• Published 17th Feb 2015
  • 35,149 Views, 2,453 Comments

Love....SERIOUSLY!? - Admiral Q Ponyform

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Crazy Day

It was about ten in the morning when I woke up. I stretched, did my business in the bathroom and walked out to the balcony. It was a beautiful spring day, sun shining, birds chirping, ponies walking around. A grade A Disney Princess Song material that would expect me to break out in and reel the ponies who would easily join me since this was Equestria and musical numbers were their shtick.

Thankfully I have better self control then that. So I took a deep breath and went to get my regalia and was soon on my way to breakfast. Breakfast was simple and lovely as I read over my schedule today. A couple of meetings with nobles, joy. But other then those it was a free day, nice.

I was heading for the first meeting then I glanced out the window and was that a pink cloud? I look out the window and yep, pink clouds all over the place. Great, why didn't the show have a date? Well today is screwed. Before I could think more there was a white flash and I found myself on a cloud near Cloudsdale. Then I saw him, Discord. He looked at me seriously. “Interesting, I human in the guise of a pony. Oh the chaos you can do. I love your kind in that.”

“So what do you want Q wanna be?” Discord flinched and gave a dramatic pose.

“Oh, wound me with that blow.” Then he stopped and looked at me. “I am debating on whether to reveal who you really are. I will have so many chaotic options after my win.”

“If you win. I personally believe your predictability will lean to your defeat.”

“ME, PREDICTABLE!? I AM THE LORD OF CHAOS! I am hardly predictable.” He dismissed my words with a flick of his wrist. I smirk right at him.

“And there is it. Your predictability, you always chose the chaotic option thus predictable. I may not know exactly what it is but I do know it’s going to be weird, funny to you, and most importantly be chaotic.” He raised a claw to refute my claim but then paused as he considered my words. Then the jaw went through the cloud. He even blue screened. With him trying to process my revelation. I looked around and Cloudsdale was nearby. Then look at Discord. “So why here specifically?”

“Well, you’re human a cloud city over there, ssssoooo…” He leaned toward me. I smirked and used my wing to snap and Some music started to play. (

)Yeah ponies can call music on command. They just prefer instruments for less magic draining. With my other wing I took out sunglasses and started singing the song. When I was done Discord clapped. “Bravo! Bravo!” I have a slight bow.

“Now for my next song.” I started singing a Brentalfloss classic. (

)Looking right at him as I sang so the message was clear. He looked a little upset. I think it was the steam out of the ears. Then he took a calming breath and gave an evil smile.

“I have just the thing for you.” He then snapped his talon and I was back in my room. I went to the mirror and checked myself over. I saw a still toned yet feminine body and my ponytail intact. I was about to sigh in relief when I heard a familiar voice asked.

‘What in Equestria happened to me?’ I looked around and saw no pony. ‘How is my head moving?’ Fear went through my head.

“What's your name?”

‘Formally, Mi Amore Cadenza but prefer just Cadance.’ I paled then got red (still facing the mirror so saw it including the steam out of my ears.) I started cursing Discord. He played that well.

‘That is quite a mouth. Now explain why you are controlling my body!?’

“Not your body anymore that is if you are the real Cadance and not a construct of Discord.”


“Basic nutshell. You received a brain injury that left you a vegetable. Since you were needed for the future your great aunt took a male from another world that was dying and plot me in to forever be the PINK PONY PRINCESS!” I was panting at the end of that.

‘What's wrong with being pink?’ Cadenza asked.

“Its an issue because I was male and pink is exact opposite of that. And I have lived with it for years!” I took a deep breath. “I have worked hard to make this body mine own. Now Discord has pit you here to rob me of the one thing I worked hard to do. Make it my own. And now your back in a way. Well it’s just for a few hours, Twilight will solve this.”

‘Do not like you berated me. I am here, I am alive. But Discord, wasn't that just a statue?’

“It was a statue but that was a prison containing the real deal.” Cadenza was silent for a bit.

‘Auntie really did that?’

“Yeah, her planning is not the best at times. So till Twilight takes care of this we have to deal with each other.”

‘Who is this Twilight?’ I smiled and began.

“They best foal you could foal sit. Who has grown into a beautiful mare and good friend.”

‘And she can beat Discord. I know stories of him?’

“She bears the element of Magic so she and friends can do it.” I decided to leave the room and see more changes Discord as done.

Walking through the halls and saw the guards turned onto plushie versions of themselves. Night Lance was Batmare Beyond. Then she saw Shining Armor. He was likely on his way to somewhere when Discord came. He was now a literal shining set of armor. A handsome set. I bent down and his ‘sword’ was out and long. Very nice……then I blinked. What the fuck!? I quickly pulled back.

“What the fuck!?”

‘What, he has a nice dick. Oh are you into mares? Hhhmmmmm.’ I could literally here her tapping a chin.

“I honestly don't know which way I truly go anymore. Was straight male when I was in my original body. As you I have a lesbian lover and think Shining is sexy. So I am so confused.” Cadance was silent for a minute.

‘So you're bisexual.’ She said calmly and my processes stopped.

“Huh wha…..”

‘Well you are clearly interested in mares from your previous life. Bbbuuuuuutt it wasn't just me that bent down to look.’

“But I, but I, but i……”

‘Nothing to be ashamed of. He seems to be well built so likely good mating material. And I am bisexual so I don't mind. As long as you love them. Be comfortable in that.’ I shook my head and moved on and Cadance sighed.

* * * *

We ran into Celestia first. She was literally a alicorn of cake. But saw her use magic to send a letter off. Good idea where that went. Otherwise it seems she couldn't move. Could she even see? Well she will be restored. Moving on she spotted Luna at a silver statue......she looked nice but man Discord is bending his no stone rule by using everything but stone. Everything else was as expected. Pure chaos, things floating in mid air, room switched upside down, and ponies acting weird.

‘This is crazy.’ Cadenza commented.

“This is Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony. Crazy comes with the job.” She was silent after that. And we watched insanity happen. It was kind of amusing watching the nobles act crazy…well crazier was entertaining because it was actually embarassing. Then a rainbow wave sweeped through everything and when it hit me I knew only darkness.

When I awoke a found myself in a hospital room in the medical wing…..again. I groaned and slowly got up and looked around. The room was empty and typical style of the castle. I left the bed and headed for the door. And as I neared the door it opened and slammed into her muzzle. I yelped as I back up and rubbed my muzzle.

“Oh sorry your highness. Here let me heal that?” She approached and the horn lit and the pain was soon gone. She then inspected me.

“What happened?” I asked.

“You were found unconcious in a hallway and was taken here to the medical wing.”

“So how long to do I stay here?”

“We will see after this check up.” I stood still and let her. After a couple of minutes she answered. “You check out. You can return to your duties.”

“Thank you.” I nodded and headed out. After checking in with Auntie Celestia on what I needed to do. Turned out, not much all Discord's antics were undone by the Elements of Harmony. So it was just dealing with the panicked nobles. I had a headache after that as I headed to bed. It was truly night when we were done. With a relieved sigh I entered my bedroom and collapsed on my bed. So ready to put this chaotic day behind me.

The next thing I know I am in an odd room. I looked around and it was a mix of my room and my old room as a human. What in Equestria? Then I saw a full length mirror nearby. I walked over to it and I was an anthro. I nice amazonian figure. I knew because I was completely nude. I couldn't help but smirked. “Looking hot Cadance.” Then I heard a door opened.

“Oh, that is an interesting look.” A familiar voice said. My eyes went wide and looked in the direction of the voice. And I saw Cadance, she looked as she did when we first saw her. I responded appropriately.