• Published 3rd Dec 2015
  • 506 Views, 67 Comments

From the Ashes: Ember's Story - Zoljen

A changeling's adventure in fleeing from a war between drakes and griffins.

  • ...

With the Wonderbolts Again

“Alright Commander Sunshower, you’re good to go,” Ember grinned as she had just finished bandaging up one lightly wounded Wonderbolt and slid over to the next.

“Thank you Emerald, also good to see you again.” He grinned as he hopped off the table with a soft limp and wince. Ember nodded to him as she moved over and stopped in front of Moonbow and grinned up at her.

“You look about as well as your twin does,” Ember chuckled softly as she floated a few bandaids over from a small cart next to her. She had been one of the nurses called in to help since the Wonderbolts had been attacked by Shadowbolts earlier this day. She had seen Talon for a little bit, but at the moment, he was patrolling around the compound.

“I am the better looking one,” Moonbow smirked.

“Yeah, hate to cover up that face, though, but you do have a few small bruises on your muzzle,” Ember chuckled and floated a bandage up and stuck it to her cheek.

“It shall live on, hidden under some protection!” Moonbow raised her hoof and tried to pose heroically while sitting on the medical exam table.

“I’d say your squad took the least damage, collectively anyway, Captain.” Ember glanced over Moonbow for a bit, as she leaned closer to her.

“Here’s a secret, we can actually fight,” Moonbow whispered with a snicker, then leaned back.

“Oh yes, would hate for that to get out. The trouble that could cause.” Ember grinned up at her. “Also, you're good to go.”

Moonbow nodded. “Yes, you can't tell any pony about that! Or that we got saved by some red stallion with blue leg guards.”

Ember tilted her head, “You mean Talon?”

Moonbow blinked. “Huh… Fitting for an Ex-Shadowbolt.”

Ember just snickered as she moved onto the next pony, as Moonbow looked at her confused. “Wait, you know something!”

“Little old me? Nope!” She continued to snicker as she looked over the next lightly wounded pony. Moonbow glared at Ember for a bit, then smirked.

“Fine, keep your secret then. We have ways of making you talk.” Moonbow rubbed her hooves together.

“Unless it's tea with Discord, I doubt it will work,” Ember grinned as she glanced to Moonbow, who sighed.

“Dealt with your share of crazy?” Moonbow asked as she trotted past Ember.

“You could say that.” Ember chuckled and looked at the stallion before her as she applied a few bandages. “Okay Flash Blitz, you're good to go.”

“Thank you, Nurse,” the stallion casually said, hopping off the table and trotting out, with Moonbow following him out. Ember took a look around the trainer room, spotting Aurora sitting on a table, arms crossed, grumbling.

Ember trotted up to her, tugging her little cart along and looked over the mare. “Are you hurt ma’am?” She could tell she was at least annoyed.

“Just my pride,” she growled softly, glancing at Ember. Ember raised an eyebrow.

“Right… no wounds? I doubt you got out of that battle with nothing.” Ember looked over the mare a bit closer.

“Fine, I got a few scraps,” Aurora grumbled, uncrossing her arms. “Just some small burns, it's fine.”

“Ah, that's what I'm here for,” Ember chuckled softly. “Show me them, and what has you so upset anyway? It's not about your brothers is it?” Aurora shook her head quickly as she took off part of her uniform, revealing the burns underneath.

“That damned red stallion, felt like he was toying with me and Monkey. We kept him on the defensive, but the way he seemed to predict and dodge our moves. I did get a lucky shot in, though.”

“Did he have blue leg guards on?” Ember asked, as she floated over some disinfectant and poked at the wounds.

“Yes. Found that a little weird, but still. So annoying!” Aurora growled. “And to say he was an ally all along? Why in Tartarus did they wait then?”

Ember sighed, shrugging softly as she started to apply the bandages. “No clue really. Would’ve saved a lot of pain I bet.”

“YEAH!” Aurora grumbled, then blinked, “Wait, how did you know about the leg guards?” She tilted her head, looking confused.

“Because Squad Twelve spotted him too, and I know who he is.” Ember shrugged, then blinked as Aurora leaned in close to her.

“Tell me who he is, so I can go punch him again.”

“Ah, I’d rather you didn't. He is still recovering and shouldn't be doing what he is, but… he is because he is stubborn.” Ember sighed, “And you're done. I am sure he is wondering around somewhere.”

