• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,491 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 13

Abby blinked awake as a light knocking came from the door. She silently cursed her over sensitive ears and glanced down at Kasai who was quite literally, passed out beneath her. The Ninetales muttered something incomprehensible to do with Kasai’s undersides and Arceus’s face before she rolled off of his soft, luxurious, chest and ended up on the bed and then with another roll ended up on the floor, on her back. Abby let out a soft groan and pulled herself back up to her paws.

Ace had not had very kind words for she and Kasai when they’d returned in the afternoon empty handed, and was even less happy about the fact that the Casino had been trashed in the process. Still, Abby had managed to convince her that she and her team were useful and had asked her for another chance, sighting the fact that she’d sent Luke to investigate further. All that combined, along with the defeat had left her in a rather bad mood when she’d gone to bed and she wasn’t exactly thankful to be waken up at what was probably dawn.

“Gah... what time even is it?” she grumbled to herself. “This had better be good...” she added as she said a bit louder. “Come in.”

The door opened, a blue aura surrounding it and it was pushed open to reveal a long missing Gallade.

Abby... Sorry to wake you from your sleep I-

“Luke!” Abby exclaimed, rushing forwards and leaping up to lick his face. The Gallade froze for a half-second before he brought a hand down to pet her softly across the back of the head.

It is good to see you too... Abby, the Gallade said with a small smile as he bent down, getting on one knee in front of her and lowering Abby to the ground in front of him, giving her a gentle pet. Though... your form is going to take a little... getting used too.

“Yeah, tell me about it,” Abby said, giving his cheek a final lick before she relented, knowing how little he appreciated it outside of the gesture’s meaning. “So, how did it go?” she asked, cocking her head to the side.

“Well enough,” Luke answered, his fingers beginning to finger the sweater. “Vincent will most likely be a bit more... in control of himself from this point onwards and... with any luck after we apprehend him today, we can help him get back on the right path in life.

Abby smiled. “That’s great news! So, where are he and his little team going to show up?”

“The only hint I received was... that they would visit the same casino as royalty would,” Luke said, his free hand moving down to mime gently petting Abby and she felt a small bit of pressure as his powers stroked her head. “I do not know of such a place... but... again... I am not a native of this city. I... I assume that we can find someone who knows.”

“Yeah, it shouldn’t be too hard,” Abby agreed with a firm nod of her head before she frowned. “Do you know what time they’re going to do this?”

“I... I assume that it will be around the same time as they did the others... that seems most likely to me,” Luke said, his ‘fingers’ beginning to scratch at her ear and Abby had to fight down the impulse to start scratching at it as well. “I... I hope I didn’t wake you from too restful of a sleep... but it is dawn outside and if we are to plan this well enough... then I thought we should start early.”

“Agreed,” Abby said with a nod of her head as she pulled away from his ‘fingers’ and glanced back at the sleeping form of Kasai in the room. “Okay, you wait here for a second, I’m going to go wake Kasai up.”

The Ninetails slipped through the door, closing it behind her with her tail as she looked at the sleeping form of her mate. There were of course a variety of ways that she could wake him up and she paused for a moment as she went over them in her head. Then, with a small smirk she crept forward, for the most part an unnecessary precaution, and came up beside his ear.

“Hey Kasai,” she whispered into it. “I just caught us a whole bunch of Magikarp but if you’re not up in the next thirty seconds I’m going to let them go instead of making them into platters of buttered Magika-”

“Magikarp to be buttered?! Where?!” Kasai exclaimed as his eyes snapped open and he leapt off of the bed, eyes wide, tongue already hanging out of his mouth in excitement. It took him possibly three seconds to realize that he’d been tricked and he pouted at Abby who was snickering. “That’s not cool Abby, not cool at all.”

“Oh hush, we’ll find some Magikarp and butter them later, for now, we have things to plan,” Abby said, a pair of her foxy tails brushed across his nose. “Follow me my mate.”

“Always, despite my better judgement,” Kasai replied with a roll of his eyes as they made their way to the door. When he saw Luke standing there nervously, Kasai smiled and walked over to the Gallade, presenting his head. “Hey man, good to see you in the flesh.”

Thank you... it is good to see you as well... Kasai, Luke said, bringing a hand down to mime a pat to the Arcanine’s head once.

