disappear." Pinkie laughed the tree in the face and the scary face on it disappeared.

They gaped at what they'd just seen.

"Soooooo, giggle at the ghostly, guffaw at the grossly, crack up at the creepy, whoop it up with the weepy, snortle at the spooky, chortle at the cooky." Pinkie said, and they joined her in laughing at the trees, causing face after face to disappear.

"Andthenthatbigmeanscaryfacewilltakeahikeandleaveyoualoneandifhethinkshecanscareyouhe'sgotanotherthingcomingandtheveryideaofsuchathingmakesyouwanna." Pinkie burst into a fit of giggles, unable to contain it any longer. "Laugh!" she called out as they all broke down laughing and the last few faces disappeared.

Nightmare Moon's smoke left in the direction of the river. They followed as soon as their laughter had subsided to the point they weren't rolling around on the ground, still giggling until they reached the currently raging river. "How are going to cross this?" Pinkie asked.

"Well, I could teleport us across-" Twilight cut off as a voice became audible.

The sea serpent they had encountered in baseline was there, only this time, he'd had his mustache cut off on both sides.

"Excuse me sir, but why are you crying?" Twilight asked, already knowing the answer, but asking anyway.

"Well, I was just sitting here, minding my own buisness, when this tacky little cloud of purple smoke whooshed past me and tore half beloved mustache off, then it came back and took off the other half almost as an afterthought! Now I look simply horrid!" he exclaimed dramatically, splashing water on them, leaving them soaked. Twilight cast a few spells and dried them off.

"That's it?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"That's what all this fuss is about?" Applejack asked.

"For someone who prides themself on their appearance, this is a big deal. I'm just guessing, but it's kind of like how you'd feel if somepony chopped down one of the trees on your orchard." Twilight said, not really guessing at all.

"Of course it's a big deal. How can you be so insensitive?" Rarity asked, walking towards the sea serpent. "Such lovely luminescent scales, an expertly quaffed mane, a wonderful manicure, but they're ruined by losing your mustache." she continued.

"It's like graffiti, it detracts from the whole picture." Twilight added.

"It's true, I'm hideous!" the sea serpent wailed.

"I cannot let such a crime against fabulosity go uncorrected!" Rarity said determinedly, she went over and pulled one of the sea serpent's scales off.

"Ow, what was that for?" the sea serpent asked.

Rarity used the scale to slice her own tail off and then her mane, before using her magic to replace the sea serpent's mustache with them.

"Oh, my mustache! How wonderful!" the serpent said, overjoyed.

"You look smashing." Rarity commented.

"Oh Rarity, your beautiful tail and mane!" Twilight said mournfully.

"Oh it's alright my dear. Short tails and manes are in this season, besides they'll grow back." Rarity said, looking a little dubiously at the remains of her tail.

"The mustache would have too." Rainbow said in a stage whisper.

Twilight smiled in amusement.

They started to cross, when the serpent let them use him as a set of stepping stones again.

They reached the last obstacle, the bridge. The fallen bridge to be exact.

"Well, who wants to take Twi up on her offer to teleport us?" Applejack asked.

"Or I could just grab the rope and tie the bridge back to the posts." Rainbow said, before flying down, grabbing the ropes and tying one to one of the posts, when the Shadowbolts showed up. As per baseline, the trio's offer was rejected in favor of Rainbow's friends.

"Hey guys, sorry I took so long, but don't worry, I'd never leave my friends hanging." Rainbow said.

They finally entered the ruined castle, to immediately find the pedestals with the five stone orbs with the elements besides magic.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy carefully lowered the elements down to the floor. "Huh, there's only 5." Pinkie said.

"Where's the sixth?" Rainbow asked.

"There are six elements, but only five are known. Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, and Loyalty. I'm going to say the sixth is another virtue, anyway, the book said that according to legend a spark will reveal the final element." Twilight said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Applejack asked.

"I'm not sure, but I'm going to try it. Stand back, I have no idea what could happen." Twilight warned.

The others backed off to wait outside. Twilight hoped this worked this time.

She frowned when it became obvious that they weren't going to reactivate after a magical infusion of a small amount, so she jammed 500 MP into them, or tried to, as Nightmare Moon appeared in her purple tornado at that moment.

Twilight jumped into the vortex, and then they both reappeared in another room, Nightmare Moon chuckled as her prehensile mane held the five elements. However, she was not prepared to have a Beam spell to the face.

"You're kidding, right?" Nightmare Moon asked as she watched a pony less than a fortieth of her age get ready to attack her. Her eyes looked older, but her stance and the force behind that attack was fairly impressive. "Evidently you're not kidding." Nightmare Moon said as she got ready for what would likely be a short fight.

'Chapter Progress: 0 quests completed. 0 stars found. 400 exp to next level.'

Weird, that never happened right before a fight before.

Author's Note:

Yes, a cliffhanger, I'm evil. This chapter was getting kind of long, and I couldn't find a good cutting-off point before this.