• Published 12th Feb 2015
  • 2,379 Views, 86 Comments

Chaos and Justice - AwkwardVoid

With Discord's keen intelligence on the Shadowbolts Inc and its members and with Fluttershy's interrogation skills and persuasion, they are determined to stop the company from spreading dark magic and find Fluttershy's father's killer or die trying.

  • ...


Chapter 5 - Regrets

Fluttershy shivered, tear stains covering her face. She had been silently crying, no whimper or sob to be heard from her as she intently listens to Rainbow Dash yelling in complaint to the judge and Chief Do, Pansy hearing the argument as well.

They were back at the station, Discord back in his cell, Fluttershy waiting patiently to be called into the Chief's Office.

Twilight gently rubbed circles on Fluttershy's back, empathizing with the pegasus.

To Fluttershy, it's like the 'incident' all over again. Ponies pitying her, feeling sorry for her. And yet she was too feeble and frail to say otherwise. No one would listen to her, she's just the wimpy pegasus that always gets in trouble and gets "saved" by her so-called friends.

Yet she wouldn't complain too much. At least she has friends that care, and at the moment, that's all she needed right now.

But hearing Rainbow Dash's yelling arguments to the chief and judge, Fluttershy wondered to the consequences of saving Discord. Yes, she counted many cons, how the thoughts scared her to the bone, but, there were also pros. Two major pros she knew would prove as great help to her mission: the knowledge of a criminal of the streets and the knowledge of knowing Thunderlane.

Discord knew her father. He knew him. Not only will that help with the cause of the case, but Fluttershy's own consideration of finding her killer. And if it was the risk of reforming a dangerous vigilante and living with him, than so let it be.

Fluttershy and Twilight jumped at the sound of a large slam inside the room, both mares staring at the door worriedly.

"M-maybe we should...go check on them...", Fluttershy merely whispered out, her voice strained due to the amount of whimpers she gave out on her way the the station.

Twilight told her to stay put as she got up and opened the door to the office, but Fluttershy willingly got up as well and silently followed her.

Rainbow Dash was flying in the air, her face distorted in anger. The judge and chief were seated quietly, Pansy standing beside them, angry as well. They looked up at the mares in the door way, their eyes gazing softly at Fluttershy.

"Shy, Sparkle. Pleasant to see you here. Come, sit."

Pansy huffed in annoyance as Twilight and Fluttershy sat near Judge Mare and Chief Do, glancing nervously as each other. Rainbow Dash looked at Fluttershy's tear streaked face, her anger present still but soon turning to gloom.

"See! Even Fluttershy's scared! You can't let that beastly pervert live with her! Who knows what he'll do to her!"

Twilight and Pansy nodded, the chief and judge expectantly looking at Fluttershy. Fluttershy undoubtedly felt offended at the argument, as if she couldn't take care of herself with Discord. Sure, she was also worried about the outcome of him living with her and Pinkie, but she was sure she could probably handle him.

She's dealt with many villains in the past. She has been in many interrogations and situations where she had been left in a room alone with the criminal. Some unconditionally friendly due to the pegasus's innocent looks, some almost as vile looking and crueler than what Discord has shown.

But Discord? So far he hasn't shown anything of criminal like, just acting like a complete and utter filly.

"I don't think handling Discord would be...th-that bad. Could it not?" Fluttershy's tone a hushed whisper. Yet everyone heard it, including Rainbow.

"Not that bad? Not that BAD? Fluttershy you have got to be kidding me!"

Rainbow hovered in front on Fluttershy and placed her hooves on her shoulders. She gazed straight into her teal eyes, worry casted over them.

"Flutters, you don't know Discord like we do. You haven't seen what he's done. You don't know what he's done. You haven't seen what he's really like. He's a cold-hearted bastard that has no chance on stepping on the same ground as us, even breathing the same air as us. We can't have chaos and harmony out into a room together and see what will happen."

Rainbow gripped Fluttershy's shoulders gently, her breathing hitched and cracking.

"We don't want anything to happen to you, Flutters. We...I...I wouldn't know what to do. You and your dad...you guys were and are the only family I got. If that son of a bitch does anything to you..."