“Thanks,” Kasai said, giving the Gallade’s hand a short nuzzle before he turned to Abby. “Where to, Abby?”

“Next door to get Rill and Lex and then one more down to get Axel, after that... we’re going to need to talk to either Ace or Blackwing about this... though I do have a plan forming,” Abby said, a devious smirk on her face. “Hopefully, we’ll keep the building from being destroyed, and more importantly, not get anyone killed in the background.”

The thresome walked a few feet down the hall to another door and Luke knocked on it with his powers. There was a moment of grumbling before Rill opened the door, Lex hanging off of her, clearly asleep, his ribbons wrapped around her shoulders. The Shiny Flygon blinked twice before a smile crossed her face.

“Luke! You are unharmed and whole of mind! Wonderful!” she exclaimed happily. “I would hug you but I know how you feel about such things.”

Thank you Rill... it’s good to hear that you would do that... if I wanted it, Luke said, a small smile touching his face before he glanced down at Lex, the Sylveon was blinking awake.

“Rill? Why am I upside down? Did we do the flying thing? Without me remembering?” he asked sleepily before he blinked a few more times and then glanced around. “Oh, oh, hello Luke.”

Hello to you as well Lex... Luke said, fiddling with his sweater. I see that you’re still rather sleepy... I’m sorry for waking you...

“It’s-” Lex was cut off as a massive, by Sylveon standards anyways, yawn burst from his lips and he shook his head. “-fine.”

“And that leaves Axel,” Abby said with a small chuckle as her party... no... team... no. Family. Yes, her family talked around her.

“I’m up already,” Axel’s voice drifted up the corridor as the Haxorus came walking down it. “I was looking for someone to spar with but none could measure up to me. Hey Luke.”

I hope you didn’t... hurt any of them... Axel, Luke said with a nervous glance at the dragon.

“Nah, they’re fine,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Just a bunch of wimps.”

“Right, that’s everyone, let’s go see about talking to Blackwing or Ace so that we can get this done the way I want to,” Abby said with small smile. “I hope that the Guard has tranquilizer guns.”

“So you want us to come in five minutes into the fighting and try to nail these guys?” the unicorn mare asked Abby as they assembled half a block away from the Crown Jewel Casino where it was believed that Vincent was going to strike.

“Yep,” Abby said with a nod of her head. “From everything that I’ve heard, they shouldn’t really pose my full team that big of a problem but I like to have a back-up plan in case things go south like last time and hopefully, the heat of battle will keep them too distracted to notice you taking up your positions.”

“Aye aye Ma’am,” the unicorn mare said with a salute as she and her six fellow officers prepped their crossbows. “They won’t know what hit them.”

“Good,” Abby said, giving the officer a smile and turning back to her team, all six of them were as ready as they’d ever be for this fight so they might as well get it started. With her in the lead, they started forwards into the Crown Jewel Casino.

The moment they crossed the entryway, Luke stiffened a bit, which caused the rest of the team a bit of concern. “Luke?”

He shook his head and replied to Abby. He knows.

Indeed I do. Pony minds are...well, there are differences between them based on age or tribe or their own beliefs, but at their core, there is the herd instinct. The desire to belong. Pokemon...are something different. You are like fires amidst a grassland.

“I suppose we are,” Abby said with a small shrug, counting on the psychic to pick up on it. “Now, you have two choices as far as this goes, and personally, I’d like you to pick the first one,” Abby continued as she glanced around the Casino and her eyes came to rest on a green form at the blackjack tables. “Option number one: you surrender yourself and I do my absolute best to make you pay the very least you have to to the places that you’ve destroyed as collateral. Option two: my team beats you.”

Oh, really? Did you think I was going to walk off without making things right? I am not him. I will never be him. She could almost feel the anger at that statement, but it vanished as fast as it appeared. I would have paid anyways. A generous enough donation to see them through the trouble I caused. But I am not stopping. We owe Iron Will for taking us in and housing us, and passage back to his homeland isn’t cheap. And then… I would see my family safe. Comfortable. And for that, I would do anything. Damn your rules and your morals. These three mean more to me than such ideals!

