• Published 25th Jan 2015
  • 15,849 Views, 1,363 Comments

A New Beginning in a New Land - REDACTED99999

'Through worlds and sadness and loneliness, we found each other, and if we can be happy together, then maybe it will all have been worth it somehow.' - A man in love.

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Chapter 65

Jax was lost, in the best way possible. There was not a single thought in his mind, nothing but the lyrics and the beat made his body move. He had missed this feeling so much, he could feel tears of joy flow from his eyes. He didn’t care that the changeling had changed shape after their first song and did a cover of somepony called Countess Coloratura by literally becoming the performer. He didn’t care that they moved on to somepony called Sapphire Shores afterwards, and that they had gone on to an original song, at which point Jax put his arms around Luna and Discord and was moving his head to the beat. All he cared about was that the beat kept coming and the music kept flowing. It was a… a crazy sort of euphoria. He was one with the music and nothing else mattered.

I've felt the hate rise up in me
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wonder out where you can't see
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed

To his joy and confusion, they covered a wide variety of songs. The covers were usually cheerful pop-songs, typical pony stuff really, but their own were more metal, which was awesome as well.
Beside him, Luna and Discord were bobbing their head up and down along with him, and beside them, Rainbow, Pinkie and Vinyl did the same. Moondancer and Fluttershy looked a bit uncomfortable, but at least they had each other to share the opinion. They had a different tune a moment ago when Sapphire Shores the changeling was on stage, but it was understandable that ponies had different music tastes.
He simply banged his head, content that everything was awesome.
“I must admit…” Luna said when the song ended and the changelings were getting ready for the next one. “I barely understood a word of that, yet it was thrilling to sing along - or at least try to.”
The atmosphere in the club was intoxicating, making her smile brightly as she remembered how it had made her give in and join the sing-along on the chorus. It had been freeing to just let go and sing along with everypony else. She should have left her regalia at home… in fact….
She took a moment to focus on it, and teleported it back to her room. Next to her Jax gave her a low whistle. “Getting all naked…” he leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Just how I like you.”
She blushed, despite almost every pony around them being naked. There was a roughness and desire in his voice that made her feel like a giddy teenager.
He leaned back a bit and smiled. “And you’re not the only one who barely understood what they sang, but that’s also what makes it fun.”
Her own smile reflected his, although… there was something about his eyes… she couldn’t quite put her hoof on it. The pupils were much bigger than usual, so much that she could barely see the green of his iris.
Before she could think further on it, he leaned in and kissed her, briefly but with a lot of love behind it, and then the next song began and he turned his head.
Soon they were both lost in another original song from the changelings. This one was filled with regret of the attack on Canterlot. She knew regret well, and she could not help but feel a little sorry for the changelings who had done naught but follow their leader into something they believed a love-filled future.
She would have to remember to talk with Celestia about changelings. If this group could stray from their queen’s way, then there must be others making their own way somewhere around… and maybe some where struggling to make a living. She would have to remember to make special laws for changelings so their special talents would not get… misused.
Maybe they could somehow manage to integrate changelings into society? They would probably have to partake in diplomatic talks with Chrysalis, though, not something to look forward to… unless of course Luna could give her a piece of her mind about invading Canterlot… while she was asleep no less. It was so infuriating that she had missed the whole thing.
But what was done was done, and she would not waste time fuming over it, especially not now when she had so much fun.
And the night was still young.
Jax was having an absolute blast. He had gone from feeling tipsy to feeling outright drunk. There was something… something wrong with that… something….
The smile came back to his face as he realized what was wrong. The concert was over, the music replaced by a… a vinyl player? What were those called anyway?
He hadn’t even noticed. When did the changelings stop? How many songs had they played?... Had he cheered when they were done? Cause they deserved some cheering. A lot of cheering. He hoped he had cheered. Everything just seemed sort of blurry… the last thing he remembered was flirting with Luna and then… he had given her a kiss…. But then everything was just a blur.
He looked around. He was still at the club, up by the bar, with Luna sitting next to him. She had a pink drink in front of her, while he had a glass of water. Everything was instantly okay again, and the frown he had briefly taken on disappeared into a loving smile. He instantly moved his chair closer to her, so that he could hug her. She giggled girlishly, before spreading her wing over him. He was so staying under this wing for the rest of the night. He would have to reward her somehow for being so cute and lovable… if only there was something he could give her….
