• Published 25th Jan 2015
  • 15,850 Views, 1,363 Comments

A New Beginning in a New Land - REDACTED99999

'Through worlds and sadness and loneliness, we found each other, and if we can be happy together, then maybe it will all have been worth it somehow.' - A man in love.

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Chapter 18

A month and a week after Jax’ arrival.

Luna was standing in the dream realm, in front of a dark brown door. It was a very specific door. There was no cutie mark on it like on many other doors, but it was not the door of a so called ‘blank flank’ – at least not in the traditional sense. This was the door to the nightmare of Ponyville’s one and only human.

She wanted to enter so badly. She wanted to help her… friend. The thought still made her excited. She had a friend.

She thought back to a couple of nights prior, where he had told her. She had been so shocked… she blushed at her actions. She had been so overwhelmed by her feelings that she had tackled him, then used him as a cushion as she cried out all her bottled up fear. That must have been painful for him, but he never said anything. He just gently stroked her mane. It had felt good.

Deep down, she had been so afraid that it would all end in failure. That she would do something to upset him again, that he would never forgive her. But he had, delightfully easily as well. No weird misunderstandings, no unwanted complications. She still wanted to dance and sing her heart out.

She refocused on the door. Friends helped each other. Right now he needed her help. She could help him. She should help him. She wanted to help him.

Well not really. It was a month ago… just don’t do it again.’

He had told her not to do it again.

Here she was, happy of the lack of unwanted complications, and then she was about to complicate everything herself.

She sighed. She would get his permission before she did anything.

She trotted away from his door, with her head hung low.


Jax didn’t sleep that well. The bed was too small, the pain was annoying, and the nightmares had begun again. So he didn’t greet Beating very politely. She was the one who told him to stop sleeping outside after all.

“Well somepony’s grumpy.” She noted, setting his breakfast down in front of him. How she could balance it on her back the whole way over here still eluded him, but he tried not to ask too many questions. He looked disappointedly at the meager breakfast. Even with Beating sneaking him in an extra apple, it was still pretty lousy.

“I know Jax, I know. I tried to tell them that you needed more, but they have their rules and regulations. I’m sorry.”

He sighed. “Please don’t apologize Beating. You’ve been nothing but nice to me since I got here, even though I’m an alien from another dimension and/or planet.”

“Oh, don’t mention it, I’m nice to everypony no matter how they look. I just can’t handle the irony of you dying of malnourishment in a hospital.” She gave him a small smile. “I’ll keep talking to them, and you keep eating the fish princess Twilight is bringing you.”

He looked at her in surprise and she gave him a winning smile. “You knew?”

“As I said Jax, I was married to a griffin. I know how fish smells like, especially cooked fish. Ah, speaking of the sun.” She bowed low to Twilight as she entered, with Spike on her back.

“Please stop bowing to me Beating Heart.” She sighed.

“Please tell me you have some good news for me Twilight.” Jax said as he grumpily started on his breakfast.

“I do!” She replied happily. “Hoof him the letter Spike.”

“Sure thing Twi.” Spike said as he rummaged through her saddlebag. He handed him a letter with a fancy ribbon on it.

“I’ll just… see myself out. Call me when you are ready to get salved Jax.” Beating told him, and made her way out of the door.

“From Celestia?” Twilight nodded. It was obviously good news, she seemed all giddy.

He opened it and read.

Dear Jax

I apologize for the late reply. I was happy to hear that you wish to spend an entire day with me, and I will be happy to oblige. I look forward to meeting you today, at

I apologize for the short notice.

Twilight, please don’t prepare anything for my arrival.

Princess Celestia

“Haha! It worked, and she suspects nothing!” Jax cheered. “Quick, where is Luna? What time is it?”

“I know! I feel bad for tricking her, but I think she will be happy for it. We left before Luna, she’s probably on her way. It’s… 9.” Twilight said excitedly.

“Okay, we have an hour. I’ll keep Luna occupied, you go to the spa and arrange a day of relaxing. Then be ready to receive Celestia. Give me a signal when she arrives, like shoot of some fireworks or something. Wait, how far are we taking the surprise? Should we explain it to them or just send them off to the spa?”

