• Published 12th Feb 2015
  • 2,379 Views, 86 Comments

Chaos and Justice - AwkwardVoid

With Discord's keen intelligence on the Shadowbolts Inc and its members and with Fluttershy's interrogation skills and persuasion, they are determined to stop the company from spreading dark magic and find Fluttershy's father's killer or die trying.

  • ...

Home Sweet Prison

Chapter 6 - Home Sweet Prison

The buttercream pegasus stood still and had a forceful smile plastered onto her face, awaiting for the officers to bring in the prisoner that was to be sent to her home and be taught the ways of reformation.

A process Fluttershy did not want to be put through.

She had to be forced, by Pinkie, to get out of bed and get dressed to bring Discord to their home and have a "welcome party", in Pinkie's advice. Fluttershy still was a bit hesitant about all of it, but she left Pinkie to it while she, along with coworkers and her friend's, went to get Discord.

Fluttershy turned slightly to look over at Twilight and Rainbow Dash, shining them a nervous smile. They have back a forced smile as well, and once Fluttershy turned around again, they came back to their worried frowns.

"What are we going to do? We can't just allow this to happen, can we?" whispered Rainbow.

"Well what is there to do? What's done is done, and we should respect Fluttershy's decision on the situation," replied Twilight.

"Yeah, and I do respect her decision. But don't you remember what happened last night? Discord almost killed Fluttershy! Or am I the only one who remembers that?"

"I remember it too Dashie. That's why we have this."

Twilight pulls out the same gold necklace from last night from her bag, the necklace sporting off a pendant of a pink crystal butterfly in the center.

"This is Fluttershy's safety. And once we...I explain to her what it is and it's purpose, we don't have to worry about her well-being anymore. At least...not worry most of the time."

The door from the offices opened, Flash Sentry and another stallion pegasus holding onto the chains that led to Discord, who grunted in utter annoyance.

"Do you really have to do this every time I get out of my cell? Like please, give me a damn break already!"

He spots Fluttershy and gives a slight nod of the head whilst smirking, Fluttershy flinching under his gaze.

Thoughts from last night appeared before her. She had to take deep breaths before giving off the kind gesture of a smile towards Discord, in which he took disappointedly. He wanted to see her quake, to frown at his expense. Yet that would be later on, for now is to settle into the home and the surroundings. And once that's done, start the mischief.

Chief Do came out with Pansy, who stood beside Twilight and Rainbow Dash. The chief cleared her throat.

"Is everything ready and accounted for?"

"Yes ma'am. The van is outside awaiting for us to move the prisoner," replied Flash.

"Wow, still called a prisoner. The low-class I am held in today, for shame! Oh woe is me!"

Discord held a paw to his chest, his back of his eagle claw resting on his forehead in a dramatic pose.

Flash gave a light chuckle and coughed into his hoof a bit after Twilight glared at him and punched his arm. Discord grinned and pointed in Flash's direction.

"See! At least some pony understands my humor!"

Pansy grunted and grabbed one of the loose chains and gestured Fluttershy to follow the way out with them. Only did they stop when the chief announced them to halt.

"Shy, we would like to have a quick conversation in my office, now."

And without a second thought, Fluttershy hovered next to Rainbow Dash and followed Twilight into the office, the chief busy giving Pansy directions on where to leave Discord.

The chief finally comes into the office, Fluttershy already seated whilst Twilight and Rainbow stood next to the Chief's desk. Once the chief is seated as well, Twilight levitates the necklace out from the desk counter and floats it in Fluttershy's direction. She recognizes it as the necklace from last night and looks at is quizzically.


"Sparkle will explain," Chief Do interrupted, gesturing towards Twilight.

The alicorn nodded her head towards the chief and appointed herself to Fluttershy.

"What you are carrying in your hooves is your defense against Discord. It is your only use of power against him, and it works well with the collar on his neck."

Fluttershy looks down at the necklace, remembering how Rainbow had pushed into the pink butterfly with the result of the element collar electrocuting Discord.

"So how does it work?"

Twilight all at once got giddy and soon started to explain.

"The Pendant of Kindness. It is one of the controls of the Element Collar in which one pony wearing the pendant will have disciplinary control over the bearer of the Element Collar, for your case it's for defense. Anyway, whenever you feel threatened or if Discord isn't obeying any command you give him, you press your hoof into the little butterfly on your golden necklace and he will get electrocuted. The longer it is pressed, the more pain Discord experiences."