Fluttershy was having… an interesting time. She certainly enjoyed it when the changelings transformed into different performers and sang covers. Their own songs however were a bit too… well it just wasn’t for her. The others seemed to enjoy them enough, so that was fine, and it gave her something to talk about with Moondancer between songs, which was also nice.
The thing she liked the most about the concert was that the changelings did their best to please all of them. It left them with some ponies liking some parts of the concert, and others liking others… and some liking all parts, she supposed. Jax certainly seemed to have fun at every song.
And it was always nice to see Rainbow have a good time. She looked over at the mare, who was busy dancing with Pinkie. She had originally asked Fluttershy, but she didn’t feel comfortable enough to dance amongst these strangers. She had preferred to stay towards the back of the club with Discord and Moondancer, but then Discord had left to find Luna and ask her about Celestia, and Moondancer had decided she wanted to join the dancing.
The song ended, and Rainbow came over to her. She looked so happy, Fluttershy could do nothing but smile.
“Hey Fluttershy! Still don’t wanna dance?”
“I’m sorry Rainbow… maybe some other time.” She fidgeted a little with her hooves.
Rainbow Dash just smiled like she knew exactly what Fluttershy meant with that: Maybe some other time, if that other time only had their friends as guests.
“Yeah sure. Maybe we could find a meadow somewhere to dance in. I hear from Luna that it’s the best way to enjoy the night.” Fluttershy wasn’t entirely sure in the dim light, but she thought she saw Rainbow blush… just a little.
“That sounds… romantic.” She admitted, blushing as well. “Uhm… I’ve heard from Rarity that you’ve been borrowing her romance novels. I didn’t think you liked those kind of books… not that there’s anything wrong with liking them of course.”
Rainbow laughed, perhaps a bit nervously. “Yeah… I thought I would give them a chance. They weren’t as bad as I thought.”
“Mmm… I’m glad you liked them. Rarity seems happy that you showed interest in them.”
“Whoa, I didn’t say I liked them. I mean… they were okay.” Fluttershy knew that that was Rainbow’s way of saying that she liked them but was too embarrassed to admit it. It also explained why she had gotten Discord to get a new suit. Fluttershy was pretty sure that it was from one of the novels Rarity had spoken about at some point.
“Alright… oh, thank you for what you did with Discord by the way. I know you don’t like him much.” Fluttershy redirected the conversation to something she had been meaning to say.
“Oh it’s nothing to thank me for.” She said, but smiled regardless. “It’s not that I don’t like him, it’s just that I never forgave him. I’ll give him a proper chance, I promise.” She puffed out her chest in something that resembled pride.
Fluttershy knew that when Rainbow promised something, she would do her best to keep it. It was one of her many lovable traits.
Rainbow’s smile slowly dropped, but not into a frown. It was like she was looking at Fluttershy in wonder. That couldn’t be right….
“I like your smile.” She suddenly said, making Fluttershy wide-eyed. “Oh, uhm… I mean….” Rainbow looked around nervously when she realized what she’d said, but then just shrugged. “I’ve always liked your smile.” She repeated, a bit more sure of herself.
“Oh. Uhm… thank you.” Fluttershy was blushing. A lot. “I… uhm, I’ve always liked your smile as well.” She managed to say, blushing harder when she realized what she said.
Rainbow laughed a little, maybe in relief. “Oh, you’re just saying that.” She placed a hoof on Fluttershy’s chest. Fluttershy was fairly certain that meant Rainbow could feel her heart pump much faster than it was meant to.
Her own words made it pump even faster. “No… I-I mean it.” She insisted, not being able to bear the thought of Rainbow not believing her in this. “That’s why I sometimes do things I’m not entirely comfortable with… to see you smile.” She thought her face couldn’t become redder, but that was before Rainbow’s hoof traveled to her cheek.
“Yeah you’re pretty great like that.” She drew a little closer, her hoof traveling behind her head. Fluttershy started breathing a bit heavier. “Are you okay? You’re… hot.” Rainbow asked in… well there was concern somewhere under the desire. She drew closer… and closer, and Fluttershy could feel her heart pump faster and faster, and ‘oh my gosh it’s actually happening’ went through her mind along with ‘what if I’m bad at kissing?’ and ‘what if she’s only doing this because she’s drunk?
… The last one was what made her eep and duck under Rainbow. “Yes! No… uhm, yes I think I could use some air. Yes, definitely.” She said in a hurry and left before Rainbow’s confused and… slightly hurt look could make her feel too bad.
The air outside was heavenly. She took deep breaths of it, and tried to focus. What had just happened? Rainbow Dash had leaned in to kiss her. Had she wanted it? More than anything. Did she back out at the last moment like the scared cat she was? Of… of course.
She had waited so long for that moment, so many fantasies where it had happened and then… then she just….
Rainbow Dash hadn’t even drank that much. It was just an easy excuse to get out of there.
Why was she always like this?
Alright… okay… it’s not so bad. It’s okay. Rainbow Dash won’t hate me, she’ll just think… that I don’t like her like that…’ that thought hurt. It hurt because that would mean she hurt her oldest friend over a misunderstanding. How was she supposed to explain that she actually did like her? She wasn’t brave enough. But she would have to do it… for her friend. For Rainbow.
Does Rainbow even like me like that, or was it just a spur of the moment thing?