“Okay,” Abby said, shrugging her shoulders. “We’ll do it the hard way, but never say I didn’t give you the chance. Luke, take him and the Porygon Z, Kasai, you and I have the Riolu. Lex, you and Rill have the Scyther, and Axel, take the minotaur if he tries to help them.” She snapped the orders out and began to advance on Vincent’s group.

And that was when a light began to shine from near the blackjack tables. A few gasps came from the surrounding ponies, and by the time the two fire-types arrived, they saw that they weren’t going up against a little Riolu anymore. A Lucario with very small, nearly unnoticeable spikes on her hands and chest, was starting to stand up. It caught sight of them, and growled in a familiar voice.

“Where. Were. You. Eight years ago when the doctor put me under the knife, and I feared that I might never get these,” and here she gestured to her chest and displayed her hands, “where were you or ANY of your organization?”

“Taking down various less well hidden bad guys,” Abby said blandly as she and Kasai split apart and began to circle the Lucario. “You can’t blame the Rangers for not finding you, the world is just too big and there weren’t that many of us. I’m sorry for what happened to you but Kasai Fire Fang!”

The Lucario blinked in surprise as Kasai, who had been circling behind her leapt forwards and his burning fangs sank into her shoulder and his weight bore her to the ground. She grunted in surprise, but turned her head to look Kasai in the eye. “Did he tell you nothing? That madman did so much to me...true, this stings. But you don’t compare yet! Force Palm!”

The Lucario brought her right hand up and hit the Arcanine between the eyes. Kasai let out a small yelp and went flying away, landing on his paws, as Abby unleashed a gout of fire on the still downed Lucario, moving in a step and giving her someone other than Kasai to focus on.

Her target struggled to her knees and crossed her arms in front of her face, attempting to take the brunt of the attack with something other than her head. “Grr….This was a simulation...For fire-types...EARTHQUAKE!”

One leg was brought up and slammed back into the ground, sending rumbling throughout the entire building. Abby let out a bark of surprise as her legs gave out beneath her and she fell to the tiled floor. Lucy the Lucario smirked before an incredibly loud Growl surged through her ears and she felt herself stiffen before a mighty weight slammed into her steel hard skin and sent her crashing to the ground face first.

Meanwhile Axel walked over to where he’d seen the Minotaur thing gambling. He was excited! This ‘Iron Will’ guy looked large enough to give him a GREAT fight.

“Hmm,” he heard the minotaur mused as he got closer. “Iron Will does not like the looks of this. Iron Will’s friends are being attacked. Should Iron Will interfere now or later?”

“Depends,” Axel stated loudly and confidently as he approached. “Do you want to fight me now, or later?”

Iron Will looked the reptile up and down, then chuckled. “Iron Will is no spring chicken anymore, and Iron Will was never a dragon-fighter. But Iron Will has a few questions for you, if you are allied with the ones attacking the little ones.”

Axel fought down a pout as he approached. “Oh come on... I was hoping for a good fight,” he grumbled. “Fine, what do you want to know?”

The minotaur looked over at the slots and seemed...very, very sad. “Will you help them?”

“You mean the Abra and his friends?” Axel inquired with a frown. “If yes, then yeah, that’s kind of why we’re taking so much interest in em. We’re Pokemon Rangers, it’s our job to help Pokemon.”

Iron Will nodded and removed his bit-bag from his belt. “Will you give this to them, in thanks for what they’ve given Iron Will? Iron Will has to go, or else his ride home will leave without him.”

This time, the effort was too much as Axel felt his spirits deflating, he actually pouted. “... sure. Go ahead...” he muttered as he stuck a taloned hand out. “Man... I wanted a good fight.”

Iron Will smiled. “Just because Iron Will does not wish to fight you now, does not mean that will always be true. And there are other minotaurs in the world, you know. Iron Will merely seeks to return to old haunts and old homes first. Come find Iron Will when all this blows over.”

Axel grinned. “Awesome!” he enthused as he accepted the bag of bits. “Also, if you’re going home, I recommend going out the back.”

Iron Will looked over at Luke and nodded. “Iron Will figured that much out, but thank you.”

As that was going on, Rill was circling airborne around the Scyther, her Dragon Breath streaming down on him as she evaded each of his attacks from her superior height. “Get down here!” he cried while pointing his scythes at her.