“I think we should explain it to them, but let’s wait until the last second. Like right before Celstia walks in here.” Spike joined in.

“Okay, yes, good. Drop the firework signal Twilight, draws too much attention. When you are right outside my room, stand in front of the door and gently tap it with your hind leg. Then you’ll explain it to Celestia and I’ll do the same for Luna.”

The door opened and Luna entered, drinking a glass of water. She noticed them all staring at her and stopped. Jax thought quickly.

“Did you hear there are too many bear puns? It’s unbearable.” It had the desired effect. She started laughing the awkward laugh where you try not to spit out water all over the place. Good thing ponies appreciated his bad puns, otherwise this would just have been awkward.

He signaled to Twilight to get out before Luna started asking questions, which she did with Spike on her back, laughing a bit herself.

“Jax.” Luna said after she managed to swallow the water. She was breathing heavily. “You do not wish to anger the Night Princess.” She pointed a hoof at him. “There will be consequences!” She stated overly-dramatically.

He waved her off. “Luna, I just wanted to make you laugh. I don’t believe the kind and generous Night Princess should seek vengeance on those who make her smile.”

“Ah, but you committed the most atrocious of crimes! Making a pony laugh while drinking a glass of water is a strike against said pony’s dignity. We princesses are nothing if not dignified, imagine what the common pony would think of us after seeing us in said situation. Doth thou comprehend thine crimes?!” She spread her wings and rose slightly off the ground, pointing her hoof at him again. He rolled his eyes at the dramatic display but decided to play along.

“Ah, but sweet Night Princess, had I only understood the severity of mine actions!” He rearranged himself on the bed so he was ready for the next part. “Sweet, generous and kind Night Princess, I beg for thine forgiveness!” He bowed down low. “Had I only known… had I only known! All I wanted was to see thine sweet sweet smile.” He raised himself to look at her with what he hoped was a desperate look. “Please forgive mine ignorance, Night Princess!”

She looked at him appraisingly for a moment. “We can see the sincerity in thine apology. Very well human, We shall be merciful.” She turned away from him and took a few steps. “Thine punishment shall be…” She turned around dramatically. “Nothing!”

“NOOOOOOOOOOO- wait what?”

“It is as thou hath proclaimed. Let it be known that the Night Princess is both kind and generous!” She gave him a huge smile.

Beating Heart burst into the room. “Jax! What’s wrong?!” The only answer she got was a burst of laughter.


30 minutes later Beating was debriefed of why Jax had screamed ‘no’ at the top of his lungs and Jax had been salved. She had left with a warning to not cause any more commotion.

“So… Jax?” Luna looked a bit anxious.

“Yeah?” He answered nonchalantly.

“We are friends, right?”

“I thought I had made that perfectly clear.” He smiled.

“Yes, you did, thank you. But friends help each other, right?” Why was she thanking him?

“Yeah? If you need my help, just ask.” She gave a small smile.

“Thank you, but I was thinking more… about you.”

“Me? What about me?”

“Do you… need help?”

“Hmm… Not right now, no. I’m gonna need help when I get out of here though. Did you know that only real friends show up on moving day?”

“No, I have not heard that that was a trial of friendship…” She sounded sad. He adjusted his pillows so he could sit up. There was more to this than she was showing.

“Why do you ask?”

She was silent for a while.

“You… had another nightmare.” Not what he expected.

“…Yes, I did.” She was still looking down. She was probably nervous to talk about it.

“I wanted to help you.” She took a deep breath. “I can help you Jax. Please let me help you.”

He was silent for a long while. She was looking at him with such a pleading expression that he had trouble turning her down. In the end he had to turn his head away.

“You can help me move in when I finally get out of here.”


“Luna… I don’t want anyone to see my nightmares. Not my friends, not my enemies, not anyone. I know you want to help, but I need you to stay away from this one. Please?” He was still avoiding to look at her.

“I… I understand. You do not want me in your dreams.” She sounded bitter.

“No, that’s not what I said. I said I don’t want you to see my nightmares. You are free to visit when I don’t have nightmares.” He sneaked a look at her. He caught a hard expression before it softened.

“…I apologize. I did not mean to…“ She sighed. “I do hope you will let me help you someday though.” She sounded resigned. He looked over, seeing that sad look he knew too well.

“Maybe someday.” He said before he could stop himself. He closed his eyes for a moment. He needed to lighten the mood before Twilight came. He didn’t want the surprise to be ruined by this.

“I can’t bear to see you sad.” She gave him a small smile but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. He readjusted himself so he was crouching on the bed. “Luckily, I know how to lift thine spirits.” Her eyes widened in understanding right before he lunged at her. They went rolling on the floor, but Jax had been prepared for the pain. He managed to end up on top.

“The Night Princess does not condone this!” Luna was ignored as she couldn’t quite hide her giggles. He leaned down and blew a raspberry on her neck before she could seriously fight back. He was in no condition for a serious fight.

She started laughing just as he had hoped. She pushed him off of her, and they spent some time playfully wrestling, Luna being mindful of his situation and him being careful not to overexert himself, before settling down and looking at the roof next to each other. It wasn’t until he heard two soft knocks on the door that he realized how long they had spent.

“Jax… could I get you to-.”

“Luna.” He interrupted her as he got up. “As you very well know, we are friends, and friends help each other.” He smiled at her confused face. “That is why I tricked a very special pony into coming here and spending the entire day with you!”

…Nothing happened. Seems like Twilight was taking her sweet time explaining stuff to Celestia. Luna just tilted her head, looking adorably confused.

He sighed. “Okay, so remember how you told me you wanted nothing more than to have a proper talk with-.“ The door finally opened. Typical.

A white coated alicorn with a sun as her mark and an amused smile on her lips stepped in, with Twilight and Spike close behind. She had a flowing magical mane like Luna, except it depicted a few colors instead, kind of like he imagined an aurora would look like. Luna’s was more beautiful.

He looked back at Luna. Her eyes widened in understanding, and a smile spread on her face as she got up from the floor.

“I must admit Mr. Jax, this is a pleasant surprise.” Presumably Celestia said. “I appreciate you going through the trouble to arrange this. Thank you very much.” She bowed her head slightly. “Although I was looking forward to spending some time with you.”

“I’m not big on formalities, just call me Jax. We can spend time together another day if you want, I’m not going anywhere soon.” He gave her an honest smile.

Suddenly Luna placed her hooves on his shoulder to give him a hug, human style. “Thank you.” She whispered into his ear, sounding genuinely happy. He just smiled and hugged her back.

“Twilight arranged time for you at the spa. Go have fun.” He said as she got back on all four hooves.

Luna went over to her sister. “How did he get you here, sister?”

“Oh, he just had Twilight send me a letter telling me he wanted to spend an entire day with me, to get to know me like he was getting to know you and Twilight. I thought it was a good idea.”

“Ah… Well you will get time with him some day. Come, Tia. It has been too long since we spent a day together.”

“Indeed it has, Lulu. Indeed it has...”

Jax, Twilight and Spike watched them go with a smile.


Luna was sitting in the mud bath big enough for her and Celestia. Either the spa did not receive many customers this day, or Twilight had reserved the entire spa for them… Or the owners had decided that they deserved some privacy. Either way she was happy, nopony to overhear her talking about Jax.

“You seem quite… smitten with him.” Celestia noted.

“If you did not want to hear me talking about him, you should not have asked.” She pouted.

“Don’t get me wrong, sister, I’m happy to hear you like this. You had slipped into the habit of answering me with a sentence, sometimes even a single word. Nothing warms my heart more than to see you this happy.”

Luna blushed and looked down. “I am happy. He makes me happy. He greets me with a smile, he talks with me like with any other pony… He considers me his friend. I told him I wanted to talk with you, and he arranges this. He just makes me feel so… alive.”

Celestia looked at her, worry in her eyes. “You felt dead before?” There was sadness in her voice.