"Any positive methods of the necklace? You know...for Discord?" Fluttershy asked, surprisingly worried for Discord and the pain he might take, since it is Discord they are talking about. He will likely not follow the rules Fluttershy will lay down.

"I personally thought that was positive," Rainbow sneered, but stopped when Fluttershy gave her the stare.

"Um...well...positives for Discord would be that he can have some magic back and he can be able to go anywhere...at least if it is the range of being within the same building as you, or on the streets on at least a 20 feet range."

"And how close can he get to me without getting shocked?" Fluttershy hesitantly asked.

Twilight shrugged. "As close as you want him to get. It's as if Discord and you are in a bubble. You can go anywhere and do anything you guys want separately or together, but it has to stay within the bubble. The collar can sense how far it is from the pendant wearer, and so will also shock Discord if he is too far. But when it comes to proximity, you can't really keep him away unless you touch the pendant."

"And it has hoof recognition too, so if you choose to let Discord go, it'll know you set it off and not any pony else." Chief Do exclaimed.

"But I'll doubt it'll happen anyway. I mean, Discord has a long way before becoming "reformed". I still think this is a waste of time," Rainbow muttered.

Twilight levitated the pendant and set it upon Fluttershy's neck, latching it so it may stay. Fluttershy looked at the pendant admirably.

"The Pendant of Kindness...where'd such a name come from?"

Twilight looked over to Rainbow, whom sheepishly looked over to the floor, a light blush appearing.

"Well...it...the pendant reminded me of when you said your cutie mark were butterflies...and I don't know...you represent kindness and compassion wherever you went so I just thought the Pendent of Kindness would be a good name... But I mean you can change it and name it whatever you want."

Fluttershy smiled thoughtfully at Rainbow. "I think it's wonderful. Thank you."

They got out of the office and headed straight for the parking lot, where a van was awaiting for them to enter. The mares stepped inside the back of the black van, the chief going to the front.

Fluttershy shyly looked at Discord, whom was squished in between Flash and another stallion who's ID says 'Double Diamond'.

"Okay, seriously, like personal space much?"

"Just taking the precautions, sir."

Discord rolled his eyes and looked at Fluttershy. She stared out the window to the moving scenery, her mind in a far off place. The lighting from the window illuminated her, a soft glow reflecting against her coat and mane.

iscord couldn't help but get trapped in her eyes, the teal waves an illusion in their wake, pulling him in and never letting him go.

Fluttershy turned ever so slightly and got started to see Discord staring at her. She got a cold sweat run down her back and she turned quickly to the floor, Discord looking away as well once he saw she noticed him staring. He got the thought of just staring at her to make her uncomfortable so he can humor himself, but found that the moving scenery is ever so changing and chaotic in his eyes, and turned his attention to that.

Fluttershy looked back at Discord and adverted her eyes to Twilight, whom was in a discussion with Flash about seeing a movie with him in the weekend. Fluttershy waited patiently until she had said her sentence before nudging her.

Fluttershy gestured her head to Discord and looked down to the necklace, hoping that Twilight would understand. And she did.

"Oh, yes. Right."

Twilight called to Discord, himself growling and groaning.

"Did you want to set some rules upon me or something of the sort? You do know abiding to rules or laws are not of my expertise, right?"

"We just wanted to tell you what is expected of your stay at Fluttershy's, and want you may or may not do whilst being away from the officers'...care." Discord raised his scarred eyebrow at this.

"And what is expected of such circumstances? To me be the best goody-goody angelic princess in all of Equestria?" If it wasn't for the collar, Discord would've made a halo appear over his horn and antler.

Twilight put a hoof to her face, but sucked in a deep breath to calm herself.

"No. What I'm trying to imply-", Discord moved his claw to mock Twilight yet she ignored it, "-is that there are some things you might want to know. Maybe things including the little freedom you have."

"Little freedom my ass...", Discord muttered.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes looked out the window. She smirked a bit at the thoughts she said out loud.

"Forget it Twilight. He doesn't want to hear about the free magic we willingly gave back to him. But since he's soooo arrogant and a total dick, he won't know what magic abilities he can use."

Discord widened his eyes, his going up and pulling at his ears.

"Doth my hearing defy me? Do I heareth this correct? I have my magic back?"

Discord tried to snap his fingers, yet was shocked, literally, to find it still working.

"You really didn't hear us correctly did you? We meant specific magic abilities you can use," Twilight replied, stifling the laugh from Discord get electrocuted. Discord saw this and pouted.