Fluttershy grabbed ahold of the blue pegasus and hugged her tight, Rainbow putting her muzzle into Fluttershy's rosy mane.

"Nothing will happen to me. I promise. And besides, if anything were to happen, you, Pinkie, Twilight, and everyone else will be by my side and help."

The room fell silent until Rainbow's small voice asked a question even Fluttershy wanted to know.

"Why'd you do it?"


"Why did you save him? Save Discord?"

Fluttershy fell silent until the same answer from before was spoken through her quivering lips.

"I...I thought it was the right thing to do. I thought, no, felt like he could be given a chance, a second chance. And even though I didn't want to do it, that I felt that he should have that chance, my father kept on popping in my mind. Kept a steady voice, repeating the same thing over and over again. 'Save him. Save him and you save me'. I didnt know what it meant, but I followed it nonetheless. I still don't know what it means, but I saved him, and now...now..."

Fluttershy cringed at the thought of everyday, every moment, she'll see Discord. Think about how in middle of the night he could sneak in to their rooms and kill her and Pinkie. How he could possibly corrupt them or make them suffer or worse. And every thought made her regret her decision even more, even the guilt of dragging her beloved bubbly friend into this mess.

"Chief Do, Judge Mare, please. There has to be another way. We can't let her live with...him. Please...", pleaded Twilight.

The chief and judge shook their heads, casting sorrow glances at the trio.

"We apologize deeply Ms. Sparkle. But there is nothing we can do. What's done is done and we have already done the poll with the jury. We had to make our answer sincere allowed for some of the officers to vote. Reformation by Fluttershy was the most favorable choice," Judge Mare answered.

"What do you mean by poll? What poll?" Asked Rainbow quizzically.

The chief stood up and brought her hooves to her back. She cleared throat and spoke whilst staring at Fluttershy.

"I knew Discord was going to die. And I knew some pony wouldn't allow it. Which is the reason I invited Ms. Shy in the first place."

"But...how-" Fluttershy started, but Chief Do interrupted her.

"Because I knew you were reasonable enough to stop it. I knew ponies never liked Discord. I knew they wanted him to die. But I also knew that if you came, you would save him."

"Yet, why would you want him to be saved chief? That's what I'm not understanding at the moment," sighed Twilight.

"Not only would it give a good presentation to the Manehattan Police, but also gives us an extra ally."

The three mares gave perplexed stares, the chief giving a deep breath before continuing.

"Discord. As you all know he has been an enemy for far too long. He is too difficult, arrogant, confusing, and much too..."

"Perverted?" Replied Rainbow Dash.

"Um, yes. He is all the things that make him unreasonable to deal with. As well as his intelligence and how perceptional he is to get him to spill information in any way. But on that day, you, without giving even one simple sentence, stared him down and made him give way a minimal of information that may help with your case. You were able to get to him. You are able to get him to the right path. To reform him for the better. And not only that, once reformed, he may actually help us. He has enough magic to catch criminals. To work for us-"

"So we can use him? Chief, I can't lie. If reforming him is to use him of his powers I can't-"

"It would be better than letting him free and causing destruction wherever he went. We need to show him what he is doing is not good for us and for him. And so, I am allowing you the option to chose if you want to reform him or not."

All their eyes widened, even Judge Mare's.

"But Ms. Do. The judging, the court, the poll-"

"I'm not forcing one of my own detectives' into a dangerous situation like this. I want it be willingly, not forceful."

She turned her attention back to Fluttershy who was deep in thought. She didn't know what to do. She could hear the silent pleads of her friends to say no. To say that she wouldn't want the risk and let him rot in a cell.

But she couldn't.

She couldn't say no.

As much she knew was going to regret what she was to do, she knew it was for the better. For the better of the community. For the better for him.

"I have made my final decision. As much as I don't want to be, but it is a choice I know that will make it better for all of us."

She sadly looked at her friends, the fear shown on her faces bringing overwhelming guilt through her body. She sighed and gazed up at the chief, guilty determination showing on her face.

"I am willingly going to take Discord under my wings and reform him under my care, and only my care."

The screeching sound bounced against the walls, the noise enough to make ones ears bleed. Yet Discord didn't mind it. He simply just scratched at the cemented wall again, wanting to block everyone and everything from of his mind for the moment.

