• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,491 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

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Chapter 48

Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait on this one, I've been (And still am) sick. Also, if you've already read the beginning of this on Zeus's don't skip it, I've added a lot more of Abby's POV to it.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter.

Abby’s heart beat hard against her chest as she neared the sight of the confrontation, she leaned against Kasai for support while they remained out of view, most of the attention being on Twilight Sparkle who was shouting a lot. There quite a lot of Pokemon around Hastings’ tall form and most of them appeared to be fairly powerful. She spotted a towering Electivire, a sly looking Toxicroak, a Glaceon, along with a few others there. It was at that point that Abby began to re-think her decision to try and apologize to Hastings. Instead, she wanted more then anything to turn around and start running in the opposite direction as fast as possible.

“Can we do this?” Abby asked, glancing up at her mate with a worried expression on her face.

“Of course we can,” Kasai said with a confident nod of his head. “Or, you can Abby, come on, you know what you’re doing.”

“Yeah... but I’m nervous,” Abby said. “I hadn’t been expecting to do this with more then just... Hastings.”

“Then just focus on Hastings. Like your mother said, face one problem at a time, and eventually you’ll be done,” Kasai assure her, nuzzling her.

“Right... right...” Abby let out a sigh and leaned against Kasai, giving his face an affectionate lick. “Thanks Kasai... now let’s go out there, looks like Twilight is about to blow a gasket.”

With that, Abby walked into sight and felt every eye fall on her as she spoke to Twilight whose horn was sparking with magic.

“Twilight, I may not know you very well just yet, but at the moment I don’t believe shooting anyone is going to help much,” Abby said calmly, ‘Ranger Mode’ activating as the world seemed to slow down just a little around her. “Allow me to handle this please, or at least attempt too.”

“Abby,” Hastings said nervously, turning his head away from Twilight to focus on the pair of them. “Kasai...”

Abby distantly felt Twilight turn her head as well but the Ninetales ignored her, for the moment her entire attention was on Hastings.“Fine, but if you need me, just yell.”

“I won’t need to yell,” Abby said, forcing her lips upwards into a confident smile, the picture of calm and control. She walked forwards, Kasai at her side. Here goes everything, she thought to herself before she opened her mouth and began to speak. “Professor, I’d like to apologize for my actions in Las Pegasus, they were not befitting of a Pokemon Ranger, let alone a Top Ranger. I was pregnant at the time and I’m afraid that I didn’t quite have complete control of my new body yet. What I almost did to you was completely inexcusable and I really would like to say I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart.”

Accept it, please accept it, Abby prayed in her mind. She really did love Hastings, he’d been there for her when she needed him, given the dog she loved the ability to keep living his life... and kept her from the brink several times. He was just... so damn set in his ways.

“Pregnant?” a large Abomasnow said to himself off to the side, stroking his chin. Abby recognized his voice from several news programs, it was the voice of Professor Rowan.

Hastings sighed. “Abby... I... well... apology accepted I suppose-” Abby’s heart leapt skywards but she didn’t allow it to translate to her lips. “-But you still broke the law... I’m afraid we’re going to have to arrest you.” And her heart sank again... stubborn old man.

“YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE!” Twilight shouted in the back of Abby’s mind, using her magic to broadcast her royal Canterlot voice and causing Kasai’s sensitive ears to twitch in pain.

“Please Twilight,” Abby said quietly, not needing her help with this. A single tale moved out to seal Twilight’s lips as the Ninetales stayed ‘in the zone’, her entire body seemingly relaxed. “I have a question for any and all of you. You arrest us. What do you do with us?”

It had been a question that been thinking of for quite some time now, in the back of her mind in case the old Rangers had ever found her here.

“Personally, I’d be happy with a five year sentence and separation from your Pokemon,” the Glaceon commented.

The Toxicroak for his part nodded in agreement, while the Electivire clenched his fists and growled. “As long as they’re arrested.”

“I see,” Abby said, willing herself to stay the picture of calm as she nodded her head, her brain thinking a mile a minute. “And where will you keep me for five years? Where will you find the proper amount of food? Where will you go where the Equestrian Government won’t find you?” she demanded before the fire in her belly lit up and another, much more personal matter surged forth, though she still delivered it with her tone of detached calm. “And a further question... there is the little matter of the fact that I’m a mother now. Will you separate me from my children over this? Are they Pokemon or are they human?” she asked, her voice cold as ice the whole time.

Abby kept her smile in place as the Glaceon flinched back and looked away, maybe there were some cracks that could be opened up in the enemy defenses. Abby’s brain stopped for a moment. When had they become ‘the enemy’?

“I... um... Professor?” the Glaceon asked worriedly

Hastings didn’t say anything, he just stared ahead at Abby. “I’m certain that once I explain my position to Princess Celestia we can work something out.” His voice didn’t carry it over but Abby knew from long experience that meant he was trying VERY hard to repress the instinct to agree with her.

Beside her, she felt Kasai’s jaws lift upwards in a smile, Hastings had just provided them with a rather wonderful advantage to exploit. Abby kept her own smile fixed on her face but one of her hips bumped his subtly to say that she knew.

“The Princess Celestia who I have already spoken to at length and received funding to start a new Ranger Union as a branch of the Equestrian Government from?” Abby asked, cocking her head to the side ‘just’ enough to get the point across. “I’m sure Twilight could come up with the official documentation if you wished to fact check me sir.”

“Oh!” Twilight suddenly piped up with some excitement in her voice. “That reminds me Abby, Princess Celestia sent the deed for the land you requested this morning, it’s back at the Library but it’s all drawn up.” Twilight said with a grin.

“Wait... seriously?” one of the Pokemon, a Luxray with a very familiar voice asked in shock. It was Top Ranger Sven from the Almia Region. They’d met once or twice at conferences and Abby distinctly remembered him being ‘one of the good ones’ which made it even more surprising that he was working with Hastings at the moment.

“Why yes, I’ve been using my time here rather effectively, Sven,” Abby said with a smile to the other Top Ranger. “I know we didn’t ever have time to talk much, but I admire your work.”

The Luxray smiled. “Likewise Abby.”

“Don’t fraternize with the enemy, Ranger,” the large Electivire said warningly, small sparks coming off of his arms.

Sven growled and electricity sparked from his fur as well. “Don’t tell me who ta talk to ya overgrown Mankey.”

A Staraptor sighed as the two Electric types faced each other. “Sven, go back to camp and check on the Pokemon,” she said, a voice that Abby recognized as Top Ranger Wendy’s. “We don’t need you two getting into another fight.”

More chinks in their armor then we thought... Abby mused to herself as she looked over the group, distinct dynamics beginning to appear before her experienced eyes.

“Yes, because the last two times were so amusing to watch,” a Liepard snarked.

Sven growled at the Liepard before he walked away, grumbling to himself.

“Sorry about that,” Wendy said apologetically, waving an errant wing at the departing Sven.

“It’s fine, boys will be boys,” Abby said with a small smile as her heart began to beat harder, her nervousness at the situation beginning to mount despite her mental defenses and she unconsciously wrapped around Kasai’s. Kasai for his part was staying silent for the moment and just standing there listening with a neutral expression on his muzzle. “Wendy, right? Big fan of your work too.”

Wendy smiled, but before she could respond, the Electivire, whose voice Abby finally recognized as the Kanto Gym Leader Surge, put his foot down. “Enough of this!” He shouted, turning to Hastings. “She’s right there! We should just deal with her now and figure the rest out later!”

Not waiting for the Professor to respond, Surge stepped forward, intending to apprehend Abby. Abby sensed it before anyone else did. Kasai tensed himself up. His legs sprang forth and he rammed his entire body into the Electivire, producing a thunderclap sound as he tackled Surge to the ground. Kasai let out a terrifying roar as he stood on top Surge’s chest.

“I don’t think you’re going to be arresting my mate today,” Kasai said, his entire golden body bristling before he leapt backwards, landing a few feet away.

The Electivire stared in shock. “He... he just-”

“Enough Lieutenant!” Rowan snapped in his most authoritative voice. “We came here to try and find a peaceful solution,” he eyed Abby and Kasai. “Seeing as how that hasn’t worked out, I suggest we regroup at camp and come up with a new plan.”

“But-” Surge began.

“He’s right Edward,” Hastings said with a sigh, talking for the first time in a long time. “I was hoping it wouldn’t have to come to this...” slowly, he turned around and began the trek out of town, but not before looking back once and saying. “You brought this on yourselves you know.”

“You still didn’t answer any of my questions Professor,” Abby said calmly, her calculating mind seeing the wheels turning in his head. He knew she was right... he just wouldn’t admit it.

The Professor and the rest of the Pokemon headed back down the path out of town, though Rowan lingered behind, still eyeing Abby and Kasai. “In the interest of sharing knowledge,” he said after a long moment. “I think it’s fair to tell you they have quite a few of their Pokemon back at camp, as well as another few trainers... all very powerful but if you know their preferred types...”

Abby smiled as yet another flaw in the defenses appeared, they had their mole. “Thank you Professor... though if you don’t mind my asking, why are you with them? You’re a man of science and I’m sure you know that there’s nothing inherently wrong with Pokephilia, especially not now of all times... and more than that... are you really willing to separate mothers and fathers from their children? I know that Belle is already pregnant and I’m sure there are more.” For the first time since the confrontation, Abby dropped just a bit of her ‘Ranger Mode’ and let real emotions slip into her voice.

“I was more in the,” he cleared his throat. “C-crime against nature camp of the argument back on Earth, though if all you’ve told me is true,” he smiled. “Then I have a lot to think about... maybe talk to some of the others as well.” That caused an even large smile to grow on Abby’s lips.

“Thank you Sir,” Kasai said respectfully, walking over to Abby and giving her a nuzzle which she found herself leaning into lovingly. “Believe me when I say that she never abused me in any way except for just maybe spoiling me rotten with buttered Magikarp, heh.”

Rowan laughed. “I believe you... and Princess?... Give my regards to Aurea.” With that Rowan followed after the rest of the group.

Out of the corner of her eyes Abby notice Twilight letting out a sigh of relief before she turned to her but Abby could keep up her charade no longer. The Ninetales sighed heavily and her calm exterior melted away as she pressed herself against Kasai’s side, a staggering breath leaving her body. Kasai for his part leaned down and licked the top of her head comfortingly

Okay... okay... we can do this... it’s just going to be tricky, she thought to herself. I’m going to need to get Justice and Axle... and Rill and Lex if I can find wherever they’ve gotten off too.

“We need a plan,” Twilight stated, pulling Abby out of her thoughts.

“Call Princess Celestia, or Luna, bring them and a demonstration of the Guard,” Abby replied, still pressing herself against Kasai’s warm furred support. “Ask Arceus or one of the other Legendaries to be here. I’m missing some of my team and even at its full strength I don’t know how many of them we could fight ourselves, that includes Gene’s team too... though I don’t know about Seth’s.”

Twilight nodded. “I’ll ask around too, see what everyone knows about these guys teams.”

“Right then, we’ll go talk to Gene and Belle,” Kasai said, leaning down and giving Abby a lick. “Though, could you do us a favor Twilight, find a way to get our eggs to Canterlot please?”

“...what?” Abby asked, her eyes widening in surprise at the idea.

“I’d like them out of the line of fire,” Kasai said with an easy going doggie smile as flames flared around his jaws. “Literally.” And it was at that point that Abby recognized the deadly serious nature of his tone.

Twilight nodded. “I’ll go contact the Princess now,” the mare assured them. “I just hope they don’t try anything too stupid.”

“There are at least two professors there... one of them is Rowan, I think we’re at least half safe,” Abby said with a sigh. “Right, we’ll get going now, thanks Twilight.” She gave Twilight a lick on the muzzle, something Kasai did as well, before walking towards the boutique.

The conversation with Gene and Belle had passed quickly, as had the one with Justice and Axle who had promised to meet them in the Town Center tomorrow. Rill and Lex however were noticeably absent.

“I’m worried about those two Kasai,” Abby said with a deep frown as they lay together on the soft hotel bed, the light blue wallpaper belaying the tense mood. “It’s not like them to just up and vanish for a week.”

“Yeah... though I’m sure it’s for good reason,” Kasai replied. “Besides, we know Rill and Lex are both good fighters so I doubt they’ll face too much trouble.”

“True... doesn’t stop me from worrying,” Abby muttered with a shake of her head. “Probably just because of this whole... mess.”

“Which I have to say you handled very well,” Kasai told her, giving her a nuzzle.

“Thanks,” Abby said, leaning into his nuzle. “I’m not sure how I did it really to be honest.” She looked down nervously. “Kasai... I don’t want to lose you... I think I’d go insane.”

“Then let’s make sure they don’t separate us,” the Arcanine stated, giving her a soft lick across the cheek. “I mean, we better figure out something, or we might have a ‘civil war’ on our paws.”

“Yeah...” Abby was quiet for a moment. “Kasai... I trust Luna and Celestia... but I don’t trust them to watch over our eggs by themselves... there needs to be someone else there too.”

Kasai frowned in thought for a moment before the light bulb went off in his head. “Easy, we’ll send your mother along with them too.”

Abby blinked. “You think she’d go for that?”

“Well, they are her grandchildren, not only that but you think the new Director of the Ranger Union might want to talk to at least one of the Rulers of Equestria, her only bosses so to speak,” he replied.

“Good point,” Abby said before she got up from the bed and opened the door, walking across the hall to knock on Scarlet’s door. “Mom? You in there?”

However, instead of her mother’s voice replying back, a more higher octave female voice replied. “Abby?” Kasai’s ears twitched in recognition and before Abby could question further the door opened and a blur of yellow flash before her eyes as she soon found herself in a tight hug by a Heliolisk. “ABBY! OOO! You’re a Ninetales! You look sooooooo adorable!”

“Gack,” Abby managed around the Heliolisk’s arms around her throat. “Vivi-hi-didn’t know you’d gotten here.”

The Heliolisk, Vivi, gave her one final squeeze before letting her go and rushed over to hug Kasai. “Kasai! Long time no see!”

“Hehe... nice to see you too Vivi,” he replied as her arms barely wrap around his chest.

The Heliolisk smiled brightly up at him before stepping back and beaming her smile at Abby. “Yeah, I just got back about two days ago. Was pretty busy keeping on an eye on some new friends.”

“Ah, that’s nice, and it’s good to see you but do you know where Mom is?” Abby asked the little Heliolisk.

“Indeed I do! She’s talking to Xerox at the moment, I’ll go get her,” she replied and dashed off, the sound of her feet scampering across the wooden floor pinging in both of their ears.

“Huh, I didn’t even know that Xerox was here,” Abby stated with a frown. “Guess I haven’t been paying much attention.”

“To be fair, we were busy the last few days. Taking care of the eggs and such,” Kasai pointed out. “Though I wonder how he is doing... I also wonder if he kept his human look.”

“Eh, I’m sure he’ll sort things out,” Abby said with a shrug, she’d never really cared that much about Xerox. He was just her mother’s friend and student, though he was a rather good cook, she’d give him that.

A minute pass by before the two of them saw Scarlet slithering up to them, a smile on her face. “Ah, Abby, Kasai, it’s nice to see the two of you. I hope living with Belle and Gene is going well for the both of you.”

“They actually don’t have a house of their own yet so we’re just waiting for that to get finished actually,” Abby corrected, shrugging a little. “Anyways... mom... we need to talk.”

With that, Abby launched into an explanation of the day’s events. “... so you see... we’d like you to go with our eggs.”

“I see... you sure you won’t need me down here?” Scarlet asked with an inquiring look. “I do know Hasting and the rest far more.”

“Indeed you do... but I think we can handle it,” Kasai replied looking down at Abby. “We already started this by asking the question that I bet are still lingering in their minds, might as well finish it ourselves.”

“Yes,” Abby agreed, moving up to Scarlet and giving her a lick on the cheek. “Right now, my biggest concern is about my children and mom... I trust you with them the most.”

The Serperior nodded her head. “Very well, I’ll keep an eye on them, and I’ll bring Lance too. Though I will leave Vivi here, just in case you need any more support. She’s good at crowd control.”

“Thanks mom,” Abby said, giving her a nuzzle, the closest she could really get to hugging without arms.

“Don’t mention it Abby,” Scarlet replied, returning the nuzzle. “Beside, I was planning on going to Canterlot sooner or later, so this will work perfectly in fact.”

“Great,” Abby said, licking Scarlet’s cheek again and pressing close against her, a happy sigh leaving her body. “I love you mom.”

“And I love you too,” the Serperior replied, kissing her softly on the forehead. “Don’t you worry, nothing will happen to your children and my grandchildren.”

Abby remained quiet for a long moment as she pressed herself against Scarlet’s soft green scales before stepping back. “Right, someone will be here tomorrow morning before things ‘start’ so I’ll let them know you’re coming with them.”

Scarlet nodded her head. “I’ll be waiting for them here. In the meantime I’ll just inform Xerox and his family to stay inside the hall when everything goes down. Last thing they need to add more problems.”

“Oh, okay,” Abby said before giving Scarlet a last lick. “Goodnight then... Kasai and I are going to hit the hay early tonight, get really well rested for tomorrow.”

“Sleep well then, I’ll be up a bit longer, compose a list of subjects to talk about with the Princesses,” Scarlet said, giving Abby one last kiss. “Sleep well, both of you,” she said, looking up at Kasai at the last second.

The Arcanine nodded his head. “We will, goodnight Mss. Scarlet.”

“Kasai, please, just Scarlet or mom will do, after all you are my son-in-law,” the Serperior replied with a soft smile.

Kasai smiled back. “Noted.”

Abby smiled and wrapped her tails around Kasai’s tail. “Right, come on Mutt, it’s time for you to tuck me into bed.”

Kasai chuckled as he stood up and turned around. “Right-o, my lovely vixen,” he said as they began to head towards the door and out of the hall.

Abby pressed herself against his side, the future may have been uncertain... but she’d always have Kasai at her side to help her through it, she knew that much.