“I do not believe that would be wise of me!” she shouted back as the Scyther felt something fleshy tighten around his ankle and jerk his feet out from underneath him before letting go as another torrent of Dragon Breath rained down on him.

“Grr…” The Scyther’s normally useless wings started to glow. “I suppose I have one thing to thank the damn doctor for! Steel Wing!”

The bug’s back appendages shone with a metallic light as he launched himself at the Sylveon across the way. Turning so that his back was towards the fairy-type, he made sure to draw his wings across Lex’s form.

“AH!” Lex shouted in pain as the steel edged wings cut into his skin, drawing blood.

“LEX! FLAMETHROWER!” Sam’s world suddenly became even hotter as a blazingly strong Flamethrower washed over his back, sending him tumbling to the ground as the heavy weight of the Flygon slammed into him and began to tear at his melting chitin with her strong Dragon Claws.

“Get off me you crazy lady! X-Scissor!” With that, Sam drew his scythes across the dragon atop him, hoping that she’d flinch at least.

Unfortunately, it had the opposite effect and Rill’s eyes narrowed as the scythes glanced off of her scales. Then, the dragon drew her head back. “FLAMETHROWER!” she shouted before she bent her head down right in Sam’s face.

“Oh crap. Agility, don’t fail me now!” Sam squirmed for his life, trying his hardest to get out from under the enraged dragoness atop him, feeling the power of the move fill him and hoping it was enough.

Thankfully, the fire move missed, barely, and Sam’s cheek felt as if it had been stuck in a blast furnace as the shiny Flygon’s claws closed around his neck and forced him into the ground. “Stay down or I will kill and eat you,” she growled dangerously.

The Scyther glared back up at her. “And how are you any better than Nurem? Oh wait, at least you’re telling me what you’re going to do! I suppose you have that on that sociopath! Arceus, why did I ever WANT to go to the authorities if they were going to treat his victims like this?”

The Flygon’s weight lifted from him but it was replaced a second later by four fleshy ribbons which then brought him up to float in front of the Sylveon.

“In her defense. You did hurt her mate, that’s me by the way,” Lex said casually. “She’s a little overprotective of me, like anyone would be.”

The Scyther grumbled. “Great. Six years after the damn doctor catches me, you lot find me. Why couldn’t you do it sooner? Vincent was traumatized, you know. I was a brother to him, and that’s nothing compared to what my original trainer had to have gone through when he found me missing!”

Rill frowned at him and cocked her head to the side and let out a small sigh. “I apologize for my anger... you did hurt him. As for your reasoning... I am a fairly literal Pokemon, I know this, but you cannot blame us for not finding you. To do so is flawed logic, after all, the world we were on was huge and there were many, many places to hide compared to how many Rangers there were. What happened was awful, but no one other than Nurem was responsible for it.”

Sam sighed at that. “There’s more than enough blame to go around...but yes. I don’t suppose it was your fault if you were truly trying. Just...go easy on the boy? He was there the longest out of all of us…”

“We don’t have much control over that but considering that Luke is the one doing the incapacitating, you shouldn’t have much to worry about,” Lex stated before he glanced over to where Abby and Kasai had the Lucario pinned. “Speaking of which... where is Luke?”

Luke made his way slowly down the casino floor between the slot machines, one mind his goal.

You know that there’s no point to any of this, correct? he mentally asked Vincent. You’re only making your friends suffer.

It’d take a lot to make them really suffer. Sam’s chitin is thick...which is why he can’t actually fly. Lucy’s bones are dense and she just evolved, hopefully gaining her spikes. I don’t actually know, you see. Once I told them you were here, they all did the same thing. They broke the links of their own accord.

Luke let out a small sigh and closed his eyes, fingers gently fiddling with his sweater. Of course. They’re your friends. But if you had simply surrendered then none of them would have to be beaten.

While he was a monster, I have no doubt father drilled moves into them that would give them at least some chance. A soft sound came from in front of Luke, to his right. And besides, if you’re going after Lucy and Sam, then you’re missing the real target.

No. I know who the real target is, the Gallade said softly. Though I will once again offer you the chance to surrender yourself and Bit so that I will not be forced to harm you, Vincent.