Rainbow may be spontaneous, but she didn’t play around with other ponies feelings.
She eeped and turned mid-jump to see Rainbow Dash looking at her with worry. For some reason she had the phonograph with her.
“Uhm… yes?” She was unsure whether she answered loud enough for Rainbow to hear.
Regardless of whether she heard or not, she moved closer to her. Fluttershy couldn’t keep eye contact, so she just looked at the ground.
“Listen, I’m sorry about what happened in there. I shouldn’t have been so aggressive with you. I should have known better.” She sounded angry… at herself. Fluttershy hated when Rainbow was angry at herself when it was Fluttershy who did something wrong.
“It’s not your fault Rainbow… it’s… I just….” She fought with the words until she felt a wing on her withers. She looked up and realized that Rainbow was right beside her, as she always had been. She looked into Rainbow’s beautiful cerise eyes, and was filled with just a tiny bit of the confidence Rainbow had. She used it to move closer and nuzzle into her blue fur. After a moments hesitation, Rainbow nuzzled back.
“Listen, Fluttershy… if you don’t like me in… you know… that way, just say so now. It’s cool, I won’t be mad or anything, and we can still be friends.” Fluttershy wouldn’t have heard the hesitation in her voice is she hadn’t known Rainbow for so long.
The silence stretched on for a minute, and for once Rainbow didn’t seem to mind.
“Have you seen Jax?!” Luna shouted at them from the opening of the club. She looked… not exactly distressed, but getting there. “Was he out here?”
She shared a look with Rainbow Dash. “Yeah, I saw him like a few minutes ago. He gave me this vinyl player and told me to get out here, but I don’t think he came out. Why?”
Luna’s eyes dilated before she shook herself. “Listen, don’t accept anything he gives you from now on. Not. One. Thing. No matter how small or how much he insists.” Her voice was stern, and Fluttershy flinched just a little when her gaze found her. “In fact, it might be better if you left. Sorry if I’m being rude, but this is important.” She turned and trotted back inside.
“Uhhh…” Rainbow gave her a sideways glance. “You think they’ll be fine?”
“Uhm… I’m not sure, it looked pretty serious… and pretty important that I wasn’t there. I should… uhm, find a hotel and wait for tomorrow’s train.” She untangled herself from Rainbow and made it a couple of steps before looking back. Rainbow looked completely torn between following her, and going back into the club to help with whatever situation Jax had found himself in now.
Fluttershy gave her the kindest smile she had. Rainbow Dash was, above all else, loyal. And it hurt her when she had to choose who to be loyal to. “Go.” Fluttershy motioned towards the club with her head. “I know you want to help. I’ll be fine.” She wasn’t too thrilled about going out into Canterlot at night, lost and alone, but she wasn’t going tell Rainbow that as she turned around and walked on.
For a moment, she thought Rainbow had left, but then there was the sound of wingbeats, and she landed right in front of Fluttershy. She smiled so confidently that Fluttershy forgot all about returning the phonograph to the club.
“They’re probably fine. Luna would never let anything happen to Jax, and in the worst case scenario they have Discord with them.” She said without an ounce of doubt. “C’mon, there’s this meadow Luna told me about. We’ve got to see it.” She started to fly, and Fluttershy hesitantly took wing.
