• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,491 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 27

“So... how are you taking being a Pokemon now?” Scarlet asked as she and Abby casually walked, and slithered, down the streets of Las Pegasus.

“Honestly? Pretty well all things considered I think,” Abby answered with a shrug of her tails. “I mean, I have a voice in my head who can cast curses on people who do things that make me really angry... but other then that things are going great.”

Scarlet raised an eye ridge as she looked down at her. “That’s... not really good to hear about the voice you know.”

“Well, Luke said that it wasn’t anything to worry about, and he would be the one to know, so I’m not going to worry about it,” Abby stated with a shake of her head. “I’m too busy doing my continued best not to freak out again over the fact that I’m pregnant.”

“Well just keep it in check, the last thing I need to worry about is two Pokemon I know possibly coming down with DID,” the Serperior said with a small shake of her head.

“Two?” Abby inquired, raising an eyebrow at her.

“Yes two... do you remember Steven?” Scarlet suddenly inquired.

“Your understudy who wants to be a detective?” Abby asked with a frown. “The one who I thought you had the hots for for a while?” she added with a joking smirk.

The Serperior rolled her eyes slightly. “Yes him... believe it or not but he’s actually a Zoroark who’d been using his illusion powers to masquerade as a human to live among us like he’s one of our kind.”

Abby blinked twice. “Why on earth would he have wanted to do that?” she asked as her brain tried to process that.

“Because that was the only way he thought he could be able to attend our schools to become the detective he wants to be,” Scarlet replied.

“... he did know that there was no law against Pokemon attending school didn’t he?” Abby asked.

“Mostly because no Pokemon ever really tried what he was doing... and schools out there for Pokemon weren’t really in the field he wanted to go into or he wasn’t the right kind of Pokemon to enter,” Scarlet replied. “Like for one, you need to be a Chansey to go to nursing school in some regions.”

Abby frowned and then shrugged once. “Okay... that’s still weird to me, but then again, I’m kind of strange too,” she said with a small chuckle. “After all, it’s not every girl who likes sleeping with a six foot tall dog, heh.”

Scarlet chuckled lightly and shook her head. “True... most would complain of the constant shedding, heh.”

“Hey, he doesn’t shed that much,” Abby replied with a chuckle as she defended her mate. “At least, not once you’ve ‘had’ him long enough to accept the fact that your house is going to be covered in fur no matter what you do.”

“One of the reason I’m bit a glad you only visited every other month or so,” the grass snake teased, a small chuckling hiss leaving her lips.

“You think your couch had it rough?” Abby asked, raising her eyebrow at her mother. “You should have seen my bed after a night of fun, so much fur.”

“And stickier too, I bet,” Scarlet teased once more.

Abby blushed faintly but nodded her head. “Yeah, only so much a tongue can do,” she said with a deeper blush. “But hey, at least he helped me by nosing it all into one place so that I could get rid of it.” She was quiet for a moment before quietly adding. “Though... I wouldn’t have traded it for anything in the world... other than this of course.”

Scarlet smiled pleasantly down at her. “Glad to hear that, otherwise this trip would be all for nothing huh?”

“Yeah, yeah it would have been,” Abby said softly as she walked closer to her mother and nuzzled her. “Oh mom... I’m just so happy that I found you...I... I don’t want to lose you until I’m at least in my fifties... I don’t think I’ll be able to handle it if it’s any sooner than that.”

The serpent chuckled lightly as a vine extend out and rubbed the top of the Ninetales’ head. “I think you’re over exaggerating a bit, but at least we will know where each other are now so we can always keep in touch.”

Abby nodded and leaned into the vine as the Serperior’s surprisingly warm grassy body pressed against her and sighed. “I honestly don’t know if I’m over exaggerating... but I really don’t want to think about it.”

“Probably for the best, you tend to overthink things too much,” Scarlet said jestingly, giving her skull a firm rub with her vine. “Just like your mother, your real mother,” she added with a smile.

“Yeah...” Abby’s vision drifted off. “I remember... dad always told her not to try and plan the entire week two weeks in advance... didn’t stop her from trying though.”

“No it never did,” Scarlet agreed with a soft sigh. “Yet Matthew never really complained too much... most of her plans worked out well for the both of them. Especially when it came to raising you.”

Abby sighed and leaned against Scarlet a little more, thankful that the streets were still empty thanks to all of the ‘activity’ from the day and the one before it.

“They always got me where I needed to go,” she said quietly, closing her eyes. “Always had time for me and my problems even if they were as minor as having punched a bully in the stomach or as major as getting a D on an exam...”