Aurora got to her hooves quickly and aimed for the door. “I’ll go find him on my own then. Can't be too hard to find him!”

“Good luck with that!” Ember shouted as she moved onto the next pony.

Ember sighed as she glanced out a window, seeing the rain coming down hard outside. She glanced around the lobby of the Wonderbolt compound, chuckling softly to herself. She had never thought she’d be in here, and she had to admit, the blue shades of the walls were certainly better than the white of the hospital.

Still, being a trainer for the Wonderbolts meant you had to go to their shows. Any of them she could probably handle, but Cloudsdale? That was an adventure once she came off the high she was on. She had apologized to Quicktail a few times after that and asked if she was a bit too much, because really, it was kind of a blur after getting picked up by him at that gate.

He had said she wasn't too bad, the train ride, er, was fun. But in truth, he didn't really complain, and it kept her to the room. Thankfully she had made it through that, but the headache afterwards was similar to a hangover; according to what her patients had described one as, anyway.

She grinned as she spotted a familiar red pegasus with a pair of deep blue leg guards chatting with some ponies, two Renegades and one Wonderbolt. Ember trotted over to them, stopping within sight of one of them. She just grinned and pointed to Talon, the Renegades gesturing to her afterwards.

Talon glanced over his shoulder, and she could hear the internal sigh he made. He nodded back to the Renegades and turned to her, trotting up to her with a fake grin.

“Yes, Emerald?” He asked once he was close enough.

“So, do the Wonderbolts know about you yet?” Ember asked, gesturing him to walk with her.

“Eh, no. I’m going to keep it quiet for as long as I can. They don't need the extra confusion at the moment.” Talon shrugged as he trotted at her side, his leg guards clanking lightly as he walked.

“And if it gets out?” She glanced at him, voicing concern, “These are the Wonderbolts.”

“I’m well aware. It's just....” he paused, looking down, “I’ve encountered a few who were a part of the Griffin Drake war, and namely one who I have actually run into.” He shrugged slightly, “So who knows.”

“I'm just looking out for you, Talon. Okay?” Ember stopped by a window, looking out into the rain. She sighed softly, glancing to her side as Talon looked at her, “You really have changed, you know.”

Talon chuckled softly, looking out the window as well, “We both have. Though I guess it's, what? Two or so decades for you, and almost two months for me? Weird how that works out.” Talon sighed, looking down, “Everything that happened there is still fresh in my mind.”

Ember looked him over, “How did you get out?”

“I thought I told you?” Talon looked up, as she shook her head, “Huh… Leviathan teleported me out to the edge of the eastern entrance.” He looked out the window again, “I guess after that, I was kind of lost until I bumped into a few ponies. Wonderbolts, after that I knew what I wanted.” he chuckled once, glancing out into the lobby, “Maybe Discord teleporting me two decades ahead was a boon.”

“His aim could have used work,” Ember laughed, “going from one deity to another, no wonder you didn't bother to go find any friends.”

“Yeah, but I eventually made some new ones.” Talon grinned, looking back at Ember, “And I got to see a few old ones too. Even if they are much older now.”

“And after this all is over, you’re going to try and be a Wonderbolt?” Ember tilted her head slightly.

“Yes, try anyway.” He sat, and lifted his scorched hoof, “Even if I have to go natural to do it.”

“You just be careful, okay?”

“And you should stop worrying about me.” Talon grabbed Embers shoulders softly, grinning at her, “You have a mate to worry about who is probably just as capable in combat as I am.”

“But they are coming back tomorrow, and it's just going to be you and the Renegades, isn't it?”

Talon nodded and pulled her into a hug. “I’ll be just fine, I have something worth protecting now.” He squeezed her for a moment, then put her at arm's length. “I have my own small hive to protect, even if it's just ten members.”

“Ha, I bet Quicktail would be happy to hear you consider him a hive mate!” Ember grinned, pulling Talon into a hug for a moment. “You go out there and kick some plot, okay, bro.”

“I will, and you’ll be watching too, won't you?” Ember nodded in response.

Off to the side and near the stairway out of the lobby, a familiar grey stallion with a silver and greying mane watched the pair, before silently turning away and heading towards the stairs to his room.

Author's Note:

And finally this one updates as well. Couldn't update one without the other!