• Published 12th Feb 2015
  • 2,379 Views, 86 Comments

Chaos and Justice - AwkwardVoid

With Discord's keen intelligence on the Shadowbolts Inc and its members and with Fluttershy's interrogation skills and persuasion, they are determined to stop the company from spreading dark magic and find Fluttershy's father's killer or die trying.

  • ...

Crystal Wings (Part 1)

Chapter 9 - Crystal Wings

Her breathing was slow and focused, her eyes wide and attentive, watching every little thing that moved outside her bedroom window. She captured every detail from the scenery, from the patterns on a beetle's wings to the texture of a leaf. Every time a thing moved or caused attention, her eyes would flick to it in interest, and so the continuation of studying would begin again.

This was the cause of boredom.

An exaggerated sigh escaped the pegasus's lips, a frown forming upon her face.

"You know, if you're sooooo bored, you could just, I don't know, watch TV or play with the pets or something else. You can't just stare out the window all day."

Fluttershy didn't listen, and instead kept staring out the window instead of heeding to Pinkie's idea or thoughts.

Pinkie sighed as well, walking up her friend in exhaustion.

"Look, I didn't mean to make things...worse."

Fluttershy dropped her attention from a falling leaf and glanced towards Pinkie, who's head was resting on her shoulder.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. The whole thing with Mr. Chaotic downstairs, two nights ago? I...I just..." Pinkie trailed off in thought, her voice cracking at the end.

Fluttershy forced a small smile and nuzzled her muzzle into Pinkie's poofy mane.

"Hey, hey now. I understand completely. You didn't like what was happening and you wanted to take a stand for it. I'm fine, and I'm in good health. There's nothing to fret over now."

"I wasn't entirely talking about you though..."


Fluttershy questionably glanced at Pinkie. Pinkie shrugged it off and smiled warily at Fluttershy, as to not worry her so.

"Oh, nothing! Anywho, I have decided to go on a small date tonight with Prince Cheese Sandwich the First and I just wanted to make sure my super uper DUPER best friend is fine and well. I couldn't leave the house with a frowny face roommate now could I?"

Fluttershy giggled, such a small sweet noise bringing joy to Pinkie's ears.

"If you're asking for permission, you really don't have to. You're old enough to make you're own decisions. And I think you should have the night to yourself. You deserve it."

The party pony's smile turned lopsided as a thought occurred to her. "Are you sure? Because if anything happens-"

"Nothing will happen. Enjoy yourself with your special somepony. You need it. Like, really need it."

Pinkie's face beamed in happiness as she tackled her friend in a hug.


Teal eyes watched as the pink mare bounced out of the room and across the hall to her's, slamming the door behind her and shouting things behind the door about dresses and discussion topics and things Fluttershy would find quite inappropriate.

The pegasus sighed heavily, knowing she'd spend another night "alone" in the house.

Ever since the incident with the picture frame, it had gotten awfully quiet in the household. To the point that the deathly silence made one go mad.

Fluttershy stepped out of her room and walked carefully down the stairs. Each step sounded like a bomb dropping within the house in her ears, and so she hovered above the steps in anxiety. Stopped at the last step and looked to her side, the the door that has stayed closed for the past two days.

Fluttershy didn't know what to do or say in the situation of the one who dwelled in the basement. Her feelings were mixed on the matter, for she didn't know if feeling sad or happy or worried could even make up for the previous night.

Yet she knew that between then and now, she had to speak with Discord again. Had to make him socialize again with the two ponies. If he was to be in the basement the whole time, he would never be able to reform and get out of each other's lives.

She sighed heavily, dragging her body towards the basement door. The door opened before her creakingly and she took another deep breath before descending the steps.

The basement seemed absurdly quiet except for slight electronic voices being said through the television. As she slowly took steps, she could see how much the basement has changed within the first few weeks.

The walls were coated in messy patterns, from polka dots to stripes to plaid. Every so minute, a wall would change the patter or color, along with the extra room furniture and ornaments changing from their positions to other areas of the room.

'Well Discord sure made it home-y.'

She spotted the draconequus sitting on a brown leather couch, flicking through the television channels in what looked like boredom. Fluttershy, from where she could see, noticed that his bandages and bruises had gone away; even his wings looking like they hadn't even gotten broken just two nights ago.

She stood staring at him for about two minutes, contemplating how she should go about a discussion with him.

"Standing behind me and staring into my back is not really the best way to start a conversation. More like a way that seems as if you're possessed and here to reap my soul."

Fluttershy jumped at Discord's voice.

"H-how'd you know-"

"Pfft. You clomp down the steps so hard that I'm surprised Celestia didn't feel the quakes."

Fluttershy huffed, the awkward tension she felt earlier immediately leaving her body. Replaced by calm annoyance.

Discord turned slightly to get a look at the pegasus.

Her flowing hair had been put up in a messy bun, a green tank top and sweatpants covering her torso.

Even to Discord she looked naturally pretty in comfortable and saggy clothing.

He looked back at the tv, which a show about these weird creatures standing on two legs talked about the power of friendship played. He frowned at how babyish and unrealistic it was and flipped to another channel.

"Did you need something? Or are you gonna stand around all day here? If you are...then I'd be worried about your mentality."

Fluttershy fidgeted and took a deep breath, trying to get the air to her brain so she could speak clearly on what she was to say.

"I...I honestly don't know."

Discord stopped playing with the remote in his claw and stayed silent.

"I would guess I thought it was to come and apologize for the beating you endured...for Pinkie's sake."

Discord opened his mouth to speak, yet Fluttershy continued.

"But that wasn't really why...I came down here. I...I came down here to make amends and start over."

Discord widened his eyes. He turned to the buttercream pegasus, shock visible on his facial features.

"Make...make amends?"

Fluttershy nodded shyly, her eyes going anywhere but the draconequus seated in front of her.

"I-I was worried that what Pinkie did...had done, fractured what little...progress we had. And I came to check how your wounds and bruises were doing but..."

Fluttershy dragged her eyes along Discord's body, seeing that every little thing she had either stitched up or bandaged or put ointment on disappeared completely, as if he was never even close to being pummeled to death.

"...it seems that you took better care for yourself then I could. I suppose I did forget that you had some specific magic abilities not all unicorns have."

"So you wanted to apologize for behalf of your savage friend, hm?"

"She isn't savage. She was just protecting me..."

Fluttershy looked all around, wondering if coming was a bad idea after all. The two days that's passed by after all had been peaceful enough. Whenever they had to eat Fluttershy or Pinkie would have to leave food on the top step of the staircase and then retrieve the empty dish afterwords to clean. He had his room to mess around with, and he wasn't causing harm to anyone else in the house or I the outside world. So what would be the point then?

"Yeah... I know what she was doing."

Fluttershy glanced to the draconequus in confusion.

"I don't see why you have to make amends. You haven't done anything wrong. I still don't see why you should be coming here at all! I've pushed you into the ground, threatened you and your little friend, strangled you...twice! And yet you still comeback trying to show me the kindness I don't even deserve."

Fluttershy looked in wonderment at Discord, her breath hitching in surprise at his words. Discord noticed what he had said and tried covering it up.

"But just to be clear, I find it vaguely annoying to see that your sooo persistent with it. Besides that, you don't even need to apologize for Pinkemina's acts of violence and justice or whatnot, she apologized earlier. Like the night after."

"Pinkie...Pinkie never told me that," muttered Fluttershy in surprise.

'Why hadn't she mentioned that?'

"Eh, she came down here and just was very bipolar in general when asking for forgiveness. One moment she was all pissed off and calling me out and everything, the next she was trying to get me to eat her 'I'm-Sorry-I-Almost-Killed-You' cupcakes and etcetera."

"And all this happened in the house? Where was I?"

"It was like three in the morning. I was awake anyway, and being that Pinkie is her own kind of pony, she came down here in the same way you're here now. You were long knocked out."

Just as Fluttershy was to respond back, small ringing noise came from up the staircase.

"Ah, I've got it."

He snapped his talon and purple telephone appeared on the wall closest to him. He grabbed at the phone and coughed into his paw before speaking.

"Ah, allo! This is la Señora Discordia a speaking from Fluttershy's residency. May I help yoooouu?" Discord asked in a terrible Spanish female accent.

"Discord, I need to speak with Fluttershy, it's urgent", replied Twilight.

"Ooo, what urgent news is there to speak about?"

"News that only concerns with Fluttershy. Now can I please speak with her?"

"Tell me, do you guys miss me? Is that it? Did you guys want me back? Hmmmm?"

"Discord, I need to talk with Fluttershy now!"

"Why is it always Fluttershy this? And Fluttershy that? What about my needs dammit!"


Fluttershy just stood confused at the small banter Discord was making when speaking through the phone. Yet once she heard what sounded like Twilight's muffled voice at the end, she took the phone out of Discord's talon to end Twilight's suffering.

"I'm sorry Twilight. Our guest just won't quit annoying ponies even if the world begged not to."

Discord snickered behind her, Fluttershy glaring at him slightly yet also with humor in her eyes.

"I can see. Well I had news for you, like big news. But I just need to know real quick, how are you holding up? Rainbow and I haven't seen you in three weeks and we just wanted to see how you were doing."

"Oh Twilight, I'm perfectly fine. I'm not homeless yet!"

Fluttershy giggled, trying to make humor out of something, but just got an awkward laugh from the purple alicorn on the other side.

"A-Anyway, what was the news you wanted to give me?"

The sound of papers being shuffled and things being dropped on the floor was heard before Twilight spoke again.

"Well okay, good news."

Fluttershy stayed silent. It was rare to get such news from Twilight.

"Well...we found something. We might've gotten you one step into the case."

Fluttershy widened her eyes, giddiness surrounding her.

"You mean some pony found evidence or what not? I thought I wasn't doing the case anymore!"

"I thought so as well, but apparently not. Roseluck, bless her soul. She somehow sneaked into one of the corporation warehouses. I don't know how or where, but she got recorded information from one of the workers about a magic trade-in. Over at the Crystal Wing Empire Club."

A blush spread along Fluttershy's face, the name association of the club coming to her and where she had heard it from.

"B-But Twilight...isn't the Crystal Wing a...a..."

"Yeah, it is", sighed Twilight. "But I don't have much time. But all you need to know is that I, along with the chief, Rainbow, Pansy and others will be picking you up in the van to head over there. Intel told us that the trade-in was tonight. We'll be picking you up at 1800 hours."

"Wa-wait! What about...um...you know who? I can't go anywhere without him because of the collar and pendant."

"Don't worry, we've got it covered. Just tell him that you guys are going out. If he was to be told, we'll tell you both together. See you Flutters."

The call ended, and Fluttershy stared into empty space, her giddiness fading into worry.

"Weeeeeeeell? What is it? What did she want?"

"Um... Well... She said that we will be going out sometime near 6 P.M. and wanted to tell us to get ready."

"Well, if only I had known, I would've made sure to get pampered up and straighten my outfit."

He powdered his face with the powder he conjured up.

"It's about time I get out of this house too. It's been years since I had a whiff of fresh polluted air."

"Well, when you get things in order, I'll call you up when Twilight gets here then."

"Ah, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy was halfway up the steps when Discord spoke.


Discord fumbled with his words before shaking his head and looking off to the side in thought.

"Oh nothing. Carry on."

And so she did without question.

The honk of a car horn sounded from outside the cherrywood door of the house. Fluttershy went to the window and drew back the shades, seeing the familiar white van parked across the lawn.

Fluttershy didn't even have to call out to Discord to come, a flash of bright light and appeared the draconequus, in orange jumpsuit and all.

"Ah yes. Riding around in a white kidnapper van with cops inside while wearing an orange jumpsuit at night. The best way to go out, am I right?"

Fluttershy shook her head in annoyance and opened the door, allowing Discord to go out before her. Yet just to agitate her more, he teleported out instead, Fluttershy going through the door herself.

"Now, remember what I told you?" Asked Fluttershy.

"You told me something?"

"Yes, I did...you didn't listen to me did you?"


Fluttershy rapped on the door, knocking a pattern with her hoof to acknowledge the people inside.

The van door slid open, a pair of purple hooves immediately pulling in Fluttershy and wrapping her in a hug. "Oh Fluttershy I missed you soooo much! We were so worried."

Rainbow Dash saw this and also came forth to embrace Fluttershy.

"I missed you too girls."

"Ew. I hope this isn't exactly how the car ride to our destination is going to be like. Between the cops or the lovey dovey sappiness, I'd probably just die from disgust by the gushy feelings."

Twilight and Rainbow Dash frowned at the gagging and melodramatic draconequus, having forgotten about him for the moment.

Discord entered the van and saw that almost everyone from before was in the van. The only difference were the outfits worn and the interior of the van itself.

Each pony was wearing equipment that blended in with their black outfits; night vision goggles, walkie-talkies, bullet-proof vests, and so forth. They also held onto weapons and hoof-holding guns, varying about size and power. Inside, the van had trackers and radios of sorts, data and information and weapons lining up half of it.

The door behind him slid to a close, and Discord was forced to sit in between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Pansy, Twilight, and Chief Do sat to the side, whilst across from Discord sat a stallion and two mares at the controls.

"Discord, Fluttershy. I see you both are doing well?" Asked Chief Do.

Discord looked to the side and scowled. "Barely."

"Everything has been fine, Chief. Just had to get some...things off of our chests throughout the weeks," replied Fluttershy sweetly.

The chief looked between the two twice before noticing the few new scars on Discord's arms, as well as more tears on his orange jumpsuit.

"Ah, I see Pinkie is doing fine with your house guest too, hm?"

Discord glared at her, Do ignoring such and continuing with her discussion.

"Have you've been informed on what we are trying to accomplish here, Shy?"

"No, I haven't really told her why and how we are to do this operation chief."

"And does Discord know?"


Everyone looked at Discord curiously.

"I-I never told you where we were going," said Fluttershy.

"Oh, you haven't? I could've sworn I heard a little alicorn declare that we were going to the Crystal Wings for a mission or other things she had said. You may have it as a mission, but I like to think of as a...release of tension." Discord smirked cheekily in thought.

"You were snooping?!"

"I wouldn't call it snooping, I'd call it listening in to a private conversation secretly with another phone without the callers knowing."

Everyone groaned and rolled their eyes, the only one snickering at the joke was Flash Sentry, who was driving the van.

"I guess we can go right into it then. Intel-"

"Roseluck," interrupted Discord. Twilight growled, yet continued.

"Roseluck told us that the one stallion that the Shadowbolts are meeting is named Dr. Cabelleron."

"Oooo, Cabbie. I haven't seen him since I stole that precious gold statue that was worth millions of bits. I remember playing whack-a-mole and hunt with him during that time. Funny how I destroyed that statue afterwords. Now that I think about it, he did have a gold object fetish-"

"Anyway, we are told that this trade-in is vital for the Shadowbolts, for it may boost their investments by a thousand to a million. We have not yet confirmed what it may be that Cabelleron has that the Shadowbolts want so much, but we have to stop and retrieve it before the other does."

"And how do you suppose you do that Miss Prissypants?"

"None of your concern Discord," Twilight spat.

She turned to Fluttershy, whom had been listening and absorbing the information that Twilight was giving out.

"Now Fluttershy, you remember how this goes, yes? You do-"

"I got it Twilight," nodded Fluttershy.

Twilight clapped her hooves and grinned.

"Great! I don't have to explain much then. Pansy, can you pull out the box then?"

Pansy nodded and moved her hooves under the chair, pulling out a medium sized wooden box from underneath. Fluttershy looked at it with unease, Discord watching it in confusion. The buttercream pegasus's unease increase as she saw Rainbow Dash and Twilight tense up at the sight of it.

The van screeched to a stop. Flashing lights flickered from the windows, the neon letters from atop a one-story building reading 'Crystal Wing Empire Club'.

Fluttershy gulped in anxiety, watching as gentlecolts and stallions walked in with greedy looks on their faces. Discord, on the other hoof, smugly pressed his face on the glass, his tongue hanging out like a dog's when he saw a mare with barely any clothing on, except for the undergarments and other accessories, walk into the building.

"They would do trade in a gentlecolt's club, wouldn't they those dirty perverts...", grumbled Rainbow Dash.

Pansy opened the box and pulled out a fake identification card, as well as a bag of garments. Stripper garments.

Fluttershy stared back in horror, her mouth gaped open and eyes wide enough to have them pop out of her skull.

"No...no no nonononononononono..."

Fluttershy furiously shook her head, trying to back herself up all the way into the cushion of the van seat.

"Fluttershy, I know it looks bad but-"

"You expect me to wear that?! Stripper-wear?!?"

"It's for undercover purposes. I will have to be surveying and stalling time in order for Pansy or you to retrieve the unidentified object in Cabelleron's possession," explained Twilight.

"Then why can't you act as a stripper and I survey and stall? I...I can't-"


Fluttershy turned to Chief Do, her expression still startled. The chief looked at her with determination and utmost calmness.

"This is different from all the other fieldworks you've done, yes. But there will always be different undercover works that will most likely be harder than the next. This is just one step higher than your comfort zone, and that's alright. Everyone will have to get out of their comfort zones one way or another. You need to understand that. You would do anything for this case, correct? This is justice Fluttershy, you must remember that. Isn't that what you want? What he would want?"

Fluttershy blinked, Chief Do's words sinking in. This is for her father. To finish what her father had started. This was her first step into unknown territory, and she was sure to make it deep enough to make it across with feats.

Fluttershy drew in a shaky breath and grabbed at the bag and ID card, slow determination filling her system. Pansy also handed Fluttershy a small hoof-held gun that can easily fit inside the inside of her boots.

"We'll make it quick Flutters, I promise," Rainbow declared.

"Okay, enough about her and onto terms considering the most beloved one here", snarked Discord.

"Beloved my plot..." Muttered Pansy and Rainbow Dash.

"Well, considering you have the collar and all, we can't leave you in the van since you'd thrash about in pain by Fluttershy being so far away from you, and we can't have that while those in the van work. We're going to have to bring you inside...sadly."

Discord toothily grinned, but became short when Twilight did not conclude her thoughts.

"But, you will have to have somepony look out after you whilst we work, and so Rainbow Dash will be seated with you during the show."

"Which will be one of my biggest regrets to agreeing."

"Oh you love me, Dashy ole pal!"

Rainbow snarled and turned her head the other direction away from Discord's view.

"Oh, and one more thing. Discord, in order to not get suspected by anyone in the club, we would suggest you change your attire and go into a more preferable disguise."


"Well, we did give you the only ability that only the highest of unicorn magic can achieve, and that would be transformations and disguises. I thought ahead-" "Of course she would", muttered Discord, "-and knew that if Fluttershy was to go on missions, or not just missions but to say the store or whatnot, she'd have to drag you with her, and if you didn't have a disguise, well, you know the rest. And so, we would like it if you changed to an appropriate pony form now."

Discord groaned, pouting at the thought of turning into a pony.

"But I don't wanna!" Discord threw a small tantrum, throwing what he could muster up at the moment, that being apples, towards the cops beside him. Fluttershy put a hoof on his shoulder in order for him to stop.

"It will only be for tonight, and anytime we ever go out in public. You won't have to be a pony for long periods of time. So cooperate?"

A sigh escaped his lips, Discord turning to the window to look away from Fluttershy's sparkling innocent teal pools called eyes.

"Fine, but not because you asked but because I want to see some ass, especially yours~"

Rainbow took her hoof up to hit Discord, but instead Fluttershy frowned and tapped her hoof to her pendant, a small shock going through Discord.

"Okay okay sheesh, I'll turn into a damn pony," Discord spat in disgust.

A white light absorbed his body, the light shrinking in form and fading instantly. In Discord's place stood a light brown coated unicorn stallion. His jet black hair spiked backwards, deep crimson eyes unblinking, a regal silver horn atop his head. Other than such differences, the scar and slit of his left eye as well as the orange jumpsuit and now shrunken collar, or now studded necklace, were the only identification that that was still Discord.

Fluttershy blinked and blushed at the sight of Discord's pony form, for she was surprised at how handsome he was in it. She stared at his broad shoulders, his jawline, and his muscular build-up in awe. Discord noticed this and smirked.

"Like what you see babe?"

Fluttershy looked the other way, hiding behind her mane in embarrassment. Pansy shoved a black tux suit into his chest, drawing the breath out of the draconequus-turned-pony.

"Put on these clothes. It's time for business."

Discord sipped at his glass of margarita silently, glaring into the eyes of the rainbow maned pegasus seated next to him.

"Y'know if we keep staring like this, ponies would think we're dating."

"EW. As if I would ever date you. I'd rather die."

Discord snickered and looked about, watching all the mare that walked by hungrily.

"Don't get any ideas, Discord. This is a mission, meaning that you are not a variable and you can not intervene in it at all. And that also means that you can't touch or get near any mares in this club at all. You hear me? At all."

"That's like saying you couldn't eat anything in a chocolate store that's giving away free chocolate. You can't resist it."

Rainbow Dash watched the club doors carefully, Discord on the other hoof watching the strippers twirl and work their way around the metal pole on the stage.

From backstage, one of the stripper mates knocked on one of the doors. Worry etched over her features and she rapped on the door again until a small voice told her to come in.

"Hun, are you alright? You're shivering like the winter's got you in its trap!"

Fluttershy looked up from where she was sitting and stared at the pink coated and green maned earth pony standing by the doorway. Fluttershy stood up slowly from her corner, embarrassed by the minimal amount of clothing upon her body.

"O-oh yea-ah. I'm really really f-fine D-Daisy."

"Then what's got you all shaky for?"

Fluttershy hid in the blush forming on her cheeks and breathed in the amount of air she could, which was a lot. She tried and thought of an excuse to not blow away her cover.

"Oh...its just...that this is the absolute first time doing...this...in front of a crowd and I don't know how it will go and such."

Daisy smiled sweetly at the cowering pegasus.

"Oh dear, when I was your age I used to be nervous as heck to when I first started in this business. But the more you do it, the easier and less stressful it'll become. That's what my momma told me."

"You're mother?"

"Yep, she was a stripper and gardener when she was in her walking years. Same with my grandmama. Runs in the family."

As Daisy left the room, Fluttershy started to cower even more so at the thought of twirling on a metal pole almost naked in front of tens and hundreds of stallions. Including Discord in them.

She never agreed to this! Why would acting as a stripper even make a difference? What was so vital of her to be dressed in such a humiliating and disgusting way for the sake of a case, a mission? She wasn't sure, but what she did know was that Twilight and the others were not telling her something she was to know. And she wanted to know why.

Author's Note:

Hello my little Chaotic Butterflies (yes that is my new nickname for my audience)~
And so the conflict begins! This chapter will split into two separate ones because by the way it was heading it was just going to be about 10,000 words or something and I really didn't want you guys to read all that in one sitting.
Okay, and before anything else is said, I know (maybe not because you all are so kind) that some of you will not agree with the choices put in this chapter, neither have I. To be perfectly honest, I just wanted to get this type of scene out of the way, because where I am somewhat going with this, this story does have regular cop movie cliche stuff going on, and that does include the movies with strip clubs scenes in them. But, I have planned this chapter to become better for the next so it doesn't end up being as horrible, I promise. I wouldn't let Fluttershy suffer that much.
I had some ideas put in for it by my lovely friend Canwejusteatnowplz, and I thank her so for some of the scene ideas and some comical choices.
Thank you for the favorites and comments and I hope you all enjoyed!

Comments ( 14 )

I just want to know if this story is going to be a Fluttercord one!
If it is gonna be, please keep writting but Don't let Fluttershy do this!!!!
She's too innocent for something like this!!!!

Great story by the way!!!!

Ugh, the waiting is going to be haaaard:fluttershbad: but to be honest I kinda like the whole stripper idea, I guess I read so many fanfics that any type of non cleché things, I'm going to like, no matter what it is:facehoof: anyways can't wait for more:twilightsmile:

6615849 Oh yes, as it says in the description of the story, it is most definitely a Fluttercord story. And thank you for the compliment~

I agree with FanMLP! Why does Fluttershy have to be a stripper? Could not she just disguise herself as Somepony else?

Aww. Why's Fluttershy acting like a stripper?! :fluttershysad: My poor Fluttershy! :fluttercry: BTW, please continue this. :derpytongue2:

Love this story! Can't wait for more!! :yay:

Must know more!!

I hope this story will continue. We all are busy in our lives and I understand that, but please don't leave this amazing work of art in the dust! There are so many of us that await your revival, whenever it happens!:twilightsmile:
Hey, I may just be a random fan, but please heed my words. Don't feel pressured though, just give us all an update on how things are going with this story, or something, cause this is awesome!

So... why did you decide to stop writing this story?

7714754 I lacked the ability to continue due to having a now busier schedule in life and my interest for the story faded due to my writer's block. I really do apologize to you and for those who want to see where the story leads to. I had everything planned out and if I do start to continue again I'd know where I left off at, but at the moment I don't expect to finish it. I will probably write a blog post explaining further when I have the chance.

Darn...I love this c':

I know you are probably not even thinking of this, but so far this has been a really good story and has some great potential. I would really appreciate it if you would try to finish the story, if you want, I could even give you some ideas. Either way, great story and I hope to see more!

If you're too busy with other suff I could even the story for you, I read this story a ton of times and I have a good view of plot. If you want to finish it yourself that's fine, but I could help if you want.

Look, I love this story so far. It's driving me crazy that such an amazing story isn't finished, especially at the cliffhanger you gave us. You are an amazing writer, I know you have other stuff in your life. But you must remember when you make a great story and just stop, you could be missing out on something that you might not do again. But this is your choice, don't let my opinion effect on what you choose to do. Love this story and hope you tell what you plan to do.

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