It had been a day since the trial of that morning, something that wouldn't get out of Discord's mind for the entirety of his time since coming back to his cold cemented in shelter.

Yet he couldn't focus to the painful sound since he had heard distant whistles and seduction voices, the noise becoming louder as the hoof steps approached his cell. He already knew who it was, so instead of standing up to face them, he went back to facing the wall opposite the barred door and scratched another line into it with his eagle claw.

He heard a polite cough and a clearing of the throat before a soft spoken voice laced with milk and honey spoke his name.


He could already imagine her lips forming the word, but he mentally slapped himself once more on the thought. Instead, he spoke her name as seductively and arrogantly as possible.


He turned slightly to see her cower a bit, quite surprised for him to know of her name. He smirked and gave a menacing chuckle, the hairs on Fluttershy's neck sticking out.

"H-how do y-you-"

"You spoke it out in front of me in court. Remember?"

Fluttershy blushed embarrassed and remembered that it was true, that she had spoken her name out when the judge asked to whom she was. He must've mentally noted it.

"Um...y-yes. O-Of course."

And soon the air was filled in awkward silence. Discord watched as Fluttershy shuffled in place, her hooves gripping the hem of her purple blouse, her legs inside her black slacks quivering slightly.

"I know you came here for a reason. And I know it's not just the welcome committee or food, cause I just told off Pansy this morning about the crappy food substances she's been craving me to die from."

Fluttershy looked over to the corner of the cell where a heap of old rotten smelling food lay, herself cringing. She actually felt a little bit bad for him.

"Oh, no, I was here to see how you were and how you...felt...about this situation..." Fluttershy trailed off. She quickly took a glance at Discord, the sinister grin on his face not moving an inch.

"Oh, the situation! The irony of it all huh? A cop saving a dangerous criminal who they really don't even know, but know that they are a threat to society. And now, we're going to be house buddies!"

Discord clasped his hands together for emphasis, mocking the way Fluttershy did so in the courtroom. Fluttershy slightly frowned, how the insights of difficulty and child-like Discord is coming back to mind.

"Um, yes. The chief has decided that it would be best to let you settle in as soon as possible, so tomorrow is when we'll be...you'll be transferring from cell to home."

Discord nodded in understanding, still looking at the mare questioningly. Fluttershy noticed this and shuffled again awkwardly. He had questions he wanted answered. Especially the ones considering her saving him from execution.

Why had she done it? What was her purpose into rescuing a criminal with no actual knowledge and insights of him? Why Discord? And why now?

Fluttershy decided to take upon a closer look at Discord. His body, though slim, were very muscular in their own way, which Fluttershy took a little by surprise. There were also slight scar marks on his paw, but was hard to tell whether or not he had more due to his orange jumpsuit cloaking his legs and torso. There was a tear in one of his ears, but she couldn't quite see the detailing of his face since it hid in the shadows of his cell. The only thing she could see of his face is his glowing yellow eyes.

The moon had already surfaced in the sky, the moonlight from the window illuminating the hallway from the cell and the cell itself. The light made Fluttershy's body illuminated and glow brightly, along with showing Discord's masked face as well.

She never really noticed his face features until now, even when she was up close to him in the interrogation room. The only thing she actually looked into were his mesmerizing yellow eyes.

But something stood out now, and with the lighting in the cell made it eerily creepy and frightening. A long deep pinkish scar ran down from the top of his bushy eyebrow to the middle of his gray cheek, a nasty scar that seemed quite painful at first glance. The fur around the area was made way for it, as if it was showing the scar for all to see. Even the left eye's pupil, which where the crooked scar was placed, was slitted.

She held in her gasp, and he looked at her curiously and a bit annoyed that he was staring at him. At the mark.

"Is there something you actually needed? Cause if you're going to stare at my good looks the whole time, I mean we have four months for all that."

Fluttershy shook her head, thinking of a good reason to explain herself.

"Well my real reason to coming here is to...well...see how you felt and if we could...I don't know...get to know the other better. Since it is official and such, I just thought that we'd do so – eek!"