"Well...I see that my pain humors you greatly. Now what magic rights have you given me? Get on with it."

"You're up to the point of unicorn magic."


"Yes," Twilight shoved her hoof into Discord's mouth to silence him, "unicorn magic. That is how far you are to have. No chaos whatsoever, but there are some abilities you can conjure now. You can levitate; teleport; float and fly; conjure up normal and simple items; and can transform and disguise yourself as other creatures and even ponies. Nothing big like hydra or a cragadile, just simple, like cats, dogs, or birds and bunnies and etcetera."

"My my, I suppose I can work with those abilities..."

Yet before Discord could think of ways to escape and get rid of the collar, Rainbow's judging voice adverted him to her direction.

"Don't get any ideas Dipcord. We made extra precautions with the collar and any possibilities of escape. The collar can still sense if you're are to use any chaos magic, even going to fit around you neck in a disguised form too to fit with your disguise. We also planted a tracking device on both your collar and Fluttershy's necklace to know where you guys are at at all times, and we set a range for you on how far you are to be from Flutters."

"You can be within the same building and it wouldn't hurt unless you are four stories apart. But on the streets, you can go at least 20 feet away from the pendant."

"Pendant?" He glanced at the necklaces he noticed Fluttershy was wearing and recognized as the one Rainbow Dash used to electrocute him. He immediately knew the use and frowned deeply at it.

The van screeched to a stop, Discord surprised to see that they were in a little suburban area not that far from the city. He looked at the brick house that sat in beside the van, a colorful banner that read "Welcome DiSCoRD!" hanging above the front door. He saw it had two stories, and by the way the structure was, guessed the house had a basement as well. Overall, in his opinion, it was the prettiest house in the whole neighborhood, even if the outlook of the house is too normal for Discord's taste.

The van doors opened, the two officer stallions going forth and forcefully pulled Discord out of the van, the remaining mares silently following from behind. Discord thought he had saw movement within the house, but thought nothing of it.

"So this is Casa de la Fluttershy, hm? Even though it is a bit bland at sight, I really do enjoy the fact that the banner sticks out and is very vibrant and messy. Really like the way you made the letters too."

Fluttershy glanced at the banner and replied hesitantly, recognizing Pinkie's hoof-writing. "I-I didn't make the banner..."

The officers and Discord walked up the brick pathway that was beside the driveway, Discord noticing two vehicles parked on the driveway: a grey Mustang and a blue minivan. He questionably looked at the two cars again whilst asking his question.

"Then who made the banne-"

Yet before they could take another step towards the front door, the door bursted open, confetti, streamers and balloons exploding from inside. A pink earth pony mare wearing a white crop-top with paint splattered jeans and a balloon hair clip came out and yelled at the top of her lungs: "WELCOME TO YOU NEEEEWW HOME DISCORD!!"

She blew her party home and threw her hooves in the air, but stopped momentarily when she saw all the officers, including Discord with startled looks. The most startled of all of them being Fluttershy, whom was sitting on the ground with a hoof on her chest.


"Oh this is going to be SO. MUCH. FUN!"

Pinkie hopped up and down, twirling with Gummy in her hooves. Chief Do, the officer mares, and Discord sat in the kitchen counter sipping the tea Fluttershy had just made, the stallions watching hoofball on the television. Angel Bunny sat on the table next to Rainbow Dash, glaring at Discord from where he sat.

Discord stared at the pink pony, his mind at a loss.

Fluttershy had a roommate. And pets.

His plan was failing already.

The plan was to trick and manipulate Fluttershy in her own home, or possibly drive her to the brink of insanity to just make him leave, and so far the only manipulative thing happening was how quickly Pinkie made Discord somehow curious of her. Pinkie isn't like any mare he's seen before. She was just as random as himself, if not, more.

And the problem with this is that not only is Pinkie is more socialized and a free-spirited mare, but a complete opposite of Fluttershy. It would be difficult enough to go forth trying to annoy or manipulate Fluttershy without watchful gaze, now having ones where the pink pony and their pets are in place and are residing in the house.

So he went into thinking a new plan. A plan which would work for both mares and pets, but most to Fluttershy. Manipulating will go into plan first, and if all else fails, let the mayhem begin.

And so he played along. He stayed patient and waiting. Waiting till the officers left. Waiting to have his time to look at the house inside out. And then go forth and let the plan commence.

And how he looked forward to it.

Discord trudged blindly, his claw skimming across the wall and his paw atop of a guiding hoof. He could hear nothing other than hoofsteps in front of him and slow steady hoofsteps behind him.