“Well not necessarily dead, just…” She tried to backtrack quickly. “It is hard to explain, Tia. At first I felt… Useless, lost and alone. Disconnected from the world around me, with nothing to fight for but my life.” She raised a hoof before Celestia could interrupt her. “I know Celestia, I know I was not alone, that you were there for me. Just please let me get this off my chest.” Celestia closed her mouth and sat back down. “It felt like I had won a big battle against the Limelight, like I gave everything for that single goal. Afterwards, I was left with nothing, almost not expecting to make it that far. Sadness took a deep hold in me, and I did not have much fight left in me. At my lowest I considered ending it all.” Celestia looked shocked. She did not say anything, just made it over to Luna through the mud and hugged her tightly. “It was horrible” Luna continued with a lump in her throat. “Having those kinds of thoughts. I rationalized it to myself, telling myself that nopony would care, that you could just take over raising the moon again. The Limelight was gone, yet I was being betrayed by my own thoughts!”

“Luna, please don’t ever…” Celestia’s voice was heavy with sorrow. “Please don’t leave me again. A thousand years without you, it was almost more than my heart could bear. Don’t leave me forever…” She could feel tears on her fur. “Everypony else is leaving me, one at the time. I wouldn’t be able to go on without you.” Luna could feel her own tears flowing down her muzzle.

“I will not Tia. You are the one who made me realize... You came into my room every night, to just talk, even though I did not even answer much of the time. Do you remember? At some point I asked you why you bothered and you told me that you would never give up on me. That-“ She drew a breath to steady herself. “That started something in me. It gave me a reason to fight. If you were not willing to give up on me, then I should not be willing to give up either. I started coming out of my room. I met my guards. I started studying. I visited Ponyville. All thanks to you Tia. All because you were willing to hang on to me. Thank you Tia… Thank you.” Her tears were falling freely now, as she hugged her sister tightly.

“I waited a thousand years for you, I would not give up on you for anything.”

“I am so sorry I gave in Tia. I should have fought more fiercely, I should have talked with you I should have… I should have… I am so sorry.” She buried her muzzle deeply in Celestia’s mud-covered fur.

“It’s in the past Luna, I forgave you a long time ago… In fact, I’m sorry for not being there for you when you needed. I should have-.“

“We both should have done things differently. I think we can agree on that.” She drew back and looked at her beloved sister. She smiled at the tear and mud smeared face. Celestia returned the smile. They both tried to wipe their tears away, only to become more covered in mud.

They laughed, both relieved after a conversation that was long overdue.


Jax greeted Rainbow and Fluttershy as they came in. He was popular today. After Luna and Celestia had gone, Spike and Twilight had decided to stick around. Then Rarity and Applejack had come by to see how he was doing. Now two more guests. He didn’t mind though. He felt really good after what he did for Luna.

“Rainbow Dash has something she wants to say to you.” Fluttershy gently pushed Rainbow forward. She rolled her eyes but stepped forward regardless.

“I’m… I’m sorry for not visiting more often Jax. As your friend, I should be here for you when you are hurt. It’s just… I’m not a fan of hospitals.”

“Oh. Well that’s okay Rainbow, you did visit a couple of times after all.” He smiled at her. “Even though you left pretty quickly the first time and the other time you just came to get scratched…” He added thoughtfully. He honestly haven’t thought much about it, but it would seem that Rainbow only visited shortly two times. Which is better than not at all of course, but Luna and Twilight had visited every day, and even Applejack who was busy with her farm had come around a couple of times. Still… “Still, it’s not like you set-“

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence!” Twilight interrupted, hoof raised at him. They had a laugh at that.

“Speaking of scratching, could you…?” Rainbow asked.

“I don’t mind. Shouldn’t Spike be able to as well though?” He asked curiously.

“Yeah… Spike’s claws are sharp. I asked him once, came out bleeding.” She went over to him and he started slowly scratching her behind the ears. It felt a lot like scratching a dog, except she could tell you how it felt and direct where to scratch next. He found it amusing.

“Hey! You kept insisting that I do it harder, it’s not my fault you got a tiny scratch.” Spike defended himself.

“Speaking of… Can you do it a little harder Jax?” He increased the pressure. “Oh yeah, that’s the stuff.” She seemed to melt a little.

“Wonder where Pinkie is. This seems like the sort of get together she would be interested in.” Twilight wondered out loud.

“Hey everypony!” Pinkie came through the door.

“Ah. There she is.” Twilight said as if she had expected it.

“Uhhh getting scratched! Do me next!” She bounced over to them.

“Sure, sure.”

“Oh uhm… does it really feel that good? Could I try as well? Only if you want to of course.”

“It’s no problem Fluttershy.”

“Ah shucks, now ah’m curious. Could you…?”

“Don’t mind scratching you as well Applejack.”

“Well, it would be interesting to see how it feels like.”

“Sure thing Twilight.”

“I guess since-.”

“It would be my pleasure Rarity.”

Beating came in through the door, saw what was going on, turned around and left.

“What’s with her?” Rainbow asked.

“Personal issues. Now, I think Pinkie was next.”

The next hour was spent scratching ponies.


“So he doesn’t want you in his nightmares, but he doesn’t mind having you in his dreams?” Celestia asked her.

“Yes. For a moment I… I thought he was like the ponies who do not want me in their dreams at all. Apparently it is only his nightmares… Why do you think that is?” She asked her sister. She let herself slip a little deeper into the hot water. It was nice to relax like this, she was looking forward to the massages.

“Well… the obvious answer is that he wants to keep his nightmares secret. Maybe there’s something in his past that he doesn’t want anypony to know. His reaction to Twilight’s inquiry about his unwillingness to go back to his own world would suggest so. I do believe that he will reveal it himself at some point though. From what I’ve heard and what I’ve seen, he seems like a nice human, but he himself has stated that he isn’t very trusting. I would suggest giving him time, he has only been among ponies for a week after all.”

“I guess… but he has been pretty open otherwise…” Luna said thoughtfully.

“Yes and I think he’s pretty confused about that. Have you even explained positive and negative magic to him?”

“No? Why would I?” She asked, confused. Celestia gave her an amused smile.

“Really Lulu? And you’re the one who used to be a unicorn.”

“What we were before our ascension has little consequence now. Just tell me sister.” Some of her annoyance could be heard.

“Oh alright. What do we know about him? He comes from a world with no magic, correct?” Luna nodded. “So it is safe to assume that he had no magic in his body when he came here. He starts out in the Everfree, and Twilight reports that he could taste the magic in the water when he arrived. This strengthens the theory that he didn’t have any magic before coming here. Now, what effect would the magic in the Everfree have on him?”

Luna was annoyed that she was being spoken to as if she was a student. She took a deep breath and forced the annoyance away. It was her fault for not thinking about it before. “The Everfree is more balanced than ponies realize, especially after the Tree of Harmony was restored. Both negative and positive magic flows through it, more positive the closer you get to the Tree. Depending on where he was camped in there, he could either get half and half, more positive magic, or more negative magic in him.”

Celestia nodded. “Correct. And which do you think is the case?” Luna rolled her eyes. Her sister had gone into teacher mode. She answered regardless.

“It is hard to say for sure without more information. I have not heard much of his time in the forest… I did not ask. Let me think.” They both sat in silence while Luna contemplated the problem.

“I think I know where you are going with this Celestia. Since negative magic has a tendency to make you more aggressive and sad… basically it affects your mood in a negative way, and positive magic has a tendency to do the opposite, you think that he was in a zone where he either absorbed half positive, half negative magic, or more positive magic because he did not show signs of aggression when he introduced himself to Fluttershy.”

“Yes, that was the thought-process behind it. To be more precise, I think that he was in a fifty-fifty zone, where the positive and negative magic stabilized each other, so he was practically himself.” She ended with a suggestive tone, urging Luna to continue the thought process.

“…So when he got out of the forest and into an almost completely positive magic dominated environment, his body was overwhelmed… he is on a magic high.” She ended in a face-hoof, because she did not think of it sooner. How could she have overlooked that?