Discord stood up suddenly and pulled Fluttershy to the bars with his tail, the only thing separating their muzzles from nearly touching is the thick metal bars themselves. Fluttershy squealed at this, shocked and frightened by the movements.

"Oh my dearest pegasus. You do not need to fret about my conditions and my own thoughts and emotions. You on the other hand..."

She whimpered at the pressure the tail tightened a bit, her breathing becoming rigged as her lungs were being collapsed and crushed together slowly.

"You may have saved me, but that was a dear mistake. Oh Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy... What have you gotten yourself into?" He clicked his tongue, a sly grin setting into place. Fluttershy was frozen in place, fear numbing her body as she stared into the eyes of the devil himself.

What had she gotten herself into?

Discord placed a finger on her cheek, stroking it gently. He then dragged his finger down the cheek to her neck.

"Oh what a mistake indeed. And the fun we'll have...the fun I'll have..."

But before anything else could happen, a jolt of pain went through Discord as Rainbow Dash and Twilight stepped into sight, Rainbow holding a necklace of sorts. Rainbow Dash was pressing her hoof onto the pendant, a trigger for the collar to do its work.

Discord immediately let go of Fluttershy and coiled himself under the pain, a roar escaping his mouth. Fluttershy scrambled to push her self against the wall, away from the cell. She tried to steady her breathing, the fear from before turning to pity as she stared at Discord squirming in pain and agony.

Rainbow Dash finally let go to the pendant and the pain exerting from the collar stopped. Discord dropped to the floor, exhaustion hitting him as his breathing slowed and he took in deep breaths. He looked up at Rainbow Dash and Twilight, anger rising within himself and them.

"Why you little-"

Rainbow raised her hoof over the pendant in the gold necklace, Discord immediately quieting down and stared at the panting yellow pegasus on the floor.

Twilight moved to Fluttershy's side, helping her get to her hooves and asking her if she was alright. Rainbow stared down at Discord, eyes in a red glare.


"Oh please, spare me the belligerence. I already heard the vulgar words; been there, done that." Discord rolled his eyes and wrist in annoyance.

"You monster! You could've killed her!"

Discord gave Twilight a questionable look.

"Why would I do such a thing? Even if I could, I'm not one to go ahead and murder my own..."savior"."

He took another quick glance at Fluttershy, who stood silently behind Twilight, eyes on the floor.

"You ungrateful bastard! You should be on your knees kissing the hooves on her legs and thanking the hell outta her! If it wasn't for her you would've been in Tartarus by now!" Shouted Rainbow Dash angrily.

"Yes yes, of course! I should give my most memorable gratitude to be besought upon a good-for-nothing pegasus! Why of course, thank you so very dearly my dear Shutterfly," replied Discord, sarcasm dripping over his tongue.

"Why I outta-"

Yet before Rainbow could pound her hoof into the pendant once more, Fluttershy tugged at her arm, refusing her to hurt Discord again.

"He's n-not worth our t-time... L-let's just go."

Rainbow and Discord looked at Fluttershy even more perplexed at her actions. Discord just tried to hurt her, and yet she still defended him. Sort of.

"But Flutters-"


The blue pegasus looked into her friend's eyes and sighed. He turned to glare at Discord once more before stomping off into the hallway. Twilight did the same and waited for Fluttershy to follow. Fluttershy didn't even take a glance at Discord before walking off as well, deep sadness overwhelming her.

"Goodnight Fluttershy. Sweetest of nightmares, I mean dreams to you," Discord hauntingly sing-songed.

Fluttershy took in a deep yet shaky breath before replying back as kindly as she possibly could.

"And may you also have pleasant dreams Discord..."

And soon the clomping of hooves faded into the distance, the sickly silence coming back to haunt Discord once more.

He stood still. He eyed the window and then the far end of the hallway, waiting something, anything to happen. But nothing did. It was as if all the noise in the world had vanished, and it made Discord feel slightly empty.

And a little guilty.

Fluttershy was probably the first person to visit him to see how he was doing. Even though it was for the purpose of having to know him due to the circumstances of them living together, no doubt she was still trying to be friendly.

And he blew it.