A door opened and a squeaky voice made his ears perk towards them.

"Woooow, we haven't been here in ages! Look out there are stairs ahead."

The mare pulled Discord forward and he nearly missed the step below. So instead of walking all the way down, he flapped his wings once and started to float, still trying to follow the hoof steps.

"I still don't see the reason for the blindfold Pinkie. I mean, he's going to be living here, and what we're going to show him isn't going to make him gawk. There's no sense in it."

Discord chuckled and turned to the quieted voice.

"Sense? Oh what's the fun in making sense? Sense are for those who want a boring and predictable life ahead of them. Let the child do what she likes, she's probably the only thing keeping your boat from sinking in the sea ya know."

A huff and a light grumble came from the marish voice, Discord smirking in satisfaction.

The guiding hoof stopped, and so did the hoofsteps from behind as well. Discord stopped floating and perched himself to the ground, feeling a cold cemented floor from under him.

"Ooooookay! Time to see your neeee~eeww bedroom! 3...2...-"

The voice didn't finish, for the blindfold was ripped away from his face and the dimly lit room appeared before him.

It was the basement. A decent one in Discord's eyes though, but still murky and humid. There was a small bed with blankets and cloths in the corner of the area, a miniature refrigerator disconnected on the far wall. A small television set sat on the cold floor, a depressed box left alone in the middle of the room facing the bed.

"So um, yeah... It's not much but it's just for now until we can find ways to decorate it in any way that you'd like. So you can move aaaall the stuff around if you'd like to make it seem a little homey while I'll be upstairs preparing for dinner!"

Pinkie skipped up the stairs, leaving Fluttershy on the staircase staring distantly at Discord. Discord went ahead in his mind to think of all the way to decorate, redecorate, and re-redecorate the room over and over again.

"I suppose I should apologize for the interior of the room. Again, you came last minute and we didn't have enough time to decorate the basement to...whatever your liking may be. And I guess I should also excuse my friend's...hyper attitude. She gets really excited when we have new visitors she meets or ponies she doesn't see frequently. She's just a naturally happy and jumpy pony."

The silence held in the room after the statement, Fluttershy already starting her habit of awkwardly shuffling in place. Discord turned slightly, Fluttershy looking everywhere in the room except him.

Fluttershy saw a flash of white light, her eyes went up to meet red pupils. She jumped in surprise and almost fell backwards if it weren't for Discord catching her before hitting the ground.

"Discord what..."

"Just wanted to see what was in your mind. You know-", he knocked on her head two times, "-to see what you think about all this."

"I...I don't understand."

"Oh, the thoughts you have about me is what I'm concerned *cough* not really *cough* about. You've probably heard sooo much about me!"

He circled around Fluttershy on all fours, like a lion circling his prey.

"W-well, n-no-ot re-really."

"I'm positive they've must've said something! So tell me, what have they said?"

He stopped circling and just stared at the shrinking pegasus, his eyes dark in envy at her beauty.

"They've must've said how dangerous I am, a threat, a nuisance. How childish and immature I am, yet intelligent and intellectual enough to confuse even one of the most brilliant of Canterlot royals. That I am powerful enough to even destroy a whole town in mere seconds."

He wrapped his tail once more around Fluttershy's shaking body, a devious smile, enough to make the fiercest of ponies quiver and quake, forming on his face.

"And you must ask yourself: 'Did I truly make the right decision?'"

Fluttershy shook in fright, her body rigid in fear. She didn't know what to do. She had forgotten how to scream, to even breathe. He wasn't even squeezing her as harshly as the night before, yet she could feel her lungs collapsing and losing function. Fear had captivated her.

She looked about, trying to find means of escape, when she saw a glint of pink crossed her eyes. The butterfly pendant...

She noticed her left hoof was mere centimeters from the pendant, and so she moved it up slightly, enough where it could touch the edge. She looked up at Discord, whom was in his own world, murmuring to himself.

She didn't want to waste anymore time. And when she felt his grip tighten more, she pressed her hoof into the pendant, Discord shrieking and throwing Fluttershy at the wall.

He squirmed about on the ground, his eyes squeezed shut, talon and claw scratching and tugging at the collar. Fluttershy stared wide-eyed, relief and guilt coming over her at the sight. She knows she shouldn't feel that way. To feel guilt when she had almost been killed or done worse by his hands.

Yet...he didn't deserve pain. He didn't. But neither did she.

She let go of the pendant, Discord seizing his painful jerks and collapsed on the concrete floor panting and sweating in exhaustion.

He watched as Fluttershy got up and hurriedly flew up the stairs, not even a glance back at the tired and glum draconequus. A lone yellow feather fluttered and landed at Discord's face. His claw grabbed at it, examining the delicate feather.

He stroked it, smoothening the ruffled edges, a sense of loneliness overwhelming him. He faced towards the stairs, awaiting Fluttershy or Pinkie, anyone to come down and confront him on what had happened the moment before.

But there was nothing. It felt like forever once the light from the door diminished, the only light in the cellar coming from the flickering lightbulb swinging from the roof and the glint of moonlight from the small cracked window.

Discord sprawled himself on the cold floor where the moonlight hit. He stared at the feather he held in his talon, the smell of sugary sweets and carrots wafting into his nose.

Loneliness still crawled onto Discord, but he shrugged it away once sleep took over.

Fluttershy tossed and turned in her sleep, images of a certain draconequus tugging her mind. Images of Angel Bunny and Gummy as game prizes, Pinkie hanging from a noose, Fluttershy falling from a story high building with broken wings. Her father limp on a concrete floor.

Discord in all of them.

She sat up, eyes wide and her body dripping in sweat. She could feel her mane stick to her forehead, Angel Bunny glancing at his owner worriedly.

"Oh Angel, you don't need to look at me like that. I'm fine, honest," Fluttershy forcefully smiled.

Angel still gave a questionable glance, but knew not to press in. He also knew that neither of them would go to sleep now, so he hopped atop of the bed and tugged at Fluttershy mane.

"What is it Angel? Are you hungry? Thirsty? Need to do some...um...business?"

Angel shook his head and hopped off the bed, stomping his foot in annoyance. Knowing that he want her to follow, Fluttershy came onto the floor and opened to door of her room.

Angel scampered to the room across from Fluttershy's, the kindergarten lettering on the door saying 'Pinkie's Room'. The door was already opened a crack, Angel opening it more so and slipping inside.

Fluttershy called out to her rabbit in wonder. "Angel? Where are you going? ....Angel?"

The wooden floor below cream pegasus creaked, Fluttershy's anxiety rising little by little. She finally willed herself to hover over the ground and step inside Pinkie's room, in which it was very disorganized and messy.

She glanced around cautiously, trying to spot any source of where her rabbit might have gone. She looked over to the spot where her pink pony friend slept, a happy dreamy expression resting on her face as light snores escaped her murmuring lips.

Fluttershy smiled at her, even in sleep Pinkie has a bright attitude.

Suddenly the wanting of comfort from her friend came over her, the thoughts of her dreams creeping their way back to her skull.

'I suppose that's why Angel came here too...'

Whilst Fluttershy was tempting for a way to awake Pinkie, Angel hopped near the bedside and knocked his paw into the cherrywood, Fluttershy and Pinkie jumping at the noise. Pinkie groggily looked up to Fluttershy, who glared at Angel in annoyance.

"Fl-Fluttershy? What's up?"

Fluttershy widened her eyes and straightened her posture.

"Uh...um...no. I-I mean there's nothing up I just wanted to...um...check on you. I heard a noise and instead it was you s-snoring, but everything f-fine now so I'll just be..."

Pinkie straightened up and scooted over, patting the space next to her.

"You don't have to tell me, I already know. Now stop stuttering and trying to make up excuses and get in. You can tell me in the morning."

Fluttershy looked up and down at the floor once more, her cheeks heating up in embarrassment as she shuffled across the floor and into the bed. Pinkie wrapped her arms around her and gave Fluttershy a warm smile.

Soon, all the torture and horrid events from the nightmares vanished, Fluttershy knowing that no matter what they may endure, nothing bad will happen. Not when she has Pinkie. Not when she has friends who are family. Not when she has the necklace and pendant.

If only there wasn't a criminal living and sleeping two floors under her. If only Discord's insane face went away from her dreams.

If only.

Author's Note:

Hello my lovelies~:rainbowkiss:
So yeah, this was supposed to be posted a month ago, but my phone, being the idiot piece of junk it is, deleted half the chapter. So I had to re-write the second half of the chapter, and you can imagine how I tried to get deep in my head to remember what I wrote down and how I felt about it.:ajbemused::twilightangry2:
And I also had to study for upcoming finals and exams and trying to catch-up on my drawing, that's why it is kinda (VERY) late, and I apologize.
But nontheless, I hope you enjoy~:twilightsheepish: