• Member Since 16th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 13 hours ago


Geek boy, aspiring writer, and proud Brony with a story to tell.


It's the eve of the Summer Sun Celebration, and Ponyville is under attack by marauding plundervines. As they did in another world, Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends must give up Equestria's greatest means of defense in order to save it, but this time, things go a little differently.

Adapted from the events of "Princess Twilight Sparkle" as written by Meghan McCarthy. The character of Silver Bullet is used with permission of his creator, OldTimer, and originates in the story "Rain at Sunset".

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

The zebra said not a word, but nonetheless chuckled in mirth. T’was a rare thing indeed to see Discord brought down to earth.

Even when she's not speaking it rhymes.
Good story. Can't wait for the next instalment in the Quiververse!

6327600 Thanks. I'll definitely have another installment out before the end of the year. What story that will be remains to be seen, however.

Nice work with this take on the S4 opener! And I have to say, I think you did a good job with the reason for why Discord was let free. And also, I enjoyed it with him being scolded by Fluttershy near the end XD

It seemed like good reasoning to me - rather than risk passing the buck to the next generation, reforming Discord seemed to have far more benefits to him personally and to Equestria as a whole. And that little bit near the end...she's better at giving him incentive. That happens with time.

Indeed. Nobody benefits by just locking the problem somewhere else... just ask Starswirl. XD

Oh, and before I forget - meant to say before that I liked what we saw of Silver Bullet and Pixie Dust. The latter in particular :pinkiehappy:

Yeah, I like Pixie Dust too. She's fun to write for.

It's long overdue, but with my read-through of this and Reflections - Quiververse Edition earlier today, I've finally read all the stories in the Quiververse to date. And with what I've read, I regret not getting around to it sooner.

I'm glad that you're caught up. I hope that you enjoyed the tiny bit of karma that went Discord's way here.

Oh, I certainly did. And I'm looking forward to what you have planned for this verse's future.

I'm honestly not sure why the guard OCs exist. It didn't feel like they added anything at all to the story.

A shrug.

I eagerly await the day when these aren't in the middle of dialogue :trollestia:

Silver Bullet and Pixie Dust were there for several reasons. One was because I wanted to inject a little realism into the story - I wouldn't take a military seriously if they sent a major political figure around without some sort of escort, especially if there was a crisis and the two ruling monarchs were missing. The second was because I wanted them to even the odds a bit, and you can't say they didn't with those chainsaws. The third is because those two are going to be recurrers for a while (at least so long as Silver Bullet's creator allows me to use him).

Finally, I wanted to establish that there were thestrals in this storyline, and this was my earliest opportunity.

I suppose that's fair. The first part definitely explains their presence, and that's fine. My point was more about their role, and I should have been more specific.

Ah. Yeah, in that context, they don't really add much.

Alas, as is often the case in situations like this, what could go wrong would go wrong.

Wow, this was definitely good work. :twilightsmile:

Well, I do my best. Glad that you enjoyed it.

A very interesting take on a good episode. Why didn't Twilight ever take guards along with her?

I have my theories. The simplest one is that Twilight never felt comfortable having them. Not that it was a smart idea, of course, but given how competent the Royal Guard's been portrayed, well...

The zebra said not a word, but nonetheless chuckled in mirth. T’was a rare thing indeed to see Discord brought down to earth.

Luckily he's not one for fourth wall breaks otherwise he would have given the author of this thing crap am I wrong

If Discord was going to give me trouble, he'd have done so already, and made sure I was aware of it being his doing. Just saying.

Since the start of spring in particular, the town had seen itself briefly in the grip of a possessed unicorn performer, two visits from the Spirit of Chaos himself, a charity rock concert that swiftly turned into a small family reunion, and the ascension of one of its newest residents from humble unicorn to Equestria’s fourth reigning alicorn princess, in no particular order. Some experiences were more enjoyable than others, but the town and its citizens had become accustomed to them and acted accordingly, with some taking it in stride better than others.

Charity rock concert?

The situation didn’t discourage Rarity from rolling her eyes as she trotted past the three mares. “Honestly, darlings, pull yourselves together!” The three looked up with sad expressions as she continued on, but got back to their hooves as their routine was done.

Says the drama queen?

“Well that settles mah question!” Applejack charged up to the two, Fluttershy beside her and Rainbow Dash swooping in from above. “Us earth ponies are tryin’, but we can’t kill these durn’ weeds!”

Earth ponies can do that?

“And I’ve got a good idea of where to start looking for the cause.” Twilight led her friends and her escorts out of the library and into a clear space, took a deep breath and shouted, “DISCORD! I WANT A WORD WITH YOU!” Her horn then glowed, followed swiftly by her Element of Harmony doing the same, ribbons of rainbow energy flowing out from it and weaving through those possessed by her fellow bearers. In a circle, the six mares rose up, Pixie Dust lowering her visor as the energies beamed out from the elements straight into the middle of the circle and produced a bright flash of light.

They have visors? Also, I did not think that would happen.

“Oh, I’ve simply been paying attention, listening in, doing a little light reading, that sort of thing.” The familiar message journal with Twilight’s cutie mark emblazoned upon the cover in his paw and claw, the Spirit of Chaos noted, “I must say, she’s having an interesting time of it of late. A shame I can’t be over there; her world’s version of Black Friday sounds like it’s right up my alley.”

Equestria has Black Friday?

“Discord!” Twilight took a quick cleansing breath and asked, “Could you please return that to me? There’s private information in there that isn’t mine to share.”

It’s not like the information is useful.

“Of course, seeing as you asked so nicely.” Discord handed back the book and noted, “Still, all of that suggests a rather speciest trend. A pony, particularly one with a horn, shows up and says they’re sorry, and suddenly, you’re all quick to forgive, but a fellow like me? I get deprived of a nice shower, have unfair accusations thrown my way, and my personal space is violated.” He pouted and turned away in an indignant manner. “At least Twilight asked politely to have her magic book back.”

On one hand, I want to defend them. On the other hand, I can’t.

Twilight turned to where Discord was pointing and caught sight of an exhausted friend slowly trudging out of the woods, a bag slung on her back and pulling a small cart with both packed with assorted bric-a-brac. “Zecora!” As her friends rushed forward to help, she called back to the two guards, “Keep your eyes on him!” before rushing forward herself.


Twilight eyed the potion uneasily, but took a quick gulp before charging up her horn and infusing it with the required final ingredient. As the potion shifted to the desired color, she asked, “Why have this in the first place?”

Looks like twilight has access to dark magic.

After what felt like an eternity of Twilight looking about, occasionally moving her hooves and flapping her wings, the glow faded from her sight and she shook her head. She looked to her friends and explained, “I saw Celestia and Luna, but…!”

Huh. So that’s what it looks like from their perspective. Interesting.

“Okay, so three visions with the Elements in common. That’s a start.” Applejack approached Twilight and asked, “But we already knew all’a this thanks to the Princesses lettin’ us in on it durin’ that summit in the Crystal Empire. How’s it helpin’ now?”


“So now we zap him?” Twilight eyed Rainbow Dash, which prompted the pegasus to ask, “What? Like he wouldn’t kick us while we’re down!”

Technically, he had multiple opportunities to kick you when you were down, but his cockiness got in the way.

Twilight looked among them, and then shook her head. “Girls, I understand what you’re trying to say. But you’re wrong; none of you are more expendable than me. I’m no more important than any of you just because I’m a princess now, and I hate the idea of my best friends charging into danger and me not being able to help them.” She smiled and added, “Besides, aren’t you all forgetting something? Since coming to Ponyville, I’ve conquered every challenge that’s come my way because I had all of you by my side. Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, the Nightmare Forces, we all defeated them because we were together, united as friends. And even the one time I was in danger, and you weren’t physically with me, you were still there in spirit.” She briefly looked up at her crown and added, “The Elements may have brought us together, but we’re as strong as we are because of the friendship we’ve formed. We’ll get through this obstacle the same way we got through all of the rest; together.”

One time? What is she talking about?

“And there I was foolish enough to think that I had to go it alone.” Twilight smiled, glad that the girls had insisted on coming with her. “So, what happened to that fourth pony? I know Flash was transferred to the Crystal Empire, and you two were obviously in Canterlot, but what about them?”

“On her way to being a Wonderbolt. If you haven’t met her yet, you will soon enough.” Pixie Dust grinned and added, “Tell you the truth, I always thought she and Flash would end up together. Just as well they didn’t, though.”

Who are they talking about?

“I’m still not sure this is a good idea though. I mean, how soon until Discord’s back on his mismatched feet? And how soon after that until he decides to start causing trouble again? We give up the Elements and we’ve got nothing to stop him if he decides to give up being ‘reformed’.” Rainbow Dash emphasized that last word by making air-quotes with her wings.

Do you have a better?

“And it was certainly nice to have them along for this little adventure.” Rarity sighed and prodded her now bare necklace with a hoof. “I’m going to miss having my Element. Still, one more piece for the jewelry box, I suppose.”

What does that mean?

“Oh, and…?” Celestia stepped aside to reveal Fluttershy, a very disappointed Stare upon her face. This gave Discord pause, and he quickly gulped. “Ah. Yes.”

How the heck is that scary?

“…I’m sorry.” With a snap of his eagle claw digits, the various bits of damage that Ponyville and its surrounding environs had suffered due to the plundervines was undone, and it was as if nothing had happened. He managed a deep exhale and noted, “I still can’t understand how you did that.”

The stern expression gave way to a smile, and Fluttershy gave him a gentle hug. “That’s the magic of guilt.”

Ohh. I thought he was scared of her.

“Unfortunately, no. For now, Discord needs a chance to learn and grow, just as the rest of us do.” Celestia grinned and noted, “Besides, I’m not about to punish somepony for a simple practical joke. If I did, I’d be first in line for the judges.”

Oh boy. She’s not wrong.

Chronicled in a later story, Family, and adapted from one of the books by G. M. Berrow.

Rarity goes into histrionics over minor things, yes, but when it comes to the generally serious, she tends to keep herself in check and solve the problem.

The episode this was inspired by had the Apple Family trying to physically pull the plundervines from the ground. Last I checked, that counted as killing weeds.

I like to think that the Royal Guard does have the option of making helmets with visors when their members require it.

Why shouldn't they?

It's still an invasion of privacy.

Bric-a-brac. Random odds and ends.

Celestia showed Twilight a spell that involved dark magic in the Season 3 premiere. The animators reused the animation effects for the spell in the Season 4 premiere when Twilight completed Zecora's potion. Blame them, not me.

One vision showed Nightmare Moon's defeat. One showed Discord's defeat. One showed Celestia and Luna recovering the Elements. That's three. Twilight likely just took a bigger swig with her second dose of the potion.

Her trip to the human world.

Sunrunner is the one they're talking about.

The Elements were returned to the Tree, but the necklaces and crown that carried them still exist. Rarity is going to store hers away and save it for another day.

Would you want to suffer a guilt trip from Fluttershy? I wouldn't.


True, but when has privacy existed in mlp?

Wow, I’m forgetting about a lot.

Sunrunner is going to become a wonderbolt.

Sunrunner is in the running to become a Wonderbolt. She may or may not become one at this point.

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