Harm? You want to take me in so I’m not harmed? A...a bit late for that, remember? I’m already harmed, already broken. But I do thank you, Luke. I can at least hold myself together now. Those things happened, they aren’t happening. They are what was, not what is. I’ve begun my own path, but my first step is simple. My family and I, we’re taking enough to start a life, and we’re not letting anything stop us.

From a machine to Luke’s left, a few sparks flew from its front. Luke stood there, unaffected by the sparks behind a golden Light Screen. Fortunately, it wasn’t an actual attack, but rather a symptom of the machine having been worked over by Bit.

Bit, please don’t make me harm you, Luke said quietly.

“A-a-apologies. Did not mean to attack. Was working on an interesting d-d-dilemma. Needed more machines in good condition. Sadly, t-t-testing leaves them inoperable, volatile. Unclear why this happens.”

The form of the Porygon-Z rose from another machine, which started to spark as well, and Bit turned to look at the Gallade.

That is unfortunate, Luke said, bowing his head slightly as he fidgeted with his sweater. But still, do not make me hurt you. I would not like to.

The Porygon-Z looked at the Gallade and sighed. “D-d-do not attack Vincent, and I will not defend him. Now, if you’ll p-p-pardon me, I must determine where the bits from these machines are g-g-going and coming from, if not the main collection point.” At this, the Porygon-Z turned to the next machine down the line. “My best guess at this p-p-point is that they are being used to launder the money. I saw something similar at the last casino, but did not have t-t-time to figure it out. I hate not knowing t-t-things.”

I understand the feeling, Luke said as he continued to walk along towards Vincent’s mind, his eyes glancing back and forth between the Porygon-Z and the area ahead of him. When I was first freed by Abby, I experienced something similar... anything that did not involve male genitilia and my face or rear was a blessing.

At the same time, Luke felt the Porygon-Z and Vincent revulsion before Vincent spoke up again. That wasn’t something I needed to know!


That’s understandable, Luke continued. It was worse when I evolved into a Kirlia, there were three of them. All heaving and grunting, my poor little body in their grip, hating myself with every thrust.

The sense of revulsion was stronger from behind him now, and he heard the little Abra give a dry heave at the thoughts. Must clean mind...must clean mind… Wait… wait wait wait. You’re doing this on purpose! Another soft sound was heard, and the sense vanished from behind him.

You’re trying to find me, so you’re thinking these things to provoke a reaction! Try it again, and two will be able to play at that game. You think Sam’s the only thing in my memory vaults that you could end up reacting to?

Try if you’d like, Luke replied. There was a long, long moment of silence but Luke received nothing except the feeling of something trying its best to enter his mind. Fortress.

A soft growl was heard. Fine. I’ll recount them, then. A tale for yours. Did I tell you about the time father cut -

And receiving off, Luke said simply, cutting the Abra off mid sentence. Bit looked his way in wry amusement.

“A good choice, all things c-c-considered. The experiments are a part of my memory, and I know which one he would have gone w-w-with. Even I’m repulsed by it.”

I had assumed as such, Luke said, his fingers lightly gripping the sun on the middle of his sweater. So, Bit, have you been enjoying your newfound freedoms?

“It was...different, not being a part of the m-m-mainframe. But even when I arrived, I was still d-d-damaged. It is only thanks to V-V-Vincent that I am whole again. He exploited some of my p-p-protocols and told me to repair myself. For the first time in years, I can say t-t-that I am me once more.”

That’s wonderful to hear, Bit, Luke commented, hesitating for a moment before he placed a psychic hand on the Porygon-Z’s back and gave a singular stroke. Being whole is a very important part of oneself. Though I have to ask, if you don’t mind me doing so... is your stutter on purpose, or are you still partially damaged?

The program turned to look at the Gallade with one eye. “H-h-half dozen of one, six of the other. A Porygon-Z is expected to and tends to develop at least one er-er-erratic trait. I decided to keep the stutter because t-t-they were all used to it, and it freed me up to repair all the important s-s-systems.”

Ah, good, I was worried that you were still suffering, Luke said softly, which prompted a shake from the Porygon.

“I am. I always am. Those ex-ex-experiments are a part of my memory. I can tune it out a b-b-bit, but they’re in there. I can hear them s-s-screaming, feel myself restraining them. I s-s-suffer constantly.”

And not only him. I’m subject thirty seven, and there are three others here. That means that there are thirty-three living test subjects in this world who ALSO suffered, Luke.

