• Published 3rd Dec 2015
  • 506 Views, 67 Comments

From the Ashes: Ember's Story - Zoljen

A changeling's adventure in fleeing from a war between drakes and griffins.

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In the Skies Again

Quicktail grinned as he glanced towards his flying companion, a bright blue pegasus mare with a solid emerald green mane that was laughing hysterically as she just glided on the air currents. Quicktail knew exactly who the pegasus was, the silver bracelet around her right front fetlock showed him it was Ember.

It had taken him a lot to get her into the sky. At first she said she had forgotten, then said she didn't want to, then again said she had a fear of flying. Quicktail merely shrugged them all off and wanted to spend the day together, just flying along.

However, that plan didn't happen as once Ember finally hit the skies, she took off doing aerial stunts. He worked to keep up, but eventually just let her fly about and kept her in sight. She eventually floated by his side as he angled towards a cloud and landed on it, looking up at her as she hovered above it a moment before just plopping on it.

“Huh, didn't think you could just sit on a cloud like that.” Quicktail chuckled, watching Ember lean down and poke at the cloud.

“We do have a little bit of each pony tribe within us. We can sit on clouds, feel the earth, and of course use magic,” she paused to straighten up, looking at Quicktail, “but, no two changelings are of the same power. Like Lode Stone, for example. Below ground, he can find north and tell what time of day it is outside. Above ground...well, it's a wonder he hasn't gotten lost yet.” Ember snickered.

“And what about you, huh?” Quicktail poked at her. “What do you ‘specialize’ in?”

“Er, well…” Ember blinked, then looked at the cloud, “I’d have to say… I don't know actually. I always thought it was life, and caring for others. But that seems ridiculous.” She shrugged and looked at Quicktail.

“That is a valuable trait, makes you a very good nurse.” Quicktail grinned and leaned on her, making her lean back into him. “And I bet you know what Talon’s is.”

“Surprising his foe in combat with his shifting. It's weird really, he can shift parts of himself to be different.” Ember nuzzled at Quicktail’s neck. “Meaning he could be an earth pony, and suddenly have griffin claws for fore legs.”

“Okay, now that is cool,” Quicktail chuckled. “Certainly keeps his foes on edge, huh?”

“Yeah, unless they are magic-wielding pegasi that are Tartarus-bent on destroying everything we hold dear,” Ember huffed, flattening her ears and glaring out towards the open sky.

Quicktail shook his head, laying a wing over his mare. “You’re upset he’s going back to fighting again, aren't you?”

“I lost him once! I don't want to lose him again!” Ember almost growled out, turning to bury her muzzle into his chest. “I… I just can't handle it again.”

Quicktail hugged Ember to him, and let out a soft sigh. “He’s a soldier; it's what he does. And you know him best, if he could protect those who can't, he would.” Quicktail let head his rest on Ember’s head softly, nuzzling lightly into her mane. “And besides, I think he knows what not to do this time around.”

“Yeah, it's just… I worry for him. He can't hide himself anymore, and what if the Wonderbolts find that out?” Ember glanced up at Quicktail.

“I, personally, don't think they’d care.” He leaned back, looking down at her. “He is there, fighting a foe stronger than him, despite the fact that the common pony would want to see him dead because of something he didn't do.”

Quicktail grinned and leaned forward enough to kiss her forehead, “Actions speak louder than words do. And trust me, if he can make an impact on Blazetail, then the current Wonderbolts would have no choice but to accept him.”

“I did mention he was there when I first saw Talon, huh?” Ember chuckled softly.

“Yes, him and Princess Luna. If she says he is good, then ponies everywhere would believe her.” Quicktail nodded and hugged Ember again, “Now, there is still plenty of sunlight, are you up for more?”

“Just give me a moment,” she said as she snuggled into his side, he chuckled and laid his wings over her. “We don't snuggle enough.”

“I blame work getting in the way of life,” Quicktail chuckled as they enjoyed each other's embrace. He grinned, humming slightly. “You know, back on that topic of abilities. I'm wondering what each the hive mates you’ve told me about have.”

Ember chuckled softly, glancing up as she nuzzled into his chest. “Scope is a soldier like Talon, except he actually favors long range attacks. Feather Dust is a harvester, like me, and is more skilled with natural remedies. He knows pretty much which herb will heal, how much to use, and such. It's a trait I’ve seen pretty common though.”

“And I bet I can guess Topaz’s. It's gems, isn't it?”

“He was the Hive’s best jewelcrafter. He could make the dullest stone glimmer in a night sky with enough work, and it's good to see him applying that in the Crystal Empire,” Ember chuckled softly as Quicktail leaned down and lifted her arm, that had the bracelet on it, up.

“I could tell from the beauty in this. It certainly matches who is wearing it.” Quicktail grinned, watching Ember blush faintly.

“That was so sappy.” Ember leaned up and kissed his beak tip. “And that's why I love you.”

“And here I thought it was because I was cute in general.” Quicktail grinned as Ember nipped at his beak. “Ack!” He fell back, falling with Ember in his arms, making her squeak as they fell off the cloud. He opened his wings to catch an air current and glided along, carrying Ember in his arms.

He chuckled as he slowly starts to let her go, her wings snapping out to her sides instantly as he fully lets her go. Quickly he grasps her hooves in his paws, gliding along as he holds her with her back to the ground, still grinning at her as he angles slightly, dodging one of the few tall structures of Canterlot with practiced ease.

He leans down and kissed her lips gently with his beak, then pulls away and pulls them both up, slowing their speed as they reach a hover above some clouds. They grinned at each other in the dimming sunlight as they slowly lowered to the ground.

“It's getting late, dear. We should return home.” Quicktail chuckled softly as he gestured to the slowly setting sun.

“I suppose.” Ember let out a soft sigh, “We should do this again sometime, it was fun to stretch my wings.”

Quicktail turned and led her back to home, “It's a wonder they still work after, what, two decades of no use?”

“It's like catching a thermal, you never forget.” Ember smirked, “And they never get rusty either.”

“Ha, that would be nice, never really have to fly to keep your wings in top shape.” He chuckled as he glided above her.

“Well, yes and no. I’d say I would be spent energy wise, but with a good battery next to me.” She grinned up to him as he leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I could soar for as long as your heart desires.”

“And you call me sappy!” Quicktail quickly leaned back, dodging a nip from Ember. The pair chuckled as they landed in front of their house, with Quicktail landing by the door. He opened it and gestured inside, “Mares first.”

“How kind,” Ember mused as she trotted in with Quicktail following in right after he closed the door. Ember stood in the living room and shook herself out, then took on her natural form, keeping her wings out for a bit.

“Wings a bit stiff?” Quicktail asked as he walked up behind her.

“A little, drawback of not using them a lot and then suddenly flying for… how long were we up there?” Ember glanced over her shoulder at him.

“I don't know, honestly.” He grinned softly. “Lay down and let me work some magic, ok?”

“You? Magic?” Ember raised an eyebrow as she laid down where she was, “This I gotta see!”

Quicktail merely chuckled as he gently climbed on top of her, resting his paws around her wing bases and started to gently massage the area. It didn't take long before Ember completely relaxed, her wings falling to the floor as she seemed to melt under his power. He continued to use the advantage of paws as he worked the muscles around her wing bases, slowly going along each wing as he grinned at her.

Ember felt like she was suddenly in heaven, the way Quicktail worked the muscles around her wings, being both gentle and powerful was bliss. She relaxed completely, closing her eyes and if she could purr, she would be a motorboat right now. Quicktail chuckled softly as he watched the changeling beneath him just relax as he switched to the other wing.

“My mother showed me a lot of techniques in massaging, in case you're wondering.” Quicktail slowly worked up the limb, gently working the muscles as he went, “She was training to be a masseuse before she found her calling in the wood craft.”

“Ooooo it shoooows,” Ember slurred out, relaxing on the floor and lying out under the griffin.

Quicktail continued to massage and work over Ember’s wings, slowly working down her back once he was done with them. He slowed down on the sides, chuckling softly, at least until he heard a knock on the door. He quickly stopped and looked at it.

“Who is it?” Quicktail almost hissed at the door, this moment having been ruined.

“Geez, Quicktail. Did I interrupt something fun?” Lode Stone’s voice sounded from the door. Quicktail sighed, looking down to the changeling on the floor who was snoring peacefully.

“Eh.. sorry, anypony else out there with you?” Quicktail slowly crawled off Ember and gently picked her up, carrying her to the couch.

“Nope, just me.”

“Open and close quickly then.” Quicktail chuckled softly as Lode Stone almost teleport inside, moving and dealing the door fast enough to make it look like he did. He watched Quicktail cover up Ember, and then looked at Quicktail.

“Wow, you work fast.” He snickered as Quicktail shot a soft glare at him.

“I was massaging her, for your information. We spent most of the day in the air. And I guess she was more tired than she thought.” Quicktail shrugged, sitting on the floor next to Ember.

“I was kidding, sheesh.” Lode chuckled as he pranced up to Quicktail. “It's great to see her happy after what all has happened.”

Quicktail nodded slowly, “But we look to the future,” He pauses, looking at Lode Stone, “So, why are you here?”

“Oh, the mines underneath Canterlot are nearly cleaned out. Afterwards I’ll be moving to another mining project near the Crystal Empire.” Lode shrugged slightly. “Nothing else for me here, job wise. And I promise to write as much as I can.”

“At least you’ll have company there, huh?” Quicktail chuckled. “In addition to getting a buzz.”

“Yes, Scope and Topaz, and I’ll bunk with them while I'm there.”

Quicktail tilted his head. “And where were you sleeping before?”

“Some high class inn, really I picked the cheapest room of it. We were called here quickly per Luna’s request a few months back and have been hurriedly getting the mines cleared and ready to be made into a bunker. I fear she may be expecting some attack or something, maybe another changeling invasion is on the horizon.” Lode shrugged and turned back to the door, starting towards it.

“Stay. One night away from a hotel won't bother you, will it?” Quicktail chuckled softly, “You can take the bed, since Ember is asleep on the couch.”

“And where will you sleep?” Lode turned and looked at Quicktail questioningly, watching him trot over to a closet and pull out a spare blanket and pillow.

“The floor by her couch, and if you're worried about that, don't be. While in the Sky Wings, we often slept on dirt, or in much worse places.” He grinned at Lode, sticking out his tongue.

“If you insist, I suppose I could use a different bed.” Lode chuckled softly. “And we can chat more, if you don't mind.”

“Not at all.”