“They loved you very much, and they were always proud of you,” Scarlet said, her vine gently holding Abby as she guided her down the sidewalk to make sure she didn’t run into anything. “At least that’s what they always tell me.”

“Oh, I know they were...” Abby replied, her voice trailing off as she bit back a sob. “I know they were.” She was silent for a while before softly saying. “You’d think time would have made it hurt less.”

“That’s what people say... but pain has the tendency to creep up on ya,” the Serperior said with a heavy sigh, pulling Abby closer to her. “I’m sure they’re still smiling down upon you, wherever they are. Still proud of their smart little Ranger.”

Abby’s eyes began to leak as she came to a stop and leaned her face against Scarlet’s warm scales and her breaths came out in rapid gasps. Scarlet stopped and held her comfortingly as her tail swung around to wrap her in a large hug. The Serperior pet down Abby’s head and leaned down to give her a soft kiss on the forehead, not really caring who was watching them. Scarlet continued to hug Abby for a long moment before her snobs began to lighten up to short sniffles.

“Sorry-sorry,” the Ninetales said quietly as she pulled her face away from her mother’s ‘chest’.

“It’s okay, it’s alright to cry Abby,” Scarlet said as she used her vine to help wipe away some of the tears from her damp eyes. “It helps to release the pain before it gets to you too much.”

Abby sniffled and then nodded her silky head. “Yeah, yeah you’re right,” she said softly. “Thanks mom. I just... miss them so much.”

“So do I....” Scarlet said with a small sigh before smiling lightly. “I should be the one who had to say sorry anyways for bringing them up. Stupid of me huh?”

“Yeah, pretty stupid mom... can’t believe that I’m relying on you for your brains,” Abby said, her muzzle turning up in a slight smile.

“It’s a miracle you stay with me despite my derpy brain,” the Serperior added with a light chuckle.

“Oh yeah, I only keep you around so that I can look better by comparison,” Abby joked, her voice still a bit hoarse.

“What, my age didn’t already count towards that?” Scarlet asked with a wry smile. “I’ll have you know just because I am an ‘old’ lady doesn’t mean you’re always better than me.”

“No, just faster and more beautiful,” Abby answered, smirking slightly at her, nudging Scarlet with her shoulder.

“Too bad none of the men could really appreciate that since you were more into Arcanine than anything else,” Scarlet remarked with a chuckle.

“I was more into Kasai than anything else,” Abby corrected with a small chuckle as she shook away the last of her grief. “Besides, men are boring.”

“My point still stands,” Scarlet stated, booping a vine against Abby’s nose.

“I guess it does,” Abby conceded with a giggle. “And so does mine.”

“I supposed so, though considering there are no ‘men’ anymore, it kind-of holds no ground now,” Scarlet pointed out.

“True,” the Ninetales agreed, nuzzling Scarlet and giving her a lick. “Thanks for... well... everything mom.”

Scarlet smiled warmly down at her. “You’re welcome Abby, anything for my daughter,” she replied, giving her one final squeeze with her tail before releasing her from the hug.

Abby smiled at her again and then let out a yawn. “Come on, we’d better get back to the station. Hopefully Ace will have another extra bedroom for you, though you could probably sleep on one of the couches in the station if you had too.”

“Hey, I’ve slept on the dirty ground plenty of times, anything is better to sleep on than that,” Scarlet stated with a chuckle.

“True, and right there with ya,” Abby agreed then a smile crossed her face. “Then again, I always slept on top of Kasai when I knew that no one was around to question it. I swear, he’s the best body pillow ever made.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” Scarlet said with a small shake of her head. “Though I bet you slightly regretted it once he rolled over during the night.”

“The first time, yeah,” Abby replied as the pair started off down the street again. “But really, after he did it the once and I gave him a pinch, he was careful about it in the future. Now he’s used to just lying flat if I’m on top of him.”

“Noted,” Scarlet said with another shake of her head. “You know I’m kind-of surprised you were able to keep you and Kasai’s relationship a secret. Considering you like to run your mouth a lot.”

“Well, you know how much time I spent out on my patrols and rangings right?” Abby asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Much, why?” Scarlet asked with an inquiring tilt of her head.

“Because I know exactly how much I run my mouth,” Abby answered with a smirk. “So I took measures to prevent myself from doing something stupid.”

“Still, very surprised by it all, considering how much you told me about you and Kasai’s sex life,” she stated in a casual tone.

“Hey, I haven’t told you that much,” Abby replied, shaking her head. “Just the surface level stuff.”

“And how vast that surface is,” Scarlet teased with a small chuckle.

“Vaster than you know,” Abby teased back. “And hey, unlike you, at least I have one mom.”

“Oooo, low blow you know,” Scarlet replied back, still teasing.

“Hey, I’m just calling it like I’m seeing it mom,” Abby replied, smirking up at her.

The Serperior shrugged lightly with her body. “True I suppose, maybe I should start finding someone now that we’re living here huh?”

“Or at least give it a shot,” Abby replied, shaking her head. “But hey, don’t let me tell you what to do mom.”

“Since when have you ever?” Scarlet asked with a smile.

Abby just chuckled and nuzzled her side again. “Come on mom, let’s get back to the station.”

“Then lead the way,” Scarlet insisted, with a gesture of a vine.

Abby lay down on the bed beside her mate and nuzzled him. “Oh, it feels so very nice to be on this bed again...”

“Same here, better with you beside me,” the Arcanine replied as he returned the nuzzle and gave her a lick across the cheek.

“Isn’t it always?” she asked, her belly nudging him lightly with its slightly increased girth.

“Yeah...” Kasai agreed as he glanced down the Ninetales’ belly, seeing it a bit more rounded out than normal. “Seem like our little pup is still coming along.”

Abby looked down and nodded her head as she leaned down to lick her belly. “Yeah, it looks like it doesn’t it?” she asked with a small smile before she leaned up to nuzzle him. “Probably all thanks to you.”

“For what? You’re doing most of the work by growing him inside of you,” Kasai replied with a small frown.

“True, but you’re the reason why he or she will turn out well,” Abby replied, nuzzling him. “You’re such a wonderful Arcanine after all.”

“That I am... but how do you factor that into our pup turning out well?” Kasai asked.

“Because you’ll be there to make up for all the mistakes I’ll make,” Abby answered, chuckling softly and nuzzling him again.

“Ah... well hopefully you won’t do that much,” Kasai said with a soft chuckle as he nuzzled her chin.

“We can hope,” she said before she leaned her head down against Kasai’s side. “By the way... I don’t actually know much of what happened... but thanks for keeping me safe after that brick hit me.”

“Hey, it was the very least I could do... I’m just glad it didn’t do any permanent damage.” He gave her a gentle lick across her head before nuzzling it again.

“Yeah, being the first ‘brain damaged Pokemon in Equestria’ isn’t what I want to be remembered for,” she agreed, nuzzling her head into his side. Then she shook her head and gave his neck a lick. “Still, thank you Kasai.”

“You’re welcome,” he replied with a smile as he rested his head against hers. The pair stayed like that for a long moment until Abby broke the silence.

“So, you looking forwards to seeing Gene and Fang again?” she asked him.

Kasai smiled and nodded his head. “Yeah, it’ll be great to see them again after such a long time,” he answered. “I mean, the last time we ran into them was what? Two months ago?”

“Yeah, that sounds about right,” Abby answered, nodding as well. “I took Belle out and we went on a little shopping spree and she told me a few choice things about Gene.”

“Oh did she?” Kasai said with a questioning arch of his eyebrow. “And what were they?”

“Oh, I’ll never tell,” Abby said, smirking mischievously at him. “All I can say is that I’m looking forwards to seeing all of them.”

“Me too, maybe Fang and I can finally put to rest the debate of who's ‘top dog’,” Kasai agreed, grinning. “I’ll wrestle him to the ground for good this time.”

“Phrasing,” Abby said, smirking at him.

“Hey, I used it correctly. It not my fault you thought something else with that ‘dirty’ mind of yours,” Kasai remarked with a joking smile.

Abby just chuckled before licking him across the jaw. “That you did,” she agreed, giving him another lick. “Such an intelligent Arcanine,” she added, nuzzling him once more.

“Well I have an intelligent trainer to thank for that,” he said, giving her a lick across the cheeks once more.

“I’m your mate now, not your trainer,” Abby told him firmly before she lay her head down across his side again and let out a contented sigh. “And that’s the way I’ll always want it.”

“Very well, I have a very intelligent mate to thank for that,” Kasai restated, giving a gentle nuzzle against her shoulder.

Abby smiled and let out a sigh as she leaned against him, slowly drifting off to sleep as his lovely, smoky scent filled her nose and his soft fur cushioned her head. The Arcanine smiled as he rested his head down on the bed and closed his eyes, joining her in her sleep as her lovely scent wafted into his nose and her pregnant belly rose and fell against his side.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, so, I'm basically caught up to Zeus's point, at least, in terms of major plot points and whatnot so the next few chapters until he gets the Canterlot arc done are going to be fairly minor while I wait to see how stuff settles. What that means for this story is that we're mostly going to be focusing on little character moments like this, hope you're not too put off by it.

Ed2481 out