“Basically, yes. And he will be for a long time, especially if he keeps being around the elements of harmony, who practically radiate positive magic. If my theory is correct anyway.”

Luna was still face-hoofing.

“At least it is a positive magic high. The negative ones get quite devastating.” Celestia tried to cheer her up.

“Yeah… I know. I remember.” She shuddered despite the warm water.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-.”

“It is fine Celestia.” She removed the hoof from her face. “I just… I should have noticed. How bad do you recon it is?”

“Oh well… I don’t think it’s that bad sister, he hasn’t even sang and danced from the heart yet. It is impossible to tell for sure because of his weird reaction to magic. Depending on how long he lives, he will either stay on the high for the rest of his life, or he will stay on it for so long that his personality has changed permanently. If he stays in these conditions of course. If he goes back into the Everfree, he will probably come of it fairly quickly. Only a couple of years, probably.”

Luna looked down at the water. All his actions felt cheapened somehow, like it was not really him that forgave her. It was because of the magic high he was experiencing. She knew it had been too fast. She knew it.

And she hated it. She hated that she was feeling like that. She should be happy and appreciate everything he did for her, not question whether he actually knew what he did. It gave her a sour taste in her mouth.

“We have to tell him.” She told Celestia.

“Of course… I should have waited with bringing it up. Now you will think about it for the rest of the day. I’m sorry.”

“No it is… It is fine, I am fine. Let us just enjoy the rest of the day together. We can do that at least.” She forced a smile that made her sister’s ears drop.

“Forcing smiles again Luna?”

“I… I am sure the massage will take my mind off things. Let us go Celestia.” She made her way out of the bath, Celestia following after a moment.


They were sitting playing cards when Celestia and Luna came back. Jax immediately noticed that Luna was looking kind of down.

“What’s wrong? Why are you back so early?” They had the spa reserved for the entire day, and even if they got tired of it there were other things to do. It was still light out. Probably two hours till sunset. Then again he was pretty bad at measuring time without a watch.

“Luna couldn’t keep away from you.” Celestia said with a mischievous smile.

“Tia! This is serious, why are you joking at a time like this?” Luna was blushing.

“I apologize, you are right Luna. Jax, we have some theories about you that we would like to share so that we can go on without worrying a certain blue alicorn.”

Luna looked like she could die from embarrassment. She gave her sister a ‘why are you joking at a time like this’ look, before stepping forward with a serious look in her eye. Jax didn’t know if he should laugh or worry.

“Jax, we would like to explain something about the magic in this land. It is more serious than my sister lets on. I am sorry that I did not notice it myself, but… well… “

She explained that magic wasn’t just magic. There was positive magic, and there was negative magic, along with chaotic magic. The magic had an effect on one's mood depending on which magic there was most of in the environment. They suspected that he had been overwhelmed with too much positive magic. Twilight looked shocked at the end of it. Judging by her expression, Luna wasn’t the only one who thought they should have noticed it.

“I’m high?” He asked nonplussed. He still didn’t know if he should laugh or worry.

“You have to understand that this is just a theory.” Celestia explained. “There are too many variables to be sure, and we can’t scan you because of the effect you have on spells. All we know is that you are showing signs of being in a minor magical high.”

“Which basically makes me happier?” Celestia and Luna exchanged a look before Celestia went on explaining.

“Yes, at the current level all it does is enforce your positive feelings. However, if it gets any worse, you would-.”

“He would become a Giver.” Twilight interrupted, sounding shocked.

“Oh… my…” Rarity sounded worried.

Jax was getting pretty worried himself.

“What the hay is a Giver?” Rainbow asked, reflecting his own thoughts perfectly.

“Uhh a guessing game! Is it… somepony who gives?” Pinkie guessed. Sounded like a good guess as well.

“Allow me to explain.” Celestia said before any more of the gathered ponies could voice their concern. She looked at Jax. “Have you felt like helping another pony made you feel really good about yourself?” She asked seriously. His eyes flickered towards Luna for a moment before he nodded.