“Uhm… is it far?”
“Nah, it’s just by Ponyville.” Rainbow looked back at her, and probably saw her worried face. “Hey, don’t worry, I’ll help you.” She backed up and started beating her wings towards Fluttershy, making a nice updraft. Fluttershy let the wind take her over the houses around her, smiling all the while. Rainbow was such a sweetheart, though she would never admit it.
They landed softly in the meadow. Fluttershy had to admit that it was nice, with the stars shining down on them and the moon brightening the sky.
Rainbow Dash set the phonograph down, then spend some time fiddling with it, until she managed to get it to play.
A slow song started playing, and Rainbow Dash came over to her almost nervously. A feeling Fluttershy shared, she realized as she fluttered her wings and swallowed.
Nothing was said as Rainbow put a wing around her, and Fluttershy mirrored the action. For a while they just danced, neck to neck, to the slow rhythm of the music. As Fluttershy was getting her nerves under control, she breathed in the familiar scent of Rainbow. She smelled of clouds and sweat, just as she almost always did. Fluttershy didn’t mind, it was such a familiar scent that, after all these years, she found comfort in it.
“You were always there….” She started meekly. Rainbow straightened a bit, and Fluttershy felt her ears turn. “You were always there when I needed you. You always stood up for me, you were always happy to be with me… even though I couldn’t do most of the things you wanted.” She borrowed a bit more confidence from Rainbow’s presence. “I really appreciate it. Thank you for everything, Rainbow Dash.”
Rainbow sat down and pulled her close, the dance all but forgotten. For some time, they just sat there, Rainbow trying to say something but having trouble with it. “Even though I almost killed you?” She finally whispered.
Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “Wha-“
“Back at the race, before we had our cutie-marks, when you fell off the clouds. It was my fault, wasn’t it? You almost died….” There was a lot of guilt in Rainbow’s voice. How long had she walked around with this?
“I was a pegasus that could hardly fly. That’s not your fault.” She started nuzzling the mare that had given her courage on several occasions.
“I should have been more careful, I should have saved you, I should have…” Fluttershy felt tears stain her coat.
“Shh… it’s okay Rainbow, I don’t blame you at all. It was how I got my cutie-mark. It’s how we all received our cutie-mark.”
“No buts.” She used the voice she only used when one of her little friends refused to listen to her. She would call it stern, but Rainbow Dash had often disagreed. She moved back a bit so she could look into Rainbow’s eyes. “No buts. I never blamed you Rainbow, so there is no need for you to blame yourself.”
“I….” She looked so distraught. Fluttershy used her hoof to wipe away the tears, then before she could change her mind, placed a quick kiss on her lips. She blushed fiercely when she pulled back.
“I’m sorry about fleei-“ was all she managed to say before Rainbow leaned in for a proper kiss.
Fluttershy only froze for a second, before she leaned into it.

Author's Note:

And there's the FlutterDash ^^ about time I say XD
And even a week early, just for you guys :D next chapter will be in 2 weeks if everything goes well ^^
My recommendation: My Life as a Bipedal Quadruped, it's good and I enjoyed it so far ^^

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