Yes. I had anticipated that, Luke said, turning to his right to stare right at the Abra from his hiding space. However I fail to see what there is to be gained from a Focus Blast.

The Gallade’s right hand extended and a blast of fighting energy struck the Porygon-Z in the chest and sent it tumbling to the ground. “Ow. Ow ow ow.” It slowly rose up and sighed before looking at the Gallade again. “You’re really doing t-t-this? Fine. T-T-Tri-Attack!”

The colored spheres spun into existence and rushed at Luke.

Protect, Luke said calmly, absorbing the spheres. Focus Blast. The second blast hit the Porygon-Z again and this time it went down harder.

“F-F-Fine. I know when I am beaten. But if you think I will let you at V-V-Vincent that easily, all I can say is Ice Beam.”

The ice rushed out from around the Porygon-Z and impacted not the Gallade, but the floor, turning it into a skating rink. Luke’s feet scrambled for a moment before a blue light covered his body and he levitated off of the ground.

A good effort, I apologize for the necessity of my attacks against you Bit, the Gallade said, giving the Porygon-Z a half-bow before he turned to Vincent who was now to the left.

Bit! No...no. Must be calm. Must be...calm. The little Abra took his hat off and reached in with one hand, and Luke felt the increase in the Abra’s ‘presence’. My mind is a fortress, my heart, its weapon. And with that, the Twisted Spoon was withdrawn.

*Thbt, Thbt*

A pair of darts hit the Abra, one in either shoulder and Luke hovered walked calmly towards him. Please put the Spoon down Vincent.

The Abra’s eyes were wide as his left hand went to his shoulders and felt the darts. Tranq...uilizer? No...No no no...no, we weren’t done. We weren’t done!

Luke floated forwards and plucked the rapidly fading Abra out of the air, taking ahold of the Twisted Spoon before he glanced at Bit who was starting to move again. Peace, Bit, we are done here.

“Y-Y-You are, but I still do not understand these machines. I must know where the b-b-bits go and come from… but not like this.” he said, while rubbing at his chest with one of his arms.

I’m sure you can find out later, I would suggest asking permission beforehand though so that none of my Team is called to investigate, the Galade suggested as he lowered himself out of the air on the far side of the ice path.

“That would defeat the p-p-purpose,” the program said as he floated towards the psychics. “If they are w-w-warned, then the testing parameters are affected. An honest result becomes impossible t-t-to obtain.”

Then it may become one of life’s mysteries, the Gallade said softly with a hint of a smile. Now come, we should leave before Vincent regains consciousness. I do not anticipate him being pleased by the way he was shut down today.

“Affirmative,” the Porygon-Z nodded. “Especially considering his p-p-past. Also, I despise mysteries and s-s-surprises.”

Elsewhere across Equestria, a pink party pony turned rapidly in one direction and glared.

Abby smiled, it wasn’t often that a plan went off without much of a hitch, even the best of them, but she could happily say that this one had, for the most part, been flawless. One surrendered Scyther, one subdued Lucario, one amicable Porygon-Z and finally, a single sleeping Abra were now in an appropriately strengthened cell, this one intended for Unicorns with vast magic power.

The Ninetales leaned against Kasai and gave him a lick on the cheek. “Job well done eh Kasai?”

“Oh, I agree,” Kasai replied, nodding his head and giving her a lick of his own. “And with Luke in the cell with them, Vincent shouldn’t be too much of a danger when he wakes up.”

“Yep... and now it’s time to work on some other cases, I’m sure that there are some,” Abby said, glancing at the Arcanine. “Want to help me pick one out?”

“Sure,” Kasai said, a grin on his face. “Let’s go find something a little more straightforward.”

Author's Note:

Ed2481: And so ends this Crossover, for the most part anyways. Luke is probably going to be a reappearing character in New Mind to help Vincent cope with his new powers for a while, but Abby’s moving on to something new. Also, for the person who raised a good point in the last chapter, I'm going to be shifting the POV back into more pony-cenetric area. I didn't really expect the Crossover to start and when it did it kind of blew over the ponies, so, my bad as far as that goes.

Thadius: Well, a new mentor was something I hadn’t expected. Them losing, sure. We all knew that was gonna happen. Now all we have to do is see the charges...