• Published 17th Feb 2015
  • 35,150 Views, 2,453 Comments

Love....SERIOUSLY!? - Admiral Q Ponyform

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Guest Chapter 1 Failure with a Spark of Hope

Author's Note:

While I'm working on other stories RC2101_Copey my editor for this story has come up with a guest chapter for your viewing enjoyment.

Shining’s Story
A side story to Admiral Q Ponyform’s ‘Love…SERIOUSLY!?’
Written by RC2101_Copey

* * * * * * * * * * * *
(2days BA (Before Awakening))

“I failed her mom, I failed her.” Shining Armour sobbed between breaths. Twilight Velvet had found her son in his bedroom, face down on a thoroughly drenched pillow.

“Now Shining, stop that, please,” Velvet knelt by her sons bed, bringing him into a tight hug. “You were the only one out of a dozen guards in that courtyard to even react, and your actions are the reason we aren’t holding a state funeral right now. You did your duty.”

“But it wasn’t enough.” He looked his mother in the eyes, his blood shot and sore, “I wasn’t strong enough to stop it!”
His mother shook him violently from the shoulders.

“STOP IT. She is alive. She is alive because-of-you” She punctuated those three words with hoof jabs to his chest. “When – and I mean WHEN, she wakes up, I’m sure she will share my sentiment.”
They sat in silence for a few more minutes, while Shining collected himself.

“I know you’re right mom, but I just need some time to convince myself.”Velvet smiled at her son. His heart was too big for its own good sometimes. He would always blame himself when Twilight hurt herself under his care, and Celestia above knew she was a law unto herself.

“Well when you are done drowning your pillow, dinner is ready downstairs. You’ll need your strength; they want you back at the training barracks tomorrow morning.” Velvet smiled at her son, and left the room. Now alone, Shining moved from the bed, and knelt down, bringing his fore hooves together.

“To Celestia, to those on high; I –Shining Armour- vow to never again allow harm to come to any Princess, or any citizen of equestria. I pledge myself to the protection of all ponykind, and I shall devote myself to learning skills to do just that – may my soul rest in Tartarus if I don’t.”

* * * * * * * * * * *
(1 day AA (After Awakening))

“SHINGING SHINING HAVE YOU HEARD?” Twily bolted into the living room. However, her enthusiasm was no match for physics; her momentum overtook her and she slid the remaining distance, colliding with her brother, eliciting a slight ‘oomph’ from the pair.

Shining Armour grabbed his little sister, and set her back on her hooves. “What is it Twily? What’s got you so excited?” She stood in front of him, bouncing slightly, a newspaper held in her magic.

“Here – read this read this read this!!!”

“Ok ok, just settle down a bit first, ok?”
Twily slid down onto her stomach, and looked up at him with a big smile. Taking the paper from her, he unfolded it, and looked at the front page. The main article was a large picture of Princess Celestia, and to the corner, a smaller picture of Princess Cadance.
“-In an address to the palace press this afternoon, Princess Celestia was overjoyed to announce that her niece, the Princess Cadance, has awoken from her coma today, and has already started to make a remarkable recovery…-”
Shining never got any further through the article. He soon found that his eyes were seemingly underwater, and that the ink on the paper was running due to an unknown water source.
All he could feel was a huge weight being removed from his head and his heart.

* * * * * * * * * * *

(4days AA)

“I still can’t believe it, a full size dragon just up and appeared, right in the middle of the college grounds. It’s a good thing the Princess was going past at the time Shining; I’m not sure what we could’ve done.”

“You’re not wrong there Bastion, but I’m pretty sure we would’ve done something; they don’t train us for nothing.” Shining replied.
The two stallions had just returned to their dorm at the barracks, following a long day of training exercises. “I’m just glad the reports say there was no injuries to anyone; my sister and parents were there for Twily’s entrance exam. If they hadn’t confirmed that so quickly, I probably would’ve headed straight there.”

“First you save a Princess, now you’re talking about fighting dragons head on? Are you sure you don’t think you’re living in a little girl’s fairy tale world?” he snickered.

“Shove it Bronze, that’s just stupid. I …” He never got to finish his sentence, as the door to the dorm burst open, and a purple missile assassinated him. Said missile was swiftly followed by Twilight Velvet and Night Light.

“Mom, Dad, Twily? Oh thank Celestia you’re safe.” He pulled all three into a hug. Letting go, he looked at the group with an eyebrow raised. “How did you guys even get in here? The barracks is a restricted area?”

Night Light coughed, and rubbed a hoof on his chest. “As Royal Astronomer, I do get a bit of leeway here and there. Besides, with the news we have to tell you, I reckon anyone could’ve got past.”
Twily gives Shining the run-down of her entrance exam, her Cutie Mark, and her new position as Princess Celestia’s personal student. After such and information overload, it took Shining’s brain about a minute to reboot.

“Wow Twily, that is so awesome; I am so proud to have you as a sister.” He pulled her close, and nuzzled her till she squirmed.

“And that’s not everything.” Shining gave her a sceptical look. “After my surge, Princess Celestia took us to the hospital, to have us checked over. Me because of my surge. Mommy and Daddy because I kindof turned them into plants for a tinsy bit of time.”
Shining looked over to his parents, both of which were red in the face, doing their best to avoid his gaze, all but confirming her story. Twily continued her monologue, oblivious to her parent’s awkwardness.

“And while we were there, she took me to meet Princess Cadance.” Shining’s face paled, as the blood drained away. “I got to help her learn to walk again.” Twily practically beamed, unaware of the effect her words had on her brother.
-Oh no. No no no no no. It was as bad as it looked. Oh Celestia no no no no no no no no “She wants to see you.” No no no no no no no no…-

“Wait. What?”

“Princess Cadance wants to see you.” Twily repeated.
Shining gulped. He couldn’t breathe. The walls were closing in. He would have fainted had his family not immediately glomped him. He was just glad Bronze Bastion had made himself scarce; or he would never live it down.

After reassurances from his family, he decided it was best to treat this like one would a Band-Aid, and get it over with quickly.
He soon arrived outside the princess’s hospital room, and he took a minute to compose himself. Unsure of himself, he knocked lightly on the door, and push it open.

“Y-you wanted to see me your h..highness?” He stammered, worry across his face.
She gestured with a hoof for him to enter, and come closer. He did, but rather fearfully. As he got closer, Cadance spoke up;

“I want you to know I don't hold you responsible for my anything that happened. Without your actions, and quick thinking, I would be in fact be dead. You did your duty, so stop blaming yourself for this. From what I hear, your shield is one of the best the Canterlot Guard has seen in years, so I consider myself lucky that you were on duty that day. I would like to give you my personal thanks.”That caused his head to shoot up.

“But Princess, I .. I…”

“No buts Shining. You are the reason I am still here - so Thank You, Shining Armor. Now I don't want to hear about moping like that again, GOT IT?” He fearfully shook his head. Cadance gave an evil grin. “Good, now tell that sweet sister of yours I said hi and look forward to seeing more of her.” He nodded again and started to walk away. “Oh, and one last thing. That includes you as well.”

His face flushed red, and he made a hasty retreat, smiling the whole time. Once he made it out the door, everything seemed brighter. The princess had been alive, and in good spirits. He even said she wanted to see him again.

Had he just made friends with a princess?