No one had ever tried to be kind to Discord. She had tried, but of course she didn't finish because of his immature and hurtful ways. And now he regretted it. Only a little.

And now he was alone. In his cold dark cell. The only warmth within it now swept away. His only and final visitor gone until tomorrow.

Fluttershy silently opened the door to the house, the only source of identification that a pony was there was the light source from the kitchen.

The buttercream pegasus soon saw her friend's head pop up from from the island, a candy cane in her mouth and her poofy hair in ponytail. Pinkie's face was giddy to see Fluttershy until she noticed her friend's lopsided frown and tear stricken eyes, concern soon taking over her.

She took Fluttershy's purse and jacket and set them on the rack, bringing Fluttershy into the kitchen to serve her some salad. Fluttershy couldn't help but smile at her friend's concern, for she always did so when Fluttershy was in her depressed mood.

Pinkie opened up a drawer and pulled out a pill bottle, two pale colored pills dropping into her hoof. She then poured a glass of fruit punch and gave it to Fluttershy.

"I know this is probably a different situation, but you need the pills anyway." Pinkie smiled weakly, Fluttershy eyeing the pills sadly.

"Pinkie, the pills don't really do anything better for me. They just make me seem more energetic, not happy."

Fluttershy pushed away the pills and kept on eating her salad. Pinkie, shook her head at this and pushed the pills again at Fluttershy, her eyebrows pointed downward.

"Flutters, the doc said the pills were good for you, and even though you may not feel it, it helps. You haven't had a single anti-depressant pill in three weeks. You need to have at least one a week."

"Pinkie, please not now."

"Then tell me first what's wrong then. But you are drinking the pills down whether you like it or not."

Fluttershy sighed and nodded her head, knowing that no matter how much they'll argue Fluttershy will have to drink the pills anyway.

So instead Fluttershy did as told and spilled to Pinkie all that happened. From going to the court room and saving Discord, to what happened in the office room, and finally the meet up at Discord's cell. Pinkie nodded in understanding, some things said even making her cringe. Yet with every hesitance Fluttershy made to say the replays of earlier that day, Pinkie slowed her down and allowed her to calm herself before continuing. After she was done, all that Fluttershy could see in Pinkie was concern.

Pinkie pulled Fluttershy in a hug, but Fluttershy refused to cry into her shoulder as much as she wanted to. She instead pulled away and looked guiltily at Pinkie.

"Pinkie, I'm sorry about pulling you into this mess. I wasn't thinking and not once have I thought about how you were going to feel and now I feel bad and I'm so-"

Pinkie put a hoof on Flutters mouth and shushed her, a small smile shown.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I would be pissed if it was something worse and you didn't tell me until the last minute. You did what you thought was right, and no one should judge you based on your opinion and thinking. Besides, I think it'll be lots a fun to reform him!"

"Fun?" Fluttershy shrilled out.

"Uh, yeah! I mean, when's the next time we'll be able to change someone for the better?"

Pinkie wiped a single tear coming from Fluttershy's cheek, Fluttershy finally giving away a light smile at her friend's optimism.

"You wanna know what I think? I think not only would this be good for the community and for him, but also for you?"

"And why is that?" Fluttershy asked.

Pinkie sighed and held Fluttershy tighter, the small smile growing steadily bigger.

"Because you'll be following in your daddy's hoofsteps. And nothing would make me prouder than to see you doing something that your father would love to see alive."

And deep down inside, Fluttershy knew she was right. But the regret would not settle. Yet, for now, all Fluttershy could do is be as optimistic as Pinkie and hope for a better future, and that the small talk she had with Discord would be all falsehood, that she, Pinkie, and the pets would be safe.

If only the regret went away.

Author's Note:

So yes. More interaction between the main two! I know how you guys love that hehe (I know I do too), even though in this one it may seem bad at first, but trust me, Discord would physically harm Fluttershy again I promise you. This one surprisingly didn't take long since I wanted it to be posted either a day after, before, or on my birthday so I wouldn't let you guys wait longer.
Not alot of action going on in this chapter, buuuut it lets us have an idea of what's going on in everyone's head, so why not?:derpytongue2:
Again, thank you for all the supportive comments in the last chapter and I hope you all enjoy!:heart: