• Published 25th Jan 2015
  • 15,850 Views, 1,363 Comments

A New Beginning in a New Land - REDACTED99999

'Through worlds and sadness and loneliness, we found each other, and if we can be happy together, then maybe it will all have been worth it somehow.' - A man in love.

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Chapter 27

Luna was filled with glee. She was standing in the realm of dreams, in front of the door leading to Jax’ dream. For the first time since she had discovered this door, she did not sense the negative energy around it that indicated a nightmare. He had told her she was free to enter when he was not having a nightmare, which was exactly what she was going to do.

She opened it, and slowly went through. She came out to a moonlit scenery, which she recognized as the meadow where she had stargazed with Jax the first time, the night she had made the stars move… the night he had told her they were friends.

Looking back she saw that the door she had come from was a plant archway on this side of the dream realm.

She looked forward, to find a Jax in a peculiar situation. He was looking straight at her, with a dream-Luna over him. It looked like dream-Luna had pinned him down, and was now giving him a coy look… which was weird to for her to see, since she did not remember giving that look to anypony before, yet there it was. Eyes half-lid, a bashful smile on her muzzle. She looked like she was ready to kiss him.

“This isn’t what it looks like!” Jax said, still looking at the real her. Of course he would be able to talk in a dream. “We were dancing, and then you tripped and fell on top of me. Nothing more.” He looked back at the dream-version. “Right?”

“Mmm… and of course I didn’t fall on purpose… at all.” Dream-Luna said with a playful tone, whispering the last part into his ear. Luna noticed that he shivered slightly at that.

She almost wanted to turn around and leave, her usual response to when she walked in on ponies in awkward positions. This was, however, Jax’ dream, the first normal dream he had had since he had given her permission to enter his normal dreams. The others had been either too weak for her to enter, or more commonly, nightmares.

So she used a spell on dream-Luna instead, making her disappear, which in turn made Jax sigh in relief. He got up and looked at her.

“So I’m dreaming? And I can talk! Awesome.” He looked eager to change the conversation.

Though still unsure what to think of it all, she gave him a smile and a nod. “Yes, ‘tis but a dream, and since it is not a nightmare…” She let the sentence hang in the air, eager to hear him say that she was welcome there, afraid that he had changed his mind about the exception.

“Yes yes, I remember. You are allowed here. This is actually quite awesome, now I can talk again.” He laughed happily.

She sighed in relief, as happiness washed over her. Part of it was hearing him say that it was ‘awesome’, part of it was him saying that she was allowed to be there… But a third part was a delayed realization. He had been dreaming of her. They had been dancing under her moon, in the meadow where they had become friends. His dream-version of her had been flirting with him.

Now that she thought about it, she was in the perfect position to tease him a little.

She tried to give him the same look her dream-version had. Eyes half-closed, bashful smile. “I can think of something else that is awesome…” She said, imitating the teasing tone dream-Luna had used. He looked surprised at her as she drew closer, swinging her flank a bit more than she was used to. “L-Luna?” He asked, uncertain. She got up on her hind legs, placing her hooves on his shoulders, so she could reach his ear and whisper the last part. “You.”

She could feel the shiver going through him, and as he tried to take a step back, he fell backwards. They ended up in almost the same position as when she had entered the dream. He was looking up at her with those small green eyes of his. She could not find any fear, or contempt, or even uncertainty in them. He did not look away, try to remove her from atop of him, he did not complain at all. Was he waiting for her to make a move?

She realized how easy it would be to lean down and kiss him. She was not very far from him, all she had to do was to let the fake gravity in this world do its job, maybe angle her muzzle a bit. It would be so easy.

Uncertainty clouded her senses. Did he want her to kiss him? What if she ruined their entire friendship with the gesture? What if he was just waiting politely for her to move?

A smile spread on his face, drawing her eyes away from his mesmerizing green orbs.

“You’re pretty awesome as well.” He told her, breaking the tension that had built up between them.

She sighed in relief and got off of him. “I apologize, I did not mean for you to fall.” She helped him get up.

“Heh, it was my own fault. I was just taken aback by your… teasing. That was unexpected.” He scratched the back of his head, laughing a bit.

It had certainly been an experience worth remembering. It had felt good to feel him shiver underneath her, knowing that she was the one that had caused it. For a moment when she was walking towards him and he had watched her with wide eyes, she had actually felt… attractive. It was good to feel like that again.

“Yes, well…” What could she say? “I was just telling the truth.” She could have facehooved. What was she saying?

He looked at her in contemplation before a smile spread on his lips. “Awesomest human in all of Equestria.”

A smile spread on her own muzzle at his reply, happy that he didn’t try to embarrass her. “Indeed. Now, let us have fun! This is a dream after all.”

The rest of the dream was spent playing around in all possible climates. The snow fight they had was long and epic, with Luna emerging as victorious, while the sand fight they had turned out to be a bad idea, with nopony being victorious. At some point Jax explained something called a waterpark, which was quickly conjured. They spent a long while sliding down waterslides.

For the first time in a long time, Luna used her powers over the dream realm to simply have fun.


Jax was having tons of fun. For the first time in a long time, he didn’t want to wake up from a dream.

Eventually, he did. He still had the image of Luna pushing him into a pool in his mind. She had looked so happy. That was, without a single shred of doubt, the best dream he had had, EVER.

He had a huge smile on his face, as Luna seemed to return from the dream as well. When they locked eyes, the biggest grin spread on her muzzle, happiness practically radiating from her.

“Good morning, Jax.” She had a certain warmth in her voice that he couldn’t quite put his finger on, but he liked it nonetheless. He made the writing motion, and she levitated the tools over.

‘With a night like that, it can only be a good day… Thank you for showing me a good time ;)’

He was teasing her a bit, for the teasing she had done to him in the dream. That had been some act… That look she had given him while she was coming over had been very convincing… and the way she had looked at him when he fell backwards… That had been intense. He almost thought she was going to kiss him, but she had just looked at him. What would he had done if she had kissed him? In the moment… he probably wouldn’t have minded.

She blushed at the comment, but her smile never wavered. “You are quite welcome.” She blushed a bit deeper, and continued with a sultry tone. “I will always show you a good time.” She even winked at the end.

Right back at him. He would say he was speechless, but that wasn’t anything new.

‘Yeah? Well… I appreciate it!’

Perfect response. So refined. Well thought out. Still, he had no idea what to respond to a statement like that.

It was worth it to hear her laughter though. “I bet you do. Now, let us make our way to the kitchens to get our breakfast.”


Luna led the way to the meadow. It was night again, and she had raised the moon. “Has it been a week already?” She asked, puzzled.

‘I don’t know, I forgot… but it’s Moonday. The perfect day to do it.’

He wrote it on her back, some of the words were hard to read. “Moonday? I have not heard anypony call it that in a long time. I think they prefer Mon-day now.” She was unable to hide her smile. Jax kept surprising her.

‘Yeah yeah, ponies can say whatever they want. You and me Luna, to us it will be Moonday.’

Her smile grew bigger. “If you insist.” She responded, but she thought he could actually tell how happy she was. A day for the sun, and a day for the moon. Most ponies have forgotten that Monday was once Moonday. It made her unreasonably happy to see him refer to it as so.

They made it to their destination, the meadow where they had stargazed for the first time, the place Jax had been dreaming of the night prior. They settled down.

‘You remember the space you can manipulate?’

Luna gave him a confident smile. “I am the Princess of the Night! I remember perfectly well which stars ponies use for what, and which I can change.”

‘Good. Ready to try your hand at animating again?’

“Yes. Let us do this.” She looked up at the tiny square of sky in which she could play with her stars without bothering anypony. She charged her horn and cleared the stars there. Then she slowly let them reappear in new positions, until they formed a face. A human face, with shimmering eyes, a small nose, and a messy mane. There was however a frown on his face. She was going to change that.

The reason ‘animating’ was hard for her, was because the spell itself took a lot of concentration. She had to keep some starlight from reaching them, she had to manipulate some of it so it looked like it came from a different place, and when she tried to animate them, she had to control the light of each individual star she was moving. But this… she was determined to do this right.

Using all her focus, and going slowly, the star-human slowly turned his frown upside down, until he was smiling down at them.

She felt the human beside her hug her a little tighter, and looking at him, she saw that his smile matched that of the star-human. He looked over at her, then quickly wrote a note.

‘That is so cool.’

Luna felt a bit giddy at the compliment. She wanted to make him happy and she had succeeded, and that made her feel like she could overcome any obstacle, be it a storm, her own demons, or even Discord himself. She put a wing around him and pulled him closer.

“You’re pretty cool as well.” She said with the same teasing tone she had used in the dream.

‘Well… I’m no Rainbow Dash, but I AM the coolest human on the planet.’

That made her chuckle. “So… what do you want me to animate next?”

‘If that’s me up there smiling, then you need to be next to me.’

Her heart almost skipped a beat. That was…

She shook her head to clear it. She smiled down at Jax, and started placing the stars in the room next to the star-human. Soon star-Luna and star-Jax were looking down at them, both as happy as can be.


She did not know when, or why, but at some point she had mentioned the beginning of his dream, where he had been dancing in this very meadow, and after some teasing comments and sarcasm (on his part), they decided to dance to her humming.

So there they were, Luna on her hind legs once again, forelegs over his shoulders, dancing in the moonlight. It was easier this time, but they were still dancing slowly. Luna enjoyed every movement, every slow, synchronized step they took. She realized she was humming the same song as the song they had danced to at the party. It made her smile warmly.

She could not think of doing this with anypony else, yet with Jax it felt as natural as walking. A lot of things were like that with Jax.

She thought back to the dream. She had almost kissed him.

She could not help but wonder… if he would have liked it.

Author's Note:

I know this is a bit on the short side, but I'm gonna upload another chapter for you guys tomorrow, the time-skip chapter, so be happy ;)

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