“The higher you get, the better it will feel. At some point it will feel so good that it will become all you live for. At that point you will become a Giver. A creature that lives entirely to help others. A Giver will give everything they have, everything, to help others. At the highest, they will stop drinking and eating because they want to give it away. It is a terrible thing to see.”

The height of generosity didn’t sound so great… yet it could be forced upon him. He didn’t like that thought one bit. He looked at the ponies around him.

Luna was looking sadly at the ground along with Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity. Spike was looking around uncomfortably along with Applejack.

Pinkie was looking a bit confused, still with a smile on her face. Maybe she didn’t understand what was going on.

Celestia just looked at him sadly.

Rainbow Dash was looking confused and shocked, with her mouth open.

“Wait so… what? He’s just gonna become-.” Rainbow stopped herself and flew into the air. “Okay so how do we help him?” She asked defiantly.

That warmed his heart. He may only view her as a friend because of this ‘positive magic’ bullshit, but she was a damn fine friend anyway.

Luna was the one to answer the question. “If Jax were to stay in an area where negative magic balances the positive, his body would learn to balance positive and negative magic in a couple of years. For example if he went to live in the Everfree…” She explained sadly.

Couple of years in the Everfree? Not a chance. “I don’t think that’s a viable option. For one, I would have trouble surviving. Another thing is that I don’t want to go back to live in that hell hole. Any other options?”

“Jax you have to understand that our options are limited.” Celestia took over. “Since we can’t use any spells on you, we don’t even know if my theory is correct. I haven’t even factored in your chaotic magic. It is very possible that you have already reached as high as you can in your magical high. There are so many things we don’t know and won’t be able to test… If you stay here, however, you will be taking a chance. There are no guarantees, nothing we will be able to do. Either you become a Giver, or you will keep being on the level you are now. If you still want to stay, I will welcome you with open hooves.”

It was ironic. A week ago, he was sprinting back to the Everfree. Now, he never wanted to set foot in that place again. Maybe it was just the positive magic talking, but he couldn’t go back there. He wasn’t a survivor, he wasn’t someone who enjoyed the danger. He hated it, he hated every moment, every scar he had recieved. That’s even without factoring in the loneliness. He couldn’t live like that again, not when he had tasted the friendship these ponies had to offer. It was too sweet to let go.

But he didn’t want to become a Giver either. A drug addict waiting for his next high. An empty shell of the person he used to be. There were worse ways of dying but…

He placed his hands on his face. All the ponies were looking at him, waiting for his decision. There was always something wrong, always something to pull him away from his happiness. The irony was that happiness itself was the issue. It came and tainted his actions. Had he only forgiven Twilight and Luna because of this positive magic? Was that all there was to something he had considered an important, life changing decision? Was that what had controlled his choices?

“I need… some time to think about it.”

“Of course. Let’s give him some time alone, my little ponies.” Celestia informed them with an expression he would have found hilarious if he didn’t feel so shitty. Just as she said it, there was a flash of light.

“Oh good, you’re all here.” A voice said. It had a funny accent. Looking up he saw a creature… made up of different creatures. He knew who it was, but the description in Twilight’s book didn’t do him justice. Discord looked scary as fuck. “I think it’s about time I explained how Jax here arrived.”

Author's Note:

So I've been hinting that there was something more to Jax' actions, and there you have it. Magic. Also I think I can introduce the plot soon XD Yeah, 60.000 words and I can introduce the plot... soon XD I have a feeling this is going to be a long ff... I suddenly understand why people write 200.000 word fanfictions XD
Ah well. We'll get there eventually. As long as people keep liking, favoriting, and commenting, I will try to keep writing :3 Thank you to all who did that btw ;)
So, update on my life, because I know you guys love reading about it. Fixed my computer by 'refreshing' it, a new thing you can do in windows 8. Had to reinstall a lot of programs though, but it's fine, I'm backing everything up properly now. Lesson learned. Other than that, exams are being unfair. I have to hand in a report the 27, hand in process analasys the 29, and then have math exam the 2nd... What kind of bullshit is that?! Eh... I hope you guys are doing well, cause I'm stressing XD

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